/* $Id: main.cc 466447 2005-10-02 17:54:10Z zander $ This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003 Daniel Naber This is a thesaurus based on a subset of WordNet. It also offers an almost complete WordNet 1.7 frontend (WordNet is a powerful lexical database/thesaurus) */ /*************************************************************************** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. ***************************************************************************/ /* TODO: -Be more verbose if the result is empty -See the TODO's in the source below -If no match was found, use KSpell to offer alternative spellings? -Don't start WordNet before its tab is activated? -Maybe remove more uncommon words. However, the "polysemy/familiarity count" is sometimes very low for quite common word, e.g. "sky". -Fix "no mimesource" warning of QTextBrowser? Seems really harmless. NOT TODO: -Add part of speech information -- I think this would blow up the filesize too much */ #include "main.h" #include #include #include #include #include /*************************************************** * * Factory * ***************************************************/ typedef KGenericFactory ThesaurusFactory; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( libthesaurustool, ThesaurusFactory("thesaurus_tool") ) /*************************************************** * * Thesaurus * ***************************************************/ Thesaurus::Thesaurus(QObject* parent, const char* name, const QStringList &) : KDataTool(parent, name) { m_dialog = new KDialogBase(KJanusWidget::Plain, QString::null, KDialogBase::Help|KDialogBase::Ok|KDialogBase::Cancel, KDialogBase::Ok); m_dialog->setHelp(QString::null, "thesaurus"); m_dialog->resize(600, 400); m_config = new KConfig("kthesaurusrc"); m_data_file = m_config->readPathEntry("datafile"); if( ! m_data_file ) { m_data_file = KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("data", "thesaurus/") + "thesaurus/thesaurus.txt"; } setCaption(); m_no_match = i18n("(No match)"); m_replacement = false; m_history_pos = 1; m_page = m_dialog->plainPage(); QVBoxLayout *m_top_layout = new QVBoxLayout(m_page, KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint()); QHBoxLayout *row1 = new QHBoxLayout(m_top_layout); m_edit = new KHistoryCombo(m_page); m_edit_label = new QLabel(m_edit, i18n("&Search for:"), m_page); m_search = new KPushButton(i18n("S&earch"), m_page); connect(m_search, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotFindTerm())); row1->addWidget(m_edit_label, 0); row1->addWidget(m_edit, 1); row1->addWidget(m_search, 0); m_back = new QToolButton(m_page); m_back->setIconSet(BarIconSet(QString::fromLatin1("back"))); QToolTip::add(m_back, i18n("Back")); row1->addWidget(m_back, 0); m_forward = new QToolButton(m_page); m_forward->setIconSet(BarIconSet(QString::fromLatin1("forward"))); QToolTip::add(m_forward, i18n("Forward")); row1->addWidget(m_forward, 0); m_lang = new KPushButton(i18n("Change Language..."), m_page); connect(m_lang, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotChangeLanguage())); row1->addWidget(m_lang, 0); connect(m_back, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotBack())); connect(m_forward, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(slotForward())); m_tab = new QTabWidget(m_page); m_top_layout->addWidget(m_tab); // // Thesaurus Tab // vbox = new QVBox(m_tab); m_tab->addTab(vbox, i18n("&Thesaurus")); vbox->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()); vbox->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); QHBox *hbox = new QHBox(vbox); hbox->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); grpbox_syn = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("Synonyms"), hbox); m_thes_syn = new QListBox(grpbox_syn); grpbox_hyper = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("More General Words"), hbox); m_thes_hyper = new QListBox(grpbox_hyper); grpbox_hypo = new