You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

937 lines
33 KiB

/* This file is part of the KOffice libraries
Copyright (C) 2001 Werner Trobin <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqmetaobject.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kmimetype.h>
#include <KoFilterChain.h>
#include <KoQueryTrader.h>
#include <KoFilterManager.h> // KoFilterManager::filterAvailable, private API
#include <KoDocument.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <priorityqueue.h>
#include <limits.h> // UINT_MAX
// Those "defines" are needed in the setupConnections method below.
// Please always keep the strings and the length in sync!
namespace {
const char* const SIGNAL_PREFIX = "commSignal";
const int SIGNAL_PREFIX_LEN = 10;
const char* const SLOT_PREFIX = "commSlot";
const int SLOT_PREFIX_LEN = 8;
KoFilterChain::ChainLink::ChainLink( KoFilterChain* chain, KoFilterEntry::Ptr filterEntry,
const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to ) :
m_chain( chain ), m_filterEntry( filterEntry ), m_from( from ), m_to( to ),
m_filter( 0 ), d( 0 )
KoFilter::ConversiontqStatus KoFilterChain::ChainLink::invokeFilter( const ChainLink* const parentChainLink )
if ( !m_filterEntry ) {
kdError( 30500 ) << "This filter entry is null. Strange stuff going on." << endl;
return KoFilter::CreationError;
m_filter = m_filterEntry->createFilter( m_chain, 0, 0 );
if ( !m_filter ) {
kdError( 30500 ) << "Couldn't create the filter." << endl;
return KoFilter::CreationError;
if ( parentChainLink )
setupCommunication( parentChainLink->m_filter );
KoFilter::ConversiontqStatus status = m_filter->convert( m_from, m_to );
delete m_filter;
return status;
void KoFilterChain::ChainLink::dump() const
kdDebug( 30500 ) << " Link: " << m_filterEntry->service()->name() << endl;
int KoFilterChain::ChainLink::lruPartIndex() const
if ( m_filter && m_filter->inherits( "KoEmbeddingFilter" ) )
return static_cast<KoEmbeddingFilter*>( m_filter )->lruPartIndex();
return -1;
void KoFilterChain::ChainLink::setupCommunication( const KoFilter* const parentFilter ) const
// progress information
TQObject::connect( m_filter, TQT_SIGNAL( sigProgress( int ) ),
m_chain->manager(), TQT_SIGNAL( sigProgress( int ) ) );
if ( !parentFilter )
const TQMetaObject* const parent = parentFilter->tqmetaObject();
const TQMetaObject* const child = m_filter->tqmetaObject();
if ( !parent || !child )
setupConnections( parentFilter, parent->signalNames(), m_filter, child->slotNames() );
setupConnections( m_filter, child->signalNames(), parentFilter, parent->slotNames() );
void KoFilterChain::ChainLink::setupConnections( const KoFilter* sender, const TQStrList& sigs,
const KoFilter* receiver, const TQStrList& sl0ts ) const
TQStrListIterator signalIt( sigs );
for ( ; signalIt.current(); ++signalIt ) {
if ( strncmp( signalIt.current(), SIGNAL_PREFIX, SIGNAL_PREFIX_LEN ) == 0 ) {
TQStrListIterator slotIt( sl0ts );
for ( ; slotIt.current(); ++slotIt ) {
if ( strncmp( slotIt.current(), SLOT_PREFIX, SLOT_PREFIX_LEN ) == 0 ) {
if ( strcmp( signalIt.current() + SIGNAL_PREFIX_LEN, slotIt.current() + SLOT_PREFIX_LEN ) == 0 ) {
TQCString signalString;
signalString.setNum( TQSIGNAL_CODE );
signalString += signalIt.current();
TQCString slotString;
slotString.setNum( TQSLOT_CODE );
slotString += slotIt.current();
TQObject::connect( sender, signalString, receiver, slotString );
if ( filterManagerParentChain() && filterManagerParentChain()->m_outputStorage )
manageIO(); // Called for the 2nd time in a row -> clean up
KoFilter::ConversiontqStatus KoFilterChain::invokeChain()
KoFilter::ConversiontqStatus status = KoFilter::OK;
m_state = Beginning;
int count = m_chainLinks.count();
// This is needed due to nasty Microsoft design
const ChainLink* parentChainLink = 0;
if ( filterManagerParentChain() )
parentChainLink = filterManagerParentChain()->m_chainLinks.current();
