/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 2001, 2002, 2003 The Karbon Developers This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "vselecttool.h" #include #include #include #include VSelectOptionsWidget::VSelectOptionsWidget( KarbonPart *part ) : KDialogBase( 0L, "", true, i18n( "Selection" ), Ok | Cancel ), m_part( part ) { TQButtonGroup *group = new TQButtonGroup( 1, Qt::Horizontal, i18n( "Selection Mode" ), this ); new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Select in current layer" ), group ); new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Select in visible layers" ), group ); new TQRadioButton( i18n( "Select in selected layers" ), group ); group->setRadioButtonExclusive( true ); group->setButton( part->document().selectionMode() ); connect( group, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked( int ) ), this, TQT_SLOT( modeChange( int ) ) ); group->setInsideMargin( 4 ); group->setInsideSpacing( 2 ); setMainWidget( group ); setFixedSize( baseSize() ); } // VSelectOptionsWidget::VSelectOptionsWidget void VSelectOptionsWidget::modeChange( int mode ) { m_part->document().setSelectionMode( (VDocument::VSelectionMode)mode ); } // VSelectOptionsWidget::modeChanged VSelectTool::VSelectTool( KarbonView *view ) : VTool( view, "tool_select" ), m_state( normal ) { m_lock = false; m_add = true; m_objects.setAutoDelete( true ); m_optionsWidget = new VSelectOptionsWidget( view->part() ); registerTool( this ); connect( view, TQT_SIGNAL( selectionChange() ), this, TQT_SLOT( updateStatusBar() ) ); } VSelectTool::~VSelectTool() { delete m_optionsWidget; } void VSelectTool::activate() { VTool::activate(); view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::arrowCursor ) ); view()->part()->document().selection()->showHandle(); view()->part()->document().selection()->setSelectObjects(); view()->part()->document().selection()->setState( VObject::selected ); view()->part()->document().selection()->selectNodes(); view()->repaintAll( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); updateStatusBar(); } TQString VSelectTool::statusText() { return i18n( "Select" ); } TQString VSelectTool::contextHelp() { TQString s = i18n( "Selection tool:
" ); s += i18n( "Select in current layer:
The selection is made in the layer selected in the layers docker.

" ); s += i18n( "Select in visible layers:
The selection is made in the visible layers (eye in the layers docker).

" ); s += i18n( "Select in selected layers:
The selection is made in the checked layers in the layers docker.

" ); s += i18n( "Position using arrow keys
The selection can be positioned up, down, left and right using the corresponding arrow keys." ); return s; } // VSelectTool::contextHelp void VSelectTool::draw() { VPainter *painter = view()->painterFactory()->editpainter(); //painter->setZoomFactor( view()->zoom() ); painter->setRasterOp( TQt::NotROP ); KoRect rect = view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox(); if( m_state != normal ) { VObjectListIterator itr = m_objects; for( ; itr.current(); ++itr ) { itr.current()->draw( painter, &itr.current()->boundingBox() ); } } else if( m_state == normal ) { painter->setPen( TQt::DotLine ); painter->newPath(); painter->moveTo( KoPoint( first().x(), first().y() ) ); painter->lineTo( KoPoint( m_current.x(), first().y() ) ); painter->lineTo( KoPoint( m_current.x(), m_current.y() ) ); painter->lineTo( KoPoint( first().x(), m_current.y() ) ); painter->lineTo( KoPoint( first().x(), first().y() ) ); painter->strokePath(); m_state = normal; } } void VSelectTool::setCursor() const { if( m_state != normal || !view() ) return; switch( view()->part()->document().selection()->handleNode( last() ) ) { case node_lt: case node_rb: view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::SizeFDiagCursor ) ); break; case node_rt: case node_lb: view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::SizeBDiagCursor ) ); break; case node_lm: case node_rm: view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::SizeHorCursor ) ); break; case node_mt: case node_mb: view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::SizeVerCursor ) ); break; default: view()->setCursor( TQCursor( TQt::arrowCursor ) ); } } void VSelectTool::mouseButtonPress() { // we are adding to the selection m_add = true; m_current = first(); m_activeNode = view()->part()->document().selection()->handleNode( first() ); KoRect rect = view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox(); if( m_activeNode != node_none ) m_state = scaling; else if( rect.contains( m_current ) && m_state == normal ) m_state = moving; recalc(); // undraw selection bounding box view()->part()->document().selection()->setState( VObject::edit ); view()->repaintAll( rect ); view()->part()->document().selection()->setState( VObject::selected ); draw(); } void