QGroupBox( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n("More Specific Words"), hbox); m_thes_hypo = new QListBox(grpbox_hypo); // single click -- keep display unambiguous by removing other selections: connect(m_thes_syn, SIGNAL(clicked(QListBoxItem *)), m_thes_hyper, SLOT(clearSelection())); connect(m_thes_syn, SIGNAL(clicked(QListBoxItem *)), m_thes_hypo, SLOT(clearSelection())); connect(m_thes_syn, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListBoxItem *)), this, SLOT(slotSetReplaceTerm(QListBoxItem *))); connect(m_thes_hyper, SIGNAL(clicked(QListBoxItem *)), m_thes_syn, SLOT(clearSelection())); connect(m_thes_hyper, SIGNAL(clicked(QListBoxItem *)), m_thes_hypo, SLOT(clearSelection())); connect(m_thes_hyper, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListBoxItem *)), this, SLOT(slotSetReplaceTerm(QListBoxItem *))); connect(m_thes_hypo, SIGNAL(clicked(QListBoxItem *)), m_thes_syn, SLOT(clearSelection())); connect(m_thes_hypo, SIGNAL(clicked(QListBoxItem *)), m_thes_hyper, SLOT(clearSelection())); connect(m_thes_hypo, SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListBoxItem *)), this, SLOT(slotSetReplaceTerm(QListBoxItem *))); // double click: connect(m_thes_syn, SIGNAL(selected(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFindTerm(const QString &))); connect(m_thes_hyper, SIGNAL(selected(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFindTerm(const QString &))); connect(m_thes_hypo, SIGNAL(selected(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFindTerm(const QString &))); // // WordNet Tab // vbox2 = new QVBox(m_tab); m_tab->addTab(vbox2, i18n("&WordNet")); vbox2->setMargin(KDialog::marginHint()); vbox2->setSpacing(KDialog::spacingHint()); m_combobox = new QComboBox(vbox2); m_combobox->setEditable(false); connect(m_combobox, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotFindTerm())); m_resultbox = new QTextBrowser(vbox2); m_resultbox->setTextFormat(Qt::RichText); // TODO?: m_resultbox->setMimeSourceFactory(...); to avoid warning connect(m_resultbox, SIGNAL(linkClicked(const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotFindTerm(const QString &))); // Connect for the history box m_edit->setTrapReturnKey(true); // Do not use Return as default key... connect(m_edit, SIGNAL(returnPressed(const QString&)), this, SLOT(slotFindTerm(const QString&))); connect(m_edit, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotGotoHistory(int))); QHBoxLayout *row2 = new QHBoxLayout( m_top_layout ); m_replace = new KLineEdit(m_page); m_replace_label = new QLabel(m_replace, i18n("&Replace with:"), m_page); row2->addWidget(m_replace_label, 0); row2->addWidget(m_replace, 1); // Set focus m_edit->setFocus(); slotUpdateNavButtons(); // // The external command stuff // // calling the 'wn' binary m_wnproc = new KProcess; connect(m_wnproc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, SLOT(wnExited(KProcess*))); connect(m_wnproc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*,char*,int)), this, SLOT(receivedWnStdout(KProcess*, char*, int))); connect(m_wnproc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*,char*,int)), this, SLOT(receivedWnStderr(KProcess*, char*, int))); // grep'ing the text file m_thesproc = new KProcess; connect(m_thesproc, SIGNAL(processExited(KProcess*)), this, SLOT(thesExited(KProcess*))); connect(m_thesproc, SIGNAL(receivedStdout(KProcess*,char*,int)), this, SLOT(receivedThesStdout(KProcess*, char*, int))); connect(m_thesproc, SIGNAL(receivedStderr(KProcess*,char*,int)), this, SLOT(receivedThesStderr(KProcess*, char*, int))); } Thesaurus::~Thesaurus() { m_config->writePathEntry("datafile", m_data_file); m_config->sync(); delete m_config; // FIXME?: this hopefully fixes the problem of a wrong cursor // and a crash (when closing e.g. konqueror) when the thesaurus dialog // gets close while it was still working and showing the wait cursor QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); delete m_thesproc; delete m_wnproc; delete m_dialog; } bool