// No iterator here, as we need m_chainLinks.current() in outputDocument()
for ( ; count > 1 && m_chainLinks.current() && status == KoFilter::OK;, --count ) {
status = m_chainLinks.current()->invokeFilter( parentChainLink );
m_state = Middle;
if ( !m_chainLinks.current() ) {
kdWarning( 30500 ) << "Huh?? Found a null pointer in the chain" << endl;
return KoFilter::StupidError;
if ( status == KoFilter::OK ) {
if ( m_state & Beginning )
m_state |= End;
m_state = End;
status = m_chainLinks.current()->invokeFilter( parentChainLink );
m_state = Done;
if (status == KoFilter::OK)
return status;
TQString KoFilterChain::chainOutput() const
if ( m_state == Done )
return m_inputFile; // as we already called manageIO()
return TQString();
TQString KoFilterChain::inputFile()
if ( m_inputQueried == File )
return m_inputFile;
else if ( m_inputQueried != Nil ) {
kdWarning( 30500 ) << "You already asked for some different source." << endl;
return TQString();
m_inputQueried = File;
if ( m_state & Beginning ) {
if ( static_cast<KoFilterManager::Direction>( filterManagerDirection() ) ==
KoFilterManager::Import )
m_inputFile = filterManagerImportFile();
inputFileHelper( filterManagerKoDocument(), filterManagerImportFile() );
if ( m_inputFile.isEmpty() )
inputFileHelper( m_inputDocument, TQString() );
return m_inputFile;
TQString KoFilterChain::outputFile()
// sanity check: No embedded filter should ask for a plain file
// ###### CHECK: This will break as soon as we support exporting embedding filters
if ( filterManagerParentChain() )
kdWarning( 30500 )<< "An embedded filter has to use storageFile()!" << endl;
if ( m_outputQueried == File )
return m_outputFile;
else if ( m_outputQueried != Nil ) {
kdWarning( 30500 ) << "You already asked for some different destination." << endl;
return TQString();
m_outputQueried = File;
if ( m_state & End ) {
if ( static_cast<KoFilterManager::Direction>( filterManagerDirection() ) ==
KoFilterManager::Import )
outputFileHelper( false ); // This (last) one gets deleted by the caller
m_outputFile = filterManagerExportFile();
outputFileHelper( true );
return m_outputFile;
KoStoreDevice* KoFilterChain::storageFile( const TQString& name, KoStore::Mode mode )
// ###### CHECK: This works only for import filters. Do we want something like
// that for export filters too?
if ( m_outputQueried == Nil && mode == KoStore::Write && filterManagerParentChain() )
return storageInitEmbedding( name );
// Plain normal use case
if ( m_inputQueried == Storage && mode == KoStore::Read &&
m_inputStorage && m_inputStorage->mode() == KoStore::Read )
return storageNewStreamHelper( &m_inputStorage, &m_inputStorageDevice, name );
else if ( m_outputQueried == Storage && mode == KoStore::Write &&
m_outputStorage && m_outputStorage->mode() == KoStore::Write )
return storageNewStreamHelper( &m_outputStorage, &m_outputStorageDevice, name );
else if ( m_inputQueried == Nil && mode == KoStore::Read )
return storageHelper( inputFile(), name, KoStore::Read,
&m_inputStorage, &m_inputStorageDevice );
else if ( m_outputQueried == Nil && mode == KoStore::Write )
return storageHelper( outputFile(), name, KoStore::Write,
&m_outputStorage, &m_outputStorageDevice );
else {
kdWarning( 30500 ) << "Oooops, how did we get here? You already asked for a"
<< " different source/destination?" << endl;
return 0;
KoDocument* KoFilterChain::inputDocument()
if ( m_inputQueried == Document )
return m_inputDocument;
else if ( m_inputQueried != Nil ) {
kdWarning( 30500 ) << "You already asked for some different source." << endl;
return 0;
if ( ( m_state & Beginning ) &&
static_cast<KoFilterManager::Direction>( filterManagerDirection() ) == KoFilterManager::Export &&
filterManagerKoDocument() )
m_inputDocument = filterManagerKoDocument();
else if ( !m_inputDocument )
m_inputDocument = createDocument( inputFile() );
m_inputQueried = Document;
return m_inputDocument;
KoDocument* KoFilterChain::outputDocument()
