You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1718 lines
55 KiB

This file is part of the KDE project
Copuright (C) 2001 Michael Johnson <>
Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 Nicolas GOUTTE <>
Copyright (C) 2002 Ariya Hidayat <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqfontinfo.h>
#include <tqfontdatabase.h>
#include <tqpicture.h>
#include <tqimage.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <KWEFUtil.h>
#include <KWEFBaseWorker.h>
#include "ExportFilter.h"
// 1 twip = 1/20 pt = 1/1400 inch
// 1 inch = 25.4 mm
// some conversion macros
#define TWIP_TO_MM(x) (x)*25.4/1440.0
#define MM_TO_TWIP(x) (x)*1440.0/25.4
#define PT_TO_TWIP(x) (x)*20
#define TWIP_TO_PT(x) (x)/20
// map KWord field name to RTF field name
// e.g authorName -> AUTHOR
static TQString mapFieldName( const TQString& kwordField )
TQString rtfField;
if( kwordField == "fileName" ) rtfField = "FILENAME";
else if( kwordField == "authorName" ) rtfField = "AUTHOR";
else if( kwordField == "docTitle" ) rtfField = "TITLE";
return rtfField;
m_ioDevice(NULL), m_streamOut(NULL), m_eol("\r\n"), m_inTable(false),
m_paperOrientation(false), m_paperWidth(20), m_paperHeight(20),
m_paperMarginTop(72), m_paperMarginLeft(72),
m_paperMarginBottom(72), m_paperMarginRight(72), m_startPageNumber(1)
static TQString WritePositiveKeyword(const TQString& keyword, const int value)
TQString str;
str += keyword;
if (value>0) // The value of the keyword cannot be negative
str += TQString::number( value );
str += '0';
return str;
TQString RTFWorker::writeRow(const TQString& textCellHeader, const TQString& rowText, const FrameData& frame)
TQString row;
row += "\\trowd\\trgaph60\\trql"; // start new row
row += WritePositiveKeyword("\\trrh", tqRound(PT_TO_TWIP(frame.minHeight)));
row += WritePositiveKeyword("\\trleft", tqRound(PT_TO_TWIP(frame.left) - m_paperMarginLeft));
//row += "\\trautofit0"; // ### VERIFY
row += textCellHeader;
row += " "; // End of keyword
row += rowText;
return row;
TQString RTFWorker::writeBorder(const char whichBorder, const int borderWidth, const TQColor& color)
TQString str;
if (borderWidth > 0)
str += "\\clbrdr"; // Define border
str += whichBorder; // t=top, l=left, b=bottom, r=right
str += "\\brdrs\\brdrw"; // Single border; thickness
str += TQString::number(borderWidth);
if (color.isValid())
str += lookupColor("\\brdrcf",color);
return str;
TQString RTFWorker::makeTable(const FrameAnchor& anchor)
TQString textBody; // Text to be returned
textBody += m_prefix;
m_prefix = TQString();
TQString rowText;
int rowCurrent = 0;
bool firstCellInRow = true;
FrameData firstFrameData;
int debugCellCurrent = 0; //DEBUG
int debugRowCurrent = 0; //DEBUG
TQString textCellHeader; // <celldef>
const bool oldInTable = m_inTable;
m_inTable = true;
TQValueList<TableCell>::ConstIterator itCell;
for (itCell=anchor.table.cellList.begin();
itCell!=anchor.table.cellList.end(); itCell++)
// ### TODO: rowspan, colspan
if (rowCurrent!=(*itCell).row)
rowCurrent = (*itCell).row;
textBody += writeRow( textCellHeader, rowText, firstFrameData);
textBody += "\\row";
textBody += m_eol;
rowText = TQString();
textCellHeader = TQString();
debugRowCurrent ++; // DEBUG
debugCellCurrent = 0; //DEBUG
const FrameData& frame = (*itCell).frame;
if (firstCellInRow) // Not yet set, so set the position of the left border.
kdDebug(30515) << "Cell: " << debugRowCurrent << "," << debugCellCurrent
<< " left: " << frame.left << " right: " << frame.right << " top: " << << " bottom " << frame.bottom << endl;
textCellHeader += writeBorder('t',tqRound(PT_TO_TWIP(frame.tWidth)),frame.tColor);
textCellHeader += writeBorder('l',tqRound(PT_TO_TWIP(frame.lWidth)),frame.lColor);
textCellHeader += writeBorder('b',tqRound(PT_TO_TWIP(frame.bWidth)),frame.bColor);
textCellHeader += writeBorder('r',tqRound(PT_TO_TWIP(frame.rWidth)),frame.rColor);
textCellHeader += WritePositiveKeyword("\\cellx",tqRound(PT_TO_TWIP(frame.right) - m_paperMarginRight)); //right border of cell
TQString endOfParagraph;
TQValueList<ParaData> *paraList = (*itCell).paraList;
TQValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator it;
TQValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator end(paraList->end());
for (it=paraList->begin();it!=end;++it)
rowText += endOfParagraph;
rowText += ProcessParagraphData( (*it).text,(*it).layout,(*it).formattingList);
rowText += m_eol;
endOfParagraph = "\\par"; // The problem is that the last paragraph ends with \cell not with \par
rowText += "\\cell";
debugCellCurrent ++; // DEBUG
textBody += writeRow( textCellHeader, rowText, firstFrameData);
textBody += "\\row\\pard"; // delimit last row
textBody += m_eol;
m_inTable = oldInTable;
return textBody;
TQString RTFWorker::makeImage(const FrameAnchor& anchor)
TQString textBody; // Text to be returned
TQString strImageName(anchor.picture.koStoreName);
TQString strExt;
TQByteArray image;
kdDebug(30515) << "RTFWorker::makeImage" << endl << anchor.picture.koStoreName << endl;
const int pos=strImageName.findRev('.');
if(pos!=-1) strExt = strImageName.mid(pos+1).lower();
TQString strTag;
if (strExt=="png")
#if 0
else if (strExt=="bmp")
else if ( (strExt=="jpeg") || (strExt=="jpg") )
else if (strExt=="wmf")
