You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1084 lines
29 KiB

/* This file is part of the LibMSWrite Library
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Clarence Dang <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License Version 2 for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
Version 2 along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not,
write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
LibMSWrite Project Website:
* structures.cpp - Process Internal Microsoft(r) Write file structures
* This file has ugly reading/writing code that couldn't be generated.
* It performs some higher-level sanity checks.
#include "structures.h"
#include "structures_private.h"
namespace MSWrite
PageLayout::PageLayout () : m_numModified (0)
PageLayout::~PageLayout ()
PageLayout &PageLayout::operator= (const PageLayout &rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
PageLayoutGenerated::operator= (rhs);
NeedsHeader::operator= (rhs);
m_numModified = rhs.m_numModified;
return *this;
bool PageLayout::readFromDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\n<<<< PageLayout::readFromDevice >>>>\n");
int numPageLayoutPages = m_header->getNumPageSectionProperty ();
m_device->debug ("num pageLayoutPages: ", numPageLayoutPages);
// no PageLayout
if (numPageLayoutPages == 0)
return true;
else if (numPageLayoutPages > 1)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InvalidFormat, "invalid #pageLayoutPages\n");
// seek to the PageLayout in the file
if (!m_device->seekInternal (m_header->getPageSectionProperty () * 128, SEEK_SET))
ErrorAndQuit (Error::FileError, "could not seek to pageLayout\n");
if (!PageLayoutGenerated::readFromDevice ())
return false;
Dump (magic102);
Dump (magic512);
Dump (pageHeight);
Dump (pageWidth);
Dump (pageNumberStart);
Dump (topMargin);
Dump (textHeight);
Dump (leftMargin);
Dump (textWidth);
Dump (magic256);
Dump (headerFromTop);
Dump (footerFromTop);
Dump (magic720);
Dump (zero);
Dump (magic1080);
Dump (unknown);
Dump (zero2);
#define UpdateModifiedCount(variable) if (m_##variable != variable##Default) m_numModified++
UpdateModifiedCount (magic102);
UpdateModifiedCount (magic512);
UpdateModifiedCount (pageHeight);
UpdateModifiedCount (pageWidth);
UpdateModifiedCount (pageNumberStart);
UpdateModifiedCount (topMargin);
UpdateModifiedCount (textHeight);
UpdateModifiedCount (leftMargin);
UpdateModifiedCount (textWidth);
UpdateModifiedCount (magic256);
UpdateModifiedCount (headerFromTop);
UpdateModifiedCount (footerFromTop);
UpdateModifiedCount (magic720);
UpdateModifiedCount (zero);
UpdateModifiedCount (magic1080);
//UpdateModifiedCount (unknown); // no reliable default for unknown
UpdateModifiedCount (zero2);
#undef UpdateModifiedCount
return true;
bool PageLayout::writeToDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\n>>>> PageLayout::writeToDevice <<<<\n");
m_header->setPageSectionProperty (m_device->tellInternal () / 128);
// if we're just using defaults, we don't need a pageLayout
if (!getIsModified ())
return true;
if (!PageLayoutGenerated::writeToDevice ())
return false;
return true;
Font::Font (const Byte *name, const Byte family) : m_name (NULL)
if (name) setName (name);
FontGenerated::m_family = family;
Font::~Font ()
delete [] m_name;
Font &Font::operator= (const Font &rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
FontGenerated::operator= (rhs);
setName (rhs.getName ());
return *this;
bool Font::readFromDevice (void)
if (!FontGenerated::readFromDevice ())
return false;
Dump (numDataBytes);
Dump (family);
// is this font on the next page?
if (m_numDataBytes == 0xFFFF)
return false; // Device::m_error will be clear so this is ok
// is this the last font _ever_?
if (m_numDataBytes == 0)
return false; // Device::m_error will be clear so this is ok
// Font structure size can't exceed a page anyway
if (m_numDataBytes > 128 - sizeof (m_numDataBytes))
ErrorAndQuit (MSWrite::Error::InvalidFormat, "Font nameLen is too big\n");
// calculate length of name
int nameLen = m_numDataBytes - sizeof (m_family) - 1 /* NUL */;
// we should really call this->setName()...
