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/* KPilot
** Copyright (C) 1998-2001 by Dan Pilone
** Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Reinhold Kainhofer <>
** Copyright (C) 2006 Adriaan de Groot <>
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
** along with this program in a file called COPYING; if not, write to
** the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
** MA 02110-1301, USA.
** Bug reports and questions can be sent to
#include <time.h>
#include <pi-dlp.h>
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>
#include "kpilotlink.h"
/** @file
* SyncAction
class TQTimer;
class KPilotUser;
class SyncAction;
class TDE_EXPORT SyncAction : public TQObject
SyncAction(KPilotLink *p,
const char *name=0L);
SyncAction(KPilotLink *p,
TQWidget *visibleparent,
const char *name=0L);
typedef enum { Error=-1 } Status;
/** A syncaction has a status, which can be expressed as an
* integer. Subclasses are expected to define their own status
* values as needed.
int status() const
return fActionStatus;
/** Return a human-readable representation of the status. */
virtual TQString statusString() const;
* This function starts the actual processing done
* by the conduit. It should return false if the
* processing cannot be initiated, f.ex. because
* some parameters were not set or a needed library
* is missing. This will be reported to the user.
* It should return true if processing is started
* normally. If processing starts normally, it is
* the _conduit's_ responsibility to eventually
* emit syncDone(); if processing does not start
* normally (ie. exec() returns false) then the
* environment will deal with syncDone().
virtual bool exec() = 0;
public slots:
* This just calls exec() and deals with the
* return code.
void execConduit();
void syncDone(SyncAction *);
void logMessage(const TQString &);
void logError(const TQString &);
void logProgress(const TQString &,int);
protected slots:
/** This slot emits syncDone(), and does nothing else. This
* is safe, since the method returns immediately after the
* emit -- even if syncDone() causes the SyncAction to be deleted.
void delayedDoneSlot();
* It might not be safe to emit syncDone() from exec().
* So instead, call delayDone() to wait for the main event
* loop to return if you manage to do all processing
* immediately.
* delayDone() returns true, so that return delayDone();
* is a sensible final statement in exec().
bool delayDone();
/** Public API for adding a sync log entry, see the implementation
* in KPilotLink::addSyncLogEntry().
* @param e Message to add to the sync log
* @param log If @c true, also add the entry to the log in KPilot
* @note Having messages appear on the handheld but not in KPilot
* should be a @em very rare occurrence.
void addSyncLogEntry(const TQString &e,bool log=true)
if (deviceLink())
/** Public API for adding a message to the log in KPilot.
* Adds @p msg to the synclog maintained on the PC.
void addLogMessage( const TQString &msg )
emit logMessage( msg );
/** Log an error message in KPilot (the PC side of things). */
void addLogError( const TQString &msg )
emit logError( msg );
/** Log progress in KPilot (the PC side of things). */
void addLogProgress( const TQString &msg, int prog )
emit logProgress( msg, prog );
/** Connection to the device. @todo make private. */
KPilotLink *fHandle;
int fActionStatus;
/** Returns a pointer to the connection to the device. */
inline KPilotLink *deviceLink() const
return fHandle;
/** Returns the file descriptor for the device link -- that is,
* the raw handle to the OS's connection to the device. Use with care.
* May return -1 if there is no device.
int pilotSocket() const
return deviceLink() ? deviceLink()->pilotSocket() : -1 ;
/** Tells the handheld device that someone is talking to it now.
* Useful (repeatedly) to inform the user of what is going on.
* May return < 0 on error (or if there is no device attached).
int openConduit()
return deviceLink() ? deviceLink()->openConduit() : -1;
* This class encapsulates the different sync modes that
* can be used, and enforces a little discipline in changing
* the mode and messing around in general. It replaces a
* simple enum by not much more, but it makes things like
* local test backups less likely to happen.
* Note that this could all be packed into a bitfield (5 bits needed)
* but that makes for messy code in the end.
class SyncMode
/** Available modes for the sync. */
enum Mode {
} ;
/** Create a mode with the given Mode @p m and
* the mix-ins @p test and @p local, which
* determine whether the sync should actually change
* anything at all (test mode) and whether the HH is
* to be simulated by local databases.