strTag="\\wmetafile8"; // 8 == anisotropic
// either without extension or format is unknown
// let's try to convert it to PNG format
kdDebug(30515) << "Converting image " << anchor.picture.koStoreName << endl;
if( !loadAndConvertToImage(anchor.picture.koStoreName,strExt,"PNG",image) )
kdWarning(30515) << "Unable to convert " << anchor.picture.koStoreName << endl;
return TQString();
// ### TODO: SVG, TQPicture
// load the image, this isn't necessary for converted image
if( !image.size() )
if (!loadSubFile(anchor.picture.koStoreName,image))
kdWarning(30515) << "Unable to load picture " << anchor.picture.koStoreName << endl;
return TQString();
// find displayed width and height (in twips)
const long width = (long)(PT_TO_TWIP(anchor.frame.right - anchor.frame.left));
const long height = (long)(PT_TO_TWIP(anchor.frame.bottom -;
// find original image width and height (in twips)
long origWidth = width;
long origHeight = height;
if( strExt == "wmf" )
// special treatment for WMF with metaheader
// d7cdc69a is metaheader magic id
TQ_UINT8* data = (TQ_UINT8*);
if( ( data[0] == 0xd7 ) && ( data[1] == 0xcd ) &&
( data[2] == 0xc6 ) && ( data[3] == 0x9a ) &&
( image.size() > 22 ) )
// grab bounding box, find original size
unsigned left = data[6]+(data[7]<<8);
unsigned top = data[8]+(data[9]<<8);
unsigned right = data[10]+(data[11]<<8);
unsigned bottom = data[12]+(data[13]<<8);
origWidth = (long) (MM_TO_TWIP(right-left)/100);
origHeight = (long) (MM_TO_TWIP(bottom-top)/100);
// throw away WMF metaheader (22 bytes)
for( uint i=0; i<image.size()-22; i++) =; // As we use uint, we need at() ( [] uses int only .)
image.resize( image.size()-22 );
// It must be an image
TQImage img( image );
if( img.isNull() )
kdWarning(30515) << "Unable to load picture as image " << anchor.picture.koStoreName << endl;
return TQString();
// check resolution, assume 2835 dpm (72 dpi) if not available
int resx = img.dotsPerMeterX();
int resy = img.dotsPerMeterY();
if( resx <= 0 ) resx = 2835;
if( resy <= 0 ) resy = 2835;
origWidth = long(img.width() * 2834.65 * 20 / resx);
origHeight = long(img.height() * 2834.65 * 20 / resy);
// Now that we are sure to have a valid image, we can write the RTF tags
textBody += "{\\pict";
textBody += strTag;
// calculate scaling factor (in percentage)
int scaleX = width * 100 / origWidth;
int scaleY = height * 100 / origHeight;
// size in 1/100 mm
int picw = (int)(100 * TWIP_TO_MM(origWidth));
int pich = (int)(100 * TWIP_TO_MM(origHeight));
textBody += "\\picscalex";
textBody += TQString::number(scaleX, 10);
textBody += "\\picscaley";
textBody += TQString::number(scaleY, 10);
textBody += "\\picw";
textBody += TQString::number(picw,10);
textBody += "\\pich";
textBody += TQString::number(pich,10);
textBody += "\\picwgoal";
textBody += TQString::number(origWidth, 10);
textBody += "\\pichgoal";
textBody += TQString::number(origHeight, 10);
textBody+=" ";
const char hex[] = "0123456789abcdef";
for (uint i=0; i<image.size(); i++)
if (!(i%40))
textBody += m_eol;
const char;
textBody += hex[(ch>>4)&0x0f]; // Done this way to avoid signed/unsigned problems
textBody += hex[(ch&0x0f)];
return textBody;
TQString RTFWorker::formatTextParagraph(const TQString& strText,
const FormatData& formatOrigin, const FormatData& format)
TQString str;
if (!format.text.missing)
// Opening elements
TQString strEscaped = escapeRtfText(strText);
// Replace line feeds by forced line breaks
int pos;
TQString strBr("\\line ");
while ((pos=strEscaped.find(TQChar(10)))>-1)
if (!format.text.missing)
// Closing elements
return str;
TQString RTFWorker::ProcessParagraphData ( const TQString &paraText,
const LayoutData& layout, const ValueListFormatData &paraFormatDataList)
TQString str;
TQString content;
TQString markup;
// open paragraph
markup += "\\pard";
markup += "\\plain";
if (m_inTable)
markup += "\\intbl";
if (
markup += "{\\pntext\\pard\\plain";
if( layout.formatData.text.fontSize >= 0)
markup += "\\fs";
markup += TQString::number((2 * layout.formatData.text.fontSize));
markup += lookupFont("\\f",layout.formatData.text.fontName);
markup += " ";
markup += layout.counter.text;
markup += "\\tab}{\\*\\pn";
if ( > 5)
markup += "\\pnlvlblt ";
markup += "{\\pntxtb ";
if (!layout.counter.lefttext.isEmpty() && layout.counter.lefttext != "{" && layout.counter.lefttext != "}")
markup += layout.counter.lefttext;
switch (
case 6:
//custom bullets (one char)
//TODO: use correct character/sign for bullet
markup += layout.counter.customCharacter;
case 7:
//custom bullets (complex)
markup += layout.counter.text;
case 8:
//circle bullets
//TODO: use correct character/sign for bullet
markup += "\\bullet";
case 9:
//square bullets
//TODO: use correct character/sign for bullet
markup += "\\bullet";
case 10:
//disc bullets
//TODO: make work in OO
markup += "\\bullet";
case 11:
//disc bullets
//TODO: use correct character/sign for bullet
markup += layout.counter.text;
markup += "\\bullet";
markup += "}";
if (layout.counter.numbering!=0)
markup += "\\pnlvl";
markup += TQString::number(layout.counter.depth + 1);
markup += "\\pnprev1";
else if (
markup += "\\pnlvlbody";
markup += "\\pnlvl";
markup += TQString::number(11 -;
switch (
case 1:
markup += "\\pndec";
case 2:
markup += "\\pnlcltr";
case 3:
markup += "\\pnucltr";
case 4:
markup += "\\pnlcrm";
case 5:
markup += "\\pnucrm";
markup += "\\pndec";
markup += "{\\pntxtb ";
markup += layout.counter.lefttext;
markup += " }";
markup += "{\\pntxta ";
markup += layout.counter.righttext;
markup += " }";
// ### FIXME: that is too late! And why at every list paragraph? (See bug #88241)
if (layout.counter.start!=0)
markup += "\\pnstart";
markup += TQString::number(layout.counter.start);
markup += "\\pnstart1";
markup += "\\pnindent0\\pnhang";
if( layout.formatData.text.fontSize > 0 )
markup += "\\pnfs";
markup += TQString::number((2 * layout.formatData.text.fontSize));
if( !layout.formatData.text.fontName.isEmpty() )
markup += lookupFont("\\pnf", layout.formatData.text.fontName);
markup += "}";
LayoutData styleLayout;
markup += lookupStyle(layout.styleName, styleLayout);
markup += layoutToRtf(styleLayout,layout,true);
if ( 1==layout.formatData.text.verticalAlignment )
markup += "\\sub"; //Subscript
else if ( 2==layout.formatData.text.verticalAlignment )
markup += "\\super"; //Superscript
if (layout.pageBreakBefore)
content += "\\page ";
if (!paraText.isEmpty())
ValueListFormatData::ConstIterator paraFormatDataIt;
TQString partialText;
FormatData formatRef = layout.formatData;
for ( paraFormatDataIt = paraFormatDataList.begin ();
paraFormatDataIt != paraFormatDataList.end ();
paraFormatDataIt++ )
if (1==(*paraFormatDataIt).id)
//Retrieve text
partialText=paraText.mid ( (*paraFormatDataIt).pos, (*paraFormatDataIt).len );
content +=formatTextParagraph(partialText, formatRef, *paraFormatDataIt);
else if (4==(*paraFormatDataIt).id)
// ### TODO: put date/time fields into own method.
if ( (0==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type) // date
|| (2==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type) ) // time
// ### TODO: fixed/variable date
content += "{\\field{\\*\\fldinst ";
if (0==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type)
content += "DATE ";
content += "TIME ";
TQString key((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_key.mid(4));
kdDebug(30515) << "Time format: " << key << endl;
if (key.startsWith("locale"))
if (key == "locale" )
if (0==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type)
key = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormat();
key = KGlobal::locale()->timeFormat();
else if ( key == "localeshort" )
key = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormatShort();
else if ( key == "localedatetime" )
key = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormat();
key += ' ';
key += KGlobal::locale()->timeFormat();
else if ( key == "localedatetimeshort" )
key = KGlobal::locale()->dateFormat();
key += ' ';
key += KGlobal::locale()->timeFormat();
kdDebug(30515) << "Locale date in KLocale format: " << key << endl;
// KLocale's key differ from KWord
// Date
key.replace( "%Y", "yyyy" ); // Year 4 digits
key.replace( "%y", "yy" ); // Year 2 digits
key.replace( "%n", "M" ); // Month 1 digit
key.replace( "%m", "MM" ); // Month 2 digits
key.replace( "%e", "d" ); // Day 1 digit
key.replace( "%d", "dd" ); // Day 2 digits
key.replace( "%b", "MMM" ); // Month 3 letters
key.replace( "%B", "MMMM" ); // Month all letters
key.replace( "%a", "ddd" ); // Day 3 letters
key.replace( "%A", "dddd" ); // Day all letters
// 12h
key.replace( "%p", "am/pm" ); // AM/PM (KLocale knows it only lower case)
key.replace( "%I", "hh" ); // 12 hour 2 digits
key.replace( "%l", "h" ); // 12 hour 1 digits
// 24h
key.replace( "%H", "HH" ); // 24 hour 2 digits
key.replace( "%k", "H" ); // 24 hour 1 digit
// Other times
key.replace( "%M", "mm" ); // minute 2 digits (KLocale knows it with 2 digits)
key.replace( "%S", "ss" ); // second 2 digits (KLocale knows it with 2 digits)
kdDebug(30515) << "Locale date in RTF format: " << key << endl;
else if (!key.isEmpty())
const TQRegExp regexp("AP",false); // Not case-sensitive
if (!=-1)
// 12h
key.replace('h','H'); // MS Word uses H for 24hour times
// MS Word do not know possesive months
key.replace("zzz","000"); // replace microseconds by 000
kdDebug(30515) << "New format: " << key << endl;
content += "\\@ \"";
content += key;
content += "\" ";
content += "\\* MERGEFORMAT }{\\fldrslt ";
content += escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_text);
content += "}}";
else if (4==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type)
TQString strFieldType;
if ((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.isPageNumber())
content += "{\\field{\\*\\fldinst PAGE \\* MERGEFORMAT }{\\fldrslt ";
content += escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_text);
content += "}}";
else if ((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.isPageCount())
content += "{\\field{\\*\\fldinst NUMPAGES \\* MERGEFORMAT }{\\fldrslt ";
content += escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_text);
content += "}}";
// Unknown subtype, therefore write out the result
content += escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_text);
else if (8==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type)
// Field
TQString name = escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getFieldName());