m_name = new Byte [nameLen + 1];
if (!m_name)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::OutOfMemory, "could not allocate memory for fontName\n");
// read fontName
if (!m_device->readInternal (m_name, nameLen + 1))
ErrorAndQuit (Error::FileError, "could not read fontName\n");
// check name is valid
if (m_name [nameLen] != '\0')
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InvalidFormat, "fontName not NUL-terminated\n");
m_device->debug ("\tfontName=", (const char *) m_name);
return true;
bool Font::writeToDevice (void)
// should I be on the next page? (TODO: this check is stupid if it's the last font)
Word offset = m_device->tellInternal () % 128; // from start of current page
if (offset + sizeof (m_numDataBytes) + m_numDataBytes + sizeof (m_numDataBytes)/*for next Font's 0xFFFF*/ > 128)
// signal that font is on next page
Byte scratch [2] = {0xFF, 0xFF};
if (!m_device->writeInternal (scratch, 2))
ErrorAndQuit (Error::FileError, "could not write Font 0xFFFF\n");
return false; // Device::m_error will be clear so this is ok
// --- we don't have to write 0 to indicate last font (since we write the right number of elements) ---
// write numDataBytes, family
if (!FontGenerated::writeToDevice ())
return false;
if (!m_device->writeInternal (m_name, m_numDataBytes - sizeof (m_family)))
ErrorAndQuit (Error::FileError, "could not write fontName\n");
return true;
FormatCharProperty::FormatCharProperty () : m_fontTable (NULL)
// m_afterEndCharByte =
// m_font =
FormatCharProperty::~FormatCharProperty ()
FormatCharProperty &FormatCharProperty::operator= (const FormatCharProperty &rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
FormatCharPropertyGenerated::operator= (rhs);
m_afterEndCharByte = rhs.m_afterEndCharByte;
m_fontTable = rhs.m_fontTable;
m_font = rhs.m_font;
return *this;
bool FormatCharProperty::operator== (FormatCharProperty &rhs)
DWord numDataBytes;
if ((numDataBytes = getNumDataBytes ()) != rhs.getNumDataBytes ())
return false;
writeToArray ();
rhs.writeToArray ();
return memcmp (m_data + sizeof (m_numDataBytes), rhs.m_data + sizeof (m_numDataBytes), numDataBytes) == 0;
bool FormatCharProperty::readFromDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\nFormatCharProperty::readFromDevice\n");
if (!FormatCharPropertyGenerated::readFromDevice ())
return false;
if (!m_fontTable)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InternalError, "m_fontTable not setup for FormatCharProperty::readFromDevice\n");
// note: the converse is done in FormatInfoPage::add(), not FormatCharProperty::writeToDevice
if (!updateFont ()) return false;
return true;
bool FormatCharProperty::writeToDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\nFormatCharProperty::writeToDevice, #bytes=", getNumDataBytes ());
return FormatCharPropertyGenerated::writeToDevice ();
bool FormatCharProperty::updateFont (void)
Font *fontPtr = m_fontTable->getFont (getFontCode ());
if (!fontPtr)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InvalidFormat, "fontCode out of range\n");
m_font = *fontPtr;
return true;
bool FormatCharProperty::updateFontCode (void)
DWord code = m_fontTable->addFont (&m_font);
if (code == 0xFFFFFFFF)
return false;
setFontCode (code);
return true;
FormatParaPropertyTabulator::FormatParaPropertyTabulator ()
FormatParaPropertyTabulator::~FormatParaPropertyTabulator ()
FormatParaPropertyTabulator &FormatParaPropertyTabulator::operator= (const FormatParaPropertyTabulator &rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
FormatParaPropertyTabulatorGenerated::operator= (rhs);
return *this;
bool FormatParaPropertyTabulator::readFromDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\nFormatParaPropertyTabulator::readFromDevice\n");
if (!FormatParaPropertyTabulatorGenerated::readFromDevice ())
return false;
Dump (indent);
Dump (type);
Dump (zero);
return true;
bool FormatParaPropertyTabulator::writeToDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\nFormatParaPropertyTabulator::writeToDevice\n");
return FormatParaPropertyTabulatorGenerated::writeToDevice ();
FormatParaProperty::FormatParaProperty () : m_leftMargin (0xFFFF),
m_rightMargin (0xFFFF),
m_numTabulators (0),
m_addedTooManyTabs (false)
// m_afterEndCharByte =
FormatParaProperty::~FormatParaProperty ()
FormatParaProperty &FormatParaProperty::operator= (const FormatParaProperty &rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
