[!Global!] Comment=Konversation IconName=konversation [message] Name=New message Comment=New message arrived in a channel default_presentation=0 [nick] Name=Nick written Comment=Someone wrote your nick in a message default_presentation=0 [queryMessage] Name=Private message Comment=You received a private message default_presentation=0 [nickchange] Name=Nick changed Comment=Someone changed their nick default_presentation=0 [dcc_incoming] Name=Incoming file Comment=Someone wants to transmit a file to you over DCC default_presentation=0 [join] Name=Nick joined channel Comment=New nick joined a channel default_presentation=0 [part] Name=Nick left channel Comment=A nick left a channel default_presentation=0 [mode] Name=Mode change Comment=A user or channel mode was changed default_presentation=0 [notify] Name=Notify Comment=A user on your watched nicks list has come online default_presentation=0 [query] Name=Query Comment=Someone started a conversation (query) with you default_presentation=0 [kick] Name=Kick Comment=Someone kicked you out of a channel default_presentation=0 [connectionFailure] Name=Connection failure Comment=Failed to connect to server default_presentation=64 [channelJoin] Name=You joined a channel Comment=You joined a channel default_presentation=64 [dccChat] Name=DCC Chat Comment=Someone started a DCC chat with you default_presentation=0