TQString value = escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getFieldValue());
TQString rtfField = mapFieldName(name);
if( rtfField.isEmpty() )
// Couldn't map field name, just write out the value
content += escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_text);
content += "{\\field";
content += "{\\*\\fldinst ";
content += rtfField;
content += " \\* MERGEFORMAT }";
content += "{\\fldrslt {";
content += value;
content += "}}}";
else if (9==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type)
// A link
content += "{\\field";
content += "{\\*\\fldinst HYPERLINK ";
content += escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getHrefName());
content += "}";
content += "{\\fldrslt ";
content += "{\\ul"; // underline, ### TODO: use style Hyperlink
content += lookupColor("\\cf",TQColor(0,0,255));// blue
content += escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getLinkName());
content += "}}}";
else if (11==(*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_type)
// Footnote
TQString value = (*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getFootnoteValue();
bool automatic = (*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getFootnoteAuto();
TQValueList<ParaData> *paraList = (*paraFormatDataIt).variable.getFootnotePara();
if( paraList )
TQString fstr;
TQValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator it;
TQValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator end(paraList->end());
const TQString prefixSaved = m_prefix;
m_prefix = TQString();
for (it=paraList->begin();it!=end;++it)
fstr += ProcessParagraphData( (*it).text, (*it).layout,(*it).formattingList);
m_prefix = prefixSaved;
content += "{\\super ";
content += automatic ? "\\chftn " : value;
content += "{\\footnote ";
content += "{\\super ";
content += automatic ? "\\chftn " : value;
content += fstr;
content += "}}}";
// Generic variable
content += escapeRtfText((*paraFormatDataIt).variable.m_text);
else if (6==(*paraFormatDataIt).id)
kdDebug(30515) << "Found an anchor of type: " << (*paraFormatDataIt).frameAnchor.type << endl;
// We have an image, a clipart or a table
if (6==(*paraFormatDataIt).frameAnchor.type)
if (!content.isEmpty())
str += m_prefix;
str += markup;
str += " {";
str += content;
str += "}";
str += m_eol;
content = TQString();
if (!m_inTable)
m_prefix = "\\par";
str += makeTable((*paraFormatDataIt).frameAnchor);
else if ((2==(*paraFormatDataIt).frameAnchor.type) || (5==(*paraFormatDataIt).frameAnchor.type))
content += makeImage((*paraFormatDataIt).frameAnchor);
if (layout.pageBreakAfter)
content += "\\page";
if (!content.isEmpty())
str += m_prefix;
str += markup;
str += " {";
str += content;
str += "}";
str += m_eol;
if (m_inTable==false)
m_prefix = "\\par";
if (str.isEmpty())
str ="\\par\\pard\\plain";
if (m_inTable==false)
m_prefix = "\\par";
return str;
bool RTFWorker::doFullParagraph(const TQString& paraText,
const LayoutData& layout, const ValueListFormatData& paraFormatDataList)
kdDebug(30515) << "Entering RTFWorker::doFullParagraph" << endl << paraText << endl;
TQString par = ProcessParagraphData( paraText, layout, paraFormatDataList);
m_textBody += par;
kdDebug(30515) << "Quiting RTFWorker::doFullParagraph" << endl;
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doHeader(const HeaderData& header)
TQString str;
TQString content;
if( == HeaderData::PAGE_ODD )
str = "\\facingp{\\headerr";
else if( == HeaderData::PAGE_EVEN )
str = "\\facingp{\\headerl";
else if( == HeaderData::PAGE_FIRST )
str = "\\facingp{\\headerl";
else if( == HeaderData::PAGE_ALL )
str = "{\\header";
return false;
str += " {";
TQValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator it;
TQValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator end(header.para.end());
for (it=header.para.begin();it!=end;++it)
content += ProcessParagraphData( (*it).text,(*it).layout,(*it).formattingList);
if (content!="\\par\\pard\\plain")
str += content;
str += "}";
str += "}";
m_textBody += str;
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doFooter(const FooterData& footer)
TQString str;
TQString content;
if( == FooterData::PAGE_ODD )
str = "\\facingp{\\footerr";
else if( == FooterData::PAGE_EVEN )
str = "\\facingp{\\footerl";
else if( == FooterData::PAGE_FIRST )
str = "\\facingp{\\headerl";
else if( == FooterData::PAGE_ALL )
str = "{\\footer";
return false;
str += " {";
TQValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator it;
TQValueList<ParaData>::ConstIterator end(footer.para.end());
for (it=footer.para.begin();it!=end;++it)
content += ProcessParagraphData( (*it).text,(*it).layout,(*it).formattingList);
if (content!="\\par\\pard\\plain")
str += content;
str += "}";
str += "}";
m_textBody += str;
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doOpenFile(const TQString& filenameOut, const TQString& /*to*/)
m_ioDevice=TQT_TQIODEVICE(new TQFile(filenameOut));
if (!m_ioDevice)
kdError(30515) << "No output file! Aborting!" << endl;
return false;
if ( !m_ioDevice->open (IO_WriteOnly) )
kdError(30515) << "Unable to open output file!" << endl;
return false;
m_streamOut=new TQTextStream(m_ioDevice);
// ### TODO: should "CP 1252" be used directly? (But RTFWorker::escapeRtfText is beased on ISO-8859-1 only.)
