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/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2003 Lucijan Busch <>
Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kexipartguiclient.h"
#include "kexiactionproxy.h"
#include "kexi.h"
#include "kexipart.h"
#include <tqguardedptr.h>
#include <tdemdichildview.h>
#include <kxmlguiclient.h>
class TQWidgetStack;
class KexiMainWindow;
class KexiViewBase;
class KActionCollection;
class KexiContextHelpInfo;
namespace KexiPart {
class Part;
namespace KoProperty {
class Set;
//! Privides temporary data shared between KexiDialogBase's views (KexiView's)
/*! Designed for reimplementation, if needed. */
class KEXICORE_EXPORT KexiDialogTempData : public TQObject
KexiDialogTempData(TQObject* parent)
: TQObject(parent, "KexiDialogTempData")
, proposeOpeningInTextViewModeBecauseOfProblems(false)
/*! Initially false, KexiPart::Part implementation can set this to true
on data loading (e.g. in loadSchemaData()), to indicate that TextView mode
could be used instead of DataView or DesignView, because there are problems
with opening object.
For example, in KexiQueryPart::loadSchemaData() query statement can be invalid,
and thus could not be displayed in DesignView mode or executed for DataView.
So, this flag is set to true and user is asked for confirmation for switching
to TextView (SQL Editor).
After switching to TextView, this flag is cleared.
bool proposeOpeningInTextViewModeBecauseOfProblems : 1;
//! Base class for child window of Kexi's main application window.
/*! This class can contain a number of configurable views, switchable using toggle action.
It also automatically works as a proxy for shared (application-wide) actions.
class KEXICORE_EXPORT KexiDialogBase :
public KMdiChildView,
public KexiActionProxy,
public Kexi::ObjectStatus
KexiDialogBase(KexiMainWindow *parent, const TQString &caption = TQString());
virtual ~KexiDialogBase();
bool isRegistered();
//! \return currently selected view or 0 if there is no current view
KexiViewBase *selectedView() const;
/*! \return a view for a given \a mode or 0 if there's no such mode available (or opened).
This does not open mode if it's not opened. */
KexiViewBase *viewForMode(int mode) const;
//! Adds \a view for the dialog. It will be the _only_ view (of unspecified mode) for the dialog
void addView(KexiViewBase *view);
/*! \return main (top level) widget inside this dialog.
This widget is used for e.g. determining minimum size hint and size hint. */
// virtual TQWidget* mainWidget() = 0;
/*! reimplemented: minimum size hint is inherited from currently visible view. */
virtual TQSize minimumSizeHint() const;
/*! reimplemented: size hint is inherited from currently visible view. */
virtual TQSize sizeHint() const;
KexiMainWindow *mainWin() const { return m_parentWindow; }
//js todo: maybe remove this since it's often the same as partItem()->identifier()?:
/*! This method sets internal identifier for the dialog, but
if there is a part item associated with this dialog (see partItem()),
partItem()->identifier() will be is used as identifier, so this method is noop.
Thus, it's usable only for dialog types when no part item is assigned. */
void setId(int id) { m_id = id; }
/*! If there is a part item associated with this dialog (see partItem()),
partItem()->identifier() is returned, otherwise internal dialog's identifier
(previously set by setID()) is returned. */
int id() const;
//! \return Kexi part used to create this window
inline KexiPart::Part* part() const { return m_part; }
//! \return Kexi part item used to create this window
KexiPart::Item *partItem() const { return m_item; }
//! Kexi dialog's gui COMMON client.
//! It's obtained by querying part object for this dialog.
KexiPart::GUIClient* commonGUIClient() const;
//! Kexi dialog's gui client for currently selected view.
//! It's obtained by querying part object for this dialog.
KexiPart::GUIClient* guiClient() const;
/*! Tries to close the dialog. \return true if closing is accepted
(sometimes, user may not want to close the dialog by pressing cancel).
If \a dontSaveChanges if true, changes are not saved even if this dialog is dirty. */
//js removed bool tryClose(bool dontSaveChanges);
/*! \return name of icon provided by part that created this dialog.