FormatParaPropertyGenerated::operator= (rhs);
m_afterEndCharByte = rhs.m_afterEndCharByte;
m_leftMargin = rhs.m_leftMargin, m_rightMargin = rhs.m_rightMargin;
m_numTabulators = rhs.m_numTabulators;
m_addedTooManyTabs = rhs.m_addedTooManyTabs;
return *this;
bool FormatParaProperty::operator== (FormatParaProperty &rhs)
DWord numDataBytes;
if ((numDataBytes = getNumDataBytes ()) != rhs.getNumDataBytes ())
return false;
writeToArray ();
rhs.writeToArray ();
return memcmp (m_data + sizeof (m_numDataBytes), rhs.m_data + sizeof (m_numDataBytes), numDataBytes) == 0;
bool FormatParaProperty::readFromDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\nFormatParaProperty::readFromDevice\n");
if (m_leftMargin == 0xFFFF && m_rightMargin == 0xFFFF)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InternalError, "FormatParaProperty::readFromDevice call not setup\n");
if (!FormatParaPropertyGenerated::readFromDevice ())
return false;
// Correct indentation in Header and Footer:
// For unknown reasons, Write adds the leftMargin to the leftIndent
// and rightMargin to rightIndent in the Header and Footer only but
// does not touch the leftIndentFirstLine
// TODO: what if it's an image in the header/footer?
if (getIsNotNormalParagraph ())
// adjust leftIndent
if (m_leftMargin < m_leftIndent)
m_leftIndent -= m_leftMargin;
m_leftIndent = 0;
// adjust rightIndent
if (m_rightMargin < m_rightIndent)
m_rightIndent -= m_rightMargin;
m_rightIndent = 0;
if (m_numDataBytes > 22)
m_numTabulators = (m_numDataBytes - 22) / FormatParaPropertyTabulator::s_size;
m_numTabulators = 0;
// for impexp
if (getNumDataBytes () != m_numDataBytes && !m_numTabulators)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "m_numDataBytes != getNumDataBytes ()\n");
UseThisMuch::signalHaveSetData (false, m_numDataBytes * 8);
return true;
bool FormatParaProperty::writeToDevice (void)
if (m_leftMargin == 0xFFFF && m_rightMargin == 0xFFFF)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InternalError, "FormatParaProperty::writeToDevice call not setup\n");
m_device->debug ("\nFormatParaProperty::writeToDevice, #bytes=", getNumDataBytes ());
if (m_addedTooManyTabs)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InternalError, "cannot have more than 14 tabulators; shouldn't even have more than 12\n");
if (m_numTabulators > 12)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "should not have more than 12 tabulators since you can only access 12 tabs via the GUI\n");
// --- indents adjusted in updateIndents() called by FormatInfoPage::add() ---
if (!FormatParaPropertyGenerated::writeToDevice ())
return false;
return true;
Image::Image () : m_externalImage (NULL),
m_externalImageSize (0),
m_externalImageUpto (0),
m_originalWidth (0), m_originalHeight (0),
m_displayedWidth (0), m_displayedHeight (0)
Image::~Image ()
delete [] m_externalImage;
Image &Image::operator= (const Image &rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
ImageGenerated::operator= (rhs);
m_externalImageSize = rhs.m_externalImageSize;
m_externalImageUpto = rhs.m_externalImageUpto;
delete [] m_externalImage;
m_externalImage = new Byte [m_externalImageSize];
if (!m_externalImage)
return *this; // TODO: error check
if (rhs.m_externalImage)
memcpy (m_externalImage, rhs.m_externalImage, m_externalImageUpto);
m_originalWidth = rhs.m_originalWidth;
m_originalHeight = rhs.m_originalHeight;
m_displayedWidth = rhs.m_displayedWidth;
m_displayedHeight = rhs.m_displayedHeight;
return *this;
// returns how many bytes are needed for each scanline (with byte padding)
int Image::getBytesPerScanLine (const int width, const int bitsPerPixel, const int padBytes)
int bitWidth;
int byteWidth;
// figure out how many bytes it would take to represent "width" pixels, each taking "bitsPerPixel" bits
bitWidth = width * bitsPerPixel;
byteWidth = bitWidth / 8;
if (bitWidth % 8)
// pad the number of bytes taken to the next multiple of "padBytes"
// (if not divisible by "padBytes")
byteWidth = (byteWidth + padBytes - 1) / padBytes * padBytes;
return byteWidth;
bool Image::readFromDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\n<<<< Image::readFromDevice >>>>\n");
if (!ImageGenerated::readFromDevice ())
return false;
Dump (mappingMode);
Dump (MFP_width);
Dump (MFP_height);
Dump (MFP_unknown);
Dump (indent);
Dump (width);
Dump (height);
Dump (zero);
