// -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; tab-width: 4; -*- /* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer Copyright (C) 2005 Thorsten Zachmann This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KPrLineObject.h" #include "KPrUtils.h" #include "KPrDocument.h" #include "KPrLineObjectIface.h" #include "KoPointArray.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; KPrLineObject::KPrLineObject() : KPrShadowObject(), KPrStartEndLine( L_NORMAL, L_NORMAL ) { lineType = LT_HORZ; } KPrLineObject::KPrLineObject( const KoPen &_pen, LineEnd _lineBegin, LineEnd _lineEnd, LineType _lineType ) : KPrShadowObject( _pen ), KPrStartEndLine( _lineBegin, _lineEnd ) { lineType = _lineType; } KPrLineObject &KPrLineObject::operator=( const KPrLineObject & ) { return *this; } DCOPObject* KPrLineObject::dcopObject() { if ( !dcop ) dcop = new KPrLineObjectIface( this ); return dcop; } void KPrLineObject::fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& mainStyles ) const { KPrShadowObject::fillStyle( styleObjectAuto, mainStyles ); saveOasisMarkerElement( mainStyles, styleObjectAuto ); } bool KPrLineObject::saveOasisObjectAttributes( KPOasisSaveContext &/*sc*/ ) const { // nothing to do return true; } void KPrLineObject::saveOasisPosObject( KoXmlWriter &xmlWriter, int indexObj ) const { xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:id", "object" + QString::number( indexObj ) ); double x1 = 0.0; double y1 = 0.0; double x2 = 0.0; double y2 = 0.0; KoPoint center( ext.width() / 2, ext.height() / 2 ); switch ( lineType ) { case LT_LD_RU: x1 = -center.x(); y1 = center.y(); x2 = -x1; y2 = -y1; break; case LT_HORZ: x1 = -center.x(); x2 = -x1; break; case LT_VERT: y1 = -center.y(); y2 = -y1; break; case LT_LU_RD: x1 = -center.x(); y1 = -center.y(); x2 = -x1; y2 = -y1; break; } if ( kAbs( angle ) > 1E-6 ) { double angInRad = -angle * M_PI / 180.0; QWMatrix m( cos( angInRad ), -sin( angInRad ), sin( angInRad ), cos( angInRad ), 0, 0 ); double transX1 = 0.0; double transY1 = 0.0; double transX2 = 0.0; double transY2 = 0.0; m.map( x1, y1, &transX1, &transY1 ); m.map( x2, y2, &transX2, &transY2 ); x1 = transX1; y1 = transY1; x2 = transX2; y2 = transY2; } x1 += orig.x() + center.x(); y1 += orig.y() + center.y(); x2 += orig.x() + center.x(); y2 += orig.y() + center.y(); //save all into pt xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:x1", x1 ); xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:y1", y1 ); xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:x2", x2 ); xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:y2", y2 ); } const char * KPrLineObject::getOasisElementName() const { return "draw:line"; } QDomDocumentFragment KPrLineObject::save( QDomDocument& doc, double offset ) { QDomDocumentFragment fragment=KPrShadowObject::save(doc, offset); if (lineType!=LT_HORZ) fragment.appendChild(KPrObject::createValueElement("LINETYPE", static_cast(lineType), doc)); KPrStartEndLine::save( fragment, doc ); return fragment; } void KPrLineObject::loadOasis(const QDomElement &element, KoOasisContext & context, KPrLoadingInfo *info) { KPrShadowObject::loadOasis(element, context, info); double x1 = KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "x1", QString::null ) ); double y1 = KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "y1", QString::null ) ); double x2 = KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "x2", QString::null ) ); double y2 = KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "y2", QString::null ) ); kdDebug()<<" KPrLineObject::loadOasis(const QDomElement &element) : x1 "<< x1 <<" y1 : "< x2 && y1 > y2 ) ) lineType=LT_LU_RD; else lineType=LT_LD_RU; kdDebug()<<"KPrLineObject::loadOasis(const QDomElement &element) : real position x :"<(tmp); } KPrStartEndLine::load( element ); return offset; } void KPrLineObject::paint( QPainter* _painter, KoTextZoomHandler*_zoomHandler, int /* pageNum */, bool /*drawingShadow*/, bool drawContour ) { double ow = ext.width(); double oh = ext.height(); int _w = int( pen.pointWidth() ); QPen