/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright ( C ) 1998 , 1999 Reginald Stadlbauer < reggie @ kde . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2002 - 2006 David Faure < faure @ kde . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2005 Thomas Zander < zander @ kde . org >
This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library ; see the file COPYING . LIB . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor ,
* Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# include "KWDocument.h"
# include "KWordDocIface.h"
# include "KWBgSpellCheck.h"
# include "KoTextBookmark.h"
# include "KWCanvas.h"
# include "KWCommand.h"
# include "KWFormulaFrameSet.h"
# include "KWFrameLayout.h"
# include "KWPictureFrameSet.h"
# include "KWPartFrameSet.h"
# include "KWTableFrameSet.h"
# include "KWTableStyle.h"
# include "KWTableTemplate.h"
# include "KWTextImage.h"
# include "KWVariable.h"
# include "KWView.h"
# include "KWViewMode.h"
# include "KWMailMergeDataBase.h"
# include "KWLoadingInfo.h"
# include "KWCollectFramesetsVisitor.h"
# include "KWOasisLoader.h"
# include "KWOasisSaver.h"
# include "KWFrameList.h"
# include "KWPageManager.h"
# include "KWPage.h"
# include "KWFrameView.h"
# include "KWFrameViewManager.h"
# include "KWStartupWidget.h"
# include <KoPictureCollection.h>
# include <KoTemplateChooseDia.h>
# include <KoMainWindow.h>
# include <KoDocumentInfo.h>
# include <KoGlobal.h>
# include <KoParagCounter.h>
# include <KoTextObject.h>
# include <KoAutoFormat.h>
# include <KoVariable.h>
# include <kformuladocument.h>
# include <KoApplication.h>
# include <KoOasisContext.h>
# include <KoCommandHistory.h>
# include <KoGenStyles.h>
# include <KoStore.h>
# include <KoStoreDrag.h>
# include <KoStoreDevice.h>
# include <KoXmlWriter.h>
# include <KoOasisStore.h>
# include <KoOasisStyles.h>
# include <KoXmlNS.h>
# include <KoDom.h>
# include <kcursor.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <kglobalsettings.h>
# include <klibloader.h>
# include <tdemultipledrag.h>
# include <klocale.h>
# include <kmessagebox.h>
# include <tdespell.h>
# include <kstandarddirs.h>
# include <tdespell2/settings.h>
# include <tqfileinfo.h>
# include <tqregexp.h>
# include <tqtimer.h>
# include <tqbuffer.h>
# include <unistd.h>
# include <math.h>
//#define DEBUG_PAGES
//#define DEBUG_SPEED
// Make sure an appropriate DTD is available in www/koffice/DTD if changing this value
static const char * CURRENT_DTD_VERSION = " 1.2 " ;
/* Class: KWCommandHistory */
class KWCommandHistory : public KoCommandHistory
public :
KWCommandHistory ( KWDocument * doc ) : KoCommandHistory ( doc - > actionCollection ( ) , true ) , m_pDoc ( doc ) { }
public /*slots*/ : // They are already slots in the parent. Running moc on the inherited class shouldn't be necessary AFAICS.
virtual void undo ( ) ;
virtual void redo ( ) ;
private :
KWDocument * m_pDoc ;
} ;
void KWCommandHistory : : undo ( )
m_pDoc - > clearUndoRedoInfos ( ) ;
KoCommandHistory : : undo ( ) ;
void KWCommandHistory : : redo ( )
m_pDoc - > clearUndoRedoInfos ( ) ;
KoCommandHistory : : redo ( ) ;
/* Class: KWDocument */
void KWDocument : : clearUndoRedoInfos ( )
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
KWTextFrameSet * fs = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fit . current ( ) ) ;
if ( fs )
fs - > clearUndoRedoInfo ( ) ;
* Temporary storage for the initial edition info
* ( activeFrameset , cursorParagraph and cursorIndex attributes of the XML )
class KWDocument : : InitialEditing {
public :
TQString m_initialFrameSet ;
int m_initialCursorParag ;
int m_initialCursorIndex ;
} ;
const int KWDocument : : CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION = 3 ;
KWDocument : : KWDocument ( TQWidget * parentWidget , const char * widname , TQObject * parent , const char * name , bool singleViewMode )
: KoDocument ( parentWidget , widname , parent , name , singleViewMode ) ,
m_urlIntern ( )
KWStatisticVariable : : setExtendedType ( true ) ;
dcop = 0 ;
m_framesChangedHandler = 0 ;
m_pageManager = new KWPageManager ( ) ;
m_pageManager - > appendPage ( ) ;
m_loadingInfo = 0L ;
m_tabStop = MM_TO_POINT ( 15.0 ) ;
m_processingType = WP ;
// varFormats.setAutoDelete(true);
m_lstFrameSet . setAutoDelete ( true ) ;
// m_textImageRequests does not create or delete the KWTextImage classes
m_textImageRequests . setAutoDelete ( false ) ;
m_styleColl = new KoStyleCollection ( ) ;
m_frameStyleColl = new KWFrameStyleCollection ( ) ;
m_tableStyleColl = new KWTableStyleCollection ( ) ;
m_tableTemplateColl = new KWTableTemplateCollection ( ) ;
m_pictureCollection = new KoPictureCollection ( ) ;
m_personalExpressionPath = KWFactory : : instance ( ) - > dirs ( ) - > resourceDirs ( " expression " ) ;
m_bShowGrid = false ;
m_bSnapToGrid = false ;
setInstance ( KWFactory : : instance ( ) , false ) ;
setTemplateType ( " kword_template " ) ;
m_gridX = m_gridY = MM_TO_POINT ( 5.0 ) ;
m_indent = MM_TO_POINT ( 10.0 ) ;
m_iNbPagePerRow = 4 ;
m_maxRecentFiles = 10 ;
m_bShowRuler = true ;
m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = SLP_LEFT ;
m_viewFormattingChars = false ;
m_viewFormattingEndParag = true ;
m_viewFormattingSpace = true ;
m_viewFormattingTabs = true ;
m_viewFormattingBreak = true ;
m_viewFrameBorders = true ;
m_repaintAllViewsPending = false ;
m_recalcFramesPending = - 1 ;
m_bShowDocStruct = true ;
m_bShowRuler = true ;
m_bShowStatusBar = true ;
m_bAllowAutoFormat = true ;
m_pgUpDownMovesCaret = true ;
m_bShowScrollBar = true ;
m_cursorInProtectectedArea = true ;
m_bHasEndNotes = false ;
m_bInsertDirectCursor = false ;
m_globalLanguage = TDEGlobal : : locale ( ) - > language ( ) ;
m_bGlobalHyphenation = false ;
m_bGeneratingPreview = false ;
m_viewModeType = " ModeNormal " ;
m_layoutViewMode = 0 ;
m_commandHistory = new KWCommandHistory ( this ) ;
connect ( m_commandHistory , TQT_SIGNAL ( documentRestored ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotDocumentRestored ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( m_commandHistory , TQT_SIGNAL ( commandExecuted ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotCommandExecuted ( ) ) ) ;
m_headerVisible = false ;
m_footerVisible = false ;
m_pasteFramesetsMap = 0L ;
m_initialEditing = 0L ;
m_bufPixmap = 0L ;
m_varFormatCollection = new KoVariableFormatCollection ;
m_varColl = new KWVariableCollection ( new KWVariableSettings ( ) , m_varFormatCollection ) ;
m_autoFormat = new KoAutoFormat ( this , m_varColl , m_varFormatCollection ) ;
m_bgSpellCheck = new KWBgSpellCheck ( this ) ;
m_slDataBase = new KWMailMergeDataBase ( this ) ;
m_bookmarkList = new KoTextBookmarkList ;
slRecordNum = - 1 ;
m_syntaxVersion = CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION ;
m_hasTOC = false ;
// It's important to call this to have the kformula actions
// created. The real document is still to be created if needed.
m_formulaDocumentWrapper =
new KFormula : : DocumentWrapper ( instance ( ) - > config ( ) ,
actionCollection ( ) ,
m_commandHistory ) ;
setEmpty ( ) ;
setModified ( false ) ;
initConfig ( ) ;
// Get default font from the KWord config file
TDEConfig * config = KWFactory : : instance ( ) - > config ( ) ;
config - > setGroup ( " Document defaults " ) ;
TQString defaultFontname = config - > readEntry ( " DefaultFont " ) ;
if ( ! defaultFontname . isEmpty ( ) )
m_defaultFont . fromString ( defaultFontname ) ;
// If not found, we automatically fallback to the application font (the one from KControl's font module)
// Try to force a scalable font.
m_defaultFont . setStyleStrategy ( TQFont : : ForceOutline ) ;
int ptSize = m_defaultFont . pointSize ( ) ;
if ( ptSize = = - 1 ) // specified with a pixel size ?
ptSize = TQFontInfo ( m_defaultFont ) . pointSize ( ) ;
//kdDebug() << "Default font: requested family: " << m_defaultFont.family() << endl;
//kdDebug() << "Default font: real family: " << TQFontInfo(m_defaultFont).family() << endl;
if ( name )
dcopObject ( ) ;
DCOPObject * KWDocument : : dcopObject ( )
if ( ! dcop )
dcop = new KWordDocIface ( this ) ;
return dcop ;
KWDocument : : ~ KWDocument ( )
//don't save config when kword is embedded into konqueror
if ( isReadWrite ( ) )
saveConfig ( ) ;
// formula frames have to be deleted before m_formulaDocumentWrapper
m_lstFrameSet . clear ( ) ;
delete m_loadingInfo ;
delete m_autoFormat ;
delete m_formulaDocumentWrapper ;
delete m_commandHistory ;
delete m_varColl ;
delete m_varFormatCollection ;
delete m_slDataBase ;
delete dcop ;
delete m_bgSpellCheck ;
delete m_styleColl ;
delete m_frameStyleColl ;
delete m_tableStyleColl ;
delete m_tableTemplateColl ;
delete m_layoutViewMode ;
delete m_bufPixmap ;
delete m_pictureCollection ;
delete m_pageManager ;
delete m_bookmarkList ;
void KWDocument : : initConfig ( )
TDEConfig * config = KWFactory : : instance ( ) - > config ( ) ;
if ( config - > hasGroup ( " KSpell kword " ) )
config - > setGroup ( " KSpell kword " ) ;
// Default is false for spellcheck, but the spell-check config dialog
// should write out "true" when the user configures spell checking.
if ( isReadWrite ( ) )
m_bgSpellCheck - > setEnabled ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " SpellCheck " , false ) ) ;
m_bgSpellCheck - > setEnabled ( false ) ;
if ( config - > hasGroup ( " Interface " ) )
config - > setGroup ( " Interface " ) ;
setGridY ( TQMAX ( config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( " GridY " , MM_TO_POINT ( 5.0 ) ) , 0.1 ) ) ;
setGridX ( TQMAX ( config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( " GridX " , MM_TO_POINT ( 5.0 ) ) , 0.1 ) ) ;
setCursorInProtectedArea ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " cursorInProtectArea " , true ) ) ;
// Config-file value in mm, default 10 pt
double indent = config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( " Indent " , MM_TO_POINT ( 10.0 ) ) ;
setIndentValue ( indent ) ;
setShowRuler ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " Rulers " , true ) ) ;
int defaultAutoSave = KoDocument : : defaultAutoSave ( ) / 60 ; // in minutes
setAutoSave ( config - > readNumEntry ( " AutoSave " , defaultAutoSave ) * 60 ) ; // read key in minutes, call setAutoSave(seconds)
setBackupFile ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " BackupFile " , true ) ) ;
setNbPagePerRow ( config - > readNumEntry ( " nbPagePerRow " , 4 ) ) ;
m_maxRecentFiles = config - > readNumEntry ( " NbRecentFile " , 10 ) ;
m_viewFormattingChars = config - > readBoolEntry ( " ViewFormattingChars " , false ) ;
m_viewFormattingBreak = config - > readBoolEntry ( " ViewFormattingBreaks " , true ) ;
m_viewFormattingSpace = config - > readBoolEntry ( " ViewFormattingSpace " , true ) ;
m_viewFormattingEndParag = config - > readBoolEntry ( " ViewFormattingEndParag " , true ) ;
m_viewFormattingTabs = config - > readBoolEntry ( " ViewFormattingTabs " , true ) ;
m_viewFrameBorders = config - > readBoolEntry ( " ViewFrameBorders " , true ) ;
m_zoom = config - > readNumEntry ( " Zoom " , 100 ) ;
m_zoomMode = static_cast < KoZoomMode : : Mode > (
config - > readNumEntry ( " ZoomMode " , KoZoomMode : : ZOOM_CONSTANT )
) ;
m_bShowDocStruct = config - > readBoolEntry ( " showDocStruct " , true ) ;
m_viewModeType = config - > readEntry ( " viewmode " , " ModeNormal " ) ;
setShowStatusBar ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " ShowStatusBar " , true ) ) ;
setAllowAutoFormat ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " AllowAutoFormat " , true ) ) ;
setShowScrollBar ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " ShowScrollBar " , true ) ) ;
if ( isEmbedded ( ) )
m_bShowDocStruct = false ; // off by default for embedded docs, but still toggleable
m_pgUpDownMovesCaret = config - > readBoolEntry ( " PgUpDownMovesCaret " , true ) ;
m_bInsertDirectCursor = config - > readBoolEntry ( " InsertDirectCursor " , false ) ;
m_globalLanguage = config - > readEntry ( " language " , TDEGlobal : : locale ( ) - > language ( ) ) ;
m_bGlobalHyphenation = config - > readBoolEntry ( " hyphenation " , false ) ;
setShowGrid ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " ShowGrid " , false ) ) ;
setSnapToGrid ( config - > readBoolEntry ( " SnapToGrid " , false ) ) ;
setGridX ( config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( " ResolutionX " , MM_TO_POINT ( 5.0 ) ) ) ;
setGridY ( config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( " ResolutionY " , MM_TO_POINT ( 5.0 ) ) ) ;
m_zoom = 100 ;
m_zoomMode = KoZoomMode : : ZOOM_WIDTH ;
int undo = 30 ;
if ( config - > hasGroup ( " Misc " ) )
config - > setGroup ( " Misc " ) ;
undo = config - > readNumEntry ( " UndoRedo " , - 1 ) ;
//load default unit setting - this is only used for new files (from templates) or empty files
if ( config - > hasKey ( " Units " ) )
setUnit ( KoUnit : : unit ( config - > readEntry ( " Units " ) ) ) ;
m_defaultColumnSpacing = config - > readDoubleNumEntry ( " ColumnSpacing " , 3.0 ) ;
if ( undo ! = - 1 )
setUndoRedoLimit ( undo ) ;
setZoomAndResolution ( m_zoom , KoGlobal : : dpiX ( ) , KoGlobal : : dpiY ( ) ) ;
//text mode view is not a good default for a readonly document...
if ( ! isReadWrite ( ) & & m_viewModeType = = " ModeText " )
m_viewModeType = " ModeNormal " ;
m_layoutViewMode = KWViewMode : : create ( m_viewModeType , this , 0 /*no canvas*/ ) ;
if ( config - > hasGroup ( " Kword Path " ) )
config - > setGroup ( " Kword Path " ) ;
if ( config - > hasKey ( " expression path " ) )
m_personalExpressionPath = config - > readPathListEntry ( " expression path " ) ;
setBackupPath ( config - > readPathEntry ( " backup path " ) ) ;
// Load personal dict
TDEConfigGroup group ( KoGlobal : : kofficeConfig ( ) , " Spelling " ) ;
m_spellCheckPersonalDict = group . readListEntry ( " PersonalDict " ) ;
void KWDocument : : saveConfig ( )
if ( ! isReadWrite ( ) )
return ;
TDEConfigGroup group ( KoGlobal : : kofficeConfig ( ) , " Spelling " ) ;
group . writeEntry ( " PersonalDict " , m_spellCheckPersonalDict ) ;
if ( ! isEmbedded ( ) )
// Only save the config that is manipulated by the UI directly.
// The config from the config dialog is saved by the dialog itself.
TDEConfig * config = KWFactory : : instance ( ) - > config ( ) ;
config - > setGroup ( " Interface " ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ViewFormattingChars " , m_viewFormattingChars ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ViewFormattingBreaks " , m_viewFormattingBreak ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ViewFormattingEndParag " , m_viewFormattingEndParag ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ViewFormattingTabs " , m_viewFormattingTabs ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ViewFormattingSpace " , m_viewFormattingSpace ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ViewFrameBorders " , m_viewFrameBorders ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " Zoom " , m_zoom ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ZoomMode " , m_zoomMode ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " showDocStruct " , m_bShowDocStruct ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " Rulers " , m_bShowRuler ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " viewmode " , m_viewModeType ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " AllowAutoFormat " , m_bAllowAutoFormat ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ShowGrid " , m_bShowGrid ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " SnapToGrid " , m_bSnapToGrid ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ResolutionX " , m_gridX ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " ResolutionY " , m_gridY ) ;
void KWDocument : : setZoomAndResolution ( int zoom , int dpiX , int dpiY )
KoTextZoomHandler : : setZoomAndResolution ( zoom , dpiX , dpiY ) ;
if ( KFormula : : Document * formulaDocument = m_formulaDocumentWrapper - > document ( ) )
formulaDocument - > setZoomAndResolution ( zoom , dpiX , dpiY ) ;
KWTextFrameSet * KWDocument : : textFrameSet ( unsigned int num ) const
unsigned int i = 0 ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
if ( fit . current ( ) - > isDeleted ( ) ) continue ;
if ( fit . current ( ) - > type ( ) = = FT_TEXT )
if ( i = = num )
return static_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fit . current ( ) ) ;
i + + ;
return static_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( m_lstFrameSet . getFirst ( ) ) ;
void KWDocument : : newZoomAndResolution ( bool updateViews , bool forPrint )
if ( KFormula : : Document * formulaDocument = m_formulaDocumentWrapper - > document ( ) )
formulaDocument - > newZoomAndResolution ( updateViews , forPrint ) ;
#if 0
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
fit . current ( ) - > zoom ( forPrint ) ;
# endif
// First recalc all frames (including the kotextdocument width)
updateAllFrames ( ) ;
// Then relayout the text inside the frames
layout ( ) ;
if ( updateViews )
emit newContentsSize ( ) ;
repaintAllViews ( true ) ;
bool KWDocument : : initDoc ( InitDocFlags flags , TQWidget * parentWidget )
m_pageColumns . columns = 1 ;
m_pageColumns . ptColumnSpacing = m_defaultColumnSpacing ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . header = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . footer = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFootNoteBodySpacing = 10 ;
bool ok = FALSE ;
if ( isEmbedded ( ) )
TQString fileName ( locate ( " kword_template " , " Normal/.source/Embedded.kwt " , KWFactory : : instance ( ) ) ) ;
resetURL ( ) ;
ok = loadNativeFormat ( fileName ) ;
if ( ! ok )
showLoadingErrorDialog ( ) ;
setEmpty ( ) ;
setModified ( FALSE ) ;
return ok ;
else if ( flags = = KoDocument : : InitDocEmpty )
TQString fileName ( locate ( " kword_template " , " Normal/.source/PlainText.kwt " , KWFactory : : instance ( ) ) ) ;
resetURL ( ) ;
ok = loadNativeFormat ( fileName ) ;
if ( ! ok )
showLoadingErrorDialog ( ) ;
setEmpty ( ) ;
setModified ( FALSE ) ;
return ok ;
KoTemplateChooseDia : : DialogType dlgtype ;
if ( flags ! = KoDocument : : InitDocFileNew )
dlgtype = KoTemplateChooseDia : : Everything ;
dlgtype = KoTemplateChooseDia : : OnlyTemplates ;
TQString file ;
KoTemplateChooseDia : : ReturnType ret = KoTemplateChooseDia : : choose (
KWFactory : : instance ( ) , file ,
dlgtype , " kword_template " , parentWidget ) ;
if ( ret = = KoTemplateChooseDia : : Template ) {
resetURL ( ) ;
ok = loadNativeFormat ( file ) ;
if ( ! ok )
showLoadingErrorDialog ( ) ;
setEmpty ( ) ;
} else if ( ret = = KoTemplateChooseDia : : File ) {
KURL url ( file ) ;
//kdDebug() << "KWDocument::initDoc opening URL " << url.prettyURL() << endl;
ok = openURL ( url ) ;
} else if ( ret = = KoTemplateChooseDia : : Empty ) {
TQString fileName ( locate ( " kword_template " , " Normal/.source/PlainText.kwt " , KWFactory : : instance ( ) ) ) ;
resetURL ( ) ;
ok = loadNativeFormat ( fileName ) ;
if ( ! ok )
showLoadingErrorDialog ( ) ;
setEmpty ( ) ;
setModified ( FALSE ) ;
return ok ;
void KWDocument : : openExistingFile ( const TQString & file )
m_pageColumns . columns = 1 ;
m_pageColumns . ptColumnSpacing = m_defaultColumnSpacing ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . header = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . footer = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFootNoteBodySpacing = 10 ;
KoDocument : : openExistingFile ( file ) ;
void KWDocument : : openTemplate ( const TQString & file )
m_pageColumns . columns = 1 ;
m_pageColumns . ptColumnSpacing = m_defaultColumnSpacing ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . header = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . footer = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFootNoteBodySpacing = 10 ;
KoDocument : : openTemplate ( file ) ;
void KWDocument : : initEmpty ( )
m_pageColumns . columns = 1 ;
m_pageColumns . ptColumnSpacing = m_defaultColumnSpacing ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . header = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . footer = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFootNoteBodySpacing = 10 ;
TQString fileName ( locate ( " kword_template " , " Normal/.source/PlainText.kwt " , KWFactory : : instance ( ) ) ) ;
bool ok = loadNativeFormat ( fileName ) ;
if ( ! ok )
showLoadingErrorDialog ( ) ;
resetURL ( ) ;
setModified ( FALSE ) ;
setEmpty ( ) ;
KoPageLayout KWDocument : : pageLayout ( int pageNumber /* = 0 */ ) const
if ( pageNumber < startPage ( ) ) // impossible page..
pageNumber = startPage ( ) ;
return pageManager ( ) - > pageLayout ( pageNumber ) ;
void KWDocument : : setPageLayout ( const KoPageLayout & layout , const KoColumns & cl , const KoKWHeaderFooter & hf , bool updateViews )
m_pageLayout = layout ;
if ( m_processingType = = WP ) {
m_pageColumns = cl ;
if ( m_processingType = = DTP | | isEmbedded ( ) ) {
m_pageLayout . ptLeft = 0 ;
m_pageLayout . ptRight = 0 ;
m_pageLayout . ptTop = 0 ;
m_pageLayout . ptBottom = 0 ;
pageManager ( ) - > setDefaultPage ( m_pageLayout ) ;
m_pageHeaderFooter = hf ;
// pages have a different size -> update framesInPage
// TODO: it would be better to move stuff so that text boxes remain in the same page...
// (page-number preservation instead of Y preservation)
updateAllFrames ( KWFrameSet : : UpdateFramesInPage ) ;
recalcFrames ( ) ;
updateAllFrames ( ) ;
if ( updateViews )
// Invalidate document layout, for proper repaint
this - > layout ( ) ;
emit pageLayoutChanged ( m_pageLayout ) ;
updateContentsSize ( ) ;
double KWDocument : : ptColumnWidth ( ) const
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( pageManager ( ) - > startPage ( ) ) ;
return ( page - > width ( ) - page - > leftMargin ( ) - page - > rightMargin ( ) -
ptColumnSpacing ( ) * ( m_pageColumns . columns - 1 ) )
/ m_pageColumns . columns ;
class KWFootNoteFrameSetList : public TQPtrList < KWFootNoteFrameSet >
public :
KWFootNoteFrameSetList ( bool reversed ) : m_reversed ( reversed ) { }
protected :
// Compare the order of the associated variables
virtual int compareItems ( TQPtrCollection : : Item a , TQPtrCollection : : Item b )
KWFootNoteFrameSet * fsa = ( ( KWFootNoteFrameSet * ) a ) ;
KWFootNoteFrameSet * fsb = ( ( KWFootNoteFrameSet * ) b ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( fsa - > footNoteVariable ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( fsb - > footNoteVariable ( ) ) ;
if ( fsa - > footNoteVariable ( ) & & fsb - > footNoteVariable ( ) )
int numa = fsa - > footNoteVariable ( ) - > num ( ) ;
int numb = fsb - > footNoteVariable ( ) - > num ( ) ;
if ( numa = = numb ) return 0 ;
if ( numa > numb ) return m_reversed ? - 1 : 1 ;
return m_reversed ? 1 : - 1 ;
return - 1 ; // whatever
private :
bool m_reversed ;
} ;
/* append headers and footers if needed, and create enough pages for all the existing frames */
void KWDocument : : recalcFrames ( int fromPage , int toPage /*-1 for all*/ , uint flags )
fromPage = TQMAX ( pageManager ( ) - > startPage ( ) , fromPage ) ;
if ( m_lstFrameSet . isEmpty ( ) )
return ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " KWDocument::recalcFrames from= " < < fromPage < < " to= " < < toPage < < endl ;
KWFrameSet * frameset = m_lstFrameSet . getFirst ( ) ;
if ( m_processingType = = WP ) { // In WP mode the pages are created automatically. In DTP not...
