You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

577 lines
16 KiB

This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2001 Ewald Snel <>
Copyright (C) 2001 Tomasz Grobelny <>
Copyright (C) 2003, 2004 Nicolas GOUTTE <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// ### FIXME: copyright holders/date
#ifndef __RTFIMPORT_H__
#define __RTFIMPORT_H__
#include <KoFilter.h>
#include <tqasciidict.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqfont.h>
#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <tqvaluestack.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include "rtfimport_dom.h"
#include "rtfimport_tokenizer.h"
#include <tqptrlist.h>
class DomNode;
class RTFImport;
/// RTF property (control word table entry)
struct RTFProperty
const char *onlyValidIn;
const char *name;
void (RTFImport::*cwproc)( struct RTFProperty * );
/// offset of formatting property
int offset;
/// default value
int value;
/// RTF field description
struct RTFField
const char *id;
int type;
int subtype;
const char *value;
struct RTFTextState;
/// RTF destination
struct RTFDestination
const char *group;
const char *name;
void (RTFImport::*destproc)( RTFProperty * );
RTFTextState* target;
/// Paragraph border
struct RTFBorder
enum BorderStyle { Solid, Dashes, Dots, DashDot, DashDotDot, None = 16 };
BorderStyle style;
int color;
int width;
int space;
/// Tabulator
struct RTFTab
enum TabType { Left, Centered, FlushRight, Decimal };
enum LeaderType { None, Dots, Hyphens, Underline, ThickLine };
TabType type;
LeaderType leader;
int position;
/// Font table entry
struct RTFFont
TQString name;
TQFont::StyleHint styleHint;
int fixedPitch;
int number;
/// RTF embedded picture
struct RTFPicture
enum PictureType { BMP, WMF, MacPict, EMF, PNG, JPEG };
TQByteArray bits;
PictureType type;
int width, height;
int cropLeft, cropTop, cropRight, cropBottom;
int desiredWidth, desiredHeight;
int scalex, scaley;
int nibble;
bool scaled;
/// \\blipuid
TQString identifier;
/// Paragraph-formatting properties
struct RTFLayout
enum Alignment { Left, Right, Justified, Centered };
TQValueStack<RTFTab> tablist;
RTFTab tab;
RTFBorder borders[4];
RTFBorder *border;
Alignment alignment;
int style;
int firstIndent, leftIndent, rightIndent;
int spaceBefore, spaceAfter;
int spaceBetween; ///< Line spacing
bool spaceBetweenMultiple; ///< Is the linespacing defined as multiple of line height (true) or by a height in 1/20 pt (false)?
bool inTable;
bool keep, keepNext;
bool pageBB, pageBA;
/// Character-formatting properties
struct RTFFormat
enum VertAlign { Normal = 0, SubScript, SuperScript };
enum Underline { UnderlineNone=0, UnderlineSimple, UnderlineThick, UnderlineDouble, UnderlineWordByWord,
UnderlineWave, UnderlineDash, UnderlineDot, UnderlineDashDot, UnderlineDashDotDot };
VertAlign vertAlign;
Underline underline;
int font, fontSize, baseline;
int color, bgcolor, underlinecolor;
int uc;
bool bold, italic, strike, striked;
bool hidden, caps, smallCaps;
/// Comparison operator \since 1.4
inline bool operator == ( const RTFFormat& f1, const RTFFormat& f2 )
return f1.vertAlign == f2.vertAlign && f1.underline == f2.underline
&& f1.font == f2.font && f1.fontSize == f2.fontSize && f1.baseline == f2.baseline
&& f1.color == f2.color && f1.bgcolor == f2.color && f1.underlinecolor == f2.underlinecolor
&& f1.uc == f2.uc
&& f1.bold == f2.bold && f1.italic == f2.italic && f1.strike == f2.strike && f1.striked == f2.striked
&& f1.hidden == f2.hidden && f1.caps == f2.caps && f1.smallCaps == f2.smallCaps
/// Comparison operator \since 1.4
inline bool operator != ( const RTFFormat& f1, const RTFFormat& f2 )
return ! ( f1 == f2 );
/// Style sheet entry
struct RTFStyle
TQString name;
RTFFormat format;
RTFLayout layout;
int next;
/// Section-formatting properties
struct RTFSectionLayout
int headerMargin;
int footerMargin;
bool titlePage;
/// Table cell definition
struct RTFTableCell
RTFBorder borders[4];
int bgcolor;
int x;
/// Table-formatting properties
struct RTFTableRow
TQValueList<RTFTableCell> cells;
TQStringList frameSets;
RTFLayout::Alignment alignment;
int height;
int left;
/// KWord format
struct KWFormat
RTFFormat fmt;
TQString xmldata;
uint id, pos, len;
/// RTF rich text state (text and tables)
struct RTFTextState
/// paragraphs
DomNode node;
/// table cell(s)
DomNode cell;
/// plain text (for paragraph or table cell)
DomNode text;
TQValueList<KWFormat> formats;
TQStringList frameSets;
TQValueList<RTFTableRow> rows;
uint table, length;
/// RTF group state (formatting properties)
struct RTFGroupState
RTFTableRow tableRow;
RTFTableCell tableCell;
RTFFormat format;
RTFLayout layout;
RTFSectionLayout section;
/// '}' will close the current destination
bool brace0;
/// Should the group be ignored?
