You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1090 lines
36 KiB

Kross Script Editor
This script provides a in python written script editor.
Sebastian Sauer <>
Dual-licensed under LGPL v2+higher and the BSD license.
import os, sys
import qt
except (ImportError):
raise "Failed to import the required PyQt python module."
# Samples.
class Widget(qt.QHBox):
def __init__(self, parentwidget, label = None):
self.parentwidget = parentwidget
import qt
qt.QHBox.__init__(self, parentwidget)
if label != None: qt.QLabel(label, self)
def value(self):
return None
class ListWidget(Widget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget, label):
import qt
global Widget
Widget.__init__(self, parentwidget, label)
self.combo = qt.QComboBox(self)
def value(self):
return self.combo.currentText()
class EditWidget(Widget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget, label):
import qt
global Widget
Widget.__init__(self, parentwidget, label)
self.edit = qt.QLineEdit(self)
def value(self):
return self.edit.text()
class FileWidget(Widget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget, label, filtermask, openfiledialog = True):
self.filtermask = filtermask
self.openfiledialog = openfiledialog
import qt
global Widget
Widget.__init__(self, parentwidget, label)
self.edit = qt.QLineEdit(self)
btn = qt.QPushButton("...",self)
qt.QObject.connect(btn, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.btnClicked)
def btnClicked(self):
import qt
text = str( self.edit.text() )
if self.openfiledialog:
filename = str( qt.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(text, self.filtermask, self.parentwidget) )
filename = qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(text, self.filtermask, self.parentwidget)
if filename != "": self.edit.setText( filename )
def value(self):
return self.edit.text()
class Samples:
# KexiDB
class KexiDB:
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
self.parentwidget = parentwidget
class _ProjectWidget(FileWidget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
global FileWidget
FileWidget.__init__(self, parentwidget, "Project File:", "*.kexi *.kexis *.kexic;;*")
class _DriverWidget(ListWidget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
global ListWidget
ListWidget.__init__(self, parentwidget, "Driver:")
import krosskexidb
for driver in krosskexidb.DriverManager().driverNames():
class _TableWidget(ListWidget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
global ListWidget
ListWidget.__init__(self, parentwidget, "Table:")
class PrintDriverDetails:
""" Print a the list of available KexiDB drivers and print details about one of them. """
name = "Details about a driver"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"DriverName" : Samples.KexiDB._DriverWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'import krosskexidb',
'drivermanager = krosskexidb.DriverManager()',
'print "drivernames: %s" % drivermanager.driverNames()',
'driver = drivermanager.driver( \"{DriverName}\" )',
'print "driver: {DriverName}"',
'print "version=%s.%s" % (driver.versionMajor(),driver.versionMinor())',
'print "mimetype=%s" % driver.fileDBDriverMimeType()',
'print "filedriver=%s" % driver.isFileDriver()',
class ConnectWithFile:
""" Connect with a KexiDB database by using a Kexi Connection Project File. """
name = "Connect with file"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"ProjectFile" : Samples.KexiDB._ProjectWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the KexiDB module.',
'import krosskexidb',
'drivermanager = krosskexidb.DriverManager()',
'# Get the connectiondata from the project file.',
'connectiondata = drivermanager.createConnectionDataByFile( "{ProjectFile}" )',
'print "Connectiondata: %s" % connectiondata.serverInfoString()',
'# Create the driver for the database backend.',
'driver = drivermanager.driver( connectiondata.driverName() )',
'# Create and establish the connection to the database.',
'connection = driver.createConnection(connectiondata)',
'if not connection.isConnected():',
' if not connection.connect():',
' raise "Failed to connect"',
'# Open the database for usage.',
'print "Databases: %s" % connection.databaseNames()',
'if not connection.isDatabaseUsed():',
' if not connection.useDatabase( connectiondata.databaseName() ):',
' if not connection.useDatabase( connectiondata.fileName() ):',
' raise "Failed to use database"',
'# Print some infos.',
'print "All tables: %s" % connection.allTableNames()',
'print "Tables: %s" % connection.tableNames()',
'print "Queries: %s" % connection.queryNames()',
