Selections in Krita Please disregard any lingering presence of the KisFloatingSelection class and the associated rectangular marque rendering code. If you find anything connected with that after I finish coding the new selections scheme, it's something I forgot. Selections in Krita are special paint devices as big as their parent layer. The selection has the alpha colour strategy. The alpha channel contains the selectedness of a pixel. It is not a binary value, but a scale, hardcoded to 8 bits unsigned TODO: * implement heterogenous compositing. (Needs knowledge by the target layer of the color strategy of the source layer). Selections can be changed using tools that are clones of the usual painting tools: brush, eraser, polygon, etc. TODO: * implement most of these, the polygon, circle, rectangle tools should fill by default. XXX: make it easier to leverage the code for the standard tools: after all, the only difference is which layer they should paint on. XXX: Fill-by-default should be an option for the polygon, circle, rectangle painting tools, too. Selections can also changed by procedures like select-by-color etc. TODO: * finish dialog for select by color * implement select-by-color (depends on usable iterators) Selections are represented as 0== unselected and 255 == fully selected. Values in between are semi selected Other representations of selections are possible: the selection for a particular rect is rendered as a separate step in KisImage::renderToProjection. I like the mask type rendering, but someone else might want to provide an optional marque-rendering. TODO: * enable kconfig option to select between renderings. Selected pixels can be mangled -- for instance, filled with a gradient, moved, made brighter, lighter or sprightlier, cut and pasted. These manglings fall into two groups: the kind that demands that the selected pixels are removed from their native layer, and the kind that merely changes their value. A) Moving, cutting, copying, pasting. Each of these operations moves pixels to a new KisLayer that is not part of the regular stack of layers. The operations are defined as follows: Moving: create new layer, copy selected pixels to this layer, set pixels in old layer to transparent background colour, set new layer visible. Cutting: create new layer, copy selected pixels to this layer, set pixels in old layer to transparent background colour, add new layer to the cut scrapbook (if we're going to have such a thing). XXX: Discuss desirability of cut scrapbook. Copying: create new layer, copy selected pixels to this layer, add new layer to the cut scrapbook (if we're going to have such a thing). Pasting: check if cut or copy layer exists in scrapbook, copy pixels from this layer to the target layer. B) Changing the value of selected pixels Use cases: fills (gradient, pattern, color), filtering. Fills are easiest implemented by creating a filled paint device for the rect covered by the selection, and then, while composting the fill with the target layer, pass the mask to the compositing loop, and skip un-selected pixels. XXX: Discuss whether this is true Filtering needs looping over all pixels of a layer, and, if selection is present, only apply filter to the selected pixel. XXX: What about convolving, which takes a matrix of pixels. If only the middle pixel of a matrix is selected, should we take the input of the surrounding unselected pixels, or should the operation then assume edge conditions? Or should this be an option? TODO: infrastructure for all these operations, actual implementation. Actions to a selection need to be undoable. TODO: Make it so. I am not sure whether selections need to be saved and loaded: Photoshop offers this, but our selection mechanism works differently. The Gimp offers selection adding/subtracting, but that's also not really necessary. A good idea is perhaps to add a combobox to the selection tool properties widget to choose between 'select' and 'deselect', where the brush is initially set to 'select' and the eraser to 'deselect'. From a thread in the mailing list Boudewijn wrote: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the behaviour I expect from a paint app: If there's a selection on the current layer, only the selected pixels in the current layer should be transformed, rotated, scaled or sheared. This happens within the layer. If the new pixels overlap untransformed pixels, they are composed with the giving composite op and opacity. If there's no selection, a transform on a layer should transform all pixels in a layer, i.e., act as if the layer was completely selected. No new layer is created. There is no composition, because the old layer data is completely discarded. If a transform is applied to a image, all layers are transformed. The selection is transformed, too: in the new situation, the layer that has a selection active still has a selection, but the shape of the selection is transformed. If a layer is moved, the selection moves with the layer (this is not implemented yet). A transform never creates a new layer (expect perhaps temporarily and it wouldn't be visible to the user).