Dump (numHeaderBytes);
Dump (numDataBytes);
Dump (horizontalScalingRel1000);
Dump (verticalScalingRel1000);
if (getIsWMF ())
// get image dimensions
if (m_bmh->getWidth () || m_bmh->getHeight ())
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "m_bmh structure should be 0 for WMFs\n");
m_originalWidth = Milli2Twip (double (m_MFP_width) / 100.0) * 4.0/3.0;
m_originalHeight = Milli2Twip (double (m_MFP_height) / 100.0) * 4.0/3.0;
m_displayedWidth = double (m_width);
m_displayedHeight = double (m_height);
if (m_horizontalScalingRel1000 != 1000)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "horizontal scaling should not be set for WMFs\n");
if (m_verticalScalingRel1000 != 1000)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "vertical scaling should not be set for WMFs\n");
// read image
m_externalImage = new Byte [m_externalImageSize = getNumDataBytes ()];
if (!m_externalImage)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::OutOfMemory, "could not allocate memory for external WMF image\n");
if (!m_device->readInternal (m_externalImage, m_externalImageSize))
ErrorAndQuit (Error::FileError, "could not read internal WMF\n");
// Header check
WMFHeader wmfHeader;
m_device->setCache (m_externalImage);
wmfHeader.setDevice (m_device);
if (!wmfHeader.readFromDevice ())
return false;
// TODO: fix this incorrect check (see wmf.cpp)
//if (wmfHeader.getFileSize () * sizeof (Word) != m_numDataBytes)
// m_device->error (Error::Warn, "wmfHeader.fileSize != numDataBytes\n");
m_device->setCache (NULL);
else // if (getIsBMP ())
// get image dimensions
m_originalWidth = Point2Twip (DWord (m_bmh->getWidth ()));
m_originalHeight = Point2Twip (DWord (m_bmh->getHeight ()));
m_displayedWidth = m_originalWidth / 1.38889 * m_horizontalScalingRel1000 / 1000;
m_displayedHeight = m_originalHeight / 1.38889 * m_verticalScalingRel1000 / 1000;
#define MSWrite_fabs(val) (((val)>=0)?(val):(-(val)))
if (MSWrite_fabs (m_MFP_width / double (m_bmh->getWidth ()) - 2.64) > .3)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "m_MFP_width != m_bmh->getWidth() * 2.64\n");
if (MSWrite_fabs (m_MFP_height / double (m_bmh->getHeight ()) - 2.64) > .3)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "m_MFP_height != m_bmh->getHeight() * 2.64\n");
#undef MSWrite_fabs
if (m_width)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "m_width should not be set for BMPs\n");
if (m_height)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "m_height should not be set for BMPs\n");
// read image
Byte *internalData = new Byte [getNumDataBytes ()];
if (!internalData)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::OutOfMemory, "could not allocate memory for internal BMP image\n");
if (!m_device->readInternal (internalData, getNumDataBytes ()))
ErrorAndQuit (Error::FileError, "could not read internal BMP\n");
// infoHeader
BMP_BitmapInfoHeader infoHeader;
infoHeader.setWidth (m_bmh->getWidth ());
infoHeader.setHeight (m_bmh->getHeight ());
if (m_bmh->getNumPlanes () != 1)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InvalidFormat, "bmh.m_numPlanes != 1\n");
infoHeader.setNumPlanes (m_bmh->getNumPlanes ());
infoHeader.setBitsPerPixel (m_bmh->getBitsPerPixel ());
infoHeader.setCompression (0); // BI_RGB (uncompressed)
infoHeader.setSizeImage (0); // lazy
infoHeader.setXPixelsPerMeter (0), infoHeader.setYPixelsPerMeter (0);
infoHeader.setColoursUsed (1 << infoHeader.getBitsPerPixel ());
infoHeader.setColoursImportant (infoHeader.getColoursUsed ());
if (infoHeader.getColoursUsed () != 2)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InternalError, "colour bitmap??? Please email this file\n");
Word colourTableSize = infoHeader.getColoursUsed () * BMP_BitmapColourIndex::s_size;
// fileHeader
BMP_BitmapFileHeader fileHeader;
DWord fileSize = BMP_BitmapFileHeader::s_size + BMP_BitmapInfoHeader::s_size
+ colourTableSize
+ (m_bmh->getHeight ()
* getBytesPerScanLine (m_bmh->getWidth (), m_bmh->getBitsPerPixel (), 4));
fileHeader.setTotalBytes (fileSize);
fileHeader.setActualImageOffset (BMP_BitmapFileHeader::s_size + BMP_BitmapInfoHeader::s_size
+ colourTableSize);
// colourTable
BMP_BitmapColourIndex *colourIndex = new BMP_BitmapColourIndex [infoHeader.getColoursUsed ()];
if (!colourIndex)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::OutOfMemory, "could not allocate memory for colourIndex[]\n");
// black and white...