m_streamOut->setEncoding(TQTextStream::Latin1); // We are declaring the RTF document as CP 1252, so use ISO-8859-1
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doCloseFile(void)
kdDebug(30515) << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << endl;
delete m_streamOut;
if (m_ioDevice)
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doOpenDocument(void)
// Make the file header
// Note: we use \\ansicpg1252 because 1200 is not supposed to be supported
// Note2: we assume using \\ansicpg1252 in RTFWorker::escapeRtfText and in RTFWorker::doOpenFile
*m_streamOut << "{\\rtf1\\ansi\\ansicpg1252\\uc1\\deff0" << m_eol;
// Default color table
<< TQColor(0,0,0) << TQColor(0,0,255) << TQColor(0,255,255)
<< TQColor(0,255,0) << TQColor(255,0,255) << TQColor(255,0,0)
<< TQColor(255,255,0) << TQColor(255,255,255) << TQColor(0,0,128)
<< TQColor(0,128,128) << TQColor(0,128,0) << TQColor(128,0,128)
<< TQColor(128,0,0) << TQColor(128,128,0) << TQColor(128,128,128);
return true;
void RTFWorker::writeFontData(void)
kdDebug(30515) << "Fonts:" << m_fontList << endl;
*m_streamOut << "{\\fonttbl";
uint count;
TQFontDatabase fontDatabase;
TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
for (count=0, it=m_fontList.begin();
count++, it++)
const TQString strLower( (*it).lower() );
*m_streamOut << "{\\f" << count;
if ( (strLower.find("symbol")>-1) || (strLower.find("dingbat")>-1) )
*m_streamOut << "\\ftech";
else if ( (strLower.find("script")>-1) )
*m_streamOut << "\\fscript";
#if 1
// We do not know the font type that we have
*m_streamOut << "\\fnil";
// TQFontInfo:styleHint() does not guess anything, it just returns what is in the TQFont. Nothing put in, nothing gets out.
TQFontInfo info(*it);
switch (info.styleHint())
case TQFont::SansSerif:
*m_streamOut << "\\fswiss";
case TQFont::Serif:
*m_streamOut << "\\froman";
case TQFont::Courier:
*m_streamOut << "\\fmodern";
case TQFont::OldEnglish:
*m_streamOut << "\\fdecor";
// ### TODO: \fcharset would be mandatory but TQt3 does not give us the font charset. :-(
*m_streamOut << "\\fprq" << ( fontDatabase.isFixedPitch( *it ) ? 1 : 2 ) << " "; // font definition
*m_streamOut << escapeRtfText( *it );
*m_streamOut << ";}" << m_eol; // end font table entry
*m_streamOut << "}"; // end of font table
void RTFWorker::writeColorData(void)
*m_streamOut << "{\\colortbl;";
uint count;
TQValueList<TQColor>::ConstIterator it;
for (count=0, it=m_colorList.begin();
count++, it++)
*m_streamOut << "\\red" << (*it).red();
*m_streamOut << "\\green" << (*it).green();
*m_streamOut << "\\blue" << (*it).blue();
*m_streamOut << ";"; // end of entry
*m_streamOut << "}"; // end of color table
void RTFWorker::writeStyleData(void)
*m_streamOut << "{\\stylesheet" << m_eol;
uint count;
TQValueList<LayoutData>::ConstIterator it;
for (count=0, it=m_styleList.begin();
count++, it++)
*m_streamOut << "{";
if (count>0) // \s0 is not written out
*m_streamOut << "\\s" << count;
*m_streamOut << layoutToRtf((*it),(*it),true);
// \snext must be the last keyword before the style name
// Find the number of the following style
uint counter=0; // counts position in style table starting at 0
TQValueList < LayoutData > ::ConstIterator it2;
for( it2 = m_styleList.begin(); it2 != m_styleList.end(); counter++, ++it2 )
if ( (*it2).styleName == (*it).styleFollowing )
*m_streamOut << "\\snext" << counter;
*m_streamOut << " " << (*it).styleName << ";";
*m_streamOut << "}";
*m_streamOut << m_eol;
*m_streamOut << "}";
bool RTFWorker::doCloseDocument(void)
if (!m_textDocInfo.isEmpty())
*m_streamOut << "{\\info "; // string of document information markup
*m_streamOut << m_textDocInfo; // add document author, title, operator
*m_streamOut << "}";
*m_streamOut << "\\paperw" << int(m_paperWidth);
*m_streamOut << "\\paperh" << int(m_paperHeight);
if (1==m_paperOrientation)
*m_streamOut << "\\landscape";
*m_streamOut << "\\margl" << int(m_paperMarginLeft);
*m_streamOut << "\\margr" << int(m_paperMarginRight);
*m_streamOut << "\\margt" << int(m_paperMarginTop);
*m_streamOut << "\\margb" << int(m_paperMarginBottom);
*m_streamOut << m_textPage; // add page size, margins, etc.
*m_streamOut << "\\widowctrl\\ftnbj\\aenddoc\\formshade \\fet0\\sectd\n";
if (m_startPageNumber >= 1)
*m_streamOut << "\\pgnstart" << m_startPageNumber << endl;
//*m_streamOut << "\\linex0\\endnhere\\plain";
*m_streamOut << "\\pard\\plain";
*m_streamOut << m_textBody;
*m_streamOut << "}" << m_eol;
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doFullDocumentInfo(const KWEFDocumentInfo& docInfo)
if ( !docInfo.title.isEmpty() )
m_textDocInfo += "{\\title ";
m_textDocInfo += escapeRtfText( docInfo.title );
m_textDocInfo += "}";
if ( !docInfo.fullName.isEmpty() )
m_textDocInfo += "{\\author ";
m_textDocInfo += escapeRtfText( docInfo.fullName );
m_textDocInfo += "}";
if ( !docInfo.keywords.isEmpty() )
m_textDocInfo += "{\\keywords ";
m_textDocInfo += escapeRtfText( docInfo.keywords );
m_textDocInfo += "}";
if ( !docInfo.subject.isEmpty() )
m_textDocInfo += "{\\subject ";
m_textDocInfo += escapeRtfText( docInfo.subject );
m_textDocInfo += "}";
if ( ! )
m_textDocInfo += "{\\company ";
m_textDocInfo += escapeRtfText( );
m_textDocInfo += "}";
// Now add who we are in a \comment
TQString revision("$Revision: 549975 $");
m_textDocInfo += "{\\comment ";
m_textDocInfo += "Generated by KWord's RTF Export Filter";
m_textDocInfo += revision.mid(10).remove('$'); // has a leading and a trailing space.
