/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2002, The Karbon Developers This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "vdrawselection.h" #include "vcomposite.h" #include "vsegment.h" #include "vcolor.h" #include "vstroke.h" #include "vpainter.h" #include "vpath.h" void VDrawSelection::visitVPath( VPath &composite ) { if( composite.state() == VObject::deleted || composite.state() == VObject::hidden || composite.state() == VObject::hidden_locked ) { return; } m_painter->save(); m_painter->setPen( Qt::SolidLine ); const bool editnodes = composite.state() == VObject::edit && m_nodeediting; VSubpathListIterator itr( composite.paths() ); if( composite.state() == VObject::selected || editnodes ) { // paint fill: m_painter->newPath(); if( editnodes ) m_painter->setRasterOp( Qt::XorROP ); m_painter->setPen( editnodes ? Qt::yellow : Qt::blue ); m_painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); for( itr.toFirst(); itr.current(); ++itr ) { VSubpathIterator jtr( *( itr.current() ) ); for( ; jtr.current(); ++jtr ) { jtr.current()->draw( m_painter ); } m_painter->strokePath(); } } // Draw nodes and control lines. if( composite.state() == VObject::selected || editnodes ) { itr.toFirst(); //++itr; // Skip "begin". for( ; itr.current(); ++itr ) { if( (*itr)->isEmpty() ) continue; VSubpathIterator jtr( *( itr.current() ) ); //++jtr; for( ; jtr.current(); ++jtr ) { if( editnodes ) m_painter->setRasterOp( Qt::XorROP ); VColor color; color.set( 0.5, 0.5, 1.0 ); VStroke stroke( color ); stroke.setLineWidth( 1.0 ); if( !editnodes ) { m_painter->setPen( stroke ); m_painter->setPen( Qt::blue ); } else m_painter->setPen( Qt::yellow ); m_painter->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); if( ( editnodes || composite.state() == VObject::selected && m_nodeediting ) && jtr.current()->isCurve() ) { VSegment* curr = jtr.current(); VSegment* next = curr->next(); VSegment* prev = curr->prev(); // Draw control lines. if ( curr->pointIsSelected( curr->degree()-2 ) || curr->knotIsSelected() || ( next && next->isCurve() && next->pointIsSelected( 0 ) && curr->isSmooth() ) ) { m_painter->newPath(); m_painter->moveTo( curr->point( curr->degree()-2 ) ); m_painter->lineTo( curr->knot() ); m_painter->strokePath(); // Draw control node2: m_painter->newPath(); m_painter->setBrush( editnodes ? Qt::yellow : Qt::blue ); m_painter->drawNode( curr->point( curr->degree()-2 ), m_nodeSize ); m_painter->strokePath(); } if ( prev && ( ( prev->knotIsSelected() || curr->pointIsSelected( 0 ) ) || ( prev->isCurve() && prev->pointIsSelected( prev->degree()-2 ) && prev->isSmooth() ) ) ) { m_painter->newPath(); m_painter->moveTo( prev->knot() ); m_painter->lineTo( curr->point( 0 ) ); m_painter->strokePath(); // Draw control node1: m_painter->newPath(); m_painter->setBrush( editnodes ? Qt::yellow : Qt::blue ); m_painter->drawNode( curr->point( 0 ), m_nodeSize ); m_painter->strokePath(); } } // Draw knot. m_painter->setPen( editnodes ? Qt::yellow : Qt::blue ); if( !m_nodeediting ) m_painter->setBrush( Qt::blue ); else if( jtr.current()->knotIsSelected() ) m_painter->setBrush( editnodes ? Qt::yellow : Qt::blue ); else m_painter->setBrush( Qt::white ); m_painter->drawNode( jtr.current()->knot(), m_nodeSize ); } } } // Draw center node. if( composite.drawCenterNode() && composite.state() == VObject::selected && !m_nodeediting ) { m_painter->setPen( Qt::NoPen ); m_painter->setBrush( Qt::blue.light() ); m_painter->drawNode( composite.boundingBox().center(), m_nodeSize ); } m_painter->restore(); setSuccess(); }