/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2006 Fredrik Edemar This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kspread_object.h" #include "kspread_canvas.h" #include "kspread_doc.h" #include "kspread_sheet.h" #include "kspread_view.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace KSpread; class Sheet; class View; /********************************************************** * * EmbeddedObject * **********************************************************/ EmbeddedObject::EmbeddedObject( Sheet *_sheet, const KoRect& _geometry ) : m_geometry( _geometry), m_sheet(_sheet), m_objectName(""), m_selected(false), m_protect(false), m_keepRatio(false), pen( TQt::black, 1, TQt::SolidLine ) { angle = 0.0; inObjList = true; cmds = 0; } EmbeddedObject::~EmbeddedObject() { } KoRect EmbeddedObject::geometry() { return m_geometry; } void EmbeddedObject::setGeometry( const KoRect &rect ) { m_geometry = rect; } void EmbeddedObject::moveBy( const KoPoint &_point ) { m_geometry.moveTopLeft( m_geometry.topLeft() + _point ); } void EmbeddedObject::moveBy( double _dx, double _dy ) { m_geometry.moveTopLeft( m_geometry.topLeft() + KoPoint( _dx, _dy ) ); } void EmbeddedObject::resizeBy( const KoSize & _size ) { resizeBy( _size.width(), _size.height() ); } void EmbeddedObject::resizeBy( double _dx, double _dy) { m_geometry.setSize( KoSize( m_geometry.width()+_dx, m_geometry.height()+_dy) ); } // call (possibly reimplemented) setSize bool EmbeddedObject::load( const TQDomElement& /*element*/ ) { kdDebug() << "Loading EmbeddedObject" << endl; return false; } void EmbeddedObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext & context ) { if(element.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name" )) m_objectName = element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name", TQString()); m_geometry.setX( KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "x", TQString() ) ) ); m_geometry.setY( KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "y", TQString() ) ) ); m_geometry.setWidth(KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "width", TQString() )) ); m_geometry.setHeight(KoUnit::parseValue( element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::svg, "height", TQString() ) ) ); //kdDebug()<<" orig.x() :"<doc()->savingWholeDocument() ? m_geometry.x() : m_geometry.x() + 20.0 ); xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:y", sheet()->doc()->savingWholeDocument() ? m_geometry.y() : m_geometry.y() + 20.0 ); xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:width", m_geometry.width() ); xmlWriter.addAttributePt( "svg:height", m_geometry.height() ); // if ( kAbs( angle ) > 1E-6 ) // { // double value = -1 * ( ( double )angle* M_PI )/180.0; // TQString str=TQString( "rotate (%1)" ).arg( value ); // xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:transform", str ); // } } bool EmbeddedObject::saveOasisObjectAttributes( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &/* sc */ ) const { kdDebug() << "bool saveOasisObjectAttributes not implemented"; return true; } bool EmbeddedObject::saveOasisObject( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const { sc.xmlWriter.startElement( getOasisElementName() ); //sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:style-name", getStyle( sc ) ); saveOasisPosObject( sc.xmlWriter, sc.indexObj ); if( !getObjectName().isEmpty()) sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:name", getObjectName() ); saveOasisObjectAttributes( sc ); sc.xmlWriter.endElement(); return true; } void EmbeddedObject::draw( TQPainter *_painter ) { paintSelection(_painter, SM_MOVERESIZE ); } TQPixmap EmbeddedObject::toPixmap() { return toPixmap( 1.0 , 1.0 ); } TQPixmap EmbeddedObject::toPixmap(TQSize size) { double xZoom; double yZoom; calculateRequiredZoom( size , xZoom , yZoom ); return toPixmap(xZoom,yZoom); } TQPixmap EmbeddedObject::toPixmap(double /*xZoom*/ , double /*yZoom*/) { return TQPixmap(); } void EmbeddedObject::calculateRequiredZoom( TQSize desiredSize, double& xZoom, double& yZoom) { TQSize actualSize = geometry().size().toTQSize(); xZoom = (double) desiredSize.width() / (double)actualSize.width(); yZoom = (double) desiredSize.height() / (double)actualSize.height(); } void EmbeddedObject::paintSelection( TQPainter *_painter, SelectionMode mode ) { if ( !m_selected || mode == SM_NONE ) return; _painter->save(); KoRect bound( geometry().left(), geometry().top(), geometry().width() , geometry().height() ); TQRect zoomedBound = sheet()->doc()->zoomRect( bound ) ; //_painter->setPen( TQPen( TQt::black, 1, TQPen::SolidLine ) ); _painter->setPen( pen ); _painter->setBrush( tdeApp->palette().color( TQPalette::Active, TQColorGroup::Highlight ) ); //KoRect r = rotateRectObject(); // TODO: rotation KoRect r = /*KoRect::fromTQRect*/( bound ); int x = sheet()->doc()->zoomItX( r.left() /*- orig.x()*/); int y = sheet()->doc()->zoomItY( r.top() /*- orig.y()*/); int zX6 = /*sheet()->doc()->zoomItX*/( 6 ); int zY6 = /*sheet()->doc()->zoomItY*/( 6 ); int w = sheet()->doc()->zoomItX(r.width()) - 6; int h = sheet()->doc()->zoomItY(r.height()) - 6; if ( mode == SM_MOVERESIZE ) { _painter->drawRect( x, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w / 2, y,zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w / 2, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); } else if ( mode == SM_PROTECT) { _painter->drawRect( x, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w / 2, y,zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawRect( x + w / 2, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); x= x + 1; y= y + 1; zX6=zX6-2; zY6=zY6-2; TQBrush brush=tdeApp->palette().color( TQPalette::Active,TQColorGroup::Base ); _painter->fillRect( x, y, zX6, zY6, brush ); _painter->fillRect( x, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6, brush); _painter->fillRect( x, y + h, zX6, zY6, brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w, y, zX6, zY6, brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w, y + h / 2, zX6, zY6, brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w , y + h , zX6 , zY6 , brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w / 2 , y ,zX6 , zY6 , brush ); _painter->fillRect( x + w / 2, y + h , zX6 , zY6 , brush ); } else if ( mode == SM_ROTATE ) { _painter->drawEllipse( x, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawEllipse( x, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawEllipse( x + w, y, zX6, zY6 ); _painter->drawEllipse( x + w, y + h, zX6, zY6 ); } _painter->restore(); } TQCursor EmbeddedObject::getCursor( const TQPoint &_point, ModifyType &_modType, TQRect &geometry) const { int px = /*sheet()->doc()->zoomItX*/(_point.x()); int py = /*sheet()->doc()->zoomItY*/(_point.y()); int ox = /*sheet()->doc()->zoomItX*/(/*orig*/geometry.x()); int oy = /*sheet()->doc()->zoomItY*/(/*orig*/geometry.y()); int ow = /*sheet()->doc()->zoomItX*/(/*ext*/geometry.width()); int oh = /*sheet()->doc()->zoomItY*/(/*ext*/geometry.height()); // if ( angle != 0.0 ) // { // TQRect rr = sheet()->doc()->zoomRect( rotateRectObject() ); // ox = rr.x(); // oy = rr.y(); // ow = rr.width(); // oh = rr.height(); // } int sz = 4; if ( px >= ox && py >= oy && px <= ox + TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py <= oy + TQMIN( oh / 3, sz ) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_LU; if ( m_protect ) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeFDiagCursor; } if ( px >= ox && py >= oy + oh / 2 - TQMIN( oh / 6, sz / 2 ) && px <= ox + TQMIN( ow / 3, sz) && py <= oy + oh / 2 + TQMIN( oh / 6, sz / 2 ) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_LF; if ( m_protect) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeHorCursor; } if ( px >= ox && py >= oy + oh - TQMIN( oh / 3, sz ) && px <= ox + TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py <= oy + oh ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_LD; if ( m_protect ) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeBDiagCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow / 2 - TQMIN( ow / 6, sz / 2 ) && py >= oy && px <= ox + ow / 2 + TQMIN( ow / 6, sz / 2 ) && py <= oy + TQMIN( oh / 3, sz ) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_UP; if ( m_protect ) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeVerCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow / 2 - TQMIN( ow / 6, sz / 2 ) && py >= oy + oh - TQMIN( oh / 3, sz ) && px <= ox + ow / 2 + TQMIN( ow / 6, sz / 2 ) && py <= oy + oh ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_DN; if ( m_protect ) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeVerCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow - TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py >= oy && px <= ox + ow && py <= oy + TQMIN( oh / 3, sz) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_RU; if ( m_protect ) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeBDiagCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow - TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py >= oy + oh / 2 - TQMIN( oh / 6, sz / 2 ) && px <= ox + ow && py <= oy + oh / 2 + TQMIN( oh / 6, sz / 2) ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_RT; if ( m_protect ) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeHorCursor; } if ( px >= ox + ow - TQMIN( ow / 3, sz ) && py >= oy + oh - TQMIN( oh / 3, sz) && px <= ox + ow && py <= oy + oh ) { _modType = MT_RESIZE_RD; if ( m_protect ) return TQt::ForbiddenCursor; return TQt::sizeFDiagCursor; } _modType = MT_MOVE; return TQt::sizeAllCursor; } void EmbeddedObject::doDelete() { if ( cmds == 0 && !inObjList ) delete this; } /********************************************************** * * EmbeddedKOfficeObject * **********************************************************/ EmbeddedKOfficeObject::EmbeddedKOfficeObject( Doc *parent, Sheet *_sheet, KoDocument* doc, const KoRect& geometry ) : EmbeddedObject( _sheet, geometry ), m_parent(parent) { m_embeddedObject = new KoDocumentChild(parent, doc, geometry.toTQRect() ); } EmbeddedKOfficeObject::EmbeddedKOfficeObject( Doc *parent, Sheet *_sheet ) : EmbeddedObject( _sheet, KoRect() ), m_parent(parent) { m_embeddedObject = new KoDocumentChild( parent ); } EmbeddedKOfficeObject::~EmbeddedKOfficeObject() { delete m_embeddedObject; } Doc* EmbeddedKOfficeObject::parent() { return m_parent; } KoDocumentChild* EmbeddedKOfficeObject::embeddedObject() { return m_embeddedObject; } bool EmbeddedKOfficeObject::saveOasisObjectAttributes( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const { kdDebug() << "EmbeddedKOfficeObject::saveOasisPart " << sc.partIndexObj << endl; sc.xmlWriter.startElement( "draw:object" ); const TQString name = TQString( "Object_%1" ).arg( sc.partIndexObj + 1 ); ++sc.partIndexObj; m_embeddedObject->saveOasisAttributes( sc.xmlWriter, name ); if ( getType() != OBJECT_CHART ) sc.xmlWriter.endElement(); return true; } const char * EmbeddedKOfficeObject::getOasisElementName() const { return "draw:frame"; } bool EmbeddedKOfficeObject::load( const TQDomElement& element ) { kdDebug() << "Loading EmbeddedKOfficeObject" << endl; bool result = embeddedObject()->load( element ); setGeometry( KoRect::fromTQRect( embeddedObject()->geometry() ) ); return result; } void EmbeddedKOfficeObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext &context/*, KPRLoadingInfo *info*/) { kdDebug()<<"void EmbeddedKOfficeObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element)******************\n"; EmbeddedObject::loadOasis( element, context ); TQDomElement objectElement = KoDom::namedItemNS( element, KoXmlNS::draw, "object" ); m_embeddedObject->loadOasis( element, objectElement ); if( element.