/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Norbert Andres (C) 2002 Ariya Hidayat (C) 2002 Harri Porten (C) 2002 John Dailey (C) 1999-2002 Laurent Montel (C) 2001-2002 Philipp Mueller (C) 1998-2000 Torben Weis This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kspread_dlg_reference.h" #include "kspread_canvas.h" #include "kspread_doc.h" #include "kspread_util.h" #include "kspread_map.h" #include "kspread_view.h" #include "kspread_sheet.h" #include "selection.h" #include "kspread_locale.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KSpread; reference::reference( View* tqparent, const char* name ) : TQDialog( tqparent, name,TRUE ) { m_pView = tqparent; TQVBoxLayout *lay1 = new TQVBoxLayout( this ); lay1->setMargin( KDialog::marginHint() ); lay1->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() ); m_list = new TQListBox(this); lay1->addWidget( m_list ); setCaption( i18n("Area Name") ); m_rangeName = new TQLabel(this); lay1->addWidget(m_rangeName); m_pRemove = new TQPushButton(i18n("&Remove"), this); lay1->addWidget( m_pRemove ); //m_pRemove->setEnabled(false); KButtonBox *bb = new KButtonBox( this ); // bb->addStretch(); m_pEdit = bb->addButton( i18n("&Edit...") ); m_pOk = bb->addButton( KStdGuiItem::ok() ); m_pCancel = bb->addButton( KStdGuiItem::cancel() ); m_pOk->setDefault( TRUE ); bb->tqlayout(); lay1->addWidget( bb ); TQString text; TQStringList sheetName; TQPtrListIterator it2 ( m_pView->doc()->map()->sheetList() ); for( ; it2.current(); ++it2 ) { sheetName.append( it2.current()->sheetName()); } TQValueList::Iterator it; TQValueList area = m_pView->doc()->listArea(); for ( it = area.begin(); it != area.end(); ++it ) { text = (*it).ref_name; if ( sheetName.tqcontains((*it).sheet_name )) m_list->insertItem(text); } if ( !m_list->count() ) { m_pOk->setEnabled( false ); m_pRemove->setEnabled( false ); m_pEdit->setEnabled( false ); } connect( m_pOk, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotOk() ) ); connect( m_pCancel, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotCancel() ) ); connect( m_pEdit, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotEdit() ) ); connect( m_pRemove, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotRemove() ) ); connect( m_list, TQT_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListBoxItem *)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotDoubleClicked(TQListBoxItem *))); connect( m_list, TQT_SIGNAL(highlighted ( TQListBoxItem * ) ), this, TQT_SLOT(slotHighlighted(TQListBoxItem * ))); m_rangeName->setText(i18n("Area: %1").tqarg("")); resize( 250, 200 ); } void reference::displayAreaValues(TQString const & areaName) { TQString tmpName; TQValueList::Iterator it; TQValueList area( m_pView->doc()->listArea() ); for ( it = area.begin(); it != area.end(); ++it ) { if ((*it).ref_name == areaName) { if (!m_pView->doc()->map()->findSheet( (*it).sheet_name)) kdDebug(36001) << "(*it).table_name '" << (*it).sheet_name << "' not found!*********" << endl; else tmpName = util_rangeName(m_pView->doc()->map()->findSheet( (*it).sheet_name), (*it).rect); break; } } tmpName = i18n("Area: %1").tqarg(tmpName); m_rangeName->setText(tmpName); } void reference::slotHighlighted(TQListBoxItem * ) { TQString tmp = m_list->text(m_list->currentItem()); displayAreaValues(tmp); } void reference::slotDoubleClicked(TQListBoxItem *) { slotOk(); } void reference::slotRemove() { if (m_list->currentItem() == -1) return; int ret = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n("Do you really want to remove this area name?"),i18n("Remove Area"),KStdGuiItem::del()); if (ret == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; TQString textRemove; if ( m_list->currentItem() != -1) { m_pView->doc()->emitBeginOperation( false ); TQString textRemove = m_list->text(m_list->currentItem()); m_pView->doc()->removeArea(textRemove ); m_pView->doc()->setModified(true); /* m_list->clear(); TQString text; TQValueList::Iterator it; TQValueList area=m_pView->doc()->listArea(); for ( it = area.begin(); it != area.end(); ++it ) { text=(*it).ref_name; m_list->insertItem(text); } */ m_list->removeItem(m_list->currentItem()); Sheet *tbl; for ( tbl = m_pView->doc()->map()->firstSheet(); tbl != 0L; tbl = m_pView->doc()->map()->nextSheet() ) { tbl->refreshRemoveAreaName(textRemove); } m_pView->slotUpdateView( m_pView->activeSheet() ); } if ( !m_list->count() ) { m_pOk->setEnabled( false ); m_pRemove->setEnabled( false ); m_pEdit->setEnabled( false ); } } void reference::slotEdit() { TQString name(m_list->text(m_list->currentItem())); if ( name.isEmpty() ) return; EditAreaName editDlg( m_pView, "EditArea", name ); editDlg.exec(); m_rangeName->setText(i18n("Area: %1").tqarg("")); TQString tmp = m_list->text(m_list->currentItem()); if (!tmp.isEmpty()) displayAreaValues( tmp ); } void reference::slotOk() { m_pView->doc()->emitBeginOperation( false ); TQString text; if (m_list->currentItem() != -1) { int index = m_list->currentItem(); text = m_list->text(index); TQValueList area = m_pView->doc()->listArea(); if (m_pView->activeSheet()->sheetName() != area[ index ].sheet_name) { Sheet *sheet = m_pView->doc()->map()->findSheet(area[ index ].sheet_name); if (sheet) m_pView->setActiveSheet(sheet); } Region region(m_pView, Cell::fullName(m_pView->activeSheet(), area[index].rect.left(), area[index].rect.top())); m_pView->selectionInfo()->initialize(region); m_pView->selectionInfo()->initialize(area[ index ].rect);//, m_pView->activeSheet() ); } m_pView->slotUpdateView( m_pView->activeSheet() ); accept(); } void reference::slotCancel() { reject(); } EditAreaName::EditAreaName( View * tqparent, const char * name, TQString const & areaname ) : KDialogBase( tqparent, name ,true,i18n( "Edit Area" ) , Ok|Cancel ) { m_pView = tqparent; resize( 350, 142 ); tqsetSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy( (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)5, (TQSizePolicy::SizeType)4, 0, 0, sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth() ) ); TQWidget * page = new TQWidget( this ); setMainWidget(page); TQGridLayout * EditAreaNameLayout = new TQGridLayout( page, 1, 1, 11, 6, "EditAreaNameLayout"); TQHBoxLayout * Layout1 = new TQHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "Layout1"); TQSpacerItem * spacer = new TQSpacerItem( 0, 0, TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Minimum ); Layout1->addItem( spacer ); EditAreaNameLayout->addMultiCellLayout( Layout1, 3, 3, 0, 1 ); TQLabel * TextLabel4 = new TQLabel( page, "TextLabel4" ); TextLabel4->setText( i18n( "Cells:" ) ); EditAreaNameLayout->addWidget( TextLabel4, 2, 0 ); m_area = new TQLineEdit( page, "m_area" ); EditAreaNameLayout->addWidget( m_area, 2, 1 ); TQLabel * TextLabel1 = new TQLabel( page, "TextLabel1" ); TextLabel1->setText( i18n( "Sheet:" ) ); EditAreaNameLayout->addWidget( TextLabel1, 1, 0 ); m_sheets = new TQComboBox( FALSE, page, "m_sheets" ); EditAreaNameLayout->addWidget( m_sheets, 1, 1 ); TQLabel * TextLabel2 = new TQLabel( page, "TextLabel2" ); TextLabel2->setText( i18n( "Area name:" ) ); EditAreaNameLayout->addWidget( TextLabel2, 0, 0 ); m_areaName = new TQLabel( page, "m_areaName" ); m_areaName->setText( areaname ); EditAreaNameLayout->addWidget( m_areaName, 0, 1 ); TQPtrList sheetList = m_pView->doc()->map()->sheetList(); for (unsigned int c = 0; c < sheetList.count(); ++c) { Sheet * t = sheetList.at(c); if (!t) continue; m_sheets->insertItem( t->sheetName() ); } TQString tmpName; TQValueList::Iterator it; TQValueList area(m_pView->doc()->listArea()); for ( it = area.begin(); it != area.end(); ++it ) { if ((*it).ref_name == areaname) { if (!m_pView->doc()->map()->findSheet( (*it).sheet_name)) kdDebug(36001) << "(*it).table_name '" << (*it).sheet_name << "' not found!*********" << endl; else tmpName = util_rangeName( (*it).rect ); break; } } m_sheets->setCurrentText( (*it).sheet_name ); m_area->setText( tmpName ); } EditAreaName::~EditAreaName() { } void EditAreaName::slotOk() { Range range( m_area->text() ); if ( !range.isValid() ) { Point point( m_area->text() ); if ( !point.isValid() ) return; m_area->setText( m_area->text() + ":" + m_area->text() ); range = Range( m_area->text() ); } m_pView->doc()->emitBeginOperation( false ); m_pView->doc()->removeArea( m_areaName->text() ); m_pView->doc()->addAreaName(range.range(), m_areaName->text(), m_sheets->currentText() ); Sheet *sheet; for ( sheet = m_pView->doc()->map()->firstSheet(); sheet != 0L; sheet = m_pView->doc()->map()->nextSheet() ) { sheet->refreshChangeAreaName( m_areaName->text() ); } m_pView->slotUpdateView( m_pView->activeSheet() ); accept(); } #include "kspread_dlg_reference.moc"