KWTextFrameSet * firstHeader = 0L , * evenHeader = 0L , * oddHeader = 0L ;
KWTextFrameSet * firstFooter = 0L , * evenFooter = 0L , * oddFooter = 0L ;
m_bHasEndNotes = false ; // will be set to true if we find any endnote
// Lookup the various header / footer framesets into the variables above
// [Done in all cases, in order to hide unused framesets]
KWFootNoteFrameSetList footnotesList ( true ) ; // Reversed, we want footnotes from bottom to top
KWFootNoteFrameSetList endnotesList ( false ) ; // Endnotes are in top to bottom order
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
KWFrameSet * fs = fit . current ( ) ;
switch ( fs - > frameSetInfo ( ) ) {
case KWFrameSet : : FI_FIRST_HEADER :
if ( isHeaderVisible ( ) ) {
firstHeader = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
} else { fs - > setVisible ( false ) ; fs - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ; }
break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_ODD_HEADER :
if ( isHeaderVisible ( ) ) {
oddHeader = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
} else { fs - > setVisible ( false ) ; fs - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ; }
break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_EVEN_HEADER :
if ( isHeaderVisible ( ) ) {
evenHeader = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
} else { fs - > setVisible ( false ) ; fs - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ; }
break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_FIRST_FOOTER :
if ( isFooterVisible ( ) ) {
firstFooter = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
} else { fs - > setVisible ( false ) ; fs - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ; }
break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_ODD_FOOTER :
if ( isFooterVisible ( ) ) {
oddFooter = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
} else { fs - > setVisible ( false ) ; fs - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ; }
break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_EVEN_FOOTER :
if ( isFooterVisible ( ) ) {
evenFooter = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
} else { fs - > setVisible ( false ) ; fs - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ; }
break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_FOOTNOTE : {
KWFootNoteFrameSet * fnfs = dynamic_cast < KWFootNoteFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
if ( fnfs & & fnfs - > isVisible ( ) ) // not visible is when the footnote has been deleted
if ( fnfs - > isFootNote ( ) )
footnotesList . append ( fnfs ) ;
else if ( fnfs - > isEndNote ( ) ) {
endnotesList . append ( fnfs ) ;
m_bHasEndNotes = true ;
break ;
default : break ;
// This allocation each time might slow things down a bit.
// TODO KWHeaderFooterFrameSet : public KWTextFrameSet, and store the HeaderFooterFrameset data into there.
// ... hmm, and then KWFootNoteFrameSet needs to inherit KWHeaderFooterFrameSet
TQPtrList < KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset > headerFooterList ;
headerFooterList . setAutoDelete ( true ) ;
const int firstPageNum = startPage ( ) ;
// Now hide & forget the unused header/footer framesets (e.g. 'odd pages' if we are in 'all the same' mode etc.)
if ( isHeaderVisible ( ) ) {
Q_ASSERT ( firstHeader ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( oddHeader ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( evenHeader ) ;
switch ( headerType ( ) ) {
case HF_SAME :
oddHeader - > setVisible ( true ) ;
evenHeader - > setVisible ( false ) ;
evenHeader - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ;
firstHeader - > setVisible ( false ) ;
firstHeader - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
oddHeader , firstPageNum , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ) ) ;
break ;
case HF_FIRST_EO_DIFF : // added for koffice-1.2-beta2
firstHeader - > setVisible ( true ) ;
oddHeader - > setVisible ( true ) ;
evenHeader - > setVisible ( true ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
firstHeader , firstPageNum , firstPageNum , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ) ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
oddHeader , firstPageNum + 2 , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : Odd ) ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
evenHeader , firstPageNum + 1 , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : Even ) ) ;
break ;
oddHeader - > setVisible ( true ) ;
evenHeader - > setVisible ( false ) ;
evenHeader - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ;
firstHeader - > setVisible ( true ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
firstHeader , firstPageNum , firstPageNum , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ) ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
oddHeader , firstPageNum + 1 , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ) ) ;
break ;
case HF_EO_DIFF :
oddHeader - > setVisible ( true ) ;
evenHeader - > setVisible ( true ) ;
firstHeader - > setVisible ( false ) ;
firstHeader - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
oddHeader , firstPageNum , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : Odd ) ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
evenHeader , firstPageNum + 1 , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : Even ) ) ;
break ;
if ( isFooterVisible ( ) ) {
Q_ASSERT ( firstFooter ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( oddFooter ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( evenFooter ) ;
switch ( footerType ( ) ) {
case HF_SAME :
oddFooter - > setVisible ( true ) ;
evenFooter - > setVisible ( false ) ;
evenFooter - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ;
firstFooter - > setVisible ( false ) ;
firstFooter - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
oddFooter , firstPageNum , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ) ) ;
break ;
case HF_FIRST_EO_DIFF : // added for koffice-1.2-beta2
firstFooter - > setVisible ( true ) ;
oddFooter - > setVisible ( true ) ;
evenFooter - > setVisible ( true ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
firstFooter , firstPageNum , firstPageNum , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ) ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
oddFooter , firstPageNum + 2 , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : Odd ) ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
evenFooter , firstPageNum + 1 , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : Even ) ) ;
break ;
oddFooter - > setVisible ( true ) ;
evenFooter - > setVisible ( false ) ;
evenFooter - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ;
firstFooter - > setVisible ( true ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
firstFooter , firstPageNum , firstPageNum , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ) ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
oddFooter , firstPageNum + 1 , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ) ) ;
break ;
case HF_EO_DIFF :
oddFooter - > setVisible ( true ) ;
evenFooter - > setVisible ( true ) ;
firstFooter - > setVisible ( false ) ;
firstFooter - > deleteAllCopies ( ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
oddFooter , firstPageNum , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : Odd ) ) ;
headerFooterList . append ( new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
evenFooter , firstPageNum + 1 , - 1 , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : Even ) ) ;
break ;
// The frameset order _on screen_ is:
// Header
// Main text frame (if WP)
// Footnote_s_
// Footer
// In the list it will have to be from top and from bottom:
// Header, Footer, Footnote from bottom to top
TQPtrList < KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset > footnotesHFList ;
footnotesHFList . setAutoDelete ( true ) ;
footnotesList . sort ( ) ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFootNoteFrameSet > fnfsIt ( footnotesList ) ; // fnfs == "footnote frameset"
for ( ; fnfsIt . current ( ) ; + + fnfsIt )
KWFootNoteFrameSet * fnfs = fnfsIt . current ( ) ;
int pageNum = - 42 ; //fnfs->footNoteVariable()->pageNumber(); // determined by KWFrameLayout
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset * hff = new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
fnfs , pageNum , pageNum ,
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFootNoteBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : All ) ;
// With other kind of framesets, the height is simply frame->height.
// But for footnotes, the height to pass to KWFrameLayout is the sum of the frame heights.
hff - > m_height = 0 ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > f = fnfs - > frameIterator ( ) ; f . current ( ) ; + + f )
hff - > m_height + = f . current ( ) - > height ( ) ;
footnotesHFList . append ( hff ) ;
// Endnotes, however are laid out from top to bottom.
TQPtrList < KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset > endnotesHFList ;
endnotesHFList . setAutoDelete ( true ) ;
endnotesList . sort ( ) ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFootNoteFrameSet > enfsIt ( endnotesList ) ; // enfs == "endnote frameset"
for ( ; enfsIt . current ( ) ; + + enfsIt )
KWFootNoteFrameSet * enfs = enfsIt . current ( ) ;
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset * hff = new KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset (
enfs , - 42 , - 42 , // determined by KWFrameLayout
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFootNoteBodySpacing ,
KWFrameLayout : : HeaderFooterFrameset : : All ) ;
// The height to pass to KWFrameLayout is the sum of the frame heights.
hff - > m_height = 0 ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > f = enfs - > frameIterator ( ) ; f . current ( ) ; + + f )
hff - > m_height + = f . current ( ) - > height ( ) ;
endnotesHFList . append ( hff ) ;
// append pages as needed.
double maxBottom = 0 ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fsit = framesetsIterator ( ) ; fsit . current ( ) ; + + fsit ) {
KWFrameSet * fs = fsit . current ( ) ;
if ( ! fs - > isVisible ( ) | | fs - > isAHeader ( ) | | ! fs - > isAFooter ( ) | |
! fs - > isFloating ( ) | | ! fs - > isFootEndNote ( ) )
continue ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > fit = fs - > frameIterator ( ) ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
maxBottom = TQMAX ( maxBottom , fit . current ( ) - > bottom ( ) ) ;
KWPage * last = pageManager ( ) - > page ( lastPage ( ) ) ;
double docHeight = last - > offsetInDocument ( ) + last - > height ( ) ;
while ( docHeight < = maxBottom ) {
last = pageManager ( ) - > appendPage ( ) ;
docHeight + = last - > height ( ) ;
int oldPages = pageCount ( ) ;
if ( toPage = = - 1 )
toPage = lastPage ( ) ;
if ( fromPage > toPage ) // this can happen with "endnotes only" pages :) // ### really?
fromPage = toPage ; // ie. start at the last real page
KWFrameLayout frameLayout ( this , headerFooterList , footnotesHFList , endnotesHFList ) ;
frameLayout . layout ( frameset , m_pageColumns . columns , fromPage , toPage , flags ) ;
// If the number of pages changed, update views and variables etc.
// (now that the frame layout has been done)
if ( pageCount ( ) ! = oldPages & & ! m_bGeneratingPreview )
// Very much like the end of appendPage, but we don't want to call recalcFrames ;)
emit newContentsSize ( ) ;
emit numPagesChanged ( ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_PGNUM ) ;
else {
// DTP mode: calculate the number of pages from the frames.
double maxBottom = 0 ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
if ( fit . current ( ) - > isDeleted ( ) ) continue ;
if ( fit . current ( ) - > frameSetInfo ( ) = = KWFrameSet : : FI_BODY & & ! fit . current ( ) - > isFloating ( ) ) {
KWFrameSet * fs = fit . current ( ) ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > f = fs - > frameIterator ( ) ; f . current ( ) ; + + f )
maxBottom = TQMAX ( maxBottom , f . current ( ) - > bottom ( ) ) ;
KWPage * last = pageManager ( ) - > page ( lastPage ( ) ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( last ) ;
if ( last ) { // hack to work around bug #132338
double docHeight = last - > offsetInDocument ( ) + last - > height ( ) ;
while ( docHeight < = maxBottom ) {
last = pageManager ( ) - > appendPage ( ) ;
docHeight + = last - > height ( ) ;
if ( toPage = = - 1 )
toPage = pageCount ( ) - 1 ;
KWFrameList : : recalcFrames ( this , fromPage , toPage ) ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " ~recalcFrames " < < endl ;
bool KWDocument : : loadChildren ( KoStore * store )
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadChildren" << endl;
TQPtrListIterator < KoDocumentChild > it ( children ( ) ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it ) {
if ( ! it . current ( ) - > loadDocument ( store ) )
return FALSE ;
return TRUE ;
void KWDocument : : loadPictureMap ( TQDomElement & domElement )
m_pictureMap . clear ( ) ;
TQDomElement picturesElem = domElement . namedItem ( " PICTURES " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! picturesElem . isNull ( ) )
m_pictureCollection - > readXML ( picturesElem , m_pictureMap ) ;
TQDomElement pixmapsElem = domElement . namedItem ( " PIXMAPS " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! pixmapsElem . isNull ( ) )
m_pictureCollection - > readXML ( pixmapsElem , m_pictureMap ) ;
TQDomElement clipartsElem = domElement . namedItem ( " CLIPARTS " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! clipartsElem . isNull ( ) )
m_pictureCollection - > readXML ( pixmapsElem , m_pictureMap ) ;
bool KWDocument : : loadOasis ( const TQDomDocument & doc , KoOasisStyles & oasisStyles , const TQDomDocument & settings , KoStore * store )
TQTime dt ;
dt . start ( ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 0 ) ;
clear ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::loadOasis " < < endl ;
TQDomElement content = doc . documentElement ( ) ;
TQDomElement realBody ( KoDom : : namedItemNS ( content , KoXmlNS : : office , " body " ) ) ;
if ( realBody . isNull ( ) )
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " No office:body found! " < < endl ;
setErrorMessage ( i18n ( " Invalid OASIS OpenDocument file. No office:body tag found. " ) ) ;
return false ;
TQDomElement body = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( realBody , KoXmlNS : : office , " text " ) ;
if ( body . isNull ( ) )
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " No office:text found! " < < endl ;
TQDomElement childElem ;
TQString localName ;
forEachElement ( childElem , realBody ) {
localName = childElem . localName ( ) ;
if ( localName . isEmpty ( ) )
setErrorMessage ( i18n ( " Invalid OASIS OpenDocument file. No tag found inside office:body. " ) ) ;
setErrorMessage ( i18n ( " This is not a word processing document, but %1. Please try opening it with the appropriate application. " ) . arg ( KoDocument : : tagNameToDocumentType ( localName ) ) ) ;
return false ;
// TODO check versions and mimetypes etc.
KoOasisContext context ( this , * m_varColl , oasisStyles , store ) ;
createLoadingInfo ( ) ;
// In theory the page format is the style:master-page-name of the first paragraph...
// But, hmm, in a doc with only a table there was no reference to the master page at all...
// So we load the standard page layout to start with, and in KWTextParag
// we might overwrite it with another one.
m_loadingInfo - > m_currentMasterPage = " Standard " ;
if ( ! loadOasisPageLayout ( m_loadingInfo - > m_currentMasterPage , context ) )
return false ;
KWOasisLoader oasisLoader ( this ) ;
// <text:page-sequence> oasis extension for DTP (2003-10-27 post by Daniel)
m_processingType = ( ! KoDom : : namedItemNS ( body , KoXmlNS : : text , " page-sequence " ) . isNull ( ) )
? DTP : WP ;
m_hasTOC = false ;
m_tabStop = MM_TO_POINT ( 15 ) ;
const TQDomElement * defaultParagStyle = oasisStyles . defaultStyle ( " paragraph " ) ;
if ( defaultParagStyle ) {
KoStyleStack stack ;
stack . push ( * defaultParagStyle ) ;
stack . setTypeProperties ( " paragraph " ) ;
TQString tabStopVal = stack . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " tab-stop-distance " ) ;
if ( ! tabStopVal . isEmpty ( ) )
m_tabStop = KoUnit : : parseValue ( tabStopVal ) ;
m_initialEditing = 0 ;
// Variable settings
// By default display real variable value
if ( ! isReadWrite ( ) )
m_varColl - > variableSetting ( ) - > setDisplayFieldCode ( false ) ;
// Load all styles before the corresponding paragraphs try to use them!
m_styleColl - > loadOasisStyles ( context ) ;
if ( m_frameStyleColl - > loadOasisStyles ( context ) = = 0 ) {
// no styles loaded -> load default styles
loadDefaultFrameStyleTemplates ( ) ;
if ( m_tableStyleColl - > loadOasisStyles ( context , * m_styleColl , * m_frameStyleColl ) = = 0 ) {
// no styles loaded -> load default styles
loadDefaultTableStyleTemplates ( ) ;
static_cast < KWVariableSettings * > ( m_varColl - > variableSetting ( ) )
- > loadNoteConfiguration ( oasisStyles . officeStyle ( ) ) ;
loadDefaultTableTemplates ( ) ;
if ( m_processingType = = WP ) {
// Create main frameset
KWTextFrameSet * fs = new KWTextFrameSet ( this , i18n ( " Main Text Frameset " ) ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . append ( fs ) ; // don't use addFrameSet here. We'll call finalize() once and for all in completeLoading
fs - > loadOasisContent ( body , context ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , 29 , 42 , 566 - 29 , 798 - 42 ) ;
frame - > setFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : AutoCreateNewFrame ) ;
frame - > setNewFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : Reconnect ) ;
fs - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
// load padding, background and borders for the main frame
const TQDomElement * masterPage = context . oasisStyles ( ) . masterPages ( ) [ m_loadingInfo - > m_currentMasterPage ] ;
const TQDomElement * masterPageStyle = masterPage ? context . oasisStyles ( ) . findStyle ( masterPage - > attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " page-layout-name " , TQString ( ) ) ) : 0 ;
if ( masterPageStyle )
KoStyleStack styleStack ;
styleStack . push ( * masterPageStyle ) ;
styleStack . setTypeProperties ( " page-layout " ) ;
frame - > loadBorderProperties ( styleStack ) ;
fs - > renumberFootNotes ( false /*no repaint*/ ) ;
} else {
// DTP mode: the items in the body are page-sequence and then frames
TQDomElement tag ;
forEachElement ( tag , body )
context . styleStack ( ) . save ( ) ;
const TQString localName = tag . localName ( ) ;
if ( localName = = " page-sequence " & & tag . namespaceURI ( ) = = KoXmlNS : : text )
// We don't have support for changing the page layout yet, so just take the
// number of pages
int pages = 1 ;
TQDomElement page ;
forEachElement ( page , tag )
+ + pages ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " DTP mode: found " < < pages < < " pages " < < endl ;
//setPageCount ( pages );
else if ( localName = = " frame " & & tag . namespaceURI ( ) = = KoXmlNS : : draw )
oasisLoader . loadFrame ( tag , context , KoPoint ( ) ) ;
kdWarning ( 32001 ) < < " Unsupported tag in DTP loading: " < < tag . tagName ( ) < < endl ;
if ( ! loadMasterPageStyle ( m_loadingInfo - > m_currentMasterPage , context ) )
return false ;
if ( context . cursorTextParagraph ( ) ) {
// Maybe, once 1.3-support is dropped, we can get rid of InitialEditing and fetch the
// values from KoOasisContext? But well, it lives a bit longer.
// At least we could store a KWFrameSet* and a KoTextParag* instead of a name and an id.
m_initialEditing = new InitialEditing ( ) ;
KWTextFrameSet * fs = static_cast < KWTextDocument * > ( context . cursorTextParagraph ( ) - > textDocument ( ) ) - > textFrameSet ( ) ;
m_initialEditing - > m_initialFrameSet = fs - > name ( ) ;
m_initialEditing - > m_initialCursorParag = context . cursorTextParagraph ( ) - > paragId ( ) ;
m_initialEditing - > m_initialCursorIndex = context . cursorTextIndex ( ) ;
if ( ! settings . isNull ( ) )
oasisLoader . loadOasisSettings ( settings ) ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " Loading took " < < ( float ) ( dt . elapsed ( ) ) / 1000 < < " seconds " < < endl ;
endOfLoading ( ) ;
// This sets the columns and header/footer flags, and calls recalcFrames,
// so it must be done last.
setPageLayout ( m_pageLayout , m_loadingInfo - > columns , m_loadingInfo - > hf , false ) ;
return true ;
bool KWDocument : : loadOasisPageLayout ( const TQString & masterPageName , KoOasisContext & context )
KoColumns & columns = m_loadingInfo - > columns ;
const KoOasisStyles & oasisStyles = context . oasisStyles ( ) ;
const TQDomElement * masterPage = oasisStyles . masterPages ( ) [ masterPageName ] ;
Q_ASSERT ( masterPage ) ;
const TQDomElement * masterPageStyle = masterPage ? oasisStyles . findStyle ( masterPage - > attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " page-layout-name " , TQString ( ) ) ) : 0 ;
Q_ASSERT ( masterPageStyle ) ;
if ( masterPageStyle )
m_pageLayout . loadOasis ( * masterPageStyle ) ;
pageManager ( ) - > setDefaultPage ( m_pageLayout ) ;
const TQDomElement properties ( KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPageStyle , KoXmlNS : : style , " page-layout-properties " ) ) ;
const TQDomElement footnoteSep = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( properties , KoXmlNS : : style , " footnote-sep " ) ;
if ( ! footnoteSep . isNull ( ) ) {
// style:width="0.018cm" style:distance-before-sep="0.101cm"
// style:distance-after-sep="0.101cm" style:adjustment="left"
// style:rel-width="25%" style:color="#000000"
const TQString width = footnoteSep . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " width " , TQString ( ) ) ;
if ( ! width . isEmpty ( ) ) {
m_footNoteSeparatorLineWidth = KoUnit : : parseValue ( width ) ;
TQString pageWidth = footnoteSep . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " rel-width " , TQString ( ) ) ;
if ( pageWidth . endsWith ( " % " ) ) {
pageWidth . truncate ( pageWidth . length ( ) - 1 ) ; // remove '%'
m_iFootNoteSeparatorLineLength = tqRound ( pageWidth . toDouble ( ) ) ;
// Not in KWord: color, distance before and after separator
const TQString style = footnoteSep . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " line-style " , TQString ( ) ) ;
if ( style = = " solid " | | style . isEmpty ( ) )
m_footNoteSeparatorLineType = SLT_SOLID ;
else if ( style = = " dash " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLineType = SLT_DASH ;
else if ( style = = " dotted " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLineType = SLT_DOT ;
else if ( style = = " dot-dash " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLineType = SLT_DASH_DOT ;
else if ( style = = " dot-dot-dash " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLineType = SLT_DASH_DOT_DOT ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Unknown value for m_footNoteSeparatorLineType: " < < style < < endl ;
const TQString pos = footnoteSep . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " adjustment " , TQString ( ) ) ;
if ( pos = = " centered " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = SLP_CENTERED ;
else if ( pos = = " right " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = SLP_RIGHT ;
else // if ( pos == "left" )
m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = SLP_LEFT ;
const TQDomElement columnsElem = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( properties , KoXmlNS : : style , " columns " ) ;
if ( ! columnsElem . isNull ( ) )
columns . columns = columnsElem . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : fo , " column-count " , TQString ( ) ) . toInt ( ) ;
if ( columns . columns = = 0 )
columns . columns = 1 ;
// TODO OASIS OpenDocument supports columns of different sizes, using <style:column style:rel-width="...">
// (with fo:start-indent/fo:end-indent for per-column spacing)
// But well, it also allows us to specify a single gap.
if ( columnsElem . hasAttributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : fo , " column-gap " ) )
columns . ptColumnSpacing = KoUnit : : parseValue ( columnsElem . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : fo , " column-gap " , TQString ( ) ) ) ;
// It also supports drawing a vertical line as a separator...
m_headerVisible = false ;
m_footerVisible = false ;
// TODO spHeadBody (where is this in OOo?)
// TODO spFootBody (where is this in OOo?)
// Answer: margins of the <style:header-footer> element
else // this doesn't happen with normal documents, but it can happen if copying something,
// pasting into konq as foo.odt, then opening that...
columns . columns = 1 ;
columns . ptColumnSpacing = 2 ;
m_headerVisible = false ;
m_footerVisible = false ;
m_pageLayout = KoPageLayout : : standardLayout ( ) ;
pageManager ( ) - > setDefaultPage ( m_pageLayout ) ;
return true ;
bool KWDocument : : loadMasterPageStyle ( const TQString & masterPageName , KoOasisContext & context )
const KoOasisStyles & oasisStyles = context . oasisStyles ( ) ;
const TQDomElement * masterPage = oasisStyles . masterPages ( ) [ masterPageName ] ;
Q_ASSERT ( masterPage ) ;
const TQDomElement * masterPageStyle = masterPage ? oasisStyles . findStyle ( masterPage - > attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " page-layout-name " , TQString ( ) ) ) : 0 ;
Q_ASSERT ( masterPageStyle ) ;
// This check is done here and not in loadOasisPageLayout in case the Standard master-page
// has no page information but the first paragraph points to a master-page that does (#129585)
if ( m_pageLayout . ptWidth < = 1e-13 | | m_pageLayout . ptHeight < = 1e-13 )
// Loading page layout failed, try to see why.
