/* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. */ /* Copyright (C) 2006 Eike Hein */ #include "konversationstatusbar.h" #include "konversationmainwindow.h" #include "viewcontainer.h" #include "ssllabel.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KonversationStatusBar::KonversationStatusBar(KonversationMainWindow* window) { m_window = window; // Initialize status bar. m_window->statusBar(); m_mainLabel = new KSqueezedTextLabel(m_window->statusBar(),"mainLabel"); setMainLabelText(i18n("Ready.")); m_mainLabel->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Preferred, TQSizePolicy::Fixed)); m_mainLabel->setMinimumWidth(0); // KSqueezedLabel calculates the wrong height. Popular workaround. int height = m_window->fontMetrics().height()+2; m_mainLabel->setFixedHeight(height); m_infoLabel = new TQLabel(m_window->statusBar(), "infoLabel"); m_infoLabel->hide(); TQWhatsThis::add(m_infoLabel, i18n("This shows the number of users in the channel, and the number of those that are operators (ops).

A channel operator is a user that has special privileges, such as the ability to kick and ban users, change the channel modes, make other users operators")); m_lagLabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Lag: Unknown"), m_window->statusBar(), "lagLabel"); m_lagLabel->hide(); m_sslLabel = new SSLLabel(m_window->statusBar(),"sslLabel"); m_sslLabel->setPixmap(SmallIcon("encrypted")); m_sslLabel->hide(); TQWhatsThis::add(m_sslLabel, i18n("All communication with the server is encrypted. This makes it harder for someone to listen in on your communications.")); m_window->statusBar()->addWidget(m_mainLabel, 1, false); m_window->statusBar()->addWidget(m_infoLabel, 0, true); m_window->statusBar()->addWidget(m_lagLabel, 0, true); m_window->statusBar()->addWidget(m_sslLabel, 0, true); TQWhatsThis::add(m_window->statusBar(), i18n("The status bar shows various messages, including any problems connecting to the server. On the far right the current delay to the server is shown. The delay is the time it takes for messages from you to reach the server, and from the server back to you.")); } KonversationStatusBar::~KonversationStatusBar() { } void KonversationStatusBar::updateAppearance() { // KSqueezedLabel calculates the wrong height. Popular workaround. int height = m_window->fontMetrics().height()+2; m_mainLabel->setFixedHeight(height); } void KonversationStatusBar::resetStatusBar() { setMainLabelText(i18n("Ready.")); setInfoLabelShown(false); setLagLabelShown(false); clearInfoLabel(); resetLagLabel(); } void KonversationStatusBar::setMainLabelText(const TQString& text) { m_oldMainLabelText = text; // Don't overwrite the temp text if there is any. if (m_tempMainLabelText.isEmpty()) m_mainLabel->setText(text); } void KonversationStatusBar::setMainLabelTempText(const TQString& text) { if (!text.isEmpty()) { m_tempMainLabelText = text; m_mainLabel->setText(text); } else clearMainLabelTempText(); } void KonversationStatusBar::clearMainLabelTempText() { // Unset the temp text so the next setMainLabelText won't fail. m_tempMainLabelText = TQString(); m_mainLabel->setText(m_oldMainLabelText); } void KonversationStatusBar::setInfoLabelShown(bool shown) { if (shown) m_infoLabel->show(); else m_infoLabel->hide(); } void KonversationStatusBar::updateInfoLabel(const TQString& text) { TQString formatted = Konversation::removeIrcMarkup(text); m_infoLabel->setText(formatted); if (m_infoLabel->isHidden()) m_infoLabel->show(); } void KonversationStatusBar::clearInfoLabel() { m_infoLabel->setText(TQString()); } void KonversationStatusBar::setLagLabelShown(bool shown) { if (shown) m_lagLabel->show(); else m_lagLabel->hide(); } void KonversationStatusBar::updateLagLabel(Server* lagServer, int msec) { if (lagServer==m_window->getViewContainer()->getFrontServer()) { setMainLabelText(i18n("Ready.")); TQString lagString = lagServer->getServerName() + " - "; if (msec == -1) lagString += i18n("Lag: Unknown"); else if (msec < 1000) lagString += i18n("Lag: %1 ms").arg(msec); else lagString += i18n("Lag: %1 s").arg(msec / 1000); m_lagLabel->setText(lagString); if (m_lagLabel->isHidden()) m_lagLabel->show(); } } void KonversationStatusBar::resetLagLabel() { m_lagLabel->setText(i18n("Lag: Unknown")); } void KonversationStatusBar::setTooLongLag(Server* lagServer, int msec) { if ((msec % 5000)==0) { int seconds = msec/1000; int minutes = seconds/60; int hours = minutes/60; int days = hours/24; TQString lagString; if (days) { const TQString daysString = i18n("1 day", "%n days", days); const TQString hoursString = i18n("1 hour", "%n hours", (hours % 24)); const TQString minutesString = i18n("1 minute", "%n minutes", (minutes % 60)); const TQString secondsString = i18n("1 second", "%n seconds", (seconds % 60)); lagString = i18n("%1 = name of server, %2 = (x days), %3 = (x hours), %4 = (x minutes), %5 = (x seconds)", "No answer from server %1 for more than %2, %3, %4, and %5.").arg(lagServer->getServerName()) .arg(daysString).arg(hoursString).arg(minutesString).arg(secondsString); // or longer than an hour } else if (hours) { const TQString hoursString = i18n("1 hour", "%n hours", hours); const TQString minutesString = i18n("1 minute", "%n minutes", (minutes % 60)); const TQString secondsString = i18n("1 second", "%n seconds", (seconds % 60)); lagString = i18n("%1 = name of server, %2 = (x hours), %3 = (x minutes), %4 = (x seconds)", "No answer from server %1 for more than %2, %3, and %4.").arg(lagServer->getServerName()) .arg(hoursString).arg(minutesString).arg(secondsString); // or longer than a minute } else if (minutes) { const TQString minutesString = i18n("1 minute", "%n minutes", minutes); const TQString secondsString = i18n("1 second", "%n seconds", (seconds % 60)); lagString = i18n("%1 = name of server, %2 = (x minutes), %3 = (x seconds)", "No answer from server %1 for more than %2 and %3.").arg(lagServer->getServerName()) .arg(minutesString).arg(secondsString); // or just some seconds } else { lagString = i18n("No answer from server %1 for more than 1 second.", "No answer from server %1 for more than %n seconds.", seconds).arg(lagServer->getServerName()); } setMainLabelText(lagString); } if (lagServer==m_window->getViewContainer()->getFrontServer()) { TQString lagString = lagServer->getServerName() + " - "; lagString.append(i18n("Lag: %1 s").arg(msec/1000)); if (m_lagLabel->isHidden()) m_lagLabel->show(); m_lagLabel->setText(lagString); } } void KonversationStatusBar::updateSSLLabel(Server* server) { if (server == m_window->getViewContainer()->getFrontServer() && server->getUseSSL() && server->isConnected()) { disconnect(m_sslLabel,0,0,0); connect(m_sslLabel,TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()),server,TQ_SLOT(showSSLDialog())); TQToolTip::remove(m_sslLabel); TQToolTip::add(m_sslLabel,server->getSSLInfo()); m_sslLabel->show(); } else m_sslLabel->hide(); } void KonversationStatusBar::removeSSLLabel() { disconnect(m_sslLabel,0,0,0); m_sslLabel->hide(); } #include "konversationstatusbar.moc"