You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

377 lines
12 KiB

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
Copyright (C) 2002 Dario Abatianni <>
Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Peter Simonsson <>
Copyright (C) 2006-2008 Eike Hein <>
#ifndef CHANNEL_H
#define CHANNEL_H
#include "server.h"
#include "chatwindow.h"
#include "channelnick.h"
#include "nick.h"
#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
class TQPushButton;
class TQCheckBox;
class TQLabel;
class TQTimer;
class TQListViewItem;
class TQHBox;
class TQStringList;
class TQSplitter;
class TQGrid;
class TQComboBox;
class TQDropEvent;
class TQToolButton;
class KLineEdit;
class NickListView;
class QuickButton;
class ModeButton;
class IRCInput;
class NickChangeDialog;
namespace Konversation
class TopicLabel;
class ChannelOptionsDialog;
class NickList : public TQPtrList<Nick>
enum CompareMethod { AlphaNumeric, TimeStamp };
TQString completeNick(const TQString& pattern, bool& complete, TQStringList& found,
bool skipNonAlfaNum, bool caseSensitive);
void setCompareMethod(CompareMethod method);
bool containsNick(const TQString& nickname);
virtual int compareItems(TQPtrCollection::Item item1, TQPtrCollection::Item item2);
CompareMethod m_compareMethod;
class Channel : public ChatWindow
explicit Channel(TQWidget* tqparent, TQString name);
virtual bool canBeFrontView();
virtual bool searchView();
virtual void append(const TQString& nickname,const TQString& message);
virtual void appendAction(const TQString& nickname,const TQString& message);
void nickActive(const TQString& nickname);
//General administrative stuff
void setName(const TQString& newName);
TQString getPassword();
const Konversation::ChannelSettings channelSettings();
TQString getPassword() const;
virtual void setServer(Server* newServer);
void setIdentity(const IdentityPtr identity);
void setEncryptedOutput(bool);
bool joined() { return m_joined; }
bool rejoinable();
//Unsure of future placement and/or continued existence of these members
int numberOfNicks() const { return nicks; }
int numberOfOps() const { return ops; }
virtual void setChannelEncoding(const TQString& encoding);
virtual TQString getChannelEncoding();
virtual TQString getChannelEncodingDefaultDesc();
virtual bool isInsertSupported() { return true; }
// use with caution! does not check for duplicates
void fastAddNickname(ChannelNickPtr channelnick);
void setActive(bool active);
public slots:
void setNickname(const TQString& newNickname);
void scheduleAutoWho();
void setAutoUserhost(bool state);
void rejoin();
protected slots:
void autoUserhost();
void autoWho();
void fadeActivity();
virtual void serverOnline(bool online);
ChannelNickPtr getOwnChannelNick();
ChannelNickPtr getChannelNick(const TQString &ircnick);
void joinNickname(ChannelNickPtr channelNick);
void removeNick(ChannelNickPtr channelNick, const TQString &reason, bool quit);
void kickNick(ChannelNickPtr channelNick, const TQString &kicker, const TQString &reason);
void addNickname(ChannelNickPtr channelNick);
void nickRenamed(const TQString &oldNick, const NickInfo& channelnick);
void resetNickList();
void addPendingNickList(const TQStringList& pendingChannelNickList);
Nick *getNickByName(const TQString& lookname);
NickList getNickList() { return nicknameList; }
void adjustNicks(int value);
void adjustOps(int value);
virtual void emitUpdateInfo();
protected slots:
void purgeNicks();
void processPendingNicks();
/** Get the current channel topic.
* The topic may or may not have the author that set it at the start of the string,
* like: "<author> topic"
* The internal variable topicAuthorUnknown stores whether the "<author>" bit is there or not.
* */
TQString getTopic();
/** Get the channel topic history sorted in reverse chronological order.
* Each topic may or may not have the author that set it at the start of the string,
* like: "<author> topic"
* @return a list of topics this channel used to have, current at the top.
TQStringList getTopicHistory();
void setTopic(const TQString& topic);
void setTopic(const TQString& nickname, const TQString& topic);
void setTopicAuthor(const TQString& author, TQDateTime t);
void topicHistoryChanged();
void joined(Channel* channel);
//TODO: the only representation of the channel limit is held in the GUI
/// Internal - Empty the modelist
void clearModeList();
/// Get the list of modes that this channel has - e.g. {+l,+s,-m}
//TODO: does this method return a list of all modes, all modes that have been changed, or all modes that are +?
TQStringList getModeList() const { return m_modeList; }
/** Outputs a message on the channel, and modifies the mode for a ChannelNick.
* @param sourceNick The server or the nick of the person that made the mode change.
* @param mode The mode that is changing one of v,h,o,a for voice halfop op admin
* @param plus True if the mode is being granted, false if it's being taken away.
