/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2000 Werner Trobin Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "KoCommandHistory.h" KoListBox::KoListBox( QWidget *parent , const char *name , WFlags f) : QListBox( parent, name, f) { setVScrollBarMode( AlwaysOn ); } void KoListBox::contentsMouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e) { QListBoxItem *item_p = itemAt( contentsToViewport(e->pos())); if ( item_p ) { int itemIndex = index( item_p ); for ( int i = 0; i<=itemIndex;i++) setSelected ( i, true ); for ( int i = itemIndex+1; i<(int)count();i++) setSelected ( i, false ); emit changeNumberOfSelectedItem( itemIndex); } } QSize KoListBox::sizeHint() const { return QSize(QMIN(maxItemWidth() + verticalScrollBar()->width() + 4, 400), QMIN(count() * itemHeight() + horizontalScrollBar()->height() + 4,300)); } class KoCommandHistory::KoCommandHistoryPrivate { public: KoCommandHistoryPrivate() { m_savedAt=-1; m_present=0; } ~KoCommandHistoryPrivate() {} int m_savedAt; KCommand *m_present; KoListBox *m_undoListBox; KoListBox *m_redoListBox; QLabel *m_undoLabel; QLabel *m_redoLabel; }; //////////// KoCommandHistory::KoCommandHistory() : m_undo(0), m_redo(0), m_undoLimit(50), m_redoLimit(30), m_first(false) { d=new KoCommandHistoryPrivate(); m_commands.setAutoDelete(true); clear(); } KoCommandHistory::KoCommandHistory(KActionCollection * actionCollection, bool withMenus) : m_undoLimit(50), m_redoLimit(30), m_first(false) { d=new KoCommandHistoryPrivate(); if (withMenus) { KToolBarPopupAction * undo = new KToolBarPopupAction( i18n("&Undo"), "undo", KStdAccel::undo(), this, SLOT( undo() ), actionCollection, /*KStdAction::stdName( KStdAction::Undo )*/"koffice_undo" ); connect( undo->popupMenu(), SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( slotUndoAboutToShow() ) ); connect( undo->popupMenu(), SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotUndoActivated( int ) ) ); m_undo = undo; m_undoPopup = undo->popupMenu(); d->m_undoListBox = new KoListBox( m_undoPopup ); d->m_undoListBox->setSelectionMode( QListBox::Multi ); m_undoPopup->insertItem(d->m_undoListBox); d->m_undoLabel = new QLabel( m_undoPopup); m_undoPopup->insertItem(d->m_undoLabel); connect( d->m_undoListBox, SIGNAL( selected( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotUndoActivated( int ) ) ); connect( d->m_undoListBox, SIGNAL(clicked ( QListBoxItem *)), this, SLOT( slotUndoActivated( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( d->m_undoListBox, SIGNAL( changeNumberOfSelectedItem( int )), this, SLOT( slotChangeUndoNumberOfSelectedItem( int ))); KToolBarPopupAction * redo = new KToolBarPopupAction( i18n("&Redo"), "redo", KStdAccel::redo(), this, SLOT( redo() ), actionCollection, /*KStdAction::stdName( KStdAction::Redo )*/ "koffice_redo"); connect( redo->popupMenu(), SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT( slotRedoAboutToShow() ) ); connect( redo->popupMenu(), SIGNAL( activated( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotRedoActivated( int ) ) ); m_redo = redo; m_redoPopup = redo->popupMenu(); d->m_redoListBox = new KoListBox( m_redoPopup ); d->m_redoListBox->setSelectionMode( QListBox::Multi ); m_redoPopup->insertItem(d->m_redoListBox); d->m_redoLabel = new QLabel( m_redoPopup); m_redoPopup->insertItem(d->m_redoLabel); connect( d->m_redoListBox, SIGNAL( selected( int ) ), this, SLOT( slotRedoActivated( int ) ) ); connect( d->m_redoListBox, SIGNAL(clicked ( QListBoxItem *)), this, SLOT( slotRedoActivated( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( d->m_redoListBox, SIGNAL( changeNumberOfSelectedItem( int )), this, SLOT( slotChangeRedoNumberOfSelectedItem( int ))); } else { m_undo = KStdAction::undo( this, SLOT( undo() ), actionCollection, "koffice_undo"); m_redo = KStdAction::redo( this, SLOT( redo() ), actionCollection, "koffice_redo"); m_undoPopup = 0L; m_redoPopup = 0L; d->m_redoListBox = 0L; d->m_undoListBox = 0L; d->m_redoLabel = 0L; d->m_undoLabel = 0L; } m_commands.setAutoDelete(true); clear(); } KoCommandHistory::~KoCommandHistory() { delete d; } KCommand * KoCommandHistory::presentCommand ( ) { return d->m_present; } void KoCommandHistory::clear() { if (m_undo != 0) { m_undo->setEnabled(false); m_undo->setText(i18n("&Undo")); } if (m_redo != 0) { m_redo->setEnabled(false); m_redo->setText(i18n("&Redo")); } d->m_present = 0L; d->m_savedAt=-42; } void KoCommandHistory::addCommand(KCommand *command, bool execute) { if(command==0L) return; int index; if(d->m_present!=0L && (index=m_commands.findRef(d->m_present))!=-1) { if (m_first) --index; m_commands.insert(index+1, command); // truncate history unsigned int count=m_commands.count(); for(unsigned int i=index+2; im_savedAt) d->m_savedAt=-1; d->m_present=command; m_first=false; if (m_undo != 0) { m_undo->setEnabled(true); m_undo->setText(i18n("&Undo: %1").arg(d->m_present->name())); } if((m_redo != 0) && m_redo->isEnabled()) { m_redo->setEnabled(false); m_redo->setText(i18n("&Redo")); } clipCommands(); } else { // either this is the first time we add a Command or something has gone wrong kdDebug(230) << "KoCommandHistory: Initializing the Command History" << endl; m_commands.clear(); m_commands.append(command); d->m_present=command; if (m_undo != 0) { m_undo->setEnabled(true); m_undo->setText(i18n("&Undo: %1").arg(d->m_present->name())); } if (m_redo != 0) { m_redo->setEnabled(false); m_redo->setText(i18n("&Redo")); } m_first=false; // Michael B: yes, that *is* correct :-) } if ( execute ) { command->execute(); emit commandExecuted(); emit commandExecuted(command); } } void KoCommandHistory::undo() { if (m_first || (d->m_present == 0L)) return; d->m_present->unexecute(); KCommand *commandUndone = d->m_present; if (m_redo != 0) { m_redo->setEnabled(true); m_redo->setText(i18n("&Redo: %1").arg(d->m_present->name())); } int index; if((index=m_commands.findRef(d->m_present))!=-1 && m_commands.prev()!=0) { d->m_present=m_commands.current(); emit commandExecuted(); emit commandExecuted(commandUndone); if (m_undo != 0) { m_undo->setEnabled(true); m_undo->setText(i18n("&Undo: %1").arg(d->m_present->name())); } --index; if(index==d->m_savedAt) emit documentRestored(); } else { emit commandExecuted(); emit commandExecuted(commandUndone); if (m_undo != 0) { m_undo->setEnabled(false); m_undo->setText(i18n("&Undo")); } if(d->m_savedAt==-42) emit documentRestored(); m_first=true; } clipCommands(); // only needed here and in addCommand, NOT in redo } void KoCommandHistory::redo() { int index; if(m_first) { d->m_present->execute(); emit commandExecuted(); emit commandExecuted(d->m_present); m_first=false; m_commands.first(); if(d->m_savedAt==0) emit documentRestored(); } else if((index=m_commands.findRef(d->m_present))!=-1 && m_commands.next()!=0) { d->m_present=m_commands.current(); d->m_present->execute(); emit commandExecuted(); emit commandExecuted(d->m_present); ++index; if(index==d->m_savedAt) emit documentRestored(); } if (m_undo != 0) { m_undo->setEnabled(true); m_undo->setText(i18n("&Undo: %1").arg(d->m_present->name())); } if(m_commands.next()!