colourIndex [0].setRed (0), colourIndex [0].setGreen (0), colourIndex [0].setBlue (0);
colourIndex [1].setRed (0xFF), colourIndex [1].setGreen (0xFF), colourIndex [1].setBlue (0xFF);
m_externalImage = new Byte [m_externalImageSize = fileSize];
if (!m_externalImage)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::OutOfMemory, "could not allocate memory for external BMP image\n");
MemoryDevice device;
device.setCache (m_externalImage);
fileHeader.setDevice (&device);
fileHeader.writeToDevice ();
infoHeader.setDevice (&device);
infoHeader.writeToDevice ();
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
colourIndex [i].setDevice (&device);
colourIndex [i].writeToDevice ();
// write out each scanline
// (BMP padded to 4 bytes vs WRI input bitmap which is actually padded to 2)
Word scanLineWRILength = getBytesPerScanLine (infoHeader.getWidth (), infoHeader.getBitsPerPixel (), 2);
if (scanLineWRILength != m_bmh->getWidthBytes ())
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InvalidFormat, "scanLineWRILength != m_bmh->getWidthBytes()\n");
Word scanLineBMPLength = getBytesPerScanLine (infoHeader.getWidth (), infoHeader.getBitsPerPixel (), 4);
m_device->debug ("in: scanLineWRILength: ", scanLineWRILength);
m_device->debug ("out: scanLineBMPLength: ", scanLineBMPLength);
Byte *padding = new Byte [scanLineBMPLength - scanLineWRILength];
if (!padding)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::OutOfMemory, "could not allocate memory for scanline\n");
memset (padding, 0, scanLineBMPLength - scanLineWRILength);
// the DIB is upside-down...
for (int i = (int) infoHeader.getHeight () - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// write bitmap scanline
device.writeInternal (internalData + i * scanLineWRILength, scanLineWRILength * sizeof (Byte));
// write padding for scanline
device.writeInternal (padding, (scanLineBMPLength - scanLineWRILength) * sizeof (Byte));
delete [] padding;
device.setCache (NULL);
delete [] colourIndex;
delete [] internalData;
return true;
bool Image::writeToDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\n>>>> Image::writeToDevice <<<<\n");
Dump (mappingMode);
//Dump (MFP_width); // will change below
//Dump (MFP_height);
Dump (MFP_unknown);
Dump (indent);
//Dump (width);
//Dump (height);
Dump (zero);
Dump (numHeaderBytes);
//Dump (numDataBytes);
//Dump (horizontalScalingRel1000);
//Dump (verticalScalingRel1000);
// write data
if (getIsWMF ())
// Header check
WMFHeader wmfHeader;
m_device->setCache (m_externalImage);
wmfHeader.setDevice (m_device);
if (!wmfHeader.readFromDevice ()) return false;
// TODO: fix this incorrect check (see wmf.cpp)
//if (wmfHeader.getFileSize () * sizeof (Word) != m_externalImageSize)
// m_device->error (Error::Warn, "wmfHeader.fileSize != externalImageSize\n");
m_device->setCache (NULL);
// set image dimensions
// entire BitmapHeader is unused with WMFs
m_bmh->setWidth (0);
m_bmh->setHeight (0);
m_bmh->setWidthBytes (0);
m_bmh->setNumPlanes (0);
m_bmh->setBitsPerPixel (0);
m_MFP_width = Word (Twip2Milli (m_originalWidth * 0.75) * 100.0);
m_MFP_height = Word (Twip2Milli (m_originalHeight * 0.75) * 100.0);
m_width = Word (m_displayedWidth);
m_height = Word (m_displayedHeight);
// not used by WMFs
m_horizontalScalingRel1000 = m_verticalScalingRel1000 = 1000;
// write header
setNumDataBytes (m_externalImageSize);
if (!ImageGenerated::writeToDevice ())
return false;
// external=internal with WMF (i.e. we really do write a WMF)
if (!m_device->writeInternal (m_externalImage, m_externalImageSize)) return false;
else // if (getIsBMP ())
m_device->setCache (m_externalImage);