bool ignoreGroup;
class RTFImport : public KoFilter
RTFImport( KoFilter *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList& );
* Convert document from RTF to KWord format.
* @param from the mimetype for RTF
* @param to the mimetype for KWord
* @return true if the document was successfully converted
virtual KoFilter::ConversionStatus convert( const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to );
* Skip the keyword, as we do not need to do anything with it
* (either because it is supported anyway or because we cannot support it.)
void ignoreKeyword( RTFProperty * );
* Set document codepage.
* @note Mac's code pages > 10000 are not supported
void setCodepage( RTFProperty * );
* Set document codepage to Mac (also known as MacRoman or as Apple Roman)
void setMacCodepage( RTFProperty * );
* Set document codepage to CP1252
* @note Old RTF files have a \ansi keyword but no \ansicpg keyword
void setAnsiCodepage( RTFProperty * );
* Set document codepage to IBM 850
void setPcaCodepage( RTFProperty * );
* Set document codepage to IBM 435.
* @note As TQt does not support IBM 435, this is currently approximated as IBM 850
void setPcCodepage( RTFProperty * );
* Sets the value of a boolean RTF property specified by token.
* @param property the property to set
* @deprecated not portable, as it needs an out-of-specification use of offsetof
void setToggleProperty( RTFProperty * );
* Sets a boolean RTF property specified by token.
* @param property the property to set
* @deprecated not portable, as it needs an out-of-specification use of offsetof
void setFlagProperty( RTFProperty *property );
* Sets the charset.
* @param property the property to set
* @deprecated not portable, as it needs an out-of-specification use of offsetof
void setCharset( RTFProperty *property );
* Sets the value of a numeric RTF property specified by token.
* @param property the property to set
* @deprecated not portable, as it assumes that an enum is a char
void setNumericProperty( RTFProperty *property );
* Sets an enumeration (flag) RTF property specified by token.
* @param property the property to set
* @deprecated not portable, as it assumes that an enum is a char
void setEnumProperty( RTFProperty *property );
* Set font style hint
* @since 1.4
void setFontStyleHint( RTFProperty* property );
* Set the picture type
* (BMP, PNG...)
* @since 1.4
void setPictureType( RTFProperty* property );
* Sets the enumaration value for \\ul-type keywords
* \\ul switches on simple underline
* \\ul0 switches off all underlines
* @since 1.4 (renamed)
void setSimpleUnderlineProperty( RTFProperty* );
* Set underline properties
* @param property the property to set
* @since 1.4 (changed behaviour)
void setUnderlineProperty( RTFProperty* property );
* Sets the value of a border property specified by token.
* @param property the property to set
void setBorderProperty( RTFProperty *property );
* Sets the value of a border color specified by token.
* @deprecated not portable, as it needs an out-of-specification use of offsetof
void setBorderColor( RTFProperty * );
* Sets the value of a border property specified by token.
* @param property the property to set
void setBorderStyle( RTFProperty *property );
* Sets the value of the font baseline (superscript).
void setUpProperty( RTFProperty * );
* Reset character-formatting properties.
void setPlainFormatting( RTFProperty * = 0L );
* Reset paragraph-formatting properties
void setParagraphDefaults( RTFProperty * = 0L );
* Reset section-formatting properties.
void setSectionDefaults( RTFProperty * = 0L );
* Reset table-formatting properties.
void setTableRowDefaults( RTFProperty * = 0L );
* Select which border is the current one.
* @param property the property to set
void selectLayoutBorder( RTFProperty * property );
* Select which border is the current one, in case of a cell
* @param property the property to set
void selectLayoutBorderFromCell( RTFProperty * property );
void insertParagraph( RTFProperty * = 0L );
void insertPageBreak( RTFProperty * );
void insertTableCell( RTFProperty * );
* Finish table row and calculate cell borders.
void insertTableRow( RTFProperty * = 0L );
* Inserts a table cell definition.
void insertCellDef( RTFProperty * );
* Inserts a tabulator definition.
void insertTabDef( RTFProperty * );
* Inserts a single (Unicode) character in UTF8 format.
