Some of &chalk;'s menus are standard in &tde; or &koffice;, while others are
particular to &chalk;. The File menu contains commands for
manipluating files. In the Edit menu, you can find commands
that do things with the current selection. With the commands from the
View menu, you can change the way you look at the image.
The Image menu contains commands that change the entire
image, like converting all layers to another color model or resizing or
scaling the image. The Layer menu is like the
Image menu, but the commands only work on the current
layer. The Select menu contains commands to create and
manipulate selections. The Filter menu contains all the
filters you have installed. These work on the current layer. The
Scripts menu contains entries for working with scripts.
The Settings menu is again common to &koffice; and allows
you to manipulate the toolbars, shortcuts and configuration of &chalk;.
Finally, the Help menu gives you access to various
(hopefully helpful) information, such as this handbook.
The File Menu&Ctrl;NFileNewCreates a new document. This displays the
New document dialog, standard across &koffice;, in which
you can choose to start with a blank document of a certain type, or to open a
recently opened document.&Ctrl;OFileOpen...Opens an existing document.
Because this uses the usual &tde; Open Document
dialog to let you select a file, you can open files via various protocols
(ftp, fish, etcetera).
FileOpen RecentOpens a recently
opened document. Clicking this menu item will show a
submenu with the ten most recently opened documents in which
you can quickly open an image you have been working on lately.&Ctrl;SFileSaveSaves the document. If you
haven't saved the document before, you will get the Save
Document As dialog, otherwise the document will be saved under
its current name. FileSave As...Saves the document under a different name.
The default &tde; dialog is used, so saving remotely via ftp
or ssh (fish) is perfectly possible.FileReloadReloads the current document
from disk. All changes since you last saved the document
will be lost.FileImport...Opens an existing document. Unlike
this does not load the actual document, but only its contents: you receive a
copy of the chosen file as a new document.
FileExport...Saves the document under a different name. (For
the moment, this is the same as
FileMail...Sends the document via email. The default &tde;
mail compose window will be used.&Ctrl;PFilePrint...Prints the document. You will see the usual
&tde; print dialog appear.FilePrint Preview...Shows a preview of what the printed document
will look like.FileDocument InformationOpens the Document
Information dialog. This dialog can be used to add
various information to the image, like title, subject, keywords, author
information, and any other information you want to save with the
image.&Ctrl;WFileCloseCloses the document.&Ctrl;QFileQuitQuits &chalk;.The Edit Menu&Ctrl;ZEditUndoUndoes the last action carried out. Actions
(like painting a stroke, filling an area, etcetera) are stored on
a stack. The last action you did will be undone, and the image is
restored to the state before that. Immediately choosing
Undo again will undo the action that was carried
out before the one just undone, etcetera.&Ctrl;&Shift;ZEditRedoRedoes the last action undone. As described at
Undo, a series of actions can be undone. With
Redo, an action undone is carried out again, and if
more actions have been undone before that, you can redo these in
turn.&Ctrl;XEditCutCuts the selection to the
clipboard. The current selection is put on the &tde;
clipboard, and the selection is cleared.&Ctrl;CEditCopyCopies the selection to the
clipboard.&Ctrl;VEditPastePastes the contents of the
clipboard.EditPaste into New ImagePastes the contents of the
clipboard as a new image.EditClearClears the selection.&Alt;&Backspace;EditFill with Foreground ColorFills the selection with the current foreground
color. The current foreground color is shown in the top left color
square of the Colors palette.&Backspace;EditFill with Background ColorFills the selection with the current background
color. The current background color is shown in the bottom right color
square in the top left corner of the Colors
palette.EditFill with PatternFills the selection with the current pattern.
