/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Lucijan Busch Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Jaroslaw Staniek This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexibrowser.h" #include "kexibrowser_p.h" #include "kexibrowseritem.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* class KexiBrowserView : public TQWidget { KexiBrowserView*( }; KexiBrowserView::KexiBrowserView(KexiMainWindow *mainWin) : TQWidget(mainWin, "KexiBrowserView") { TQVBoxLayout *lyr = new TQVBoxLayout(this); KexiFlowLayout *buttons_flyr = new KexiFlowLayout(lyr); m_browser = KexiBrowser(this, mainWin); lyr->addWidget(m_browser); setFocusProxy(m_browser); }*/ KexiBrowser::KexiBrowser(TQWidget* parent, KexiMainWindow *mainWin, int features) : TQWidget(parent, "KexiBrowser") , m_mainWin(mainWin) , m_features(features) , m_actions( new TDEActionCollection(this) ) , m_baseItems(199, false) , m_normalItems(199) , m_prevSelectedPart(0) , m_singleClick(false) // , m_nameEndsWithAsterisk(false) , m_readOnly(false) // , m_enableExecuteArea(true) { setCaption(i18n("Project Navigator")); setIcon(*m_mainWin->icon()); TQVBoxLayout *lyr = new TQVBoxLayout(this); KexiFlowLayout *buttons_flyr = new KexiFlowLayout(lyr); m_list = new KexiBrowserListView(this); lyr->addWidget(m_list); m_list->installEventFilter(this); m_list->renameLineEdit()->installEventFilter(this); connect( tdeApp, TQ_SIGNAL( settingsChanged(int) ), TQ_SLOT( slotSettingsChanged(int) ) ); slotSettingsChanged(0); m_list->header()->hide(); m_list->addColumn(""); m_list->setShowToolTips(true); m_list->setSorting(0); m_list->sort(); m_list->setAllColumnsShowFocus(true); m_list->setTooltipColumn(0); m_list->renameLineEdit()->setValidator( new KexiUtils::IdentifierValidator(this) ); m_list->setResizeMode(TQListView::LastColumn); connect(m_list, TQ_SIGNAL(contextMenu(TDEListView *, TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint &)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotContextMenu(TDEListView*, TQListViewItem *, const TQPoint&))); connect(m_list, TQ_SIGNAL(selectionChanged(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotSelectionChanged(TQListViewItem*))); TDEConfig *config = tdeApp->config(); config->setGroup("MainWindow"); if ((m_features & SingleClickOpensItemOptionEnabled) && config->readBoolEntry("SingleClickOpensItem", false)) { connect(m_list, TQ_SIGNAL(executed(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotExecuteItem(TQListViewItem*))); } else { connect(m_list, TQ_SIGNAL(doubleClicked(TQListViewItem*)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotExecuteItem(TQListViewItem*))); m_list->enableExecuteArea = false; } // actions m_openAction = new TDEAction(i18n("&Open"), "document-open", 0/*TQt::Key_Enter conflict!*/, this, TQ_SLOT(slotOpenObject()), this, "open_object"); m_openAction->setToolTip(i18n("Open object")); m_openAction->setWhatsThis(i18n("Opens object selected in the list")); // m_openAction->plug(m_toolbar); KexiSmallToolButton *btn; if (m_features & Toolbar) { btn = new KexiSmallToolButton(this, m_openAction); buttons_flyr->add(btn); } if (m_mainWin->userMode()) { //! @todo some of these actions can be supported once we deliver ACLs... m_deleteAction = 0; m_renameAction = 0; m_designAction = 0; m_editTextAction = 0; m_newObjectAction = 0; m_newObjectPopup = 0; } else { m_deleteAction = new TDEAction(i18n("&Delete"), "edit-delete", 0/*TQt::Key_Delete*/, this, TQ_SLOT(slotRemove()), m_actions, "edit_delete"); //! @todo 1.1: just add "Delete" tooltip and what's this m_deleteAction->setToolTip(i18n("&Delete").replace("&","")); m_renameAction = new TDEAction(i18n("&Rename"), "", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(slotRename()), m_actions, "edit_rename"); #ifdef KEXI_SHOW_UNIMPLEMENTED //todo plugSharedAction("edit_cut",TQ_SLOT(slotCut())); //todo plugSharedAction("edit_copy",TQ_SLOT(slotCopy())); //todo plugSharedAction("edit_paste",TQ_SLOT(slotPaste())); #endif m_designAction = new TDEAction(i18n("&Design"), "edit", 0/*TQt::CTRL + TQt::Key_Enter conflict!