#ifndef _SQLPARSER_H_ #define _SQLPARSER_H_ #include "field.h" #include "parser.h" #include "sqltypes.h" bool parseData(KexiDB::Parser *p, const char *data); /* A Bison parser, made by GNU Bison 2.2. */ /* Skeleton interface for Bison's Yacc-like parsers in C Copyright (C) 1984, 1989, 1990, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ /* As a special exception, you may create a larger work that tqcontains part or all of the Bison parser skeleton and distribute that work under terms of your choice, so long as that work isn't itself a parser generator using the skeleton or a modified version thereof as a parser skeleton. Alternatively, if you modify or redistribute the parser skeleton itself, you may (at your option) remove this special exception, which will cause the skeleton and the resulting Bison output files to be licensed under the GNU General Public License without this special exception. This special exception was added by the Free Software Foundation in version 2.2 of Bison. */ /* Tokens. */ #ifndef YYTOKENTYPE # define YYTOKENTYPE /* Put the tokens into the symbol table, so that GDB and other debuggers know about them. */ enum yytokentype { UMINUS = 258, SQL_TYPE = 259, SQL_ABS = 260, ACOS = 261, AMPERSAND = 262, SQL_ABSOLUTE = 263, ADA = 264, ADD = 265, ADD_DAYS = 266, ADD_HOURS = 267, ADD_MINUTES = 268, ADD_MONTHS = 269, ADD_SECONDS = 270, ADD_YEARS = 271, ALL = 272, ALLOCATE = 273, ALTER = 274, AND = 275, ANY = 276, ARE = 277, AS = 278, ASIN = 279, ASC = 280, ASCII = 281, ASSERTION = 282, ATAN = 283, ATAN2 = 284, AUTHORIZATION = 285, AUTO_INCREMENT = 286, AVG = 287, BEFORE = 288, SQL_BEGIN = 289, BETWEEN = 290, BIGINT = 291, BINARY = 292, BIT = 293, BIT_LENGTH = 294, BITWISE_SHIFT_LEFT = 295, BITWISE_SHIFT_RIGHT = 296, BREAK = 297, BY = 298, CASCADE = 299, CASCADED = 300, CASE = 301, CAST = 302, CATALOG = 303, CEILING = 304, CENTER = 305, SQL_CHAR = 306, CHAR_LENGTH = 307, CHARACTER_STRING_LITERAL = 308, CHECK = 309, CLOSE = 310, COALESCE = 311, COBOL = 312, COLLATE = 313, COLLATION = 314, COLUMN = 315, COMMIT = 316, COMPUTE = 317, CONCAT = 318, CONCATENATION = 319, CONNECT = 320, CONNECTION = 321, CONSTRAINT = 322, CONSTRAINTS = 323, CONTINUE = 324, CONVERT = 325, CORRESPONDING = 326, COS = 327, COT = 328, COUNT = 329, CREATE = 330, CURDATE = 331, CURRENT = 332, CURRENT_DATE = 333, CURRENT_TIME = 334, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP = 335, CURTIME = 336, CURSOR = 337, DATABASE = 338, SQL_DATE = 339, DATE_FORMAT = 340, DATE_REMAINDER = 341, DATE_VALUE = 342, DAY = 343, DAYOFMONTH = 344, DAYOFWEEK = 345, DAYOFYEAR = 346, DAYS_BETWEEN = 347, DEALLOCATE = 348, DEC = 349, DECLARE = 350, DEFAULT = 351, DEFERRABLE = 352, DEFERRED = 353, SQL_DELETE = 354, DESC = 355, DESCRIBE = 356, DESCRIPTOR = 357, DIAGNOSTICS = 358, DICTIONARY = 359, DIRECTORY = 360, DISCONNECT = 361, DISPLACEMENT = 