/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000 Reginald Stadlbauer Copyright (C) 2005 Thomas Zander This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "KWPictureFrameSet.h" #include "KWDocument.h" #include "KWordPictureFrameSetIface.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //#define DEBUG_DRAW KWPictureFrameSet::KWPictureFrameSet( KWDocument *_doc, const TQString & name ) : KWFrameSet( _doc ), m_keepAspectRatio( true ), m_finalSize( false ) { if ( name.isEmpty() ) m_name = _doc->generateFramesetName( i18n( "Picture %1" ) ); else m_name = name; } KWPictureFrameSet::KWPictureFrameSet( KWDocument* doc, const TQDomElement& frame, const TQDomElement& imageTag, KoOasisContext& context ) : KWFrameSet( doc ), m_keepAspectRatio( true ), m_finalSize( false ) { m_name = frame.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name", TQString() ); if ( doc->frameSetByName( m_name ) ) // already exists! m_name = doc->generateFramesetName( m_name + " %1" ); loadOasis( frame, imageTag, context ); } KWPictureFrameSet::~KWPictureFrameSet() { } KWordFrameSetIface* KWPictureFrameSet::dcopObject() { if ( !m_dcop ) m_dcop = new KWordPictureFrameSetIface( this ); return m_dcop; } void KWPictureFrameSet::loadPicture( const TQString & fileName ) { KoPictureCollection *collection = m_doc->pictureCollection(); m_picture = collection->loadPicture( fileName ); } void KWPictureFrameSet::insertPicture( const KoPicture& picture ) { KoPictureCollection *collection = m_doc->pictureCollection(); m_picture = collection->insertPicture( picture.getKey(), picture ); } void KWPictureFrameSet::reloadPicture( const KoPictureKey& key ) { KoPictureCollection *collection = m_doc->pictureCollection(); // If the picture is not already in the collection, then it gives a blank picture m_picture = collection->insertPicture( key, KoPicture() ); } TQDomElement KWPictureFrameSet::save( TQDomElement & parentElem, bool saveFrames ) { if ( m_frames.isEmpty() ) // Deleted frameset -> don't save return TQDomElement(); TQDomElement framesetElem = parentElem.ownerDocument().createElement( "FRAMESET" ); parentElem.appendChild( framesetElem ); KWFrameSet::saveCommon( framesetElem, saveFrames ); TQDomElement imageElem = parentElem.ownerDocument().createElement( "PICTURE" ); framesetElem.appendChild( imageElem ); imageElem.setAttribute( "keepAspectRatio", m_keepAspectRatio ? "true" : "false" ); TQDomElement elem = parentElem.ownerDocument().createElement( "KEY" ); imageElem.appendChild( elem ); m_picture.getKey().saveAttributes( elem ); return framesetElem; } void KWPictureFrameSet::load( TQDomElement &attributes, bool loadFrames ) { KWFrameSet::load( attributes, loadFrames ); TQString defaultRatio="true"; // TQDomNode node=attributes.namedItem( "PICTURE" ); if ( node.isNull() ) { node=attributes.namedItem( "IMAGE" ); if ( node.isNull() ) { node=attributes.namedItem( "CLIPART" ); defaultRatio="false"; } } TQDomElement image = node.toElement(); if ( !image.isNull() ) { m_keepAspectRatio = image.attribute( "keepAspectRatio", defaultRatio ) == "true"; // TQDomElement keyElement = image.namedItem( "KEY" ).toElement(); if ( !keyElement.isNull() ) { KoPictureKey key; key.loadAttributes( keyElement ); m_picture.clear(); m_picture.setKey( key ); m_doc->addPictureRequest( this ); } else { // (old format, up to KWord-1.1-beta2) TQDomElement filenameElement = image.namedItem( "FILENAME" ).toElement(); if ( !filenameElement.isNull() ) { TQString filename = filenameElement.attribute( "value" ); m_picture.clear(); m_picture.setKey( KoPictureKey( filename ) ); m_doc->addPictureRequest( this ); } else { kdError(32001) << "Missing KEY tag in IMAGE" << endl; } } } else { kdError(32001) << "Missing PICTURE/IMAGE/CLIPART tag in FRAMESET" << endl; } } void KWPictureFrameSet::saveOasis( KoXmlWriter& writer, KoSavingContext& context, bool /*saveFrames*/ ) const { if( m_frames.isEmpty() ) // Deleted frameset -> don't save return; KWFrame* frame = m_frames.getFirst(); frame->startOasisFrame( writer, context.mainStyles(), name() ); // draw:frame writer.startElement( "draw:image" ); writer.addAttribute( "xlink:type", "simple" ); writer.addAttribute( "xlink:show", "embed" ); writer.addAttribute( "xlink:actuate", "onLoad" ); if ( context.savingMode() == KoSavingContext::Store ) writer.addAttribute( "xlink:href", m_doc->pictureCollection()->getOasisFileName(m_picture) ); else { writer.startElement( "office:binary-data" ); m_picture.saveAsBase64( writer ); writer.endElement(); } writer.endElement(); writer.endElement(); // draw:frame } void KWPictureFrameSet::loadOasis( const TQDomElement& frame, const TQDomElement& tag, KoOasisContext& context ) { kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << endl; KoPictureKey key; TQDomNode binaryData = KoDom::namedItemNS( tag, KoXmlNS::office, "binary-data" ); if ( !binaryData.isNull() ) { TQCString data = binaryData.toElement().text().latin1(); m_picture.loadFromBase64( data ); key = KoPictureKey("nofile", TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime(Qt::UTC)); m_picture.setKey(key); } else { const TQString href( tag.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::xlink, "href", TQString()) ); if ( !href.isEmpty() /*&& href[0] == '#'*/ ) { TQString strExtension; const int result=href.tqfindRev("."); if (result>=0) { strExtension=href.mid(result+1); // As we are using KoPicture, the extension should be without the dot. } TQString filename(href/*.mid(1)*/); key = KoPictureKey(filename, TQDateTime::tqcurrentDateTime(Qt::UTC)); m_picture.setKey(key); KoStore* store = context.store(); Q_ASSERT( store ); if ( store->open( filename ) ) { KoStoreDevice dev(store); if ( !m_picture.load( &dev, strExtension ) ) kdWarning(32001) << "Cannot load picture: " << filename << " " << href << endl; store->close(); } } } m_doc->pictureCollection()->insertPicture( key, m_picture ); context.styleStack().save(); context.fillStyleStack( frame, KoXmlNS::draw, "style-name", "graphic" ); // get the style for the graphics element loadOasisFrame( frame, context ); context.styleStack().restore(); } void KWPictureFrameSet::drawFrameContents( KWFrame *frame, TQPainter *painter, const TQRect &crect, const TQColorGroup &, bool, bool, KWFrameSetEdit *, KWViewMode * ) { #ifdef DEBUG_DRAW kdDebug(32001) << "KWPictureFrameSet::drawFrameContents crect=" << crect << " size=" << kWordDocument()->zoomItX( frame->innerWidth() ) << "x" << kWordDocument()->zoomItY( frame->innerHeight() ) << endl; #endif m_picture.draw( *painter, 0, 0, kWordDocument()->zoomItX( frame->innerWidth() ), kWordDocument()->zoomItY( frame->innerHeight() ), crect.x(), crect.y(), crect.width(), crect.height(), !m_finalSize); } FrameSetType KWPictureFrameSet::type() const { return FT_PICTURE; } bool KWPictureFrameSet::keepAspectRatio() const { return m_keepAspectRatio; } void KWPictureFrameSet::setKeepAspectRatio( bool b ) { m_keepAspectRatio = b; } #ifndef NDEBUG void KWPictureFrameSet::printDebug( KWFrame *frame ) { KWFrameSet::printDebug( frame ); if ( !isDeleted() ) { kdDebug(32001) << "Image: key=" << m_picture.getKey().toString() << endl; } } #endif