TQDomElement properties ( KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPageStyle , KoXmlNS : : style , " page-layout-properties " ) ) ;
//if ( properties.isNull() )
// setErrorMessage( i18n( "Invalid document. No page layout properties were found. The application which produced this document isn't OASIS-compliant." ) );
//else if ( properties.hasAttributeNS( KoXmlNS::fo, "page-width" ) )
// setErrorMessage( i18n( "Invalid document. Page layout has no page width. The application which produced this document isn't OASIS-compliant." ) );
if ( properties . hasAttributeNS ( " http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format " , " page-width " ) )
setErrorMessage ( i18n ( " Invalid document. 'fo' has the wrong namespace. The application which produced this document is not OASIS-compliant. " ) ) ;
setErrorMessage ( i18n ( " Invalid document. Paper size: %1x%2 " ) . arg ( m_pageLayout . ptWidth ) . arg ( m_pageLayout . ptHeight ) ) ;
return false ;
KoKWHeaderFooter & hf = m_loadingInfo - > hf ;
bool hasEvenOddHeader = false ;
bool hasEvenOddFooter = false ;
if ( masterPageStyle )
KWOasisLoader oasisLoader ( this ) ;
TQDomElement headerStyle = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPageStyle , KoXmlNS : : style , " header-style " ) ;
TQDomElement footerStyle = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPageStyle , KoXmlNS : : style , " footer-style " ) ;
TQDomElement headerLeftElem = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPage , KoXmlNS : : style , " header-left " ) ;
TQDomElement headerFirstElem = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPage , KoXmlNS : : style , " header-first " ) ; // hack, not oasis compliant
const bool hasFirstHeader = ! headerFirstElem . isNull ( ) ;
if ( ! headerLeftElem . isNull ( ) )
hasEvenOddHeader = true ;
hf . header = hasFirstHeader ? HF_FIRST_EO_DIFF : HF_EO_DIFF ;
oasisLoader . loadOasisHeaderFooter ( headerLeftElem , hasEvenOddHeader , headerStyle , context ) ;
hf . header = hasFirstHeader ? HF_FIRST_DIFF : HF_SAME ;
if ( hasFirstHeader )
oasisLoader . loadOasisHeaderFooter ( headerFirstElem , hasEvenOddHeader , headerStyle , context ) ;
TQDomElement headerElem = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPage , KoXmlNS : : style , " header " ) ;
if ( ! headerElem . isNull ( ) )
oasisLoader . loadOasisHeaderFooter ( headerElem , hasEvenOddHeader , headerStyle , context ) ;
// -- and now footers
TQDomElement footerLeftElem = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPage , KoXmlNS : : style , " footer-left " ) ;
TQDomElement footerFirstElem = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPage , KoXmlNS : : style , " footer-first " ) ; // hack, not oasis compliant
const bool hasFirstFooter = ! footerFirstElem . isNull ( ) ;
if ( ! footerLeftElem . isNull ( ) )
hasEvenOddFooter = true ;
hf . footer = hasFirstFooter ? HF_FIRST_EO_DIFF : HF_EO_DIFF ;
oasisLoader . loadOasisHeaderFooter ( footerLeftElem , hasEvenOddFooter , footerStyle , context ) ;
hf . footer = hasFirstFooter ? HF_FIRST_DIFF : HF_SAME ;
if ( hasFirstFooter )
oasisLoader . loadOasisHeaderFooter ( footerFirstElem , hasEvenOddFooter , footerStyle , context ) ;
TQDomElement footerElem = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * masterPage , KoXmlNS : : style , " footer " ) ;
if ( ! footerElem . isNull ( ) )
oasisLoader . loadOasisHeaderFooter ( footerElem , hasEvenOddFooter , footerStyle , context ) ;
// The bottom margin of headers is what we call headerBodySpacing
// (TODO support the 3 other margins)
if ( ! headerStyle . isNull ( ) ) {
context . styleStack ( ) . push ( headerStyle ) ;
context . styleStack ( ) . setTypeProperties ( " header-footer " ) ;
hf . ptHeaderBodySpacing = KoUnit : : parseValue ( context . styleStack ( ) . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : fo , " margin-bottom " ) ) ;
context . styleStack ( ) . pop ( ) ;
// The top margin of footers is what we call footerBodySpacing
// (TODO support the 3 other margins)
if ( ! footerStyle . isNull ( ) ) {
context . styleStack ( ) . push ( footerStyle ) ;
context . styleStack ( ) . setTypeProperties ( " header-footer " ) ;
hf . ptFooterBodySpacing = KoUnit : : parseValue ( context . styleStack ( ) . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : fo , " margin-top " ) ) ;
context . styleStack ( ) . pop ( ) ;
// TODO ptFootNoteBodySpacing
return true ;
// Called before loading
// It's important to clear out anything that might be in the document already,
// for things like using DCOP to load multiple documents into the same KWDocument,
// or "reload" when kword is embedded into konqueror.
void KWDocument : : clear ( )
m_pictureMap . clear ( ) ;
m_textImageRequests . clear ( ) ;
m_pictureRequests . clear ( ) ;
m_anchorRequests . clear ( ) ;
m_footnoteVarRequests . clear ( ) ;
m_spellCheckIgnoreList . clear ( ) ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . header = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . footer = HF_SAME ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFootNoteBodySpacing = 10 ;
m_pageColumns . columns = 1 ;
m_pageColumns . ptColumnSpacing = m_defaultColumnSpacing ;
m_bHasEndNotes = false ;
m_iFootNoteSeparatorLineLength = 20 ; // 20%, i.e. 1/5th
m_footNoteSeparatorLineWidth = 0.5 ; // like in OOo
m_footNoteSeparatorLineType = SLT_SOLID ;
m_lstFrameSet . clear ( ) ;
m_varColl - > clear ( ) ;
m_pictureCollection - > clear ( ) ;
m_varFormatCollection - > clear ( ) ;
m_styleColl - > clear ( ) ;
m_frameStyleColl - > clear ( ) ;
m_tableStyleColl - > clear ( ) ;
m_tableTemplateColl - > clear ( ) ;
// Some simple import filters don't define any style,
// so let's have a Standard style at least
KoParagStyle * standardStyle = new KoParagStyle ( " Standard " ) ; // This gets translated later on
//kdDebug() << "KWDocument::KWDocument creating standardStyle " << standardStyle << endl;
standardStyle - > format ( ) . setFont ( m_defaultFont ) ;
m_styleColl - > addStyle ( standardStyle ) ;
// And let's do the same for framestyles
KWFrameStyle * standardFrameStyle = new KWFrameStyle ( " Plain " ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setBackgroundColor ( TQt : : white ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setTopBorder ( KoBorder ( TQt : : black , KoBorder : : SOLID , 0 ) ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setRightBorder ( KoBorder ( TQt : : black , KoBorder : : SOLID , 0 ) ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setLeftBorder ( KoBorder ( TQt : : black , KoBorder : : SOLID , 0 ) ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setBottomBorder ( KoBorder ( TQt : : black , KoBorder : : SOLID , 0 ) ) ;
m_frameStyleColl - > addStyle ( standardFrameStyle ) ;
// And let's do the same for tablestyles
KWTableStyle * standardTableStyle = new KWTableStyle ( " Plain " , standardStyle , standardFrameStyle ) ;
m_tableStyleColl - > addStyle ( standardTableStyle ) ;
bool KWDocument : : loadXML ( TQIODevice * , const TQDomDocument & doc )
TQTime dt ;
dt . start ( ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 0 ) ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::loadXML " < < endl ;
clear ( ) ;
KoPageLayout pgLayout ;
KoColumns columns ;
columns . columns = 1 ;
columns . ptColumnSpacing = m_defaultColumnSpacing ;
KoKWHeaderFooter hf ;
hf . header = HF_SAME ;
hf . footer = HF_SAME ;
hf . ptHeaderBodySpacing = 10.0 ;
hf . ptFooterBodySpacing = 10.0 ;
hf . ptFootNoteBodySpacing = 10.0 ;
TQString value ;
TQDomElement word = doc . documentElement ( ) ;
value = KWDocument : : getAttribute ( word , " mime " , TQString ( ) ) ;
if ( value . isEmpty ( ) )
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " No mime type specified! " < < endl ;
setErrorMessage ( i18n ( " Invalid document. No mimetype specified. " ) ) ;
return false ;
else if ( value ! = " application/x-kword " & & value ! = " application/vnd.kde.kword " )
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " Unknown mime type " < < value < < endl ;
setErrorMessage ( i18n ( " Invalid document. Expected mimetype application/x-kword or application/vnd.kde.kword, got %1 " ) . arg ( value ) ) ;
return false ;
m_syntaxVersion = KWDocument : : getAttribute ( word , " syntaxVersion " , 0 ) ;
if ( m_syntaxVersion > CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION )
int ret = KMessageBox : : warningContinueCancel (
0 , i18n ( " This document was created with a newer version of KWord (syntax version: %1) \n "
" Opening it in this version of KWord will lose some information. " ) . arg ( m_syntaxVersion ) ,
i18n ( " File Format Mismatch " ) , KStdGuiItem : : cont ( ) ) ;
if ( ret = = KMessageBox : : Cancel )
setErrorMessage ( " USER_CANCELED " ) ;
return false ;
createLoadingInfo ( ) ;
// Looks like support for the old way of naming images internally,
// see completeLoading.
value = KWDocument : : getAttribute ( word , " url " , TQString ( ) ) ;
if ( ! value . isNull ( ) )
m_urlIntern = KURL ( value ) . path ( ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 5 ) ;
// <PAPER>
TQDomElement paper = word . namedItem ( " PAPER " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! paper . isNull ( ) )
pgLayout . format = static_cast < KoFormat > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( paper , " format " , 0 ) ) ;
pgLayout . orientation = static_cast < KoOrientation > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( paper , " orientation " , 0 ) ) ;
pgLayout . ptWidth = getAttribute ( paper , " width " , 0.0 ) ;
pgLayout . ptHeight = getAttribute ( paper , " height " , 0.0 ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " ptWidth= " < < pgLayout . ptWidth < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " ptHeight= " < < pgLayout . ptHeight < < endl ;
if ( pgLayout . ptWidth < = 0 | | pgLayout . ptHeight < = 0 )
// Old document?
pgLayout . ptWidth = getAttribute ( paper , " ptWidth " , 0.0 ) ;
pgLayout . ptHeight = getAttribute ( paper , " ptHeight " , 0.0 ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " ptWidth= " < < pgLayout . ptWidth < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " ptHeight= " < < pgLayout . ptHeight < < endl ;
// Still wrong?
if ( pgLayout . ptWidth < = 0 | | pgLayout . ptHeight < = 0 )
setErrorMessage ( i18n ( " Invalid document. Paper size: %1x%2 " )
. arg ( pgLayout . ptWidth ) . arg ( pgLayout . ptHeight ) ) ;
return false ;
hf . header = static_cast < KoHFType > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( paper , " hType " , 0 ) ) ;
hf . footer = static_cast < KoHFType > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( paper , " fType " , 0 ) ) ;
hf . ptHeaderBodySpacing = getAttribute ( paper , " spHeadBody " , 0.0 ) ;
hf . ptFooterBodySpacing = getAttribute ( paper , " spFootBody " , 0.0 ) ;
hf . ptFootNoteBodySpacing = getAttribute ( paper , " spFootNoteBody " , 10.0 ) ;
m_iFootNoteSeparatorLineLength = getAttribute ( paper , " slFootNoteLength " , 20 ) ;
if ( paper . hasAttribute ( " slFootNoteWidth " ) )
m_footNoteSeparatorLineWidth = paper . attribute ( " slFootNoteWidth " ) . toDouble ( ) ;
m_footNoteSeparatorLineType = static_cast < SeparatorLineLineType > ( getAttribute ( paper , " slFootNoteType " , 0 ) ) ;
if ( paper . hasAttribute ( " slFootNotePosition " ) )
TQString tmp = paper . attribute ( " slFootNotePosition " ) ;
if ( tmp = = " centered " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = SLP_CENTERED ;
else if ( tmp = = " right " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = SLP_RIGHT ;
else if ( tmp = = " left " )
m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = SLP_LEFT ;
columns . columns = KWDocument : : getAttribute ( paper , " columns " , 1 ) ;
columns . ptColumnSpacing = KWDocument : : getAttribute ( paper , " columnspacing " , 0.0 ) ;
// Now part of the app config
//m_zoom = KWDocument::getAttribute( paper, "zoom", 100 );
// setZoomAndResolution( m_zoom, KoGlobal::dpiX(), KoGlobal::dpiY(), false, false );
// Support the undocumented syntax actually used by KDE 2.0 for some of the above (:-().
// Do not add anything to this block!
if ( pgLayout . ptWidth = = 0.0 )
pgLayout . ptWidth = getAttribute ( paper , " ptWidth " , 0.0 ) ;
if ( pgLayout . ptHeight = = 0.0 )
pgLayout . ptHeight = getAttribute ( paper , " ptHeight " , 0.0 ) ;
if ( hf . ptHeaderBodySpacing = = 0.0 )
hf . ptHeaderBodySpacing = getAttribute ( paper , " ptHeadBody " , 0.0 ) ;
if ( hf . ptFooterBodySpacing = = 0.0 )
hf . ptFooterBodySpacing = getAttribute ( paper , " ptFootBody " , 0.0 ) ;
if ( columns . ptColumnSpacing = = 0.0 )
columns . ptColumnSpacing = getAttribute ( paper , " ptColumnspc " , 0.0 ) ;
TQDomElement paperborders = paper . namedItem ( " PAPERBORDERS " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! paperborders . isNull ( ) )
pgLayout . ptLeft = getAttribute ( paperborders , " left " , 0.0 ) ;
pgLayout . ptTop = getAttribute ( paperborders , " top " , 0.0 ) ;
pgLayout . ptRight = getAttribute ( paperborders , " right " , 0.0 ) ;
pgLayout . ptBottom = getAttribute ( paperborders , " bottom " , 0.0 ) ;
// Support the undocumented syntax actually used by KDE 2.0 for some of the above (:-().
if ( pgLayout . ptLeft = = 0.0 )
pgLayout . ptLeft = getAttribute ( paperborders , " ptLeft " , 0.0 ) ;
if ( pgLayout . ptTop = = 0.0 )
pgLayout . ptTop = getAttribute ( paperborders , " ptTop " , 0.0 ) ;
if ( pgLayout . ptRight = = 0.0 )
pgLayout . ptRight = getAttribute ( paperborders , " ptRight " , 0.0 ) ;
if ( pgLayout . ptBottom = = 0.0 )
pgLayout . ptBottom = getAttribute ( paperborders , " ptBottom " , 0.0 ) ;
kdWarning ( ) < < " No <PAPERBORDERS> tag! " < < endl ;
kdWarning ( ) < < " No <PAPER> tag! This is a mandatory tag! Expect weird page sizes... " < < endl ;
TQDomElement attributes = word . namedItem ( " ATTRIBUTES " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! attributes . isNull ( ) )
m_processingType = static_cast < ProcessingType > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( attributes , " processing " , 0 ) ) ;
//KWDocument::getAttribute( attributes, "standardpage", TQString() );
m_headerVisible = static_cast < bool > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( attributes , " hasHeader " , 0 ) ) ;
m_footerVisible = static_cast < bool > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( attributes , " hasFooter " , 0 ) ) ;
if ( attributes . hasAttribute ( " unit " ) )
setUnit ( KoUnit : : unit ( attributes . attribute ( " unit " ) ) ) ;
m_hasTOC = static_cast < bool > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( attributes , " hasTOC " , 0 ) ) ;
m_tabStop = KWDocument : : getAttribute ( attributes , " tabStopValue " , MM_TO_POINT ( 15 ) ) ;
m_initialEditing = new InitialEditing ( ) ;
m_initialEditing - > m_initialFrameSet = attributes . attribute ( " activeFrameset " ) ;
m_initialEditing - > m_initialCursorParag = attributes . attribute ( " cursorParagraph " ) . toInt ( ) ;
m_initialEditing - > m_initialCursorIndex = attributes . attribute ( " cursorIndex " ) . toInt ( ) ;
} else {
m_processingType = WP ;
m_headerVisible = false ;
m_footerVisible = false ;
m_hasTOC = false ;
m_tabStop = MM_TO_POINT ( 15 ) ;
delete m_initialEditing ;
m_initialEditing = 0L ;
setPageLayout ( pgLayout , columns , hf , false ) ;
variableCollection ( ) - > variableSetting ( ) - > load ( word ) ;
//by default display real variable value
if ( ! isReadWrite ( ) )
variableCollection ( ) - > variableSetting ( ) - > setDisplayFieldCode ( false ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 10 ) ;
TQDomElement mailmerge = word . namedItem ( " MAILMERGE " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( mailmerge ! = TQDomElement ( ) )
m_slDataBase - > load ( mailmerge ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 15 ) ;
// Load all styles before the corresponding paragraphs try to use them!
TQDomElement stylesElem = word . namedItem ( " STYLES " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! stylesElem . isNull ( ) )
loadStyleTemplates ( stylesElem ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 17 ) ;
TQDomElement frameStylesElem = word . namedItem ( " FRAMESTYLES " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! frameStylesElem . isNull ( ) )
loadFrameStyleTemplates ( frameStylesElem ) ;
else // load default styles
loadDefaultFrameStyleTemplates ( ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 18 ) ;
TQDomElement tableStylesElem = word . namedItem ( " TABLESTYLES " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! tableStylesElem . isNull ( ) )
loadTableStyleTemplates ( tableStylesElem ) ;
else // load default styles
loadDefaultTableStyleTemplates ( ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 19 ) ;
loadDefaultTableTemplates ( ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 20 ) ;
TQDomElement bookmark = word . namedItem ( " BOOKMARKS " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! bookmark . isNull ( ) )
TQDomElement bookmarkitem = word . namedItem ( " BOOKMARKS " ) . toElement ( ) ;
bookmarkitem = bookmarkitem . firstChild ( ) . toElement ( ) ;
while ( ! bookmarkitem . isNull ( ) )
if ( bookmarkitem . tagName ( ) = = " BOOKMARKITEM " )
KWLoadingInfo : : BookMark bk ;
bk . bookname = bookmarkitem . attribute ( " name " ) ;
bk . cursorStartIndex = bookmarkitem . attribute ( " cursorIndexStart " ) . toInt ( ) ;
bk . frameSetName = bookmarkitem . attribute ( " frameset " ) ;
bk . paragStartIndex = bookmarkitem . attribute ( " startparag " ) . toInt ( ) ;
bk . paragEndIndex = bookmarkitem . attribute ( " endparag " ) . toInt ( ) ;
bk . cursorEndIndex = bookmarkitem . attribute ( " cursorIndexEnd " ) . toInt ( ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( m_loadingInfo ) ;
m_loadingInfo - > bookMarkList . append ( bk ) ;
bookmarkitem = bookmarkitem . nextSibling ( ) . toElement ( ) ;
TQStringList lst ;
TQDomElement spellCheckIgnore = word . namedItem ( " SPELLCHECKIGNORELIST " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! spellCheckIgnore . isNull ( ) )
TQDomElement spellWord = word . namedItem ( " SPELLCHECKIGNORELIST " ) . toElement ( ) ;
spellWord = spellWord . firstChild ( ) . toElement ( ) ;
while ( ! spellWord . isNull ( ) )
if ( spellWord . tagName ( ) = = " SPELLCHECKIGNOREWORD " )
lst . append ( spellWord . attribute ( " word " ) ) ;
spellWord = spellWord . nextSibling ( ) . toElement ( ) ;
setSpellCheckIgnoreList ( lst ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 25 ) ;
TQDomElement framesets = word . namedItem ( " FRAMESETS " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! framesets . isNull ( ) )
loadFrameSets ( framesets ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 85 ) ;
loadPictureMap ( word ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 90 ) ;
loadEmbeddedObjects ( word ) ;
emit sigProgress ( 100 ) ; // the rest is only processing, not loading
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " Loading took " < < ( float ) ( dt . elapsed ( ) ) / 1000 < < " seconds " < < endl ;
endOfLoading ( ) ;
return true ;
void KWDocument : : endOfLoading ( ) // called by both oasis and oldxml
// insert pages
double maxBottom = 0 ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fsit = framesetsIterator ( ) ; fsit . current ( ) ; + + fsit ) {
KWFrameSet * fs = fsit . current ( ) ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > fit = fs - > frameIterator ( ) ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
KWFrame * frame = fit . current ( ) ;
maxBottom = TQMAX ( maxBottom , frame - > bottom ( ) ) ;
KWPage * last = pageManager ( ) - > page ( lastPage ( ) ) ;
double docHeight = last - > offsetInDocument ( ) + last - > height ( ) ;
while ( docHeight < = maxBottom ) {
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::loadXML appends a page \n " ;
last = pageManager ( ) - > appendPage ( ) ;
docHeight + = last - > height ( ) ;
bool first_footer = false , even_footer = false , odd_footer = false ;
bool first_header = false , even_header = false , odd_header = false ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
switch ( fit . current ( ) - > frameSetInfo ( ) ) {
case KWFrameSet : : FI_FIRST_HEADER : first_header = true ; break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_ODD_HEADER : odd_header = true ; break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_EVEN_HEADER : even_header = true ; break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_FIRST_FOOTER : first_footer = true ; break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_ODD_FOOTER : odd_footer = true ; break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_EVEN_FOOTER : even_footer = true ; break ;
case KWFrameSet : : FI_FOOTNOTE : break ;
default : break ;
// Create defaults if they were not in the input file.
// Where to insert the new frames: not at the end, since that breaks oasis-kword.sh
uint newFramesetsIndex = m_lstFrameSet . isEmpty ( ) ? 0 : 1 ;
if ( ! first_header ) {
KWTextFrameSet * fs = new KWTextFrameSet ( this , i18n ( " First Page Header " ) ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWTextFrameSet created " << fs << endl;
fs - > setFrameSetInfo ( KWFrameSet : : FI_FIRST_HEADER ) ;
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( startPage ( ) ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , page - > leftMargin ( ) , page - > topMargin ( ) ,
page - > width ( ) - page - > leftMargin ( ) - page - > rightMargin ( ) , 20 ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWFrame created " << frame << endl;
frame - > setFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : AutoExtendFrame ) ;
frame - > setNewFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : Copy ) ;
fs - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . insert ( newFramesetsIndex + + , fs ) ;
if ( ! odd_header ) {
KWTextFrameSet * fs = new KWTextFrameSet ( this , i18n ( " Odd Pages Header " ) ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWTextFrameSet created " << fs << endl;
fs - > setFrameSetInfo ( KWFrameSet : : FI_ODD_HEADER ) ;
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( TQMIN ( startPage ( ) + 2 , lastPage ( ) ) ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , page - > leftMargin ( ) , page - > topMargin ( ) ,
page - > width ( ) - page - > leftMargin ( ) - page - > rightMargin ( ) , 20 ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWFrame created " << *frame << endl;
frame - > setFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : AutoExtendFrame ) ;
frame - > setNewFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : Copy ) ;
fs - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . insert ( newFramesetsIndex + + , fs ) ;
if ( ! even_header ) {
KWTextFrameSet * fs = new KWTextFrameSet ( this , i18n ( " Even Pages Header " ) ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWTextFrameSet created " << fs << endl;
fs - > setFrameSetInfo ( KWFrameSet : : FI_EVEN_HEADER ) ;
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( TQMIN ( startPage ( ) + 1 , lastPage ( ) ) ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , page - > leftMargin ( ) , page - > topMargin ( ) , page - > width ( ) -
page - > leftMargin ( ) - page - > rightMargin ( ) , 20 ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWFrame created " << *frame << endl;
frame - > setFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : AutoExtendFrame ) ;
frame - > setNewFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : Copy ) ;
fs - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . insert ( newFramesetsIndex + + , fs ) ;
if ( ! first_footer ) {
KWTextFrameSet * fs = new KWTextFrameSet ( this , i18n ( " First Page Footer " ) ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWTextFrameSet created " << fs << endl;
fs - > setFrameSetInfo ( KWFrameSet : : FI_FIRST_FOOTER ) ;
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( pageManager ( ) - > startPage ( ) ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , page - > leftMargin ( ) , page - > height ( ) - page - > topMargin ( ) - 20 ,
page - > width ( ) - page - > leftMargin ( ) - page - > rightMargin ( ) , 20 ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWFrame created " << *frame << endl;
frame - > setFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : AutoExtendFrame ) ;
frame - > setNewFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : Copy ) ;
fs - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . insert ( newFramesetsIndex + + , fs ) ;
if ( ! odd_footer ) {
KWTextFrameSet * fs = new KWTextFrameSet ( this , i18n ( " Odd Pages Footer " ) ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWTextFrameSet created " << fs << endl;
fs - > setFrameSetInfo ( KWFrameSet : : FI_ODD_FOOTER ) ;
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( TQMIN ( startPage ( ) + 2 , lastPage ( ) ) ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , page - > leftMargin ( ) , page - > height ( ) - page - > topMargin ( ) - 20 ,
page - > width ( ) - page - > leftMargin ( ) - page - > rightMargin ( ) , 20 ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWFrame created " << *frame << endl;
frame - > setFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : AutoExtendFrame ) ;
frame - > setNewFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : Copy ) ;
fs - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . insert ( newFramesetsIndex + + , fs ) ;
if ( ! even_footer ) {
KWTextFrameSet * fs = new KWTextFrameSet ( this , i18n ( " Even Pages Footer " ) ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWTextFrameSet created " << fs << endl;
fs - > setFrameSetInfo ( KWFrameSet : : FI_EVEN_FOOTER ) ;
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( TQMIN ( startPage ( ) + 1 , lastPage ( ) ) ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , page - > leftMargin ( ) , page - > height ( ) - page - > topMargin ( ) - 20 ,
page - > width ( ) - page - > leftMargin ( ) - page - > rightMargin ( ) , 20 ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML KWFrame created " << *frame << endl;
frame - > setFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : AutoExtendFrame ) ;
frame - > setNewFrameBehavior ( KWFrame : : Copy ) ;
fs - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . insert ( newFramesetsIndex + + , fs ) ;
// do some sanity checking on document.
for ( int i = frameSetCount ( ) - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - ) {
KWFrameSet * fs = frameSet ( i ) ;
if ( ! fs ) {
kdWarning ( ) < < " frameset " < < i < < " is NULL!! " < < endl ;
m_lstFrameSet . remove ( i ) ;
continue ;
if ( fs - > type ( ) = = FT_TABLE ) {
static_cast < KWTableFrameSet * > ( fs ) - > validate ( ) ;
} else if ( fs - > type ( ) = = FT_TEXT ) {
for ( int f = fs - > frameCount ( ) - 1 ; f > = 0 ; f - - ) {
KWFrame * frame = fs - > frame ( f ) ;
if ( frame - > left ( ) < 0 ) {
kdWarning ( ) < < fs - > name ( ) < < " frame " < < f < < " pos.x is < 0, moving frame " < < endl ;
frame - > moveBy ( 0 - frame - > left ( ) , 0 ) ;
if ( frame - > right ( ) > m_pageLayout . ptWidth ) {
kdWarning ( ) < < fs - > name ( ) < < " frame " < < f < < " rightborder outside page ( "
< < frame - > right ( ) < < " > " < < m_pageLayout . ptWidth < < " ), shrinking " < < endl ;
frame - > setRight ( m_pageLayout . ptWidth ) ;
if ( fs - > isProtectSize ( ) )
continue ; // don't make frames bigger of a protected frameset.
if ( frame - > height ( ) < s_minFrameHeight ) {
kdWarning ( ) < < fs - > name ( ) < < " frame " < < f < < " height is so small no text will fit, adjusting (was: "
< < frame - > height ( ) < < " is: " < < s_minFrameHeight < < " ) " < < endl ;
frame - > setHeight ( s_minFrameHeight ) ;
if ( frame - > width ( ) < s_minFrameWidth ) {
kdWarning ( ) < < fs - > name ( ) < < " frame " < < f < < " width is so small no text will fit, adjusting (was: "
< < frame - > width ( ) < < " is: " < < s_minFrameWidth < < " ) " < < endl ;
frame - > setWidth ( s_minFrameWidth ) ;
if ( fs - > frameCount ( ) = = 0 ) {
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( startPage ( ) ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , page - > leftMargin ( ) , page - > topMargin ( ) ,
page - > width ( ) - page - > leftMargin ( ) - page - > rightMargin ( ) ,
page - > height ( ) - page - > topMargin ( ) - page - > bottomMargin ( ) ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML main-KWFrame created " << *frame << endl;
fs - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
} else if ( fs - > frameCount ( ) = = 0 ) {
kdWarning ( ) < < " frameset " < < i < < " " < < fs - > name ( ) < < " has no frames " < < endl ;
removeFrameSet ( fs ) ;
if ( fs - > type ( ) = = FT_PART )
delete static_cast < KWPartFrameSet * > ( fs ) - > getChild ( ) ;
delete fs ;
continue ;
if ( fs - > frameCount ( ) > 0 ) {
KWFrame * frame = fs - > frame ( 0 ) ;
if ( frame - > isCopy ( ) ) {
kdWarning ( ) < < " First frame in a frameset[ " < < fs - > name ( ) < < " ] was set to be a copy; resetting \n " ;
frame - > setCopy ( false ) ;
// Renumber footnotes
KWTextFrameSet * frameset = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( m_lstFrameSet . getFirst ( ) ) ;
if ( frameset )
frameset - > renumberFootNotes ( false /*no repaint*/ ) ;
emit sigProgress ( - 1 ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadXML done" << endl;
// Connect to notifications from main text-frameset
if ( frameset ) {
connect ( frameset - > textObject ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( chapterParagraphFormatted ( KoTextParag * ) ) ,
TQT_SLOT ( slotChapterParagraphFormatted ( KoTextParag * ) ) ) ;
connect ( frameset , TQT_SIGNAL ( mainTextHeightChanged ( ) ) ,
TQT_SIGNAL ( mainTextHeightChanged ( ) ) ) ;
// Note that more stuff will happen in completeLoading
void KWDocument : : startBackgroundSpellCheck ( )
if ( backgroundSpellCheckEnabled ( ) & & isReadWrite ( ) )
m_bgSpellCheck - > start ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : loadEmbeddedObjects ( TQDomElement & word )
TQDomNodeList listEmbedded = word . elementsByTagName ( " EMBEDDED " ) ;
for ( unsigned int item = 0 ; item < listEmbedded . count ( ) ; item + + )
TQDomElement embedded = listEmbedded . item ( item ) . toElement ( ) ;
loadEmbedded ( embedded ) ;
void KWDocument : : loadEmbedded ( const TQDomElement & embedded )
TQDomElement object = embedded . namedItem ( " OBJECT " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! object . isNull ( ) )
KWDocumentChild * ch = new KWDocumentChild ( this ) ;
ch - > load ( object , true ) ;
insertChild ( ch ) ;
TQDomElement settings = embedded . namedItem ( " SETTINGS " ) . toElement ( ) ;
TQString name ;
if ( ! settings . isNull ( ) )
name = settings . attribute ( " name " ) ;
KWPartFrameSet * fs = new KWPartFrameSet ( this , ch , name ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . append ( fs ) ;
if ( ! settings . isNull ( ) )
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::loadXML loading embedded object " < < endl ;
fs - > load ( settings ) ;
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " No <SETTINGS> tag in EMBEDDED " < < endl ;
} else
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " No <OBJECT> tag in EMBEDDED " < < endl ;
void KWDocument : : loadStyleTemplates ( const TQDomElement & stylesElem )
TQValueList < TQString > followingStyles ;
TQDomNodeList listStyles = stylesElem . elementsByTagName ( " STYLE " ) ;
if ( listStyles . count ( ) > 0 ) { // we are going to import at least one style.