362, DISTINCT = 363, DOMAIN_TOKEN = 364, SQL_DOUBLE = 365, DOUBLE_TQUOTED_STRING = 366, DROP = 367, ELSE = 368, END = 369, END_EXEC = 370, ETQUAL = 371, ESCAPE = 372, EXCEPT = 373, SQL_EXCEPTION = 374, EXEC = 375, EXECUTE = 376, EXISTS = 377, EXP = 378, EXPONENT = 379, EXTERNAL = 380, EXTRACT = 381, SQL_FALSE = 382, FETCH = 383, FIRST = 384, SQL_FLOAT = 385, FLOOR = 386, FN = 387, FOR = 388, FOREIGN = 389, FORTRAN = 390, FOUND = 391, FOUR_DIGITS = 392, FROM = 393, FULL = 394, GET = 395, GLOBAL = 396, GO = 397, GOTO = 398, GRANT = 399, GREATER_OR_EQUAL = 400, HAVING = 401, HOUR = 402, HOURS_BETWEEN = 403, IDENTITY = 404, IFNULL = 405, SQL_IGNORE = 406, IMMEDIATE = 407, SQL_IN = 408, INCLUDE = 409, INDEX = 410, INDICATOR = 411, INITIALLY = 412, INNER = 413, INPUT = 414, INSENSITIVE = 415, INSERT = 416, INTEGER = 417, INTERSECT = 418, INTERVAL = 419, INTO = 420, IS = 421, ISOLATION = 422, JOIN = 423, JUSTIFY = 424, KEY = 425, LANGUAGE = 426, LAST = 427, LCASE = 428, LEFT = 429, LENGTH = 430, LESS_OR_EQUAL = 431, LEVEL = 432, LIKE = 433, LINE_WIDTH = 434, LOCAL = 435, LOCATE = 436, LOG = 437, SQL_LONG = 438, LOWER = 439, LTRIM = 440, LTRIP = 441, MATCH = 442, SQL_MAX = 443, MICROSOFT = 444, SQL_MIN = 445, MINUS = 446, MINUTE = 447, MINUTES_BETWEEN = 448, MOD = 449, MODIFY = 450, MODULE = 451, MONTH = 452, MONTHS_BETWEEN = 453, MUMPS = 454, NAMES = 455, NATIONAL = 456, NCHAR = 457, NEXT = 458, NODUP = 459, NONE = 460, NOT = 461, NOT_EQUAL = 462, NOT_EQUAL2 = 463, NOW = 464, SQL_NULL = 465, SQL_IS = 466, SQL_IS_NULL = 467, SQL_IS_NOT_NULL = 468, NULLIF = 469, NUMERIC = 470, OCTET_LENGTH = 471, ODBC = 472, OF = 473, SQL_OFF = 474, SQL_ON = 475, ONLY = 476, OPEN = 477, OPTION = 478, OR = 479, ORDER = 480, OUTER = 481, OUTPUT = 482, OVERLAPS = 483, PAGE = 484, PARTIAL = 485, SQL_PASCAL = 486, PERSISTENT = 487, CTQL_PI = 488, PLI = 489, POSITION = 490, PRECISION = 491, PREPARE = 492, PRESERVE = 493, PRIMARY = 494, PRIOR = 495, PRIVILEGES = 496, PROCEDURE = 497, PRODUCT = 498, PUBLIC = 499, TQUARTER = 500, TQUIT = 501, RAND = 502, READ_ONLY = 503, REAL = 504, REFERENCES = 505, REPEAT = 506, REPLACE = 507, RESTRICT = 508, REVOKE = 509, RIGHT = 510, ROLLBACK = 511, ROWS = 512, RPAD = 513, RTRIM = 514, SCHEMA = 515, SCREEN_WIDTH = 516, SCROLL = 517, SECOND = 518, SECONDS_BETWEEN = 519, SELECT = 520, SEQUENCE = 521, SETOPT = 522, SET = 523, SHOWOPT = 524, SIGN = 525, SIMILAR_TO = 526, NOT_SIMILAR_TO = 527, INTEGER_CONST = 528, REAL_CONST = 529, DATE_CONST = 530, DATETIME_CONST = 531, TIME_CONST = 532, SIN = 533, SQL_SIZE = 534, SMALLINT = 535, SOME = 536, SPACE = 537, SQL = 538, SQL_TRUE = 539, SQLCA = 540, SQLCODE = 541, SQLERROR = 542, SQLSTATE = 543, SQLWARNING = 544, SQRT = 545, STDEV = 546, SUBSTRING = 547, SUM = 548, SYSDATE = 549, SYSDATE_FORMAT = 550, SYSTEM = 551, TABLE = 552, TAN = 553, TEMPORARY = 554, THEN = 555, THREE_DIGITS = 556, TIME = 557, TIMESTAMP = 558, TIMEZONE_HOUR = 559, TIMEZONE_MINUTE = 560, TINYINT = 561, TO = 562, TO_CHAR = 563, TO_DATE = 564, TRANSACTION = 565, TRANSLATE = 566, TRANSLATION = 567, TRUNCATE = 568, GENERAL_TITLE = 569, TWO_DIGITS = 570, UCASE = 571, UNION = 572, UNITQUE = 573, SQL_UNKNOWN = 574, UPDATE = 575, UPPER = 576, USAGE = 577, USER = 578, IDENTIFIER = 579, IDENTIFIER_DOT_ASTERISK = 580, TQUERY_PARAMETER = 581, USING = 582, VALUE = 583, VALUES = 584, VARBINARY = 585, VARCHAR = 586, VARYING = 587, VENDOR = 588, VIEW = 589, WEEK = 590, WHEN = 591, WHENEVER = 592, WHERE = 593, WHERE_CURRENT_OF = 594, WITH = 595, WORD_WRAPPED = 596, WORK = 597, WRAPPED = 598, XOR = 599, YEAR = 600, YEARS_BETWEEN = 601, SCAN_ERROR = 602, __LAST_TOKEN = 603, ILIKE = 604 }; #endif /* Tokens. */ #define UMINUS 258 #define SQL_TYPE 259 #define SQL_ABS 260 #define ACOS 261 #define AMPERSAND 262 #define SQL_ABSOLUTE 263 #define ADA 264 #define ADD 265 #define ADD_DAYS 266 #define ADD_HOURS 267 #define ADD_MINUTES 268 #define ADD_MONTHS 269 #define ADD_SECONDS 270 #define ADD_YEARS 271 #define ALL 272 #define ALLOCATE 273 #define ALTER 274 #define AND 275 #define ANY 276 #define ARE 277 #define AS 278 #define ASIN 279 #define ASC 280 #define ASCII 281 #define ASSERTION 282 #define ATAN 283 #define ATAN2 284 #define AUTHORIZATION 285 #define AUTO_INCREMENT 286 #define AVG 287 #define BEFORE 288 #define SQL_BEGIN 289 #define BETWEEN 290 #define BIGINT 291 #define BINARY 292 #define BIT 293 #define BIT_LENGTH 294 #define BITWISE_SHIFT_LEFT 295 #define BITWISE_SHIFT_RIGHT 296 #define BREAK 297 #define BY 298 #define CASCADE 299 #define CASCADED 300 #define CASE 301 #define CAST 302 #define CATALOG 303 #define CEILING 304 #define CENTER 305 #define SQL_CHAR 306 #define CHAR_LENGTH 307 #define CHARACTER_STRING_LITERAL 308 #define CHECK 309 #define CLOSE 310 #define COALESCE 311 #define COBOL 312 #define COLLATE 313 #define COLLATION 314 #define COLUMN 315 #define COMMIT 316 #define COMPUTE 317 #define CONCAT 318 #define CONCATENATION 319 #define CONNECT 320 #define CONNECTION 321 #define CONSTRAINT 322 #define CONSTRAINTS 323 #define CONTINUE 324 #define CONVERT 325 #define CORRESPONDING 326 #define COS 327 #define COT 328 #define COUNT 329 #define CREATE 330 #define CURDATE 331 #define CURRENT 332 #define CURRENT_DATE 333 #define CURRENT_TIME 334 #define CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 335 #define CURTIME 336 #define CURSOR 337 #define DATABASE 338 #define SQL_DATE 339 #define DATE_FORMAT 340 #define DATE_REMAINDER 341 #define DATE_VALUE 342 #define DAY 343 #define DAYOFMONTH 344 #define DAYOFWEEK 345 #define DAYOFYEAR 346 #define DAYS_BETWEEN 347 #define DEALLOCATE 348 #define DEC 349 #define DECLARE 350 #define DEFAULT 351 #define DEFERRABLE 352 #define DEFERRED 353 #define SQL_DELETE 354 #define DESC 355 #define