*/, this, TQ_SLOT(slotDesignObject()), this, "design_object"); m_designAction->setToolTip(i18n("Design object")); m_designAction->setWhatsThis(i18n("Starts designing of the object selected in the list")); if (m_features & Toolbar) { btn = new KexiSmallToolButton(this, m_designAction); buttons_flyr->add(btn); } m_editTextAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Open in &Text View"), "", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(slotEditTextObject()), this, "editText_object"); m_editTextAction->setToolTip(i18n("Open object in text view")); m_editTextAction->setWhatsThis(i18n("Opens selected object in the list in text view")); m_newObjectAction = new TDEAction("", "document-new", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(slotNewObject()), this, "new_object"); if (m_features & Toolbar) { m_newObjectToolButton = new KexiSmallToolButton(this, "", TQIconSet(), "new_object"); m_newObjectPopup = new TDEPopupMenu(this, "newObjectPopup"); connect(m_newObjectPopup, TQ_SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotNewObjectPopupAboutToShow())); // KexiPart::Part* part = Kexi::partManager().part("kexi/table"); // m_newObjectPopup->insertItem( SmallIconSet(part->info()->createItemIcon()), part->instanceName() ); m_newObjectToolButton->setPopup(m_newObjectPopup); m_newObjectToolButton->setPopupDelay(TQApplication::startDragTime()); connect(m_newObjectToolButton, TQ_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQ_SLOT(slotNewObject())); buttons_flyr->add(m_newObjectToolButton); m_deleteObjectToolButton = new KexiSmallToolButton(this, m_deleteAction); m_deleteObjectToolButton->setTextLabel(""); buttons_flyr->add(m_deleteObjectToolButton); } } m_executeAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Execute"), "media-playback-start", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(slotExecuteObject()), this, "data_execute"); m_exportActionMenu = new TDEActionMenu(i18n("Export")); m_dataExportAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Export->To File as Data &Table... ", "To &File as Data Table..."), "table", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(slotExportAsDataTable()), this, "exportAsDataTable"); m_dataExportAction->setWhatsThis( i18n("Exports data from the currently selected table or query data to a file.")); m_exportActionMenu->insert( m_dataExportAction ); m_printAction = new TDEAction(i18n("&Print..."), "document-print", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(slotPrintItem()), this, "printItem"); m_printAction->setWhatsThis( i18n("Prints data from the currently selected table or query.")); m_pageSetupAction = new TDEAction(i18n("Page Setup..."), "", 0, this, TQ_SLOT(slotPageSetupForItem()), this, "pageSetupForItem"); m_pageSetupAction->setWhatsThis( i18n("Shows page setup for printing the active table or query.")); if (m_mainWin->userMode()) { //! @todo some of these actions can be supported once we deliver ACLs... m_partPopup = 0; } else { m_partPopup = new TDEPopupMenu(this, "partPopup"); m_partPopupTitle_id = m_partPopup->insertTitle(""); m_newObjectAction->plug(m_partPopup); #ifdef KEXI_SHOW_UNIMPLEMENTED m_partPopup->insertSeparator(); plugSharedAction("edit_paste", m_partPopup); #endif } if (m_features & ContextMenus) { //init popups m_itemPopup = new TDEPopupMenu(this, "itemPopup"); m_itemPopupTitle_id = m_itemPopup->insertTitle(""); m_openAction->plug(m_itemPopup); m_openAction_id = m_itemPopup->idAt(m_itemPopup->count()-1); if (m_designAction) { m_designAction->plug(m_itemPopup); m_designAction_id = m_itemPopup->idAt(m_itemPopup->count()-1); } if (m_editTextAction) { m_editTextAction->plug(m_itemPopup); m_editTextAction_id = m_itemPopup->idAt(m_itemPopup->count()-1); } if (m_newObjectAction) { m_newObjectAction->plug(m_itemPopup); m_itemPopup->insertSeparator(); } #ifdef KEXI_SHOW_UNIMPLEMENTED //todo plugSharedAction("edit_cut", m_itemPopup); //todo plugSharedAction("edit_copy", m_itemPopup); //todo m_itemPopup->insertSeparator(); #endif m_executeAction->plug(m_itemPopup); m_executeAction_id = m_itemPopup->idAt(m_itemPopup->count()-1); m_exportActionMenu->plug(m_itemPopup); m_exportActionMenu_id = m_exportActionMenu->menuId(0); m_itemPopup->insertSeparator(); m_exportActionMenu_id_sep = m_itemPopup->idAt(m_itemPopup->count()-1); m_printAction->plug(m_itemPopup); m_printAction_id = m_itemPopup->idAt(m_itemPopup->count()-1); m_pageSetupAction->plug(m_itemPopup); m_pageSetupAction_id = m_itemPopup->idAt(m_itemPopup->count()-1); if (m_renameAction || m_deleteAction) { m_itemPopup->insertSeparator(); m_pageSetupAction_id_sep = m_itemPopup->idAt(m_itemPopup->count()-1); } else { m_pageSetupAction_id_sep = -1; } if (m_renameAction) m_renameAction->plug(m_itemPopup); if (m_deleteAction) m_deleteAction->plug(m_itemPopup); } else { m_itemPopup = 0; } if (!(m_features & Writable)) { setReadOnly(true); } } KexiBrowser::~KexiBrowser() { } void KexiBrowser::setProject(KexiProject* prj, const TQString& itemsMimeType, TQString* partManagerErrorMessages) { clear(); m_itemsMimeType = itemsMimeType; m_list->setRootIsDecorated(m_itemsMimeType.isEmpty()); KexiPart::PartInfoList *pl = Kexi::partManager().partInfoList(); for (KexiPart::Info *info = pl->first(); info; info = pl->next()) { if (!info->isVisibleInNavigator()) continue; if (!m_itemsMimeType.isEmpty() && info->mimeType()!=m_itemsMimeType.latin1()) continue; // kdDebug() << "KexiMainWindowImpl::initNavigator(): adding " << it->groupName() << endl; /* KexiPart::Part *p=Kexi::partManager().part(it); if (!p) { //TODO: js - OPTIONALLY: show error continue; } p->createGUIClient(this);*/ //load part - we need this to have GUI merged with part's actions //! @todo FUTURE - don't do that when DESIGN MODE is OFF KexiPart::Part *p=Kexi::partManager().part(info); if (p) { KexiBrowserItem *groupItem = 0; if (m_itemsMimeType.isEmpty()) { groupItem = addGroup(*info); if (!groupItem) continue; } //lookup project's objects (part items) //! @todo FUTURE - don't do that when DESIGN MODE is OFF KexiPart::ItemDict *item_dict = prj->items(info); if (!item_dict) continue; for (KexiPart::ItemDictIterator item_it( *item_dict ); item_it.current(); ++item_it) addItem(*item_it.current(), groupItem, info); if (!m_itemsMimeType.isEmpty()) break; //the only group added, so our work is completed } else { //add this error to the list that will be displayed later TQString msg, details; KexiDB::getHTMLErrorMesage(&Kexi::partManager(), msg, details); if (!msg.isEmpty() && partManagerErrorMessages) { if (partManagerErrorMessages->isEmpty()) { *partManagerErrorMessages = TQString("

") +i18n("Errors encountered during loading plugins:")+"

    "; } partManagerErrorMessages->append( TQString("
  • ") + msg ); if (!details.isEmpty()) partManagerErrorMessages->append(TQString("
    ")+details); partManagerErrorMessages->append("