BMP_BitmapFileHeader fileHeader;
fileHeader.setDevice (m_device);
if (!fileHeader.readFromDevice ()) return false;
/*Word colourTableSize = (1 << m_bmh->getNumPlanes ()) * BMP_BitmapColourIndex::s_size;
// fileHeader
DWord fileSize = BMP_BitmapFileHeader::s_size + BMP_BitmapInfoHeader::s_size
+ colourTableSize
+ (m_bmh->getHeight ()
* getBytesPerScanLine (m_bmh->getWidth (), m_bmh->getBitsPerPixel (), 4));
fileHeader.setTotalBytes (fileSize);
fileHeader.setActualImageOffset (BMP_BitmapFileHeader::s_size + BMP_BitmapInfoHeader::s_size
+ colourTableSize);*/
// infoHeader
BMP_BitmapInfoHeader infoHeader;
infoHeader.setDevice (m_device);
if (!infoHeader.readFromDevice ()) return false;
// write out each scanline
// to .WRI (padded to 2) vs input BMP (padded to 4
Word scanLineWRILength = getBytesPerScanLine (infoHeader.getWidth (), infoHeader.getBitsPerPixel (), 2);
Word scanLineBMPLength = getBytesPerScanLine (infoHeader.getWidth (), infoHeader.getBitsPerPixel (), 4);
if (infoHeader.getWidth () != Word (Twip2Point (m_originalWidth)))
ErrorAndQuit (Error::Warn, "infoHeader width != m_originalWidth\n");
if (infoHeader.getHeight () != Word (Twip2Point (m_originalHeight)))
ErrorAndQuit (Error::Warn, "infoHeader.height != m_originalHeight\n");
m_bmh->setWidth (infoHeader.getWidth ());
m_bmh->setHeight (infoHeader.getHeight ());
m_bmh->setWidthBytes (scanLineWRILength);
if (infoHeader.getNumPlanes () != 1)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::InvalidFormat, "infoHeader.getNumPlanes() != 1\n");
m_bmh->setNumPlanes (infoHeader.getNumPlanes ());
m_bmh->setBitsPerPixel (infoHeader.getBitsPerPixel ());
if (infoHeader.getCompression () != 0) // BI_RGB (uncompressed)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::Unsupported, "compressed bitmaps unsupported\n");
//infoHeader.setSizeImage (0); // lazy
//infoHeader.setXPixelsPerMeter (0), infoHeader.setYPixelsPerMeter (0);
infoHeader.setColoursUsed (1 << infoHeader.getBitsPerPixel ()); // make life easier
//infoHeader.setColoursImportant (infoHeader.getColoursUsed ());
if (infoHeader.getColoursUsed () != 2)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::Unsupported, "can't save colour BMPs, use WMFs for that purpose\n");
// colourTable
BMP_BitmapColourIndex *colourIndex = new BMP_BitmapColourIndex [infoHeader.getColoursUsed ()];
if (!colourIndex)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::OutOfMemory, "could not allocate memory for colourIndex[]\n");
colourIndex [0].setDevice (m_device);
if (!colourIndex [0].readFromDevice ()) return false;
if (colourIndex [0].getRed () != 0 || colourIndex [0].getGreen () != 0 || colourIndex [0].getBlue () != 0)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "black not black\n");
colourIndex [1].setDevice (m_device);
if (!colourIndex [1].readFromDevice ()) return false;
if (colourIndex [1].getRed () != 0xFF || colourIndex [1].getGreen () != 0xFF || colourIndex [1].getBlue () != 0xFF)
m_device->error (Error::Warn, "white not white\n");
// finish reading from m_externalImage
m_device->setCache (NULL);
// set image dimensions
m_MFP_width = Word (Twip2Point (m_originalWidth) * 2.64);
m_MFP_height = Word (Twip2Point (m_originalHeight) * 2.64);
// BMPs don't use
m_width = 0, m_height = 0;
m_horizontalScalingRel1000 = Word (m_displayedWidth * 1.38889 * 1000.0 / m_originalWidth);
m_verticalScalingRel1000 = Word (m_displayedHeight * 1.38889 * 1000.0 / m_originalHeight);
// write header
setNumDataBytes (infoHeader.getHeight () * scanLineBMPLength);
if (!ImageGenerated::writeToDevice ())
return false;
// the DIB is upside-down...