SyncMode(Mode m, bool test=false, bool local=false);
/** Create a mode by parsing the string list. This
* is used mostly by the conduit proxies, which use
* a string list to pass aparameters to the shared
* library loader.
SyncMode(const TQStringList &l);
/** Returns the kind of sync; this is just incomplete
* information, since a test hot sync is very different from
* a non-test one. */
Mode mode() const
return fMode;
/** Sets a mode from an integer @p mode, if possible.
* If the @p mode is illegal, return false and set the
* mode to Hot Sync. As a side effect, options test and local
* are reset to false.
bool setMode(int);
/** Sets a mode from a @p mode, if possible. This leaves
* the options unchanged, so as to reward properly-typed programming.
bool setMode(Mode m);
/** Sets options. Returns false if the combination of mode
* and the options is impossible. */
bool setOptions(bool test, bool local)
return true;
/** Shorthand to test for a specific mode enum. This disregards
* the mixings local and test.
bool operator ==(const Mode &m) const
return mode() == m;
/** Longhand comparison. Compares two modes for the same
* mode enum and mixins local and test.
bool operator ==(const SyncMode &m) const
return ( mode() == m.mode() ) &&
( isTest() == m.isTest() ) &&
( isLocal() == m.isLocal() );
} ;
/** Accessor for the test part of the mode. Test syncs should
* never actually modify data anywhere.
bool isTest() const
return fTest;
/** Accessor for the local part of the mode. Local syncs use a
* local database instead of one on the device link.
bool isLocal() const
return fLocal;
bool isFullSync() const
return ( fMode==eFullSync ) ||
( fMode==eCopyPCToHH) ||
( fMode==eCopyHHToPC) ;
} ;
bool isFirstSync() const
return ( fMode==eCopyHHToPC ) || ( fMode==eCopyPCToHH ) ;
/** Classify every mode as either a sync (two-way) or copy (one-way) mode. */
bool isSync() const
return ( fMode==eFullSync ) ||
( fMode == eHotSync );
} ;
/** Classify every mode as either a sync (two-way) or copy (one-way) mode. */
bool isCopy() const
return ( fMode==eBackup ) ||
( fMode==eRestore ) ||
( fMode==eCopyPCToHH ) ||
( fMode==eCopyHHToPC );
} ;
* Returns a standard name for each of the sync modes.
static TQString name(Mode);
* Returns a (human readable) name for this particular mode,
* including extra information about test and local mode.
TQString name() const;
* Returns a TQStringList that, when passed to the constructor
* of SyncMode, will re-create it. Used to pass modes into
* shared library factories.
TQStringList list() const;
Mode fMode;
bool fTest;
bool fLocal;
enum ConflictResolution
* This MUST stay in sync with the combobox in
* kpilotConfigDialog_backup.ui. If it does not, you need to
* either change this enum or the combobox.
enum BackupFrequency
* Call startTickle() some time before showing a dialog to the
* user (we're assuming a local event loop here) so that while
* the dialog is up and the user is thinking, the pilot stays
* awake. Afterwards, call stopTickle().
* The parameter to startTickle indicates the timeout, in
* seconds, before signal timeout is emitted. You can connect
* to that, again, to take down the user interface part if the
* user isn't reacting.
void startTickle(unsigned count=0);
void stopTickle();
void timeout();
TQWidget *fParent;
* Ask a yes-no question of the user. This has a timeout so that
* you don't wait forever for inattentive users. It's much like
* KMessageBox::questionYesNo(), but with this extra timeout-on-
* no-answer feature. Returns a KDialogBase::ButtonCode value - Yes,No or
* Cancel on timeout. If there is a key set and the user indicates not to ask again,
* the selected answer (Yes or No) is remembered for future reference.
* @p caption Message Box caption, uses "Question" if null.
* @p key Key for the "Don't ask again" code.
* @p timeout Timeout, in seconds.
int questionYesNo(const TQString &question ,
const TQString &caption = TQString(),
const TQString &key = TQString(),
unsigned timeout = 20,
const TQString &yes = TQString(),
const TQString &no = TQString() );
int questionYesNoCancel(const TQString &question ,
const TQString &caption = TQString(),
const TQString &key = TQString(),
unsigned timeout = 20,
const TQString &yes = TQString(),
const TQString &no = TQString() ) ;