LatexExportDia This dialog box is used for all latex filter in koffice. Robert Jacolin <> LatexExportDia 0 0 471 364 Latex Export Filter Configuration true unnamed 11 6 _tab true Widget2 Document defaultFontSize 241 236 125 29 12 0 1000 styleGroup 13 9 378 73 Document Style kwordStyleButton 11 43 354 23 KWord style true latexStyleButton 11 20 354 23 Latex style typeGroup 12 86 378 75 Document Type fullDocButton 14 21 349 23 Independent document true The document will be able to be compiled alone. The document will be generated as a full latex document since all the include will be generated before the \begin[document} and \end{document} commands. embededButton 14 45 351 23 Document to include Do not generate either the latex header or the document environment. The document will be generated as a latex document which will have to be included in a main latex document. It will allow you to generate several little files for each chapter of your document. TextLabel1_2 38 174 187 18 Document class: TextLabel2 39 208 186 18 Quality: defaultFontSizeTextZone 39 241 186 18 Default font size: classComboBox 240 168 125 27 Final Draft qualityComboBox 241 201 125 28 Widget3 Pictures pathPictures 22 80 263 42 This directory will contains the eps pictures of your document. pictureCheckBox 21 21 262 23 Convert the pictures true TextLabel1 24 58 255 18 Pictures directory: tab Language ButtonGroup3 18 17 359 73 Encoding encodingComboBox 25 31 157 26 GroupBox4 true 19 102 359 150 Language rmLanguageBtn 147 83 92 29 Remove addLanguageBtn 147 48 92 29 Add langUsedList 246 30 96 101 languagesList 16 30 122 105 tab Contents exportAuthor false 26 14 376 29 Export informations about author false tableContents false 26 49 377 39 Add a table of content note false 20 91 272 103 Notes RadioButton7 16 19 251 23 Don't export RadioButton6 17 64 251 23 Export notes in comments RadioButton5 17 40 248 23 Export notes in margin notes Layout1 unnamed 0 6 buttonHelp &Help F1 true Horizontal Spacing2 Horizontal Expanding 20 0 buttonOk &OK true true buttonCancel &Cancel true buttonOk clicked() LatexExportDia accept() buttonCancel clicked() LatexExportDia reject() addLanguageBtn clicked() LatexExportDia addLanguage() rmLanguageBtn clicked() LatexExportDia removeLanguage() addLanguage() removeLanguage() knuminput.h knuminput.h kcombobox.h kurlrequester.h klineedit.h kpushbutton.h kcombobox.h tdelistbox.h tdelistbox.h