class IterateThroughTable:
""" Iterate through a table within a connected KexiDB database. """
name = "Iterate through table"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"ProjectFile" : Samples.KexiDB._ProjectWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
"TableName" : Samples.KexiDB._TableWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the KexiDB module.',
'import krosskexidb',
'drivermanager = krosskexidb.DriverManager()',
'# Get the connectiondata from the project file.',
'connectiondata = drivermanager.createConnectionDataByFile( "{ProjectFile}" )',
'print "Connectiondata: %s" % connectiondata.serverInfoString()',
'# Create the driver for the database backend.',
'driver = drivermanager.driver( connectiondata.driverName() )',
'# Create and establish the connection to the database.',
'connection = driver.createConnection(connectiondata)',
'if not connection.isConnected():',
' if not connection.connect():',
' raise "Failed to connect"',
'# Open the database for usage.',
'if not connection.isDatabaseUsed():',
' if not connection.useDatabase( connectiondata.databaseName() ):',
' if not connection.useDatabase( connectiondata.fileName() ):',
' raise "Failed to use database"',
'# Get the table and create a query for it.',
'table = connection.tableSchema( \"{TableName}\" )',
'query = table.query()',
'# Create a cursor to walk through the records.',
'cursor = connection.executeQuerySchema( query )',
'if not cursor:',
' raise "Failed to create cursor."',
'# Iterate through the records.',
'if not cursor.moveFirst():',
' raise "The cursor has no records to read from."',
'while not cursor.eof():',
' for i in range( cursor.fieldCount() ):',
' print "%s" % cursor.value(i)',
' cursor.moveNext()',
# KSpread
class KSpread:
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
self.parentwidget = parentwidget
class _SheetWidget(ListWidget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget, label = "Sheet:"):
global ListWidget
ListWidget.__init__(self, parentwidget, label)
import krosskspreadcore
document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")
for sheetname in document.sheetNames():
import traceback
trace = "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
print trace
class _CellsWidget(ListWidget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
global ListWidget
ListWidget.__init__(self, parentwidget, "Cells (col1:row1 - col2:row2):")
self.combo.insertItem( "1:1 - %s:%s" % (5,10) )
self.combo.insertItem( "1:1 - %s:%s" % (256,256) )
self.combo.insertItem( "1:1 - %s:%s" % (32767,32767) )
def value(self):
return [ [ int(i) for i in item.split(':') ] for item in str( ListWidget.value(self) ).split('-') ]
class _ValueWidget(EditWidget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
global EditWidget
EditWidget.__init__(self, parentwidget, "Value:")
self.edit.setText("Some text")
class _ColorWidget(EditWidget):
def __init__(self, parentwidget,label,color):
global EditWidget
EditWidget.__init__(self, parentwidget, "%s (RGB):" % label)
def value(self):
return "#%s" % EditWidget.value(self)
class SetTextOfCells:
""" Set the text of the defined cells. """
name = "Set text of cells"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"SheetName" : Samples.KSpread._SheetWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
"Cells" : Samples.KSpread._CellsWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
"Value" : Samples.KSpread._ValueWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the KSpread module.',
'import krosskspreadcore',
'# Get the current document.',
'document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
'# Get the sheet defined by the sheetname.',
'sheet = document.sheetByName( \"{SheetName}\" )',
'if not sheet:',
' raise "No such sheet {SheetName} %s" % document.sheetNames()',
'( (col1,row1),(col2,row2) ) = {Cells}',
'for c in range(col1,col2):',
' for r in range(row1,row2):',
' cell = sheet.cell(c,r)',
' print "cell c=%s r=%s v=%s" % (c,r,cell.value())',
' cell.setText( \"{Value}\" )',
class SetColorsOfCells:
""" Set the colors of the defined cells. """
name = "Set colors of cells"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"SheetName" : Samples.KSpread._SheetWidget( parent.parentwidget),
"Cells" : Samples.KSpread._CellsWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
"TextColor" : Samples.KSpread._ColorWidget( parent.parentwidget, "Textcolor", "ff0000" ),
"BackgroundColor" : Samples.KSpread._ColorWidget( parent.parentwidget, "Backgroundcolor", "c0c0c0" ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the KSpread module.',