  • "); } } } if (partManagerErrorMessages && !partManagerErrorMessages->isEmpty()) partManagerErrorMessages->append("

"); } TQString KexiBrowser::itemsMimeType() const { return m_itemsMimeType; } KexiBrowserItem *KexiBrowser::addGroup(KexiPart::Info& info) { if(!info.isVisibleInNavigator()) return 0; KexiBrowserItem *item = new KexiBrowserItem(m_list, &info); m_baseItems.insert(info.mimeType().lower(), item); return item; // kdDebug() << "KexiBrowser::addGroup()" << endl; } KexiBrowserItem* KexiBrowser::addItem(KexiPart::Item& item) { //part object for this item KexiBrowserItem *parent = item.mimeType().isEmpty() ? 0 : m_baseItems.find(item.mimeType().lower()); return addItem(item, parent, parent->info()); } KexiBrowserItem* KexiBrowser::addItem(KexiPart::Item& item, KexiBrowserItem *parent, KexiPart::Info* info) { // if (!parent) //TODO: add "Other" part group for that // return 0; // kdDebug() << "KexiBrowser::addItem() found parent:" << parent << endl; KexiBrowserItem *bitem; if (parent) bitem = new KexiBrowserItem(parent, info, &item); else bitem = new KexiBrowserItem(m_list, info, &item); m_normalItems.insert(item.identifier(), bitem); return bitem; } void KexiBrowser::slotRemoveItem(const KexiPart::Item &item) { KexiBrowserItem *to_remove=m_normalItems.take(item.identifier()); if (!to_remove) return; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); TQListViewItem *new_item_to_select = 0; if (it==to_remove) {//compute item to select if current one will be removed new_item_to_select = it->itemBelow();//nearest item to select if (!new_item_to_select || new_item_to_select->parent()!=it->parent()) { new_item_to_select = it->itemAbove(); } } delete to_remove; if (new_item_to_select) m_list->setSelected(new_item_to_select, true); } void KexiBrowser::slotContextMenu(TDEListView* /*list*/, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint &pos) { if(!item || !(m_features & ContextMenus)) return; KexiBrowserItem *bit = static_cast(item); TDEPopupMenu *pm = 0; if (bit->item()) { pm = m_itemPopup; //update popup title TQString title_text = bit->text(0).stripWhiteSpace(); KexiBrowserItem *par_it = static_cast(bit->parent()); KexiPart::Part* par_part = 0; if (par_it && par_it->info() && ((par_part = Kexi::partManager().part(par_it->info()))) && !par_part->instanceCaption().isEmpty()) { //add part type name title_text += (" : " + par_part->instanceCaption()); } pm->changeTitle(m_itemPopupTitle_id, *bit->pixmap(0), title_text); } else if (m_partPopup) { pm = m_partPopup; TQString title_text = bit->text(0).stripWhiteSpace(); pm->changeTitle(m_partPopupTitle_id, *bit->pixmap(0), title_text); /* KexiPart::Part* part = Kexi::partManager().part(bit->info()); if (part) m_newObjectAction->setText(i18n("&Create Object: %1...").arg( part->instanceName() )); else m_newObjectAction->setText(i18n("&Create Object...")); m_newObjectAction->setIconSet( SmallIconSet(bit->info()->itemIcon()) );*/ m_list->setCurrentItem(item); m_list->repaintItem(item); } if (pm) pm->exec(pos); } void KexiBrowser::slotExecuteItem(TQListViewItem *vitem) { // kdDebug() << "KexiBrowser::slotExecuteItem()" << endl; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(vitem); if (!it) return; if (!it->item() && !m_singleClick /*annoying when in single click mode*/) { m_list->setOpen( vitem, !vitem->isOpen() ); return; } if (it->info()->isExecuteSupported()) emit executeItem( it->item() ); else emit openOrActivateItem( it->item(), Kexi::DataViewMode ); } void KexiBrowser::slotSelectionChanged(TQListViewItem* i) { KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(i); if (!it) return; KexiPart::Part* part = Kexi::partManager().part(it->info()); if (!part) { it = static_cast(it->parent()); if (it) { part = Kexi::partManager().part(it->info()); } } const bool gotitem = it && it->item(); //bool gotgroup = it && !it->item(); //TODO: also check if the item is not read only if (m_deleteAction) { m_deleteAction->setEnabled(gotitem && !m_readOnly); if (m_features & Toolbar) { m_deleteObjectToolButton->setEnabled(gotitem && !m_readOnly); } } #ifdef KEXI_SHOW_UNIMPLEMENTED //todo setAvailable("edit_cut",gotitem); //todo setAvailable("edit_copy",gotitem); //todo setAvailable("edit_edititem",gotitem); #endif m_openAction->setEnabled(gotitem && part && (part->supportedViewModes() & Kexi::DataViewMode)); if (m_designAction) m_designAction->setEnabled(gotitem && part && (part->supportedViewModes() & Kexi::DesignViewMode)); if (m_editTextAction) m_editTextAction->setEnabled(gotitem && part && (part->supportedViewModes() & Kexi::TextViewMode)); if (m_features & ContextMenus) { m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_openAction_id, m_openAction->isEnabled()); if (m_designAction) m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_designAction_id, m_designAction->isEnabled()); if (m_editTextAction) m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_editTextAction_id, part && m_editTextAction->isEnabled()); if (m_executeAction) m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_executeAction_id, gotitem && it->info()->isExecuteSupported()); if (m_exportActionMenu) { m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_exportActionMenu_id, gotitem && it->info()->isDataExportSupported()); m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_exportActionMenu_id_sep, gotitem && it->info()->isDataExportSupported()); } if (m_printAction) m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_printAction_id, gotitem && it->info()->isPrintingSupported()); if (m_pageSetupAction) { m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_pageSetupAction_id, gotitem && it->info()->isPrintingSupported()); if (m_pageSetupAction_id_sep!=-1) m_itemPopup->setItemVisible(m_pageSetupAction_id_sep, gotitem && it->info()->isPrintingSupported()); } } if (m_prevSelectedPart != part) { m_prevSelectedPart = part; if (part) { if (m_newObjectAction) { m_newObjectAction->setText(i18n("&Create Object: %1...").arg( part->instanceCaption() )); m_newObjectAction->setIcon( part->info()->createItemIcon() ); if (m_features & Toolbar) { m_newObjectToolButton->setIconSet( part->info()->createItemIcon() ); TQToolTip::add(m_newObjectToolButton, i18n("Create object: %1").arg( part->instanceCaption().lower() )); TQWhatsThis::add(m_newObjectToolButton, i18n("Creates a new object: %1").arg( part->instanceCaption().lower() )); } } } else { if (m_newObjectAction) { m_newObjectAction->setText(i18n("&Create Object...")); // m_newObjectToolbarAction->setIconSet( SmallIconSet("document-new") ); // m_newObjectToolbarAction->setText(m_newObjectAction->text()); if (m_features & Toolbar) { m_newObjectToolButton->setIconSet( "document-new" ); TQToolTip::add(m_newObjectToolButton, i18n("Create object")); TQWhatsThis::add(m_newObjectToolButton, i18n("Creates a new object")); } } } } emit selectionChanged(it ? it->item() : 0); } void KexiBrowser::installEventFilter ( const TQObject * filterObj ) { if (!filterObj) return; m_list->installEventFilter ( filterObj ); TQWidget::installEventFilter ( filterObj ); } bool KexiBrowser::eventFilter ( TQObject *o, TQEvent * e ) { if (o==m_list && e->type()==TQEvent::Resize) { kdDebug() << "resize!" << endl; } if (o==m_list->renameLineEdit()) { if (e->type()==TQEvent::Hide) itemRenameDone(); } else if (e->type()==TQEvent::KeyPress) { TQKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(e); if (ke->key()==TQt::Key_Enter || ke->key()==TQt::Key_Return) { if (0==(ke->state() & (TQt::ShiftButton|TQt::ControlButton|TQt::AltButton))) { TQListViewItem *it = m_list->selectedItem(); if (it) slotExecuteItem(it); } else if (TQt::ControlButton==(ke->state() & (TQt::ShiftButton|TQt::ControlButton|TQt::AltButton))) { slotDesignObject(); } } } else if (e->type()==TQEvent::AccelOverride) { TQKeyEvent *ke = static_cast(e); //override delete action if (ke->key()==TQt::Key_Delete && ke->state()==TQt::NoButton) { slotRemove(); ke->accept(); return true; } //override rename action if (ke->key()==TQt::Key_F2 && ke->state()==TQt::NoButton) { slotRename(); ke->accept(); return true; } /* else if (ke->key()==TQt::Key_Enter || ke->key()==TQt::Key_Return) { if (ke->state()==ControlButton) { slotDesignObject(); } else if (ke->state()==0 && !m_list->renameLineEdit()->isVisible()) { TQListViewItem *it = m_list->selectedItem(); if (it) slotExecuteItem(it); } ke->accept(); return true; }*/ } return false; } void KexiBrowser::slotRemove() { if (!m_deleteAction || !m_deleteAction->isEnabled() || !(m_features & Writable)) return; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); if (!it || !it->item()) return; emit removeItem( it->item() ); } void KexiBrowser::slotNewObject() { if (!m_newObjectAction || !(m_features & Writable)) return; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); if (!it || !it->info()) return; emit newItem( it->info() ); } void KexiBrowser::slotOpenObject() { KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); if (!it || !it->item()) return; emit openItem( it->item(), Kexi::DataViewMode ); } void KexiBrowser::slotDesignObject() { if (!m_designAction) return; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); if (!it || !it->item()) return; emit openItem( it->item(), Kexi::DesignViewMode ); } void KexiBrowser::slotEditTextObject() { if (!m_editTextAction) return; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); if (!it || !it->item()) return; emit openItem( it->item(), Kexi::TextViewMode ); } void KexiBrowser::slotCut() { if (!(m_features & Writable)) return; // KEXI_UNFINISHED_SHARED_ACTION("edit_cut"); //TODO } void KexiBrowser::slotCopy() { // KEXI_UNFINISHED_SHARED_ACTION("edit_copy"); //TODO } void KexiBrowser::slotPaste() { if (!(m_features & Writable)) return; // KEXI_UNFINISHED_SHARED_ACTION("edit_paste"); //TODO } void KexiBrowser::slotRename() { if (!m_renameAction || !(m_features & Writable)) return; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); if (it) m_list->rename(it, 0); } void KexiBrowser::itemRenameDone() { if (!(m_features & Writable)) return; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); if (!it) return; TQString txt = it->text(0).stripWhiteSpace(); bool ok = it->item()->name().lower()!=txt.lower(); //the new name must be different if (ok) { /* TODO */ emit renameItem(it->item(), txt, ok); } if (!ok) { txt = it->item()->name(); //revert } //"modified" flag has been removed before editing: readd it if (m_list->nameEndsWithAsterisk) { txt += "*"; m_list->nameEndsWithAsterisk = false; } it->setText(0, txt); it->parent()->sort(); setFocus(); } void KexiBrowser::setFocus() { if (!m_list->selectedItem() && m_list->firstChild())//select first m_list->setSelected(m_list->firstChild(), true); m_list->setFocus(); } void KexiBrowser::updateItemName( KexiPart::Item& item, bool dirty ) { if (!