pen2; if ( drawContour ) { pen2 = QPen( Qt::black, 1, Qt::DotLine ); _painter->setRasterOp( Qt::NotXorROP ); } else { pen2 = pen.zoomedPen( _zoomHandler ); } _painter->setPen( pen2 ); KoSize diff1( 0, 0 ), diff2( 0, 0 ); float _angle = 0; switch ( lineType ) { case LT_HORZ: { _angle = 0; } break; case LT_VERT: { _angle = 90 ; } break; case LT_LU_RD: { KoRect _rect = KoRect( orig, ext ); KoPoint pnt1 = _rect.topLeft(); KoPoint pnt2 = _rect.bottomRight(); _angle = KoPoint::getAngle( pnt1, pnt2 ) - 180.0; } break; case LT_LD_RU: { KoRect _rect = KoRect( orig, ext ); KoPoint pnt1 = _rect.bottomLeft(); KoPoint pnt2 = _rect.topRight(); _angle = KoPoint::getAngle( pnt1, pnt2 ) - 180.0; } break; } if ( lineBegin != L_NORMAL ) diff1 = getOffset( lineBegin, _w, _angle + 180.0); if ( lineEnd != L_NORMAL ) diff2 = getOffset( lineEnd, _w, _angle ); switch ( lineType ) { case LT_HORZ: { if ( lineBegin != L_NORMAL && !drawContour ) drawFigure( lineBegin, _painter, KoPoint( 0, oh / 2.0 ), pen2.color(), _w, 180.0, _zoomHandler ); if ( lineEnd != L_NORMAL && !drawContour ) drawFigure( lineEnd, _painter, KoPoint( ow , oh / 2.0), pen2.color(), _w, 0.0, _zoomHandler ); _painter->drawLine( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( - diff1.width() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh / 2 ), _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow - diff2.width() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh / 2 ) ); } break; case LT_VERT: { if ( lineBegin != L_NORMAL && !drawContour ) drawFigure( lineBegin, _painter, KoPoint( ow / 2.0, 0 ), pen2.color(), _w, 270.0, _zoomHandler ); if ( lineEnd != L_NORMAL && !drawContour ) drawFigure( lineEnd, _painter, KoPoint( ow / 2.0, oh ), pen2.color(), _w, 90.0, _zoomHandler ); _painter->drawLine( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow / 2 ), _zoomHandler->zoomItX( - diff1.height() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow / 2 ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh - diff2.height() ) ); } break; case LT_LU_RD: { if ( lineBegin != L_NORMAL && !drawContour ) { _painter->save(); drawFigure( lineBegin, _painter, KoPoint( 0, 0 ), pen2.color(), _w, _angle + 180, _zoomHandler ); _painter->restore(); } if ( lineEnd != L_NORMAL && !drawContour ) { _painter->save(); _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh ) ); drawFigure( lineEnd, _painter, KoPoint( 0, 0 ), pen2.color(), _w, _angle, _zoomHandler ); _painter->restore(); } _painter->drawLine( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( - diff1.width() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( - diff1.height() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow - diff2.width() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh - diff2.height() ) ); } break; case LT_LD_RU: { if ( lineBegin != L_NORMAL && !drawContour ) { _painter->save(); _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( 0 ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh ) ); drawFigure( lineBegin, _painter, KoPoint( 0, 0 ), pen2.color(), _w, _angle + 180,_zoomHandler ); _painter->restore(); } if ( lineEnd != L_NORMAL && !drawContour ) { _painter->save(); _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( 0 ) ); drawFigure( lineEnd, _painter, KoPoint( 0, 0 ), pen2.color(), _w, _angle,_zoomHandler ); _painter->restore(); } _painter->drawLine( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( - diff1.width() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh - diff1.height() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow - diff2.width() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( - diff2.height() )); } break; } } void KPrLineObject::flip( bool horizontal ) { KPrObject::flip( horizontal ); if ( ! horizontal ) { if ( lineType == LT_LU_RD ) lineType = LT_LD_RU; else if ( lineType == LT_LD_RU ) lineType = LT_LU_RD; } else { if ( lineType == LT_LU_RD ) lineType = LT_LD_RU; else if ( lineType == LT_LD_RU ) lineType = LT_LU_RD; LineEnd tmp = lineBegin; lineBegin = lineEnd; lineEnd = tmp; } } KoSize KPrLineObject::getRealSize() const { KoPoint realOrig( orig ); KoSize size( ext ); KoPointArray points(4); if ( lineType == LT_LU_RD || lineType == LT_LD_RU ) { double objAngle = atan( ext.width() / ext.height() ); double x = cos( objAngle ) * pen.pointWidth(); double y = sin( objAngle ) * pen.pointWidth(); if ( lineType == LT_LU_RD ) { points.setPoint( 0, x, 0 ); points.setPoint( 1, 0, y ); points.setPoint( 2, ext.width() + x, ext.height() ); points.setPoint( 3, ext.width(), ext.height() + y ); } else { points.setPoint( 0, 0, ext.height() ); points.setPoint( 1, x, ext.height() + y ); points.setPoint( 2, ext.width(), 0 ); points.setPoint( 3, ext.width() + x, y ); } realOrig.setX( realOrig.x() - x / 2.0 ); realOrig.setY( realOrig.y() - y / 2.0 ); size.setWidth( size.width() + x ); size.setHeight( size.height() + y ); } if ( angle == 0.0 && lineType == LT_HORZ ) { size.setHeight( pen.pointWidth() ); } else if ( angle == 0.0 && lineType == LT_VERT ) { size.setWidth( pen.pointWidth() ); } else { if ( lineType == LT_HORZ ) { points.setPoint( 0, 0, ( ext.height() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); points.setPoint( 1, 0, ( ext.height() + pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); points.setPoint( 2, ext.width(), ( ext.height() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); points.setPoint( 3, ext.width(), ( ext.height() + pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); } else if ( lineType == LT_VERT ) { points.setPoint( 0, ( ext.width() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0, 0 ); points.setPoint( 1, ( ext.width() + pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0, 0 ); points.setPoint( 2, ( ext.width() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0, ext.height() ); points.setPoint( 3, ( ext.width() + pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0, ext.height() ); } getRealSizeAndOrigFromPoints( points, angle, size, realOrig ); } return size; } KoPoint KPrLineObject::getRealOrig() const { KoPoint realOrig( orig ); KoSize size( ext ); KoPointArray points(4); if ( lineType == LT_LU_RD || lineType == LT_LD_RU ) { double objAngle = atan( ext.width() / ext.height() ); double x = cos( objAngle ) * pen.pointWidth(); double y = sin( objAngle ) * pen.pointWidth(); if ( lineType == LT_LU_RD ) { points.setPoint( 0, x, 0 ); points.setPoint( 1, 0, y ); points.setPoint( 2, ext.width() + x, ext.height() ); points.setPoint( 3, ext.width(), ext.height() + y ); } else { points.setPoint( 0, 0, ext.height() ); points.setPoint( 1, x, ext.height() + y ); points.setPoint( 2, ext.width(), 0 ); points.setPoint( 3, ext.width() + x, y ); } realOrig.setX( realOrig.x() - x / 2.0 ); realOrig.setY( realOrig.y() - y / 2.0 ); size.setWidth( size.width() + x ); size.setHeight( size.height() + y ); } if ( angle == 0.0 && lineType == LT_HORZ ) { realOrig.setY( realOrig.y() + ( ext.height() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); } else if ( angle == 0.0 && lineType == LT_VERT ) { realOrig.setX( realOrig.x() + ( ext.width() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); } else { if ( lineType == LT_HORZ ) { points.setPoint( 0, 0, ( ext.height() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); points.setPoint( 1, 0, ( ext.height() + pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); points.setPoint( 2, ext.width(), ( ext.height() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); points.setPoint( 3, ext.width(), ( ext.height() + pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0 ); } else if ( lineType == LT_VERT ) { points.setPoint( 0, ( ext.width() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0, 0 ); points.setPoint( 1, ( ext.width() + pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0, 0 ); points.setPoint( 2, ( ext.width() - pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0, ext.height() ); points.setPoint( 3, ( ext.width() + pen.pointWidth() ) / 2.0, ext.height() ); } getRealSizeAndOrigFromPoints( points, angle, size, realOrig ); } return realOrig; }