The name is used by KexiMainWindow to set/reset icon for this dialog. */
virtual TQString itemIcon();
/*! \return true if this dialog supports switching to \a mode.
\a mode is one of Kexi::ViewMode enum elements.
The flags are used e.g. for testing by KexiMainWindow, if actions
of switching to given view mode is available.
This member is intialised in KexiPart that creates this KexiDialogBase object. */
bool supportsViewMode( int mode ) const { return m_supportedViewModes & mode; }
/*! \return current view mode for this dialog. */
int currentViewMode() const { return m_currentViewMode; }
/*! Switches this dialog to \a newViewMode.
\a viewMode is one of Kexi::ViewMode enum elements.
\return true for successful switching
True is returned also if user has cancelled switching
(rarely, but for any reason) - cancelled is returned.
tristate switchToViewMode( int newViewMode );
void setContextHelp(const TQString& caption, const TQString& text, const TQString& iconName);
/*! Internal reimplementation. */
virtual bool eventFilter(TQObject *obj, TQEvent *e);
/*! Used by Main Window
virtual void attachToGUIClient();
virtual void detachFromGUIClient();
/*! True if contents (data) of the dialog is dirty and need to be saved
This may or not be used, depending if changes in the dialog
are saved immediately (e.g. like in datatableview) or saved by hand (by user)
(e.g. like in alter-table dialog).
\return true if at least on "dirty" flag is set for one of the dialog's view. */
bool dirty() const;
/*! \return a pointer to view that has recently set dirty flag.
This value is cleared when dirty flag is set to false (i.e. upon saving changes). */
KexiViewBase* viewThatRecentlySetDirtyFlag() const { return m_viewThatRecentlySetDirtyFlag; }
/*! \return true, if this dialog's data were never saved.
If it's true we're usually try to ask a user if the dialog's
data should be saved somewhere. After dialog construction,
"neverSaved" flag is set to appropriate value.
KexiPart::Item::neverSaved() is reused.
bool neverSaved() const;
/*! \return property set provided by a current view,
or NULL if there is no view set (or the view has no set assigned). */
KoProperty::Set *propertySet();
KexiDB::SchemaData* schemaData() const { return m_schemaData; }
/*! Reimpelmented: "*" is added if for 'dirty' dialog's data. */
// TQString caption() const;
/*! Used by KexiViewBase subclasses. \return temporary data shared between views */
KexiDialogTempData *tempData() const { return m_tempData; }
// /*! Used by KexiViewBase subclasses. Sets temporary data shared between views. */
// void setTempData( KexiDialogTempData* data ) { m_tempData = data; }
/*! Called primarily by KexiMainWindowImpl to activate dialog.
Selected view (if present) is also informed about activation. */
void activate();
/*! Called primarily by KexiMainWindowImpl to deactivate dialog.
Selected view (if present) is also informed about deactivation. */
void deactivate();
public slots:
virtual void setFocus();
void updateCaption();
/*! Internal. Called by KexiMainWindowImpl::saveObject().
Tells this dialog to save changes of the existing object
to the backend. If \a dontAsk is true, no question dialog will
be shown to the user. The default is false.
\sa storeNewData()
\return true on success, false on failure and cancelled when storing has been cancelled. */
tristate storeData(bool dontAsk = false);
/*! Internal. Called by KexiMainWindowImpl::saveObject().
Tells this dialog to create and store data of the new object
to the backend.
Object's schema data has been never stored,
so it is created automatically, using information obtained
form part item. On success, part item's ID is updated to new value,
and m_schemaData is set. \sa schemaData().
\return true on success, false on failure and cancelled when storing has been cancelled. */
tristate storeNewData();
/*! Reimplemented - we're informing the current view about performed detaching by calling
KexiViewBase::parentDialogDetached(), so the view can react on this event
(by default KexiViewBase::parentDialogDetached() does nothing, you can reimplement it). */
void sendDetachedStateToCurrentView();
/*! W're informing the current view about performed atttaching by calling
KexiViewBase::parentDialogAttached(), so the view can react on this event
(by default KexiViewBase::parentDialogAttached() does nothing, you can reimplement it). */
void sendAttachedStateToCurrentView();
void updateContextHelp();
//! emitted when the window is about to close
void closing();
/*! Emited to inform the world that 'dirty' flag changes.