Thesaurus::run(const QString& command, void* data, const QString& datatype, const QString& mimetype) { // Check whether we can accept the data if ( datatype != "QString" ) { kdDebug(31000) << "Thesaurus only accepts datatype QString" << endl; return FALSE; } if ( mimetype != "text/plain" ) { kdDebug(31000) << "Thesaurus only accepts mimetype text/plain" << endl; return FALSE; } if ( command == "thesaurus" ) { // not called from an application like KWord, so make it possible // to replace text: m_replacement = true; m_dialog->setButtonOKText(i18n("&Replace")); } else if ( command == "thesaurus_standalone" ) { // not called from any application, but from KThesaurus m_replacement = false; m_dialog->showButtonOK(false); m_dialog->setButtonCancelText(i18n("&Close")); m_replace->setEnabled(false); m_replace_label->setEnabled(false); } else { kdDebug(31000) << "Thesaurus does only accept the command 'thesaurus' or 'thesaurus_standalone'" << endl; kdDebug(31000) << "The command " << command << " is not accepted" << endl; return FALSE; } // Get data and clean it up: QString buffer = *((QString *)data); buffer = buffer.stripWhiteSpace(); QRegExp re("[.,;!?\"'()\\[\\]]"); buffer.remove(re); buffer = buffer.left(100); // limit maximum length m_wnproc_stdout = ""; m_wnproc_stderr = ""; m_thesproc_stdout = ""; m_thesproc_stderr = ""; if( ! buffer.isEmpty() ) { slotFindTerm(buffer); } if( m_dialog->exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { // "Replace" *((QString*)data) = m_replace->text(); } return TRUE; } void Thesaurus::slotChangeLanguage() { QString filename = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("data", "thesaurus/")+"thesaurus/"); if( !filename.isNull() ) { m_data_file = filename; setCaption(); } } void Thesaurus::setCaption() { KURL url = KURL(); url.setPath(m_data_file); m_dialog->setCaption(i18n("Related Words - %1").arg(url.fileName())); } // Enbale or disable back and forward button void Thesaurus::slotUpdateNavButtons() { if( m_history_pos <= 1 ) { // 1 = first position m_back->setEnabled(false); } else { m_back->setEnabled(true); } if( m_history_pos >= m_edit->count() ) { m_forward->setEnabled(false); } else { m_forward->setEnabled(true); } } // Go to an item from the editbale combo box. void Thesaurus::slotGotoHistory(int index) { m_history_pos = m_edit->count() - index; slotFindTerm(m_edit->text(index), false); } // Triggered when the back button is clicked. void Thesaurus::slotBack() { m_history_pos--; int pos = m_edit->count() - m_history_pos; m_edit->setCurrentItem(pos); slotFindTerm(m_edit->text(pos), false); } // Triggered when the forward button is clicked. void Thesaurus::slotForward() { m_history_pos++; int pos = m_edit->count() - m_history_pos; m_edit->setCurrentItem(pos); slotFindTerm(m_edit->text(pos), false); } // Triggered when a word is selected in the list box. void Thesaurus::slotSetReplaceTerm(QListBoxItem *item) { if( ! item ) return; m_replace->setText(item->text()); } void Thesaurus::slotSetReplaceTerm(const QString &term) { if( m_replacement && term != m_no_match ) { m_replace->setText(term); } } // Triggered when Return is pressed. void Thesaurus::slotFindTerm() { findTerm(m_edit->currentText()); } // Triggered when a word is clicked / a list item is double-clicked. void Thesaurus::slotFindTerm(const QString &term, bool add_to_history) { slotSetReplaceTerm(term); if( term.startsWith("http://") ) { (void) new KRun(KURL(term)); } else { if( add_to_history ) { m_edit->insertItem(term, 0); m_history_pos = m_edit->count(); m_edit->setCurrentItem(0); } slotUpdateNavButtons(); findTerm(term); } } void Thesaurus::findTerm(const QString &term) { findTermThesaurus(term); findTermWordnet(term); } // // Thesaurus // void Thesaurus::findTermThesaurus(const QString &term) { if( !QFile::exists(m_data_file) ) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("The thesaurus file '%1' was not found. " "Please use 'Change Language...' to select a thesaurus