KoParagStyle * s = m_styleColl - > findStyle ( " Standard " ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::loadStyleTemplates looking for Standard, to delete it. Found " << s << endl;
if ( s ) // delete the standard style.
m_styleColl - > removeStyle ( s ) ;
for ( unsigned int item = 0 ; item < listStyles . count ( ) ; item + + ) {
TQDomElement styleElem = listStyles . item ( item ) . toElement ( ) ;
KoParagStyle * sty = new KoParagStyle ( TQString ( ) ) ;
// Load the style from the <STYLE> element
sty - > loadStyle ( styleElem , m_syntaxVersion ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KoParagStyle created name=" << sty->name() << endl;
if ( m_syntaxVersion < 3 )
// Convert old style (up to 1.2.x included)
// "include in TOC if chapter numbering" to the new attribute
if ( sty - > paragLayout ( ) . counter & & sty - > paragLayout ( ) . counter - > numbering ( ) = = KoParagCounter : : NUM_CHAPTER )
sty - > setOutline ( true ) ;
// the real value of followingStyle is set below after loading all styles
sty - > setFollowingStyle ( sty ) ;
TQDomElement formatElem = styleElem . namedItem ( " FORMAT " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( ! formatElem . isNull ( ) )
sty - > format ( ) = KWTextParag : : loadFormat ( formatElem , 0L , defaultFont ( ) , globalLanguage ( ) , globalHyphenation ( ) ) ;
kdWarning ( 32001 ) < < " No FORMAT tag in <STYLE> " < < endl ; // This leads to problems in applyStyle().
// Style created, now let's try to add it
sty = m_styleColl - > addStyle ( sty ) ;
if ( m_styleColl - > styleList ( ) . count ( ) > followingStyles . count ( ) )
TQString following = styleElem . namedItem ( " FOLLOWING " ) . toElement ( ) . attribute ( " name " ) ;
followingStyles . append ( following ) ;
kdWarning ( ) < < " Found duplicate style declaration, overwriting former " < < sty - > name ( ) < < endl ;
Q_ASSERT ( followingStyles . count ( ) = = m_styleColl - > styleList ( ) . count ( ) ) ;
unsigned int i = 0 ;
for ( TQValueList < TQString > : : Iterator it = followingStyles . begin ( ) ; it ! = followingStyles . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
KoParagStyle * style = m_styleColl - > findStyle ( * it ) ;
m_styleColl - > styleAt ( i + + ) - > setFollowingStyle ( style ) ;
void KWDocument : : loadFrameStyleTemplates ( const TQDomElement & stylesElem )
TQDomNodeList listStyles = stylesElem . elementsByTagName ( " FRAMESTYLE " ) ;
if ( listStyles . count ( ) > 0 ) { // we are going to import at least one style.
KWFrameStyle * s = m_frameStyleColl - > findStyle ( " Plain " ) ;
if ( s ) // delete the standard style.
m_frameStyleColl - > removeStyle ( s ) ;
for ( unsigned int item = 0 ; item < listStyles . count ( ) ; item + + ) {
TQDomElement styleElem = listStyles . item ( item ) . toElement ( ) ;
KWFrameStyle * sty = new KWFrameStyle ( styleElem ) ;
m_frameStyleColl - > addStyle ( sty ) ;
void KWDocument : : loadDefaultFrameStyleTemplates ( )
const TQString fsfileName ( locate ( " data " , " kword/framestyles.xml " ) ) ;
kdDebug ( 30003 ) < < " Data directory: " < < TDEGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > resourceDirs ( " data " ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 30003 ) < < " Directory searched: " < < TDEGlobal : : dirs ( ) - > resourceDirs ( " data " ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 30003 ) < < " File framestyles.xml searched at: " < < fsfileName < < endl ;
m_frameStyleColl - > setDefault ( true ) ;
if ( ! TQFile : : exists ( fsfileName ) )
kdWarning ( 30003 ) < < " Cannot find any framestyles.xml " < < endl ;
if ( ! m_frameStyleColl - > findStyle ( " Plain " ) ) {
KWFrameStyle * standardFrameStyle = new KWFrameStyle ( " Plain " ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setBackgroundColor ( TQColor ( " white " ) ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setTopBorder ( KoBorder ( TQColor ( " black " ) , KoBorder : : SOLID , 0 ) ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setRightBorder ( KoBorder ( TQColor ( " black " ) , KoBorder : : SOLID , 0 ) ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setLeftBorder ( KoBorder ( TQColor ( " black " ) , KoBorder : : SOLID , 0 ) ) ;
standardFrameStyle - > setBottomBorder ( KoBorder ( TQColor ( " black " ) , KoBorder : : SOLID , 0 ) ) ;
m_frameStyleColl - > addStyle ( standardFrameStyle ) ;
return ;
kdDebug ( 30003 ) < < " File framestyles.xml found! " < < endl ;
// Open file and parse it
TQFile in ( fsfileName ) ;
if ( ! in . open ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
//i18n( "Couldn't open the file for reading (check read permissions)" );
kdWarning ( 30003 ) < < " Couldn't open the file for reading (check read permissions) " < < endl ;
return ;
TQString errorMsg ;
int errorLine ;
int errorColumn ;
TQDomDocument doc ;
if ( ! doc . setContent ( & in , & errorMsg , & errorLine , & errorColumn ) )
kdError ( 30003 ) < < " Parsing Error! Aborting! (in KWDocument::loadDefaultFrameStyleTemplates()) " < < endl
< < " Line: " < < errorLine < < " Column: " < < errorColumn < < endl
< < " Message: " < < errorMsg < < endl ;
in . close ( ) ;
// Start adding framestyles
TQDomElement stylesElem = doc . documentElement ( ) ;
TQDomNodeList listStyles = stylesElem . elementsByTagName ( " FRAMESTYLE " ) ;
if ( listStyles . count ( ) > 0 ) { // we are going to import at least one style.
KWFrameStyle * s = m_frameStyleColl - > findStyle ( " Plain " ) ;
if ( s ) // delete the standard style.
m_frameStyleColl - > removeStyle ( s ) ;
for ( unsigned int item = 0 ; item < listStyles . count ( ) ; item + + ) {
TQDomElement styleElem = listStyles . item ( item ) . toElement ( ) ;
KWFrameStyle * sty = new KWFrameStyle ( styleElem ) ;
m_frameStyleColl - > addStyle ( sty ) ;
void KWDocument : : loadTableStyleTemplates ( const TQDomElement & stylesElem )
TQDomNodeList listStyles = stylesElem . elementsByTagName ( " TABLESTYLE " ) ;
if ( listStyles . count ( ) > 0 ) { // we are going to import at least one style.
KWTableStyle * s = m_tableStyleColl - > findStyle ( " Plain " ) ;
if ( s ) // delete the standard style.
m_tableStyleColl - > removeStyle ( s ) ;
for ( unsigned int item = 0 ; item < listStyles . count ( ) ; item + + ) {
TQDomElement styleElem = listStyles . item ( item ) . toElement ( ) ;
KWTableStyle * sty = new KWTableStyle ( styleElem , this ) ;
m_tableStyleColl - > addStyle ( sty ) ;
void KWDocument : : loadDefaultTableStyleTemplates ( )
KURL fsfile ;
m_tableStyleColl - > setDefault ( true ) ;
if ( ! TQFile : : exists ( locate ( " data " , " kword/tablestyles.xml " ) ) )
if ( ! m_tableStyleColl - > findStyle ( " Plain " ) ) {
m_tableStyleColl - > addStyle ( new KWTableStyle ( " Plain " , m_styleColl - > styleAt ( 0 ) , m_frameStyleColl - > frameStyleAt ( 0 ) ) ) ;
return ;
fsfile . setPath ( locate ( " data " , " kword/tablestyles.xml " ) ) ;
// Open file and parse it
TQFile in ( fsfile . path ( ) ) ;
if ( ! in . open ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
//i18n( "Couldn't open the file for reading (check read permissions)" );
return ;
in . at ( 0 ) ;
TQString errorMsg ;
int errorLine ;
int errorColumn ;
TQDomDocument doc ;
if ( doc . setContent ( & in , & errorMsg , & errorLine , & errorColumn ) ) {
kdError ( 30003 ) < < " Parsing Error! Aborting! (in KWDocument::loadDefaultTableStyleTemplates()) " < < endl
< < " Line: " < < errorLine < < " Column: " < < errorColumn < < endl
< < " Message: " < < errorMsg < < endl ;
in . close ( ) ;
// Start adding tablestyles
TQDomElement stylesElem = doc . documentElement ( ) ;
TQDomNodeList listStyles = stylesElem . elementsByTagName ( " TABLESTYLE " ) ;
if ( listStyles . count ( ) > 0 ) { // we are going to import at least one style.
KWTableStyle * s = m_tableStyleColl - > findStyle ( " Plain " ) ;
if ( s ) // delete the standard style.
m_tableStyleColl - > removeStyle ( s ) ;
for ( unsigned int item = 0 ; item < listStyles . count ( ) ; item + + ) {
TQDomElement styleElem = listStyles . item ( item ) . toElement ( ) ;
KWTableStyle * sty = new KWTableStyle ( styleElem , this ) ;
m_tableStyleColl - > addStyle ( sty ) ;
void KWDocument : : loadDefaultTableTemplates ( )
KURL fsfile ;
if ( ! TQFile : : exists ( locate ( " data " , " kword/tabletemplates.xml " ) ) )
if ( ! m_tableTemplateColl - > findTableTemplate ( " Plain " ) ) {
KWTableTemplate * standardTableTemplate = new KWTableTemplate ( " Plain " ) ;
KWTableStyle * defaultTableStyle = tableStyleCollection ( ) - > findStyle ( " Plain " ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setFirstRow ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setLastRow ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setFirstCol ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setLastCol ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setBodyCell ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setTopLeftCorner ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setTopRightCorner ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setBottomLeftCorner ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
standardTableTemplate - > setBottomRightCorner ( defaultTableStyle ) ;
m_tableTemplateColl - > addTableTemplate ( standardTableTemplate ) ;
return ;
fsfile . setPath ( locate ( " data " , " kword/tabletemplates.xml " ) ) ;
// Open file and parse it
TQFile in ( fsfile . path ( ) ) ;
if ( ! in . open ( IO_ReadOnly ) )
//i18n( "Couldn't open the file for reading (check read permissions)" );
return ;
in . at ( 0 ) ;
TQString errorMsg ;
int errorLine ;
int errorColumn ;
TQDomDocument doc ;
if ( doc . setContent ( & in , & errorMsg , & errorLine , & errorColumn ) ) {
kdError ( 30003 ) < < " Parsing Error! Aborting! (in KWDocument::readTableTemplates()) " < < endl
< < " Line: " < < errorLine < < " Column: " < < errorColumn < < endl
< < " Message: " < < errorMsg < < endl ;
in . close ( ) ;
// Start adding framestyles
TQDomElement templatesElem = doc . documentElement ( ) ;
TQDomNodeList listTemplates = templatesElem . elementsByTagName ( " TABLETEMPLATE " ) ;
if ( listTemplates . count ( ) > 0 ) {
KWTableTemplate * s = m_tableTemplateColl - > findTableTemplate ( " Plain " ) ;
if ( s )
m_tableTemplateColl - > removeTableTemplate ( s ) ;
for ( unsigned int item = 0 ; item < listTemplates . count ( ) ; item + + ) {
TQDomElement templateElem = listTemplates . item ( item ) . toElement ( ) ;
KWTableTemplate * temp = new KWTableTemplate ( templateElem , this ) ;
m_tableTemplateColl - > addTableTemplate ( temp ) ;
void KWDocument : : progressItemLoaded ( )
if ( ! m_nrItemsToLoad ) // happens when pasting
return ;
m_itemsLoaded + + ;
// We progress from 20 to 85 -> 65-wide range, 20 offset.
unsigned int perc = 65 * m_itemsLoaded / m_nrItemsToLoad ;
if ( perc ! = 65 * ( m_itemsLoaded - 1 ) / m_nrItemsToLoad ) // only emit if different from previous call
//kdDebug(32001) << m_itemsLoaded << " items loaded. %=" << perc + 20 << endl;
emit sigProgress ( perc + 20 ) ;
void KWDocument : : loadFrameSets ( const TQDomElement & framesetsElem )
// First prepare progress info
m_nrItemsToLoad = 0 ; // total count of items (mostly paragraph and frames)
TQDomElement framesetElem = framesetsElem . firstChild ( ) . toElement ( ) ;
// Workaround the slowness of TQDom's elementsByTagName
TQValueList < TQDomElement > framesets ;
for ( ; ! framesetElem . isNull ( ) ; framesetElem = framesetElem . nextSibling ( ) . toElement ( ) )
if ( framesetElem . tagName ( ) = = " FRAMESET " )
framesets . append ( framesetElem ) ;
m_nrItemsToLoad + = framesetElem . childNodes ( ) . count ( ) ;
m_itemsLoaded = 0 ;
TQValueList < TQDomElement > : : Iterator it = framesets . begin ( ) ;
TQValueList < TQDomElement > : : Iterator end = framesets . end ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = end ; + + it )
( void ) loadFrameSet ( * it ) ;
KWFrameSet * KWDocument : : loadFrameSet ( TQDomElement framesetElem , bool loadFrames , bool loadFootnote )
FrameSetType frameSetType = static_cast < FrameSetType > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( framesetElem , " frameType " , FT_BASE ) ) ;
TQString fsname = KWDocument : : getAttribute ( framesetElem , " name " , " " ) ;
switch ( frameSetType ) {
case FT_TEXT : {
TQString tableName = KWDocument : : getAttribute ( framesetElem , " grpMgr " , " " ) ;
if ( ! tableName . isEmpty ( ) ) {
// Text frameset belongs to a table -> find table by name
KWTableFrameSet * table = 0L ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
KWFrameSet * f = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( f - > type ( ) = = FT_TABLE & &
f - > isVisible ( ) & &
f - > name ( ) = = tableName ) {
table = static_cast < KWTableFrameSet * > ( f ) ;
break ;
// No such table yet -> create
if ( ! table ) {
table = new KWTableFrameSet ( this , tableName ) ;
addFrameSet ( table , false ) ;
// Load the cell
return table - > loadCell ( framesetElem ) ;
KWFrameSet : : Info info = static_cast < KWFrameSet : : Info > ( framesetElem . attribute ( " frameInfo " ) . toInt ( ) ) ;
if ( info = = KWFrameSet : : FI_FOOTNOTE )
if ( ! loadFootnote )
return 0L ;
// Footnote -> create a KWFootNoteFrameSet
KWFootNoteFrameSet * fs = new KWFootNoteFrameSet ( this , fsname ) ;
fs - > load ( framesetElem , loadFrames ) ;
addFrameSet ( fs , false ) ;
return fs ;
else // Normal text frame
KWTextFrameSet * fs = new KWTextFrameSet ( this , fsname ) ;
fs - > load ( framesetElem , loadFrames ) ;
addFrameSet ( fs , false ) ;
// Old file format had autoCreateNewFrame as a frameset attribute
if ( framesetElem . hasAttribute ( " autoCreateNewFrame " ) )
KWFrame : : FrameBehavior behav = static_cast < KWFrame : : FrameBehavior > ( framesetElem . attribute ( " autoCreateNewFrame " ) . toInt ( ) ) ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( fs - > frameIterator ( ) ) ;
for ( ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt ) // Apply it to all frames
frameIt . current ( ) - > setFrameBehavior ( behav ) ;
return fs ;
} break ;
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " FT_CLIPART used! (in KWDocument::loadFrameSet) " < < endl ;
// Do not break!
KWPictureFrameSet * fs = new KWPictureFrameSet ( this , fsname ) ;
fs - > load ( framesetElem , loadFrames ) ;
addFrameSet ( fs , false ) ;
return fs ;
} break ;
case FT_FORMULA : {
KWFormulaFrameSet * fs = new KWFormulaFrameSet ( this , fsname ) ;
fs - > load ( framesetElem , loadFrames ) ;
addFrameSet ( fs , false ) ;
return fs ;
} break ;
// Note that FT_PART cannot happen when loading from a file (part frames are saved into the SETTINGS tag)
// and FT_TABLE can't happen either.
case FT_PART :
kdWarning ( 32001 ) < < " loadFrameSet: FT_PART: impossible case " < < endl ;
break ;
case FT_TABLE :
kdWarning ( 32001 ) < < " loadFrameSet: FT_TABLE: impossible case " < < endl ;
break ;
case FT_BASE :
kdWarning ( 32001 ) < < " loadFrameSet: FT_BASE !?!? " < < endl ;
break ;
return 0L ;
void KWDocument : : loadImagesFromStore ( KoStore * store )
if ( store & & ! m_pictureMap . isEmpty ( ) ) {
m_pictureCollection - > readFromStore ( store , m_pictureMap ) ;
m_pictureMap . clear ( ) ; // Release memory
bool KWDocument : : completeLoading ( KoStore * store )
kdDebug ( ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
// Old-XML stuff. No-op when loading OASIS.
loadImagesFromStore ( store ) ;
processPictureRequests ( ) ;
processAnchorRequests ( ) ;
processFootNoteRequests ( ) ;
// Save memory
m_urlIntern = TQString ( ) ;
// The fields and dates just got loaded -> update vars
recalcVariables ( VT_FIELD ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_DATE ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_STATISTIC ) ; // e.g. number of words etc.
// Finalize all the existing [non-inline] framesets
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
fit . current ( ) - > finalize ( ) ;
// This computes the number of pages (from the frames)
// for the first time (and adds footers/headers/footnotes etc.)
// ## Note: with OASIS the frame loading appends pages as necessary,
// so maybe we don't need to calculate the pages from the frames anymore.
recalcFrames ( ) ;
// Fix z orders on older documents
fixZOrders ( ) ;
emit newContentsSize ( ) ;
repaintAllViews ( true ) ; // in case any view exists already
reactivateBgSpellChecking ( ) ;
connect ( documentInfo ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( sigDocumentInfoModifed ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotDocumentInfoModifed ( ) ) ) ;
//desactivate bgspellchecking
//attributes isReadWrite is not placed at the beginning !
if ( ! isReadWrite ( ) )
enableBackgroundSpellCheck ( false ) ;
// Load bookmarks
initBookmarkList ( ) ;
deleteLoadingInfo ( ) ;
setModified ( false ) ;
return true ;
KWLoadingInfo * KWDocument : : createLoadingInfo ( )
Q_ASSERT ( ! m_loadingInfo ) ;
m_loadingInfo = new KWLoadingInfo ( ) ;
m_loadingInfo - > columns . ptColumnSpacing = m_defaultColumnSpacing ;
return m_loadingInfo ;
void KWDocument : : deleteLoadingInfo ( )
Q_ASSERT ( m_loadingInfo ) ;
delete m_loadingInfo ;
m_loadingInfo = 0 ;
void KWDocument : : processPictureRequests ( )
TQPtrListIterator < KWTextImage > it2 ( m_textImageRequests ) ;
for ( ; it2 . current ( ) ; + + it2 )
it2 . current ( ) - > setImage ( * m_pictureCollection ) ;
m_textImageRequests . clear ( ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << m_pictureRequests.count() << " picture requests." << endl;
TQPtrListIterator < KWPictureFrameSet > it3 ( m_pictureRequests ) ;
for ( ; it3 . current ( ) ; + + it3 )
it3 . current ( ) - > setPicture ( m_pictureCollection - > findPicture ( it3 . current ( ) - > key ( ) ) ) ;
m_pictureRequests . clear ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : processAnchorRequests ( )
TQMapIterator < TQString , KWAnchorPosition > itanch = m_anchorRequests . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; itanch ! = m_anchorRequests . end ( ) ; + + itanch )
TQString fsname = itanch . key ( ) ;
if ( m_pasteFramesetsMap & & m_pasteFramesetsMap - > contains ( fsname ) )
fsname = ( * m_pasteFramesetsMap ) [ fsname ] ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::processAnchorRequests anchoring frameset " < < fsname < < endl ;
KWFrameSet * fs = frameSetByName ( fsname ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( fs ) ;
if ( fs )
fs - > setAnchored ( itanch . data ( ) . textfs , itanch . data ( ) . paragId , itanch . data ( ) . index , true , false /*don't repaint yet*/ ) ;
m_anchorRequests . clear ( ) ;
bool KWDocument : : processFootNoteRequests ( )
bool ret = false ;
TQMapIterator < TQString , KWFootNoteVariable * > itvar = m_footnoteVarRequests . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; itvar ! = m_footnoteVarRequests . end ( ) ; + + itvar )
TQString fsname = itvar . key ( ) ;
if ( m_pasteFramesetsMap & & m_pasteFramesetsMap - > contains ( fsname ) )
fsname = ( * m_pasteFramesetsMap ) [ fsname ] ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::processFootNoteRequests binding footnote var " << itvar.data() << " and frameset " << fsname << endl;
KWFrameSet * fs = frameSetByName ( fsname ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( fs ) ;
if ( ! fs ) // #104431
continue ;
Q_ASSERT ( fs - > type ( ) = = FT_TEXT ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( fs - > frameSetInfo ( ) = = KWFrameSet : : FI_FOOTNOTE ) ;
KWFootNoteFrameSet * fnfs = dynamic_cast < KWFootNoteFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
if ( fnfs )
fnfs - > setFootNoteVariable ( itvar . data ( ) ) ;
itvar . data ( ) - > setFrameSet ( fnfs ) ;
ret = true ;
m_footnoteVarRequests . clear ( ) ;
// Renumber footnotes
if ( ret ) {
KWFrameSet * frameset = m_lstFrameSet . getFirst ( ) ;
if ( frameset & & frameset - > type ( ) = = FT_TEXT )
static_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( frameset ) - > renumberFootNotes ( false /*no repaint*/ ) ;
return ret ;
TQString KWDocument : : uniqueFramesetName ( const TQString & oldName )
TQString newName = oldName ;
if ( frameSetByName ( oldName ) ) //rename it if name frameset exists
// make up a new name for the frameset, use Copy[digits]-[oldname] as template.