=0) { if (m_redo != 0) { m_redo->setEnabled(true); m_redo->setText(i18n("&Redo: %1").arg(m_commands.current()->name())); } } else { if((m_redo != 0) && m_redo->isEnabled()) { m_redo->setEnabled(false); m_redo->setText(i18n("&Redo")); } } } void KoCommandHistory::documentSaved() { if(d->m_present!=0 && !m_first) d->m_savedAt=m_commands.findRef(d->m_present); else if(d->m_present==0 && !m_first) d->m_savedAt=-42; // this value signals that the document has // been saved with an empty history. else if(m_first) d->m_savedAt=-42; } void KoCommandHistory::setUndoLimit(int limit) { if(limit>0 && limit!=m_undoLimit) { m_undoLimit=limit; clipCommands(); } } void KoCommandHistory::setRedoLimit(int limit) { if(limit>0 && limit!=m_redoLimit) { m_redoLimit=limit; clipCommands(); } } void KoCommandHistory::clipCommands() { int count=m_commands.count(); if(count<=m_undoLimit && count<=m_redoLimit) return; int index=m_commands.findRef(d->m_present); if(index>=m_undoLimit) { for(int i=0; i<=(index-m_undoLimit); ++i) { m_commands.removeFirst(); --d->m_savedAt; if(d->m_savedAt==-1) d->m_savedAt=-42; } index=m_commands.findRef(d->m_present); // calculate the new count=m_commands.count(); // values (for the redo-branch :) // make it easier for us... d->m_savedAt==-1 -> invalid if(d->m_savedAt!=-42 && d->m_savedAt<-1) d->m_savedAt=-1; } // adjust the index if it's the first command if(m_first) index=-1; if((index+m_redoLimit+1)m_savedAt>(index+m_redoLimit)) d->m_savedAt=-1; for(int i=0; i<(count-(index+m_redoLimit+1)); ++i) m_commands.removeLast(); } } void KoCommandHistory::slotUndoAboutToShow() { d->m_undoListBox->clear(); slotChangeUndoNumberOfSelectedItem( -1 ); int i = 0; QStringList lst; if (m_commands.findRef(d->m_present)!=-1) while ( m_commands.current() && i<10 ) // TODO make number of items configurable ? { lst.append(i18n("Undo: %1").arg(m_commands.current()->name())); m_commands.prev(); } d->m_undoListBox->insertStringList( lst ); } void KoCommandHistory::slotUndoActivated( int pos ) { kdDebug(230) << "KoCommandHistory::slotUndoActivated " << pos << endl; for ( int i = 0 ; i < pos+1; ++i ) undo(); m_undoPopup->hide(); } void KoCommandHistory::slotUndoActivated( QListBoxItem * item) { if ( item ) slotUndoActivated( item->listBox()->index(item)); } void KoCommandHistory::slotRedoActivated( QListBoxItem * item) { if ( item ) slotRedoActivated( item->listBox()->index(item)); } void KoCommandHistory::slotChangeUndoNumberOfSelectedItem( int pos) { d->m_undoLabel->setText( i18n("Undo %n action", "Undo %n actions", pos+1) ); } void KoCommandHistory::slotChangeRedoNumberOfSelectedItem( int pos) { d->m_redoLabel->setText( i18n("Redo %n action", "Redo %n actions", pos+1) ); } void KoCommandHistory::slotRedoAboutToShow() { d->m_redoListBox->clear(); slotChangeRedoNumberOfSelectedItem( -1 ); QStringList lst; int i = 0; if (m_first) { d->m_present = m_commands.first(); lst.append(i18n("Redo: %1").arg(d->m_present->name())); } if (m_commands.findRef(d->m_present)!=-1 && m_commands.next()) while ( m_commands.current() && i<10 ) // TODO make number of items configurable ? { lst.append(i18n("Redo: %1").arg(m_commands.current()->name())); m_commands.next(); } d->m_redoListBox->insertStringList( lst ); } void KoCommandHistory::slotRedoActivated( int pos ) { kdDebug(230) << "KoCommandHistory::slotRedoActivated " << pos << endl; for ( int i = 0 ; i < pos+1; ++i ) redo(); m_redoPopup->hide(); } void KoCommandHistory::updateActions() { if ( m_undo && m_redo ) { m_undo->setEnabled( !m_first && ( d->m_present != 0L ) ); m_redo->setEnabled(m_first || (m_commands.findRef(d->m_present)!=-1 && m_commands.next()!=0)); } } void KoCommandHistory::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } #include "KoCommandHistory.moc"