m_textDocInfo += "}";
if ( !docInfo.abstract.isEmpty() )
m_textDocInfo += "{\\doccomm ";
m_textDocInfo += escapeRtfText( docInfo.abstract );
m_textDocInfo += "}";
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doOpenTextFrameSet(void)
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doCloseTextFrameSet(void)
return true;
TQString RTFWorker::openSpan(const FormatData& formatOrigin, const FormatData& format)
TQString result;
result += "{";
result += textFormatToRtf(formatOrigin.text,format.text,false);
if ( 1==format.text.verticalAlignment )
result += "\\sub"; //Subscript
else if ( 2==format.text.verticalAlignment )
result += "\\super"; //Superscript
result += " ";
return result;
TQString RTFWorker::closeSpan(const FormatData& , const FormatData& )
TQString result;
result += "}";
return result;
// The following function encodes the kword unicode characters into
// RTF seven bit ASCII. This affects any 8 bit characters.
// They are encoded either with \' or with \u
TQString RTFWorker::escapeRtfText ( const TQString& text ) const
// initialize strings
TQString escapedText;
const uint length = text.length();
for ( uint i = 0; i < length; i++ )
TQChar TQCh ( i ) ); // get out one unicode char from the string
const ushort ch = TQCh.unicode(); // take unicode value of the char
if ( TQCh == '\\' ) escapedText += "\\\\"; // back-slash
else if ( TQCh == '{' ) escapedText += "\\{";
else if ( TQCh == '}' ) escapedText += "\\}";
else if ( ch >= 32 && ch <= 127) // ASCII character
escapedText += TQCh;
else if ( ch == 0x0009 ) escapedText += "\\tab "; // tabulator
else if ( ch == 0x00a0 ) escapedText += "\\~"; // Non-breaking space
else if ( ch == 0x00ad ) escapedText += "\\-"; // Soft hyphen
else if ( ch == 0x00b7 ) escapedText += "\\|";
else if ( ch == 0x2011 ) escapedText += "\\_"; // Non-breaking hyphen
else if ( ch == 0x2002 ) escapedText += "\\enspace ";
else if ( ch == 0x2003 ) escapedText += "\\emspace ";
else if ( ch == 0x2004 ) escapedText += "\\qmspace ";
else if ( ch == 0x200c ) escapedText += "\\zwnj ";
else if ( ch == 0x200d ) escapedText += "\\zwj ";
else if ( ch == 0x200e ) escapedText += "\\ltrmark ";
else if ( ch == 0x200f ) escapedText += "\\rtlmark ";
else if ( ch == 0x2013 ) escapedText += "\\endash ";
else if ( ch == 0x2014 ) escapedText += "\\emdash ";
else if ( ch == 0x2018 ) escapedText += "\\lquote ";
else if ( ch == 0x2019 ) escapedText += "\\rquote ";
else if ( ch == 0x201c ) escapedText += "\\ldblquote ";
else if ( ch == 0x201d ) escapedText += "\\rdblquote ";
else if ( ch == 0x2022 ) escapedText += "\\bullet ";
else if ( ch >= 160 && ch < 256) // check for characters common between ISO-8859-1 and CP1252
{ // NOTE: 128 to 159 in CP1252 are somewhere else in UTF-8 and do not exist in ISO-8859-1 (### TODO?)
escapedText += "\\\'"; // escape upper page character to 7 bit
escapedText += TQString::number ( ch, 16 );
else if ( ch >= 256) // check for a higher code non-ASCII character
// encode this as decimal unicode with a replacement character.
escapedText += "\\u";
escapedText += TQString::number ( ch, 10 );
// We decompose the character. If it works, the first character is whitout any accent.
// (Of course this only works with Latin letters.)
// WARNING: TQChar::decomposition is not re-entrant in TQt 3.x
TQChar replacement ( TQCh.decomposition().at(0) );
kdDebug(30515) << "Proposed replacement character: " << TQString(replacement) << endl;
if (replacement.isNull() || (int)replacement<=' ' || (int)replacement>=char(127)
|| replacement=='{' || replacement=='}' || replacement=='\\')
replacement='?'; // Not a normal ASCII character, so default to show a ? sign
escapedText += replacement; // The \uc1 dummy character.
escapedText += TQCh ;
return escapedText;
bool RTFWorker::doFullPaperFormat(const int /*format*/,
const double width, const double height, const int orientation)
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doFullPaperBorders (const double top, const double left,
const double bottom, const double right)
return true;
bool RTFWorker::doFullDefineStyle(LayoutData& layout)
//Register the new style in the style list
m_styleList << layout;
// Now we must register a few things (with help of the lookup methods.)