DESCRIBE 356 #define DESCRIPTOR 357 #define DIAGNOSTICS 358 #define DICTIONARY 359 #define DIRECTORY 360 #define DISCONNECT 361 #define DISPLACEMENT 362 #define DISTINCT 363 #define DOMAIN_TOKEN 364 #define SQL_DOUBLE 365 #define DOUBLE_TQUOTED_STRING 366 #define DROP 367 #define ELSE 368 #define END 369 #define END_EXEC 370 #define ETQUAL 371 #define ESCAPE 372 #define EXCEPT 373 #define SQL_EXCEPTION 374 #define EXEC 375 #define EXECUTE 376 #define EXISTS 377 #define EXP 378 #define EXPONENT 379 #define EXTERNAL 380 #define EXTRACT 381 #define SQL_FALSE 382 #define FETCH 383 #define FIRST 384 #define SQL_FLOAT 385 #define FLOOR 386 #define FN 387 #define FOR 388 #define FOREIGN 389 #define FORTRAN 390 #define FOUND 391 #define FOUR_DIGITS 392 #define FROM 393 #define FULL 394 #define GET 395 #define GLOBAL 396 #define GO 397 #define GOTO 398 #define GRANT 399 #define GREATER_OR_EQUAL 400 #define HAVING 401 #define HOUR 402 #define HOURS_BETWEEN 403 #define IDENTITY 404 #define IFNULL 405 #define SQL_IGNORE 406 #define IMMEDIATE 407 #define SQL_IN 408 #define INCLUDE 409 #define INDEX 410 #define INDICATOR 411 #define INITIALLY 412 #define INNER 413 #define INPUT 414 #define INSENSITIVE 415 #define INSERT 416 #define INTEGER 417 #define INTERSECT 418 #define INTERVAL 419 #define INTO 420 #define IS 421 #define ISOLATION 422 #define JOIN 423 #define JUSTIFY 424 #define KEY 425 #define LANGUAGE 426 #define LAST 427 #define LCASE 428 #define LEFT 429 #define LENGTH 430 #define LESS_OR_EQUAL 431 #define LEVEL 432 #define LIKE 433 #define LINE_WIDTH 434 #define LOCAL 435 #define LOCATE 436 #define LOG 437 #define SQL_LONG 438 #define LOWER 439 #define LTRIM 440 #define LTRIP 441 #define MATCH 442 #define SQL_MAX 443 #define MICROSOFT 444 #define SQL_MIN 445 #define MINUS 446 #define MINUTE 447 #define MINUTES_BETWEEN 448 #define MOD 449 #define MODIFY 450 #define MODULE 451 #define MONTH 452 #define MONTHS_BETWEEN 453 #define MUMPS 454 #define NAMES 455 #define NATIONAL 456 #define NCHAR 457 #define NEXT 458 #define NODUP 459 #define NONE 460 #define NOT 461 #define NOT_EQUAL 462 #define NOT_EQUAL2 463 #define NOW 464 #define SQL_NULL 465 #define SQL_IS 466 #define SQL_IS_NULL 467 #define SQL_IS_NOT_NULL 468 #define NULLIF 469 #define NUMERIC 470 #define OCTET_LENGTH 471 #define ODBC 472 #define OF 473 #define SQL_OFF 474 #define SQL_ON 475 #define ONLY 476 #define OPEN 477 #define OPTION 478 #define OR 479 #define ORDER 480 #define OUTER 481 #define OUTPUT 482 #define OVERLAPS 483 #define PAGE 484 #define PARTIAL 485 #define SQL_PASCAL 486 #define PERSISTENT 487 #define CTQL_PI 488 #define PLI 489 #define POSITION 490 #define PRECISION 491 #define PREPARE 492 #define PRESERVE 493 #define PRIMARY 494 #define PRIOR 495 #define PRIVILEGES 496 #define PROCEDURE 497 #define PRODUCT 498 #define PUBLIC 499 #define TQUARTER 500 #define TQUIT 501 #define RAND 502 #define READ_ONLY 503 #define REAL 504 #define REFERENCES 505 #define REPEAT 506 #define REPLACE 507 #define RESTRICT 508 #define REVOKE 509 #define RIGHT 510 #define ROLLBACK 511 #define ROWS 512 #define RPAD 513 #define RTRIM 514 #define SCHEMA 515 #define SCREEN_WIDTH 516 #define SCROLL 517 #define SECOND 518 #define SECONDS_BETWEEN 519 #define SELECT 520 #define SEQUENCE 521 #define SETOPT 522 #define SET 523 #define SHOWOPT 524 #define SIGN 525 #define SIMILAR_TO 526 #define NOT_SIMILAR_TO 527 #define INTEGER_CONST 528 #define REAL_CONST 529 #define DATE_CONST 530 #define DATETIME_CONST 531 #define TIME_CONST 532 #define SIN 533 #define SQL_SIZE 534 #define SMALLINT 535 #define SOME 536 #define SPACE 537 #define SQL 538 #define SQL_TRUE 539 #define SQLCA 540 #define SQLCODE 541 #define SQLERROR 542 #define SQLSTATE 543 #define SQLWARNING 544 #define SQRT 545 #define STDEV 546 #define SUBSTRING 547 #define SUM 548 #define SYSDATE 549 #define SYSDATE_FORMAT 550 #define SYSTEM 551 #define TABLE 552 #define TAN 553 #define TEMPORARY 554 #define THEN 555 #define THREE_DIGITS 556 #define TIME 557 #define TIMESTAMP 558 #define TIMEZONE_HOUR 559 #define TIMEZONE_MINUTE 560 #define TINYINT 561 #define TO 562 #define TO_CHAR 563 #define TO_DATE 564 #define TRANSACTION 565 #define TRANSLATE 566 #define TRANSLATION 567 #define TRUNCATE 568 #define GENERAL_TITLE 569 #define TWO_DIGITS 570 #define UCASE 571 #define UNION 572 #define UNITQUE 573 #define SQL_UNKNOWN 574 #define UPDATE 575 #define UPPER 576 #define USAGE 577 #define USER 578 #define IDENTIFIER 579 #define IDENTIFIER_DOT_ASTERISK 580 #define TQUERY_PARAMETER 581 #define USING 582 #define VALUE 583 #define VALUES 584 #define VARBINARY 585 #define VARCHAR 586 #define VARYING 587 #define VENDOR 588 #define VIEW 589 #define WEEK 590 #define WHEN 591 #define WHENEVER 592 #define WHERE 593 #define WHERE_CURRENT_OF 594 #define WITH 595 #define WORD_WRAPPED 596 #define WORK 597 #define WRAPPED 598 #define XOR 599 #define YEAR 600 #define YEARS_BETWEEN 601 #define SCAN_ERROR 602 #define __LAST_TOKEN 603 #define ILIKE 604 #if ! defined YYSTYPE && ! defined YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED typedef union YYSTYPE #line 511 "sqlparser.y" { TQString* stringValue; TQ_LLONG integerValue; bool booleanValue; struct realType realValue; KexiDB::Field::Type colType; KexiDB::Field *field; KexiDB::BaseExpr *expr; KexiDB::NArgExpr *exprList; KexiDB::ConstExpr *constExpr; KexiDB::QuerySchema *querySchema; SelectOptionsInternal *selectOptions; OrderByColumnInternal::List *orderByColumns; TQVariant *variantValue; } /* Line 1528 of yacc.c. */ #line 763 "sqlparser.tab.h" YYSTYPE; # define yystype YYSTYPE /* obsolescent; will be withdrawn */ # define YYSTYPE_IS_DECLARED 1 # define YYSTYPE_IS_TRIVIAL 1 #endif extern YYSTYPE yylval; #endif