/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002 Peter Simonsson Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 Jaroslaw Staniek This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "kexiblobtableedit.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include //! @internal class KexiBlobTableEdit::Private { public: Private() : popup(0) , readOnly(false) , setValueInternalEnabled(true) { } QByteArray value; KexiDropDownButton *button; QSize totalSize; KexiImageContextMenu *popup; bool readOnly : 1; //!< cached for slotUpdateActionsAvailabilityRequested() bool setValueInternalEnabled : 1; //!< used to disable KexiBlobTableEdit::setValueInternal() }; //====================================================== KexiBlobTableEdit::KexiBlobTableEdit(KexiTableViewColumn &column, QWidget *parent) : KexiTableEdit(column, parent) , d ( new Private() ) { setName("KexiBlobTableEdit"); // m_proc = 0; // m_content = 0; m_hasFocusableWidget = false; d->button = new KexiDropDownButton( parentWidget() /*usually a viewport*/ ); d->button->hide(); QToolTip::add(d->button, i18n("Click to show available actions for this cell")); d->popup = new KexiImageContextMenu(this); d->popup->installEventFilter(this); if (column.columnInfo) KexiImageContextMenu::updateTitle( d->popup, column.columnInfo->captionOrAliasOrName(), //! @todo pixmaplabel icon is hardcoded... "pixmaplabel" ); d->button->setPopup( d->popup ); //force edit requested to start editing... (this will call slotUpdateActionsAvailabilityRequested()) //connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SIGNAL(editRequested())); connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(updateActionsAvailabilityRequested(bool&, bool&)), this, SLOT(slotUpdateActionsAvailabilityRequested(bool&, bool&))); connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(insertFromFileRequested(const KURL&)), this, SLOT(handleInsertFromFileAction(const KURL&))); connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(saveAsRequested(const QString&)), this, SLOT(handleSaveAsAction(const QString&))); connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(cutRequested()), this, SLOT(handleCutAction())); connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(copyRequested()), this, SLOT(handleCopyAction())); connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(pasteRequested()), this, SLOT(handlePasteAction())); connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(clearRequested()), this, SLOT(clear())); connect(d->popup, SIGNAL(showPropertiesRequested()), this, SLOT(handleShowPropertiesAction())); } KexiBlobTableEdit::~KexiBlobTableEdit() { delete d; #if 0 kdDebug() << "KexiBlobTableEdit: Cleaning up..." << endl; if (m_tempFile) { m_tempFile->unlink(); //todo } delete m_proc; m_proc = 0; kdDebug() << "KexiBlobTableEdit: Ready." << endl; #endif } //! initializes this editor with \a add value void KexiBlobTableEdit::setValueInternal(const QVariant& add, bool removeOld) { if (!d->setValueInternalEnabled) return; if (removeOld) d->value = add.toByteArray(); else //do not add "m_origValue" to "add" as this is QByteArray d->value = m_origValue.toByteArray(); #if 0 //todo? QByteArray val = m_origValue.toByteArray(); kdDebug() << "KexiBlobTableEdit: Size of BLOB: " << val.size() << endl; m_tempFile = new KTempFile(); m_tempFile->setAutoDelete(true); kdDebug() << "KexiBlobTableEdit: Creating temporary file: " << m_tempFile->name() << endl; m_tempFile->dataStream()->writeRawBytes(val.data(), val.size()); m_tempFile->close(); delete m_tempFile; m_tempFile = 0; KMimeMagicResult* mmr = KMimeMagic::self()->findFileType(m_tempFile->name()); kdDebug() << "KexiBlobTableEdit: Mimetype = " << mmr->mimeType() << endl; setViewWidget( new QWidget(this) ); #endif } bool KexiBlobTableEdit::valueIsNull() { //TODO d->value.size(); return d->value.isEmpty(); } bool KexiBlobTableEdit::valueIsEmpty() { //TODO return d->value.isEmpty(); } QVariant KexiBlobTableEdit::value() { return d->value; #if 0 //todo // ok = true; if(m_content && m_content->isModified()) { return QVariant(m_content->text()); } QByteArray value; QFile f( m_tempFile->name() ); f.open(IO_ReadOnly); QDataStream stream(&f); char* data = (char*) malloc(f.size()); value.resize(f.size()); stream.readRawBytes(data, f.size()); value.duplicate(data, f.size()); free(data); kdDebug() << "KexiBlobTableEdit: Size of BLOB: " << value.size() << endl; return QVariant(value); #endif } void