You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

482 lines
13 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2002, The Karbon Developers
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqapplication.h>
#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h> // For creation date/time.
#include <tqdom.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <KoDocumentInfo.h>
#include <KoFilter.h>
#include <KoFilterChain.h>
#include <KoStore.h>
#include "epsexport.h"
#include "epsexportdlg.h"
#include "vcolor.h"
#include "vcomposite.h"
#include "vdashpattern.h"
#include "vdocument.h"
#include "vfill.h"
#include "vgroup.h"
#include "vlayer.h"
#include "vpath.h"
#include "vsegment.h"
#include "vselection.h"
#include "vstroke.h"
#include "vtext.h"
#include "vcomputeboundingbox.h"
// Define PostScript level1 operators.
static char l1_newpath = 'N';
static char l1_closepath = 'C';
static char l1_moveto = 'm';
static char l1_curveto = 'c';
static char l1_lineto = 'l';
static char l1_stroke = 's';
static char l1_fill = 'f';
//static char l1_eofill = 'e';
static char l1_setlinewidth = 'w';
static char l1_setdash = 'd';
static char l1_setrgbcolor = 'r';
static char l1_gsave = 'S';
static char l1_grestore = 'R';
class EpsExportFactory : KGenericFactory<EpsExport, KoFilter>
EpsExportFactory( void )
: KGenericFactory<EpsExport, KoFilter>( "karbonepsexport" )
virtual void setupTranslations( void )
KGlobal::locale()->insertCatalogue( "kofficefilters" );
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libkarbonepsexport, EpsExportFactory() )
EpsExport::EpsExport( KoFilter*, const char*, const TQStringList& )
: KoFilter(), m_exportHidden( true )
EpsExport::convert( const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to )
if ( to != "image/x-eps" || from != "application/x-karbon" )
return KoFilter::NotImplemented;
KoStoreDevice* storeIn = m_chain->storageFile( "root", KoStore::Read );
if( !storeIn )
return KoFilter::StupidError;
KoFilter::ConversiontqStatus status = KoFilter::OK;
// Ask questions about PS level etc.
EpsExportDlg* dialog = new EpsExportDlg();
TQApplication::setOverrideCursor( TQt::arrowCursor );
if( dialog->exec() )
// Which PostScript level to support?
m_psLevel = dialog->psLevel() + 1;
m_exportHidden = dialog->exportHidden();
TQFile fileOut( m_chain->outputFile() );
if( ! IO_WriteOnly ) )
delete( dialog );
return KoFilter::StupidError;
TQDomDocument domIn;
domIn.setContent( storeIn );
TQDomElement docNode = domIn.documentElement();
m_stream = new TQTextStream( &fileOut );
// Load the document.
VDocument doc;
doc.load( docNode );
// Process the document.
doc.accept( *this );
delete m_stream;
// Dialog cancelled.
status = KoFilter::UserCancelled;
delete( dialog );
return status;
EpsExport::visitVDocument( VDocument& document )
// calculate the documents bounding box
VComputeBoundingBox bbox( ! m_exportHidden );
document.accept( bbox );
const KoRect &rect = bbox.boundingRect();
// Print a header.
*m_stream <<
"%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n"
"%%BoundingBox: " <<
// Round down.
tqRound( rect.left() - 0.5 ) << " " <<
tqRound( - 0.5 ) << " " <<
// Round up.
tqRound( rect.right() + 0.5 ) << " " <<
tqRound( rect.bottom() + 0.5 ) << "\n" <<
"%%HiResBoundingBox: " <<
rect.left() << " " << << " " <<
rect.right() << " " <<
rect.bottom() << "\n"
"%%Creator: Karbon14 EPS Exportfilter 0.5"
<< endl;
// Process document info.
KoStoreDevice* storeIn;
storeIn = m_chain->storageFile( "documentinfo.xml", KoStore::Read );
if( storeIn )
TQDomDocument domIn;
domIn.setContent( storeIn );
KoDocumentInfo docInfo;
docInfo.load( domIn );
KoDocumentInfoAuthor* authorPage =
static_cast<KoDocumentInfoAuthor*>( "author" ) );
// Get creation date/time = "now".
TQDateTime now( TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime() );
*m_stream <<
"%%CreationDate: (" << now.toString( Qt::LocalDate ) << ")\n"
"%%For: (" << authorPage->fullName() << ") (" << authorPage->company() << ")\n"
"%%Title: (" << docInfo.title() << ")"
<< endl;
// Print operator definitions.
