/* * Copyright (c) 2005 Boudewijn Rempt * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include KoPaletteManager::KoPaletteManager(KoView * view, KActionCollection *ac, const char * name) : TQObject(view, name) { m_view = view; m_view->installEventFilter(this); m_actionCollection = ac; m_actions = new TQDict(); m_widgets = new TQDict(); m_palettes = new TQDict(); m_palettes->setAutoDelete(true); m_defaultMapping = new TQMap(); m_currentMapping = new TQMap(); m_fixedWidth = 0; m_setFixedWidth = false; m_widgetNames = new TQStringList(); m_mapper = new TQSignalMapper(this); connect(m_mapper, TQT_SIGNAL(mapped(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotTogglePalette(int))); m_viewActionMenu = new KActionMenu(i18n("Palettes"), m_actionCollection, "view_palette_action_menu"); KConfig * cfg = KGlobal::config(); cfg->setGroup("palettes"); bool palettesShown = cfg->readBoolEntry("palettesshown", true); KToggleAction * m_toggleShowHidePalettes; if ( palettesShown) { m_toggleShowHidePalettes = new KToggleAction(i18n("Hide All Palette Windows"), "CTRL+SHIFT+H", this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggleAllPalettes()), m_actionCollection, "toggleAllPaletteWindows"); m_toggleShowHidePalettes->setCheckedState(i18n("Show Palette Windows Again")); } else { m_toggleShowHidePalettes = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show Palette Windows Again"), "CTRL+SHIFT+H", this, TQT_SLOT(slotToggleAllPalettes()), m_actionCollection, "toggleAllPaletteWindows"); m_toggleShowHidePalettes->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide All Palette Windows")); } m_viewActionMenu->insert(m_toggleShowHidePalettes); // Recreate the palettes in the saved order TQStringList paletteList = TQStringList::split(",", cfg->readEntry("palettes")); TQStringList::iterator it; for (it = paletteList.begin(); it != paletteList.end(); ++it) { if (cfg->hasGroup("palette-" + (*it))) { cfg->setGroup("palette-" + (*it)); enumKoPaletteStyle style = (enumKoPaletteStyle)cfg->readNumEntry("style", 0); TQString caption = cfg->readEntry("caption", ""); createPalette((*it), caption, style); } } /* KAction * a = new KAction(i18n("Restore Palettes"), 0, this, TQT_SLOT(slotReset()), this, "restorePalettes"); m_viewActionMenu->insert(a); */ m_viewActionMenu->popupMenu()->insertSeparator(); } KoPaletteManager::~KoPaletteManager() { save(); delete m_viewActionMenu; delete m_widgetNames; delete m_widgets; delete m_palettes; delete m_actions; delete m_mapper; delete m_defaultMapping; delete m_currentMapping; } void KoPaletteManager::addWidget(TQWidget * widget, const TQString & name, const TQString & paletteName, int position, enumKoPaletteStyle style, bool shown) { if (!widget) return; TQString pname = paletteName; TQWidget * w = m_widgets->find(name); if (w != 0 ) { removeWidget(name); } bool visible = true; KConfig * cfg = KGlobal::config(); if (cfg->hasGroup("palettetab-" + name)) { cfg->setGroup("palettetab-" + name); pname = cfg->readEntry("docker"); visible = cfg->readBoolEntry("visible"); } KoPalette * palette = m_palettes->find(pname); if (palette == 0) { palette = createPalette(pname, widget->caption(), style); m_defaultPaletteOrder.append(pname+ "," + TQString::number(style)); } KToggleAction * a; a = new KToggleAction(i18n("Show %1").tqarg(widget->caption()), 0, m_mapper, TQT_SLOT(map()), m_actionCollection); a->setCheckedState(i18n("Hide %1").tqarg(widget->caption())); m_mapper->setMapping(a, m_widgetNames->count()); // This is the position at which we'll insert the action m_actions->insert( name, a ); m_viewActionMenu->insert(a); palette->plug(widget, name, position); m_widgets->insert(name, widget); // Default mappings ready for restoring m_defaultMapping->insert(name, pname); m_defaultWidgetOrder.append(name); // Find out the hidden state if(m_widgetNames->contains(name)) { // The widget has already been added (and removed) during this session if(m_hiddenWidgets.contains(name)) palette->hidePage( widget ); else { a->setChecked(true); palette->showPage( widget ); } } else { cfg->setGroup("palettes"); if( cfg->readBoolEntry("palettesshown", shown)) { if (visible) { a->setChecked(true); palette->showPage( widget ); } else palette->hidePage( widget ); } else { if (visible) m_hiddenWidgets.push(name); palette->hidePage( widget ); } } // Fill the current mappings m_widgetNames->append(name); m_currentMapping->insert(name, pname); } void KoPaletteManager::slotReset() { // Clear all old palettes m_palettes->setAutoDelete( true ); m_palettes->clear(); m_widgetNames->clear(); // Recreate the palettewindows in the saved order TQStringList::iterator it; for (it = m_defaultPaletteOrder.begin(); it != m_defaultPaletteOrder.end(); ++it) { TQString s = *it; TQString pname = s.section( ",", 0, 0 );; enumKoPaletteStyle