/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001 Andrea Rizzi Ulrich Kuettler This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef FORMULADEFS_H #define FORMULADEFS_H #include #include #include #include #include #include #define KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace KFormula { #define KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_END } KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_BEGIN const int DEBUGID = 40000; // to make kdDebug a litte more interessting... //#define TERM_RESET "" //#define TERM_ERROR "" /** * The type to be used for points. */ typedef double pt; typedef KoPoint PtPoint; typedef KoRect PtRect; //typedef KoSize PtSize; /** * Pixels. At any zoom level. */ typedef int pixel; typedef TQPoint PixelPoint; typedef TQRect PixelRect; //typedef TQSize PixelSize; /** * Layout Unit. That's the values we store to get * wysiwyg right. */ typedef int luPt; typedef TQPoint LuPtPoint; typedef TQRect LuPtRect; typedef TQSize LuPtSize; typedef int luPixel; typedef TQPoint LuPixelPoint; typedef TQRect LuPixelRect; typedef TQSize LuPixelSize; /** * The symbols that are supported by our artwork. */ enum SymbolType { LeftSquareBracket = '[', RightSquareBracket = ']', LeftCurlyBracket = '{', RightCurlyBracket = '}', LeftCornerBracket = '<', RightCornerBracket = '>', LeftRoundBracket = '(', RightRoundBracket = ')', SlashBracket = '/', BackSlashBracket = '\\', LeftLineBracket = 256, RightLineBracket, EmptyBracket = 1000, Integral, Sum, Product }; /** * Flag for cursor movement functions. * Select means move selecting the text (usually Shift key) * Word means move by whole words (usually Control key) */ enum MoveFlag { NormalMovement = 0, SelectMovement = 1, WordMovement = 2 }; inline MoveFlag movementFlag( int state ) { int flag = NormalMovement; if ( state & TQt::ControlButton ) flag |= WordMovement; if ( state & TQt::ShiftButton ) flag |= SelectMovement; return static_cast( flag ); } /** * TeX like char classes */ enum CharClass { ORDINARY = 0, BINOP = 1, RELATION = 2, PUNCTUATION = 3, NUMBER, NAME, ELEMENT, INNER, BRACKET, SEQUENCE, SEPARATOR, END }; typedef CharClass TokenType; // there are four bits needed to store this enum CharStyle { normalChar, boldChar, italicChar, boldItalicChar, // is required to be (boldChar | italicChar)! //slantChar, anyChar }; enum CharFamily { normalFamily, scriptFamily, frakturFamily, doubleStruckFamily, sansSerifFamily, // TODO: Currently unsupported monospaceFamily, // TODO: Currently unsupported anyFamily }; enum TokenElementType { identifierElement, operatorElement, numberElement, textElement, anyElement }; /** * The struct used to store static font data. */ struct InternFontTable { short tqunicode; TQChar pos; CharClass cl; CharStyle style; }; /** * Wether we want to insert to the left of the cursor * or right of it. * The same for deletion. */ enum Direction { beforeCursor, afterCursor }; /** * The types of space we know. */ enum SpaceWidth { THIN, MEDIUM, THICK, TQUAD, NEGTHIN }; /** * The types of MathML horizontal or vertical sizes we know */ enum SizeType { NoSize, AutoSize, FitSize, InfinitySize, RelativeSize, AbsoluteSize, PixelSize, NegativeVeryVeryThinMathSpace, NegativeVeryThinMathSpace, NegativeThinMathSpace, NegativeMediumMathSpace, NegativeThickMathSpace, NegativeVeryThickMathSpace, NegativeVeryVeryThickMathSpace, VeryVeryThinMathSpace, VeryThinMathSpace, ThinMathSpace, MediumMathSpace, ThickMathSpace, VeryThickMathSpace, VeryVeryThickMathSpace }; /** * The types of horizontal align */ enum HorizontalAlign { NoHorizontalAlign, LeftHorizontalAlign, CenterHorizontalAlign, RightHorizontalAlign }; /** * Type of forms in operators */ enum FormType { NoForm, PrefixForm, InfixForm, PostfixForm }; /** * each index has its own number. */ enum IndexPosition { upperLeftPos, lowerLeftPos, upperMiddlePos, contentPos, lowerMiddlePos, upperRightPos, lowerRightPos, tqparentPos }; class BasicElement; class FormulaCursor; /** * A type that describes an index. You can get one of those * for each index from an element that owns indexes. * * This type is used to work on indexes in a generic way. */ class ElementIndex { public: virtual ~ElementIndex() { /*cerr << "ElementIndex destroyed.