You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

184 lines
4.5 KiB

#include <tqstrlist.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <kdialogbase.h>
#include "kchart_part.h"
class TQLabel;
class TQSpinBox;
class TQCheckBox;
namespace KChart
class KChartParams;
// This class inherits TQSpinBox, but fixes a problem with it.
// Consider the following case:
// 1. The SpinBox for rows has the value 4.
// 2. The user enters the number 2 into it.
// 3. The user presses the little up arrow in the spinbox.
// 4. valueChanged(2) is emitted and 2 rows are removed.
// 5. valueChanged(3) is emitted and 1 row is added.
// Now (at least) one row is removed that was never meant to be
// removed and data is lost. This class fixes that by changing the
// semantics. So instead of the behaviour of above, the
// valueChanged(2) is never emitted and instead of valueChanged(3),
// valueChanged(5) is emitted.
class kchartDataSpinBox : public TQSpinBox
kchartDataSpinBox(TQWidget *);
public slots:
// The user pressed the Up-button
void stepUp();
// The user pressed the Down-button
void stepDown();
void interpretText(){;};
bool eventFilter( TQObject *obj, TQEvent *ev );
// the value is changed (stepUp/stepDown was called or the focus is lost)
void valueChangedSpecial(int);
// True if we should ignore the next value change (see above).
bool m_ignore;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
// The reason for having a special Table class is to implement
// keyboard navigation in editing mode.
class kchartDataTable : public TQTable
kchartDataTable(TQWidget *);
// handles keyboard navigation
bool eventFilter( TQObject *obj, TQEvent *ev );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
class kchartDataEditor : public KDialogBase
kchartDataEditor(TQWidget* parent = 0);
void setData(KChartParams *params, KDChartTableData *dat);
void getData(KChartParams *params, KDChartTableData *dat);
void setRowLabels(const TQStringList &rowLabels);
void getRowLabels(TQStringList &rowLabels);
void setColLabels(const TQStringList &colLabels);
void getColLabels(TQStringList &colLabels);
bool modified() const { return m_modified; }
* Returns the number of rows used as headers (ie. containing labels for the X axis or a series name,
* depending on the orientation of the data)
int headerRows();
* Returns the number of columns used as headers (ie. containing labels for the X axis or a series name,
* depending on the orientation of the data)
int headerCols();
* Updates the table widget's vertical header to match the row labels specified in the leftmost column of
* each row
void updateRowHeaders();
* Updates the table widget's horizontal header to match the column labels specified in the top row of each
* column
void updateColHeaders();
void addDocs();
void applyClicked(kchartDataEditor *ed);
private slots:
void slotApply();
/** Removes the row which the current cell belongs to */
void removeCurrentRow();
/** Removes the column which the current cell belongs to */
void removeCurrentColumn();
/** Inserts a new row below the current cell */
void insertRow();
/** Inserts a new column to the right of the current cell */
void insertColumn();
void setRows(int rows);
void setCols(int cols);
// Called when something changes in the table.
void tableChanged(int row, int col);
// Called when the current cell is changed
void currentChanged(int row, int col);
// Widgets in the editor
kchartDataTable *m_table;
TQPushButton *m_insertRowButton;
TQPushButton *m_insertColButton;
TQPushButton *m_removeRowButton;
TQPushButton *m_removeColButton;
TQLabel *m_rowsLA;
kchartDataSpinBox *m_rowsSB;
TQLabel *m_colsLA;
kchartDataSpinBox *m_colsSB;
TQCheckBox *m_firstRowAsLabel;
TQCheckBox *m_firstColAsLabel;
// This member is set to true if the user shrinks the data table,
// and confirms this by clicking OK in a warning dialog.
bool m_userWantsToShrink;
bool m_modified;
} //KChart namespace