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name" ) ) m_objectName = element.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "name", TQString()); (void)m_embeddedObject->loadOasisDocument( context.store(), context.manifestDocument() ); } TQDomElement EmbeddedKOfficeObject::save( TQDomDocument& doc ) { kdDebug() << "Saving EmbeddedKOfficeObject" << endl; embeddedObject()->setGeometry( geometry().toTQRect() ); return m_embeddedObject->save( doc ); } void EmbeddedKOfficeObject::draw( TQPainter *_painter ) { kdDebug() << "Painting..." << endl; int const penw = pen.width() ; KoRect bound( 0, 0, geometry().width() - ( 2 * penw ), geometry().height() - ( 2 * penw ) ); TQRect const zoomedBound = sheet()->doc()->zoomRect( bound ); _painter->save(); int const xOffset = sheet()->doc()->zoomItX( geometry().left() + penw); int const yOffset = sheet()->doc()->zoomItY( geometry().top() + penw ); TQRect new_geometry = zoomedBound; //if ( translate ) //{ _painter->translate( xOffset , yOffset ); new_geometry.moveBy( xOffset , yOffset ); new_geometry.moveBy( -_painter->window().x(), -_painter->window().y() ); //} _painter->setClipRect( zoomedBound, TQPainter::CoordPainter ); assert( embeddedObject()->document() != 0 ); double zoomX = static_cast( sheet()->doc()->zoom() ) / 100; double zoomY = static_cast( sheet()->doc()->zoom() ) / 100; embeddedObject()->document()->paintEverything( *_painter, zoomedBound, embeddedObject()->isTransparent(), 0 /* View isn't known from here - is that a problem? */, zoomX, zoomY ); embeddedObject()->setGeometry( new_geometry ); _painter->restore(); EmbeddedObject::draw( _painter ); } TQPixmap EmbeddedKOfficeObject::toPixmap( double xZoom , double yZoom ) { TQPixmap pixmap( (int)( geometry().width()*xZoom ), (int)( geometry().height()*yZoom ) ); TQPainter painter(&pixmap); TQRect bound( 0,0,(int)( geometry().width()*xZoom ), (int)(geometry().height()*yZoom) ); embeddedObject()->document()->paintEverything(painter,bound, embeddedObject()->isTransparent(), 0, xZoom, yZoom); return pixmap; } void EmbeddedKOfficeObject::activate( View *_view, Canvas* /* canvas */ ) { KoDocument* part = embeddedObject()->document(); if ( !part ) return; kdDebug() << "Activating..." << endl; _view->partManager()->addPart( part, false ); _view->partManager()->setActivePart( part, _view ); } void EmbeddedKOfficeObject::deactivate() { } void EmbeddedKOfficeObject::updateChildGeometry() { // KoZoomHandler* zh = m_sheet->doc(); // embeddedObject()->setGeometry( zh->zoomRect( geometry() ), true ); // return; // TQRect r = sheet()->doc()->zoomRect( geometry() ); // if ( _canvas ) // { // kdDebug() << "_canvas->xOffset():" << _canvas->xOffset() << endl; // kdDebug() << " _canvas->xOffset()*_canvas->doc()->zoomedResolutionX():" << _canvas->xOffset() * _canvas->doc()->zoomedResolutionX() << endl; // kdDebug() << "_canvas->yOffset():" << _canvas->yOffset() << endl; // kdDebug() << " _canvas->yOffset()*_canvas->doc()->zoomedResolutionY():" << _canvas->yOffset() * _canvas->doc()->zoomedResolutionY() << endl; // r.moveBy( -_canvas->xOffset() / _canvas->doc()->zoomedResolutionX() , -_canvas->yOffset() / _canvas->doc()->zoomedResolutionY() ); // } // embeddedObject()->setGeometry( r , true ); } /********************************************************** * * EmbeddedChart * **********************************************************/ EmbeddedChart::EmbeddedChart( Doc *_spread, Sheet *_sheet, KoDocument* doc, const KoRect& geometry ) : EmbeddedKOfficeObject( _spread, _sheet, doc, geometry ) { m_pBinding = 0; } EmbeddedChart::EmbeddedChart( Doc *_spread, Sheet *_sheet ) : EmbeddedKOfficeObject( _spread, _sheet ) { m_pBinding = 0; } EmbeddedChart::~EmbeddedChart() { if ( m_embeddedObject->isDeleted() ) delete m_pBinding; } void EmbeddedChart::setDataArea( const TQRect& _data ) { if ( m_pBinding == 0L ) m_pBinding = new ChartBinding( m_sheet, _data, this ); else m_pBinding->setDataArea( _data ); } void EmbeddedChart::update() { if ( m_pBinding ) m_pBinding->cellChanged( 0 ); } const char * EmbeddedChart::getOasisElementName() const { return "draw:frame"; } bool EmbeddedChart::load( const TQDomElement& element ) { kdDebug() << "Loading EmbeddedChart" << endl; if ( !EmbeddedKOfficeObject::load( element ) ) return false; if ( element.hasAttribute( "left-cell" ) && element.hasAttribute( "top-cell" ) && element.hasAttribute( "right-cell" ) && element.hasAttribute( "bottom-cell" ) ) { TQRect r; r.setCoords( element.attribute( "left-cell" ).toInt(), element.attribute( "top-cell" ).toInt(), element.attribute( "right-cell" ).toInt(), element.attribute( "bottom-cell" ).toInt() ); setDataArea( r ); } return true; } void EmbeddedChart::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext &context/*, KPRLoadingInfo *info*/) { kdDebug()<<"void EmbeddedChart::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element)******************\n"; EmbeddedKOfficeObject::loadOasis( element, context ); TQDomElement objectElement = KoDom::namedItemNS( element, KoXmlNS::draw, "object" ); TQString str_range = objectElement.