KexiBlobTableEdit::paintFocusBorders( QPainter *p, QVariant &, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { // d->currentEditorWidth = w; if (!d->readOnly && w > d->button->width()) w -= d->button->width(); p->drawRect(x, y, w, h); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::setupContents( QPainter *p, bool focused, const QVariant& val, QString &txt, int &align, int &x, int &y_offset, int &w, int &h ) { Q_UNUSED(focused); Q_UNUSED(txt); Q_UNUSED(align); //! @todo optimize: load to m_pixmap, downsize QPixmap pixmap; x = 0; w -= 1; //a place for border h -= 1; //a place for border if (p && val.canCast(QVariant::ByteArray) && pixmap.loadFromData(val.toByteArray())) { KexiUtils::drawPixmap( *p, 0/*lineWidth*/, QRect(x, y_offset, w, h), pixmap, Qt::AlignCenter, true/*scaledContents*/, true/*keepAspectRatio*/); } } bool KexiBlobTableEdit::cursorAtStart() { return true; } bool KexiBlobTableEdit::cursorAtEnd() { return true; } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handleInsertFromFileAction(const KURL& url) { if (isReadOnly()) return; QString fileName( url.isLocalFile() ? url.path() : url.prettyURL() ); //! @todo download the file if remote, then set fileName properly QFile f(fileName); if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) { //! @todo err msg return; } QByteArray ba = f.readAll(); if (f.status()!=IO_Ok) { //! @todo err msg f.close(); return; } f.close(); // m_valueMimeType = KImageIO::mimeType( fileName ); setValueInternal( ba, true ); signalEditRequested(); //emit acceptRequested(); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handleAboutToSaveAsAction(QString& origFilename, QString& fileExtension, bool& dataIsEmpty) { Q_UNUSED(origFilename); Q_UNUSED(fileExtension); dataIsEmpty = valueIsEmpty(); //! @todo no fname stored for now } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handleSaveAsAction(const QString& fileName) { QFile f(fileName); if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { //! @todo err msg return; } f.writeBlock( d->value ); if (f.status()!=IO_Ok) { //! @todo err msg f.close(); return; } f.close(); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handleCutAction() { if (isReadOnly()) return; handleCopyAction(); clear(); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handleCopyAction() { executeCopyAction(d->value); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::executeCopyAction(const QByteArray& data) { QPixmap pixmap; if (!pixmap.loadFromData(data)) return; qApp->clipboard()->setPixmap(pixmap, QClipboard::Clipboard); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handlePasteAction() { if (isReadOnly()) return; QPixmap pm( qApp->clipboard()->pixmap(QClipboard::Clipboard) ); QByteArray ba; QBuffer buffer( ba ); buffer.open( IO_WriteOnly ); if (pm.save( &buffer, "PNG" )) {// write pixmap into ba in PNG format setValueInternal( ba, true ); } else { setValueInternal( QByteArray(), true ); } signalEditRequested(); //emit acceptRequested(); repaintRelatedCell(); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::clear() { setValueInternal( QByteArray(), true ); signalEditRequested(); //emit acceptRequested(); repaintRelatedCell(); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handleShowPropertiesAction() { //! @todo } void KexiBlobTableEdit::showFocus( const QRect& r, bool readOnly ) { d->readOnly = readOnly; //cache for slotUpdateActionsAvailabilityRequested() // d->button->move( pos().x()+ width(), pos().y() ); updateFocus( r ); // d->button->setEnabled(!readOnly); if (d->readOnly) d->button->hide(); else d->button->show(); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::resize(int w, int h) { d->totalSize = QSize(w,h); const int addWidth = d->readOnly ? 0 : d->button->width(); QWidget::resize(w - addWidth, h); if (!d->readOnly) d->button->resize( h, h ); m_rightMarginWhenFocused = m_rightMargin + addWidth; QRect r( pos().x(), pos().y(), w+1, h+1 ); r.moveBy(m_scrollView->contentsX(),m_scrollView->contentsY()); updateFocus( r ); //todo if (d->popup) { //todo d->popup->updateSize(); //todo } } void KexiBlobTableEdit::updateFocus( const QRect& r ) { if (!d->readOnly) { if (d->button->width() > r.width()) moveChild(d->button, r.right() + 1, r.top()); else moveChild(d->button, r.right() - d->button->width(), r.top() ); } } void KexiBlobTableEdit::hideFocus() { d->button->hide(); } QSize KexiBlobTableEdit::totalSize() const { return d->totalSize; } void