// // C++ Implementation: komposeglobal // // Description: // // // Author: Hans Oischinger , (C) 2004 // // Copyright: See COPYING file that comes with this distribution // // #include "komposeglobal.h" #include "komposetaskmanager.h" #include "komposeviewmanager.h" #include "komposesettings.h" #include "komposesystray.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // #include those AFTER TQt-includes! #include #include #include #ifdef COMPOSITE #include #include #include #include #endif static KomposeGlobal* globalInstance = 0; Display *disp; static TQString wallpaperForDesktop(int desktop) { return DCOPRef("kdesktop", "KBackgroundIface").call("currentWallpaper", desktop); } /** * KomposeSettings is a singleton */ KomposeGlobal* KomposeGlobal::instance() { if ( !globalInstance ) { kdDebug() << "KomposeSettings::instance() - Creating Singleton instance" << endl; KomposeGlobal *settiglobalInstance = new KomposeGlobal(); } return globalInstance; } KomposeGlobal::KomposeGlobal(TQObject *parent, const char *name) : TQObject(parent, name), aboutDialogOpen(0), hideSystray( false ), singleShot( false ), xcomposite(0), damageEvent(0) { globalInstance = this; twin_module = new KWinModule(); //FIXME: only needed for sharedpixmap :( currentDesktop = twin_module->currentDesktop(); desktopBgPixmap = new TDESharedPixmap; connect(desktopBgPixmap, TQ_SIGNAL(done(bool)), TQ_SLOT(slotDone(bool))); initSharedPixmaps(); initCompositeExt(); initImlib(); connect( KomposeSettings::instance(), TQ_SIGNAL(settingsChanged()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotConfigChanged()) ); } KomposeGlobal::~KomposeGlobal() { delete systray; delete actionCollection; delete actConfigGlobalShortcuts; delete actPreferencesDialog; delete actShowVirtualDesktopView; delete actShowCurrentDesktopView; delete actShowWorldView; delete actAboutDlg; delete actQuit; delete desktopBgPixmap; } void KomposeGlobal::slotConfigChanged( ) { initCompositeExt(); } /** * Gives us control about when the GUI should appear. Called from outside * Called from outside as KomposeGlobal is a singleton that can be instantiated at any time */ void KomposeGlobal::initGui() { // Initialise the Singleton instances KomposeSettings::instance(); KomposeViewManager::instance(); KomposeTaskManager::instance(); // Create DCop Client kapp->dcopClient()->setDefaultObject( "KomposeTaskMgrDcopIface" ); initActions(); if ( !hideSystray && !singleShot ) { // Create systray systray = new KomposeSysTray(); kapp->setMainWidget( systray ); systray->currentDesktopChanged( currentDesktop ); actionCollection->setWidget( systray ); systray->show(); } else kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::initGui() - Hiding systray icon" << endl; if ( singleShot ) { kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::initGui() - SingleShot has been selected" << endl; KomposeViewManager::instance()->createView(); } } /** * Initialise Kompose's global actions. Retrieve these via the getters in KomposeGlobal */ void KomposeGlobal::initActions() { actionCollection = new TDEActionCollection( (TQWidget*)0 ); // Actions actQuit = KStdAction::quit( kapp, TQ_SLOT(quit()), actionCollection ); actShowWorldView = new TDEAction(i18n("Komposé (ungrouped)"), "kompose_ungrouped", 0, KomposeViewManager::instance(), TQ_SLOT(createWorldView()), actionCollection, "showWorldView"); actShowVirtualDesktopView = new TDEAction(i18n("Komposé (grouped by virtual desktops)"), "kompose_grouped_by_virtual_desktop", 0, KomposeViewManager::instance(), TQ_SLOT(createVirtualDesktopView()), actionCollection, "showVirtualDesktopView"); actShowCurrentDesktopView = new TDEAction(i18n("Komposé (current virtual desktop)"), "kompose_current_virtual_desktop", 0, KomposeViewManager::instance(), TQ_SLOT(createCurrentDesktopView()), actionCollection, "showCurrentDesktopView"); actPreferencesDialog = KStdAction::preferences( KomposeSettings::instance(), TQ_SLOT(showPreferencesDlg()), actionCollection ); actConfigGlobalShortcuts = KStdAction::keyBindings(this, TQ_SLOT(showGlobalShortcutsSettingsDialog()), actionCollection, "options_configure_global_keybinding"); actConfigGlobalShortcuts->setText(i18n("Configure &Global Shortcuts...")); actAboutDlg = new TDEAction(i18n("About Komposé"), "kompose", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(showAboutDlg()), actionCollection, "showAboutDlg"); } void KomposeGlobal::initSharedPixmaps() { // Whenever the background pixmap changes we'll have to reload it: //connect(twin_module, TQ_SIGNAL(windowChanged(WId, unsigned int)), TQ_SLOT(desktopChanged(WId, unsigned int))); connect(twin_module, TQ_SIGNAL(currentDesktopChanged(int)), TQ_SLOT(slotDesktopChanged(int))); connect(kapp, TQ_SIGNAL(backgroundChanged(int)), TQ_SLOT(slotBackgroundChanged(int))); enablePixmapExports(); // When Kompose is started by session management the bg shared pixmap may not be available yet if (!desktopBgPixmap->isAvailable( pixmapName(1) )) { tqWarning("KomposeGlobal::initSharedPixmaps() - Pixmap not available"); //enablePixmapExports(); TQTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, TQ_SLOT( initSharedPixmaps() ) ); //initSharedPixmaps(); //return; } kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::initSharedPixmaps()" << endl; refreshSharedPixmaps(); } void KomposeGlobal::slotDesktopChanged(int desktop) { systray->currentDesktopChanged( desktop ); if (desktop != -2) { // -2 is for manual loading, everything else enables the following checks: if (wallpaperForDesktop(currentDesktop) == wallpaperForDesktop(desktop) && !wallpaperForDesktop(currentDesktop).isNull()) return; if ( !