// Fully translatable naturally :)
TQString searchString ( " ^( " + i18n ( " Copy%1-%2 " ) . arg ( " \\ d* " ) . arg ( " ) { 0 , 1 } " ) );
searchString = searchString . replace ( TQRegExp ( " \\ - " ) , " \\ - " ) ; // escape the '-'
TQRegExp searcher ( searchString ) ;
int count = 0 ;
do {
newName = oldName ;
newName . replace ( searcher , i18n ( " Copy%1-%2 " ) . arg ( count > 0 ? TQString ( " %1 " ) . arg ( count ) : " " ) . arg ( " " ) ) ;
count + + ;
} while ( frameSetByName ( newName ) ) ;
return newName ;
void KWDocument : : pasteFrames ( TQDomElement topElem , KMacroCommand * macroCmd , bool copyFootNote , bool loadFootNote , bool selectFrames )
m_pasteFramesetsMap = new TQMap < TQString , TQString > ( ) ;
//TQPtrList<KWFrameSet> frameSetsToFinalize;
int ref = 0 ;
int nb = 0 ;
TQDomElement elem = topElem . firstChild ( ) . toElement ( ) ;
for ( ; ! elem . isNull ( ) ; elem = elem . nextSibling ( ) . toElement ( ) )
//kdDebug() << "pasteFrames: elem=" << elem.tagName() << endl;
TQDomElement frameElem ;
KWFrameSet * fs = 0L ;
if ( elem . tagName ( ) = = " FRAME " )
TQString frameSetName = frameElem . attribute ( " parentFrameset " ) ;
fs = frameSetByName ( frameSetName ) ;
if ( ! fs )
kdWarning ( 32001 ) < < " pasteFrames: Frameset ' " < < frameSetName < < " ' not found " < < endl ;
continue ;
frameElem = elem ;
else if ( elem . tagName ( ) = = " FRAMESET " )
// Prepare a new name for the frameset
TQString oldName = elem . attribute ( " name " ) ;
TQString newName = uniqueFramesetName ( oldName ) ; // make up a new name for the frameset
m_pasteFramesetsMap - > insert ( oldName , newName ) ; // remember the name transformation
if ( oldName ! = newName )
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::pasteFrames new frameset: " < < oldName < < " -> " < < newName < < endl ;
FrameSetType frameSetType = static_cast < FrameSetType > ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( elem , " frameType " , FT_BASE ) ) ;
switch ( frameSetType ) {
case FT_TABLE : {
KWTableFrameSet * table = new KWTableFrameSet ( this , newName ) ;
table - > fromXML ( elem , true , false /*don't apply names*/ ) ;
table - > moveBy ( 20.0 , 20.0 ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . append ( table ) ;
table - > setZOrder ( ) ;
if ( macroCmd )
macroCmd - > addCommand ( new KWCreateTableCommand ( TQString ( ) , table ) ) ;
fs = table ;
break ;
case FT_PART :
ref | = Embedded ;
#if 0
KWPartFrameSet * part = new KWPartFrameSet ( this , newName ) ;
part - > fromXML ( elem , true , false /*don't apply names*/ ) ;
part - > moveBy ( 20.0 , 20.0 ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . append ( part ) ;
part - > setZOrder ( ) ;
fs = part ;
# endif
break ;
default :
fs = loadFrameSet ( elem , false , loadFootNote ) ;
if ( fs )
kdDebug ( ) < < " KWDocument::pasteFrames created frameset: ' " < < newName < < " ' \n " ;
fs - > setName ( newName ) ;
frameElem = elem . namedItem ( " FRAME " ) . toElement ( ) ;
//when we paste a header/footer we transforme it in a body frame
if ( fs & & ( fs - > isHeaderOrFooter ( ) | | ( ! copyFootNote & & fs - > isFootEndNote ( ) ) ) )
fs - > setFrameSetInfo ( KWFrameSet : : FI_BODY ) ;
// Test commented out since the toplevel element can contain "PARAGRAPH" now
//kdWarning(32001) << "Unsupported toplevel-element in KWCanvas::pasteFrames : '" << elem.tagName() << "'" << endl;
if ( fs )
//if ( frameSetsToFinalize.findRef( fs ) == -1 )
// frameSetsToFinalize.append( fs );
// Load the frame
if ( ! frameElem . isNull ( ) )
double offs = 20.0 ;
KoRect rect ;
rect . setLeft ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( frameElem , " left " , 0.0 ) + offs ) ;
rect . setTop ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( frameElem , " top " , 0.0 ) + offs ) ;
rect . setRight ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( frameElem , " right " , 0.0 ) + offs ) ;
rect . setBottom ( KWDocument : : getAttribute ( frameElem , " bottom " , 0.0 ) + offs ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( fs , rect . x ( ) , rect . y ( ) , rect . width ( ) , rect . height ( ) ) ;
frame - > load ( frameElem , fs , KWDocument : : CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION ) ;
frame - > setZOrder ( maxZOrder ( frame - > pageNumber ( this ) ) + 1 + nb ) ; // make sure it's on top
nb + + ;
fs - > addFrame ( frame , false ) ;
if ( selectFrames ) {
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ;
it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
KWFrameView * fv = ( * it ) - > frameViewManager ( ) - > view ( frame ) ;
if ( fv )
fv - > setSelected ( true ) ;
if ( macroCmd )
KWCreateFrameCommand * cmd = new KWCreateFrameCommand ( TQString ( ) , frame ) ;
macroCmd - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
int type = 0 ;
// Please move this to some common method somewhere (e.g. in KWDocument) (David)
switch ( fs - > type ( ) )
case FT_TEXT :
type = ( int ) TextFrames ;
break ;
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " FT_CLIPART used! (in KWDocument::loadFrameSet) " < < endl ;
// Do not break!
type = ( int ) Pictures ;
break ;
case FT_PART :
type = ( int ) Embedded ;
break ;
type = ( int ) FormulaFrames ;
break ;
case FT_TABLE :
type = ( int ) Tables ;
break ;
default :
type = ( int ) TextFrames ;
ref | = type ;
refreshDocStructure ( ref ) ;
void KWDocument : : completePasting ( )
processPictureRequests ( ) ;
processAnchorRequests ( ) ;
if ( processFootNoteRequests ( ) )
// We pasted footnotes. Relayout frames.
recalcFrames ( ) ;
// Finalize afterwards - especially in case of inline frames, made them inline in processAnchorRequests
//for ( TQPtrListIterator<KWFrameSet> fit( frameSetsToFinalize ); fit.current(); ++fit )
// Do it on all of them (we'd need to store frameSetsToFinalize as member var if this is really slow)
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
fit . current ( ) - > finalize ( ) ;
repaintAllViews ( ) ;
delete m_pasteFramesetsMap ;
m_pasteFramesetsMap = 0L ;
void KWDocument : : completeOasisPasting ( )
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
fit . current ( ) - > finalize ( ) ;
repaintAllViews ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : insertEmbedded ( KoStore * store , TQDomElement topElem , KMacroCommand * macroCmd , double offset )
if ( ! m_pasteFramesetsMap ) // may have been created by pasteFrames
m_pasteFramesetsMap = new TQMap < TQString , TQString > ( ) ;
TQDomElement elem = topElem . firstChild ( ) . toElement ( ) ;
for ( ; ! elem . isNull ( ) ; elem = elem . nextSibling ( ) . toElement ( ) )
if ( elem . tagName ( ) = = " EMBEDDED " )
kdDebug ( ) < < " KWDocument::insertEmbedded() Embedded object " < < endl ;
TQDomElement object = elem . namedItem ( " OBJECT " ) . toElement ( ) ;
TQDomElement settings = elem . namedItem ( " SETTINGS " ) . toElement ( ) ;
if ( object . isNull ( ) | | settings . isNull ( ) )
kdError ( ) < < " No <OBJECT> or <SETTINGS> tag " < < endl ;
KWDocumentChild * ch = new KWDocumentChild ( this ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " KWDocument::insertEmbedded() loading document " < < endl ;
if ( ch - > load ( object , true ) )
ch - > loadDocument ( store ) ;
insertChild ( ch ) ;
TQString oldName = settings . attribute ( " name " ) ;
TQString newName = uniqueFramesetName ( oldName ) ;
m_pasteFramesetsMap - > insert ( oldName , newName ) ; // remember the name transformation
KWPartFrameSet * part = new KWPartFrameSet ( this , ch , newName ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . append ( part ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " KWDocument::insertEmbedded loading embedded object " < < endl ;
part - > load ( settings ) ;
if ( offset ! = 0 ) {
TQRect r = ch - > geometry ( ) ;
r . moveBy ( ( int ) offset , ( int ) offset ) ;
ch - > setGeometry ( r ) ;
part - > setZOrder ( ) ;
if ( macroCmd )
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( part - > frameIterator ( ) ) ;
for ( ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt )
macroCmd - > addCommand ( new KWCreateFrameCommand ( TQString ( ) , frameIt . current ( ) ) ) ;
refreshDocStructure ( ( int ) Embedded ) ;
bool KWDocument : : saveOasis ( KoStore * store , KoXmlWriter * manifestWriter )
TQValueList < KWFrameView * > noFrames ;
return saveOasisHelper ( store , manifestWriter , SaveAll , noFrames ) ;
// can't be const due to recalcVariables()
bool KWDocument : : saveOasisHelper ( KoStore * store , KoXmlWriter * manifestWriter , SaveFlag saveFlag , const TQValueList < KWFrameView * > & selectedFrames , TQString * plainText , KoPicture * picture , KWTextFrameSet * fs ) {
m_pictureCollection - > assignUniqueIds ( ) ;
fixZOrders ( ) ;
manifestWriter - > addManifestEntry ( " content.xml " , " text/xml " ) ;
KoOasisStore oasisStore ( store ) ;
KoXmlWriter * contentWriter = oasisStore . contentWriter ( ) ;
if ( ! contentWriter )
return false ;
TQValueList < KoPictureKey > pictureList ;
if ( saveFlag = = SaveAll )
pictureList = savePictureList ( ) ;
m_varColl - > variableSetting ( ) - > setModificationDate ( TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_DATE ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_TIME ) ; // for "current time"
recalcVariables ( VT_STATISTIC ) ;
m_syntaxVersion = CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION ; // ### clean this up once we remove the old format
KoGenStyles mainStyles ;
KoSavingContext savingContext ( mainStyles , m_varColl - > variableSetting ( ) , m_pageColumns . columns > 1 , KoSavingContext : : Store ) ;
// Save user styles as KoGenStyle objects
m_styleColl - > saveOasis ( mainStyles , KoGenStyle : : STYLE_USER , savingContext ) ;
TQByteArray headerFooterContent ;
if ( saveFlag = = SaveAll )
// Save visual info for the first view, such as the active frameset and cursor position
// It looks like a hack, but reopening a document creates only one view anyway (David)
KWView * view = static_cast < KWView * > ( views ( ) . getFirst ( ) ) ;
if ( view ) // no view if embedded document
KWFrameSetEdit * edit = view - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > currentFrameSetEdit ( ) ;
if ( edit )
KWTextFrameSetEdit * textedit = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSetEdit * > ( edit ) ;
if ( textedit & & textedit - > cursor ( ) ) {
KoTextCursor * cursor = textedit - > cursor ( ) ;
savingContext . setCursorPosition ( cursor - > parag ( ) ,
cursor - > index ( ) ) ;
// Header and footers save their content into master-styles/master-page, and their
// styles into the page-layout automatic-style.
// However the paragraph styles used by header/footers need to be known before
// hand, to promote them to styles.xml. So we collect them first, which means
// storing the content into a buffer.
TQBuffer buffer ( headerFooterContent ) ;
buffer . open ( IO_WriteOnly ) ;
KoXmlWriter headerFooterTmpWriter ( TQT_TQIODEVICE ( & buffer ) ) ; // TODO pass indentation level
// The order we write out header, header-left, etc. is important. So, we go here
// the dirty way to collect them first and then flush them ordered out.
TQMap < KWFrameSet : : Info , const KWFrameSet * > tempmap ;
// ## This loop is duplicated in saveOasisDocumentStyles
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
const KWFrameSet * fs = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( fs - > isVisible ( ) & & // HACK to avoid saving [hidden] headers/footers framesets for now
! fs - > isFloating ( ) & &
! fs - > isDeleted ( ) & &
fs - > type ( ) = = FT_TEXT & &
fs - > isHeaderOrFooter ( ) )
tempmap . insert ( fs - > frameSetInfo ( ) , fs ) ;
TQValueList < KWFrameSet : : Info > order ;
order < < KWFrameSet : : FI_FIRST_HEADER < < KWFrameSet : : FI_ODD_HEADER < < KWFrameSet : : FI_EVEN_HEADER
< < KWFrameSet : : FI_FIRST_FOOTER < < KWFrameSet : : FI_ODD_FOOTER < < KWFrameSet : : FI_EVEN_FOOTER ;
for ( uint i = 0 ; i < order . count ( ) ; + + i ) {
KWFrameSet : : Info info = order [ i ] ;
if ( tempmap . contains ( info ) ) {
const KWFrameSet * fs = tempmap [ info ] ;
// Save content
headerFooterTmpWriter . startElement ( fs - > headerFooterTag ( ) ) ; // e.g. style:header
static_cast < const KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) - > saveOasisContent ( headerFooterTmpWriter , savingContext ) ;
headerFooterTmpWriter . endElement ( ) ;
// Add trailing '0' (TQt4: remove)
headerFooterContent . resize ( headerFooterContent . size ( ) + 1 ) ;
headerFooterContent [ headerFooterContent . size ( ) - 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
// Now mark all autostyles as "for styles.xml" since headers/footers need them
TQValueList < KoGenStyles : : NamedStyle > autoStyles = mainStyles . styles ( KoGenStyle : : STYLE_AUTO ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KoGenStyles : : NamedStyle > : : const_iterator it = autoStyles . begin ( ) ;
it ! = autoStyles . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
mainStyles . markStyleForStylesXml ( ( * it ) . name ) ;
KoXmlWriter * bodyWriter = oasisStore . bodyWriter ( ) ;
bodyWriter - > startElement ( " office:body " ) ;
bodyWriter - > startElement ( " office:text " ) ;
if ( saveFlag = = SaveAll )
// save the body into bodyWriter
saveOasisBody ( * bodyWriter , savingContext ) ;
else // SaveSelected
// In theory we should pass a view to this method, in order to
// copy what is currently selected in that view only. But selection
// is currently part of the KoTextParag data, so it's shared between views.
if ( fs ) {
* plainText = fs - > textDocument ( ) - > copySelection ( * bodyWriter , savingContext , KoTextDocument : : Standard ) ;
// Collect inline framesets for e.g. pictures
KWCollectFramesetsVisitor visitor ;
fs - > textDocument ( ) - > visitSelection ( KoTextDocument : : Standard , & visitor ) ;
const TQValueList < KWFrameSet * > & frameset = visitor . frameSets ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < frameset . count ( ) < < " inline framesets " < < endl ;
for ( TQValueList < KWFrameSet * > : : ConstIterator it = frameset . begin ( ) ; it ! = frameset . end ( ) ; + + it )
switch ( ( * it ) - > type ( ) ) {
const KoPictureKey key = static_cast < KWPictureFrameSet * > ( * it ) - > key ( ) ;
if ( ! pictureList . contains ( key ) )
pictureList . append ( key ) ;
break ;
case FT_PART :
default :
break ;
// write selected (non-inline) frames
TQString newText ;
saveSelectedFrames ( * bodyWriter , savingContext , pictureList ,
selectedFrames , & newText ) ; // output vars
* plainText + = newText ;
// Single image -> return it
if ( picture & & pictureList . count ( ) = = 1 )
* picture = m_pictureCollection - > findPicture ( pictureList . first ( ) ) ;
bodyWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // office:text
bodyWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // office:body
savingContext . writeFontFaces ( * contentWriter ) ;
contentWriter - > startElement ( " office:automatic-styles " ) ;
KWOasisSaver : : writeAutomaticStyles ( * contentWriter , mainStyles , false ) ;
contentWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // office:automatic-styles
oasisStore . closeContentWriter ( ) ;
// Done with content.xml
if ( ! store - > open ( " styles.xml " ) )
return false ;
manifestWriter - > addManifestEntry ( " styles.xml " , " text/xml " ) ;
saveOasisDocumentStyles ( store , mainStyles , savingContext , saveFlag , headerFooterContent ) ;
if ( ! store - > close ( ) ) // done with styles.xml
return false ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "saveOasis: " << pictureList.count() << " pictures" << endl;
m_pictureCollection - > saveOasisToStore ( store , pictureList , manifestWriter ) ;
if ( saveFlag = = SaveSelected ) {
// Save embedded objects - code inspired from KoDocument::saveChildrenOasis,
// for the case where we're saving only some embedded objects, like with Ctrl+C.
// IMPORTANT: This must be done *after* we're done with writing content.xml,
// not while writing it (like in saveSelectedFrames).
// We can't be writing to two files at the same time.
TQValueList < KoDocumentChild * > embeddedObjects ;
TQValueListConstIterator < KWFrameView * > framesIterator = selectedFrames . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; framesIterator ! = selectedFrames . end ( ) ; + + framesIterator ) {
KWFrame * frame = ( * framesIterator ) - > frame ( ) ;
KWFrameSet * fs = frame - > frameSet ( ) ;
if ( fs - > isVisible ( ) & & fs - > type ( ) = = FT_PART ) {
embeddedObjects . append ( static_cast < KWPartFrameSet * > ( fs ) - > getChild ( ) ) ;
TQValueList < KoDocumentChild * > : : const_iterator chl = embeddedObjects . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; chl ! = embeddedObjects . end ( ) ; + + chl ) {
if ( ! ( * chl ) - > saveOasis ( store , manifestWriter ) )
return false ;
if ( saveFlag = = SaveAll )
if ( ! store - > open ( " settings.xml " ) )
return false ;
KoStoreDevice contentDev ( store ) ;
KoXmlWriter * settingsWriter = createOasisXmlWriter ( & contentDev , " office:document-settings " ) ;
saveOasisSettings ( * settingsWriter ) ;
delete settingsWriter ;
if ( ! store - > close ( ) )
return false ;
manifestWriter - > addManifestEntry ( " settings.xml " , " text/xml " ) ;
return true ;
// can't be const due to recalcVariables()
TQDragObject * KWDocument : : dragSelected ( const TQValueList < KWFrameView * > & selectedFrames ) {
return dragSelectedPrivate ( 0 , selectedFrames , 0 ) ;
// can't be const due to recalcVariables()
TQDragObject * KWDocument : : dragSelected ( TQWidget * parent , KWTextFrameSet * fs ) {
TQValueList < KWFrameView * > noFrames ;
return dragSelectedPrivate ( parent , noFrames , fs ) ;
// can't be const due to recalcVariables()
TQDragObject * KWDocument : : dragSelectedPrivate ( TQWidget * parent , const TQValueList < KWFrameView * > & selectedFrames , KWTextFrameSet * fs )
// We'll create a store (ZIP format) in memory
TQBuffer buffer ;
TQCString mimeType = KWOasisSaver : : selectionMimeType ( ) ;
KoStore * store = KoStore : : createStore ( TQT_TQIODEVICE ( & buffer ) , KoStore : : Write , mimeType ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( store ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( ! store - > bad ( ) ) ;
KoOasisStore oasisStore ( store ) ;
KoXmlWriter * manifestWriter = oasisStore . manifestWriter ( mimeType ) ;
TQString plainText ;
KoPicture picture ;
if ( ! saveOasisHelper ( store , manifestWriter , KWDocument : : SaveSelected , selectedFrames , & plainText , & picture , fs )
| | ! oasisStore . closeManifestWriter ( ) )
delete store ;
return 0 ;
delete store ;
KMultipleDrag * multiDrag = new KMultipleDrag ( parent ) ;
if ( ! plainText . isEmpty ( ) )
multiDrag - > addDragObject ( new TQTextDrag ( plainText , 0 ) ) ;
if ( ! picture . isNull ( ) )
multiDrag - > addDragObject ( picture . dragObject ( 0 ) ) ;
KoStoreDrag * storeDrag = new KoStoreDrag ( KWOasisSaver : : selectionMimeType ( ) , 0 ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < k_funcinfo < < " setting zip data: " < < buffer . buffer ( ) . size ( ) < < " bytes. " < < endl ;
storeDrag - > setEncodedData ( buffer . buffer ( ) ) ;
multiDrag - > addDragObject ( storeDrag ) ;
return multiDrag ;
void KWDocument : : saveSelectedFrames ( KoXmlWriter & bodyWriter , KoSavingContext & savingContext , TQValueList < KoPictureKey > & pictureList , const TQValueList < KWFrameView * > & selectedFrames , TQString * plainText ) const {
TQPtrList < KoDocumentChild > embeddedObjects ;
TQValueListConstIterator < KWFrameView * > framesIterator = selectedFrames . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; framesIterator ! = selectedFrames . end ( ) ; + + framesIterator ) {
KWFrame * frame = ( * framesIterator ) - > frame ( ) ;
KWFrameSet * fs = frame - > frameSet ( ) ;
if ( fs - > isVisible ( ) & & fs - > type ( ) = = FT_PART ) {
embeddedObjects . append ( static_cast < KWPartFrameSet * > ( fs ) - > getChild ( ) ) ;
bool isTable = fs - > type ( ) = = FT_TABLE ;
// Two cases to be distinguished here
// If it's the first frame of a frameset, then copy the frameset contents and the frame itself
// Otherwise copy only the frame information
if ( frame = = fs - > frame ( 0 ) | | isTable ) {
fs - > saveOasis ( bodyWriter , savingContext , false ) ;
if ( plainText )
* plainText + = fs - > toPlainText ( ) ;
else if ( ! isTable ) {
#if 0
// Save the frame information
TQDomElement frameElem = parentElem . ownerDocument ( ) . createElement ( " FRAME " ) ;
parentElem . appendChild ( frameElem ) ;
frame - > save ( frameElem ) ;
if ( frame ! = firstFrame )
// Frame saved alone -> remember which frameset it's part of
frameElem . setAttribute ( " parentFrameset " , fs - > name ( ) ) ;
# endif
if ( fs - > type ( ) = = FT_PICTURE ) {
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " found non-inline picture framesets " < < endl ;
const KoPictureKey key = static_cast < KWPictureFrameSet * > ( fs ) - > key ( ) ;
if ( ! pictureList . contains ( key ) )
pictureList . append ( key ) ;
if ( isTable ) // Copy tables only once, even if they have many cells selected
break ;
void KWDocument : : saveOasisSettings ( KoXmlWriter & settingsWriter ) const
settingsWriter . startElement ( " office:settings " ) ;
settingsWriter . startElement ( " config:config-item-set " ) ;
settingsWriter . addAttribute ( " config:name " , " view-settings " ) ;
KoUnit : : saveOasis ( & settingsWriter , unit ( ) ) ;
settingsWriter . endElement ( ) ; // config:config-item-set
settingsWriter . startElement ( " config:config-item-set " ) ;
settingsWriter . addAttribute ( " config:name " , " configuration-settings " ) ;
settingsWriter . addConfigItem ( " SpellCheckerIgnoreList " , m_spellCheckIgnoreList . join ( " , " ) ) ;
settingsWriter . endElement ( ) ; // config:config-item-set
m_varColl - > variableSetting ( ) - > saveOasis ( settingsWriter ) ;
settingsWriter . endElement ( ) ; // office:settings
settingsWriter . endElement ( ) ; // Root element
settingsWriter . endDocument ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : saveOasisDocumentStyles ( KoStore * store , KoGenStyles & mainStyles , KoSavingContext & savingContext , SaveFlag saveFlag , const TQByteArray & headerFooterContent ) const
if ( saveFlag = = SaveAll )
m_frameStyleColl - > saveOasis ( mainStyles , savingContext ) ;
m_tableStyleColl - > saveOasis ( mainStyles , savingContext ) ;
KoStoreDevice stylesDev ( store ) ;
KoXmlWriter * stylesWriter = createOasisXmlWriter ( & stylesDev , " office:document-styles " ) ;
// Yeah we need to save the same font faces in both content.xml and styles.xml...
savingContext . writeFontFaces ( * stylesWriter ) ;
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " office:styles " ) ;
if ( saveFlag = = SaveAll )
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " style:default-style " ) ;
stylesWriter - > addAttribute ( " style:family " , " paragraph " ) ;
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " style:paragraph-properties " ) ;
stylesWriter - > addAttributePt ( " style:tab-stop-distance " , m_tabStop ) ;
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // paragraph-properties
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // default-style
TQValueList < KoGenStyles : : NamedStyle > styles = mainStyles . styles ( KoGenStyle : : STYLE_USER ) ;
TQValueList < KoGenStyles : : NamedStyle > : : const_iterator it = styles . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = styles . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) . style - > writeStyle ( stylesWriter , mainStyles , " style:style " , ( * it ) . name , " style:paragraph-properties " ) ;
styles = mainStyles . styles ( KWDocument : : STYLE_FRAME_USER ) ;
it = styles . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = styles . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) . style - > writeStyle ( stylesWriter , mainStyles , " style:style " , ( * it ) . name , " style:graphic-properties " ) ;
styles = mainStyles . styles ( KWDocument : : STYLE_TABLE_CELL_USER ) ;
it = styles . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = styles . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) . style - > writeStyle ( stylesWriter , mainStyles , " style:style " , ( * it ) . name , " style:table-cell-properties " ) ;
styles = mainStyles . styles ( KoGenStyle : : STYLE_LIST ) ;
it = styles . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = styles . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) . style - > writeStyle ( stylesWriter , mainStyles , " text:list-style " , ( * it ) . name , 0 ) ;
m_styleColl - > saveOasisOutlineStyles ( * stylesWriter ) ;
if ( saveFlag = = SaveAll )
static_cast < KWVariableSettings * > ( m_varColl - > variableSetting ( ) ) - > saveNoteConfiguration ( * stylesWriter ) ;
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // office:styles
TQString pageLayoutName ;
if ( saveFlag = = SaveAll )
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " office:automatic-styles " ) ;
KoGenStyle pageLayout = m_pageLayout . saveOasis ( ) ;
pageLayout . addAttribute ( " style:page-usage " , " all " ) ; // needed?
// This is for e.g. spreadsheets, not for word-processors.