'import krosskspreadcore',
'# Get the current document.',
'document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
'# Get the sheet defined by the sheetname.',
'sheet = document.sheetByName( \"{SheetName}\" )',
'if not sheet:',
' raise "No such sheet {SheetName} %s" % document.sheetNames()',
'( (col1,row1),(col2,row2) ) = {Cells}',
'for c in range(col1,col2):',
' for r in range(col1,col2):',
' cell = sheet.cell(c,r)',
' cell.setTextColor( \"{TextColor}\" )',
' cell.setBackgroundColor( \"{BackgroundColor}\" )',
class IterateThroughCellsWithContent:
""" Iterate over all cells in a sheet that have content (aka that are not empty). """
name = "Iterate through cells"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"SheetName" : Samples.KSpread._SheetWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the KSpread module.',
'import krosskspreadcore',
'# Get the current document.',
'document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
'# Get the sheet defined by the sheetname.',
'sheet = document.sheetByName( \"{SheetName}\" )',
'if not sheet:',
' raise "No such sheet {SheetName} %s" % document.sheetNames()',
'# Iterate through the cells that have content (aka that are not empty).',
'cell = sheet.firstCell()',
'while cell:',
' print "col=%s row=%s value=%s" % (cell.column(),cell.row(),cell.value())',
' cell = cell.nextCell()',
class PrintSheetDetails:
""" Print details about the current sheet. """
name = "Details about a sheet"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"SheetName" : Samples.KSpread._SheetWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the KSpread module.',
'import krosskspreadcore',
'# Get the current document.',
'document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
'# Get the sheet defined by the sheetname.',
'sheet = document.sheetByName( \"{SheetName}\" )',
'if not sheet:',
' raise "No such sheet {SheetName} %s" % document.sheetNames()',
'print "name=%s" %',
'print "maxcolumns=%s maxrows=%s" % (sheet.maxColumn(),sheet.maxRow())',
class LoadDocFromNativeXML:
""" Load the document from a native XML file. """
name = "Load document from native XML File"
def __init__(self, parent):
global FileWidget
self.widgets = {
"FileName" : FileWidget( parent.parentwidget, "XML File:", "*.xml;;*" ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the PyQt module.',
'import qt',
'def loadFile(filename):',
' # Import the krosskspreadcore module.',
' import krosskspreadcore',
' # Try to read the file.',
' try:',
' file = open(filename, "r")',
' xml =',
' file.close()',
' except IOError, (errno, strerror):',
' qt.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Error","<qt>Failed to read file %s<br><br>%s</qt>" % (filename,strerror))',
' return',
' # Get the current document.',
' document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
' # Load the document from the native XML string.',
' ok = document.loadNativeXML( xml )',
'# Show the openfile dialog',
'filename = "{FileName}"',
'openfilename = qt.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(filename,"*.xml;;*", self)',
'if str(openfilename) != "":',
' loadFile( openfilename )',
class SaveDocToNativeXML:
""" Save the document to a native XML file. """
name = "Save document to native XML File"
def __init__(self, parent):
global FileWidget
self.widgets = {
"FileName" : FileWidget( parent.parentwidget, "XML File:", "*.xml;;*", False ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the PyQt module.',
'import qt',
'def saveFile(filename):',
' # Import the krosskspreadcore module.',
' import krosskspreadcore',
' # Try to open the file for writting.',
' try:',
' file = open(filename, "w")',
' except IOError, (errno, strerror):',
' qt.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Error","<qt>Failed to create file %s<br><br>%s</qt>" % (filename,strerror))',
' return',
' # Get the current document.',
' document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
' # Get the native XML string.',
' xml = document.saveNativeXML()',
' # Write the XML string to the file.',
' file.write( xml )',
' # Close the file.',
' file.close()',
'# Show the savefile dialog',
'filename = "{FileName}"',
'savefilename = qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(filename,"*.xml;;*", self)',
'if str(savefilename) != "":',
' saveFile( savefilename )',
class CopySheets:
""" Copy the text-content from one sheet to another. """
name = "Copy sheets"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"SourceSheet" : Samples.KSpread._SheetWidget( parent.parentwidget, "Source sheet:" ),