* @param ch the character to write to the current destination
void insertUTF8( int ch );
/// Insert special character (as plain text).
void insertSymbol( RTFProperty *property );
/// Insert special character (hexadecimal escape value).
void insertHexSymbol( RTFProperty * );
/// Insert unicode character (keyword \\u).
void insertUnicodeSymbol( RTFProperty * );
* Insert a date or time field
void insertDateTime( RTFProperty *property );
* Insert a page number field
void insertPageNumber( RTFProperty * );
* Parse the picture identifier
void parseBlipUid( RTFProperty* );
* Parse recursive fields.
* @note The {\fldrslt ...} group will be used for
* unsupported and embedded fields.
void parseField( RTFProperty* );
void parseFldinst( RTFProperty* );
void parseFldrslt( RTFProperty* );
* Font table destination callback
void parseFontTable( RTFProperty * );
* This function parses footnotes
* \todo Endnotes
void parseFootNote( RTFProperty * );
* Style sheet destination callback.
void parseStyleSheet( RTFProperty * );
* Color table destination callback.
void parseColorTable( RTFProperty * );
* Picture destination callback.
void parsePicture( RTFProperty * );
* Rich text destination callback.
void parseRichText( RTFProperty * );
* Plain text destination callback.
void parsePlainText( RTFProperty * );
* Do nothing special for this group
void parseGroup( RTFProperty * );
* Discard all tokens until the current group is closed.
void skipGroup( RTFProperty * );
* Change the destination.
void changeDestination( RTFProperty *property );
* Reset formatting properties to their default settings.
void resetState();
* Add anchor to current destination (see KWord DTD).
* @param instance the frameset number in the document
void addAnchor( const char *instance );
* Add format information to document node.
* @param node the document node (destination)
* @param format the format information
* @param baseFormat the format information is based on this format
void addFormat( DomNode &node, const KWFormat& format, const RTFFormat* baseFormat );
* Add layout information to document node.
* @param node the document node (destination)
* @param name the name of the current style
* @param layout the paragraph layout information
* @param frameBreak paragraph is always the last in a frame if true
void addLayout( DomNode &node, const TQString &name, const RTFLayout &layout, bool frameBreak );
* Add paragraph information to document node.
* @param node the document node (destination)
* @param frameBreak paragraph is always the last in a frame if true
void addParagraph( DomNode &node, bool frameBreak );
void addVariable(const DomNode& spec, int type, const TQString& key, const RTFFormat* fmt=0);
void addImportedPicture( const TQString& rawFileName );
* Add a date/time field and split it for KWord
* @param format format of the date/time
* @param isDate is it a date field? (For the default format, if needed)
void addDateTime( const TQString& format, const bool isDate, RTFFormat& fmt );
* Finish table and recalculate cell borders.
void finishTable();
* Write out part (file inside the store).
* @param name the internal name of the part
* @param node the data to write
void writeOutPart( const char *name, const DomNode &node );
RTFTokenizer token;
DomNode frameSets;
DomNode pictures;
DomNode author, company, title, doccomm;
RTFTextState bodyText;
TQPtrList<RTFTextState> footnotes; ///< list of footnotes
int fnnum; ///< number of last footnote
RTFTextState firstPageHeader, oddPagesHeader, evenPagesHeader;
RTFTextState firstPageFooter, oddPagesFooter, evenPagesFooter;
* Dummy text state for destinations without own RTFTextState
* @note this is mainly to avoid dangling or NULL pointers
RTFTextState m_dummyTextState;
TQMap<int,TQString> fontTable;
TQValueList<RTFStyle> styleSheet;
TQValueList<TQColor> colorTable;
TQValueStack<RTFGroupState> stateStack;
TQValueStack<RTFDestination> destinationStack;
RTFGroupState state;
RTFDestination destination;
RTFTextState *textState;
RTFFont font;
RTFStyle style;
RTFPicture picture;
RTFTableCell emptyCell;
KWFormat kwFormat;
TQAsciiDict<RTFProperty> properties;
TQAsciiDict<RTFProperty> destinationProperties;
uint table;
uint pictureNumber; ///< Picture number; increase *before* use!
// Color table and document-formatting properties
int red, green, blue;
int paperWidth, paperHeight;
int leftMargin, topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin;
int defaultTab, defaultFont;
bool landscape, facingPages;
// Field support
TQCString fldinst, fldrslt;
RTFFormat fldfmt;
int flddst; ///< support for recursive fields
TQString inFileName; ///< File name of the source file.
TQTextCodec* textCodec; ///< currently used TQTextCodec by the RTF file
TQTextCodec* utf8TextCodec; ///< TQTextCodec for UTF-8 (used in \u)
TQMap<TQString,int> debugUnknownKeywords;
bool m_batch; ///< Should the filter system be in batch mode (i.e. non-interactive)