Chalk Features The following is a comprehensive list of all Chalk's features that are or will be implemented for version 1.5. * Plugins Chalk is extensible through plugins. There are tools, colorspaces, paint operations, filters and kpart-based user interface plugins. It is intended to make layer types plugins, too. * Scriptable Chalk is scriptable in Python and Ruby. The scripting is compatible with using the PyQt/KDE and Korundum for adding GUI items. * File Import: png, tiff, jpeg, dicom, xcf, psd (up to version 6, from version 7 on, the photoshop file format is closed and it is impossible to get the spec to implement support in a free software application), gif, raw, bmp, xpm, targa, rgb, ico, openEXR. Export: png, tiff, jpeg, dicom, xcf, psd (up to version 6, from version 7 on, the photoshop file format is closed and it is impossible to get the spec to implement support in a free software application), gif, bmp, xpm, targa, rgb, openEXR. Embedded icc profiles and exif information are preserved on export to supporting file formats. Chalk's native file format stores icc and exif information. * Color models Chalk uses lcms for a dependable color workflow using icc profiles for importing, exporting, selecting paint colors, printing, cutting and pasting. ** 8 bit/channel rgb, cmyk, grayscale, wet watercolors ** 16 bit/channel rgb, cmyk, grayscale, l*a*b, xyz (xyz may be removed) ** "half" rgb ** 32 bit float rgb (HDR), lms ** Colors can be selected from a color wheel, rgb or grayscale sliders or with a palette * Editing ** Unlimited undo and redo ** Cut, copy and paste with conversion through icc profiles if necessary ** paste into a new image ** Viewing ** Use OpenGL for display when possible ** View fullscreen ** Multiple views on one image ** Rulers ** zooming ** show or hide all palette windows in one go ** palette windows position is kept between sessions ** When maximized, Chalk is usable on a 1024x768 screen with all palettes open. ** Permanently accurate histogram palette ** Exposure slider for HDR images ** Optional "greening-out" of inactive layers to assist with artistic workflow. ** Bird's eyeview of image and zooming (not sure this will be done in time) * Images ** mirror, shear, rotate and scale images ** change the size of the canvas ** change the resolution of the image ** convert images between colorspaces ** set image properties (name, comments, profile, resolution) ** Combine layers in different colorspaces. The bottom-most layer determines the image colorspace. ** Separate the channels of an image into grayscale (8 or 16 bits) layers or images. * Layers ** Embed KOffice documents as layers into an image ** Group layers ** Adjustment layers (not sure whether this'll make it) ** Lock layers (tools and filters cannot change the layer, but not all destructive operations are disabled yet) ** Make layers invisible ** Add and remove layers ** Change the position of layers in the layer stack ** Mirror, shear, rotate and scale layers ** Save layer as image ** Composite layers with supported composite options, like over, in, out, atop, xor, plus, minus, add, subtract, diff, mult, divide, dodge, burn, bumpmap, copy, copy one channel, clear, dissolve, displace, darken, lighten, hue, saturation, value, color, colorize, luminize, screen, overlay, erase. (Not all colorspaces support all composite operations). ** Change layer properties like name, position, colorspace ** Create a drop shadow behind the layer ** View the histogram of a layer; 16 bits or wider images have zoomable histograms ** Insert screenshot as layer * Selections ** Select by colorrange ** Feather selection ** Invert selection * Tools Throught the innovative paintOp plugin system, all painting tools (brush, ellipse, line, etc.) can paint aliased, anti-aliased, erase, airbrush and more. ** paintbrush ** colorpicker ** duplicate ** ellipse ** anti-aliased bucket fill and selection fill with color, patterns or gradients. ** gradient ** line ** layer or selection move ** canvas pan ** rectangle ** text ** zoom ** crop ** paint with filters (to be integrated in the paintop system) ** polygons ** polylines ** stars ** transform selection/layer ** select similar colors ** select by painting ** select contiguous areas ** select ellipse ** deselect by erasing ** select by painting outline ** select polygonal ** select rectangular * Filters Chalk can multithread the operation of some filters. Chalk's filters can be previewed in the filter gallery. ** Apply previous filter again ** bumpmap ** image restoration with cimg ** brightness/contrast ** color adjustment per channel ** autocontrast ** desaturate ** gaussian blur ** sharpen ** remove mean ** emboss (laplacian, all directions, horizontal, vertical, horizontal and vertical) ** edge detection (top, right, bottom, left) ** custom convolution ** cubism (converts to 8 bit rgba and back) ** invert ** reduce noise (simple and with wavelets) ** oilpaint (converts to 8 bit rgba and back) ** pixelize (converts to 8 bit rgba and back) ** raindrops (converts to 8 bit rgba and back) ** round corners ** small tiles (converts to 8 bit rgba and back) ** sobel (converts to 8 bit rgba and back) * Paint operations Chalk's paint operations are usable with all painting tools. PaintOps can support composite options, like over, in, out, atop, xor, plus, minus, add, subtract, diff, mult, divide, dodge, burn, bumpmap, copy, copy one channel, clear, dissolve, displace, darken, lighten, hue, saturation, value, color, colorize, luminize, screen, overlay, erase. (Not all colorspaces support all composite operations). PaintOps can support opacity settings and use the pressure value of a tablet. Tilt and rotation is not yet supported. ** airbrush ** eraser ** anti-aliased brush ** convolve ** duplicate ** aliased brush (pen tool) ** smeary brush (not sure whether this will get finished in time) ** paint with a tablet stylus. The pressure sensitivity characteristics can be set. * Brushes ** gimp brush tqshapes. Support for colored and grayscale brushes and pipe brushes. Support from Gimp parasites in brushes. ** custom brush tqshapes ** text brush tqshapes ** brushes created from layers or images. These brushes can be saved ** colored brushes can also be used as masks * Fills ** gimp-style patterns ** gimp-style gradients ** custom gradients