lookupFont("\\f", layout.formatData.text.fontName);
lookupColor(TQString(), layout.formatData.text.fgColor);
lookupColor(TQString(), layout.formatData.text.bgColor);
return true;
static TQString writeDate(const TQString keyword, const TQDateTime& now)
TQString str;
if (now.isValid())
kdDebug(30515) << "Date " << keyword << " " << now.toString() << endl;
str += '{';
str += keyword;
const TQDate nowDate(;
str += "\\yr";
str += TQString::number(nowDate.year());
str += "\\mo";
str += TQString::number(nowDate.month());
str += "\\dy";
str += TQString::number(;
const TQTime nowTime(now.time());
str += "\\hr";
str += TQString::number(nowTime.hour());
str += "\\min";
str += TQString::number(nowTime.minute());
str += "\\sec";
str += TQString::number(nowTime.second());
str += '}';
kdWarning(30515) << "Date " << keyword << " is not valid! Skipping!" << endl;
return str;
bool RTFWorker::doVariableSettings(const VariableSettingsData& vs)
m_textDocInfo += writeDate("\\creatim",vs.creationTime);
m_textDocInfo += writeDate("\\revtim", vs.modificationTime);
m_textDocInfo += writeDate("\\printim",vs.printTime);
m_startPageNumber = vs.startingPageNumber;
return true;
TQString RTFWorker::textFormatToRtf(const TextFormatting& formatOrigin,
const TextFormatting& formatData, const bool force)
// TODO: rename variable formatData
TQString strElement; // TODO: rename this variable
// Font name
const TQString fontName(formatData.fontName);
if (!fontName.isEmpty()
&& (force || (formatOrigin.fontName!=formatData.fontName)))
strElement+=lookupFont("\\f", fontName);
if (force || (formatOrigin.fontSize!=formatData.fontSize))
const int size=formatData.fontSize;
if (size>0)
if (force || (formatOrigin.italic!=formatData.italic))
// Font style
if ( formatData.italic )
if (force || ((formatOrigin.weight>=75)!=(formatData.weight>=75)))
if ( formatData.weight >= 75 )
if (force || (formatOrigin.fgColor!=formatData.fgColor))
if ( formatData.fgColor.isValid() )
strElement+=lookupColor("\\cf", formatData.fgColor);
if (force || (formatOrigin.bgColor!=formatData.bgColor))
if ( formatData.bgColor.isValid() )
strElement+=lookupColor("\\cb", formatData.bgColor);
strElement+=lookupColor("\\highlight", formatData.bgColor); // MS Word wants this
// ### FIXME: \highlight is not allowed in style definitions (RTF 1.6)
if ( force
|| ( formatOrigin.underline != formatData.underline )
|| ( formatOrigin.underlineValue != formatData.underlineValue )
|| ( formatOrigin.underlineStyle != formatData.underlineStyle )
|| ( formatOrigin.underlineWord != formatData.underlineWord ) )
if ( formatData.underline )
TQString underlineValue = formatData.underlineValue;
TQString underlineStyle = formatData.underlineStyle;
bool underlineWord = formatData.underlineWord;
TQString ul ( "\\ul" ); // fall-back: simple underline
if( underlineStyle.isEmpty() ) underlineStyle = "solid";
if( underlineValue == "1" ) underlineValue = "single";
if( underlineValue == "double" )
ul = "\\uldb";
else if( underlineValue == "single-bold" )
ul = "\\ulth";
else if( underlineValue == "wave" )
ul = "\\ulwave";
else if( underlineValue == "single" )
if( underlineStyle == "dash" )
ul = "\\uldash";
else if( underlineStyle == "dot" )
ul = "\\uld";
else if( underlineStyle == "dashdot" )
ul = "\\uldashd";
else if( underlineStyle == "dashdotdot" )
ul = "\\uldashdd";
else if( underlineWord )
ul = "\\ulw";
strElement+= ul;
if (formatData.underlineColor.isValid())
if ( force
|| ( formatOrigin.strikeout != formatData.strikeout )
|| ( formatOrigin.strikeoutType != formatData.strikeoutType ) )
if ( formatData.strikeout )
if( formatData.strikeoutType == "double" )
strElement+="\\striked1"; // 1 needed! (The exception that confirms the rule!)
strElement+="\\strike0"; // ### TODO: \striked0 too?
return strElement;
TQString RTFWorker::layoutToRtf(const LayoutData& layoutOrigin,
const LayoutData& layout, const bool force)
TQString strLayout;
if (force || (layoutOrigin.alignment!=layout.alignment))
if (layout.alignment=="left")
strLayout += "\\ql";
else if (layout.alignment== "right")
strLayout += "\\qr";
else if (layout.alignment=="center")
strLayout += "\\qc";
else if (layout.alignment=="justify")
strLayout += "\\qj";
else if ( layout.alignment=="auto")
// ### TODO: what for BIDI?