// sanity check: No embedded filter should ask for a document
// ###### CHECK: This will break as soon as we support exporting embedding filters
if ( filterManagerParentChain() ) {
kdWarning( 30500 )<< "An embedded filter has to use storageFile()!" << endl;
return 0;
if ( m_outputQueried == Document )
return m_outputDocument;
else if ( m_outputQueried != Nil ) {
kdWarning( 30500 ) << "You already asked for some different destination." << endl;
return 0;
if ( ( m_state & End ) &&
static_cast<KoFilterManager::Direction>( filterManagerDirection() ) == KoFilterManager::Import &&
filterManagerKoDocument() )
m_outputDocument = filterManagerKoDocument();
m_outputDocument = createDocument( m_chainLinks.current()->to() );
m_outputQueried = Document;
return m_outputDocument;
void KoFilterChain::dump() const
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "########## KoFilterChain with " << m_chainLinks.count() << " members:" << endl;
TQPtrListIterator<ChainLink> it( m_chainLinks );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "########## KoFilterChain (done) ##########" << endl;
KoFilterChain::KoFilterChain( const KoFilterManager* manager ) :
m_manager( manager ), m_state( Beginning ), m_inputStorage( 0 ),
m_inputStorageDevice( 0 ), m_outputStorage( 0 ), m_outputStorageDevice( 0 ),
m_inputDocument( 0 ), m_outputDocument( 0 ), m_inputTempFile( 0 ),
m_outputTempFile( 0 ), m_inputQueried( Nil ), m_outputQueried( Nil ), d( 0 )
// We "own" our chain links, the filter entries are implicitly shared
m_chainLinks.setAutoDelete( true );
void KoFilterChain::appendChainLink( KoFilterEntry::Ptr filterEntry, const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to )
m_chainLinks.append( new ChainLink( this, filterEntry, from, to ) );
void KoFilterChain::prependChainLink( KoFilterEntry::Ptr filterEntry, const TQCString& from, const TQCString& to )
m_chainLinks.prepend( new ChainLink( this, filterEntry, from, to ) );
void KoFilterChain::enterDirectory( const TQString& directory )
// Only a little bit of checking as we (have to :} ) trust KoEmbeddingFilter
// If the output storage isn't initialized yet, we perform that step(s) on init.
if ( m_outputStorage )
m_outputStorage->enterDirectory( directory );
m_internalEmbeddingDirectories.append( directory );
void KoFilterChain::leaveDirectory()
if ( m_outputStorage )
if ( !m_internalEmbeddingDirectories.isEmpty() )
TQString KoFilterChain::filterManagerImportFile() const
return m_manager->importFile();
TQString KoFilterChain::filterManagerExportFile() const
return m_manager->exportFile();
KoDocument* KoFilterChain::filterManagerKoDocument() const
return m_manager->document();
int KoFilterChain::filterManagerDirection() const
return m_manager->direction();
KoFilterChain* const KoFilterChain::filterManagerParentChain() const
return m_manager->parentChain();
void KoFilterChain::manageIO()
m_inputQueried = Nil;
m_outputQueried = Nil;
delete m_inputStorageDevice;
m_inputStorageDevice = 0;
if ( m_inputStorage ) {
delete m_inputStorage;
m_inputStorage = 0;
if ( m_inputTempFile ) {
delete m_inputTempFile; // autodelete
m_inputTempFile = 0;
m_inputFile = TQString();
if ( !m_outputFile.isEmpty() ) {
m_inputFile = m_outputFile;
m_outputFile = TQString();
m_inputTempFile = m_outputTempFile;
m_outputTempFile = 0;
delete m_outputStorageDevice;
m_outputStorageDevice = 0;
if ( m_outputStorage ) {
// Don't delete the storage if we're just pointing to the
// storage of the parent filter chain
if ( !filterManagerParentChain() || m_outputStorage->mode() != KoStore::Write )
delete m_outputStorage;
m_outputStorage = 0;
if ( m_inputDocument != filterManagerKoDocument() )
delete m_inputDocument;
m_inputDocument = m_outputDocument;
m_outputDocument = 0;
void KoFilterChain::finalizeIO()
// In case we export (to a file, of course) and the last
// filter chose to output a KoDocument we have to save it.
