/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Jaroslaw Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; TQCString prgname; TQCString db_name; TQCString drv_name; TQCString test_name; int cursor_options = 0; bool db_name_required = true; KexiDB::ConnectionData conn_data; TQGuardedPtr conn; TQGuardedPtr driver; TDEApplication *app = 0; KInstance *instance = 0; static KCmdLineOptions options[] = { { "test ", "Available tests:\n" "- cursors: test for cursors behaviour\n" "- schema: test for db schema retrieving\n" "- dbcreation: test for new db creation\n" "- tables: test for tables creation and data\n" " inserting\n" "- tableview: test for KexiDataTableView data-aware\n" " widget\n" "- parser: test for parsing sql statements,\n" " returns debug string for a given\n" " sql statement or error message\n" "- dr_prop: shows properties of selected driver" , 0}, { "buffered-cursors", "Optional switch :turns cursors used in any tests\n" " to be buffered", 0}, { "query-params ", "Query parameters separated\n" "by '|' character that will be passed to query\n" "statement to replace [...] placeholders.", 0 }, { "", " Notes:\n" "1. 'dr_prop' requires argument.\n" "2. 'parser' test requires ,\n" " and arguments\n" "3. All other tests require \n" " and arguments.\n" "4. 'tables' test automatically runs 'dbcreation'\n" " test. ( is removed if already exists.\n" "5. must be a valid kexi database\n" " e.g. created with 'tables' test.", 0}, { "+driver_name", "Driver name", 0}, { "+[db_name]", "Database name", 0}, { "+[sql_statement]", "Optional SQL statement (for parser test)", 0}, KCmdLineLastOption }; #include "dbcreation_test.h" #include "cursors_test.h" #include "schema_test.h" #include "tables_test.h" #include "tableview_test.h" #include "parser_test.h" #include "dr_prop_test.h" #define RETURN(code) \ kdDebug()<< test_name << " TEST: " << (code==0?"PASSED":"ERROR") << endl; \ return code int main(int argc, char** argv) { int minargs = 2; bool gui = false; /* if (argc < minargs) { usage(); RETURN(0); }*/ TQFileInfo info=TQFileInfo(argv[0]); prgname = info.baseName().latin1(); TDECmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, new KAboutData( prgname, "KexiDBTest", "0.1.2", "", KAboutData::License_GPL, "(c) 2003-2006, Kexi Team\n" "(c) 2003-2006, OpenOffice Polska Ltd.\n", "", "http://www.koffice.org/kexi", "submit@bugs.kde.org" ) ); TDECmdLineArgs::addCmdLineOptions( options ); TDECmdLineArgs *args = TDECmdLineArgs::parsedArgs(); QCStringList tests; tests << "cursors" << "schema" << "dbcreation" << "tables" << "tableview" << "parser" << "dr_prop"; if (!args->isSet("test")) { kdDebug() << "No test specified. Use --help." << endl; RETURN(1); } test_name = args->getOption("test"); if (!tests.contains(test_name)) { kdDebug() << TQString("No such test \"%1\". Use --help.").arg(test_name.data()) << endl; RETURN(1); } if (test_name=="tableview") { gui = true; } else if (test_name=="parser") { minargs = 3; } else if (test_name=="dr_prop") { minargs = 1; db_name_required = false; } if ((int)args->count()addAppDir("kexi"); } else { instance = new KInstance(prgname); } drv_name = args->arg(0); KexiDB::DriverManager manager; TQStringList names = manager.driverNames(); kdDebug() << "DRIVERS: " << endl; for (TQStringList::ConstIterator it = names.constBegin(); it != names.constEnd() ; ++it) kdDebug() << *it << endl; if (manager.error() || names.isEmpty()) { manager.debugError(); RETURN(1); } //get driver driver = manager.driver(drv_name); if (!driver || manager.error()) { manager.debugError(); RETURN(1); } kdDebug() << "MIME type for '" << driver->name() << "': " << driver->fileDBDriverMimeType() << endl; //open connection if (args->count() >= 2) db_name = args->arg(1); if (db_name_required && db_name.isEmpty()) { kdDebug() << prgname << ": database name?" << endl; RETURN(1); } if (!db_name.isEmpty()) { //additional switches: if (args->isSet("buffered-cursors")) { cursor_options |= KexiDB::Cursor::Buffered; } conn_data.setFileName( db_name ); conn = driver->createConnection(conn_data); if (!conn || driver->error()) { driver->debugError(); RETURN(1); } if (!conn->connect()) { conn->debugError(); RETURN(1); } } //start test: int r=0; if (test_name == "cursors") r=cursorsTest(); else if (test_name == "schema") r=schemaTest(); else if (test_name == "dbcreation") r=dbCreationTest(); else if (test_name == "tables") r=tablesTest(); else if (test_name == "tableview") r=tableViewTest(); else if (test_name == "parser") { TQStringList params; if (args->isSet("query-params")) params = TQStringList::split("|", args->getOption("query-params")); r=parserTest(args->arg(2), params); } else if (test_name == "dr_prop") r=drPropTest(); else { kdWarning() << "No such test: " << test_name << endl; // usage(); RETURN(1); } if (app && r==0) app->exec(); if (r) kdDebug() << "RECENT SQL STATEMENT: " << conn->recentSQLString() << endl; if (conn && !conn->disconnect()) r = 1; // kdDebug() << "!!! KexiDB::Transaction::globalcount == " << KexiDB::Transaction::globalCount() << endl; // kdDebug() << "!!! KexiDB::TransactionData::globalcount == " << KexiDB::TransactionData::globalCount() << endl; delete app; RETURN(r); }