* @param parameter This depends on what the mode change is. In most cases it is the nickname of the person that is being given voice/op/admin etc. See the code.
void updateMode(const TQString& sourceNick, char mode, bool plus, const TQString &parameter);
void modesChanged();
void addBan(const TQString& ban);
void removeBan(const TQString& ban);
void clearBanList();
TQStringList getBanList() const { return m_BanList; }
void banAdded(const TQString& newban);
void banRemoved(const TQString& newban);
void banListCleared();
//Generic GUI
virtual bool eventFilter(TQObject* watched, TQEvent* e);
//Specific GUI
void updateModeWidgets(char mode, bool plus, const TQString &parameter);
void updateQuickButtons(const TQStringList &newButtonList);
/// Get the contents of the input line.
virtual TQString getTextInLine();
/// Sounds suspiciously like a destructor..
virtual bool closeYourself(bool askForConfirmation=true);
bool autoJoin();
ChannelNickList getSelectedChannelNicks();
///TODO: this looks like a half-arsed overload.
TQStringList getSelectedNickList();
NickListView* getNickListView() const { return nicknameListView; }
Konversation::ChannelSettings channelSettings() const;
void sendFile();
public slots:
void updateAppearance();
void channelTextEntered();
void channelPassthroughCommand();
void sendChannelText(const TQString& line);
void showOptionsDialog();
void showQuickButtons(bool show);
void showModeButtons(bool show);
void appendInputText(const TQString& s, bool fromCursor);
virtual void indicateAway(bool show);
void showTopic(bool show);
void showNicknameBox(bool show);
void showNicknameList(bool show);
void setAutoJoin(bool autojoin);
void connectionStateChanged(Server*, Konversation::ConnectionState);
protected slots:
void completeNick(); ///< I guess this is a GUI function, might be nice to have at DCOP level though --argonel
void endCompleteNick();
void filesDropped(TQDropEvent* e);
void quickButtonClicked(const TQString& definition);
void modeButtonClicked(int id,bool on);
void channelLimitChanged();
void popupChannelCommand(int id); ///< Connected to IRCView::popupCommand()
void popupCommand(int id); ///< Connected to NickListView::popupCommand()
void doubleClickCommand(TQListViewItem*); ///< Connected to NickListView::doubleClicked()
// Dialogs
void changeNickname(const TQString& newNickname);
void textPasted(const TQString& text); ///< connected to IRCInput::textPasted() - used to handle large/multiline pastings
void sendFileMenu(); ///< connected to IRCInput::sendFile()
void nicknameComboboxChanged();
/// Enable/disable the mode buttons depending on whether you are op or not.
void refreshModeButtons();
//only the GUI cares about sorted nicklists
///Request a delayed nicklist sorting
void requestNickListSort();
///Sort the nicklist
void sortNickList();
void showEvent(TQShowEvent* event);
void syncSplitters();
/// Called from ChatWindow adjustFocus
virtual void childAdjustFocus();
/// Close the channel then come back in
void cycleChannel(); ///< TODO this is definately implemented and hooked incorrectly.
bool channelCommand;///< True if nick context menu is executed from IRCView
// to take care of redraw problem if hidden
bool quickButtonsChanged;
bool quickButtonsState;
bool modeButtonsChanged;
bool modeButtonsState;
bool awayChanged;
bool awayState;
bool splittersInitialized;
bool topicSplitterHidden;
bool channelSplitterHidden;
unsigned int completionPosition;
TQSplitter* m_horizSplitter;
TQSplitter* m_vertSplitter;
TQWidget* topicWidget;
TQToolButton* m_topicButton;
Konversation::TopicLabel* topicLine;
//TODO: abstract these
TQHBox* modeBox;
ModeButton* modeT;
ModeButton* modeN;
ModeButton* modeS;
ModeButton* modeI;
ModeButton* modeP;
ModeButton* modeM;
ModeButton* modeK;
ModeButton* modeL;
KLineEdit* limit; //TODO: this GUI element is the only storage for the mode
NickListView* nicknameListView;
TQHBox* commandLineBox;
TQVBox* nickListButtons;
TQGrid* buttonsGrid;
TQComboBox* nicknameCombobox;
TQString oldNick; ///< GUI
TQLabel* awayLabel;
TQLabel* blowfishLabel;
IRCInput* channelInput;
NickChangeDialog* nickChangeDialog;
TQPtrList<QuickButton> buttonList;
//Members from here to end are not GUI
bool m_joined;
NickList nicknameList;
TQTimer userhostTimer;
TQStringList m_topicHistory;
TQStringList m_BanList;
bool topicAuthorUnknown; ///< Stores whether the "<author>" bit is there or not.
bool m_firstAutoWhoDone;
TQTimer m_whoTimer; ///< For continuous auto /WHO
TQTimer m_fadeActivityTimer; ///< For the smoothing function used in activity sorting
TQValueList<TQStringList> m_pendingChannelNickLists;
int m_opsToAdd;
uint m_currentIndex;
TQTimer* m_processingTimer;
TQTimer* m_delayedSortTimer;
TQStringList m_modeList;
ChannelNickPtr m_ownChannelNick;
bool pendingNicks; ///< are there still nicks to be added by /names reply?
int nicks; ///< How many nicks on the channel
int ops; ///< How many ops on the channel
Konversation::ChannelOptionsDialog *m_optionsDialog;