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<H2>4.6. Main application elements</H2>
<br><img src="img/04_06_00_main_window.png">
<br>Kexi's main window<br><br>
Main elements of Kexi application's window are:
<li><p><b>Menubar</b> - contains available commands for the application. You will find detailed description of any of the commands in <a href="aa_00_00_menu.html">Appendix ??</a>.
<li><p><b>Toolbar</b> - contains most frequently used commands.
<li><b><a href="04_06_01_project_navigator.html">Project Navigator's pane</a></b> - contains a list of any object (tables, queries, forms, ...) created within the currently opened database project. The navigator also contains small toolbar with most usable commands related to the database objects.
<li><p><b><a href="04_06_02_object_windows.html">Opened database objects area</a></b> - a central area of the application taking most of the screen space. For IDEAl user interface mode it contains a switchable tabs with windows that are always maximized. For Childframe user interface mode it contains floating windows.
<li><p><b><a href="04_06_03_property_editor.html">Properties pane</a></b> - contains a list of properties of currently activated database object. For certain objects (e.g. form's widgets) it can be consisted of several tabs.
<li><p><b>Taskbar</b> - contains a list of currently opened windows with database objects. For IDEAl user interface mode, it is available as a number of tabs. For Childframe user interface mode, it is available as a number of buttons, behaving just like your operating system's taskbar.