/* This file is part of the KDE project Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The KSpread Team www.koffice.org/kspread This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include #include "kspread_functions_helper.h" /* DISABLED - we use KCalendarSystem instead void addMonths( TQDate & date, int months ) { int d = date.day(); int m = date.month() + months; int y = date.year(); if ( m > 12 ) { y += (int) ( m / 12 ); m %= 12; } // e.g. 31 Feb: decrease day... while ( !TQDate::isValid( y, m, d ) && d > 0 ) --d; date.setYMD( y, m, d ); } void subMonths( TQDate & date, int months ) { int d = date.day(); int m = date.month() - months; int y = date.year(); while ( m < 1 ) { m += 12; y -= 1; } // e.g. 31 Feb: decrease day while ( !TQDate::isValid( y, m, d ) && d > 0 ) --d; date.setYMD( y, m, d ); } */ int KSpread::daysPerYear(TQDate const & date, int basis) { switch( basis ) { case 0: return 360; case 1: if ( TQDate::leapYear( date.year() ) ) return 366; return 365; case 2: return 360; case 3: return 365; case 4: return 360; } return -1; } int KSpread::daysBetweenDates(TQDate const & date1, TQDate const & date2, int basis) { int day1, day2, month1, month2, year1, year2; bool isLeapYear = false; int days, months, years; day1 = date1.day(); month1 = date1.month(); year1 = date1.year(); day2 = date2.day(); month2 = date2.month(); year2 = date2.year(); years = year2 - year1; months = month2 - month1 + years * 12; days = day2 - day1; isLeapYear = TQDate::leapYear( year1 ); switch (basis) { case 0: if ( month1 == 2 && month2 != 2 && year1 == year2 ) { if ( isLeapYear ) return months * 30 + days - 1; else return months * 30 + days - 2; } return months * 30 + days; case 1: // TODO: real days for difference between months! // return ( month2 - month1 ) * 30 + years * 360 + days; case 2: // TODO: real days for difference between months! // return ( month2 - month1 ) * 30 + years * 365 + days; case 3: return date1.daysTo( date2 ); case 4: return months * 30 + days; } return -1; }