// Should be very rare, but well...
// Note: m_*input*Document as we already called manageIO()
if ( m_inputDocument &&
static_cast<KoFilterManager::Direction>( filterManagerDirection() ) == KoFilterManager::Export ) {
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "Saving the output document to the export file" << endl;
m_inputDocument->saveNativeFormat( filterManagerExportFile() );
m_inputFile = filterManagerExportFile();
bool KoFilterChain::createTempFile( KTempFile** tempFile, bool autoDelete )
if ( *tempFile ) {
kdError( 30500 ) << "Ooops, why is there already a temp file???" << endl;
return false;
*tempFile = new KTempFile();
( *tempFile )->setAutoDelete( autoDelete );
return ( *tempFile )->status() == 0;
void KoFilterChain::inputFileHelper( KoDocument* document, const TQString& alternativeFile )
if ( document ) {
if ( !createTempFile( &m_inputTempFile ) ) {
delete m_inputTempFile;
m_inputTempFile = 0;
m_inputFile = TQString();
if ( !document->saveNativeFormat( m_inputTempFile->name() ) ) {
delete m_inputTempFile;
m_inputTempFile = 0;
m_inputFile = TQString();
m_inputFile = m_inputTempFile->name();
m_inputFile = alternativeFile;
void KoFilterChain::outputFileHelper( bool autoDelete )
if ( !createTempFile( &m_outputTempFile, autoDelete ) ) {
delete m_outputTempFile;
m_outputTempFile = 0;
m_outputFile = TQString();
m_outputFile = m_outputTempFile->name();
KoStoreDevice* KoFilterChain::storageNewStreamHelper( KoStore** storage, KoStoreDevice** device,
const TQString& name )
delete *device;
*device = 0;
if ( ( *storage )->isOpen() )
( *storage )->close();
if ( ( *storage )->bad() )
return storageCleanupHelper( storage );
if ( !( *storage )->open( name ) )
return 0;
*device = new KoStoreDevice( *storage );
return *device;
KoStoreDevice* KoFilterChain::storageHelper( const TQString& file, const TQString& streamName,
KoStore::Mode mode, KoStore** storage,
KoStoreDevice** device )
if ( file.isEmpty() )
return 0;
if ( *storage ) {
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "Uh-oh, we forgot to clean up..." << endl;
return 0;
storageInit( file, mode, storage );
if ( ( *storage )->bad() )
return storageCleanupHelper( storage );
// Seems that we got a valid storage, at least. Even if we can't open
// the stream the "user" asked us to open, we nontheless change the
// IOState from File to Storage, as it might be possible to open other streams
if ( mode == KoStore::Read )
m_inputQueried = Storage;
else // KoStore::Write
m_outputQueried = Storage;
return storageCreateFirstStream( streamName, storage, device );
void KoFilterChain::storageInit( const TQString& file, KoStore::Mode mode, KoStore** storage )
TQCString appIdentification( "" );
if ( mode == KoStore::Write ) {
// To create valid storages we also have to add the mimetype
// magic "applicationIndentifier" to the storage.
// As only filters with a KOffice destination should query
// for a storage to write to, we don't check the content of
// the mimetype here. It doesn't do a lot of harm if someome
// "abuses" this method.
appIdentification = m_chainLinks.current()->to();
*storage = KoStore::createStore( file, mode, appIdentification );
KoStoreDevice* KoFilterChain::storageInitEmbedding( const TQString& name )
if ( m_outputStorage ) {
kdWarning( 30500 ) << "Ooops! Something's really screwed here." << endl;
return 0;
m_outputStorage = filterManagerParentChain()->m_outputStorage;
if ( !m_outputStorage ) {
// If the storage of the parent hasn't been initialized yet,
// we have to do that here. Quite nasty...