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "notify-on-update-of-ranges", TQString()); if ( !str_range.isNull() ) { str_range = Oasis::decodeFormula( str_range ); Range range( str_range ); if ( range.isValid() ) setDataArea( range.range() ); } KoChart::Part* chartPart = chart(); if ( chartPart ) chartPart->setCanChangeValue( false ); } bool EmbeddedChart::saveOasisObjectAttributes( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const { kdDebug() << "EmbeddedChart::saveOasisPart " << sc.partIndexObj << endl; EmbeddedKOfficeObject::saveOasisObjectAttributes( sc ); if(m_pBinding) { // see http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=120395 TQRect dataArea = m_pBinding->dataArea(); TQString rangeName = util_rangeName( dataArea); rangeName.insert( rangeName.find(':') +1, sheet()->sheetName() + "." ); rangeName.prepend( sheet()->sheetName() + "." ); sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute( "draw:notify-on-update-of-ranges", rangeName ); } else { kdDebug() << "EmbeddedChart::saveOasisPart m_pBinding is NULL" << endl; } sc.xmlWriter.endElement(); return true; } TQDomElement EmbeddedChart::save( TQDomDocument& doc ) { kdDebug() << "Saving EmbeddedChart" << endl; TQDomElement element = EmbeddedKOfficeObject::save( doc ); element.setTagName( "chart" ); element.setAttribute( "left-cell", m_pBinding->dataArea().left() ); element.setAttribute( "right-cell", m_pBinding->dataArea().right() ); element.setAttribute( "top-cell", m_pBinding->dataArea().top() ); element.setAttribute( "bottom-cell", m_pBinding->dataArea().bottom() ); return element; } void EmbeddedChart::draw( TQPainter *_painter ) { EmbeddedKOfficeObject::draw( _painter ); } bool EmbeddedChart::loadDocument( KoStore* _store ) { bool res = /*EmbeddedKOfficeObject::*/m_embeddedObject->loadDocument( _store ); if ( !res ) return res; // Did we see a cell rectangle ? if ( !m_pBinding ) return true; update(); KoChart::Part* chartPart = chart(); if ( chartPart ) chartPart->setCanChangeValue( false ); return true; } KoChart::Part* EmbeddedChart::chart() { // Returns 0 when the chart couldn't be loaded and we get KoUnavailPart instead. return ::tqt_cast( m_embeddedObject->document() ); } /********************************************************** * * EmbeddedPictureObject * **********************************************************/ EmbeddedPictureObject::EmbeddedPictureObject( Sheet *_sheet, const KoRect& _geometry, KoPictureCollection *_imageCollection ) : EmbeddedObject( _sheet, _geometry ) { imageCollection = _imageCollection; pen = KoPen( TQt::black, 1.0, TQt::NoPen ); mirrorType = PM_NORMAL; depth = 0; swapRGB = false; grayscal = false; bright = 0; m_effect = IE_NONE; m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(); m_ie_par2 = TQVariant(); m_ie_par3 = TQVariant(); // Forbid TQPixmap to cache the X-Window resources (Yes, it is slower!) m_cachedPixmap.setOptimization(TQPixmap::MemoryOptim); } EmbeddedPictureObject::EmbeddedPictureObject( Sheet *_sheet, const KoRect& _geometry, KoPictureCollection *_imageCollection, const KoPictureKey & key ) : EmbeddedObject( _sheet, _geometry ) { imageCollection = _imageCollection; //ext = KoSize(); // invalid size means unset pen = KoPen( TQt::black, 1.0, TQt::NoPen ); mirrorType = PM_NORMAL; depth = 0; swapRGB = false; grayscal = false; bright = 0; m_effect = IE_NONE; m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(); m_ie_par2 = TQVariant(); m_ie_par3 = TQVariant(); // Forbid TQPixmap to cache the X-Window resources (Yes, it is slower!) m_cachedPixmap.setOptimization(TQPixmap::MemoryOptim); setPicture( key ); } EmbeddedPictureObject::EmbeddedPictureObject( Sheet *_sheet, KoPictureCollection *_imageCollection ) : EmbeddedObject( _sheet, KoRect(0,0,0,0) ) { imageCollection = _imageCollection; //ext = KoSize(); // invalid size means unset pen = KoPen( TQt::black, 1.0, TQt::NoPen ); mirrorType = PM_NORMAL; depth = 0; swapRGB = false; grayscal = false; bright = 0; m_effect = IE_NONE; m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(); m_ie_par2 = TQVariant(); m_ie_par3 = TQVariant(); // Forbid TQPixmap to cache the X-Window resources (Yes, it is slower!) m_cachedPixmap.setOptimization(TQPixmap::MemoryOptim); } EmbeddedPictureObject::~EmbeddedPictureObject() { } bool EmbeddedPictureObject::load( const TQDomElement& /*element*/ ) { return false; } TQDomElement EmbeddedPictureObject::save( TQDomDocument& /*doc*/ ) { kdDebug() << "Saving EmbeddedPictureObject" << endl; return TQDomElement(); } TQString EmbeddedPictureObject::convertValueToPercent( int val ) const { return TQString::number( val )+"%"; } void EmbeddedPictureObject::saveOasisPictureElement( KoGenStyle &styleobjectauto ) const { if ( bright != 0 ) { styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:luminance", convertValueToPercent( bright ) ); } if ( grayscal ) { styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:color-mode","greyscale" ); } switch (m_effect) { case IE_NONE: //nothing break; case IE_CHANNEL_INTENSITY: { //for the moment kpresenter support just one channel TQString percent = convertValueToPercent( m_ie_par1.toInt() ); KImageEffect::RGBComponent channel = static_cast( m_ie_par2.toInt() ); switch( channel ) { case KImageEffect::Red: styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:red", percent ); styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:blue", "0%" ); styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:green", "0%" ); break; case KImageEffect::Green: styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:green", percent ); styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:red", "0%" ); styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:blue", "0%" ); break; case KImageEffect::Blue: styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:blue", percent ); styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:red", "0%" ); styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:green", "0%" ); break; case KImageEffect::Gray: break; case KImageEffect::All: break; } } break; case IE_FADE: break; case IE_FLATTEN: break; case IE_INTENSITY: break; case IE_DESATURATE: break; case IE_CONTRAST: { //kpresenter use value between -255 and 255 //oo impress between -100% and 100% int val = m_ie_par1.toInt(); val = ( int )( ( double )val*100.0/255.0 ); styleobjectauto.addProperty( "draw:contrast", convertValueToPercent( val ) ); } break; case IE_NORMALIZE: break; case IE_EQUALIZE: break; case IE_THRESHOLD: break; case IE_SOLARIZE: break; case IE_EMBOSS: break; case IE_DESPECKLE: break; case IE_CHARCOAL: break; case