KexiBlobTableEdit::slotUpdateActionsAvailabilityRequested(bool& valueIsNull, bool& valueIsReadOnly) { emit editRequested(); valueIsNull = this->valueIsNull(); valueIsReadOnly = d->readOnly || isReadOnly(); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::signalEditRequested() { d->setValueInternalEnabled = false; emit editRequested(); d->setValueInternalEnabled = true; } bool KexiBlobTableEdit::handleKeyPress( QKeyEvent* ke, bool editorActive ) { Q_UNUSED(editorActive); const int k = ke->key(); KKey kkey(ke); if (!d->readOnly) { if ((ke->state()==Qt::NoButton && k==Qt::Key_F4) || (ke->state()==Qt::AltButton && k==Qt::Key_Down)) { d->button->animateClick(); QMouseEvent me( QEvent::MouseButtonPress, QPoint(2,2), Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoButton ); QApplication::sendEvent( d->button, &me ); } else if ((ke->state()==NoButton && (k==Qt::Key_F2 || k==Qt::Key_Space || k==Qt::Key_Enter || k==Qt::Key_Return))) { d->popup->insertFromFile(); } else return false; } else return false; return true; } bool KexiBlobTableEdit::handleDoubleClick() { d->popup->insertFromFile(); return true; } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handleCopyAction(const QVariant& value, const QVariant& visibleValue) { Q_UNUSED(visibleValue); executeCopyAction(value.toByteArray()); } void KexiBlobTableEdit::handleAction(const QString& actionName) { if (actionName=="edit_paste") { d->popup->paste(); } else if (actionName=="edit_cut") { emit editRequested(); d->popup->cut(); } } bool KexiBlobTableEdit::eventFilter( QObject *o, QEvent *e ) { if (o == d->popup && e->type()==QEvent::KeyPress) { QKeyEvent* ke = static_cast(e); const int state = ke->state(); const int k = ke->key(); if ( (state==Qt::NoButton && (k==Qt::Key_Tab || k==Qt::Key_Left || k==Qt::Key_Right)) || (state==Qt::ShiftButton && k==Qt::Key_Backtab) ) { d->popup->hide(); QApplication::sendEvent( this, ke ); //re-send to move cursor return true; } } return false; } KEXI_CELLEDITOR_FACTORY_ITEM_IMPL(KexiBlobEditorFactoryItem, KexiBlobTableEdit) //======================= // KexiKIconTableEdit class is temporarily here: //! @internal class KexiKIconTableEdit::Private { public: Private() : pixmapCache(17, 17, false) { } //! We've no editor widget that would store current value, so we do this here QVariant currentValue; QCache pixmapCache; }; KexiKIconTableEdit::KexiKIconTableEdit(KexiTableViewColumn &column, QWidget *parent) : KexiTableEdit(column, parent) , d( new Private() ) { setName("KexiKIconTableEdit"); init(); } KexiKIconTableEdit::~KexiKIconTableEdit() { delete d; } void KexiKIconTableEdit::init() { m_hasFocusableWidget = false; d->pixmapCache.setAutoDelete(true); } void KexiKIconTableEdit::setValueInternal(const QVariant& /*add*/, bool /*removeOld*/) { d->currentValue = m_origValue; } bool KexiKIconTableEdit::valueIsNull() { return d->currentValue.isNull(); } bool KexiKIconTableEdit::valueIsEmpty() { return d->currentValue.isNull(); } QVariant KexiKIconTableEdit::value() { return d->currentValue; } void KexiKIconTableEdit::clear() { d->currentValue = QVariant(); } bool KexiKIconTableEdit::cursorAtStart() { return true; } bool KexiKIconTableEdit::cursorAtEnd() { return true; } void KexiKIconTableEdit::setupContents( QPainter *p, bool /*focused*/, const QVariant& val, QString &/*txt*/, int &/*align*/, int &/*x*/, int &y_offset, int &w, int &h ) { Q_UNUSED( y_offset ); #if 0 #ifdef Q_WS_WIN y_offset = -1; #else y_offset = 0; #endif int s = QMAX(h - 5, 12); s = QMIN( h-3, s ); s = QMIN( w-3, s );//avoid too large box QRect r( QMAX( w/2 - s/2, 0 ) , h/2 - s/2 /*- 1*/, s, s); p->setPen(QPen(colorGroup().text(), 1)); p->drawRect(r); if (val.asBool()) { p->drawLine(r.x(), r.y(), r.right(), r.bottom()); p->drawLine(r.x(), r.bottom(), r.right(), r.y()); } #endif QString key = val.toString(); QPixmap *pix = 0; if (!key.isEmpty() && !(pix = d->pixmapCache[ key ])) { //cache pixmap QPixmap pm = KGlobal::iconLoader()->loadIcon( key, KIcon::Small, 0, KIcon::DefaultState, 0L, true/*canReturnNull*/ ); if (!pm.isNull()) { pix = new QPixmap(pm); d->pixmapCache.insert(key, pix); } } if (p && pix) { p->drawPixmap( (w-pix->width())/2, (h-pix->height())/2, *pix ); } } void KexiKIconTableEdit::handleCopyAction(const QVariant& value, const QVariant& visibleValue) { Q_UNUSED(value); Q_UNUSED(visibleValue); } KEXI_CELLEDITOR_FACTORY_ITEM_IMPL(KexiKIconTableEditorFactoryItem, KexiKIconTableEdit) #include "kexiblobtableedit.moc"