""" KSpread Kross Python Script. Export to HTML File. Description: This script exports data from KSpread to a HTML file. Author: Sebastian Sauer Copyright: Dual-licensed under LGPL v2+higher and the BSD license. """ import os, sys try: import qt except (ImportError): raise "Failed to import the required PyQt python module." class Dialog(qt.QDialog): def __init__(self, scriptpath, tqparent): self.scriptpath = scriptpath import krosskspreadcore self.doc = krosskspreadcore.get("KSpreadDocument") import qt qt.QDialog.__init__(self, tqparent, "Dialog", 1, qt.Qt.WDestructiveClose) self.setCaption("Export to HTML File") tqlayout = qt.QVBoxLayout(self) box = qt.QVBox(self) box.setMargin(10) box.setSpacing(10) tqlayout.addWidget(box) sheetbox = qt.QHBox(box) sheetbox.setSpacing(6) sheetlabel = qt.QLabel("Sheet:",sheetbox) self.sheetcombo = qt.QComboBox(sheetbox) currentsheetname = self.doc.currentSheet().name() for sheetname in self.doc.sheetNames(): self.sheetcombo.insertItem(sheetname) if sheetname == currentsheetname: self.sheetcombo.setCurrentItem(self.sheetcombo.count() - 1) sheetlabel.setBuddy(self.sheetcombo) sheetbox.setStretchFactor(self.sheetcombo,1) self.styles = { "Paper" : "html { background-color:#efefef; }" "body { background-color:#fafafa; color:#303030; margin:1em; padding:1em; border:#606060 1px solid; }" , "Plain" : "html { background-color:#ffffff; color:#000; }" "body { margin:1em; }" , "Seawater" : "html { background-color:#0000aa; }" "body { background-color:#000066; color:#efefff; margin:1em; padding:1em; border:#00f 1px solid; }" "h1 { color:#0000ff; }" "th { color:#6666ff; }" , } stylebox = qt.QHBox(box) stylebox.setSpacing(6) stylelabel = qt.QLabel("Style:",stylebox) self.stylecombo = qt.QComboBox(stylebox) stylenames = self.styles.keys() stylenames.sort() for stylename in stylenames: self.stylecombo.insertItem(stylename) stylelabel.setBuddy(self.stylecombo) stylebox.setStretchFactor(self.stylecombo,1) filebox = qt.QHBox(box) filebox.setSpacing(6) filelabel = qt.QLabel("File:",filebox) self.fileedit = qt.QLineEdit(self.getDefaultFile(),filebox) btn = qt.QPushButton("...",filebox) qt.QObject.connect(btn, qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.browseClicked) filelabel.setBuddy(self.fileedit) filebox.setStretchFactor(self.fileedit,1) btnbox = qt.QHBox(box) btnbox.setSpacing(6) okbtn = qt.QPushButton(btnbox) okbtn.setText("Export") okbtn.setDefault(True) qt.QObject.connect(okbtn,qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.startExport) cancelbtn = qt.QPushButton(btnbox) cancelbtn.setText("Cancel") qt.QObject.connect(cancelbtn,qt.SIGNAL("clicked()"),self.close) box.setMinimumWidth(480) def browseClicked(self): import qt filename = str( qt.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(str(self.fileedit.text()),"*.htm *.html *.xhtml;;*", self) ) if filename != "": self.fileedit.setText(filename) def getDefaultFile(self): import os try: homepath = os.getenv("HOME") if not homepath: import pwd user = os.getenv("USER") or os.getenv("LOGNAME") if not user: pwent = pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()) else: pwent = pwd.getpwnam(user) homepath = pwent[6] except (KeyError, ImportError): homepath = os.curdir return os.path.join(homepath, "kspreadexport.html") def startExport(self): import qt sheetname = str( self.sheetcombo.currentText() ) sheet = self.doc.sheetByName( sheetname ) print "sheetname=%s sheet=%s" % (sheetname,sheet) filename = str( self.fileedit.text() ) try: file = open(filename, "w") except IOError, (errno, strerror): qt.QMessageBox.critical(self,"Error","Failed to create HTML file \"%s\"

" % (filename,strerror)) return file.write("\n") file.write("\n") file.write("\n") file.write("%s\n" % sheetname) file.write("\n") file.write("\n") file.write("


\n" % sheetname) file.write("\n") cell = sheet.firstCell() prevrow = -1 while cell: #print "Cell col=%s row=%s value=%s" % (cell.column(),cell.row(),cell.value()) row = cell.row() if row != prevrow: prevrow = row file.write("") file.write("" % row) file.write("" % cell.value()) cell = cell.nextCell() if cell == None or cell.row() != prevrow: file.write("\n") file.write("
\n") file.write("\n") file.close() self.close() if __name__ == "__main__": scriptpath = os.getcwd() qtapp = qt.QApplication(sys.argv) else: scriptpath = os.path.dirname(__name__) qtapp = qt.tqApp dialog = Dialog(scriptpath, qtapp.mainWidget()) dialog.exec_loop()