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<H3>8.2. Docking and undocking of the windows</H3>
To <em>undock</em> a window you must drag it from the inside of the Kexi application and drop it so that you can e.g. maximize or move it freely. This is particularly useful when working on a small screen or when working with large datasheets. Undocking can also be used when working on two display monitors connected to one computer: you can move selected windows to the other display.
<em>Docking</em> is a command opposite to <em>undocking</em>: the window is placed back inside the application.
Docking in windows is available only in <a href="08_01_00_mdi.html#mode_childframe">childframe mode</a> of the graphic interface. The command is always available in case of panes.
The <em>Dock/undock</em> command is also available:
<li>through clicking the button with the arrow in the top right corner of the main window of the application (if the window of the object is maximized):
<br><img src="img/08_02_00_dock_undock_button_max.png">
<br>Dock/undock key for a maximized window<br><br>
<li>through clicking the button with the arrow in the top right corner of the selected object (if it is not maximized):
<br><img src="img/08_02_00_dock_undock_button.png">
<br>Dock/undock key for a non-maximized window<br><br>
<li>through the right-click on the window titlebar and selecting the <em>undock</em> command from the context menu:
<br><img src="img/08_02_00_dock_undock_popup.png">
<br><em>Undock</em> command in the context menu on the winow titlebar<br><br>
<li>through the right-click on the application taskbar and selecting the <em>dock</em> command from the context menu:
<br><img src="img/08_02_00_dock_undock_taskbar_popup.png">
<br><em>Dock</em> command in the context menu of the application's taskbar<br><br>