storageInit( filterManagerParentChain()->outputFile(), KoStore::Write, &m_outputStorage );
// transfer the ownership
filterManagerParentChain()->m_outputStorage = m_outputStorage;
filterManagerParentChain()->m_outputQueried = Storage;
if ( m_outputStorage->isOpen() )
m_outputStorage->close(); // to be on the safe side, should never happen
if ( m_outputStorage->bad() )
return storageCleanupHelper( &m_outputStorage );
m_outputQueried = Storage;
// Now that we have a storage we have to change the directory
// and remember it for later!
const int lruPartIndex = filterManagerParentChain()->m_chainLinks.current()->lruPartIndex();
if ( lruPartIndex == -1 ) {
kdError( 30500 ) << "Huh! You want to use embedding features w/o inheriting KoEmbeddingFilter?" << endl;
return storageCleanupHelper( &m_outputStorage );
if ( !m_outputStorage->enterDirectory( TQString( "part%1" ).tqarg( lruPartIndex ) ) )
return storageCleanupHelper( &m_outputStorage );
return storageCreateFirstStream( name, &m_outputStorage, &m_outputStorageDevice );
KoStoreDevice* KoFilterChain::storageCreateFirstStream( const TQString& streamName, KoStore** storage,
KoStoreDevice** device )
// Before we go and create the first stream in this storage we
// have to perform a little hack in case we're used by any ole-style
// filter which utilizes internal embedding. Ugly, but well...
if ( !m_internalEmbeddingDirectories.isEmpty() ) {
TQStringList::ConstIterator it = m_internalEmbeddingDirectories.begin();
TQStringList::ConstIterator end = m_internalEmbeddingDirectories.end();
for ( ; it != end && ( *storage )->enterDirectory( *it ); ++it );
if ( !( *storage )->open( streamName ) )
return 0;
if ( *device ) {
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "Uh-oh, we forgot to clean up the storage device!" << endl;
( *storage )->close();
return storageCleanupHelper( storage );
*device = new KoStoreDevice( *storage );
return *device;
KoStoreDevice* KoFilterChain::storageCleanupHelper( KoStore** storage )
// Take care not to delete the storage of the parent chain
if ( *storage != m_outputStorage || !filterManagerParentChain() ||
( *storage )->mode() != KoStore::Write )
delete *storage;
*storage = 0;
return 0;
KoDocument* KoFilterChain::createDocument( const TQString& file )
KURL url;
url.setPath( file );
KMimeType::Ptr t = KMimeType::findByURL( url, 0, true );
if ( t->name() == KMimeType::defaultMimeType() ) {
kdError( 30500 ) << "No mimetype found for " << file << endl;
return 0;
KoDocument *doc = createDocument( TQCString( t->name().latin1() ) );
if ( !doc || !doc->loadNativeFormat( file ) ) {
kdError( 30500 ) << "Couldn't load from the file" << endl;
delete doc;
return 0;
return doc;
KoDocument* KoFilterChain::createDocument( const TQCString& mimeType )
KoDocumentEntry entry = KoDocumentEntry::queryByMimeType(mimeType);
if (entry.isEmpty())
kdError( 30500 ) << "Couldn't find a part that can handle mimetype " << mimeType << endl;
KoDocument* doc = entry.createDoc(); /*entries.first().createDoc();*/
if ( !doc ) {
kdError( 30500 ) << "Couldn't create the document" << endl;
return 0;
return doc;
namespace KOffice {
Edge::Edge( Vertex* vertex, KoFilterEntry::Ptr filterEntry ) :
m_vertex( vertex ), m_filterEntry( filterEntry ), d( 0 )
void Edge::relax( const Vertex* predecessor, PriorityQueue<Vertex>& queue )
if ( !m_vertex || !predecessor || !m_filterEntry )
if ( m_vertex->setKey( predecessor->key() + m_filterEntry->weight ) ) {
queue.keyDecreased( m_vertex ); // maintain the heap property
m_vertex->setPredecessor( predecessor );
void Edge::dump( const TQCString& indent ) const
if ( m_vertex )
kdDebug( 30500 ) << indent << "Edge -> '" << m_vertex->mimeType()
<< "' (" << m_filterEntry->weight << ")" << endl;
kdDebug( 30500 ) << indent << "Edge -> '(null)' ("
<< m_filterEntry->weight << ")" << endl;
Vertex::Vertex( const TQCString& mimeType ) : m_predecessor( 0 ), m_mimeType( mimeType ),
m_weight( UINT_MAX ), m_index( -1 ), d( 0 )
m_edges.setAutoDelete( true ); // we take ownership of added edges
bool Vertex::setKey( unsigned int key )
if ( m_weight > key ) {
m_weight = key;
return true;
return false;
void Vertex::reset()