IE_NOISE: break; case IE_BLUR: break; case IE_EDGE: break; case IE_IMPLODE: break; case IE_OIL_PAINT: break; case IE_SHARPEN: break; case IE_SPREAD: break; case IE_SHADE: break; case IE_SWIRL: break; case IE_WAVE: break; } } bool EmbeddedPictureObject::saveOasisObjectAttributes( KSpreadOasisSaveContext &sc ) const { sc.xmlWriter.startElement( "draw:image" ); sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute( "xlink:type", "simple" ); sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute( "xlink:show", "embed" ); sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute( "xlink:actuate", "onLoad" ); sc.xmlWriter.addAttribute( "xlink:href", imageCollection->getOasisFileName( image ) ); sc.xmlWriter.endElement(); return true; } const char * EmbeddedPictureObject::getOasisElementName() const { return "draw:frame"; } void EmbeddedPictureObject::loadPicture( const TQString & fileName ) { image = imageCollection->loadPicture( fileName ); } EmbeddedPictureObject &EmbeddedPictureObject::operator=( const EmbeddedPictureObject & ) { return *this; } void EmbeddedPictureObject::setPicture( const KoPictureKey & key ) { image = imageCollection->findPicture( key ); } void EmbeddedPictureObject::reload( void ) { // ### FIXME: this seems wrong, KoPictureCollection will never reload it (or perhaps it is the function name that is wrong) setPicture( image.getKey() ); } // KSpread doesn't support pictures in it's old XML file format. // TQDomDocumentFragment EmbeddedPictureObject::save( TQDomDocument& doc, double offset ) // { // TQDomDocumentFragment fragment=KP2DObject::save(doc, offset); // TQDomElement elem=doc.createElement("KEY"); // image.getKey().saveAttributes(elem); // fragment.appendChild(elem); // // TQDomElement elemSettings = doc.createElement( "PICTURESETTINGS" ); // // elemSettings.setAttribute( "mirrorType", static_cast( mirrorType ) ); // elemSettings.setAttribute( "depth", depth ); // elemSettings.setAttribute( "swapRGB", static_cast( swapRGB ) ); // elemSettings.setAttribute( "grayscal", static_cast( grayscal ) ); // elemSettings.setAttribute( "bright", bright ); // fragment.appendChild( elemSettings ); // // if (m_effect!=IE_NONE) { // TQDomElement imageEffects = doc.createElement("EFFECTS"); // imageEffects.setAttribute("type", static_cast(m_effect)); // if (m_ie_par1.isValid()) // imageEffects.setAttribute("param1", m_ie_par1.toString()); // if (m_ie_par2.isValid()) // imageEffects.setAttribute("param2", m_ie_par2.toString()); // if (m_ie_par3.isValid()) // imageEffects.setAttribute("param3", m_ie_par3.toString()); // fragment.appendChild( imageEffects ); // } // // return fragment; // } void EmbeddedPictureObject::loadOasisPictureEffect(KoOasisLoadingContext & context ) { KoStyleStack &styleStack = context.styleStack(); styleStack.setTypeProperties( "graphic" ); if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "color-mode" ) && ( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "color-mode" )=="greyscale" ) ) { grayscal = true; } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "contrast" ) ) { TQString str( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "contrast" ) ); str = str.remove( '%' ); int val = str.toInt(); m_effect = IE_CONTRAST; val = ( int )( 255.0 *val/100.0 ); m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(val); } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "red" ) && styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "red" ) != "0%" ) { TQString str( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "red" ) ); str = str.remove( '%' ); int val = str.toInt(); m_effect = IE_CHANNEL_INTENSITY; m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(val); m_ie_par2 = TQVariant( ( int )KImageEffect::Red ); } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "green" ) && styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "green" ) != "0%" ) { TQString str( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "green" ) ); str = str.remove( '%' ); int val = str.toInt(); m_effect = IE_CHANNEL_INTENSITY; m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(val); m_ie_par2 = TQVariant( ( int )KImageEffect::Green ); } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "blue" ) && styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "blue" ) != "0%" ) { TQString str( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "blue" ) ); str = str.remove( '%' ); int val = str.toInt(); m_effect = IE_CHANNEL_INTENSITY; m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(val); m_ie_par2 = TQVariant( ( int )KImageEffect::Blue ); } if ( styleStack.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "luminance" ) ) { TQString str( styleStack.attributeNS( KoXmlNS::draw, "luminance" ) ); str = str.remove( '%' ); bright = str.toInt(); } } void EmbeddedPictureObject::fillStyle( KoGenStyle& styleObjectAuto, KoGenStyles& /*mainStyles*/ ) const { //KP2DObject::fillStyle( styleObjectAuto, mainStyles ); saveOasisPictureElement( styleObjectAuto ); } void EmbeddedPictureObject::loadOasis(const TQDomElement &element, KoOasisLoadingContext & context/*, KPRLoadingInfo *info*/) { //load it into kpresenter_doc EmbeddedObject::loadOasis( element, context ); loadOasisPictureEffect( context ); TQDomNode imageBox = KoDom::namedItemNS( element, KoXmlNS::draw, "image" ); const TQString href( imageBox.toElement().attributeNS( KoXmlNS::xlink, "href", TQString()) ); kdDebug()<<" href: "<=0) { strExtension=href.mid(result+1); // As we are using KoPicture, the extension should be without the dot. } TQString filename(href/*.mid(1)*/); const KoPictureKey key(filename, TQDateTime::currentDateTime(TQt::UTC)); image.setKey(key); KoStore* store = context.store(); if ( store->open( filename ) ) { KoStoreDevice dev(store); if ( !image.load( &dev, strExtension ) ) kdWarning() << "Cannot load picture: " << filename << " " << href << endl; store->close(); } imageCollection->insertPicture( key, image ); } // ### TODO: load remote file } // double EmbeddedPictureObject::load(const TQDomElement &element) // { // double offset=KP2DObject::load(element); // TQDomElement e=element.namedItem("KEY").toElement(); // if(!e.isNull()) { // KoPictureKey key; // key.loadAttributes( e ); // image.clear(); // image.setKey(key); // } // else { // // try to find a PIXMAP tag if the KEY is not available... // e=element.namedItem("PIXMAP").toElement(); // if (e.isNull()) { // // try to find a FILENAME tag (old cliparts...) // e=element.namedItem("FILENAME").toElement(); // if(!e.isNull()) { // // Loads from the disk directly (unless it's in the collection already?) // image = imageCollection->loadPicture( e.attribute("filename") ); // } // } else { // bool openPic = true; // TQString _data; // TQString _fileName; // if(e.hasAttribute("data")) // _data=e.attribute("data"); // if ( _data.isEmpty() ) // openPic = true; // else // openPic = false; // if(e.hasAttribute("filename")) // _fileName=e.attribute("filename"); // if ( !_fileName.isEmpty() ) // { // if ( int _envVarB = _fileName.find( '$' ) >= 0 ) // { // int _envVarE = _fileName.find( '/', _envVarB ); // // ### FIXME: it should be TQString::local8Bit instead of TQFile::encodeName, shouldn't it? // TQString path = getenv( TQFile::encodeName(_fileName.mid( _envVarB, _envVarE-_envVarB )) ); // _fileName.replace( _envVarB-1, _envVarE-_envVarB+1, path ); // } // } // // if ( openPic ) // // !! this loads it from the disk (unless it's in the image collection already) // image = imageCollection->loadPicture( _fileName ); // else // { // KoPictureKey key( _fileName ); // image.clear(); // image.setKey(key); // TQByteArray rawData=_data.utf8(); // XPM is normally ASCII, therefore UTF-8 // rawData[rawData.size()-1]=char(10); // Replace the NULL character by a LINE FEED // TQBuffer buffer(rawData); // ### TODO: open? // image.loadXpm(&buffer); // } // } // } // // e = element.namedItem( "PICTURESETTINGS" ).toElement(); // if ( !e.isNull() ) { // PictureMirrorType _mirrorType = PM_NORMAL; // int _depth = 0; // bool _swapRGB = false; // bool _grayscal = false; // int _bright = 0; // // if ( e.hasAttribute( "mirrorType" ) ) // _mirrorType = static_cast( e.attribute( "mirrorType" ).toInt() ); // if ( e.hasAttribute( "depth" ) ) // _depth = e.attribute( "depth" ).toInt(); // if ( e.hasAttribute( "swapRGB" ) ) // _swapRGB = static_cast( e.attribute( "swapRGB" ).toInt() ); // if ( e.hasAttribute( "grayscal" ) ) // _grayscal = static_cast( e.attribute( "grayscal" ).toInt() ); // if ( e.hasAttribute( "bright" ) ) // _bright = e.attribute( "bright" ).toInt(); // // mirrorType = _mirrorType; // depth = _depth; // swapRGB = _swapRGB; // grayscal = _grayscal; // bright = _bright; // } // else { // mirrorType = PM_NORMAL; // depth = 0; // swapRGB = false; // grayscal = false; // bright = 0; // } // // e = element.namedItem( "EFFECTS" ).toElement(); // if (!e.isNull()) { // if (e.hasAttribute("type")) // m_effect = static_cast(e.attribute("type").toInt()); // if (e.hasAttribute("param1")) // m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(e.attribute("param1")); // else // m_ie_par1 = TQVariant(); // if (e.hasAttribute("param2")) // m_ie_par2 = TQVariant(e.attribute("param2")); // else // m_ie_par2 = TQVariant(); // if (e.hasAttribute("param3")) // m_ie_par3 = TQVariant(e.attribute("param3")); // else // m_ie_par3 = TQVariant(); // } // else // m_effect = IE_NONE; // // return offset; // } void EmbeddedPictureObject::drawShadow( TQPainter* /*_painter*/, KoZoomHandler* /*_zoomHandler*/) { // const double ox = /*orig*/m_geometry.x(); // const double oy = /*orig*/m_geometry.y(); // const double ow = /*ext*/m_geometry.width(); // const double oh = /*ext*/m_geometry.height(); // // _painter->save(); // // TQPen pen2 = pen.zoomedPen( _zoomHandler ); // _painter->setPen( pen2 ); // _painter->setBrush( getBrush() ); // // double sx = 0; // double sy = 0; // // getShadowCoords( sx, sy ); // // _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ox ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oy ) ); // _painter->setPen( TQPen( shadowColor ) ); // _painter->setBrush( shadowColor ); // if ( kAbs(angle) <= DBL_EPSILON ) // _painter->drawRect( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( sx ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( sy ), // _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ext.width() ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( ext.height() ) ); // else // { // TQSize bs = TQSize( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh ) ); // TQRect br = TQRect( 0, 0, bs.width(), bs.height() ); // int pw = br.width(); // int ph = br.height(); // TQRect rr = br; // int pixYPos = -rr.y(); // int pixXPos = -rr.x(); // br.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( -br.width() / 2, -br.height() / 2 ) ); // rr.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( -rr.width() / 2, -rr.height() / 2 ) ); // // TQWMatrix m; // m.translate( pw / 2, ph / 2 ); // m.rotate( angle ); // m.translate( rr.left() + pixXPos + _zoomHandler->zoomItX( sx ), // rr.top() + pixYPos + _zoomHandler->zoomItY( sy ) ); // // _painter->setWorldMatrix( m, true ); // // _painter->drawRect( 0, 0, bs.width(), bs.height() ); // } // // _painter->restore(); } TQPixmap EmbeddedPictureObject::toPixmap( double xZoom , double yZoom ) { KoZoomHandler zoomHandler; zoomHandler.setZoomedResolution( xZoom /* *zoomHandler.resolutionX()*/ , yZoom /* *zoomHandler.resolutionY()*/ ); return generatePixmap( &zoomHandler ); } TQPixmap EmbeddedPictureObject::generatePixmap(KoZoomHandler*_zoomHandler) { const double penw = _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ( ( pen.style() == TQt::NoPen ) ? 