Byte *bmpData = m_externalImage + fileHeader.getActualImageOffset () + (infoHeader.getHeight () - 1) * scanLineBMPLength;
for (int i = (int) infoHeader.getHeight () - 1; i >= 0; i--)
// write bitmap scanline (padded to 2)
//if (!m_device->writeInternal (m_externalImage + fileHeader.getActualImageOffset () + i * scanLineBMPLength, scanLineWRILength))
if (!m_device->writeInternal (bmpData, scanLineWRILength))
return false;
bmpData -= scanLineBMPLength;
delete [] colourIndex;
return true;
OLE::OLE () : m_externalObject (NULL),
m_externalObjectSize (0), m_externalObjectUpto (0)
OLE::~OLE ()
delete [] m_externalObject;
OLE &OLE::operator= (const OLE &rhs)
if (this == &rhs)
return *this;
OLEGenerated::operator= (rhs);
m_externalObjectSize = rhs.m_externalObjectSize;
m_externalObjectUpto = rhs.m_externalObjectUpto;
delete [] m_externalObject;
m_externalObject = new Byte [m_externalObjectSize];
if (!m_externalObject)
return *this; // TODO: error check
if (rhs.m_externalObject)
memcpy (m_externalObject, rhs.m_externalObject, m_externalObjectUpto);
return *this;
bool OLE::readFromDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\n<<<< OLE::readFromDevice >>>>\n");
if (!OLEGenerated::readFromDevice ())
return false;
Dump (zero);
switch (m_objectType)
case OLEType::Static:
m_device->debug ("\tobjectType: 1 - static\n");
case OLEType::Embedded:
m_device->debug ("\tobjectType: 2 - embedded\n");
case OLEType::Link:
m_device->debug ("\tobjectType: 3 - link\n");
Dump (indent);
Dump (width);
Dump (height);
Dump (zero2);
Dump (numDataBytes);
Dump (zero3);
Dump (objectName);
Dump (zero4);
Dump (numHeaderBytes);
Dump (zero5);
Dump (widthScaledRel1000);
Dump (heightScaledRel1000);
// OPT: TODO: this is dumb, we read it only to give it back to the parser who tells the generator to write it
m_externalObject = new Byte [m_externalObjectSize = getNumDataBytes ()];
if (!m_externalObject)
ErrorAndQuit (Error::OutOfMemory, "could not allocate memory for external OLE object\n");
if (!m_device->readInternal (m_externalObject, m_externalObjectSize))
return false;
return true;
bool OLE::writeToDevice (void)
m_device->debug ("\n>>>> OLE::writeToDevice <<<<\n");
Dump (zero);
switch (m_objectType)
case OLEType::Static:
m_device->debug ("\tobjectType: 1 - static\n");
case OLEType::Embedded:
m_device->debug ("\tobjectType: 2 - embedded\n");
case OLEType::Link:
m_device->debug ("\tobjectType: 3 - link\n");
Dump (indent);
Dump (width);
Dump (height);
Dump (zero2);
Dump (numDataBytes);
Dump (zero3);
Dump (objectName);
Dump (zero4);
Dump (numHeaderBytes);
Dump (zero5);
Dump (widthScaledRel1000);
Dump (heightScaledRel1000);
// write header
if (!OLEGenerated::writeToDevice ())
return false;
// write data
if (!m_device->writeInternal (m_externalObject, m_externalObjectSize))
return false;
return true;
} // namespace MSWrite {
// end of structures.cpp