/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2004 Cedric Pasteur Copyright (C) 2004 Alexander Dymo This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "combobox.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "property.h" using namespace KoProperty; ComboBox::ComboBox(Property *property, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : Widget(property, parent, name) , m_setValueEnabled(true) { QHBoxLayout *l = new QHBoxLayout(this, 0, 0); m_edit = new KComboBox(this); m_edit->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); m_edit->setMinimumHeight(5); l->addWidget(m_edit); m_edit->setEditable(false); m_edit->setInsertionPolicy(QComboBox::NoInsertion); m_edit->setMinimumSize(10, 0); // to allow the combo to be resized to a small size m_edit->setAutoCompletion(true); m_edit->setContextMenuEnabled(false); if (this->property()->listData()) { fillBox(); } //not needed for combo setLeavesTheSpaceForRevertButton(true); setFocusWidget(m_edit); connect(m_edit, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(slotValueChanged(int))); } ComboBox::~ComboBox() { } QVariant ComboBox::value() const { if (!property()->listData()) { kopropertywarn << "ComboBox::value(): propery listData not available!" << endl; return QVariant(); } const int idx = m_edit->currentItem(); if (idx<0 || idx>=(int)property()->listData()->keys.count()) return QVariant(); return QVariant( property()->listData()->keys[idx] ); // if(property()->listData() && property()->listData()->contains(m_edit->currentText())) // return (*(property()->valueList()))[m_edit->currentText()]; // return QVariant(); } void ComboBox::setValue(const QVariant &value, bool emitChange) { if (!property() || !property()->listData()) { kopropertywarn << "ComboBox::value(): propery listData not available!" << endl; return; } if (!m_setValueEnabled) return; int idx = property()->listData()->keys.findIndex( value ); if (idx>=0 && idxcount()) { m_edit->setCurrentItem(idx); } else { if (idx<0) { kopropertywarn << "ComboBox::setValue(): NO SUCH KEY '" << value.toString() << "' (property '" << property()->name() << "')" << endl; } else { QStringList list; for (int i=0; icount(); i++) list += m_edit->text(i); kopropertywarn << "ComboBox::setValue(): NO SUCH INDEX WITHIN COMBOBOX: " << idx << " count=" << m_edit->count() << " value='" << value.toString() << "' (property '" << property()->name() << "')\nActual combobox contents: " << list << endl; } m_edit->setCurrentText(QString::null); } if(value.isNull()) return; // m_edit->blockSignals(true); // m_edit->setCurrentText(keyForValue(value)); // m_edit->blockSignals(false); if (emitChange) emit valueChanged(this); } void ComboBox::drawViewer(QPainter *p, const QColorGroup &cg, const QRect &r, const QVariant &value) { QString txt; if (property()->listData()) { const int idx = property()->listData()->keys.findIndex( value ); if (idx>=0) txt = property()->listData()->names[ idx ]; } Widget::drawViewer(p, cg, r, txt); //keyForValue(value)); // p->eraseRect(r); // p->drawText(r, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignVCenter | Qt::SingleLine, keyForValue(value)); } void ComboBox::fillBox() { m_edit->clear(); //m_edit->clearContents(); if(!property()) return; if (!property()->listData()) { kopropertywarn << "ComboBox::fillBox(): propery listData not available!" << endl; return; } m_edit->insertStringList(property()->listData()->names); KCompletion *comp = m_edit->completionObject(); comp->insertItems(property()->listData()->names); comp->setCompletionMode(KGlobalSettings::CompletionShell); } void ComboBox::setProperty(Property *prop) { const bool b = (property() == prop); m_setValueEnabled = false; //setValue() couldn't be called before fillBox() Widget::setProperty(prop); m_setValueEnabled = true; if(!b) fillBox(); if(prop) setValue(prop->value(), false); //now the value can be set } void ComboBox::slotValueChanged(int) { emit valueChanged(this); } void ComboBox::setReadOnlyInternal(bool readOnly) { setVisibleFlag(!readOnly); } /*QString ComboBox::keyForValue(const QVariant &value) { const QMap *list = property()->valueList(); Property::ListData *list = property()->listData(); if (!list) return QString::null; int idx = listData->keys.findIndex( value ); QMap::ConstIterator endIt = list->constEnd(); for(QMap::ConstIterator it = list->constBegin(); it != endIt; ++it) { if(it.data() == value) return it.key(); } return QString::null; }*/ #include "combobox.moc"