The current pattern is shown on the Brush Shapes toolbar,
usually at the top right of the &chalk; window.EditResourcesContains options for working with color
palettes.EditResourcesAdd New Palette...Opens the Add Palette
dialog. You can create a custom color palette
here.EditResourcesEdit Palette...Opens the Edit Palette
dialog. Choose a color palette to edit from this list. You will then be
given the same dialog as with Add Palette, with the
difference that you edit the chosen color palette instead of adding a new
one.The View Menu&Ctrl;&Shift;FViewFull Screen ModeSwitches between normal view
and full screen view. In full screen view, the title
bar is hidden and the actual application window is resized to the entire
screen.ViewNew ViewOpens a new view for the
current document. A new application window is opened
so that you can have two different views of the same document, for example
to work on different areas at the same time, or to look at an area at different
zoom levels simultaneously. Changes you make to the document in one view are
immediately visible in other views.&Ctrl;&Shift;WViewClose All ViewsCloses all views.ViewSplit ViewSplits the current view. The
drawing area will be split into two parts, which can be used
just like two views in different windows.ViewRemove ViewUnsplits the view. The second
view (the bottom or right one) will be closed and the first one will remain
visible.ViewSplitter OrientationChanges the way the split
view is displayed.ViewSplitter OrientationVerticalChanges the orientation of
the splitter to vertical. The two split
views will be positioned side by side.ViewSplitter OrientationHorizontalChanges the orientation of
the splitter to horizontal. The two split views will
be positioned above each other.&Ctrl;+ViewZoom InZooms in on the view. The view
will be more detailed, but a smaller area will be visible at the
same time.&Ctrl;-ViewZoom OutZooms out of the view. A larger
area will be visible at the same time, but it will be less
detailed.&Ctrl;0ViewActual PixelsZooms the view to actual pixel
level. (1:1 scale)ViewActual SizeZooms the view to the actual image
size.ViewFit to PageZooms the view so that the image fills the available
workspace.&Ctrl;RViewShow RulersToggles display of the
rulers on and off.ViewShow GridToggles display of the
grid lines on and off.ViewGrid SpacingContains various options to set the distance between
grid lines. The available spacing options are
1x1, 2x2,
5x5, 10x10,
20x20, and 40x40.ViewShow Perspective GridToggles display of the perspective grid on and off.ViewClear Perspective GridClears the perspective grid. (All grid lines
that were created, are deleted.)ViewPalettesAllows you to toggle the
display of the various palettes on and off. The
default view of &chalk; shows all palettes, and the items are listed as Hide
palette therefore. When a certain palette is hidden,
the corresponding menu item changes to Show
palette.&Ctrl;&Shift;HViewPalettesHide All Palette WindowsHides all palettes.ViewPalettesHide OverviewHides the
Overview palette.ViewPalettesHide HSVHides the
HSV palette.ViewPalettesHide RGBHides the
RGB palette.ViewPalettesHide GrayHides the
Gray palette.ViewPalettesHide PalettesHides the
Palettes palette.ViewPalettesHide LayersHides the Layers
palette.ViewPalettesHide Scripts ManagerHides the Scripts Manager.
ViewPalettesHide HistogramHides the
Histogram palette.ViewPalettesHide WatercolorsHides the Watercolors
palette.ViewPalettesHide Brush, Ellipse, Filter tool, Line, Polygon &etc;Hides the palette of the selected
Tool.ViewWetness VisualisationToggles indication of the wetness of watercolor paint
on and off.The Image MenuImageImage PropertiesOpens the Image
Properties dialog,
in which you can change the image name, size,
profile and description.ImageResize Image to Size of Current LayerResizes the image to the
size of the currently active layer.ImageSubstrate...Opens the Substrate dialog.ImageRotateRotates the image.ImageRotateRotate Image...Opens the Rotate Image
dialog.ImageRotateRotate Image CWRotates the image 90 degrees
clockwise.ImageRotateRotate Image CCWRotates the image 90 degrees counterclockwise
(270 degrees clockwise).ImageRotateRotate 180Rotates the image 180 degrees.ImageConvert Image Type...Opens the Convert All
Layers dialog. This allows you to convert the image
to a different color space. Apart from the color space, the profile and
