f----------------------------------------------------------- Settings stored in 'kexirc' config file This is official list. All other settings are unofficial and are subject to change. Started: 2004-08-20, js ----------------------------------------------------------- Group: MainWindow # percentage width of the Project Navigator pane -LeftDockPosition [integer: 0..100] # True if the Project Navigator pane is visible after startup. -ShowProjectNavigator [boolean] (default: true) # True if single click should open item in the Project Navigator. # Otherwise double click should be used to open item. # Meaningful when "single click to open files" option is set # in the Control Center. - SingleClickOpensItem [boolean] (default: false) # Percentage property editor's width -RightDockPosition [integer: 0..100] # True if "hover close button" should be available for tabs in the main window. # Only affects IDEAl user unterface mode. -HoverCloseButtonForTabs [boolean] (default: false) Group: PropertyEditor -FontSize [integer] Group: Notification Messages -dontAskBeforeDeleteRow [boolean] (default: false) -askBeforeOpeningFileReadOnly [boolean] (default: true) # If true, warning messages related to plugins, e.g. # "Errors encountered during loading plugins" # will not be displayed on the application's startup. -dontShowWarningsRelatedToPluginsLoading [boolean] (default: false) Group: General # Especially useful for SQL-related messages # default=true for advanced Kexi mode NOT YET IMPLEMENTED: -alwaysShowDetailsInMsgBoxes [boolean] # If true, Kexi Debugger internal window will be displayed. # In the future the window will be probably used for debugging other features # like scripts or macros. This option is useful for Kexi Developers. # Only available when KEXI_DEBUG_GUI compile time option is defined. -showKexiDBDebugger [boolean] (default: false) Group: Recent Dirs -lastVisitedImagePath [stringlist] # used for open/save dialogs for image files # see KexiImageBox::slotInsertFromFile() and slotSaveAs(); Group: Startup -OpenExistingType [File|Server] -ShowStartupDialog [boolean] #default file db driver name, used on file db creation: TODO: -DefaultFileDBDriverName [string default="sqlite3", can be also "sqlite2"] Group: TableView TODO: -add default values for KexiTableView::Appearance Group: TableDesigner -autogeneratePrimaryKeysOnTableDesignSaving [boolean] TODO: -defaultFieldType [the list of types], default=Text TODO: -autoPrimaryKeyForFieldNames [stringlist] TODO: -defaultTextFieldLength [uint, <255] default=50 TODO: -defaultIntegerFieldSubtype [the list of types (byte, short, etc.)] default=long Group: QueryDesigner TODO: -autoJoinOnTableInserting [boolean] Group: KeyboardNavigation -cursorPlacementAfterLastOrFirstFormField [stringlist: nextOrPrevRecord|firstOrLastField(default)] Group: Forms TODO:-overrideStyleName [string] (empty if do not override) TODO:-doNotFocusAutonumberFields [boolean] (true by default; when this and autoTabStop for a form is true, autonumber text fields are skipped) implement this in KexiFormView::afterSwitchFrom() TODO:-appendColonToAutoLabels [boolean] (true by default; when true, colon character is appended to autolabel text) TODO:-makeFirstCharacterUpperCaseInCaptions [boolean] (true by default; when true, first character in autolabel or popup menu caption text is converted to upper case. Usable especially when no field's caption is provided) TODO:-labelPositionInAutoLabels [enum: Left, Top] (Left by default) TODO:-gridSize [uint] (10 by default) Group: NewFormDefaults TODO:-styleName [string] TODO:-autoTabStop [boolean] Group: ImportExport # Default character encoding for MS Access MDB/MDE files (older than 2000). # Currently used by in Advanced Options of Importing Wizard. # Useful if you are performing many imports of MS Access databases. # Valid values can be "cp 1250", "cp 1251", etc. Case insensitive. # If not provided, system default will be is assumed. -DefaultEncodingForMSAccessFiles [string] # Default character encoding for importing CSV (Comma-Separated Value) files. # If not provided, system default will be is assumed. -DefaultEncodingForImportingCSVFiles [string] # True if options should be visible in the "CSV Export dialog". -ShowOptionsInCSVExportDialog [boolean] (false by default) # If provided, appropriate options for CSV Export Dialog will be loaded -StoreOptionsForCSVExportDialog [boolean] (default: false) # Default delimiter used for exporting CSV (Comma-Separated Value) files. -DefaultDelimiterForExportingCSVFiles [string] (default is ",") # Default text quote character used for exporting CSV (Comma-Separated Value) files. -DefaultTextQuoteForExportingCSVFiles [string] (default is ") # Default character encoding for exporting CSV (Comma-Separated Value) files. # If not provided, system default will be is assumed. # Only used when StoreOptionsForCSVExportDialog option is true. -DefaultEncodingForExportingCSVFiles [string] # Strip leading and trailing blanks off of text values when importing # CSV (Comma-Separated Value) files. -StripBlanksOffOfTextValuesWhenImportingCSVFiles [boolean] (default: true) # Default setting used to specify whether column names should be added as the first row # for exporting CSV (Comma-Separated Value) files. # Only used when StoreOptionsForCSVExportDialog option is true. -AddColumnNamesForExportingCSVFiles [string] (default: true) # Maximum number of rows that can be displayed in the CSV import dialog. # Used to decrease memory consumption. -MaximumRowsForPreviewInImportDialog [int] (default: 100) # Maximum number of bytes that can be loaded to preview the data in the CSV # import dialog. Used to decrease memory consumption and speed up the GUI. -MaximumBytesForPreviewInImportDialog [int] (default: 10240) Group: Recent Dirs # A list of recently displayed directories in file dialogs related to CSV import/export. -CSVImportExport [string list] # A list of recently displayed directories in "Source database" file dialog of Project Migration -ProjectMigrationSourceDir [string list] # A list of recently displayed directories in "Destination database" file dialog of Project Migration -ProjectMigrationDestinationDir [string list] # A list of recently displayed directories in "Open existing project" and "Create new project" file dialog of Startup Dialog -OpenExistingOrCreateNewProject [string list] # A list of recently displayed directories in file dialogs related to images (e.g. images within forms). -LastVisitedImagePath [string list] # A list of recent displayed directories in a file dialogs used for dowloading example databases (Get Hot New Stuff) -DownloadExampleDatabases [string list]