m_weight = UINT_MAX;
m_predecessor = 0;
void Vertex::addEdge( const Edge* edge )
if ( !edge || edge->weight() == 0 )
m_edges.append( edge );
const Edge* Vertex::findEdge( const Vertex* vertex ) const
if ( !vertex )
return 0;
const Edge* edge = 0;
TQPtrListIterator<Edge> it( m_edges );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
if ( it.current()->vertex() == vertex &&
( !edge || it.current()->weight() < edge->weight() ) )
edge = it.current();
return edge;
void Vertex::relaxVertices( PriorityQueue<Vertex>& queue )
for ( Edge *e = m_edges.first(); e; e = )
e->relax( this, queue );
void Vertex::dump( const TQCString& indent ) const
kdDebug( 30500 ) << indent << "Vertex: " << m_mimeType << " (" << m_weight << "):" << endl;
const TQCString i( indent + " " );
TQPtrListIterator<Edge> it( m_edges );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
it.current()->dump( i );
Graph::Graph( const TQCString& from ) : m_vertices( 47 ), m_from( from ),
m_graphValid( false ), d( 0 )
m_vertices.setAutoDelete( true );
shortestPaths(); // Will return after a single lookup if "from" is invalid (->no check here)
void Graph::setSourceMimeType( const TQCString& from )
if ( from == m_from )
m_from = from;
m_graphValid = false;
// Initialize with "infinity" ...
TQAsciiDictIterator<Vertex> it( m_vertices );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
// ...and re-run the shortest path search for the new source mime
KoFilterChain::Ptr Graph::chain( const KoFilterManager* manager, TQCString& to ) const
if ( !isValid() || !manager )
return 0;
if ( to.isEmpty() ) { // if the destination is empty we search the closest KOffice part
to = findKOfficePart();
if ( to.isEmpty() ) // still empty? strange stuff...
return 0;
const Vertex* vertex = m_vertices[ to ];
if ( !vertex || vertex->key() == UINT_MAX )
return 0;
KoFilterChain::Ptr ret = new KoFilterChain( manager );
// Fill the filter chain with all filters on the path
const Vertex* tmp = vertex->predecessor();
while ( tmp ) {
const Edge* const edge = tmp->findEdge( vertex );
Q_ASSERT( edge );
ret->prependChainLink( edge->filterEntry(), tmp->mimeType(), vertex->mimeType() );
vertex = tmp;
tmp = tmp->predecessor();
return ret;
void Graph::dump() const
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "+++++++++ Graph::dump +++++++++" << endl;
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "From: " << m_from << endl;
TQAsciiDictIterator<Vertex> it( m_vertices );
for ( ; it.current(); ++it )
it.current()->dump( " " );
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "+++++++++ Graph::dump (done) +++++++++" << endl;
// Query the trader and create the vertices and edges representing
// available mime types and filters.
void Graph::buildGraph()
// Make sure that all available parts are added to the graph
TQValueList<KoDocumentEntry> parts( KoDocumentEntry::query() );
TQValueList<KoDocumentEntry>::ConstIterator partIt( parts.begin() );
TQValueList<KoDocumentEntry>::ConstIterator partEnd( parts.end() );
while ( partIt != partEnd ) {
TQStringList nativeMimeTypes = ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-ExtraNativeMimeTypes" ).toStringList();
nativeMimeTypes += ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-NativeMimeType" ).toString();
TQStringList::ConstIterator it = nativeMimeTypes.begin();
TQStringList::ConstIterator end = nativeMimeTypes.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it )
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() )
m_vertices.insert( (*it).latin1(), new Vertex( (*it).latin1() ) );
TQValueList<KoFilterEntry::Ptr> filters( KoFilterEntry::query() ); // no constraint here - we want *all* :)
TQValueList<KoFilterEntry::Ptr>::ConstIterator it = filters.begin();
TQValueList<KoFilterEntry::Ptr>::ConstIterator end = filters.end();
for ( ; it != end; ++it ) {
// First add the "starting points" to the dict
TQStringList::ConstIterator importIt = ( *it )->import.begin();
TQStringList::ConstIterator importEnd = ( *it )->import.end();
for ( ; importIt != importEnd; ++importIt ) {
const TQCString key = ( *importIt ).latin1(); // latin1 is okay here (werner)
// already there?
