/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Jaroslaw Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexinamedialog.h" KexiNameDialog::KexiNameDialog(const TQString& message, TQWidget * parent, const char * name) : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::Plain, TQString(), KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel|KDialogBase::Help, KDialogBase::Ok, parent, name) { // TQHBox ( TQWidget * parent = 0, const char * name = 0, WFlags f = 0 ) m_widget= new KexiNameWidget(message, plainPage(), "KexiNameWidget"); init(); } KexiNameDialog::KexiNameDialog(const TQString& message, const TQString& nameLabel, const TQString& nameText, const TQString& captionLabel, const TQString& captionText, TQWidget * parent, const char * name) : KDialogBase(KDialogBase::Plain, TQString(), KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok, parent, name) { m_widget= new KexiNameWidget(message, nameLabel, nameText, captionLabel, captionText, plainPage(), "KexiNameWidget"); init(); } KexiNameDialog::~KexiNameDialog() { } void KexiNameDialog::init() { TQGridLayout *lyr = new TQGridLayout(plainPage(), 2, 3); m_icon = new TQLabel( plainPage(), "icon" ); m_icon->setAlignment( int( AlignTop | AlignLeft ) ); m_icon->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Preferred,1,0)); m_icon->setFixedWidth(50); lyr->addWidget(m_icon,0,0); m_widget->setSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy(TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Preferred,1,0)); lyr->addWidget(m_widget,0,1); lyr->addItem(new TQSpacerItem( 25, 10, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum ), 0, 2); lyr->addItem(new TQSpacerItem( 5, 10, TQSizePolicy::Minimum, TQSizePolicy::Expanding ), 1, 1); // m_widget->captionLineEdit()->selectAll(); // m_widget->captionLineEdit()->setFocus(); connect(m_widget,TQ_SIGNAL(messageChanged()),this, TQ_SLOT(updateSize())); updateSize(); enableButtonOK( true ); slotTextChanged(); connect(m_widget, TQ_SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotTextChanged())); } void KexiNameDialog::updateSize() { // resize( TQSize(400, 140 + (m_widget->lbl_message->isVisible()?m_widget->lbl_message->height():0) ) resize( TQSize(400, 140 + (!m_widget->lbl_message->text().isEmpty()?m_widget->lbl_message->height():0) ) .expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) ); // updateGeometry(); } void KexiNameDialog::slotTextChanged() { bool enable = true; if (m_widget->isNameRequired() && m_widget->nameText().isEmpty() || m_widget->isCaptionRequired() && m_widget->captionText().isEmpty()) enable = false; enableButtonOK( enable ); } void KexiNameDialog::accept() { if (!m_widget->checkValidity()) return; KDialogBase::accept(); } void KexiNameDialog::setDialogIcon(const TQPixmap& icon) { m_icon->setPixmap(icon); } void KexiNameDialog::show() { m_widget->captionLineEdit()->selectAll(); m_widget->captionLineEdit()->setFocus(); KDialogBase::show(); } #include "kexinamedialog.moc"