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203 lines
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/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer <>
Copyright (C) 2005 Thorsten Zachmann <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "KPrPartObject.h"
#include "KPrDocument.h"
#include "KPrView.h"
#include "KPrGradient.h"
#include <KoDom.h>
#include <KoXmlNS.h>
#include "KoOasisContext.h"
#include <tdeparts/partmanager.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
using namespace std;
KPrPartObject::KPrPartObject( KPrChild *_child )
: KPr2DObject()
child = _child;
pen = KoPen( TQt::black, 1.0, Qt::NoPen );
_enableDrawing = true;
KPrPartObject &KPrPartObject::operator=( const KPrPartObject & )
return *this;
void KPrPartObject::updateChildGeometry()
KoTextZoomHandler* zh = child->parent()->zoomHandler();
child->setGeometry( zh->zoomRect( getRect() ), true );
child->setRotationPoint( TQPoint( zh->zoomItX( getOrig().x() + getSize().width() / 2 ),
zh->zoomItY( getOrig().y() + getSize().height() / 2 ) ) );
void KPrPartObject::rotate( float _angle )
KPrObject::rotate( _angle );
child->setRotation( _angle );
KoTextZoomHandler* zh = child->parent()->zoomHandler();
child->setRotationPoint( TQPoint( zh->zoomItX( getOrig().x() + getSize().width() / 2 ),
zh->zoomItY( getOrig().y() + getSize().height() / 2 ) ) );
bool KPrPartObject::saveOasisObjectAttributes( KPOasisSaveContext &sc ) const
kdDebug() << "KPrPartObject::saveOasisPart " << sc.partIndexObj << endl;
sc.xmlWriter.startElement( "draw:object" );
const TQString name = TQString( "Object_%1" ).arg( sc.partIndexObj + 1 );
child->saveOasisAttributes( sc.xmlWriter, name );
return true;
const char * KPrPartObject::getOasisElementName() const
return "draw:frame";
void KPrPartObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisContext&context, KPrLoadingInfo */*info*/)
kdDebug()<<"void KPrPartObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element)******************\n";
TQDomElement objectElement = KoDom::namedItemNS( element, KoXmlNS::draw, "object" );
child->loadOasis( element, objectElement );
if(element.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name" ))
KPrObject::objectName = element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name", TQString());
(void)child->loadOasisDocument(, context.manifestDocument() );
void KPrPartObject::draw( TQPainter *_painter, KoTextZoomHandler *_zoomhandler,
int pageNum, SelectionMode selectionMode, bool drawContour )
double ow = ext.width();
double oh = ext.height();
TQSize size( _zoomhandler->zoomSize( ext ) );
int penw = ( ( == TQt::NoPen ) ? 1 : int( pen.pointWidth() ) ) / 2;
TQPen pen2;
if ( drawContour )
pen2 = TQPen( TQt::black, 1, TQt::NoPen );
else {
pen2 = pen.zoomedPen( _zoomhandler );
child->transform( *_painter );
_painter->setPen( TQt::NoPen );
_painter->setBrush( getBrush() );
if ( angle == 0 ) {
if ( getFillType() == FT_BRUSH || !gradient )
_painter->drawRect( penw, penw, _zoomhandler->zoomItX( ext.width() - 2 * penw ),
_zoomhandler->zoomItY( ext.height() - 2 * penw ) );
else {
gradient->setSize( size );
_painter->drawPixmap( penw, penw, gradient->pixmap(), 0, 0,
_zoomhandler->zoomItX( ow - 2 * penw ),
_zoomhandler->zoomItY( oh - 2 * penw ) );
if ( getFillType() == FT_BRUSH || !gradient )
_painter->drawRect( _zoomhandler->zoomItX( penw ), _zoomhandler->zoomItY( penw ),
_zoomhandler->zoomItX( ext.width() - 2 * penw ),
_zoomhandler->zoomItY( ext.height() - 2 * penw ) );
else {
gradient->setSize( size );
_painter->drawPixmap( penw, penw, gradient->pixmap(), 0, 0,
_zoomhandler->zoomItX( ow - 2 * penw ),
_zoomhandler->zoomItY( oh - 2 * penw ) );
_painter->setPen( pen2 );
_painter->setBrush( TQt::NoBrush );
_painter->drawRect( _zoomhandler->zoomItX( penw ), _zoomhandler->zoomItY( penw ),
_zoomhandler->zoomItX( ow - 2 * penw ), _zoomhandler->zoomItY( oh - 2 * penw ) );
paint( _painter, _zoomhandler, pageNum, selectionMode, drawContour );
KPrObject::draw( _painter, _zoomhandler, pageNum, selectionMode, drawContour );
void KPrPartObject::slot_changed( KoChild *_koChild )
KoTextZoomHandler* zh = child->parent()->zoomHandler();
KoRect g = zh->unzoomRect( _koChild->geometry() );
KPrObject::setOrig( g.x(), g.y() );
KPrObject::setSize( g.width(), g.height() );
void KPrPartObject::paint( TQPainter *_painter, KoTextZoomHandler *_zoomHandler,
int /* pageNum */, bool /*drawingShadow*/, bool drawContour )
if ( !_enableDrawing ) return;
if ( drawContour ) {
TQPen pen3( TQt::black, 1, TQt::DotLine );
_painter->setPen( pen3 );
_painter->setRasterOp( TQt::NotXorROP );
_painter->drawRect( _zoomHandler->zoomRect( KoRect( KoPoint( 0.0, 0.0 ), getSize() ) ) );
if ( !child || !child->document() )
int penw = ( == TQt::NoPen ) ? 0 : int( pen.pointWidth() );
KoRect r( KoPoint( penw, penw ), KoPoint( getSize().width() - ( penw * 2.0 ),
getSize().height() - ( penw * 2.0 ) ) );
double zoomX = static_cast<double>( _zoomHandler->zoom() ) / 100;
double zoomY = static_cast<double>( _zoomHandler->zoom() ) / 100;
child->document()->paintEverything( *_painter,
_zoomHandler->zoomRect( r ),
true, // flicker?
0 /* View isn't known from here - is that a problem? */,
zoomY );
void KPrPartObject::activate( TQWidget *_widget )
KPrView *view = dynamic_cast<KPrView*>( _widget );
KoDocument* part = child->document();
if ( !part )
view->partManager()->addPart( part, false );
view->partManager()->setActivePart( part, view );
void KPrPartObject::deactivate()
#include "KPrPartObject.moc"