*m_stream <<
"/" << l1_newpath << " {newpath} def\n"
"/" << l1_closepath << " {closepath} def\n"
"/" << l1_moveto << " {moveto} def\n"
"/" << l1_curveto << " {curveto} def\n"
"/" << l1_lineto << " {lineto} def\n"
"/" << l1_stroke << " {stroke} def\n"
"/" << l1_fill << " {fill} def\n"
"/" << l1_setlinewidth << " {setlinewidth} def\n"
"/" << l1_setdash << " {setdash} def\n"
"/" << l1_setrgbcolor << " {setrgbcolor} def\n"
"/" << l1_gsave << " {gsave} def\n"
"/" << l1_grestore << " {grestore} def\n"
<< endl;
// Export layers.
VVisitor::visitVDocument( document );
// Finished.
*m_stream <<
<< endl;
EpsExport::visitVGroup( VGroup& group )
VObjectListIterator itr( group.objects() );
for( ; itr.current(); ++itr )
// do not export hidden child objects
if( ! m_exportHidden && ! isVisible( itr.current() ) )
itr.current()->accept( *this );
EpsExport::visitVLayer( VLayer& layer )
// do not export hidden layers
if( ! m_exportHidden && ! isVisible( &layer ) )
VObjectListIterator itr( layer.objects() );
for( ; itr.current(); ++itr )
// do not export hidden objects
if( ! m_exportHidden && ! isVisible( itr.current() ) )
itr.current()->accept( *this );
EpsExport::visitVPath( VPath& composite )
*m_stream << l1_newpath << "\n";
VVisitor::visitVPath( composite );
getFill( *composite.fill() );
getStroke( *composite.stroke() );
*m_stream << endl;
EpsExport::visitVSubpath( VSubpath& path )
// Export segments.
VSubpathIterator itr( path );
for( ; itr.current(); ++itr )
VSegment *segment = itr.current();
if ( segment->isCurve() ) {
*m_stream <<
itr.current()->point( 0 ).x() << " " <<
itr.current()->point( 0 ).y() << " " <<
itr.current()->point( 1 ).x() << " " <<
itr.current()->point( 1 ).y() << " " <<
itr.current()->knot().x() << " " <<
itr.current()->knot().y() << " " <<
l1_curveto << "\n";
} else if ( segment->isLine() ) {
*m_stream <<
itr.current()->knot().x() << " " <<
itr.current()->knot().y() << " " <<
l1_lineto << "\n";
} else if ( segment->isBegin() ) {
*m_stream <<
itr.current()->knot().x() << " " <<
itr.current()->knot().y() << " " <<
l1_moveto << "\n";
if( path.isClosed() )
*m_stream << l1_closepath << "\n";
EpsExport::visitVText( VText& text )
// TODO: currently we only export the glyphs if available.
// Export the glyphs (= VPaths).
VPathListIterator itr( text.glyphs() );
for( ; itr.current(); ++itr )
visit( *itr.current() );
EpsExport::getStroke( const VStroke& stroke )
// Solid stroke.
if( stroke.type() == VStroke::solid )
// Dash pattern.
*m_stream << "[";
const TQValueList<float>&
array( stroke.dashPattern().array() );
TQValueListConstIterator<float> itr = array.begin();
for( ; itr != array.end(); ++itr )
*m_stream << *itr << " ";
*m_stream <<
"] " << stroke.dashPattern().offset() <<
" " << l1_setdash << " ";
getColor( stroke.color() );
// "setlinewidth", "stroke".
*m_stream <<
" " << stroke.lineWidth() <<
" " << l1_setlinewidth <<
" " << l1_stroke << "\n";
else if( stroke.type() == VStroke::grad )
if( m_psLevel == 3 )
EpsExport::getFill( const VFill& fill )
// Solid fill.
if( fill.type() == VFill::solid )
// "gsave".
*m_stream << l1_gsave << " ";
// "setrgbcolor".
getColor( fill.color() );
// "fill", "grestore".
*m_stream << " " << l1_fill << " " << l1_grestore << "\n";
// Gradient.
else if( fill.type() == VFill::grad )
if( m_psLevel == 3 )
// "gsave".