(m_features & Writable)) return; KexiBrowserItem *bitem = m_normalItems[item.identifier()]; if (!bitem) return; bitem->setText( 0, item.name() + (dirty ? "*" : "") ); } void KexiBrowser::slotSettingsChanged(int) { m_singleClick = TDEGlobalSettings::singleClick(); } void KexiBrowser::selectItem(KexiPart::Item& item) { KexiBrowserItem *bitem = m_normalItems[item.identifier()]; if (!bitem) return; m_list->setSelected(bitem, true); m_list->ensureItemVisible(bitem); m_list->setCurrentItem(bitem); } void KexiBrowser::clearSelection() { m_list->clearSelection(); TQListViewItem *item = m_list->firstChild(); if (item) { m_list->ensureItemVisible(item); } } void KexiBrowser::slotNewObjectPopupAboutToShow() { if ((m_features & Toolbar) && m_newObjectPopup && m_newObjectPopup->count()==0) { //preload items KexiPart::PartInfoList *list = Kexi::partManager().partInfoList(); //this list is properly sorted for (KexiPart::PartInfoListIterator it(*list); it.current(); ++it) { //add an item to "New object" toolbar popup TDEAction *action = m_mainWin->actionCollection()->action( TQString(KexiPart::nameForCreateAction(*it.current())).ascii() ); if (action) { action->plug(m_newObjectPopup); } else { //! @todo err } } } } void KexiBrowser::slotExecuteObject() { if (!m_executeAction) return; KexiPart::Item* item = selectedPartItem(); if (item) emit executeItem( item ); } void KexiBrowser::slotExportAsDataTable() { if (!m_dataExportAction) return; KexiPart::Item* item = selectedPartItem(); if (item) emit exportItemAsDataTable( item ); } KexiPart::Item* KexiBrowser::selectedPartItem() const { KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(m_list->selectedItem()); return it ? it->item() : 0; } bool KexiBrowser::actionEnabled(const TQCString& actionName) const { if (actionName=="project_export_data_table" && (m_features & ContextMenus)) return m_itemPopup->isItemVisible(m_exportActionMenu_id); kdWarning() << "KexiBrowser::actionEnabled() no such action: " << actionName << endl; return false; } void KexiBrowser::slotPrintItem() { if (!m_printAction) return; KexiPart::Item* item = selectedPartItem(); if (item) emit printItem( item ); } void KexiBrowser::slotPageSetupForItem() { if (!m_pageSetupAction) return; KexiPart::Item* item = selectedPartItem(); if (item) emit pageSetupForItem( item ); } void KexiBrowser::setReadOnly(bool set) { m_readOnly = set; if (m_deleteAction) m_deleteAction->setEnabled(!m_readOnly); if (m_renameAction) m_renameAction->setEnabled(!m_readOnly); if (m_newObjectAction) { m_newObjectAction->setEnabled(!m_readOnly); if (m_features & Toolbar) { m_newObjectPopup->setEnabled(!m_readOnly); m_newObjectToolButton->setEnabled(!m_readOnly); } } } bool KexiBrowser::isReadOnly() const { return m_readOnly; } void KexiBrowser::clear() { m_list->clear(); } //-------------------------------------------- KexiBrowserListView::KexiBrowserListView(TQWidget *parent) : TDEListView(parent, "KexiBrowserListView") , nameEndsWithAsterisk(false) , enableExecuteArea(true) { } KexiBrowserListView::~KexiBrowserListView() { } void KexiBrowserListView::rename(TQListViewItem *item, int c) { if (renameLineEdit()->isVisible()) return; KexiBrowserItem *it = static_cast(item); if (it->item() && c==0) { //only edit 1st column for items, not item groups //TODO: also check it this item is not read-only // item->setText(0, item->text(0).mid(1,item->text(0).length()-2)); //remove "modified" flag for editing nameEndsWithAsterisk = item->text(0).endsWith("*"); if (nameEndsWithAsterisk) item->setText(0, item->text(0).left(item->text(0).length()-1)); TDEListView::rename(item, c); adjustColumn(0); } } bool KexiBrowserListView::isExecuteArea( const TQPoint& point ) { return enableExecuteArea && TDEListView::isExecuteArea(point); } #include "kexibrowser.moc" #include "kexibrowser_p.moc"