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Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
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208 lines
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/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2004 Cedric Pasteur <>
Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqobject.h>
#include <tqstrlist.h>
#include <koproperty/set.h>
#include <koproperty/property.h>
class TQMetaObject;
class TQWidget;
namespace KFormDesigner {
class FormManager;
class ObjectTreeItem;
class WidgetPropertySetPrivate;
class WidgetInfo;
class CommandGroup;
class KFORMEDITOR_EXPORT WidgetPropertySet : public TQObject
WidgetPropertySet(TQObject *tqparent);
// FormManager* manager();
KoProperty::Property& operator[](const TQCString &name);
KoProperty::Property& property(const TQCString &name);
bool tqcontains(const TQCString &property);
/*! i18n function used by factories to add new property caption.
Should be called on Factory creation. */
void addPropertyCaption(const TQCString &property, const TQString &caption);
void addValueCaption(const TQCString &value, const TQString &caption);
public slots:
/*! Sets the widget which properties are shown in the property editor.
If \a add is true, the list switch to multiple widget mode
(only common properties are shown). Should be directly
connected to Form::widgetSelected() signal.
If \a forceReload is true, the the properties will be redisplayed in the property editor
even if these were already displayed.
If \a showPropertySet is true (the default), property editor will be updated for the current selection.
This flag is set to false when we're selecting multiple widgets. */
void setSelectedWidget(TQWidget *w, bool add = false, bool forceReload = false,
bool moreWillBeSelected = false);
void setSelectedWidgetWithoutReload(TQWidget *w, bool add = false, bool moreWillBeSelected = false) {
setSelectedWidget(w, add, false, moreWillBeSelected);
/*! This function is called every time a property is modifed. It also takes
care of saving set and enum properties. */
void slotPropertyChanged(KoProperty::Set& set, KoProperty::Property& property);
/*! This slot is called when a property is reset using the "reload" button in PropertyEditor. */
void slotPropertyReset(KoProperty::Set& set, KoProperty::Property& property);
/*! This slot is called when the watched widget is destroyed. Resets the buffer.*/
void slotWidgetDestroyed();
// void setPropertyValueInDesignMode(TQWidget* widget, const TQMap<TQCString, TQVariant> &propValues,
void createPropertyCommandsInDesignMode(TQWidget* widget, const TQMap<TQCString,
TQVariant> &propValues, CommandGroup *group, bool addToActiveForm = true,
bool execFlagForSubCommands = false);
/*! This signal is emitted when a property was changed.
\a widg is the widget concerned, \a property
is the name of the modified property, and \a v is the new value of this property. */
void widgetPropertyChanged(TQWidget *w, const TQCString &property, const TQVariant &v);
/*! This signal is emitted when the name of the widget is modified.
\a oldname is the name of the widget before the
change, \a newname is the name after renaming. */
void widgetNameChanged(const TQCString &oldname, const TQCString &newname);
/*! Adds the widget in d->widgets, and updates property visibilty. */
void addWidget(TQWidget *w);
/*! Fills the list with properties related to the widget \a w. Also updates
properties old value and changed state. */
void createPropertiesForWidget(TQWidget *w);
/*! Creates a map property description->prop. value from
the list of keys \a list. */
KoProperty::Property::ListData* createValueList(WidgetInfo *winfo, const TQStringList &list);
/*! Changes \a property old value and changed state, using the value
stored in \a tree. Optional \a meta can be specified if you need to handle enum values. */
void updatePropertyValue(ObjectTreeItem *tree, const char *property, const TQMetaProperty *meta = 0);
/*! \return the property list hold by this object. Do not modify the list,
just use this method to change Editor's list. */
KoProperty::Set* set();
/*! Clears the set, and reset all members. */
void clearSet(bool dontSignalShowPropertySet = false);
/*! Saves old values of modified properties in ObjectTreeItem, so
that we can restore them later.*/
void saveModifiedProperties();
/*! Checks if the name entered by user is valid, ie that it is
a valid identifier, and that there is no name conflict. */
bool isNameValid(const TQString &name);
/*! Saves 'enabled' property, and takes care of updating widget's palette. */
void saveEnabledProperty(bool value);
/*! This function filters the event of the selected widget to
automatically updates the "geometry" property
when the widget is moved or resized in the Form. */
bool eventFilter(TQObject *o, TQEvent *ev);
/*! Changes undoing state of the list. Used by Undo command to
prevent recursion. */
void setUndoing(bool isUndoing);
bool isUndoing();
/*! This function is used to filter the properties to be shown
(ie not show "caption" if the widget isn't toplevel).
\return true if the property should be shown. False otherwise.*/
bool isPropertyVisible(const TQCString &property, bool isTopLevel,
const TQCString &classname=TQCString());
// Following functions are used to create special types of properties, different
/*! Creates the properties related to tqalignment (ie hAlign, vAlign and WordBreak) for
the TQWidget \a widget. \a subwidget is the same as \a widget if the widget itself handles
the property and it's a child widget if the child handles the property.
For example, the second case is true for KexiDBAutoField.
\a meta is the TQMetaProperty for "tqalignment" property" of subwidget. */
void createAlignProperty(const TQMetaProperty *meta, TQWidget *widget, TQWidget *subwidget);
/*! Saves the properties related to tqalignment (ie hAlign, vAlign and WordBreak)
and modifies the "tqalignment" property of the widget.*/
void saveAlignProperty(const TQString &property);
/*! Creates the "tqlayout" property, for the Container representing \a item. */
void createLayoutProperty(ObjectTreeItem *item);
/*! Saves the "tqlayout" property and changes the Container 's tqlayout (
using Container::setLayout() ).*/
void saveLayoutProperty(const TQString &property, const TQVariant &value);
// Some i18n functions
//! Adds translations for general properties, by adding items in d->propDesc
void initPropertiesDescription();
/*! \return The i18n'ed name of the property whose name is \a name, that will be
displayed in PropertyEditor. */
TQString propertyCaption(const TQCString &name);
/*! \return The i18n'ed name of the property's value whose name is \a name. */
TQString valueCaption(const TQCString &name);
/*! \return The i18n'ed list of values, that will be shown by Property
Editor (using descFromValue()).*/
//TQStringList captionForList(const TQStringList &list);
//! Helper
void emitWidgetPropertyChanged(TQWidget *w, const TQCString& property, const TQVariant& value);
WidgetPropertySetPrivate *d;
friend class FormManager;
friend class PropertyCommand;
friend class LayoutPropertyCommand;
friend class GeometryPropertyCommand;