if ( !m_vertices[ key ] )
m_vertices.insert( key, new Vertex( key ) );
// Are we allowed to use this filter at all?
if ( KoFilterManager::filterAvailable( *it ) ) {
TQStringList::ConstIterator exportIt = ( *it )->export_.begin();
TQStringList::ConstIterator exportEnd = ( *it )->export_.end();
for ( ; exportIt != exportEnd; ++exportIt ) {
// First make sure the export vertex is in place
const TQCString key = ( *exportIt ).latin1(); // latin1 is okay here
Vertex* exp = m_vertices[ key ];
if ( !exp ) {
exp = new Vertex( key );
m_vertices.insert( key, exp );
// Then create the appropriate edges
importIt = ( *it )->import.begin();
for ( ; importIt != importEnd; ++importIt )
m_vertices[ ( *importIt ).latin1() ]->addEdge( new Edge( exp, *it ) );
kdDebug( 30500 ) << "Filter: " << ( *it )->service()->name() << " doesn't apply." << endl;
// As all edges (=filters) are required to have a positive weight
// we can use Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm from Cormen's
// "Introduction to Algorithms" (p. 527)
// Note: I did some adaptions as our data structures are slightly
// different from the ones used in the book. Further we simply stop
// the algorithm is we don't find any node with a weight != Infinity
// (==UINT_MAX), as this means that the remaining nodes in the queue
// aren't connected anyway.
void Graph::shortestPaths()
// Is the requested start mime type valid?
Vertex* from = m_vertices[ m_from ];
if ( !from )
// Inititalize start vertex
from->setKey( 0 );
// Fill the priority queue with all the vertices
PriorityQueue<Vertex> queue( m_vertices );
while ( !queue.isEmpty() ) {
Vertex *min = queue.extractMinimum();
// Did we already relax all connected vertices?
if ( min->key() == UINT_MAX )
min->relaxVertices( queue );
m_graphValid = true;
TQCString Graph::findKOfficePart() const
// Here we simply try to find the closest KOffice mimetype
TQValueList<KoDocumentEntry> parts( KoDocumentEntry::query() );
TQValueList<KoDocumentEntry>::ConstIterator partIt( parts.begin() );
TQValueList<KoDocumentEntry>::ConstIterator partEnd( parts.end() );
const Vertex *v = 0;
// Be sure that v gets initialized correctly
while ( !v && partIt != partEnd ) {
TQStringList nativeMimeTypes = ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-ExtraNativeMimeTypes" ).toStringList();
nativeMimeTypes += ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-NativeMimeType" ).toString();
TQStringList::ConstIterator it = nativeMimeTypes.begin();
TQStringList::ConstIterator end = nativeMimeTypes.end();
for ( ; !v && it != end; ++it )
if ( !(*it).isEmpty() )
v = m_vertices[ ( *it ).latin1() ];
if ( !v )
return "";
// Now we try to find the "cheapest" KOffice vertex
while ( partIt != partEnd ) {
TQStringList nativeMimeTypes = ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-ExtraNativeMimeTypes" ).toStringList();
nativeMimeTypes += ( *partIt ).service()->property( "X-KDE-NativeMimeType" ).toString();
TQStringList::ConstIterator it = nativeMimeTypes.begin();
TQStringList::ConstIterator end = nativeMimeTypes.end();
for ( ; !v && it != end; ++it ) {
TQString key = *it;
if ( !key.isEmpty() ) {
Vertex* tmp = m_vertices[ key.latin1() ];
if ( !v || ( tmp && tmp->key() < v->key() ) )
v = tmp;
// It seems it already is a KOffice part
if ( v->key() == 0 )
return "";
return v->mimeType();
} // namespace KOffice