VSelectTool::rightMouseButtonPress() { // we are removing from the selection m_add = false; m_current = first(); recalc(); // undraw selection bounding box view()->part()->document().selection()->setState( VObject::edit ); view()->repaintAll( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); view()->part()->document().selection()->setState( VObject::selected ); draw(); } void VSelectTool::mouseDrag() { draw(); recalc(); draw(); } void VSelectTool::rightMouseButtonRelease() { m_state = normal; m_add = true; if( ctrlPressed() ) { // unselect the topmost object under the mouse cursor VObjectList newSelection; VSelectObjects selector( newSelection, first() ); if( selector.visit( view()->part()->document() ) ) view()->part()->document().selection()->take( *newSelection.last() ); view()->part()->repaintAllViews( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); view()->selectionChanged(); updateStatusBar(); } else if( view()->part()->document().selection()->objects().count() > 0 ) { view()->showSelectionPopupMenu( TQCursor::pos() ); } } void VSelectTool::mouseButtonRelease() { m_state = normal; m_add = true; // selection of next underlying object if( shiftPressed() ) { VObjectList newSelection; VObjectList oldSelection = view()->part()->document().selection()->objects(); // clear selection if not in multi-slection-mode if( ! ctrlPressed() ) view()->part()->document().selection()->clear(); // get a list of all object under the mouse cursor VSelectObjects selector( newSelection, first(), true, true ); if( selector.visit( view()->part()->document() ) ) { // determine the last selected object of the object stack VObject *lastMatched = 0L; VObjectListIterator it( newSelection ); for( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if( oldSelection.contains( it.current() ) ) lastMatched = it.current(); } // select the next underlying object or the first if: // - none is selected // - the stack's bottom object was the last selected object if( lastMatched && lastMatched != newSelection.first() ) view()->part()->document().selection()->append( newSelection.at( newSelection.find( lastMatched )-1 ) ); else view()->part()->document().selection()->append( newSelection.last() ); } } else { // clear selection if not in multi-slection-mode if( ! ctrlPressed() ) view()->part()->document().selection()->clear(); // append the topmost object under the mouse cursor to the selection VObjectList newSelection; VSelectObjects selector( newSelection, first() ); if( selector.visit( view()->part()->document() ) ) view()->part()->document().selection()->append( newSelection.last() ); } view()->part()->repaintAllViews( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); view()->selectionChanged(); updateStatusBar(); } void VSelectTool::mouseDragRelease() { if( m_state == normal ) { // Y mirroring KoPoint fp = first(); KoPoint lp = last(); if( ! ctrlPressed() ) view()->part()->document().selection()->clear(); KoRect selRect = KoRect( fp.x(), fp.y(), lp.x() - fp.x(), lp.y() - fp.y() ).normalize(); if( m_add ) view()->part()->document().selection()->append( selRect ); else view()->part()->document().selection()->take( selRect ); view()->part()->repaintAllViews( selRect ); } else if( m_state == moving ) { m_state = normal; recalc(); if( m_lock ) view()->part()->addCommand( new VTranslateCmd( &view()->part()->document(), abs( int( m_distx ) ) >= abs( int( m_disty ) ) ? tqRound( m_distx ) : 0, abs( int( m_distx ) ) <= abs( int( m_disty ) ) ? tqRound( m_disty ) : 0, altPressed() ), true ); else view()->part()->addCommand( new VTranslateCmd( &view()->part()->document(), tqRound( m_distx ), tqRound( m_disty ), altPressed() ), true ); } else if( m_state == scaling ) { m_state = normal; view()->part()->addCommand( new VScaleCmd( &view()->part()->document(), m_sp, m_s1, m_s2, altPressed() ), true ); m_s1 = m_s2 = 1; } view()->selectionChanged(); m_lock = false; updateStatusBar(); } void VSelectTool::arrowKeyReleased( TQt::Key key ) { int dx = 0; int dy = 0; switch( key ) { case TQt::Key_Up: dy = 10; break; case TQt::Key_Down: dy = -10; break; case TQt::Key_Right: dx = 10; break; case TQt::Key_Left: dx = -10; break; default: return; } m_state = normal; view()->part()->addCommand( new VTranslateCmd( &view()->part()->document(), dx, dy ), true ); view()->selectionChanged(); updateStatusBar(); } bool VSelectTool::keyReleased( TQt::Key key ) { VSelection* selection = view()->part()->document().selection(); switch( key ) { // increase/decrease the handle size case TQt::Key_I: { uint handleSize = selection->handleSize(); if( shiftPressed() ) selection->setHandleSize( ++handleSize ); else if( handleSize > 1 ) selection->setHandleSize( --handleSize ); } break; default: return false; } if( view() ) view()->repaintAll( selection->boundingBox() ); return true; } void VSelectTool::updateStatusBar() const { if( ! view() ) return; if( ! view()->part() ) return; int