style = (enumKoPaletteStyle)s.section(",", 1,1).toInt(); createPalette(pname, "", style); } // Place all existing (that we didn't throw away!) tabs in the right palette and in the right order for (it = m_defaultWidgetOrder.begin(); it != m_defaultWidgetOrder.end(); ++it) { TQString widgetName = *it; TQWidget * w = m_widgets->find(widgetName); if (!w) { continue; } TQString paletteName = *m_defaultMapping->find(widgetName); KoPalette * p = m_palettes->find(paletteName); if (p == 0) { // Funny -- we should have a consistent set of palettes without holes! createPalette(paletteName, "", PALETTE_DOCKER); } p->plug(w, widgetName, -1); // XXX: This is not good: we should add it in the same place as originally placed m_widgetNames->append(widgetName); m_currentMapping->insert(widgetName, paletteName); } } void KoPaletteManager::slotResetFont() { TQDictIterator it(*m_palettes); for (; it.current(); ++it) { it.current()->resetFont(); } } TQWidget * KoPaletteManager::widget(const TQString & name) { return m_widgets->find(name); } void KoPaletteManager::showWidget(const TQString & name) { TQWidget * w = m_widgets->find(name); if (!w) return; TQString pname = *m_currentMapping->find(name); if (pname.isNull()) return; KoPalette * p = m_palettes->find(pname); p->showPage(w); KToggleAction * a = m_actions->find(name); a->setChecked(true); } void KoPaletteManager::hideWidget(const TQString & name) { TQWidget * w = m_widgets->find(name); if (!w) return; TQString pname = *m_currentMapping->find(name); if (pname.isNull()) return; KoPalette * p = m_palettes->find(pname); p->hidePage(w); KToggleAction * a = m_actions->find(name); a->setChecked(false); } void KoPaletteManager::removeWidget(const TQString & name) { TQString palette = *(m_currentMapping->find(name)); if (palette.isNull()) return; TQWidget * w = m_widgets->find(name); if (!w) return; KoPalette * p = m_palettes->find(palette); if (!p) return; p->showPage(w); p->unplug(w); m_widgets->remove(name); m_currentMapping->remove(name); KAction * a = m_actions->take(name); m_viewActionMenu->remove(a); m_actionCollection->remove(a); } KoPalette * KoPaletteManager::createPalette(const TQString & name, const TQString & caption, enumKoPaletteStyle style) { Q_ASSERT(m_view); KoPalette * palette = 0; palette = m_palettes->find(name); if (palette) return palette; switch (style) { case (PALETTE_DOCKER): palette = new KoTabPalette(m_view, name.latin1()); break; case (PALETTE_TOOLBOX): palette = new KoToolBoxPalette(m_view, name.latin1()); break; default: // This is a custom palette that we cannot create return 0; }; if(!palette) return 0; if (m_setFixedWidth) palette->setFixedWidth(m_fixedWidth); palette->setCaption(caption); m_palettes->insert(name, palette); placePalette(name); return palette; } void KoPaletteManager::placePalette(const TQString & name, TQt::Dock location) { Q_ASSERT(!name.isNull()); KoPalette * palette = m_palettes->find(name); if (!palette) return; //XXX: Check whether this name occurs in the config list, retrieve the location, set the location KConfig * cfg = KGlobal::config(); if (cfg->hasGroup("palette-" + name)) { cfg->setGroup("palette-" + name); TQString dockarea = cfg->readEntry("dockarea", "right"); TQString caption = cfg->readEntry("caption", ""); int height = cfg->readNumEntry("height", 120); int place = cfg->readNumEntry("place", 0); int width = cfg->readNumEntry("width", 200); int x = cfg->readNumEntry("x", 0); int y = cfg->readNumEntry("y", 0); int offset = cfg->readNumEntry("offset", 0); palette->setGeometry(x, y, width, height); palette->setOffset(offset); if (dockarea == "left" && place == 0) { location = TQt::DockLeft; } else if (dockarea == "right" && place == 0) { location = TQt::DockRight; } else { location = DockTornOff; } } cfg->setGroup(""); m_dockability = (enumKoDockability) cfg->readNumEntry("palettesdockability"); // Top and bottom will never accept docks m_view->mainWindow()->topDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, false); m_view->mainWindow()->bottomDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, false); // Left and right may accept docks. The height of the screen is important int h = tqApp->desktop()->height(); switch (m_dockability) { case (DOCK_ENABLED): m_view->mainWindow()->leftDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, true); m_view->mainWindow()->rightDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, true); m_view->mainWindow()->addDockWindow(palette, location); break; case (DOCK_DISABLED): m_view->mainWindow()->leftDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, false); m_view->mainWindow()->rightDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, false); m_view->mainWindow()->addDockWindow(palette, TQt::DockTornOff); break; case (DOCK_SMART): if (h > 