"TargetSheet" : Samples.KSpread._SheetWidget( parent.parentwidget, "Target sheet:" ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the KSpread module.',
'import krosskspreadcore',
'# Get the current document.',
'document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
'# Get the source sheet.',
'fromsheet = document.sheetByName( "{SourceSheet}" )',
'if not fromsheet: raise "No such sheet {SourceSheet} %s" % document.sheetNames()',
'# Get the target sheet.',
'tosheet = document.sheetByName( "{TargetSheet}" )',
'if not fromsheet: raise "No such sheet {TargetSheet} %s" % document.sheetNames()',
'# Copy the cells.',
'fromcell = fromsheet.firstCell()',
'while fromcell:',
' tocell = tosheet.cell( fromcell.column(), fromcell.row() )',
' tocell.setText( fromcell.text() )',
' #tocell.setValue( fromcell.value() )',
' fromcell = fromcell.nextCell()',
class LoadSheetFromCSV:
""" Load the content of a CSV file into a KSpread sheet. """
name = "Load data from CSV file into sheet"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"Sheet" : Samples.KSpread._SheetWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
"FileName" : FileWidget( parent.parentwidget, "CSV File:", "*.csv;;*", True ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'# Import the KSpread module.',
'import krosskspreadcore',
'# Get the current document and the sheet.',
'document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
'sheet = document.sheetByName( "{Sheet}" )',
'if not sheet: raise "No such sheet {Sheet} %s" % document.sheetNames()',
'filename = "{FileName}"',
' file = open(filename, "r")',
'except IOError:',
' raise "Failed to open CSV File: %s" % filename',
'import csv',
'csvparser = csv.reader(file)',
'row = 1',
'while True:',
' try:',
' record =',
' except StopIteration:',
' break',
' col = 1',
' for item in record:',
' sheet.cell(col,row).setText( item )',
' col += 1',
' row += 1',
class SaveSheetToCSV:
""" Save the content of a KSpread sheet into a CSV file. """
name = "Save data from a sheet into a CSV file"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"Sheet" : Samples.KSpread._SheetWidget( parent.parentwidget ),
"FileName" : FileWidget( parent.parentwidget, "CSV File:", "*.csv;;*", False ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'filename = "{FileName}"',
' file = open(filename, "w")',
'except IOError:',
' raise "Failed to write CSV File: %s" % filename',
'# Prepare CSV-writer',
'import csv',
'csvwriter = csv.writer(file)',
'# Import the KSpread module.',
'import krosskspreadcore',
'# Get the current document and the sheet.',
'document = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")',
'sheet = document.sheetByName( "{Sheet}" )',
'if not sheet: raise "No such sheet {Sheet} %s" % document.sheetNames()',
'# Iterate over the cells.',
'cell = sheet.firstCell()',
'record = []',
'while cell:',
' record.append( cell.text() )',
' if cell.column() == 1 or not cell.nextCell():',
' csvwriter.writerow( record )',
' record = []',
' cell = cell.nextCell()',
# PyQt
class PyQt:
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
self.parentwidget = parentwidget
class OpenFileDialog:
""" Show the usage of the openfile dialog with QFileDialog. """
name = "Open File Dialog"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"FileName" : FileWidget( parent.parentwidget, "Open File:", "*.txt *.html;;*" ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'import qt',
'openfilename = qt.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName("{FileName}","*.txt *.html;;*", self)',
'print "openfile=%s" % openfilename',
class SaveFileDialog:
""" Show the usage of the savefile dialog with QFileDialog. """
name = "Save File Dialog"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
"FileName" : FileWidget( parent.parentwidget, "Save File:", "*.txt *.html;;*", False ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'import qt',
'savefilename = qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName("{FileName}","*.txt *.html;;*", self)',
'print "savefile=%s" % savefilename',
class CustomDialog:
""" Show a custom dialog that inherits a QDialog. """
name = "Custom Dialog"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
def getCode(self):
return (
'import qt',
'class MyDialog(qt.QDialog):',
' def __init__(self, parent):',
' import qt',
' qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent, "MyDialog", 1, qt.Qt.WDestructiveClose)',
' self.setCaption("My Dialog")',
' btn = qt.QPushButton("Click me",self)',