//pageLayout.addProperty( "style:first-page-number", m_varColl->variableSetting()->startingPage() );
if ( m_processingType = = WP )
KWTextFrameSet * frameset = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( m_lstFrameSet . getFirst ( ) ) ;
if ( frameset ) {
frameset - > frame ( 0 ) - > saveBorderProperties ( pageLayout ) ;
TQBuffer buffer ;
buffer . open ( IO_WriteOnly ) ;
KoXmlWriter footnoteSepTmpWriter ( TQT_TQIODEVICE ( & buffer ) ) ; // TODO pass indentation level
footnoteSepTmpWriter . startElement ( " style:footnote-sep " ) ;
TQString tmp ;
switch ( m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos )
tmp = " centered " ;
break ;
case SLP_RIGHT :
tmp = " right " ;
break ;
case SLP_LEFT :
tmp = " left " ;
break ;
footnoteSepTmpWriter . addAttribute ( " style:adjustment " , tmp ) ;
footnoteSepTmpWriter . addAttributePt ( " style:width " , m_footNoteSeparatorLineWidth ) ;
footnoteSepTmpWriter . addAttribute ( " style:rel-width " , TQString : : number ( footNoteSeparatorLineLength ( ) ) + " % " ) ;
switch ( m_footNoteSeparatorLineType )
case SLT_SOLID :
tmp = " solid " ;
break ;
case SLT_DASH :
tmp = " dash " ;
break ;
case SLT_DOT :
tmp = " dotted " ;
break ;
tmp = " dot-dash " ;
break ;
tmp = " dot-dot-dash " ;
break ;
footnoteSepTmpWriter . addAttribute ( " style:line-style " , tmp ) ;
footnoteSepTmpWriter . endElement ( ) ;
const TQString elementContents = TQString : : fromUtf8 ( buffer . buffer ( ) , buffer . buffer ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
pageLayout . addChildElement ( " separator " , elementContents ) ;
buffer . close ( ) ;
if ( m_pageColumns . columns > 1 ) {
buffer . setBuffer ( TQByteArray ( ) ) ; // clear data
buffer . open ( IO_WriteOnly ) ;
KoXmlWriter columnsTmpWriter ( TQT_TQIODEVICE ( & buffer ) ) ; // TODO pass indentation level
columnsTmpWriter . startElement ( " style:columns " ) ;
columnsTmpWriter . addAttribute ( " fo:column-count " , m_pageColumns . columns ) ;
columnsTmpWriter . addAttributePt ( " fo:column-gap " , m_pageColumns . ptColumnSpacing ) ;
columnsTmpWriter . endElement ( ) ; // style:columns
buffer . close ( ) ;
const TQString elementContents = TQString : : fromUtf8 ( buffer . buffer ( ) , buffer . buffer ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
pageLayout . addChildElement ( " columns " , elementContents ) ;
// This is a bit of a hack, which only works as long as we have only one page master
// if there's more than one pagemaster we need to rethink all this
pageLayoutName = mainStyles . lookup ( pageLayout , " pm " ) ;
pageLayout . writeStyle ( stylesWriter , mainStyles , " style:page-layout " , pageLayoutName ,
" style:page-layout-properties " , false /*don't close*/ ) ;
// Ouch another problem: there is only one header style in oasis
// ##### can't have different borders for even/odd headers...
bool headerStyleSaved = false ;
bool footerStyleSaved = false ;
// ## This loop is duplicated in saveOasis
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
const KWFrameSet * fs = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( fs - > isVisible ( ) & & // HACK to avoid saving [hidden] headers/footers framesets for now
! fs - > isFloating ( ) & &
! fs - > isDeleted ( ) & &
fs - > type ( ) = = FT_TEXT & &
fs - > isHeaderOrFooter ( ) )
// Save header/footer style
KWFrame * frame = fs - > frame ( 0 ) ;
if ( fs - > isAHeader ( ) ) {
if ( headerStyleSaved )
continue ;
headerStyleSaved = true ;
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " style:header-style " ) ;
} else {
if ( footerStyleSaved )
continue ;
footerStyleSaved = true ;
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " style:footer-style " ) ;
#if 0 // more code reuse, but harder to integrate
KoGenStyle hfStyle ;
hfStyle . addPropertyPt ( " fo:min-height " , frame - > minimumFrameHeight ( ) ) ;
frame - > saveBorderProperties ( hfStyle ) ;
frame - > saveMarginProperties ( hfStyle ) ;
. . .
# endif
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " style:header-footer-properties " ) ;
stylesWriter - > addAttributePt ( " fo:min-height " , frame - > minimumFrameHeight ( ) ) ;
if ( fs - > isAHeader ( ) )
stylesWriter - > addAttributePt ( " fo:margin-bottom " , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ) ;
stylesWriter - > addAttributePt ( " fo:margin-top " , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ) ;
// TODO frame->saveBorderAttributes( *stylesWriter );
// Interesting idea, but we can't set margins (runaround) on
//frame->saveMarginAttributes( *stylesWriter );
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // header-footer-properties
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // header-style
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // style:page-layout
// Headers and footers might have created new automatic parag/text styles -> save those
KWOasisSaver : : writeAutomaticStyles ( * stylesWriter , mainStyles , true ) ;
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // office:automatic-styles
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " office:master-styles " ) ;
stylesWriter - > startElement ( " style:master-page " ) ;
stylesWriter - > addAttribute ( " style:name " , " Standard " ) ;
stylesWriter - > addAttribute ( " style:page-layout-name " , pageLayoutName ) ;
if ( isHeaderVisible ( ) | | isFooterVisible ( ) ) { // ### TODO save them even when hidden (and not empty)?
stylesWriter - > addCompleteElement ( headerFooterContent . data ( ) ) ;
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ;
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // office:master-styles
stylesWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // root element (office:document-styles)
stylesWriter - > endDocument ( ) ;
delete stylesWriter ;
void KWDocument : : saveOasisCustomFied ( KoXmlWriter & writer ) const
bool customVariableFound = false ;
TQPtrListIterator < KoVariable > it ( m_varColl - > getVariables ( ) ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
if ( it . current ( ) - > type ( ) = = VT_CUSTOM )
if ( ! customVariableFound )
writer . startElement ( " text:user-field-decls " ) ;
customVariableFound = true ;
//<text:user-field-decl office:value-type="string" office:string-value="dfddd" text:name="cvbcbcbx"/>
writer . startElement ( " text:user-field-decl " ) ;
writer . addAttribute ( " office:value-type " , " string " ) ;
writer . addAttribute ( " office:string-value " , static_cast < KoCustomVariable * > ( it . current ( ) ) - > value ( ) ) ;
writer . addAttribute ( " text:name " , static_cast < KoCustomVariable * > ( it . current ( ) ) - > name ( ) ) ;
writer . endElement ( ) ;
if ( customVariableFound )
writer . endElement ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : saveOasisBody ( KoXmlWriter & writer , KoSavingContext & context ) const
saveOasisCustomFied ( writer ) ;
if ( m_processingType = = WP ) {
// Write out the non-inline framesets first; OOo wants it that way...
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
+ + fit ; // skip main text frameset
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
KWFrameSet * fs = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( ! fs - > isFloating ( ) & &
! fs - > isDeleted ( ) & &
// footnotes already saved inline, header/footers elsewhere
fs - > frameSetInfo ( ) = = KWFrameSet : : FI_BODY )
fs - > saveOasis ( writer , context , true ) ;
// Write out the main text frameset's contents
KWTextFrameSet * frameset = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( m_lstFrameSet . getFirst ( ) ) ;
if ( frameset ) {
frameset - > saveOasisContent ( writer , context ) ;
} else { // DTP mode: all framesets are equal
// write text:page-sequence, one item per page.
writer . startElement ( " text:page-sequence " ) ;
for ( int page = 0 ; page < pageCount ( ) ; + + page )
writer . startElement ( " text:page " ) ;
// "pm" is a hack, see mainStyles.lookup( pageLayout, "pm" ) in saveOasis
// [which currently happens afterwards...]
writer . addAttribute ( " text:master-page-name " , " pm " ) ;
writer . endElement ( ) ; // text:page
writer . endElement ( ) ; // "text:page-sequence";
// Now write the framesets
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
KWFrameSet * fs = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( ! fs - > isFloating ( ) & &
! fs - > isDeleted ( ) & &
fs - > frameSetInfo ( ) = = KWFrameSet : : FI_BODY )
fs - > saveOasis ( writer , context , true ) ;
TQDomDocument KWDocument : : saveXML ( )
m_varColl - > variableSetting ( ) - > setModificationDate ( TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_DATE ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_TIME ) ; // for "current time"
recalcVariables ( VT_STATISTIC ) ;
TQDomDocument doc = createDomDocument ( " DOC " , CURRENT_DTD_VERSION ) ;
TQDomElement kwdoc = doc . documentElement ( ) ;
kwdoc . setAttribute ( " editor " , " KWord " ) ;
kwdoc . setAttribute ( " mime " , " application/x-kword " ) ;
m_syntaxVersion = CURRENT_SYNTAX_VERSION ;
kwdoc . setAttribute ( " syntaxVersion " , m_syntaxVersion ) ;
TQDomElement paper = doc . createElement ( " PAPER " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( paper ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " format " , static_cast < int > ( m_pageLayout . format ) ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " pages " , pageCount ( ) ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " width " , m_pageLayout . ptWidth ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " height " , m_pageLayout . ptHeight ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " orientation " , static_cast < int > ( m_pageLayout . orientation ) ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " columns " , m_pageColumns . columns ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " columnspacing " , m_pageColumns . ptColumnSpacing ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " hType " , static_cast < int > ( m_pageHeaderFooter . header ) ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " fType " , static_cast < int > ( m_pageHeaderFooter . footer ) ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " spHeadBody " , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptHeaderBodySpacing ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " spFootBody " , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFooterBodySpacing ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " spFootNoteBody " , m_pageHeaderFooter . ptFootNoteBodySpacing ) ;
if ( m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos ! = SLP_LEFT )
if ( m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = = SLP_CENTERED )
paper . setAttribute ( " slFootNotePosition " , " centered " ) ;
else if ( m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = = SLP_RIGHT )
paper . setAttribute ( " slFootNotePosition " , " right " ) ;
else if ( m_footNoteSeparatorLinePos = = SLP_LEFT ) //never !
paper . setAttribute ( " slFootNotePosition " , " left " ) ;
if ( m_footNoteSeparatorLineType ! = SLT_SOLID )
paper . setAttribute ( " slFootNoteType " , static_cast < int > ( m_footNoteSeparatorLineType ) ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " slFootNoteLength " , m_iFootNoteSeparatorLineLength ) ;
paper . setAttribute ( " slFootNoteWidth " , m_footNoteSeparatorLineWidth ) ;
// Now part of the app config
//paper.setAttribute( "zoom",m_zoom );
TQDomElement borders = doc . createElement ( " PAPERBORDERS " ) ;
paper . appendChild ( borders ) ;
borders . setAttribute ( " left " , m_pageLayout . ptLeft ) ;
borders . setAttribute ( " top " , m_pageLayout . ptTop ) ;
borders . setAttribute ( " right " , m_pageLayout . ptRight ) ;
borders . setAttribute ( " bottom " , m_pageLayout . ptBottom ) ;
TQDomElement docattrs = doc . createElement ( " ATTRIBUTES " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( docattrs ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " processing " , static_cast < int > ( m_processingType ) ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " standardpage " , 1 ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " hasHeader " , static_cast < int > ( isHeaderVisible ( ) ) ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " hasFooter " , static_cast < int > ( isFooterVisible ( ) ) ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " unit " , KoUnit : : unitName ( unit ( ) ) ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " hasTOC " , static_cast < int > ( m_hasTOC ) ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " tabStopValue " , m_tabStop ) ;
// Save visual info for the first view, such as the active frameset and cursor position
// It looks like a hack, but reopening a document creates only one view anyway (David)
KWView * view = static_cast < KWView * > ( views ( ) . getFirst ( ) ) ;
if ( view ) // no view if embedded document
KWFrameSetEdit * edit = view - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > currentFrameSetEdit ( ) ;
if ( edit )
docattrs . setAttribute ( " activeFrameset " , edit - > frameSet ( ) - > name ( ) ) ;
KWTextFrameSetEdit * textedit = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSetEdit * > ( edit ) ;
if ( textedit & & textedit - > cursor ( ) ) {
KoTextCursor * cursor = textedit - > cursor ( ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " cursorParagraph " , cursor - > parag ( ) - > paragId ( ) ) ;
docattrs . setAttribute ( " cursorIndex " , cursor - > index ( ) ) ;
if ( ! m_bookmarkList - > isEmpty ( ) )
TQDomElement bookmark = doc . createElement ( " BOOKMARKS " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( bookmark ) ;
for ( KoTextBookmarkList : : const_iterator it = m_bookmarkList - > begin ( ) ;
it ! = m_bookmarkList - > end ( ) ; + + it )
const KoTextBookmark & book = * it ;
KWTextFrameSet * fs = static_cast < KWTextDocument * > ( book . textDocument ( ) ) - > textFrameSet ( ) ;
if ( book . startParag ( ) & &
book . endParag ( ) & &
fs & & ! fs - > isDeleted ( ) )
TQDomElement bookElem = doc . createElement ( " BOOKMARKITEM " ) ;
bookmark . appendChild ( bookElem ) ;
bookElem . setAttribute ( " name " , book . bookmarkName ( ) ) ;
bookElem . setAttribute ( " frameset " , fs - > name ( ) ) ;
bookElem . setAttribute ( " startparag " , book . startParag ( ) - > paragId ( ) ) ;
bookElem . setAttribute ( " endparag " , book . endParag ( ) - > paragId ( ) ) ;
bookElem . setAttribute ( " cursorIndexStart " , book . bookmarkStartIndex ( ) ) ;
bookElem . setAttribute ( " cursorIndexEnd " , book . bookmarkEndIndex ( ) ) ;
variableCollection ( ) - > variableSetting ( ) - > save ( kwdoc ) ;
TQDomElement framesets = doc . createElement ( " FRAMESETS " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( framesets ) ;
m_textImageRequests . clear ( ) ; // for KWTextImage
TQValueList < KoPictureKey > savePictures ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
KWFrameSet * frameSet = fit . current ( ) ;
// Save non-part framesets ( part are saved further down )
if ( frameSet - > type ( ) ! = FT_PART )
frameSet - > save ( framesets ) ;
// If picture frameset, make a note of the image it needs.
if ( ! frameSet - > isDeleted ( ) & & ( frameSet - > type ( ) = = FT_PICTURE ) )
KoPictureKey key = static_cast < KWPictureFrameSet * > ( frameSet ) - > key ( ) ;
if ( ! savePictures . contains ( key ) )
savePictures . append ( key ) ;
// Process the data of the KWTextImage classes.
TQPtrListIterator < KWTextImage > textIt ( m_textImageRequests ) ;
for ( ; textIt . current ( ) ; + + textIt )
KoPictureKey key = textIt . current ( ) - > getKey ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::saveXML registering text image " < < key . toString ( ) < < endl ;
if ( ! savePictures . contains ( key ) )
savePictures . append ( key ) ;
TQDomElement styles = doc . createElement ( " STYLES " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( styles ) ;
TQValueList < KoUserStyle * > styleList ( m_styleColl - > styleList ( ) ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KoUserStyle * > : : const_iterator it = styleList . begin ( ) , end = styleList . end ( ) ;
it ! = end ; + + it )
saveStyle ( static_cast < KoParagStyle * > ( * it ) , styles ) ;
TQDomElement frameStyles = doc . createElement ( " FRAMESTYLES " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( frameStyles ) ;
TQValueList < KoUserStyle * > frameStyleList ( m_frameStyleColl - > styleList ( ) ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KoUserStyle * > : : const_iterator it = frameStyleList . begin ( ) , end = frameStyleList . end ( ) ;
it ! = end ; + + it )
saveFrameStyle ( static_cast < KWFrameStyle * > ( * it ) , frameStyles ) ;
TQDomElement tableStyles = doc . createElement ( " TABLESTYLES " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( tableStyles ) ;
TQValueList < KoUserStyle * > tableStyleList ( m_tableStyleColl - > styleList ( ) ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KoUserStyle * > : : const_iterator it = tableStyleList . begin ( ) , end = tableStyleList . end ( ) ;
it ! = end ; + + it )
saveTableStyle ( static_cast < KWTableStyle * > ( * it ) , tableStyles ) ;
TQDomElement pictures = m_pictureCollection - > saveXML ( KoPictureCollection : : CollectionPicture , doc , savePictures ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( pictures ) ;
// Not needed anymore
#if 0
// Write out the list of parags (id) that form the table of contents, see KWContents::createContents
if ( contents - > hasContents ( ) ) {
TQDomElement cParags = doc . createElement ( " CPARAGS " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( cParags ) ;
TQValueList < int > : : Iterator it = contents - > begin ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = contents - > end ( ) ; + + it )
TQDomElement paragElem = doc . createElement ( " PARAG " ) ;
cParags . appendChild ( paragElem ) ;
paragElem . setAttribute ( " name " , TQString : : number ( * it ) ) ; // write parag id
# endif
TQDomElement mailMerge = m_slDataBase - > save ( doc ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( mailMerge ) ;
if ( ! m_spellCheckIgnoreList . isEmpty ( ) )
TQDomElement spellCheckIgnore = doc . createElement ( " SPELLCHECKIGNORELIST " ) ;
kwdoc . appendChild ( spellCheckIgnore ) ;
for ( TQStringList : : ConstIterator it = m_spellCheckIgnoreList . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_spellCheckIgnoreList . end ( ) ; + + it )
TQDomElement spellElem = doc . createElement ( " SPELLCHECKIGNOREWORD " ) ;
spellCheckIgnore . appendChild ( spellElem ) ;
spellElem . setAttribute ( " word " , * it ) ;
// Save embedded objects
saveEmbeddedObjects ( kwdoc , children ( ) ) ;
return doc ;
// KWord-1.3 format
void KWDocument : : saveEmbeddedObjects ( TQDomElement & parentElem , const TQPtrList < KoDocumentChild > & childList )
// Write "OBJECT" tag for every child, appending "EMBEDDING" tags to the main XML
TQPtrListIterator < KoDocumentChild > chl ( childList ) ;
TQDomDocument doc = parentElem . ownerDocument ( ) ;
for ( ; chl . current ( ) ; + + chl ) {
KWDocumentChild * curr = static_cast < KWDocumentChild * > ( chl . current ( ) ) ;
if ( ! curr - > isDeleted ( ) )
TQDomElement embeddedElem = doc . createElement ( " EMBEDDED " ) ;
parentElem . appendChild ( embeddedElem ) ;
TQDomElement objectElem = curr - > save ( doc , true ) ;
embeddedElem . appendChild ( objectElem ) ;
TQDomElement settingsElem = doc . createElement ( " SETTINGS " ) ;
embeddedElem . appendChild ( settingsElem ) ;
curr - > partFrameSet ( ) - > save ( settingsElem ) ;
// KWord-1.3 format
void KWDocument : : saveStyle ( KoParagStyle * sty , TQDomElement parentElem )
TQDomDocument doc = parentElem . ownerDocument ( ) ;
TQDomElement styleElem = doc . createElement ( " STYLE " ) ;
parentElem . appendChild ( styleElem ) ;
sty - > saveStyle ( styleElem ) ;
TQDomElement formatElem = KWTextParag : : saveFormat ( doc , & sty - > format ( ) , 0L , 0 , 0 ) ;
styleElem . appendChild ( formatElem ) ;
// KWord-1.3 format
void KWDocument : : saveFrameStyle ( KWFrameStyle * sty , TQDomElement parentElem )
TQDomDocument doc = parentElem . ownerDocument ( ) ;
TQDomElement frameStyleElem = doc . createElement ( " FRAMESTYLE " ) ;
parentElem . appendChild ( frameStyleElem ) ;
sty - > saveFrameStyle ( frameStyleElem ) ;
// KWord-1.3 format
void KWDocument : : saveTableStyle ( KWTableStyle * sty , TQDomElement parentElem )
TQDomDocument doc = parentElem . ownerDocument ( ) ;
TQDomElement tableStyleElem = doc . createElement ( " TABLESTYLE " ) ;
parentElem . appendChild ( tableStyleElem ) ;
sty - > saveTableStyle ( tableStyleElem ) ;
TQValueList < KoPictureKey > KWDocument : : savePictureList ( )
TQValueList < KoPictureKey > savePictures ;
// At first, we must process the data of the KWTextImage classes.
// Process the data of the KWTextImage classes.
TQPtrListIterator < KWTextImage > textIt ( m_textImageRequests ) ;
for ( ; textIt . current ( ) ; + + textIt )
KoPictureKey key = textIt . current ( ) - > getKey ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::saveXML registering text image " < < key . toString ( ) < < endl ;
if ( ! savePictures . contains ( key ) )
savePictures . append ( key ) ;
m_textImageRequests . clear ( ) ; // Save some memory!
// Now do the images/cliparts in frames.
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
KWFrameSet * frameSet = fit . current ( ) ;
// If picture frameset, make a note of the image it needs.
if ( ! frameSet - > isDeleted ( ) & & ( frameSet - > type ( ) = = FT_PICTURE ) )
KoPictureKey key = static_cast < KWPictureFrameSet * > ( frameSet ) - > key ( ) ;
if ( ! savePictures . contains ( key ) )
savePictures . append ( key ) ;
return savePictures ;
// KWord-1.3 format
bool KWDocument : : completeSaving ( KoStore * store )
if ( ! store )
return TRUE ;
TQString u = KURL ( url ( ) ) . path ( ) ;
TQValueList < KoPictureKey > savePictures ( savePictureList ( ) ) ;
return m_pictureCollection - > saveToStore ( KoPictureCollection : : CollectionPicture , store , savePictures ) ;
int KWDocument : : supportedSpecialFormats ( ) const
return KoDocument : : supportedSpecialFormats ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : addView ( KoView * view )
m_lstViews . append ( ( KWView * ) view ) ;
KoDocument : : addView ( view ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) - > deselectAllFrames ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : removeView ( KoView * view )
m_lstViews . remove ( static_cast < KWView * > ( view ) ) ;
KoDocument : : removeView ( view ) ;
void KWDocument : : addShell ( KoMainWindow * shell )
connect ( shell , TQT_SIGNAL ( documentSaved ( ) ) , m_commandHistory , TQT_SLOT ( documentSaved ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( shell , TQT_SIGNAL ( saveDialogShown ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( saveDialogShown ( ) ) ) ;
KoDocument : : addShell ( shell ) ;
KoView * KWDocument : : createViewInstance ( TQWidget * parent , const char * name )
if ( isEmbedded ( ) )
return new KWView ( " ModeEmbedded " , parent , name , this ) ;
return new KWView ( m_viewModeType , parent , name , this ) ;
// Paint this document when it's embedded
// This is also used to paint the preview.png that goes into the ZIP file
void KWDocument : : paintContent ( TQPainter & painter , const TQRect & rectangle , bool transparent , double zoomX , double zoomY )
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::paintContent m_zoom=" << m_zoom << " zoomX=" << zoomX << " zoomY=" << zoomY << " transparent=" << transparent << " rectangle=" << rectangle << endl;
Q_ASSERT ( zoomX ! = 0 ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( zoomY ! = 0 ) ;
setZoom ( 100 ) ;
m_zoomMode = KoZoomMode : : ZOOM_CONSTANT ;
// The caller doesn't care about DPI, that's our own internal zooming done on top of it:
zoomX * = POINT_TO_INCH ( static_cast < double > ( KoGlobal : : dpiX ( ) ) ) ;
zoomY * = POINT_TO_INCH ( static_cast < double > ( KoGlobal : : dpiY ( ) ) ) ;
if ( m_zoomedResolutionX ! = zoomX | | m_zoomedResolutionY ! = zoomY )
//kdDebug(32001) << "m_zoomedResolutionX=" << m_zoomedResolutionX << " != " << zoomX << " -> calling setResolution(" << zoomX << ")" << endl;
int zoomLevel = tqRound ( 100 * zoomY / m_zoomedResolutionY ) ; // ## ignores the case where the x and y scaling differs
setZoom ( zoomLevel ) ;
bool forPrint = painter . device ( ) & & painter . device ( ) - > devType ( ) = = TQInternal : : Printer ;
newZoomAndResolution ( false , forPrint ) ;
if ( KFormula : : Document * formulaDocument = m_formulaDocumentWrapper - > document ( ) )
formulaDocument - > setZoomAndResolution ( zoomLevel , zoomX , zoomY , false , forPrint ) ;
// Note that this zoom and resolution are then used when activating the embedded object!
TQRect rect ( rectangle ) ;
painter . save ( ) ;
painter . translate ( rect . x ( ) , rect . y ( ) ) ;
TQRect clipRect ( 0 , 0 , rect . width ( ) , rect . height ( ) ) ;
KWViewModeEmbedded * viewMode = new KWViewModeEmbedded ( this , 0 /*no canvas*/ ) ;
viewMode - > setDrawFrameBackground ( ! transparent ) ;
viewMode - > setDrawSelections ( false ) ;
TQColorGroup cg = TQApplication : : palette ( ) . active ( ) ;
if ( ! transparent )
TQRegion emptyRegion ( rect ) ;
createEmptyRegion ( rect , emptyRegion , viewMode ) ;
eraseEmptySpace ( & painter , emptyRegion , cg . brush ( TQColorGroup : : Base ) ) ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
KWFrameSet * frameset = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( frameset - > isVisible ( viewMode ) & & ! frameset - > isFloating ( ) )
frameset - > drawContents ( & painter , clipRect , cg ,
false /*onlyChanged*/ , true /*resetChanged*/ ,
0L , viewMode , 0 ) ;
delete viewMode ;
painter . restore ( ) ;
TQPixmap KWDocument : : generatePreview ( const TQSize & size )
int oldZoom = m_zoom ;
double oldResolutionX = resolutionX ( ) ;
double oldResolutionY = resolutionY ( ) ;
double oldZoomX = zoomedResolutionX ( ) ;
double oldZoomY = zoomedResolutionY ( ) ;
// Sometimes (due to the different resolution?) the layout creates a new page
// while saving the preview. If this happens, we don't want to repaint the real views
// (due to KWCanvas::slotNewContentsSize)
// ##### One day when we have real doc/view separation in kotextparag, we shouldn't mess with
// the real view's resolution, we should instead create a fake view for the preview itself.
