/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000 Matthias Kalle Dalheimer This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kchartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage.h" #include "kchartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage.moc" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kchart_params.h" namespace KChart { KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage::KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage( KChartParams* params, TQWidget* tqparent ) : TQWidget( tqparent, "KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage" ), _params( params ) { TQWhatsThis::add( this, i18n( "On this page, you can select colors or images " "to be displayed behind the different areas. You " "can also select whether the images should be " "stretched or scaled or centered or used as " "background tiles." ) ); TQHBoxLayout* toplevel = new TQHBoxLayout( this, 10 ); #if 0 TQVBoxLayout* left=new TQVBoxLayout(10); toplevel->addLayout(left,2); regionList=new TQListBox(this); left->addWidget(regionList); #endif TQVBoxLayout* center = new TQVBoxLayout( 10 ); toplevel->addLayout( center, 2 ); TQLabel* backgroundLA = new TQLabel( i18n( "&Background color:" ), this ); center->addWidget( backgroundLA ); _backgroundCB = new KColorButton( this ); backgroundLA->setBuddy( _backgroundCB ); center->addWidget( _backgroundCB); TQString wtstr = i18n( "Here you set the color in which the background " "of the chart is painted." ); TQWhatsThis::add( backgroundLA, wtstr ); TQWhatsThis::add( _backgroundCB, wtstr ); TQLabel* wallpaperLA = new TQLabel( i18n( "Background wallpaper:" ), this ); center->addWidget( wallpaperLA ); wallCB = new TQComboBox( false, this, "wallCombo" ); wallpaperLA->setBuddy(wallCB); TQWhatsThis::add( wallCB, i18n( "You can select a background image from " "this list. Initially, the installed KDE " "wallpapers will be offered. If you do not " "find what you are looking for here, you can " "select any image file by clicking on the " "Browse button below." ) ); center->addWidget( wallCB ); wallCB->insertItem( i18n("None") ); loadWallpaperFilesList(); TQPushButton* browsePB = new TQPushButton( i18n("&Browse..."), this ); TQWhatsThis::add( browsePB, i18n( "Click this button to select a background " "image not yet present in the list above. " ) ); center->addWidget( browsePB ); connect( browsePB, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), TQT_SLOT( slotBrowse() ) ); wallWidget = new TQWidget( this ); TQWhatsThis::add( wallWidget, i18n( "This area will always display the " "currently selected background image. " "Note that the image will be scaled and " "thus might have a different ratio than " "it originally had." ) ); center->addWidget( wallWidget ); connect( wallCB, TQT_SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotWallPaperChanged( int ) ) ); right = new TQVGroupBox( i18n( "Wallpaper Configuration" ), this ); TQWhatsThis::add( right, i18n( "In this box, you can set various settings " "that control how the background image is " "displayed." ) ); toplevel->addWidget( right ); TQHBox* intensityHB = new TQHBox( right ); intensityHB->setSpacing( 10 ); TQLabel* intensityLA = new TQLabel( // xgettext:no-c-format i18n( "&Intensity in %:" ), intensityHB ); intensitySB = new TQSpinBox( 1, 100, 1, intensityHB ); intensityLA->setBuddy( intensitySB ); // xgettext:no-c-format TQString ttstr = i18n( "Here you can select how much the image should be " "brightened up so that it does not disturb the " "selected area too much.