objcount = view()->part()->document().selection()->objects().count(); if( objcount > 0 ) { KoRect rect = view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox(); double x = KoUnit::toUserValue( rect.x(), view()->part()->unit() ); double y = KoUnit::toUserValue( rect.y(), view()->part()->unit() ); double r = KoUnit::toUserValue( rect.right(), view()->part()->unit() ); double b = KoUnit::toUserValue( rect.bottom(), view()->part()->unit() ); // print bottom-left (%1,%2), top-right (%3,%4) corner of selection bounding box and document unit (%5) TQString selectMessage = i18n( "[(left,bottom), (right,top)] (actual unit)", "Selection [(%1, %2), (%3, %4)] (%5)").tqarg( x, 0, 'f', 1 ).tqarg( y, 0, 'f', 1 ).tqarg( r, 0, 'f', 1 ).tqarg( b, 0, 'f', 1 ).tqarg( view()->part()->unitName() ); VSelectionDescription selectionDesc; selectionDesc.visit( *view()->part()->document().selection() ); selectMessage += TQString( "(%1)" ).tqarg( selectionDesc.description() ); view()->statusMessage()->setText( selectMessage ); } else view()->statusMessage()->setText( i18n( "No selection" ) ); } void VSelectTool::mouseDragCtrlPressed() { m_lock = true; } void VSelectTool::mouseDragCtrlReleased() { m_lock = false; } void VSelectTool::mouseDragShiftPressed() { draw(); recalc(); draw(); } void VSelectTool::mouseDragShiftReleased() { draw(); recalc(); draw(); } void VSelectTool::cancel() { // Erase old object: if ( isDragging() ) { draw(); m_state = normal; view()->repaintAll( view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox() ); } } void VSelectTool::recalc() { if( m_state == normal ) { m_current = last(); } else { VTransformCmd* cmd; KoPoint _first = view()->canvasWidget()->snapToGrid( first() ); KoPoint _last = view()->canvasWidget()->snapToGrid( last() ); KoRect rect = view()->part()->document().selection()->boundingBox(); if( m_state == moving ) { KoPoint p( rect.x() + last().x() - first().x(), rect.bottom() + last().y() - first().y() ); p = view()->canvasWidget()->snapToGrid( p ); m_distx = p.x() - rect.x(); m_disty = p.y() - rect.bottom(); if( m_lock ) cmd = new VTranslateCmd( 0L, abs( int( m_distx ) ) >= abs( int( m_disty ) ) ? m_distx : 0, abs( int( m_distx ) ) <= abs( int( m_disty ) ) ? m_disty : 0 ); else cmd = new VTranslateCmd( 0L, m_distx, m_disty ); } else { if( m_activeNode == node_lb ) { m_sp = KoPoint( rect.right(), rect.bottom() ); m_s1 = ( rect.right() - _last.x() ) / double( rect.width() ); m_s2 = ( rect.bottom() - _last.y() ) / double( rect.height() ); } else if( m_activeNode == node_mb ) { m_sp = KoPoint( ( ( rect.right() + rect.left() ) / 2 ), rect.bottom() ); m_s1 = 1; m_s2 = ( rect.bottom() - _last.y() ) / double( rect.height() ); } else if( m_activeNode == node_rb ) { m_sp = KoPoint( rect.x(), rect.bottom() ); m_s1 = ( _last.x() - rect.x() ) / double( rect.width() ); m_s2 = ( rect.bottom() - _last.y() ) / double( rect.height() ); } else if( m_activeNode == node_rm) { m_sp = KoPoint( rect.x(), ( rect.bottom() + rect.top() ) / 2 ); m_s1 = ( _last.x() - rect.x() ) / double( rect.width() ); m_s2 = 1; } else if( m_activeNode == node_rt ) { m_sp = KoPoint( rect.x(), rect.y() ); m_s1 = ( _last.x() - rect.x() ) / double( rect.width() ); m_s2 = ( _last.y() - rect.y() ) / double( rect.height() ); } else if( m_activeNode == node_mt ) { m_sp = KoPoint( ( ( rect.right() + rect.left() ) / 2 ), rect.y() ); m_s1 = 1; m_s2 = ( _last.y() - rect.y() ) / double( rect.height() ); } else if( m_activeNode == node_lt ) { m_sp = KoPoint( rect.right(), rect.y() ); m_s1 = ( rect.right() - _last.x() ) / double( rect.width() ); m_s2 = ( _last.y() - rect.y() ) / double( rect.height() ); } else if( m_activeNode == node_lm ) { m_sp = KoPoint( rect.right(), ( rect.bottom() + rect.top() ) / 2 ); m_s1 = ( rect.right() - _last.x() ) / double( rect.width() ); m_s2 = 1; } if( shiftPressed() ) m_s1 = m_s2 = kMax( m_s1, m_s2 ); cmd = new VScaleCmd( 0L, m_sp, m_s1, m_s2 ); } // Copy selected objects and transform: m_objects.clear(); VObject* copy; VObjectListIterator itr = view()->part()->document().selection()->objects(); for( ; itr.current() ; ++itr ) { if( itr.current()->state() != VObject::deleted ) { copy = itr.current()->clone(); copy->setState( VObject::edit ); cmd->visit( *copy ); m_objects.append( copy ); } } delete( cmd ); } } bool VSelectTool::showDialog() const { return m_optionsWidget->exec() == TQDialog::Accepted; } void VSelectTool::refreshUnit() { updateStatusBar(); } void VSelectTool::setup( KActionCollection *collection ) { m_action = static_cast(collection -> action( name() ) ); if( m_action == 0 ) { m_action = new KRadioAction( i18n( "Select Tool" ), "14_select", TQt::SHIFT+TQt::Key_H, this, TQT_SLOT( activate() ), collection, name() ); m_action->setToolTip( i18n( "Select" ) ); m_action->setExclusiveGroup( "select" ); //m_ownAction = true; } } #include "vselecttool.moc"