file."). arg(m_data_file)); return; } QApplication::setOverrideCursor(KCursor::waitCursor()); m_thesproc_stdout = ""; m_thesproc_stderr = ""; // Find only whole words. Looks clumsy, but this way we don't have to rely on // features that might only be in certain versions of grep: QString term_tmp = ";" + term.stripWhiteSpace() + ";"; m_thesproc->clearArguments(); *m_thesproc << "grep" << "-i" << term_tmp; *m_thesproc << m_data_file; if( !m_thesproc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput) ) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Failed to execute grep.")); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); return; } } // The external process has ended, so we parse its result and put it in // the list box. void Thesaurus::thesExited(KProcess *) { if( !m_thesproc_stderr.isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::error(0, i18n("Error: Failed to execute grep. " "Output:
%1").arg(m_thesproc_stderr)); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); return; } QString search_term = m_edit->currentText().stripWhiteSpace(); QStringList syn; QStringList hyper; QStringList hypo; QStringList lines = lines.split(QChar('\n'), m_thesproc_stdout, false); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it ) { QString line = (*it); if( line.startsWith(" ") ) { // ignore license (two spaces) continue; } int sep_pos = line.find("#"); QString syn_part = line.left(sep_pos); QString hyper_part = line.right(line.length()-sep_pos-1); QStringList syn_tmp = QStringList::split(QChar(';'), syn_part); QStringList hyper_tmp = QStringList::split(QChar(';'), hyper_part); if( syn_tmp.grep(search_term, false).size() > 0 ) { // match on the left side of the '#' -- synonyms for ( QStringList::Iterator it2 = syn_tmp.begin(); it2 != syn_tmp.end(); ++it2 ) { // add if it's not the term itself and if it's not yet in the list QString term = (*it2); if( term.lower() != search_term.lower() && syn.contains(term) == 0 ) { syn.append(term); } } for ( QStringList::Iterator it2 = hyper_tmp.begin(); it2 != hyper_tmp.end(); ++it2 ) { QString term = (*it2); if( term.lower() != search_term.lower() && hyper.contains(term) == 0 ) { hyper.append(term); } } } if( hyper_tmp.grep(search_term, false).size() > 0 ) { // match on the right side of the '#' -- hypernyms for ( QStringList::Iterator it2 = syn_tmp.begin(); it2 != syn_tmp.end(); ++it2 ) { QString term = (*it2); if( term.lower() != search_term && hypo.contains(term) == 0 ) { hypo.append(term); } } } } m_thes_syn->clear(); if( syn.size() > 0 ) { syn = sortQStringList(syn); m_thes_syn->insertStringList(syn); m_thes_syn->setEnabled(true); } else { m_thes_syn->insertItem(m_no_match); m_thes_syn->setEnabled(false); } m_thes_hyper->clear(); if( hyper.size() > 0 ) { hyper = sortQStringList(hyper); m_thes_hyper->insertStringList(hyper); m_thes_hyper->setEnabled(true); } else { m_thes_hyper->insertItem(m_no_match); m_thes_hyper->setEnabled(false); } m_thes_hypo->clear(); if( hypo.size() > 0 ) { hypo = sortQStringList(hypo); m_thes_hypo->insertStringList(hypo); m_thes_hypo->setEnabled(true); } else { m_thes_hypo->insertItem(m_no_match); m_thes_hypo->setEnabled(false); } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } void Thesaurus::receivedThesStdout(KProcess *, char *result, int len) { m_thesproc_stdout += QString::fromLocal8Bit( QCString(result, len+1) ); } void Thesaurus::receivedThesStderr(KProcess *, char *result, int len) { m_thesproc_stderr += QString::fromLocal8Bit( QCString(result, len+1) ); } // // WordNet // void Thesaurus::findTermWordnet(const QString &term) { QApplication::setOverrideCursor(KCursor::waitCursor()); m_wnproc_stdout = ""; m_wnproc_stderr = ""; m_wnproc->clearArguments(); *m_wnproc << "wn"; *m_wnproc << term; // get all results: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs (see below for order): if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 0 ) { *m_wnproc << "-synsn" << "-synsv" << "-synsa" << "-synsr"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 