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > setUpdatesEnabled ( false ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( ! m_bGeneratingPreview ) ;
m_bGeneratingPreview = true ;
TQPixmap pix = KoDocument : : generatePreview ( size ) ;
// Restore everything as it was before
setResolution ( oldResolutionX , oldResolutionY ) ;
setZoom ( oldZoom ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > setUpdatesEnabled ( true ) ;
newZoomAndResolution ( true /*set contents size again*/ , false ) ;
m_bGeneratingPreview = false ;
if ( KFormula : : Document * formulaDocument = m_formulaDocumentWrapper - > document ( ) ) {
formulaDocument - > setZoomAndResolution ( oldZoom , oldZoomX , oldZoomY ) ;
return pix ;
void KWDocument : : createEmptyRegion ( const TQRect & crect , TQRegion & emptyRegion , KWViewMode * viewMode )
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
KWFrameSet * frameset = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( frameset - > isVisible ( viewMode ) )
frameset - > createEmptyRegion ( crect , emptyRegion , viewMode ) ;
void KWDocument : : eraseEmptySpace ( TQPainter * painter , const TQRegion & emptySpaceRegion , const TQBrush & brush )
painter - > save ( ) ;
painter - > setClipRegion ( emptySpaceRegion , TQPainter : : CoordPainter ) ;
painter - > setPen ( TQt : : NoPen ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::eraseEmptySpace emptySpaceRegion: " << emptySpaceRegion << endl;
//kdDebug(32001) << " boundingRect: " << DEBUGRECT( emptySpaceRegion.boundingRect() ) << endl;
painter - > fillRect ( emptySpaceRegion . boundingRect ( ) , brush ) ;
painter - > restore ( ) ;
KWDocumentChild * KWDocument : : createChildDoc ( const KoRect & rect , KoDocument * childDoc )
KWDocumentChild * ch = new KWDocumentChild ( this , rect . toTQRect ( ) , childDoc ) ;
insertChild ( ch ) ;
return ch ;
KWPartFrameSet * KWDocument : : insertObject ( const KoRect & rect , KoDocumentEntry & e , TQWidget * parentWidget )
KoDocument * doc = e . createDoc ( this ) ;
if ( ! doc )
return 0 ;
if ( ! doc - > showEmbedInitDialog ( parentWidget ) )
return 0 ;
KWDocumentChild * ch = createChildDoc ( rect , doc ) ;
setModified ( TRUE ) ;
KWPartFrameSet * frameset = new KWPartFrameSet ( this , ch , TQString ( ) ) ;
KWFrame * frame = new KWFrame ( frameset , rect . x ( ) , rect . y ( ) , rect . width ( ) , rect . height ( ) ) ;
frame - > setZOrder ( maxZOrder ( frame - > pageNumber ( this ) ) + 1 ) ; // make sure it's on top
frameset - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
addFrameSet ( frameset ) ;
KWCreateFrameCommand * cmd = new KWCreateFrameCommand ( i18n ( " Create Part Frame " ) , frame ) ;
addCommand ( cmd ) ;
frameChanged ( frame ) ; // repaint etc.
return frameset ;
void KWDocument : : delayedRepaintAllViews ( ) {
if ( ! m_repaintAllViewsPending ) {
TQTimer : : singleShot ( 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotRepaintAllViews ( ) ) ) ;
m_repaintAllViewsPending = true ;
void KWDocument : : slotRepaintAllViews ( ) {
m_repaintAllViewsPending = false ;
repaintAllViews ( false ) ;
void KWDocument : : delayedRecalcFrames ( int fromPage ) {
//kdDebug() << k_funcinfo << fromPage << endl;
if ( m_recalcFramesPending = = - 1 | | fromPage < m_recalcFramesPending )
m_recalcFramesPending = fromPage ;
TQTimer : : singleShot ( 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotRecalcFrames ( ) ) ) ;
void KWDocument : : slotRecalcFrames ( ) {
int from = m_recalcFramesPending ;
kdDebug ( ) < < k_funcinfo < < " from= " < < from < < endl ;
m_recalcFramesPending = - 1 ;
if ( from ! = - 1 )
recalcFrames ( from ) ;
void KWDocument : : repaintAllViewsExcept ( KWView * view , bool erase )
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::repaintAllViewsExcept" << endl;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
KWView * viewPtr = * it ;
if ( viewPtr ! = view /*&& viewPtr->getGUI() && viewPtr->getGUI()->canvasWidget()*/ ) {
viewPtr - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > repaintAll ( erase ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateAllStyleLists ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateStyleList ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateStyleListOrder ( const TQStringList & list )
styleCollection ( ) - > updateStyleListOrder ( list ) ;
void KWDocument : : applyStyleChange ( KoStyleChangeDefMap changed )
TQPtrList < KWTextFrameSet > textFramesets = allTextFramesets ( true ) ;
KWTextFrameSet * frm ;
for ( frm = textFramesets . first ( ) ; frm ! = 0 ; frm = textFramesets . next ( ) ) {
frm - > applyStyleChange ( changed ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateAllFrameStyleLists ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateFrameStyleList ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateAllTableStyleLists ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateTableStyleList ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : repaintAllViews ( bool erase )
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::repaintAllViews" << endl;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > repaintAll ( erase ) ;
TQPtrList < KWFrame > KWDocument : : framesToCopyOnNewPage ( int afterPageNum ) const {
// afterPageNum can be -1 for 'before page 1'
// Look at frames on pages afterPageNum and afterPageNum-1 (for sheetside stuff)
TQPtrList < KWFrame > framesToLookAt ;
if ( afterPageNum > = startPage ( ) )
framesToLookAt = framesInPage ( afterPageNum , false ) ;
if ( afterPageNum > = startPage ( ) + 1 )
TQPtrList < KWFrame > framesToAlsoLookAt = framesInPage ( afterPageNum - 1 , false ) ; // order doesn't matter
// Merge into single list. Other alternative, two loops, code inside moved to another method.
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameAlsoIt ( framesToAlsoLookAt ) ;
for ( ; frameAlsoIt . current ( ) ; + + frameAlsoIt )
framesToLookAt . append ( frameAlsoIt . current ( ) ) ;
TQPtrList < KWFrame > framesToCopy ; // the result
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( framesToLookAt ) ;
for ( ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt )
KWFrame * frame = frameIt . current ( ) ;
KWFrameSet * frameSet = frame - > frameSet ( ) ;
// don't add tables! A table cell ( frameset ) _must_ not have cells auto-added to them!
if ( frameSet - > type ( ) = = FT_TABLE ) continue ;
// NewFrameBehavior == Copy is handled here except for headers/footers, which
// are created in recalcFrames()
if ( frameSet - > isAHeader ( ) | | frameSet - > isAFooter ( ) ) continue ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " KWDocument::framesToCopyOnNewPage looking at frame " < < frame < < " , pageNum= " < < frame - > pageNumber ( ) < < " from " < < frameSet - > name ( ) < < endl ;
static const char * newFrameBh [ ] = { " Reconnect " , " NoFollowup " , " Copy " } ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " frame->newFrameBehavior()== " < < newFrameBh [ frame - > newFrameBehavior ( ) ] < < endl ;
# endif
const int frameIsOnPage = frame - > pageNumber ( ) ;
if ( frame - > newFrameBehavior ( ) = = KWFrame : : Copy & &
( frameIsOnPage = = afterPageNum & & frame - > sheetSide ( ) = = KWFrame : : AnySide | |
frameIsOnPage = = afterPageNum - 1 & & frame - > sheetSide ( ) ! = KWFrame : : AnySide ) )
framesToCopy . append ( frame ) ;
return framesToCopy ;
KWPage * KWDocument : : insertPage ( int afterPageNum ) // can be -1 for 'before page 0'
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " insertPage: afterPageNum= " < < afterPageNum < < endl ;
# endif
if ( processingType ( ) = = WP )
Q_ASSERT ( afterPageNum = = lastPage ( ) ) ; // WP mode: can only append.
double pageHeight = pageManager ( ) - > page ( afterPageNum ) - > height ( ) ;
// If not appending, move down everything after 'afterPageNum', to make room.
for ( int pg = pageCount ( ) - 1 ; pg > afterPageNum ; - - pg )
// pg is the 'src' page. Its contents must be moved to the page pg+1
TQPtrList < KWFrame > frames = framesInPage ( pg , false ) ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " insertPage: moving " < < frames . count ( ) < < " frames down, from page " < < pg < < endl ;
# endif
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( frames ) ;
for ( ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt )
frameIt . current ( ) - > moveBy ( 0 , pageHeight ) ;
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > insertPage ( afterPageNum + 1 ) ;
// Fill in the new page
TQPtrList < KWFrame > framesToCopy = framesToCopyOnNewPage ( afterPageNum ) ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( framesToCopy ) ;
for ( ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt )
KWFrame * frame = frameIt . current ( ) ;
KWFrame * newFrame = frame - > getCopy ( ) ;
newFrame - > moveBy ( 0 , pageHeight ) ;
frame - > frameSet ( ) - > addFrame ( newFrame ) ;
if ( frame - > newFrameBehavior ( ) = = KWFrame : : Copy )
newFrame - > setCopy ( true ) ;
//kdDebug(32002) << " => created frame " << newFrame << " " << *newFrame << endl;
return page ;
KWPage * KWDocument : : appendPage ( )
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " KWDocument::appendPage pageCount()= " < < pageCount ( ) < < " -> insertPage( " < < lastPage ( ) < < " ) " < < endl ;
# endif
return insertPage ( lastPage ( ) ) ;
void KWDocument : : afterInsertPage ( int pageNum )
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " KWDocument::afterInsertPage " < < pageNum < < endl ;
# endif
if ( ! m_bGeneratingPreview )
emit newContentsSize ( ) ;
// Get headers and footers on the new page
// This shouldn't delete the newly created page because it's still empty though
recalcFrames ( pageNum , - 1 , KWFrameLayout : : DontRemovePages ) ;
// Take into account the frames on the new page, and run updateFramesOnTopOrBelow (#73819)
updateAllFrames ( ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_PGNUM ) ;
emit numPagesChanged ( ) ;
if ( m_viewModeType = = " ModePreview " )
repaintAllViews ( ) ;
bool KWDocument : : canRemovePage ( int num )
kdDebug ( ) < < " KWDocument::canRemovePage " < < num < < endl ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
KWFrameSet * frameSet = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( frameSet - > isHeaderOrFooter ( ) ) // don't look at headers/footers, but look at footnotes/endnotes
continue ;
if ( frameSet - > isVisible ( ) & & ! frameSet - > canRemovePage ( num ) )
return false ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " KWDocument::canRemovePage " < < num < < " -> TRUE " < < endl ;
# endif
return true ;
void KWDocument : : removePage ( int pageNum )
if ( processingType ( ) = = WP )
Q_ASSERT ( pageNum = = lastPage ( ) ) ; // WP mode: can only remove last page.
Q_ASSERT ( pageCount ( ) > 1 ) ;
if ( pageCount ( ) = = 1 )
return ;
// ## This assumes that framesInPage is up-to-date.
TQPtrList < KWFrame > framesToDelete = framesInPage ( pageNum , false ) ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " KWDocument::removePage " < < pageNum < < " , " < < framesToDelete . count ( ) < < " frames to delete " < < endl ;
# endif
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( framesToDelete ) ;
for ( ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt )
KWFrame * frame = frameIt . current ( ) ;
KWFrameSet * frameSet = frame - > frameSet ( ) ;
if ( frameSet - > frameSetInfo ( ) ! = KWFrameSet : : FI_BODY )
continue ;
frameSet - > deleteFrame ( frame , true ) ;
// If not removing the last one, move up everything after the one we removed.
for ( int pg = pageNum + 1 ; pg < pageCount ( ) ; + + pg )
// pg is the 'src' page. Its contents must be moved to the page pg-1
TQPtrList < KWFrame > frames = framesInPage ( pg , false ) ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " removePage: moving " < < frames . count ( ) < < " frames up, from page " < < pg < < endl ;
# endif
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( frames ) ;
for ( ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt )
frameIt . current ( ) - > moveBy ( 0 , pageManager ( ) - > page ( 0 ) - > height ( ) ) ;
pageManager ( ) - > removePage ( pageNum ) ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " KWDocument::removePage -- -> " < < pageCount ( ) < < endl ;
# endif
// Emitting this one for each page being removed helps giving the user some feedback
emit numPagesChanged ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : afterRemovePages ( )
//### IMHO recalcFrames should take care of updateAllFrames (it already does it partially).
recalcFrames ( ) ;
// Do this before recalcVariables (which repaints). The removed frames must be removed from the frame caches.
// We don't call updateAllFrames() directly, because it still calls
// updateFramesOnTopOrBelow, which is useless (and slow) here.
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
fit . current ( ) - > updateFrames ( ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_PGNUM ) ;
if ( ! m_bGeneratingPreview )
emit newContentsSize ( ) ;
if ( m_viewModeType = = " ModePreview " )
repaintAllViews ( ) ;
bool KWDocument : : tryRemovingPages ( )
int last = lastPage ( ) ;
bool removed = false ;
// Last frame is empty -> try removing last page, and more if necessary
while ( last > startPage ( ) & & canRemovePage ( last ) )
removePage ( last ) ; // this modifies pageCount
if ( last < = lastPage ( ) )
kdWarning ( ) < < " Didn't manage to remove page " < < last < < " (still having " < < pageCount ( ) < < " pages ). Aborting " < < endl ;
break ;
removed = true ;
last = lastPage ( ) ;
// Don't call afterRemovePages or recalcFrames from here, since this method is
// itself called from KWFrameLayout (#95047)
return removed ;
KWFrameSet * KWDocument : : frameSetByName ( const TQString & name )
// Note: this isn't recursive, so it won't find table cells.
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
if ( fit . current ( ) - > name ( ) = = name )
return fit . current ( ) ;
return 0L ;
TQString KWDocument : : generateFramesetName ( const TQString & templateName )
TQString name ;
int num = 1 ;
bool exists ;
do {
name = templateName . arg ( num ) ;
exists = frameSetByName ( name ) ;
+ + num ;
} while ( exists ) ;
return name ;
void KWDocument : : fixZOrders ( ) {
//KWFrame *frameFixed = 0;
for ( int pgnum = startPage ( ) ; pgnum < = lastPage ( ) ; pgnum + + ) {
TQPtrList < KWFrame > frames = framesInPage ( pgnum ) ;
// scan this page to see if we need to fixup:
// fix up if two frames have the same zOrder,
// or if a zOrder is negative (not allowed by OASIS)
bool need_fixup = false ;
KWFrame * f = frames . last ( ) ;
if ( ! f )
continue ;
int lastZOrder = f - > zOrder ( ) ;
f = frames . prev ( ) ;
for ( ; f ; f = frames . prev ( ) ) {
if ( ! f - > frameSet ( ) - > isFloating ( ) & &
( f - > zOrder ( ) = = lastZOrder | | f - > zOrder ( ) < 0 ) ) {
need_fixup = true ;
break ;
lastZOrder = f - > zOrder ( ) ;
if ( need_fixup ) {
int current_zorder = 0 ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " fixing page " < < pgnum < < " z-orders " < < endl ;
for ( KWFrame * fr = frames . first ( ) ; fr ; fr = frames . next ( ) ) {
// only consider non-inline framesets.
if ( fr - > frameSet ( ) - > isFloating ( ) )
continue ;
current_zorder + + ;
fr - > setZOrder ( current_zorder ) ;
//frameFixed = f;
if ( m_processingType = = KWDocument : : WP )
// In all cases, ensure the main frames are below the rest.
// (This could not be the case after e.g. an import filter does it wrong)
lowerMainFrames ( pgnum ) ;
//if ( frameFixed )
// frameFixed->frameStack()->recalcAllFrames();
KWFrameList : : recalcAllFrames ( this ) ;
void KWDocument : : lowerMainFrames ( int pageNum )
TQPtrList < KWFrame > framesInPage = this - > framesInPage ( pageNum ) ;
int lowestZOrder = 10000 ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( framesInPage ) ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt )
lowestZOrder = TQMIN ( lowestZOrder , frameIt . current ( ) - > zOrder ( ) ) ;
lowerMainFrames ( pageNum , lowestZOrder ) ;
// separated from the above one for KWView (which knows lowestZOrder already)
void KWDocument : : lowerMainFrames ( int pageNum , int lowestZOrder )
// Get the main frameset and see if we have to lower its frame(s).
TQPtrList < KWFrame > framesInPage = this - > framesInPage ( pageNum ) ;
for ( TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( framesInPage ) ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt ) {
if ( frameIt . current ( ) - > frameSet ( ) - > isMainFrameset ( ) ) {
if ( lowestZOrder < = frameIt . current ( ) - > zOrder ( ) )
frameIt . current ( ) - > setZOrder ( lowestZOrder - 1 ) ;
// keep going, in case of multiple columns
TQPtrList < KWFrame > KWDocument : : framesInPage ( int pageNum , bool sorted ) const {
ZOrderedFrameList frames ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
KWFrameSet * frameSet = fit . current ( ) ;
if ( ! frameSet - > isVisible ( ) )
continue ;
// Append all frames from frameSet in page pageNum
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > it ( frameSet - > framesInPage ( pageNum ) ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
frames . append ( it . current ( ) ) ;
if ( sorted ) frames . sort ( ) ;
return frames ;
void KWDocument : : updateAllFrames ( int flags )
TQTime dt ;
dt . start ( ) ;
# endif
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit )
fit . current ( ) - > updateFrames ( flags ) ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " updateAllFrames( " < < flags < < " ) took " < < ( float ) ( dt . elapsed ( ) ) / 1000 < < " seconds " < < endl ;
# endif
// TODO: check all calls to updateAllFrames, and fix them.
// E.g., if one frame moved, updateAllFrames isn't necessary,
// only fs->updateFrames() and doc->updateFramesOnTopOrBelow() are necessary.
// Update frames ontop and below _afterwards_,
// it needs the 'frames in page' array (in other framesets)
KWFrameList : : recalcAllFrames ( this ) ;
// Tell this method when a frame is moved / resized / created / deleted
// and everything will be update / repainted accordingly
void KWDocument : : frameChanged ( KWFrame * frame )
if ( ! m_framesChangedHandler ) {
m_framesChangedHandler = new FramesChangedHandler ( this ) ;
TQTimer : : singleShot ( 0 , this , TQT_SLOT ( updateFramesChanged ( ) ) ) ;
m_framesChangedHandler - > addFrame ( frame ) ;
void KWDocument : : framesChanged ( const TQPtrList < KWFrame > & frames , KWView * view )
Q_UNUSED ( view ) ; // DF: seems my idea of excluding one view got thrown away
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > it ( frames ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
frameChanged ( it . current ( ) ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateFramesChanged ( ) { // slot called from frameChanged()
if ( ! m_framesChangedHandler ) return ;
m_framesChangedHandler - > execute ( ) ;
delete m_framesChangedHandler ;
m_framesChangedHandler = 0 ;
void KWDocument : : framesChanged ( const TQValueList < KWFrame * > & frames ) {
TQValueListConstIterator < KWFrame * > framesIterator = frames . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; framesIterator ! = frames . end ( ) ; + + framesIterator )
frameChanged ( * framesIterator ) ;
void KWDocument : : setHeaderVisible ( bool h )
m_headerVisible = h ;
recalcFrames ( ) ;
updateAllFrames ( ) ;
layout ( ) ;
setModified ( true ) ;
repaintAllViews ( true ) ;
void KWDocument : : setFooterVisible ( bool f )
m_footerVisible = f ;
recalcFrames ( ) ;
updateAllFrames ( ) ;
layout ( ) ;
setModified ( true ) ;
repaintAllViews ( true ) ;
bool KWDocument : : hasEndNotes ( ) const
return m_bHasEndNotes ;
void KWDocument : : updateHeaderButton ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateHeaderFooterButton ( ) ;
( * it ) - > updateHeader ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateFooterButton ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateHeaderFooterButton ( ) ;
( * it ) - > updateFooter ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : addTextImageRequest ( KWTextImage * img )
m_textImageRequests . append ( img ) ;
void KWDocument : : addPictureRequest ( KWPictureFrameSet * fs )
m_pictureRequests . append ( fs ) ;
void KWDocument : : addAnchorRequest ( const TQString & framesetName , const KWAnchorPosition & anchorPos )
m_anchorRequests . insert ( framesetName , anchorPos ) ;
void KWDocument : : addFootNoteRequest ( const TQString & framesetName , KWFootNoteVariable * var )
if ( var - > noteType ( ) = = EndNote )
m_bHasEndNotes = true ;
m_footnoteVarRequests . insert ( framesetName , var ) ;
void KWDocument : : refreshMenuCustomVariable ( )
emit sig_refreshMenuCustomVariable ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : recalcVariables ( int type )
const TQValueList < KoVariable * > modifiedVariables = m_varColl - > recalcVariables ( type ) ;
if ( m_bGeneratingPreview )
return ;
TQMap < KoTextDocument * , bool > modifiedTextDocuments ; // TQt4: TQSet
for ( TQValueList < KoVariable * > : : const_iterator it = modifiedVariables . begin ( ) , end = modifiedVariables . end ( ) ; it ! = end ; + + it ) {
KoTextDocument * textdoc = ( * it ) - > textDocument ( ) ;
if ( modifiedTextDocuments . find ( textdoc ) ! = modifiedTextDocuments . end ( ) ) // TQt4: !contains
modifiedTextDocuments . insert ( textdoc , true ) ;
KWTextFrameSet * textfs = static_cast < KWTextDocument * > ( textdoc ) - > textFrameSet ( ) ;
slotRepaintChanged ( textfs ) ;
int KWDocument : : mailMergeRecord ( ) const
return slRecordNum ;
void KWDocument : : setMailMergeRecord ( int r )
slRecordNum = r ;
void KWDocument : : getPageLayout ( KoPageLayout & layout , KoColumns & cl , KoKWHeaderFooter & hf )
layout = m_pageLayout ;
cl = m_pageColumns ;
hf = m_pageHeaderFooter ;
void KWDocument : : addFrameSet ( KWFrameSet * f , bool finalize /*= true*/ )
if ( m_lstFrameSet . contains ( f ) > 0 ) {
kdWarning ( 32001 ) < < " Frameset " < < f < < " " < < f - > name ( ) < < " already in list! " < < endl ;
return ;
m_lstFrameSet . append ( f ) ;
KWFrameList : : createFrameList ( f , this ) ;
if ( finalize )
f - > finalize ( ) ;
setModified ( true ) ;
emit sigFrameSetAdded ( f ) ;
void KWDocument : : removeFrameSet ( KWFrameSet * f )
emit sig_terminateEditing ( f ) ;
m_lstFrameSet . take ( m_lstFrameSet . find ( f ) ) ;
setModified ( true ) ;
emit sigFrameSetRemoved ( f ) ;
void KWDocument : : addCommand ( KCommand * cmd )
Q_ASSERT ( cmd ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::addCommand " << cmd->name() << endl;
m_commandHistory - > addCommand ( cmd , false ) ;
setModified ( true ) ;
void KWDocument : : slotDocumentRestored ( )
setModified ( false ) ;
void KWDocument : : slotCommandExecuted ( )
setModified ( true ) ;
# ifndef NDEBUG
void KWDocument : : printStyleDebug ( )
kdDebug ( ) < < " ---------------------------------------- " < < endl ;
m_styleColl - > printDebug ( ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < m_frameStyleColl - > count ( ) < < " frame styles " < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < m_tableStyleColl - > count ( ) < < " table-cell styles " < < endl ;
void KWDocument : : printDebug ( )
kdDebug ( ) < < " ---------------------------------------- " < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Debug info " < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Document: " < < this < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Type of document: (0=WP, 1=DTP) " < < processingType ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Header visible: " < < isHeaderVisible ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Footer visible: " < < isFooterVisible ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Units: " < < unit ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " # Framesets: " < < frameSetCount ( ) < < endl ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( unsigned int iFrameset = 0 ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit , iFrameset + + )
KWFrameSet * frameset = fit . current ( ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Frameset " < < iFrameset < < " : ' " < <
frameset - > name ( ) < < " ' ( " < < frameset < < " ) " < < ( frameset - > isDeleted ( ) ? " Deleted " : " " ) < < endl ;
if ( frameset - > isVisible ( ) )
frameset - > printDebug ( ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " [hidden] # " < < frameset - > frameCount ( ) < < " frames " < < endl ;
for ( uint pgNum = 0 ; pgNum < m_sectionTitles . size ( ) ; + + pgNum ) {
kdDebug ( ) < < " Page " < < pgNum < < " Section: ' " < < m_sectionTitles [ pgNum ] < < " ' " < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " # Images: " < < getImageCollection ( ) - > iterator ( ) . count ( ) < < endl ;
TQDictIterator < KWImage > it ( getImageCollection ( ) - > iterator ( ) ) ;
while ( it . current ( ) ) {
kdDebug ( ) < < " + " < < it . current ( ) - > getFilename ( ) < < " : " < < it . current ( ) - > refCount ( ) < < endl ;
+ + it ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " PageManager holds " < < pageCount ( ) < < " pages in the range: " < < startPage ( ) < <
" - " < < lastPage ( ) < < endl ;
for ( int pgnum = startPage ( ) ; pgnum < = lastPage ( ) ; pgnum + + ) {
KWPage * page = pageManager ( ) - > page ( pgnum ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Page " < < pgnum < < " width= " < < page - > width ( ) < < " height= " < < page - > height ( ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " The height of the doc (in pt) is: " < < pageManager ( ) - >
bottomOfPage ( lastPage ( ) ) < < endl ;
# endif
void KWDocument : : layout ( )
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > it = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
if ( it . current ( ) - > isVisible ( ) )
it . current ( ) - > layout ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : invalidate ( const KWFrameSet * skipThisFrameSet )
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > it = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
if ( it . current ( ) ! = skipThisFrameSet )
it . current ( ) - > invalidate ( ) ;
KFormula : : Document * KWDocument : : formulaDocument ( bool init )
KFormula : : Document * formulaDocument = m_formulaDocumentWrapper - > document ( ) ;
if ( ! formulaDocument ) {
kdDebug ( ) < < k_funcinfo < < endl ;
formulaDocument = new KFormula : : Document ;
m_formulaDocumentWrapper - > document ( formulaDocument , init ) ;
if ( formulaDocument ! = 0 ) {
// re-calculate dpiX and dpiY
formulaDocument - > setZoomAndResolution ( m_zoom ,
tqRound ( INCH_TO_POINT ( m_resolutionX ) ) ,
tqRound ( INCH_TO_POINT ( m_resolutionY ) ) ) ;
formulaDocument - > newZoomAndResolution ( false , false ) ;
return formulaDocument ;
void KWDocument : : slotRepaintChanged ( KWFrameSet * frameset )
// This has to be a loop instead of a signal, so that we can
// send "true" for the last view (see KWFrameSet::drawContents)
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > repaintChanged ( frameset , it = = m_lstViews . fromLast ( ) ) ;
void KWDocument : : deleteTable ( KWTableFrameSet * table )
if ( ! table )
return ;
if ( table - > isFloating ( ) )
emit sig_terminateEditing ( table ) ; // to unselect its cells, especially
KWAnchor * anchor = table - > findAnchor ( 0 ) ;
addCommand ( table - > anchorFrameset ( ) - > deleteAnchoredFrame ( anchor ) ) ;
KWDeleteTableCommand * cmd = new KWDeleteTableCommand ( i18n ( " Delete Table " ) , table ) ;
addCommand ( cmd ) ;
cmd - > execute ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : deleteFrame ( KWFrame * frame )
KWFrameSet * fs = frame - > frameSet ( ) ;
kdDebug ( 32002 ) < < " KWDocument::deleteFrame frame= " < < frame < < " fs= " < < fs < < endl ;
TQString cmdName ;
TypeStructDocItem docItem = ( TypeStructDocItem ) 0 ;
switch ( fs - > type ( ) ) {
case FT_TEXT :
cmdName = i18n ( " Delete Text Frame " ) ;
docItem = TextFrames ;
break ;
cmdName = i18n ( " Delete Formula Frame " ) ;
docItem = FormulaFrames ;
break ;
kdError ( 32001 ) < < " FT_CLIPART used! (in KWDocument::deleteFrame) " < < endl ;
break ;
cmdName = i18n ( " Delete Picture Frame " ) ;
docItem = Pictures ;
break ;
case FT_PART :
cmdName = i18n ( " Delete Object Frame " ) ;
docItem = Embedded ;
break ;
case FT_TABLE :
case FT_BASE :
Q_ASSERT ( 0 ) ;
break ;
if ( fs - > isFloating ( ) )
KWAnchor * anchor = fs - > findAnchor ( 0 ) ;
addCommand ( fs - > anchorFrameset ( ) - > deleteAnchoredFrame ( anchor ) ) ;
KWDeleteFrameCommand * cmd = new KWDeleteFrameCommand ( cmdName , frame ) ;
addCommand ( cmd ) ;
cmd - > execute ( ) ;
emit docStructureChanged ( docItem ) ;
void KWDocument : : reorganizeGUI ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > reorganize ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : slotDocumentInfoModifed ( )
if ( ! variableCollection ( ) - > variableSetting ( ) - > displayFieldCode ( ) )
recalcVariables ( VT_FIELD ) ;
void KWDocument : : refreshDocStructure ( int type )
emit docStructureChanged ( type ) ;
int KWDocument : : typeItemDocStructure ( FrameSetType type )
int typeItem ;
switch ( type )
case FT_TEXT :
typeItem = ( int ) TextFrames ;
break ;
typeItem = ( int ) Pictures ;
break ;
case FT_PART :
typeItem = ( int ) Embedded ;
break ;
typeItem = ( int ) FormulaFrames ;
break ;
case FT_TABLE :
typeItem = ( int ) Tables ;
break ;
default :
typeItem = ( int ) TextFrames ;
return typeItem ;
void KWDocument : : refreshDocStructure ( FrameSetType type )
emit docStructureChanged ( typeItemDocStructure ( type ) ) ;
TQBrush KWDocument : : resolveBgBrush ( const TQBrush & brush , TQPainter * painter )
if ( brush . color ( ) . isValid ( ) )
return brush ;
TQBrush ret ( brush ) ;
ret . setColor ( defaultBgColor ( painter ) ) ;
return ret ;
TQColor KWDocument : : resolveBgColor ( const TQColor & col , TQPainter * painter )
if ( col . isValid ( ) )
return col ;
return defaultBgColor ( painter ) ;
TQColor KWDocument : : defaultBgColor ( TQPainter * painter )
if ( painter & & painter - > device ( ) - > devType ( ) = = TQInternal : : Printer )
return TQt : : white ;
return TQApplication : : palette ( ) . color ( TQPalette : : Active , TQColorGroup : : Base ) ;
void KWDocument : : setTocPresent ( bool hasToc )
m_hasTOC = hasToc ;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateTocActionText ( hasToc ) ;
void KWDocument : : refreshMenuExpression ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > refreshMenuExpression ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateZoomRuler ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > getHorzRuler ( ) - > setZoom ( zoomedResolutionX ( ) ) ;
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > getVertRuler ( ) - > setZoom ( zoomedResolutionY ( ) ) ;
( * it ) - > slotUpdateRuler ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateRulerFrameStartEnd ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > slotUpdateRuler ( ) ;
int KWDocument : : undoRedoLimit ( ) const
return m_commandHistory - > undoLimit ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : setUndoRedoLimit ( int val )
m_commandHistory - > setUndoLimit ( val ) ;
m_commandHistory - > setRedoLimit ( val ) ;
void KWDocument : : setGridX ( double gridx ) {
m_gridX = gridx ;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > getHorzRuler ( ) - > setGridSize ( gridx ) ;
TQValueList < KoTextObject * > KWDocument : : visibleTextObjects ( KWViewMode * viewmode ) const
TQValueList < KoTextObject * > lst ;
TQPtrList < KWTextFrameSet > textFramesets = allTextFramesets ( true ) ;
KWTextFrameSet * frm ;
for ( frm = textFramesets . first ( ) ; frm ! = 0 ; frm = textFramesets . next ( ) ) {
if ( frm & & frm - > isVisible ( viewmode ) & & ! frm - > textObject ( ) - > protectContent ( ) )
lst . append ( frm - > textObject ( ) ) ;
return lst ;
void KWDocument : : refreshGUIButton ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > initGUIButton ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : enableBackgroundSpellCheck ( bool b )
m_bgSpellCheck - > setEnabled ( b ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateBgSpellCheckingState ( ) ;
bool KWDocument : : backgroundSpellCheckEnabled ( ) const
return m_bgSpellCheck - > enabled ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : reactivateBgSpellChecking ( )
TQPtrList < KWTextFrameSet > textFramesets = allTextFramesets ( true ) ;
KWTextFrameSet * frm ;
for ( frm = textFramesets . first ( ) ; frm ! = 0 ; frm = textFramesets . next ( ) ) {
frm - > textObject ( ) - > setNeedSpellCheck ( true ) ;
repaintAllViews ( ) ;
startBackgroundSpellCheck ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : slotChapterParagraphFormatted ( KoTextParag * /*parag*/ )
// Attempt at invalidating from the parag's page only
// But that's not good enough - if a header gets moved down,
// we also need to invalidate the previous page, from where the paragraph disappeared.