' qt.QObject.connect(btn, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.buttonClicked)',
' def buttonClicked(self):',
' import qt',
' qt.QMessageBox.information(self, "The Caption", "This is the message string.")',
'dialog = MyDialog(self)',
class InputDialog:
""" Show how to use a QInputDialog. """
name = "Input Dialog"
def __init__(self, parent):
global EditWidget
self.widgets = {
"Caption" : EditWidget( parent.parentwidget, "Caption" ),
"Message" : EditWidget( parent.parentwidget, "Message" ),
def getCode(self):
return (
'import qt',
'text, ok = qt.QInputDialog.getText("{Caption}", "{Message}", qt.QLineEdit.Normal, "")',
'if ok:',
' print "Text defined: %s" % text',
' print "Dialog aborted."',
class DCOP:
def __init__(self, parentwidget):
self.parentwidget = parentwidget
class PrintClipboard:
""" Print the content from the clipper via DCOP. """
name = "Clipboard content"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
def getCode(self):
return (
'import qt, kdecore, dcop, dcopext',
'dcopclient = kdecore.KApplication.dcopClient()',
'apps = [ app for app in dcopclient.registeredApplications() if str(app).startswith("klipper") ]',
'd = dcopext.DCOPApp(apps[0], dcopclient)',
'result,typename,data =[0],"klipper","getClipboardContents()","")',
'ds = qt.QDataStream(data, qt.IO_ReadOnly)',
'print "Clipboard content:\\n%s" % kdecore.dcop_next(ds, "QString")',
class AmarokCollectionInfos:
""" Fetch some collection informations from the amarok collection via DCOP. """
name = "amarok collection infos"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
def getCode(self):
return (
'import qt, kdecore, dcop, dcopext',
'dcopclient = kdecore.KApplication.dcopClient()',
'apps = [ app for app in dcopclient.registeredApplications() if str(app).startswith("amarok") ]',
'app = apps[0]',
'd = dcopext.DCOPApp(app, dcopclient)',
'def dataToList(data, types = []):',
' import qt, kdecore',
' ds = qt.QDataStream(data, qt.IO_ReadOnly)',
' return [ kdecore.dcop_next(ds, t) for t in types ]',
'for funcname in ["totalAlbums","totalArtists","totalCompilations","totalGenres","totalTracks"]:',
' result,replytype,replydata ="amarok", "collection", "%s()" % funcname,"")',
' print "%s: %s" % ( funcname, dataToList(replydata,["int"])[0] )',
class KopeteContacts:
""" Print the names of all contacts Kopete knows via DCOP. """
name = "Kopete contacts"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
def getCode(self):
return (
'import qt, kdecore, dcop, dcopext',
'dcopclient = kdecore.KApplication.dcopClient()',
'apps = [ app for app in dcopclient.registeredApplications() if str(app).startswith("kopete") ]',
'app = apps[0]',
'd = dcopext.DCOPApp(app, dcopclient)',
'(state,rtype,rdata) ="kopete", "KopeteIface", "contacts()","")',
'if not state: raise "Failed to call the kopete contacts-function"',
'ds = qt.QDataStream(, qt.IO_ReadOnly)',
'sl = kdecore.dcop_next (ds, "QStringList")',
'print "contacts=%s" % [ str(s) for s in sl ]',
class KWordSelectedText:
""" Get the selected text from a KWord instance via DCOP. """
name = "KWord selected text"
def __init__(self, parent):
self.widgets = {
def getCode(self):
return (
'import qt, kdecore, dcop, dcopext',
'def dataToList(data, types = []):',
' import qt, kdecore',
' ds = qt.QDataStream(data, qt.IO_ReadOnly)',
' return [ kdecore.dcop_next(ds, t) for t in types ]',
'def listToData(listdict):',
' import qt, kdecore',
' ba= qt.QByteArray()',
' ds = qt.QDataStream(ba, qt.IO_WriteOnly)',
' for (typename,value) in listdict:',
' kdecore.dcop_add (ds, value, typename)',
' return ba',
'# Get the KWord DCOP client.',
'dcopclient = kdecore.KApplication.dcopClient()',
'apps = [ app for app in dcopclient.registeredApplications() if str(app).startswith("kword") ]',
'if len(apps) < 1: raise "No KWord instance is running. Please start KWord before!"',
'appname = apps[0]',
'd = dcopext.DCOPApp(appname, dcopclient)',
'# Call the getDocuments() function.',
'(state,rtype,rdata) =, "KoApplicationIface", "getDocuments()","")',
'if not state: raise "%s: Failed to call getDocuments-function" % appname',
'documents = dataToList(rdata,["QValueList<DCOPRef>"])[0]',
'print "documents=%s" % [ str( doc.obj() ) for doc in documents ]',
'document = documents[0] # Let\'s just take the first document.',
'# Get the frameset.',
'ba = listToData( [ ("int",0) ] )',
'(state,rtype,rdata) =, document.obj(), "textFrameSet(int)", ba)',
'if not state: raise "%s: Failed to call frameSet-function" % appname',
'frameset = dataToList( rdata,["DCOPRef"] )[0] # Let\'s just take the first textframe.',