rendering intent can be specified as well.ImageSeparate Image...Opens the
Separate Image
dialog. You can separate the image into layers for each
individual colorspace component there.ImageChange Image Size...Opens the
Image Size
dialog . You can resize or scale the image using various
algorithms here.ImageShear Image...Opens the Shear Image
dialog. You can shear the image in X or Y directions,
or both.The Layer MenuLayerNewCreates a new layer.&Ctrl;&Shift;NLayerNewAdd...Opens the
New Layer
dialog. This will create a new empty
layer. You can set the name, opacity, composite mode and
layer type.LayerNewObject LayerCreates a new layer for a
given &koffice; object type.LayerNewObject LayerScalable GraphicsCreates a new layer for an
embedded &karbon14; object.LayerNewObject LayerText DocumentsCreates a new layer for an
embedded &kword; document.LayerNewObject LayerFlowchart & DiagramCreates a new layer for an embedded
&kivio; object.LayerNewObject LayerSlide PresentationsCreates a new layer for an embedded
&kpresenter; object.LayerNewObject LayerImage ObjectCreates a new layer for an
embedded &chalk; object.LayerNewObject LayerReport TemplateCreates a new layer for an embedded
&kugar; Designer object.LayerNewObject LayerChartCreates a new layer for an
embedded &kchart; object.LayerNewObject LayerFormula EditorCreates a new layer for an
embedded &kformula; object.LayerNewObject LayerReport GeneratorCreates a new layer for an
embedded &kugar; object.LayerNewObject LayerProject ManagementCreates a new layer for an
embedded KPlato object.LayerNewObject LayerSpreadsheetsCreates a new layer for an
embedded &kspread; document.LayerNewAdjustment LayerOpens the New Adjustment
Layerdialog.LayerNewInsert Image as Layer...Opens the Import Image
dialog. You can browse and select an image file,
which will be inserted in a new layer.&Ctrl;&Shift;JLayerNewCut Selection to New LayerCuts the current selection
and inserts it as a new layer.&Ctrl;JLayerNewCopy Selection to New LayerCopies the current selection
and inserts it as a new layer.LayerRemoveRemoves the current layer
and its contents.LayerDuplicateDuplicates the current
layer.LayerHide/ShowToggles the visibility of
the current layer in the image editing window.LayerMaskContains actions for working with layer masks.LayerMaskCreate MaskLayerMaskMask From SelectionLayerMaskMask To SelectionLayerMaskApply MaskLayerMaskRemove MaskLayerMaskEdit MaskLayerMaskShow Mask&Ctrl;]LayerRaiseMoves the current layer one
level upward.&Ctrl;[LayerLowerMoves the current layer one
level downward.&Ctrl;&Shift;]LayerTo TopMoves the current layer to the
top.&Ctrl;&Shift;[LayerTo BottomMoves the current layer to
the bottom.LayerSave Layer as Image...Opens the Export Layer
dialog. The current layer will be saved to the
chosen file.LayerFlip on X AxisFlips the current layer
horizontally.LayerFlip on Y AxisFlips the current layer
vertically.LayerPropertiesOpens the Layer
Properties dialog. You can change the name,
colorspace, opacity, composite mode and position of the current layer
here.&Ctrl;ELayerMerge with Layer BelowMerges the current layer
with the one below it.&Ctrl;&Shift;ELayerFlatten ImageMerges all visible layers.LayerRotateRotates the current layer.LayerRotateRotate Layer...Opens the Rotate Layer
dialog.LayerRotateRotate CWRotates the current layer 90 degrees
clockwise.LayerRotateRotate CCWRotates the current layer 90 degrees counterclockwise
(270 degrees clockwise).LayerRotateRotate 180Rotates the current layer by
180 degrees.LayerHistogram...Opens the Histogram
dialog, in which you can see histograms for the current
layer.LayerConvert Layer Type...Opens the
Current Layer dialog. You can
set various options with respect to the colorspace and
rendering intent.LayerScale Layer...Opens the Layer
Size dialog. You can choose the new
dimensions and the resize filter to use.LayerLayer EffectsContains commands to add effects to the current layer.
LayerLayer EffectsAdd Drop Shadow...Opens the Drop Shadow
dialog. This dialog can be used to add a drop shadow beneath
the current layer.LayerShear Layer...Opens the Shear Layer
dialog. You can select the X and Y angles to shear
by.The Select Menu&Ctrl;ASelectSelect AllSelects the entire
current layer.&Ctrl;&Shift;ASelectDeselectUnselects everything.&Ctrl;&Shift;DSelectReselectReselects the previous
unselected areas.&Ctrl;ISelectInvertInverts the selection.