1 : pen.width() ) / 2.0 ); TQSize size( _zoomHandler->zoomSize( m_geometry.size() /*ext*/ ) ); //kdDebug(33001) << "EmbeddedPictureObject::generatePixmap size= " << size << endl; TQPixmap pixmap(size); TQPainter paint; paint.begin( &pixmap ); pixmap.fill( TQt::white ); // Draw background paint.setPen( TQt::NoPen ); paint.setBrush( getBrush() ); TQRect rect( (int)( penw ), (int)( penw ), (int)( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( /*ext*/m_geometry.width() ) - 2.0 * penw ), (int)( _zoomHandler->zoomItY( /*ext*/m_geometry.height() ) - 2.0 * penw ) ); // if ( getFillType() == FT_BRUSH || !gradient ) paint.drawRect( rect ); // else { // ### TODO: this was also drawn for drawContour==true, but why? // gradient->setSize( size ); // paint.drawPixmap( (int)( penw ), (int)( penw ), // gradient->pixmap(), 0, 0, // (int)( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( m_geometry/*ext*/.width() ) - 2 * penw ), // (int)( _zoomHandler->zoomItY( m_geometry/*ext*/.height() ) - 2 * penw ) ); // } image.draw(paint, 0, 0, size.width(), size.height(), 0, 0, -1, -1, false); // Always slow mode! image.clearCache(); // Release the memoy of the picture cache // image.setAlphaBuffer(true); // TQBitmap tmpMask; // tmpMask = image.createAlphaMask().scale(size); // pixmap.setMask(tmpMask); paint.end(); return pixmap; } void EmbeddedPictureObject::draw( TQPainter *_painter/*, KoZoomHandler*_zoomHandler, int pageNum, SelectionMode selectionMode, bool drawContour*/ ) { bool drawContour = false; KoZoomHandler*_zoomHandler = sheet()->doc(); if ( image.isNull() ) return; // if ( shadowDistance > 0 && !drawContour ) // drawShadow(_painter, _zoomHandler); const double ox = /*orig*/m_geometry.x(); const double oy = /*orig*/m_geometry.y(); const double ow = /*ext*/m_geometry.width(); const double oh = /*ext*/m_geometry.height(); //const double penw = _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ( ( pen.style() == TQt::NoPen ) ? 1.0 : pen.width() ) / 2.0 ); _painter->save(); _painter->translate( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ox ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oy ) ); if ( kAbs(angle)> DBL_EPSILON ) { TQSize bs = TQSize( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow ), _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh ) ); TQRect br = TQRect( 0, 0, bs.width(), bs.height() ); int pw = br.width(); int ph = br.height(); TQRect rr = br; int pixYPos = -rr.y(); int pixXPos = -rr.x(); br.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( -br.width() / 2, -br.height() / 2 ) ); rr.moveTopLeft( TQPoint( -rr.width() / 2, -rr.height() / 2 ) ); TQWMatrix m; m.translate( pw / 2, ph / 2 ); m.rotate( angle ); m.translate( rr.left() + pixXPos, rr.top() + pixYPos ); _painter->setWorldMatrix( m, true ); } if ( !drawContour ) { TQRect rect( 0, 0, (int)( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow ) ), (int)( _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh ) ) ); // ### HACK TQt seems not to be able to correctly compare TQVariant bool variants1; if (m_ie_par1.isNull()) variants1=m_cachedPar1.isNull(); else variants1=(m_ie_par1 == m_cachedPar1); bool variants2; if (m_ie_par2.isNull()) variants2=m_cachedPar2.isNull(); else variants2=(m_ie_par2 == m_cachedPar2); bool variants3; if (m_ie_par3.isNull()) variants3=m_cachedPar3.isNull(); else variants3=(m_ie_par3 == m_cachedPar3); if (m_cachedRect == rect // All what EmbeddedPictureObject::changePictureSettings needs && m_cachedMirrorType == mirrorType && m_cachedSwapRGB == swapRGB && m_cachedGrayscal == grayscal && m_cachedBright == bright && m_cachedEffect == m_effect // Who needs it? && m_cachedDepth == depth #if 0 && m_ie_par1 == m_cachedPar1 && m_ie_par2 == m_cachedPar2 && m_ie_par3 == m_cachedPar3 #else && variants1 && variants2 && variants3 #endif ) { //kdDebug(33001) << "Drawing cached pixmap " << (void*) this << " " << k_funcinfo << endl; } else { if (mirrorType != PM_NORMAL || depth != 0 || swapRGB || grayscal || bright != 0 || m_effect!=IE_NONE) m_cachedPixmap = changePictureSettings( generatePixmap( _zoomHandler ) ); else m_cachedPixmap = generatePixmap( _zoomHandler ); m_cachedRect = rect; m_cachedMirrorType = mirrorType; m_cachedSwapRGB = swapRGB; m_cachedGrayscal = grayscal; m_cachedBright = bright; m_cachedEffect = m_effect; m_cachedDepth = depth; m_cachedPar1 = m_ie_par1; m_cachedPar2 = m_ie_par2; m_cachedPar3 = m_ie_par3; //kdDebug(33001) << "Drawing non-cached pixmap " << (void*) this << " " << k_funcinfo << endl; } _painter->eraseRect( rect ); _painter->drawPixmap( rect, m_cachedPixmap); } // Draw border // ### TODO port to KoBorder::drawBorders() (after writing a simplified version of it, that takes the same border on each size) // TQPen pen2; // if ( drawContour ) { // pen2 = TQPen( TQt::black, 1, TQt::DotLine ); // _painter->setRasterOp( TQt::NotXorROP ); // } // else { // pen2 = pen; // pen2.setWidth( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ( pen.style() == TQt::NoPen ) ? 