'# Get the selected text.',
'(state,rtype,rdata) =, frameset.obj(), "selectedText()", "")',
'print "Selected Text: %s" % dataToList( rdata,["QString"] )[0]',
# Dialog implementations.
class SampleDialog(qt.QDialog):
def __init__(self, parent, sampleclazz, samplechildclazz):
import qt
qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent, "SampleDialog", 1)
layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self)
box = qt.QVBox(self)
self.scrollview = qt.QScrollView(box)
mainbox = qt.QVBox( self.scrollview.viewport() )
desclabel = qt.QLabel(mainbox)
qt.QFrame(mainbox).setFrameStyle( qt.QFrame.HLine | qt.QFrame.Sunken )
self.sample = sampleclazz( mainbox )
self.samplechild = samplechildclazz( self.sample )
desclabel.setText( "<qt>%s</qt>" % self.samplechild.__doc__ )
mainbox.setStretchFactor(qt.QWidget(mainbox), 1)
btnbox = qt.QHBox(box)
okbtn = qt.QPushButton(btnbox)
qt.QObject.connect(okbtn, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.okClicked)
cancelbtn = qt.QPushButton(btnbox)
qt.QObject.connect(cancelbtn, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.close)
def okClicked(self):
self.code = self.samplechild.getCode()
def getCode(self):
if not hasattr(self,"code"): return None
code = "\n".join( self.code )
for widgetname in self.samplechild.widgets.keys():
print ".............. %s" % widgetname
widget = self.samplechild.widgets[widgetname]
value = widget.value()
if value != None:
code = code.replace("{%s}" % widgetname, str(value))
return code
class MainDialog(qt.QDialog):
def __init__(self, scriptpath, parent):
self.scriptpath = scriptpath
if not hasattr(__main__,"scripteditorfilename"):
__main__.scripteditorfilename = self.getFileName("")
import krosskspreadcore
self.doc = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument")
import os, qt
qt.QDialog.__init__(self, parent, "MainDialog", 1, qt.Qt.WDestructiveClose)
self.setCaption("Script Editor")
layout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self)
box = qt.QVBox(self)
menu = qt.QMenuBar(box)
splitter = qt.QSplitter(box)
self.scripttext = qt.QMultiLineEdit(splitter)
self.scripttext.setWordWrap( qt.QTextEdit.NoWrap )
self.scripttext.setTextFormat( qt.Qt.PlainText )
qt.QObject.connect(self.scripttext, qt.SIGNAL("cursorPositionChanged(int,int)"),self.cursorPositionChanged)
self.console = qt.QTextBrowser(splitter)
splitter.setResizeMode(self.console, qt.QSplitter.KeepSize)
statusbar = qt.QStatusBar(box)
self.messagestatus = qt.QLabel(statusbar)
self.cursorstatus = qt.QLabel(statusbar)
box.setMinimumSize( qt.QSize(680,540) )
filemenu = qt.QPopupMenu(menu)
menu.insertItem("&File", filemenu)
newaction = qt.QAction("New", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+N"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(newaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.newFile)
openaction = qt.QAction("Open...", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+O"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(openaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.openFileAs)
saveaction = qt.QAction("Save", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+S"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(saveaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.saveFile)
saveasaction = qt.QAction("Save as...", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+A"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(saveasaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.saveFileAs)
quitaction = qt.QAction("Quit", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+Q"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(quitaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.close)
editmenu = qt.QPopupMenu(menu)
menu.insertItem("&Edit", editmenu)
undoaction = qt.QAction("Undo", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+Z"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(undoaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.scripttext.undo)
redoaction = qt.QAction("Redo", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+Shift+Z"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(redoaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.scripttext.redo)
cutaction = qt.QAction("Cut", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+X"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(cutaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.scripttext.cut)
copyaction = qt.QAction("Copy", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+C"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(copyaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.scripttext.copy)
pasteaction = qt.QAction("Paste", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+V"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(pasteaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.scripttext.paste)