\n";*/ } /** * Moves the cursor inside the index. The index has to exist. */ virtual void moveToIndex(FormulaCursor*, Direction) = 0; /** * Sets the cursor to point to the place where the index normaly * is. These functions are only used if there is no such index and * we want to insert them. */ virtual void setToIndex(FormulaCursor*) = 0; /** * Tells whether we own those indexes. */ virtual bool hasIndex() const = 0; /** * Tells to which element the index belongs. */ virtual BasicElement* getElement() = 0; }; typedef std::auto_ptr ElementIndexPtr; enum RequestID { req_addBracket, req_addOverline, req_addUnderline, req_addFraction, req_addIndex, req_addMatrix, req_addMultiline, req_addNameSequence, req_addNewline, req_addOneByTwoMatrix, req_addRoot, req_addSpace, req_addSymbol, req_addTabMark, req_addText, req_addTextChar, req_addOperator, req_addNumber, req_addEmptyBox, req_appendColumn, req_appendRow, req_compactExpression, req_copy, req_cut, req_insertColumn, req_insertRow, req_makeGreek, req_paste, req_remove, req_removeEnclosing, req_removeColumn, req_removeRow, req_formatBold, req_formatItalic, req_formatFamily, req_formatTokenElement }; class Request { RequestID id; public: Request( RequestID _id ) : id( _id ) {} virtual ~Request() {} operator RequestID() const { return id;} }; class BracketRequest : public Request { SymbolType m_left, m_right; public: BracketRequest( SymbolType l, SymbolType r ) : Request( req_addBracket ), m_left( l ), m_right( r ) {} SymbolType left() const { return m_left; } SymbolType right() const { return m_right; } }; class SymbolRequest : public Request { SymbolType m_type; public: SymbolRequest( SymbolType t ) : Request( req_addSymbol ), m_type( t ) {} SymbolType type() const { return m_type; } }; class IndexRequest : public Request { IndexPosition m_index; public: IndexRequest( IndexPosition i ) : Request( req_addIndex ), m_index( i ) {} IndexPosition index() const { return m_index; } }; class SpaceRequest : public Request { SpaceWidth m_space; public: SpaceRequest( SpaceWidth s ) : Request( req_addSpace ), m_space( s ) {} SpaceWidth space() const { return m_space; } }; class DirectedRemove : public Request { Direction m_direction; public: DirectedRemove( RequestID id, Direction d ) : Request( id ), m_direction( d ) {} Direction direction() const { return m_direction; } }; class TextCharRequest : public Request { TQChar m_ch; bool m_isSymbol; public: TextCharRequest( TQChar ch, bool isSymbol=false ) : Request( req_addTextChar ), m_ch( ch ), m_isSymbol( isSymbol ) {} TQChar ch() const { return m_ch; } bool isSymbol() const { return m_isSymbol; } }; class OperatorRequest: public Request { TQChar m_ch; public: OperatorRequest( TQChar ch ) : Request( req_addOperator ), m_ch( ch ) {} TQChar ch() const { return m_ch; } }; class NumberRequest: public Request { TQChar m_ch; public: NumberRequest( TQChar ch ) : Request( req_addNumber ), m_ch( ch ) {} TQChar ch() const { return m_ch; } }; class TextRequest : public Request { TQString m_text; public: TextRequest( TQString text ) : Request( req_addText ), m_text( text ) {} TQString text() const { return m_text; } }; class MatrixRequest : public Request { uint m_rows, m_columns; public: MatrixRequest( uint rows, uint columns ) : Request( req_addMatrix ), m_rows( rows ), m_columns( columns ) {} uint rows() const { return m_rows; } uint columns() const { return m_columns; } }; class CharStyleRequest : public Request { bool m_bold; bool m_italic; public: CharStyleRequest( RequestID id, bool bold, bool italic ) : Request( id ), m_bold( bold ), m_italic( italic ) {} bool bold() const { return m_bold; } bool italic() const { return m_italic; } }; class CharFamilyRequest : public Request { CharFamily m_charFamily; public: CharFamilyRequest( CharFamily cf ) : Request( req_formatFamily ), m_charFamily( cf ) {} CharFamily charFamily() const { return m_charFamily; } }; class TokenElementRequest : public Request { TokenElementType m_tokenElement; public: TokenElementRequest( TokenElementType te ) : Request( req_formatTokenElement ), m_tokenElement( te ) {} TokenElementType tokenElement() const { return m_tokenElement; } }; KFORMULA_NAMESPACE_END #endif // FORMULADEFS_H