Different images require " "different settings, but 25% is a good value to start " "with." ); TQWhatsThis::add( intensityLA, ttstr ); TQWhatsThis::add( intensitySB, ttstr ); stretchedRB = new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Stretched" ), right ); TQWhatsThis::add( stretchedRB, i18n( "If you check this box, the selected image will " "be scaled to fit the total size of the selected " "area. Image ratio will be adjusted to match " "the area size and height if necessary." ) ); stretchedRB->setChecked( true ); scaledRB = new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Scaled" ), right ); TQWhatsThis::add( scaledRB, i18n( "If you check this box, the selected image will " "be scaled to match the height or width of the " "selected area - whichever is reached first." ) ); centeredRB = new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Centered" ), right ); TQWhatsThis::add( centeredRB, i18n( "If you check this box, the selected image will " "be centered over the selected area. If the image " "is larger then the area, you will only see the " "middle part of it." ) ); tiledRB = new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Tiled" ), right ); TQWhatsThis::add( tiledRB, i18n( "If you check this box, the selected image will " "be used as a background tile. If the image is " "larger then the selected area, you will only see " "the upper left part of it." ) ); TQButtonGroup* alignmentBG; alignmentBG = new TQButtonGroup( right, "GroupBox_Alignment" ); alignmentBG->setFrameStyle( TQFrame::NoFrame ); alignmentBG->insert( stretchedRB ); alignmentBG->insert( scaledRB ); alignmentBG->insert( centeredRB ); alignmentBG->insert( tiledRB ); intensitySB->hide(); //the property doesn't work atm } //Code from kcontrol/background/bgdialog.cc void KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage::loadWallpaperFilesList() { // Wallpapers // the following TQMap is lower cased names mapped to cased names and URLs // this way we get case insensitive sorting TQMap > papers; //search for .desktop files before searching for images without .desktop files TQStringList lst = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("wallpaper", "*desktop", false, true); TQStringList files; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { KSimpleConfig fileConfig(*it); fileConfig.setGroup("Wallpaper"); TQString imageCaption = fileConfig.readEntry("Name"); TQString fileName = fileConfig.readEntry("File"); if (imageCaption.isEmpty()) { imageCaption = fileName; imageCaption.tqreplace('_', ' '); imageCaption = KStringHandler::capwords(imageCaption); } // avoid name collisions TQString rs = imageCaption; TQString lrs = rs.lower(); for (int n = 1; papers.tqfind(lrs) != papers.end(); ++n) { rs = imageCaption + " (" + TQString::number(n) + ')'; lrs = rs.lower(); } int slash = (*it).tqfindRev('/') + 1; TQString directory = (*it).left(slash); bool canLoadScaleable = false; #ifdef HAVE_LIBART canLoadScaleable = true; #endif if ( fileConfig.readEntry("ImageType") == "pixmap" || canLoadScaleable ) { papers[lrs] = tqMakePair(rs, directory + fileName); files.append(directory + fileName); } } //now find any wallpapers that don't have a .desktop file lst = KGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("wallpaper", "*", false, true); for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = lst.begin(); it != lst.end(); ++it) { if ( !(*it).endsWith(".desktop") && files.grep(*it).empty() ) { // First try to see if we have a comment describing the image. If we do // just use the first line of said comment. KFileMetaInfo metaInfo(*it); TQString imageCaption; if (metaInfo.isValid() && metaInfo.item("Comment").isValid()) imageCaption = metaInfo.item("Comment").string().section('\n', 0, 0); if (imageCaption.isEmpty()) { int slash = (*it).tqfindRev('/') + 1; int endDot = (*it).tqfindRev('.'); // strip the extension if it exists if (endDot != -1 && endDot > slash) imageCaption = (*it).mid(slash, endDot - slash); else imageCaption = (*it).mid(slash); imageCaption.tqreplace('_', ' '); imageCaption = KStringHandler::capwords(imageCaption); } // avoid name collisions TQString rs = imageCaption; TQString lrs = rs.lower(); for (int n = 1; papers.tqfind(lrs) != papers.end(); ++n) { rs = imageCaption + " (" + TQString::number(n) + ')'; lrs = rs.lower(); } papers[lrs] = tqMakePair(rs, *it); } } m_wallpaper.clear(); //don't start to 0, we have None element int i = 1; for (TQMap >::Iterator it = papers.begin(); it != papers.end(); ++it) { wallCB->insertItem(it.data().first); m_wallpaper[it.data().second] = i; i++; } } void KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage::init() { #if 0 TQStringList lst; lst.append(i18n( "Outermost Region" )); lst.append(i18n( "Innermost Region" )); lst.append(i18n( "Header+Title+Subtitle" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footers" )); lst.append(i18n( "Data+Axes+Legend" )); lst.append(i18n( "Data+Axes" )); lst.append(i18n( "Data" )); lst.append(i18n( "Legend" )); lst.append(i18n( "Left Axis" )); lst.append(i18n( "Bottom Axis" )); lst.append(i18n( "Right Axis" )); lst.append(i18n( "Header A" )); lst.append(i18n( "Header B" )); lst.append(i18n( "Header C" )); lst.append(i18n( "Title A" )); lst.append(i18n( "Title B" )); lst.append(i18n( "Title C" )); lst.append(i18n( "Subtitle A" )); lst.append(i18n( "Subtitle B" )); lst.append(i18n( "Subtitle C" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 1 A" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 1 B" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 1 C" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 2 A" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 2 B" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 2 C" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 3 A" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 3 B" )); lst.append(i18n( "Footer 3 C" )); regionList->insertStringList(lst); #endif // PENDING(kalle) Readapt // showSettings( _params->backgroundPixmapName ); // intensitySB->setValue( (int)(_params->backgroundPixmapIntensity * 100.0) ); // scaledCB->setChecked( _params->backgroundPixmapScaled ); // centeredCB->setChecked( _params->backgroundPixmapCentered ); bool bFound; const KDChartParams::KDChartFrameSettings * innerFrame = _params->frameSettings( KDChartEnums::AreaInnermost, bFound ); if( bFound ) { const TQPixmap* backPixmap; bool isTiledMode = false; KDFrame::BackPixmapMode backPixmapMode; const TQBrush& background = innerFrame->frame().background( backPixmap, backPixmapMode ); const TQColor backColor( background.color() ); // Bg color has to be be set in any case, // even when a (tiled) pixmap is specified: _backgroundCB->setColor( backColor ); if( !backPixmap || backPixmap->isNull() ) { // A pixmap can be in the brush, if used as Tile. backPixmap = background.pixmap(); if( backPixmap ) isTiledMode = true; } if( !backPixmap || backPixmap->isNull() ) //color as background { right->setEnabled( false ); wallCB->setCurrentItem( 0 ); } else //pixmap as background { _backgroundCB->setEnabled( false ); wallWidget->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( *backPixmap ); wallCB->setCurrentItem( 1 ); if( isTiledMode ) { tiledRB->setChecked( true ); } else { switch( backPixmapMode ){ case KDFrame::PixCentered: centeredRB->setChecked( true ); break; case KDFrame::PixScaled: scaledRB->setChecked( true ); break; default: stretchedRB->setChecked( true ); } } } } else _backgroundCB->setColor(TQColor(230, 222, 222) ); } void KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage::apply() { // PENDING(kalle) Readapt // if( wallCB->currentText() != _params->backgroundPixmapName ) { // bool load=true; // if(wallCB->currentText()==i18n("None")) { // load=false; // } else { // _params->backgroundPixmapName = wallCB->currentText(); // bool load=_params->backgroundPixmap.load( locate( "wallpaper", _params->backgroundPixmapName ) ); // if(load) // _params->backgroundPixmapIsDirty = true; // } // if( !load ) { // _params->backgroundPixmapName = ""; // _params->backgroundPixmap=TQPixmap(""); // _params->backgroundPixmapIsDirty = false; // } // } // if( (int)(_params->backgroundPixmapIntensity * 100.0) != // intensitySB->value() ) { // _params->backgroundPixmapIntensity = (float)(intensitySB->value()) / 100.0; // _params->backgroundPixmapIsDirty = true; // } // if( _params->backgroundPixmapScaled != // scaledCB->isChecked() ) { // _params->backgroundPixmapScaled = scaledCB->isChecked(); // _params->backgroundPixmapIsDirty = true; // } // if( _params->backgroundPixmapCentered != // centeredCB->isChecked() ) { // _params->backgroundPixmapCentered = centeredCB->isChecked(); // _params->backgroundPixmapIsDirty = true; // } // // temp. hack: the background is removed if "None" is selected in the combo box // // For KOffice 1.5/2.0 this is to be removed by a checkbox. bool bFound; const KDChartParams::KDChartFrameSettings * innerFrame = _params->frameSettings( KDChartEnums::AreaInnermost, bFound ); if( bFound ) { const TQColor backColor( _backgroundCB->color() ); KDFrame& frame( const_cast(innerFrame->frame()) ); if ( wallCB->currentItem() == 0 ) { frame.setBackPixmap( 0 ); frame.setBackground( backColor ); } else { const TQPixmap* pixmap = wallWidget->paletteBackgroundPixmap(); if ( tiledRB->isChecked() ){ // We remove the frame's extra pixmap, frame.setBackPixmap( 0 ); // because a tiled image is set via a TQBrush. if( pixmap ) frame.setBackground( TQBrush( backColor, *pixmap ) ); else frame.setBackground( backColor ); }else{ KDFrame::BackPixmapMode backPixmapMode; if ( centeredRB->isChecked() ) backPixmapMode = KDFrame::PixCentered; else if ( scaledRB->isChecked() ) backPixmapMode = KDFrame::PixScaled; else backPixmapMode = KDFrame::PixStretched; // We reset the background color, removing any tiled brush, frame.setBackground( backColor ); // because we specify an extra pixmap instead. frame.setBackPixmap( pixmap, backPixmapMode ); } } } } void KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage::showSettings( const TQString& fileName ) { wallCB->blockSignals(true); if (m_wallpaper.tqfind(fileName) == m_wallpaper.end()) { int i = wallCB->count(); TQString imageCaption; int slash = fileName.tqfindRev('/') + 1; int endDot = fileName.tqfindRev('.'); // strip the extension if it exists if (endDot != -1 && endDot > slash) imageCaption = fileName.mid(slash, endDot - slash); else imageCaption = fileName.mid(slash); if (wallCB->text(i-1) == imageCaption) { i--; wallCB->removeItem(i); } wallCB->insertItem(imageCaption); m_wallpaper[fileName] = i; wallCB->setCurrentItem(i); } else { wallCB->setCurrentItem(m_wallpaper[fileName]); } wallCB->blockSignals(false); loadWallPaper(); } void KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage::slotBrowse() { //TODO: Support non-local wallpapers KURL url = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( 0 ); if( url.isEmpty() ) return; showSettings( url.path() ); } void KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage::slotWallPaperChanged( int index ) { if ( index != 0 && loadWallPaper() ) { _backgroundCB->setEnabled( false ); right->setEnabled( true ); } else { wallWidget->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( 0 ); _backgroundCB->setEnabled( true ); right->setEnabled( false ); } } bool KChartBackgroundPixmapConfigPage::loadWallPaper() { int i = wallCB->currentItem(); if ( i == -1 || i == 0 ) { // 0 is 'None' wallPixmap.resize(0,0); wallFile = ""; } else { for(TQMap::ConstIterator it = m_wallpaper.begin(); it != m_wallpaper.end(); ++it) { if (it.data() == i) { wallFile = it.key(); break; } } TQString file = locate("wallpaper", wallFile); if( file.isEmpty() ) { kdWarning(35001) << "Couldn't locate wallpaper " << wallFile << endl; wallPixmap.resize(0,0); wallFile = ""; return false; } else { wallPixmap.load( file ); if( wallPixmap.isNull() ) return false; // kdWarning(35001) << "Could not load wallpaper " << file << endl; } } wallWidget->setPaletteBackgroundPixmap( wallPixmap ); return true; } } //KChart namespace