//strLayout += "\\ql";
kdWarning(30515) << "Unknown alignment: " << layout.alignment << endl;
if ((layout.indentLeft>=0.0)
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.indentLeft!=layout.indentLeft)))
strLayout += "\\li";
strLayout += TQString::number(int(layout.indentLeft)*20, 10);
if ((layout.indentRight>=0.0)
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.indentRight!=layout.indentRight)))
strLayout += "\\ri";
strLayout += TQString::number(int(layout.indentRight)*20, 10);
if (force || (layoutOrigin.indentFirst!=layout.indentFirst))
strLayout += "\\fi";
strLayout += TQString::number(int(layout.indentFirst)*20, 10);
if ((layout.marginBottom>=0.0)
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.marginBottom!=layout.marginBottom)))
strLayout += "\\sa";
strLayout += TQString::number(int(layout.marginBottom)*20 ,10);
if ((layout.marginTop>=0.0)
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.marginTop!=layout.marginTop)))
strLayout += "\\sb";
strLayout += TQString::number(int(layout.marginTop)*20, 10);
if (force || (layoutOrigin.keepLinesTogether!=layout.keepLinesTogether))
if(layout.keepLinesTogether) strLayout += "\\keep";
// Note: there seems to be too many problems of using a page break in a layout
// - KWord's RTF import filter makes the page break immediately (also in styles)
// - AbiWord's RTF import does not like \*\pgbrk
// ### TODO: decide if we really remove this code
#if 0
if (force || (layoutOrigin.pageBreakBefore!=layout.pageBreakBefore))
if(layout.pageBreakBefore) strLayout += "\\pagebb";
// Note: RTF doesn't specify "page break after"
// \*\pgbrk0 is used after Writer
if (force || (layoutOrigin.pageBreakAfter!=layout.pageBreakAfter))
if(layout.pageBreakAfter) strLayout += "\\*\\pgbrk0";
if (force
|| ( layoutOrigin.lineSpacingType != layout.lineSpacingType )
|| ( layoutOrigin.lineSpacing != layout.lineSpacing ) )
if ( layout.lineSpacingType==LayoutData::LS_SINGLE )
;// do nothing, single linespace is default in RTF
else if ( layout.lineSpacingType==LayoutData::LS_ONEANDHALF )
strLayout += "\\sl360\\slmult1"; // one-and-half linespace
else if ( layout.lineSpacingType==LayoutData::LS_DOUBLE )
strLayout += "\\sl480\\slmult1"; // double linespace
else if ( layout.lineSpacingType==LayoutData::LS_ATLEAST )
strLayout += TQString("\\sl%1\\slmult0").arg(int(layout.lineSpacing)*20);
else if ( layout.lineSpacingType==LayoutData::LS_MULTIPLE )
strLayout += TQString("\\sl%1\\slmult1").arg( int(layout.lineSpacing)*240 );
else if ( layout.lineSpacingType==LayoutData::LS_CUSTOM )
// "Custom" in KWord is like "Exactly" in MS Word
strLayout += TQString("\\sl-%1\\slmult0").arg(int(layout.lineSpacing)*20);
kdWarning(30515) << "Unsupported lineSpacingType: " << layout.lineSpacingType << " (Ignoring!)" << endl;
if (!layout.tabulatorList.isEmpty()
&& (force || (layoutOrigin.tabulatorList!=layout.tabulatorList) ))
TabulatorList::ConstIterator it;
for (it=layout.tabulatorList.begin();it!=layout.tabulatorList.end();++it)
switch ((*it).m_type)
case 0: default: break; // left tab is default
case 1: strLayout += "\\tqc"; break;
case 2: strLayout += "\\tqr"; break;
case 3: strLayout += "\\tqdec"; break;
switch ((*it).m_filling)
case TabulatorData::TF_NONE: default: break; // without leader/filling
case TabulatorData::TF_DOT: strLayout += "\\tldot"; break;
case TabulatorData::TF_LINE: strLayout += "\\tlul"; break;
// these belows are all treated as RTF's \tqul
case TabulatorData::TF_DASH:
case TabulatorData::TF_DASHDOT:
case TabulatorData::TF_DASHDOTDOT:
strLayout += "\\tlul"; break;
// must be the last
strLayout += "\\tx";
strLayout += TQString::number(int((*it).m_ptpos)*20, 10);
// shadow support
// note shadow in KWord is more full-feature/sophisticated than RTF
// here we just treat KWord's shadow as simple \shad mark-up
if( layout.shadowDistance > 0 )
strLayout += "\\shad";
// TODO: borders
// This must remain last, as it adds a terminating space.
return strLayout;
TQString RTFWorker::lookupFont(const TQString& markup, const TQString& fontName)
if (fontName.isEmpty())
return TQString();
// First we have to remove TQt-typical foundry names, as some RTF readers are confused by them.
TQString cookedFontName(fontName);
TQRegExp regexp("\\s*\\[\\S*\\]"); // Some white space, opening square bracket, some non-white-space, ending square bracket
// But we cannot have an empty name font
if (cookedFontName.isEmpty())
kdDebug(30515) << "RTFWorker::lookupFont " << fontName << " cooked: " << cookedFontName << endl;
uint counter=0; // counts position in font table (starts at 0)
TQString strFont(markup); // markup for font selection
TQStringList::ConstIterator it;
// search font table for this font
for( it = m_fontList.begin(); it != m_fontList.end(); counter++, ++it )
if((*it) == cookedFontName) // check for match
strFont += TQString::number(counter);
kdDebug(30515) << strFont << endl;
return strFont;
} // end for()
kdDebug(30515) << "New font: " << cookedFontName << " count: " << counter << endl;
m_fontList << cookedFontName;
strFont += TQString::number(counter);
return strFont;
TQString RTFWorker::lookupColor(const TQString& markup, const TQColor& color)
if (!color.isValid())
return TQString();
uint counter=1; // counts position in color table starting at 1
TQString strColor(markup); // Holds RTF markup for the color
TQValueList < TQColor > ::ConstIterator it;
// search color table for this color
for( it = m_colorList.begin(); it != m_colorList.end(); counter++, ++it )
if ( (*it) == color )
strColor += TQString::number(counter);
return strColor;
kdDebug(30515) << "New color: " << TQString( << " count: " << counter << endl;
m_colorList << color;
strColor += TQString::number(counter);
return strColor;
TQString RTFWorker::lookupStyle(const TQString& styleName, LayoutData& returnLayout)
if (styleName.isEmpty())
return TQString();
uint counter=0; // counts position in style table starting at 0
TQString strMarkup("\\s"); // Holds RTF markup for the style
TQValueList < LayoutData > ::ConstIterator it;
TQValueList < LayoutData > ::ConstIterator end(m_styleList.end());
// search color table for this color
for( it = m_styleList.begin(); it != end; counter++, ++it )
if ( (*it).styleName == styleName )
strMarkup += TQString::number(counter);
return strMarkup;
kdDebug(30515) << "New style: " << styleName << " count: " << counter << endl;
LayoutData layout;
m_styleList << layout;
strMarkup += TQString::number(counter);
return strMarkup;