(pixmapName(currentDesktop) != pixmapName(desktop)) ) return; } currentDesktop = twin_module->currentDesktop(); refreshSharedPixmaps(); } void KomposeGlobal::slotBackgroundChanged(int) { refreshSharedPixmaps(); } void KomposeGlobal::refreshSharedPixmaps() { desktopBgPixmap->loadFromShared( pixmapName(currentDesktop) ); } TQString KomposeGlobal::pixmapName(int desk) { // To simplify things we take the background of the first desktop TQString pattern = TQString("DESKTOP%1"); int screen_number = DefaultScreen(tqt_xdisplay()); if (screen_number) { pattern = TQString("SCREEN%1-DESKTOP").arg(screen_number) + "%1"; } return pattern.arg( desk ); } void KomposeGlobal::slotDone(bool success) { if (!success) { kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::slotDone() - loading of desktop background failed.\n" << endl; //TQTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, TQ_SLOT( initSharedPixmaps() ) ); } } void KomposeGlobal::enablePixmapExports() { #ifdef TQ_WS_X11 kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::enablePixmapExports()" << endl; DCOPClient *client = kapp->dcopClient(); if (!client->isAttached()) client->attach(); TQByteArray data; TQDataStream args( data, IO_WriteOnly ); args << 1; TQCString appname( "kdesktop" ); int screen_number = DefaultScreen(tqt_xdisplay()); if ( screen_number ) appname.sprintf("kdesktop-screen-%d", screen_number ); client->send( appname, "KBackgroundIface", "setExport(int)", data ); #endif } /** * Show Global Shortcuts Dialog for Kompose */ void KomposeGlobal::showGlobalShortcutsSettingsDialog() { KKeyDialog::configure( KomposeSettings::instance()->getGlobalAccel() ); KomposeSettings::instance()->writeConfig(); } /** * Show About Dialog for Kompose */ void KomposeGlobal::showAboutDlg() { aboutDialogOpen = true; TDEAboutApplication* kabout = new TDEAboutApplication(); kabout->exec(); delete kabout; aboutDialogOpen = false; } /** * Initialise Imlib2. * Should only be called by the KomposeGlobal constructor */ void KomposeGlobal::initImlib() { Display *disp; Visual *vis; Colormap cm; //int screen; disp = TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(); vis = DefaultVisual(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)); cm = DefaultColormap(disp, DefaultScreen(disp)); // context = imlib_context_new(); // imlib_context_push(d->context); imlib_set_cache_size(0); imlib_set_color_usage(128); imlib_context_set_dither(1); imlib_context_set_display(disp); imlib_context_set_visual(vis); imlib_context_set_colormap(cm); kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::initImlib() - Imlib2 support enabled." << endl; } /** * Detect and initialise the XComposite extension. * Should only be called by the KomposeGlobal constructor */ void KomposeGlobal::initCompositeExt() { if ( !(!xcomposite && KomposeSettings::instance()->getUseComposite()) ) return; xcomposite = false; #ifdef COMPOSITE // Check for XComposite Display *dpy = TQPaintDevice::x11AppDisplay(); int event_base, error_base; if ( XCompositeQueryExtension( dpy, &event_base, &error_base ) ) { // If we get here the server supports the extension xcomposite = true; // XComposite version check int major = 1, minor = 1; // The highest version we support XCompositeQueryVersion( dpy, &major, &minor ); // major and minor will now contain the version the server supports. if (!(major > 0 || minor >= 2)) { kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::initCompositeExt() - XComposite doesn't allow NamePixmap requests! - Disabling XComposite support" << endl; // TODO: create a namewindowpixbool to make it work with composite 0.1 xcomposite = false; } // XRender version check int renderEvent, renderError; if (!XRenderQueryExtension (dpy, &renderEvent, &renderError)) { kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::initCompositeExt() - XRender not available! - Disabling XComposite support" << endl; } //XDamage version check //int damageEvent, damageError; // The event base is important here if (!XDamageQueryExtension( dpy, &damageEvent, &damageError )) { kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::initCompositeExt() - XDamage is not available! - Disabling XComposite support" << endl; xcomposite = false; } } else xcomposite = false; #endif if ( xcomposite ) kdDebug() << "KomposeGlobal::initCompositeExt() - XComposite extension found and enabled." << endl; } #include "komposeglobal.moc"