*m_stream << l1_gsave << " ";
VGradient grad = fill.gradient();
TQPtrVector<VColorStop> ramp = grad.colorStops();
if( ramp.size() < 2 )
if( ramp.size() == 1 )
getColor( ramp[0]->color );
if( ramp.size() > 2 || ramp.size() == 2 && ramp[0]->midPoint != 0.5 )
// Gradient with more than two colors or asymmetrical midpoint.
for( uint i = 1;i < ramp.size();i++ )
char name[15];
sprintf( name, "Function%d", 2 * i - 1 );
VColorStop stop1 = *ramp[i - 1];
VColorStop stop2 = *ramp[i];
VColor mid;
mid.set( 0.5 * ( stop1.color[0] + stop2.color[0] ), 0.5 * ( stop1.color[1] + stop2.color[1] ), 0.5 * ( stop1.color[2] + stop2.color[2] ) );
*m_stream << "/" << name << " 7 dict def " << name << " begin\n" << "\t/FunctionType 2 def\n"
<< "\t/Domain [ 0 1 ] def\n" << "\t/C0 [ " << stop1.color[0] << " " << stop1.color[1] << " "
<< stop1.color[2] << " ] def\n" << "\t/C1 [ " << mid[0] << " " << mid[1] << " "
<< mid[2] << " ] def\n" << "\t/N 1 def\n" << "end\n";
sprintf( name, "Function%d", 2 * i );
*m_stream << "/" << name << " 7 dict def " << name << " begin\n" << "\t/FunctionType 2 def\n" << "\t/Domain [ 0 1 ] def\n"
<< "\t/C0 [ " << mid[0] << " " << mid[1] << " " << mid[2] << " ] def\n" << "\t/C1 [ " << stop2.color[0] << " "
<< stop2.color[1] << " " << stop2.color[2] << " ] def\n" << "\t/N 1 def\n" << "end\n";
if( grad.type() == VGradient::linear )
*m_stream << "clip newpath\n" << "/DeviceRGB setcolorspace\n" << "<<\n" << "\t/ShadingType 2\n" << "\t/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n" << "\t/Coords [ "
<< grad.origin().x() << " " << grad.origin().y() << " " << grad.vector().x() << " " << grad.vector().y() << " ]\n\t/Extend[ true true ]\n" << "\t/Function <<\n";
else if( grad.type() == VGradient::radial )
double r = sqrt( pow( grad.vector().x() - grad.origin().x(), 2 ) + pow( grad.vector().y() - grad.origin().y(), 2 ) );
*m_stream << "clip newpath\n" << "/DeviceRGB setcolorspace\n" << "<<\n" << "\t/ShadingType 3\n" << "\t/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n" << "\t/Coords [ "
<< grad.origin().x() << " " << grad.origin().y() << " 0.0 " << grad.origin().x() << " " << grad.origin().y()
<< " " << r << "]\n\t\t/Extend [ false true ]\n" << "\t/Function <<\n";
if( ramp.size() == 2 && ramp[0]->midPoint == 0.5 )
// Gradient with only two colors and symmetrical midpoint.
VColorStop stop1 = *ramp[0];
VColorStop stop2 = *ramp[1];
*m_stream << "\t\t/FunctionType 2\n" << "\t\t/C0 [ " << stop1.color[0] << " " << stop1.color[1] << " " << stop1.color[2]
<< " ]\n" << "\t\t/C1 [ " << stop2.color[0] << " " << stop2.color[1] << " " << stop2.color[2] << " ]\n" << "\t\t/N 1\n";
else if( ramp.size() > 2 || ramp.size() == 2 && ramp[0]->midPoint != 0.5 )
// Gradient with more than two colors or asymmetrical midpoint.
*m_stream << "\t\t/FunctionType 3\n" << "\t\t/Functions [ ";
for( uint i = 1; i < ( 2 * ramp.size() - 1 );i++ )
*m_stream << "Function" << i << " ";
*m_stream << "]\n" << "\t\t/Bounds [";
for( uint i = 0;i < ramp.size() - 1;i++ )
VColorStop stop = *ramp[i];
if( i > 0 )
*m_stream << " " << stop.rampPoint;
*m_stream << " " << ( stop.rampPoint + ( ramp[i + 1]->rampPoint - stop.rampPoint ) * stop.midPoint );
*m_stream << " ]\n" << "\t\t/Encode [ ";
for( uint i = 0;i < 2 * ramp.size() - 2;i++ )
*m_stream << "0 1 ";
*m_stream << "]\n";
*m_stream << "\t\t/Domain [ " << ramp[0]->rampPoint << " "
<< ramp[ramp.size() - 1]->rampPoint << " ]\n" << "\t>>\n" << ">>\n";
// "shfill", "grestore".
*m_stream << " shfill " << l1_grestore << "\n";
EpsExport::getColor( const VColor& color )
VColor copy( color );
copy.setColorSpace( VColor::rgb );
*m_stream <<
copy[0] << " " <<
copy[1] << " " <<
copy[2] << " " << l1_setrgbcolor;
EpsExport::isVisible( const VObject* object ) const
return object->state() != VObject::hidden && object->state() != VObject::hidden_locked;
#include "epsexport.moc"