(Everything that is selected will be unselected and vice
versa.)&Alt;&Ctrl;DSelectFeather...Feathers the selection. (Adds
a soft border around it.)SelectSimilar&Ctrl;HSelectHide SelectionHides the selection. The selection is still
active, but it is not made visible anymore.SelectGrow Selection...Grows the selection.SelectShrink Selection...Shrinks the selection.SelectBorder Selection...Borders the selection.SelectColor Range...Opens the Color Range
dialog.The Filter MenuSee the Filters chapter for more
information on filters.&Ctrl;&Shift;JFilterApply Filter AgainRepeats the last filter
action.FilterAdjustContains various options for changing the
colors in your image.FilterAdjustAuto ContrastAutomatically changes the image to obtain as much
contrast as possible.FilterAdjustBrightness/Contrast...Opens the
dialog. You can set the
brightness and contrast ratio of your image here.FilterAdjustDesaturateDesaturates the image. This
will effectively convert the current image to grayscale, but all subsequent
painting is done with usual colors.FilterAdjustInvertInverts the image or
selection. (Black becomes white, blue becomes yellow,
etcetera.)FilterAdjustColor Adjustment...Opens the Color Adjustment
dialog. You can adjust the colorspace components
of the current image there (for example, in an RGB image, you can change the
contribution of red, green, and blue to the total image).FilterArtisticContains various filters for
artistic actions.FilterArtisticOilpaint...Opens the Oilpaint
dialog to add
an oilpaint effect to the selection or image.FilterArtisticPixelize...Opens the Pixelize
dialog to pixelize the image. (A block of pixels is
changed so that they all become the same, averaged color.)FilterArtisticRaindrops...Opens the Raindrops
dialog to add a raindrops effect to the selection or
image.FilterArtisticDry the PaintDries wet paint.FilterBlurContains various blur filters.FilterBlurGaussian BlurPerforms a slight blur on the image or
selection.FilterColorsContains filters that change the image colors.FilterColorsColor to AlphaFilterColorsColor TransferOpens the Color Transfer dialog
to give the image a new look.FilterColorsMaximize ChannelAdjusts the colors of each pixel by removing color
channels that are less abundant.FilterColorsMinimize ChannelAdjusts the colors of each pixel by removing color
channels that are abundant.FilterEdge DetectionContains edge detecting filters.FilterEdge DetectionBottom Edge DetectionPerforms edge detection with the bottom sides of image
parts as references.FilterEdge DetectionLeft Edge DetectionPerforms edge detection with the left sides of image
parts as references.FilterEdge DetectionRight Edge DetectionPerforms edge detection with the right sides of image
parts as references.FilterEdge DetectionSobel...Opens the Sobel
dialog.FilterEdge DetectionTop Edge DetectionPerforms edge detection with the top sides of image
parts as references.FilterEnhanceContains image enhancing
filters.FilterEnhanceCImg Image Restoration...Opens the Image
Restoration dialog.FilterEnhanceCustom Convolution...Opens the Custom
Convolution dialog.FilterEnhanceGaussian Noise Reduction...FilterEnhanceMean RemovalSharpens the image or selection by aggravating color
borders.FilterEnhanceSharpenSharpens the image or selection.FilterEnhanceUnsharp MaskApplies an unsharp mask to the image or
selection.FilterEnhanceWavelet Noise ReducerReduces noise in the image or
selection.FilterEmbossContains emboss filters.FilterEmbossEmboss Horizontal & VerticalEmbosses the image or selection on the two main
directions.FilterEmbossEmboss with Variable Depth...Opens the Emboss
dialog.FilterEmbossEmboss in All DirectionsEmbosses the image or
selection.FilterEmbossEmboss Horizontal OnlyEmbosses the image or selection on the horizontal axis
only.FilterEmbossEmboss LaplascianEmbosses the image or selection using the Laplace
technique.FilterEmbossEmboss Vertical OnlyEmbosses the image or selection on the vertical axis
only.FilterMapContains map filters.FilterMapBumpmap...Opens the Bumpmap
dialog.FilterMapRound Corners...Opens the Round
Corners dialog to round off the corners of the image or
selection.FilterMapSmall Tiles...Shrinks the image or selection and then tiles
it.FilterOtherContains miscellaneous filters.FilterOtherLens Correction...Opens the Lens Correction
dialog to correct for lens anomalies.FilterOtherRandom Noise...Opens the Random Noise dialog to add
random noise to the image.FilterOtherRandom Pick...Opens the Random Pick dialog to
distort the image.FilterOtherWave...Opens the Wave dialog to distort the
imageFilterFilters GalleryOpens the
Gallery dialog. This
shows previews of the various filters and allows for easy
comparison.The Scripts MenuScriptsExecute Script FileExecutes a script file.ScriptsScript ManagerOpens the Script Manager dialog.
The Settings MenuSettingsToolbarsContains options to display or hide the various
toolbars.SettingsToolbarsFileDisplays or hides the File
toolbar.SettingsToolbarsEditDisplays or hides the Edit
toolbar.SettingsToolbarsNavigationDisplays or hides the Navigation
toolbar.SettingsToolbars&chalk;Displays or hides the
&chalk; toolbar.SettingsToolbarsBrushes and StuffDisplays or hides the
Brushes and Stuff toolbar.SettingsConfigure Shortcuts...Opens the Configure Shortcuts
dialog. This dialog is common to most &tde; applications
and allows you to configure shortcuts for all actions &chalk; has to
offer.SettingsConfigure Toolbars...Opens the Configure Toolbars
dialog. This dialog is common to most &tde; applications
and allows you to configure &chalk;'s toolbars.SettingsConfigure &chalk;...Opens the
dialog. You can configure &chalk; here to match your personal
preferences.The Help Menu