Activated by KexiViewBase::setDirty(). */
void dirtyChanged(KexiDialogBase*);
protected slots:
/*! Sets 'dirty' flag on every dialog's view. */
void setDirty(bool dirty);
/*! Used by Part::openInstance(),
like switchToViewMode( int newViewMode ), but passed \a staticObjectArgs.
Only used for parts of class KexiPart::StaticPart. */
tristate switchToViewMode( int newViewMode, TQMap<TQString,TQString>* staticObjectArgs,
bool& proposeOpeningInTextViewModeBecauseOfProblems);
void registerDialog();
virtual void closeEvent( TQCloseEvent * e );
//! \internal
void addView(KexiViewBase *view, int mode);
//! \internal
void removeView(int mode);
int m_supportedViewModes;
int m_openedViewModes;
int m_currentViewMode;
inline TQWidgetStack * stack() const { return m_stack; }
//! Used by \a view to inform the dialog about changing state of the "dirty" flag.
void dirtyChanged(KexiViewBase* view);
#if 0
/*! Loads large string data \a dataString block (e.g. xml form's representation),
indexed with optional \a dataID, from the database backend.
\return true on success
\sa storeDataBlock(). */
bool loadDataBlock( TQString &dataString, const TQString& dataID = TQString());
/*! Stores (potentially large) string data \a dataString, block (e.g. xml form's representation),
at the database backend. Block will be stored in "kexi__objectdata" table pointed by
this object's id and an optional \a dataID identifier.
If there is already such record in the table, it's simply overwritten.
\return true on success
bool storeDataBlock( const TQString &dataString, const TQString& dataID = TQString() );
/*! Removes (potentially large) string data (e.g. xml form's representation),
pointed by optional \a dataID, from the database backend.
\return true on success. Does not fail if the block doe not exists.
Note that if \a dataID is not specified, all data blocks for this dialog will be removed.
\sa storeDataBlock(). */
bool removeDataBlock( TQString &dataString, const TQString& dataID = TQString());
/*! @internal
Used by KexiDialogBase::storeDataBlock() and by KexiViewBase::storeDataBlock().
bool storeDataBlock_internal( const TQString &dataString, int o_id, const TQString& dataID );
// void setError(const TQString& message, const TQString& details);
bool isDesignModePreloadedForTextModeHackUsed(int newViewMode) const;
KexiMainWindow *m_parentWindow;
bool m_isRegistered;
KexiContextHelpInfo *m_contextHelpInfo;
int m_id;
TQGuardedPtr<KexiPart::Part> m_part;
KexiPart::Item *m_item;
TQWidgetStack *m_stack;
TQString m_origCaption; //!< helper
KexiDB::SchemaData* m_schemaData;
TQGuardedPtr<KexiViewBase> m_newlySelectedView; //!< Used in dirty(), temporary set in switchToViewMode()
//!< during view setup, when a new view is not yet raised.
//! Used in viewThatRecentlySetDirtyFlag(), modified in dirtyChanged().
TQGuardedPtr<KexiViewBase> m_viewThatRecentlySetDirtyFlag;
TQGuardedPtr<KexiDialogTempData> m_tempData; //!< temporary data shared between views
/*! Created view's mode - helper for switchToViewMode(),
KexiViewBase ctor uses that info. >0 values are useful. */
int m_creatingViewsMode;
bool m_destroying : 1; //!< true after entering to the dctor
bool m_disableDirtyChanged; //!< used in setDirty(), affects dirtyChanged()
friend class KexiMainWindow;
// friend class KexiMainWindowImpl;
friend class KexiPart::Part;
friend class KexiInternalPart;
friend class KexiViewBase;