Quick start guides Crop an area and save it Aim: from a picture, crop an area and save that area in a new file Open &chalk; with the original picture. The original picture The original picture Select the Select Rectangular tool in the &chalk; toolbar. The Select a rectangular area tool The Select a rectangular area tool Select the area you want to make a new picture with. &chalk; makes the outside area grey. The selected area The selected area Then use the EditCopy menu item or &Ctrl;C to copy the selected area. Click again on the Edit menu. Use the Paste into new image item. The Edit menu The Edit menu &chalk; opens a new window with the selected area as new image. The new image The new image Save the new image. Draw a rectangle on your picture Aim: draw a coloured rectangle on your picture Open &chalk; with the original picture. My picture consists of a view of a toolbar in which I want to point an icon by putting a red rectangle around it. The original picture The original picture Enable the Brushes and Stuff toolbar using SettingsToolbars menu. Also make sure the palettes are viewed. If not, use the ViewPalettes menu. &chalk; view &chalk; view Click on the Brush Shapes icon in the Brushes and Stuff toolbar. The Brush Shapes icon The Brush Shapes icon Select which brush shape you want to use among the predefined brushes. Selecting a brush shape Selecting a brush shape Select the drawing shape on the &chalk; toolbar. I choose a rectangle. Selecting the Rectangle icon Selecting the Rectangle icon In the Colors palette, select the color you want by clicking on one of the tabs and then choosing the color. Choosing the color Choosing the color Finally draw your shape on your picture and save the new picture! Drawing Drawing Thanks go to Anne-Marie Mahfouf for providing this tutorial.