768) { m_view->mainWindow()->leftDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, true); m_view->mainWindow()->rightDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, true); m_view->mainWindow()->addDockWindow(palette, location); } else { m_view->mainWindow()->leftDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, false); m_view->mainWindow()->rightDock()->setAcceptDockWindow(palette, false); m_view->mainWindow()->addDockWindow(palette, TQt::DockTornOff); } break; }; m_view->mainWindow()->lineUpDockWindows(); } void KoPaletteManager::addPalette(KoPalette * palette, const TQString & name, TQt::Dock location) { Q_ASSERT(palette); Q_ASSERT(!name.isNull()); m_palettes->insert(name, palette); placePalette(name, location); } void KoPaletteManager::slotTogglePalette(int paletteIndex) { // Toggle the right palette TQString name = *m_widgetNames->at(paletteIndex); TQWidget * w = m_widgets->find(name); TQString pname = *m_currentMapping->find(name); KoPalette * p = m_palettes->find(pname); p->togglePageHidden( w ); m_hiddenWidgets.clear(); } void KoPaletteManager::slotToggleAllPalettes() { if( ! m_hiddenWidgets.isEmpty()) { // Restore previous visibility state while(!m_hiddenWidgets.isEmpty()) { TQString name = m_hiddenWidgets.pop(); TQWidget *w = m_widgets->find(name); KToggleAction * a = m_actions->find(name); a->setChecked(true); TQString pname = *m_currentMapping->find(name); KoPalette * p = m_palettes->find(pname); p->showPage(w); } } else { // Save hidden state and hide all palettes m_hiddenWidgets.clear(); TQDictIterator it(*m_widgets); for (; it.current(); ++it) { KToggleAction * a = m_actions->find(it.currentKey()); if(a->isChecked()) { a->setChecked(false); m_hiddenWidgets.push(it.currentKey()); TQString pname = *m_currentMapping->find(it.currentKey()); KoPalette * p = m_palettes->find(pname); p->hidePage(it.current()); } } } } void KoPaletteManager::showAllPalettes(bool shown) { TQDictIterator it(*m_palettes); for (; it.current(); ++it) { it.current()->makeVisible(shown); } } bool KoPaletteManager::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ) { if (TQT_BASE_OBJECT(o) != TQT_BASE_OBJECT(m_view)) return false; if(e && e->type() == (TQEvent::User + 42)) { KParts::PartActivateEvent * pae = dynamic_cast(e); if(pae && pae->widget() && pae->widget() == m_view) { if (pae->activated()) { showAllPalettes( true ); } else { showAllPalettes( false ); } } } return false; } void KoPaletteManager::save() { // XXX: Save to the configuration // We save: // * which tab at which place in which palette // * which tab is hidden // * whether a palette is floating or docked // * dock location of a docked palette // * float location of a floated palette // * order in which the palettes are docked. if (!m_view) return; if (!m_view->mainWindow()) return; KConfig * cfg = KGlobal::config(); Q_ASSERT(cfg); cfg->setGroup(""); TQString widgets; // Save the list of palettes TQDictIterator itP(*m_palettes); TQStringList paletteList; for (; itP.current(); ++itP) { KoPalette * p = itP.current(); cfg->setGroup("palette-" + itP.currentKey()); if ( p->area() == m_view->mainWindow()->leftDock() ) { cfg->writeEntry("dockarea", "left"); } else { cfg->writeEntry("dockarea", "right"); } cfg->writeEntry("place", p->place()); cfg->writeEntry("x", p->x()); cfg->writeEntry("y", p->y()); cfg->writeEntry("height", p->height()); cfg->writeEntry("width", p->width()); cfg->writeEntry("palettestyle", p->style()); cfg->writeEntry("caption", p->caption()); cfg->writeEntry("offset", p->offset()); // XXX: I dare say that it is immediately visible that I never have had // any formal training in algorithms. BSAR. if (paletteList.isEmpty()) { paletteList.append(itP.currentKey()); } else { TQStringList::iterator it; bool inserted = false; for (it = paletteList.begin(); it != paletteList.end(); ++it) { KoPalette * p2 = m_palettes->find((*it)); if (p2->y() > p->y()) { paletteList.insert(it, itP.currentKey()); inserted = true; break; } } if (!inserted) { paletteList.append(itP.currentKey()); } } } cfg->setGroup("palettes"); cfg->writeEntry("palettes", paletteList.join(",")); bool palettesShown = m_hiddenWidgets.isEmpty(); cfg->writeEntry("palettesshown", palettesShown); TQDictIterator itW(*m_widgets); for (; itW.current(); ++itW) { cfg->setGroup("palettetab-" + itW.currentKey()); TQString pname = *m_currentMapping->find(itW.currentKey()); KoPalette * p = m_palettes->find(pname); TQWidget * w = itW.current(); cfg->writeEntry("docker", pname); if(palettesShown) cfg->writeEntry("visible", !p->isHidden(w)); else if(m_hiddenWidgets.contains(itW.currentKey())) cfg->writeEntry("visible", true); else cfg->writeEntry("visible", false); } } void KoPaletteManager::setFixedWidth(int w) { m_fixedWidth = w; m_setFixedWidth = true; } #include "kopalettemanager.moc"