1.0 : (double)pen.width() ) ); // } // _painter->setPen( pen2 ); // _painter->setBrush( TQt::NoBrush ); // _painter->drawRect( (int)( penw ), (int)( penw ), // (int)( _zoomHandler->zoomItX( ow ) - 2.0 * penw ), // (int)( _zoomHandler->zoomItY( oh ) - 2.0 * penw ) ); _painter->restore(); //KPObject::draw( _painter, _zoomHandler, pageNum, selectionMode, drawContour ); EmbeddedObject::draw( _painter ); } TQPixmap EmbeddedPictureObject::getOriginalPixmap() { TQSize _pixSize = image.getOriginalSize(); kdDebug(33001) << "EmbeddedPictureObject::getOriginalPixmap size= " << _pixSize << endl; TQPixmap _pixmap = image.generatePixmap( _pixSize, true ); image.clearCache(); // Release the memoy of the picture cache return _pixmap; } TQPixmap EmbeddedPictureObject::changePictureSettings( TQPixmap _tmpPixmap ) { TQImage _tmpImage = _tmpPixmap.convertToImage(); if (_tmpImage.isNull()) return _tmpPixmap; bool _horizontal = false; bool _vertical = false; if ( mirrorType == PM_HORIZONTAL ) _horizontal = true; else if ( mirrorType == PM_VERTICAL ) _vertical = true; else if ( mirrorType == PM_HORIZONTALANDVERTICAL ) { _horizontal = true; _vertical = true; } _tmpImage = _tmpImage.mirror( _horizontal, _vertical ); if ( depth != 0 ) { TQImage tmpImg = _tmpImage.convertDepth( depth ); if ( !tmpImg.isNull() ) _tmpImage = tmpImg; } if ( swapRGB ) _tmpImage = _tmpImage.swapRGB(); if ( grayscal ) { if ( depth == 1 || depth == 8 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < _tmpImage.numColors(); ++i ) { TQRgb rgb = _tmpImage.color( i ); int gray = tqGray( rgb ); rgb = tqRgb( gray, gray, gray ); _tmpImage.setColor( i, rgb ); } } else { int _width = _tmpImage.width(); int _height = _tmpImage.height(); int _x = 0; int _y = 0; for ( _x = 0; _x < _width; ++_x ) { for ( _y = 0; _y < _height; ++_y ) { if ( _tmpImage.valid( _x, _y ) ) { TQRgb rgb = _tmpImage.pixel( _x, _y ); int gray = tqGray( rgb ); rgb = tqRgb( gray, gray, gray ); _tmpImage.setPixel( _x, _y, rgb ); } } } } } if ( bright != 0 ) { if ( depth == 1 || depth == 8 ) { for ( int i = 0; i < _tmpImage.numColors(); ++i ) { TQRgb rgb = _tmpImage.color( i ); TQColor c( rgb ); if ( bright > 0 ) rgb = c.light( 100 + bright ).rgb(); else rgb = c.dark( 100 + abs( bright ) ).rgb(); _tmpImage.setColor( i, rgb ); } } else { int _width = _tmpImage.width(); int _height = _tmpImage.height(); int _x = 0; int _y = 0; for ( _x = 0; _x < _width; ++_x ) { for ( _y = 0; _y < _height; ++_y ) { if ( _tmpImage.valid( _x, _y ) ) { TQRgb rgb = _tmpImage.pixel( _x, _y ); TQColor c( rgb ); if ( bright > 0 ) rgb = c.light( 100 + bright ).rgb(); else rgb = c.dark( 100 + abs( bright ) ).rgb(); _tmpImage.setPixel( _x, _y, rgb ); } } } } } switch (m_effect) { case IE_CHANNEL_INTENSITY: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::channelIntensity(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()/100.0, static_cast(m_ie_par2.toInt())); break; } case IE_FADE: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::fade(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble(), m_ie_par2.toColor()); break; } case IE_FLATTEN: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::flatten(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toColor(), m_ie_par2.toColor()); break; } case IE_INTENSITY: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::intensity(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()/100.0); break; } case IE_DESATURATE: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::desaturate(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()); break; } case IE_CONTRAST: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::contrast(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toInt()); break; } case IE_NORMALIZE: { KImageEffect::normalize(_tmpImage); break; } case IE_EQUALIZE: { KImageEffect::equalize(_tmpImage); break; } case IE_THRESHOLD: { KImageEffect::threshold(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toInt()); break; } case IE_SOLARIZE: { KImageEffect::solarize(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()); break; } case IE_EMBOSS: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::emboss(_tmpImage); break; } case IE_DESPECKLE: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::despeckle(_tmpImage); break; } case IE_CHARCOAL: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::charcoal(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()); break; } case IE_NOISE: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::addNoise(_tmpImage, static_cast(m_ie_par1.toInt())); break; } case IE_BLUR: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::blur(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()); break; } case IE_EDGE: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::edge(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()); break; } case IE_IMPLODE: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::implode(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()); break; } case IE_OIL_PAINT: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::oilPaint(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toInt()); break; } case IE_SHARPEN: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::sharpen(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()); break; } case IE_SPREAD: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::spread(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toInt()); break; } case IE_SHADE: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::shade(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toBool(), m_ie_par2.toDouble(), m_ie_par3.toDouble()); break; } case IE_SWIRL: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::swirl(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble()); break; } case IE_WAVE: { _tmpImage = KImageEffect::wave(_tmpImage, m_ie_par1.toDouble(), m_ie_par2.toDouble()); break; } case IE_NONE: default: break; } _tmpPixmap.convertFromImage( _tmpImage ); return _tmpPixmap; } void EmbeddedPictureObject::flip( bool /*horizontal*/ ) { // KP2DObject::flip( horizontal ); // if ( horizontal ) // { // switch ( mirrorType ) // { // case PM_NORMAL: // mirrorType = PM_HORIZONTAL; // break; // case PM_HORIZONTAL: // mirrorType = PM_NORMAL; // break; // case PM_VERTICAL: // mirrorType = PM_HORIZONTALANDVERTICAL; // break; // case PM_HORIZONTALANDVERTICAL: // mirrorType = PM_VERTICAL; // break; // } // } // else // { // switch ( mirrorType ) // { // case PM_NORMAL: // mirrorType = PM_VERTICAL; // break; // case PM_HORIZONTAL: // mirrorType = PM_HORIZONTALANDVERTICAL; // break; // case PM_VERTICAL: // mirrorType = PM_NORMAL; // break; // case PM_HORIZONTALANDVERTICAL: // mirrorType = PM_HORIZONTAL; // break; // } // } }