--------------------------------------------------------- KexiDB module IDEAS, ISSUES, PROPOSALS Copyright (C) 2003 Jaroslaw Staniek js at iidea dot pl Started: 2003-08-01 Kexi home page: Users: http://www.koffice.org/kexi/ Developers: http://kexi-project.org Changes: 2005-09-16 Global BLOBs Storage --------------------------------------------------------- | | This document is expected to be independent of given KexiDB dirver implementation, | but proposals are described here are after certain decisions has been made: | -drivers are (by current importance): SQLite (embedded), | ODBC (universality reasons ), Mysql (historical reasons), PostgreSQL | ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EXTENSION: Option for setting user-defined error messages on selected error types. Since new KexiDB has fully i18n'd user-visible messages, it outperforms other products as MSA (that often shows confusing message coming directly from the engine). There is possibility to provide users with table of error messages that they can personalize. These settings can be properties of table (query, form, etc.) and thus can be inherited (eg. by form from a table). By default, i18n'd messages from KexiDB can be presented. Before we set our message for UNIQUE KEY conflict for table Cars (name varchar UNIQUE, price integer), we have got this message when try to violate 'unique' restionction: "There is already added one record with field 'name' set to 'Dodge' in table 'Cars'. This field must be unique." Now, we want more descriptive message: "There should be only one car named 'Dodge'!". We write this not as above, but rather: "There should be only one car named %field%!", since %field% is automatically substituted by given field value. After this we get message that is easier to understand for everyday user. Of course Kexi (and competitors too) never will be so clever as a human in building such messages automatically. Inheriting messages: it will be more conventient to set up custom messages (if required) for table definition rather than just in form. If we set up given message in for a table, every form that uses this table as data source (end every query that do so) can use this message when needed. This note is also useful for other types of properties that can be inherited by extended objects from. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2. KexiDB classes inheritance diagram TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO TODO Object DriverManager Driver [DRIVER]Driver Connection [DRIVER]Connection [DRIVER] should be substituted by SQLite, MySQL, etc. These are classess to reimplement in the drivers. ConnectionData Field Cursor [DRIVER]Cursor FieldList TableSchema QuerySchema IndexSchema Transaction TransactionGuard BaseExpr NArgExpr UnaryExpr BinaryExpr ConstExpr VariableExpr ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Table schema, query schema, etc. storage Table or query schemas are extended with additional properties, usually not available from most db engines or even related to gui. //This table contains list of kexi object stored within project (tables, queries, etc.) kexi__objects o_id integer unsigned primary key auto_increment, o_type byte, //type id taken from KexiDB::ObjectTypes o_name varchar(200), o_caption varchar(200), //optional, enriched name, can contain non-latin1 characters o_help varchar //This table contains object's data, such as form's xml def. kexi__objectdata o_id integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(o_id), o_data varchar, o_sub_id varchar(200) //sometimes single object can have more than one data //-these can be identified by o_sub_id //if not needed, leave it as NULL //This table contains fields that are members of given kexi object. //Not all object types should be allowed, now allowed are tables and queries kexi__fields t_id integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(o_id), f_type byte, f_name varchar(200), f_length integer, f_precision integer, f_constraints integer, f_options integer, f_default varchar, //these are additional properties: f_order integer, f_caption varchar(200), f_help varchar //This table contains a list of parts defined for this database kexi__parts p_id integer unsigned primary key auto_increment, p_name varchar(200), p_mime varchar(200), p_url varchar TODO: add version? //This table contains global (predefined or not) properties for this database kexi__db db_property varchar(32), db_value varchar //Predefined properties stored in kexi__db: property="kexidb_major_ver", value= Where: is a string containing integer in textual form that denotes KexiDB implementation major version used to create or update this database. This property is useful for KexiDB library and applications to denote what KexiDB features could be available. This ensures backward compatibility and (at least in some cases) -- forward compatibility. property="kexidb_minor_ver", value= like above -- minor KexiDB version property="project_caption", value= property="project_desc", value= TODO: put more props. todo - creator, created date, etc. (also to KexiProjectData) // Global BLOBs Storage (BLOB == BINARY LARGE OBJECT) // Designed to store any kind of static images, sound and other binary data //Table: kexi__blobs o_id integer unsigned primary key auto_increment, //unique project-wide identifier of a BLOB o_data BLOB, o_name varchar(200), //optional, name of the blob, //can be e.g. a name of original file the data comes from, //can contain non-latin1 characters o_caption varchar(200), //optional, enriched name, can contain non-latin1 characters o_mime varchar(200) NOT NULL, //MIME type of a BLOB, e.g. image/jpg o_folder_id integer unsigned //references kexi__gallery_folders.f_id //If null, the BLOB only points to virtual "All" folder //WILL BE USED in Kexi >=1.1 //(not yet implemented, planned for 1.1) //User-defined folders for better BLOBs categorizing. //For simplification, folders have no lowlevel name but only caption. //By default there are no physical folders, but only following virtual: //-"All" folder //-"Used" folder (computation of this takes some time because design of forms // and reports needs to be parsed) //-"Unused" folder (the same note as for "Used) //-"By type" folder with "jpeg", "png" subfolders, etc. - available by grepping using BLOB's o_mime kexi__gallery_folders f_id integer unsigned primary key auto_increment, //unique id of a folder f_parent_id integer unsigned //references f_id, can be null for top level folders f_caption varchar(200), //optional, enriched name, can contain non-latin1 characters f_notes varchar, //optional notes ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Extended table schema information: Docs available online: - http://kexi-project.org/wiki/wikiview/index.php?ExtendedTableSchemaInformation - Table Column Lookup: http://kexi-project.org/wiki/wikiview/index.php?KexiDBLookupColumns ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5. DEPRECATED TABLES //This table contains additional information for query schemas kexi__querydata q_id integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(o_id), q_sql varchar, //raw sql text - stored in the unchanged form entered by a user (or generated) q_valid boolean, //query schema may be invalid (syntactically or logically, //but still can be stored) q_parent_tab integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(o_id) //parent table of this query //This table contains information about fields defined in select queries kexi__queryfields q_id integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(o_id), f_order integer, //order of this field in query schema f_id integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(f_order), //may be NULL if a field is asterisk f_tab_asterisk integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(o_id), //if this is "single-table" asterisk //this member references to valid tables id, otherwise is NULL f_alltab_asterisk boolean //true if this is "all-tables" asterisk, otherwise false //This table contains information about tables used by select queries kexi__querytables q_id integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(o_id), t_id integer REFERENCES kexi__objects(o_id), //references to table used by given q_id t_order integer //order of t_id table in query schema's tables list