.\" Copyright 1999 Andreas Dilger (adilger@enel.ucalgary.ca) .\" .\" This man page was created for libuuid.so.1.1 from e2fsprogs-1.14. .\" .\" This file may be copied under the terms of the GNU Public License. .\" .\" Created Wed Mar 10 17:42:12 1999, Andreas Dilger .TH UUID_COMPARE 3 "@E2FSPROGS_MONTH@ @E2FSPROGS_YEAR@" "E2fsprogs version @E2FSPROGS_VERSION@" .SH NAME uuid_compare \- compare whether two UUIDs are the same .SH SYNOPSIS .nf .B #include .sp .BI "int uuid_compare(uuid_t " uu1 ", uuid_t " uu2) .fi .SH DESCRIPTION The .B uuid_compare function compares the two supplied uuid variables .IR uu1 " and " uu2 to each other. .SH RETURN VALUE Returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if .I uu1 is found, respectively, to be lexigraphically less than, equal, or greater than .IR uu2 . .SH AUTHOR .B uuid_compare was written by Theodore Y. Ts'o for the ext2 filesystem utilties. .SH AVAILABILITY .B uuid_compare is part of libuuid from the e2fsprogs package and is available from http://e2fsprogs.sourceforge.net. .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR libuuid (3), .BR uuid_clear (3), .BR uuid_copy (3), .BR uuid_generate (3), .BR uuid_is_null (3)