clearaction = qt.QAction("Clear", qt.QKeySequence("CTRL+Shift+X"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(clearaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.scripttext.clear)
selallaction = qt.QAction("Select All", 0, self)
qt.QObject.connect(selallaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.scripttext.selectAll)
scriptmenu = qt.QPopupMenu(menu)
menu.insertItem("&Script", scriptmenu)
compileaction = qt.QAction("Compile", qt.QKeySequence("F9"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(compileaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.compileScript)
executeaction = qt.QAction("Execute", qt.QKeySequence("F10"), self)
qt.QObject.connect(executeaction, qt.SIGNAL("activated()"), self.executeScript)
self.samplemenu = qt.QPopupMenu(menu)
menu.insertItem("&Samples", self.samplemenu)
itemid = 500
global Samples
for samplename in dir(Samples):
if samplename.startswith("_"): continue
itemid += 1
menu = qt.QPopupMenu(self.samplemenu)
qt.QObject.connect(menu, qt.SIGNAL("activated(int)"), self.sampleActivated)
self.samplemenu.insertItem(samplename, menu, -1, self.samplemenu.count() - 1)
attr = getattr(Samples,samplename)
for a in dir(attr):
if a.startswith("_"): continue
itemid += 1
child = getattr(attr,a)
itemid = menu.insertItem(, itemid)
menu.setWhatsThis(itemid,"%s/%s" % (samplename,a))
if os.path.exists(__main__.scripteditorfilename):
def getFileName(self, filename):
import os
homepath = os.getenv("HOME")
if not homepath:
import pwd
user = os.getenv("USER") or os.getenv("LOGNAME")
if not user:
pwent = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid())
pwent = pwd.getpwnam(user)
homepath = pwent[6]
except (KeyError, ImportError):
homepath = os.curdir
return os.path.join(homepath, filename)
def cursorPositionChanged(self,para = 0,pos = 0):
self.cursorstatus.setText( "Line: %s Col: %s" % (para+1,pos+1) )
def sampleActivated(self, index):
global Samples
sampleid = str( self.sender().whatsThis(index) )
sampleidlist = sampleid.split('/')
sampleclazz = getattr( Samples,sampleidlist[0] )
samplechildclazz = getattr( sampleclazz, sampleidlist[1] )
global SampleDialog
dialog = SampleDialog(self, sampleclazz, samplechildclazz)
code = dialog.getCode()
if code != None:
self.scripttext.append( code )
def execCode(self,function):
import sys, StringIO
codeOut = StringIO.StringIO()
codeErr = StringIO.StringIO()
sys.stdout = codeOut
sys.stderr = codeErr
import traceback
trace = "".join( traceback.format_exception(sys.exc_info()[0],sys.exc_info()[1],sys.exc_info()[2]) )
# this is a bit tricky. we need to go to steps back to know where the exception really happened.
tb = sys.exc_info()[2]
while hasattr(tb,"tb_next") and tb.tb_next:
tb = tb.tb_next
lineno = tb.tb_lineno
print "EXCEPTION: lineno=%s" % lineno
self.scripttext.setCursorPosition( lineno - 1, 0 )
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
sys.stderr = sys.__stderr__
s = codeErr.getvalue()
if s:
print "ERROR:\n%s\n" % s
s = codeOut.getvalue()
if s:
print s
def compileScript(self):
code = str( self.scripttext.text() )
def docompile(self):
compile(code, __main__.scripteditorfilename, 'exec')
def executeScript(self):
def doexecute(self):
code = str( self.scripttext.text() )
exec code in globals(), locals()
self.console.append("<b>Execution done!</b>")
def newFile(self):
#if qt.QMessageBox.warning(self,"Remove?","Remove the selected item?",qt.QMessageBox.Yes,qt.QMessageBox.Cancel) != qt.QMessageBox.Yes:
def openFile(self, filename):
__main__.scripteditorfilename = None
file = open(filename, "r")
self.scripttext.setText( str( ) )
__main__.scripteditorfilename = filename
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
qt.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Error","<qt>Failed to open script file \"%s\"<br><br>%s</qt>" % (filename,strerror))
def openFileAs(self):
import qt
filename = str( qt.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(__main__.scripteditorfilename,"*.py;;*", self) )
if filename == "": return
def saveFile(self):
file = open(__main__.scripteditorfilename, "w")
file.write( str( self.scripttext.text() ) )
except IOError, (errno, strerror):
qt.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Error","<qt>Failed to open script file \"%s\"<br><br>%s</qt>" % (__main__.scripteditorfilename,strerror))
def saveFileAs(self):
import qt
filename = str( qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(__main__.scripteditorfilename,"*.py;;*", self) )
if filename == "": return
__main__.scripteditorfilename = filename
# Show the main dialog.
if __name__ == "__main__":
scriptpath = os.getcwd()
qtapp = qt.QApplication(sys.argv)
scriptpath = os.path.dirname(__name__)
qtapp = qt.qApp
dialog = MainDialog(scriptpath, qtapp.mainWidget())