1 ) { *m_wnproc << "-simsv"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 2 ) { *m_wnproc << "-antsn" << "-antsv" << "-antsa" << "-antsr"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 3 ) { *m_wnproc << "-hypon" << "-hypov"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 4 ) { *m_wnproc << "-meron"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 5 ) { *m_wnproc << "-holon"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 6 ) { // e.g. "size -> large/small" *m_wnproc << "-attrn" << "-attra"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 7 ) { // e.g. "kill -> die" *m_wnproc << "-causv"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 8 ) { // e.g. "walk -> step" *m_wnproc << "-entav"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 9 ) { *m_wnproc << "-famln" << "-famlv" << "-famla" << "-famlr"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 10 ) { *m_wnproc << "-framv"; m_mode = other; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 11 ) { *m_wnproc << "-grepn" << "-grepv" << "-grepa" << "-grepr"; m_mode = grep; } else if( m_combobox->currentItem() == 12 ) { *m_wnproc << "-over"; m_mode = other; } *m_wnproc << "-g"; // "Display gloss" int current = m_combobox->currentItem(); // remember current position m_combobox->clear(); // warning: order matters! // 0: m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Synonyms/Hypernyms - Ordered by Frequency")); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Synonyms - Ordered by Similarity of Meaning (verbs only)")); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Antonyms - Words with Opposite Meanings")); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Hyponyms - ... is a (kind of) %1").arg(m_edit->currentText())); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Meronyms - %1 has a ...").arg(m_edit->currentText())); // 5: m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Holonyms - ... has a %1").arg(m_edit->currentText())); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Attributes")); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Cause To (for some verbs only)")); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Verb Entailment (for some verbs only)")); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Familiarity & Polysemy Count")); // 10: m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Verb Frames (examples of use)")); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("List of Compound Words")); m_combobox->insertItem(i18n("Overview of Senses")); /** NOT todo: * -Hypernym tree: layout is difficult, you can get the same information * by following links * -Coordinate terms (sisters): just go to synset and then use hyponyms * -Has Part Meronyms, Has Substance Meronyms, Has Member Meronyms, * Member of Holonyms, Substance of Holonyms, Part of Holonyms: * these are just subsets of Meronyms/Holonyms * -hmern, hholn: these are just compact versions, you can get the * same information by following some links */ /** TODO?: * -pert (e.g. nuclear -> nuclues, but "=>" are nested, difficult to display) * -nomn(n|v), e.g. deny -> denial, but this doesn't seem to work? */ m_combobox->setCurrentItem(current); // reset previous position if( m_wnproc->isRunning() ) { // should never happen kdDebug(31000) << "Warning: findTerm(): process is already running?!" << endl; QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); return; } if( !m_wnproc->start(KProcess::NotifyOnExit, KProcess::AllOutput) ) { m_resultbox->setText(i18n("Error: Failed to execute WordNet program 'wn'. " "WordNet has to be installed on your computer if you want to use it, " "and 'wn' has to be in your PATH. " "You can get WordNet at " "http://www.cogsci.princeton.edu/~wn/. Note that WordNet only supports " "the English language.")); m_combobox->setEnabled(false); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); return; } } // The process has ended, so parse its result and display it as Qt richtext. void Thesaurus::wnExited(KProcess *) { if( !m_wnproc_stderr.isEmpty() ) { m_resultbox->setText(i18n("Error: Failed to execute WordNet program 'wn'. " "Output:
%1").arg(m_wnproc_stderr)); QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); return; } if( m_wnproc_stdout.isEmpty() ) { m_resultbox->setText(i18n("No match for '%1'.").arg(m_edit->currentText())); } else { // render in a table, each line one row: QStringList lines = lines.split(QChar('\n'), m_wnproc_stdout, false); QString result = "\n"; // TODO in Qt > 3.01: try without the following line (it's necessary to ensure the // first column is really always quite small): result += "\n"; uint ct = 0; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); ++it ) { QString l = (*it); // Remove some lines: QRegExp re("^\\d+( of \\d+)? senses? of \\w+"); if( re.search(l) != -1 ) { continue; } // Escape XML: l = l.replace('&', "&"); l = l.replace('<', "<"); l = l.replace('>', ">"); // TODO?: // move "=>" in own column? l = formatLine(l); // Table layout: result += ""; if( l.startsWith(" ") ) { result += "\t"; l = l.stripWhiteSpace(); result += "\t"; } else { l = l.stripWhiteSpace(); result += ""; } result += "\n"; ct++; } result += "\n
" + l + "" + l + "
\n"; m_resultbox->setText(result); m_resultbox->setContentsPos(0,0); //kdDebug() << result << endl; } QApplication::restoreOverrideCursor(); } void Thesaurus::receivedWnStdout(KProcess *, char *result, int len) { m_wnproc_stdout += QString::fromLocal8Bit( QCString(result, len+1) ); } void Thesaurus::receivedWnStderr(KProcess *, char *result, int len) { m_wnproc_stderr += QString::fromLocal8Bit( QCString(result, len+1) ); } // // Tools // // Format lines using Qt's simple richtext. QString Thesaurus::formatLine(QString l) { if( l == "--------------" ) { return QString("
"); } QRegExp re; re.setPattern("^(\\d+\\.)(.*)$"); if( re.search(l) != -1 ) { l = "" +re.cap(1)+ "" +re.cap(2); return l; } re.setPattern("^.* of (noun|verb|adj|adv) .*"); if( re.search(l) != -1 ) { l = "" +re.cap()+ "\n\n"; return l; } if( m_mode == grep ) { l = l.stripWhiteSpace(); return QString("" +l+ ""); } re.setPattern("^(Sense \\d+)"); if( re.search(l) != -1 ) { l = "" +re.cap()+ "\n"; return l; } re.setPattern("(.*)(Also See->)(.*)"); // Example: first sense of verb "keep" if( re.search(l) != -1 ) { l = re.cap(1); l += re.cap(2); QStringList links = links.split(QChar(';'), re.cap(3), false); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = links.begin(); it != links.end(); ++it ) { QString link = (*it); if( it != links.begin() ) { l += ", "; } link = link.stripWhiteSpace(); link = link.remove(QRegExp("#\\d+")); l += "" +link+ ""; } l.prepend (' '); // indent in table } re.setPattern("(.*)(=>|HAS \\w+:|PART OF:)(.*) --"); re.setMinimal(true); // non-greedy if( re.search(l) != -1 ) { int dash_pos = l.find("--"); QString line_end = l.mid(dash_pos+2, l.length()-dash_pos); l = re.cap(1); l += re.cap(2) + " "; QStringList links = links.split(QChar(','), re.cap(3), false); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = links.begin(); it != links.end(); ++it ) { QString link = (*it); if( it != links.begin() ) { l += ", "; } link = link.stripWhiteSpace(); l += "" +link+ ""; } l += "" +line_end+ ""; l.prepend(' '); // indent in table return l; } re.setMinimal(false); // greedy again return l; } /** * Sort a list case insensitively. * Be careful: @p list is modified * TODO: use ksortablevaluelist? */ QStringList Thesaurus::sortQStringList(QStringList list) { // Sort list case-insensitive. This looks strange but using a QMap // is even suggested by the Qt documentation. QMap map_list; for ( QStringList::Iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { QString str = *it; map_list[str.lower()] = str; } list.clear(); QMap::Iterator it; // Qt doc: "the items are alphabetically sorted [by key] when iterating over the map": for( it = map_list.begin(); it != map_list.end(); ++it ) { list.append(it.data()); } return list; } #include "main.moc"