KoPoint p ;
KWFrame * frame = internalToDocument ( parag - > rect ( ) . topLeft ( ) , p ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( frame ) ;
if ( frame )
// Remove any information from this page and further pages.
m_sectionTitles . resize ( frame - > pageNumber ( ) ) ;
m_sectionTitles . resize ( 0 ) ; // clear up the entire cache
// Don't store info from parag into m_sectionTitles here.
// It breaks when having two headings in the same page
// (or if it keeps existing info then it can't update properly)
TQString KWDocument : : checkSectionTitleInParag ( KoTextParag * parag , KWTextFrameSet * frameset , int pageNum ) const
if ( parag - > counter ( ) & & parag - > counter ( ) - > numbering ( ) = = KoParagCounter : : NUM_CHAPTER
& & parag - > counter ( ) - > depth ( ) = = 0 )
TQString txt = parag - > string ( ) - > toString ( ) ;
txt = txt . left ( txt . length ( ) - 1 ) ; // remove trailing space
# ifndef NDEBUG // not needed, just checking
KoPoint p ;
KWFrame * frame = frameset - > internalToDocument ( parag - > rect ( ) . topLeft ( ) , p ) ;
Q_ASSERT ( frame ) ;
if ( frame ) {
int pgNum = frame - > pageNumber ( ) ;
if ( pgNum ! = pageNum )
kdWarning ( ) < < " sectionTitle: was looking for pageNum " < < pageNum < < " , got frame " < < frame < < " page " < < pgNum < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 32001 ) < < " KWDocument::sectionTitle for " < < pageNum < < " : " < < txt < < endl ;
# endif
// Ensure array is big enough
if ( pageNum > ( int ) m_sectionTitles . size ( ) - 1 )
const_cast < KWDocument * > ( this ) - > m_sectionTitles . resize ( pageNum + 1 ) ;
const_cast < KWDocument * > ( this ) - > m_sectionTitles [ pageNum ] = txt ;
return txt ;
return TQString ( ) ;
TQString KWDocument : : sectionTitle ( int pageNum ) const
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::sectionTitle(pageNum=" << pageNum << ") m_sectionTitles.size()=" << m_sectionTitles.size() << endl;
// First look in the cache. If info is present, it's uptodate (see slotChapterParagraphFormatted)
if ( ( int ) m_sectionTitles . size ( ) > pageNum )
// Look whether this page has a section title, and if not, go back pages, one by one
for ( int i = pageNum ; i > = 0 ; - - i )
const TQString & s = m_sectionTitles [ i ] ;
if ( ! s . isEmpty ( ) )
// Update cache, to make this faster next time
if ( pageNum > ( int ) m_sectionTitles . size ( ) - 1 )
const_cast < KWDocument * > ( this ) - > m_sectionTitles . resize ( pageNum + 1 ) ;
const_cast < KWDocument * > ( this ) - > m_sectionTitles [ pageNum ] = s ;
return s ;
// If not in the cache, determine from the paragraphs in the page.
if ( m_lstFrameSet . isEmpty ( ) )
return TQString ( ) ;
// We use the "main" frameset to determine section titles.
KWTextFrameSet * frameset = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( m_lstFrameSet . getFirst ( ) ) ;
if ( ! frameset )
return TQString ( ) ;
int topLUpix , bottomLUpix ;
if ( ! frameset - > minMaxInternalOnPage ( pageNum , topLUpix , bottomLUpix ) )
return TQString ( ) ;
KoTextParag * parag = frameset - > textDocument ( ) - > firstParag ( ) ;
//kdDebug(32001) << "KWDocument::sectionTitle " << pageNum
// << " topLUpix=" << topLUpix << " bottomLUpix=" << bottomLUpix << endl;
KoTextParag * lastParagOfPageAbove = parag ;
for ( ; parag ; parag = parag - > next ( ) )
if ( parag - > rect ( ) . bottom ( ) < topLUpix ) // too early
lastParagOfPageAbove = parag ;
continue ;
if ( parag - > rect ( ) . top ( ) > bottomLUpix ) // done
break ;
TQString txt = checkSectionTitleInParag ( parag , frameset , pageNum ) ;
if ( ! txt . isEmpty ( ) )
return txt ;
// No heading found in page.
// Go back up until the first section parag
parag = lastParagOfPageAbove ;
for ( ; parag ; parag = parag - > prev ( ) )
TQString txt = checkSectionTitleInParag ( parag , frameset , pageNum ) ;
if ( ! txt . isEmpty ( ) )
return txt ;
// First page, no heading found
return TQString ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : setSpellCheckIgnoreList ( const TQStringList & lst )
m_spellCheckIgnoreList = lst ;
m_bgSpellCheck - > settings ( ) - > setCurrentIgnoreList ( m_spellCheckIgnoreList + m_spellCheckPersonalDict ) ;
setModified ( true ) ;
void KWDocument : : addSpellCheckIgnoreWord ( const TQString & word )
// ### missing: undo/redo support
if ( m_spellCheckIgnoreList . findIndex ( word ) = = - 1 )
m_spellCheckIgnoreList . append ( word ) ;
setSpellCheckIgnoreList ( m_spellCheckIgnoreList ) ;
if ( backgroundSpellCheckEnabled ( ) )
// Re-check everything to make this word normal again
reactivateBgSpellChecking ( ) ;
int KWDocument : : maxZOrder ( int pageNum ) const
bool first = true ;
int maxZOrder = 0 ; //this value is only used if there's no frame on the page
TQPtrList < KWFrame > frames = framesInPage ( pageNum ) ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrame > frameIt ( frames ) ;
for ( ; frameIt . current ( ) ; + + frameIt ) {
if ( first | | frameIt . current ( ) - > zOrder ( ) > maxZOrder ) {
maxZOrder = frameIt . current ( ) - > zOrder ( ) ;
first = false ;
return maxZOrder ;
TQPtrList < KWTextFrameSet > KWDocument : : allTextFramesets ( bool onlyReadWrite ) const
TQPtrList < KWTextFrameSet > textFramesets ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWFrameSet > fit = framesetsIterator ( ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
if ( fit . current ( ) - > isDeleted ( ) ) continue ;
fit . current ( ) - > addTextFrameSets ( textFramesets , onlyReadWrite ) ;
return textFramesets ;
TQValueList < KoTextDocument * > KWDocument : : allTextDocuments ( ) const
TQValueList < KoTextDocument * > lst ;
const TQPtrList < KWTextFrameSet > textFramesets = allTextFramesets ( false ) ;
TQPtrListIterator < KWTextFrameSet > fit ( textFramesets ) ;
for ( ; fit . current ( ) ; + + fit ) {
lst . append ( fit . current ( ) - > textObject ( ) - > textDocument ( ) ) ;
return lst ;
int KWDocument : : numberOfTextFrameSet ( KWFrameSet * fs , bool onlyReadWrite )
TQPtrList < KWTextFrameSet > textFramesets = allTextFramesets ( onlyReadWrite ) ;
return textFramesets . findRef ( static_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) ) ;
KWFrameSet * KWDocument : : textFrameSetFromIndex ( unsigned int num , bool onlyReadWrite )
return allTextFramesets ( onlyReadWrite ) . at ( num ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateTextFrameSetEdit ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > slotFrameSetEditChanged ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : displayFootNoteFieldCode ( )
TQPtrListIterator < KoVariable > it ( m_varColl - > getVariables ( ) ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
if ( it . current ( ) - > type ( ) = = VT_FOOTNOTE )
static_cast < KWFootNoteVariable * > ( it . current ( ) ) - > resize ( ) ;
static_cast < KWFootNoteVariable * > ( it . current ( ) ) - > frameSet ( ) - > setCounterText ( static_cast < KWFootNoteVariable * > ( it . current ( ) ) - > text ( ) ) ;
KoTextParag * parag = it . current ( ) - > paragraph ( ) ;
if ( parag )
parag - > invalidate ( 0 ) ;
parag - > setChanged ( true ) ;
void KWDocument : : changeFootNoteConfig ( )
TQMap < KoTextDocument * , bool > modifiedTextDocuments ; // TQt4: TQSet
TQPtrListIterator < KoVariable > it ( m_varColl - > getVariables ( ) ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
if ( it . current ( ) - > type ( ) = = VT_FOOTNOTE )
KWFootNoteVariable * footNoteVar = static_cast < KWFootNoteVariable * > ( it . current ( ) ) ;
footNoteVar - > formatedNote ( ) ;
if ( footNoteVar - > frameSet ( ) - > isDeleted ( ) )
continue ;
footNoteVar - > resize ( ) ;
footNoteVar - > frameSet ( ) - > setCounterText ( footNoteVar - > text ( ) ) ;
KoTextParag * parag = footNoteVar - > paragraph ( ) ;
if ( parag )
parag - > invalidate ( 0 ) ;
parag - > setChanged ( true ) ;
KoTextDocument * textdoc = parag - > textDocument ( ) ;
if ( modifiedTextDocuments . find ( textdoc ) ! = modifiedTextDocuments . end ( ) ) // TQt4: !contains
modifiedTextDocuments . insert ( textdoc , true ) ;
for ( TQMap < KoTextDocument * , bool > : : const_iterator it = modifiedTextDocuments . begin ( ) ;
it ! = modifiedTextDocuments . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
KoTextDocument * textdoc = it . key ( ) ;
KWTextFrameSet * textfs = static_cast < KWTextDocument * > ( textdoc ) - > textFrameSet ( ) ;
slotRepaintChanged ( textfs ) ;
void KWDocument : : setTabStopValue ( double tabStop )
m_tabStop = tabStop ;
TQPtrList < KWTextFrameSet > textFramesets = allTextFramesets ( true ) ;
KWTextFrameSet * frm ;
for ( frm = textFramesets . first ( ) ; frm ! = 0 ; frm = textFramesets . next ( ) ) {
frm - > textDocument ( ) - > setTabStops ( ptToLayoutUnitPixX ( tabStop ) ) ;
frm - > layout ( ) ;
repaintAllViews ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : setGlobalHyphenation ( bool hyphen )
m_bGlobalHyphenation = hyphen ;
// This is only used as a default setting for the default format in new documents;
// In existing documents the hyphenation comes from the existing formats.
void KWDocument : : setViewFrameBorders ( bool b )
m_viewFrameBorders = b ;
m_layoutViewMode - > setDrawFrameBorders ( b ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > viewMode ( ) - > setDrawFrameBorders ( b ) ;
void KWDocument : : switchViewMode ( const TQString & newViewModeType )
// Don't compare m_viewModeType and newViewMode here, it would break
// changing the number of pages per row for the preview mode, in kwconfig.
m_viewModeType = newViewModeType ;
delete m_layoutViewMode ;
m_layoutViewMode = KWViewMode : : create ( m_viewModeType , this , 0 /*no canvas */ ) ;
//necessary to switchmode view in all canvas in first.
//otherwise with more than one view kword crashes !
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > switchViewMode ( m_viewModeType ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > switchModeView ( ) ;
emit newContentsSize ( ) ;
// Since the text layout depends on the view mode, we need to redo it
// But after telling the canvas about the new viewmode, otherwise stuff like
// slotNewContentsSize will crash.
updateAllFrames ( ) ;
layout ( ) ;
repaintAllViews ( true ) ;
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > getGUI ( ) - > canvasWidget ( ) - > ensureCursorVisible ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : changeBgSpellCheckingState ( bool b )
enableBackgroundSpellCheck ( b ) ;
reactivateBgSpellChecking ( ) ;
TDEConfig * config = KWFactory : : instance ( ) - > config ( ) ;
config - > setGroup ( " KSpell kword " ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " SpellCheck " , ( int ) b ) ;
TQString KWDocument : : initialFrameSet ( ) const
return m_initialEditing ? m_initialEditing - > m_initialFrameSet : TQString ( ) ;
int KWDocument : : initialCursorParag ( ) const
return m_initialEditing ? m_initialEditing - > m_initialCursorParag : 0 ;
int KWDocument : : initialCursorIndex ( ) const
return m_initialEditing ? m_initialEditing - > m_initialCursorIndex : 0 ;
void KWDocument : : deleteInitialEditingInfo ( )
delete m_initialEditing ;
m_initialEditing = 0L ;
bool KWDocument : : cursorInProtectedArea ( ) const
return m_cursorInProtectectedArea ;
void KWDocument : : setCursorInProtectedArea ( bool b )
m_cursorInProtectectedArea = b ;
testAndCloseAllFrameSetProtectedContent ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : testAndCloseAllFrameSetProtectedContent ( )
if ( ! m_cursorInProtectectedArea )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > testAndCloseAllFrameSetProtectedContent ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateRulerInProtectContentMode ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : const_iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateRulerInProtectContentMode ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : insertBookmark ( const TQString & name , KoTextParag * startparag , KoTextParag * endparag , int start , int end )
m_bookmarkList - > append ( KoTextBookmark ( name , startparag , endparag , start , end ) ) ;
void KWDocument : : deleteBookmark ( const TQString & name )
if ( m_bookmarkList - > removeByName ( name ) )
setModified ( true ) ;
void KWDocument : : renameBookmark ( const TQString & oldName , const TQString & newName )
if ( oldName = = newName )
return ;
KoTextBookmarkList : : iterator it = m_bookmarkList - > findByName ( oldName ) ;
if ( it ! = m_bookmarkList - > end ( ) )
( * it ) . setBookmarkName ( newName ) ;
setModified ( true ) ;
const KoTextBookmark * KWDocument : : bookmarkByName ( const TQString & name ) const
KoTextBookmarkList : : const_iterator it = m_bookmarkList - > findByName ( name ) ;
if ( it ! = m_bookmarkList - > end ( ) )
return & ( * it ) ;
return 0 ;
TQStringList KWDocument : : listOfBookmarkName ( KWViewMode * viewMode ) const
TQStringList list ;
KoTextBookmarkList : : const_iterator it = m_bookmarkList - > begin ( ) ;
const KoTextBookmarkList : : const_iterator end = m_bookmarkList - > end ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = end ; + + it )
const KoTextBookmark & book = * it ;
KWFrameSet * fs = static_cast < KWTextDocument * > ( book . textDocument ( ) ) - > textFrameSet ( ) ;
if ( fs - > isVisible ( viewMode ) & & ! fs - > isDeleted ( ) )
list . append ( book . bookmarkName ( ) ) ;
return list ;
void KWDocument : : paragraphModified ( KoTextParag * /*parag*/ , int /*KoTextParag::ParagModifyType*/ /*type*/ , int /*start*/ , int /*length*/ )
//kdDebug()<<" parag :"<<parag<<" start :"<<start<<" length :"<<length<<endl;
emit docStructureChanged ( Tables | TextFrames ) ;
void KWDocument : : paragraphDeleted ( KoTextParag * parag , KWFrameSet * frm )
KWTextFrameSet * textfs = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( frm ) ;
if ( textfs )
// For speed KoTextBookmarkList should probably be a per-paragraph map.
// The problem is that a bookmark is associated with TWO paragraphs...
KoTextBookmarkList : : iterator it = m_bookmarkList - > begin ( ) ;
const KoTextBookmarkList : : iterator end = m_bookmarkList - > end ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = end ; + + it )
KoTextBookmark & book = * it ;
// Adjust bookmark to point to a valid paragraph, below or above the deleted one.
// The old implementation turned the bookmark into a useless one. OOo simply deletes the bookmark...
if ( book . startParag ( ) = = parag )
book . setStartParag ( parag - > next ( ) ? parag - > next ( ) : parag - > prev ( ) ) ;
if ( book . endParag ( ) = = parag )
book . setEndParag ( parag - > next ( ) ? parag - > next ( ) : parag - > prev ( ) ) ;
void KWDocument : : initBookmarkList ( )
Q_ASSERT ( m_loadingInfo ) ;
if ( ! m_loadingInfo )
return ;
KWLoadingInfo : : BookMarkList : : Iterator it = m_loadingInfo - > bookMarkList . begin ( ) ;
KWLoadingInfo : : BookMarkList : : Iterator end = m_loadingInfo - > bookMarkList . end ( ) ;
for ( ; it ! = end ; + + it )
KWFrameSet * fs = 0L ;
TQString fsName = ( * it ) . frameSetName ;
if ( ! fsName . isEmpty ( ) )
fs = frameSetByName ( fsName ) ;
if ( fs )
KWTextFrameSet * frm = dynamic_cast < KWTextFrameSet * > ( fs ) ;
if ( frm )
KoTextDocument * textdoc = frm - > textDocument ( ) ;
KoTextParag * startparag = textdoc - > paragAt ( ( * it ) . paragStartIndex ) ;
KoTextParag * endparag = textdoc - > paragAt ( ( * it ) . paragEndIndex ) ;
if ( startparag & & endparag )
m_bookmarkList - > append ( KoTextBookmark ( ( * it ) . bookname ,
startparag , endparag ,
( * it ) . cursorStartIndex , ( * it ) . cursorEndIndex ) ) ;
TQPixmap * KWDocument : : doubleBufferPixmap ( const TQSize & s )
if ( ! m_bufPixmap ) {
int w = TQABS ( s . width ( ) ) ;
int h = TQABS ( s . height ( ) ) ;
m_bufPixmap = new TQPixmap ( w , h ) ;
} else {
if ( m_bufPixmap - > width ( ) < s . width ( ) | |
m_bufPixmap - > height ( ) < s . height ( ) ) {
m_bufPixmap - > resize ( TQMAX ( s . width ( ) , m_bufPixmap - > width ( ) ) ,
TQMAX ( s . height ( ) , m_bufPixmap - > height ( ) ) ) ;
return m_bufPixmap ;
void KWDocument : : maybeDeleteDoubleBufferPixmap ( )
if ( m_bufPixmap & & m_bufPixmap - > height ( ) * m_bufPixmap - > width ( ) > 400 * 400 )
delete m_bufPixmap ;
m_bufPixmap = 0L ;
void KWDocument : : setPersonalExpressionPath ( const TQStringList & lst )
m_personalExpressionPath = lst ;
refreshMenuExpression ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : updateDirectCursorButton ( )
for ( TQValueList < KWView * > : : Iterator it = m_lstViews . begin ( ) ; it ! = m_lstViews . end ( ) ; + + it )
( * it ) - > updateDirectCursorButton ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : setInsertDirectCursor ( bool b )
m_bInsertDirectCursor = b ;
TDEConfig * config = KWFactory : : instance ( ) - > config ( ) ;
config - > setGroup ( " Interface " ) ;
config - > writeEntry ( " InsertDirectCursor " , b ) ;
updateDirectCursorButton ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : saveDialogShown ( )
if ( ! textFrameSet ( 0 ) )
return ;
// Grab first 50 chars from the main frameset's document
// ### This is a somewhat slow method, if the document is huge - better iterate
// over the first few parags until 50 chars have been collected.
TQString first_row = textFrameSet ( 0 ) - > textDocument ( ) - > plainText ( ) . left ( 50 ) ;
bool truncate = false ;
TQChar ch ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) first_row . length ( ) ; i + + )
ch = first_row . at ( i ) ;
if ( ! truncate )
if ( ch . isPunct ( ) | | ch . isSpace ( ) | | ch = = ' . ' )
first_row . remove ( i , 1 ) ;
- - i ;
truncate = true ;
else if ( truncate & & ( ch . isPunct ( ) | | ch = = ' . ' | | ch = = ' \n ' ) )
first_row . truncate ( i ) ;
break ;
first_row = first_row . stripWhiteSpace ( ) ;
kdDebug ( ) < < " Suggested filename: " < < first_row < < endl ;
setURL ( first_row ) ;
void KWDocument : : addWordToDictionary ( const TQString & word )
if ( m_bgSpellCheck )
if ( m_spellCheckPersonalDict . findIndex ( word ) = = - 1 )
m_spellCheckPersonalDict . append ( word ) ;
m_bgSpellCheck - > settings ( ) - > setCurrentIgnoreList ( m_spellCheckIgnoreList + m_spellCheckPersonalDict ) ;
if ( backgroundSpellCheckEnabled ( ) )
// Re-check everything to make this word normal again
reactivateBgSpellChecking ( ) ;
void KWDocument : : setEmpty ( )
KoDocument : : setEmpty ( ) ;
// Whether loaded from template or from empty doc: this is a new one -> set creation date
m_varColl - > variableSetting ( ) - > setCreationDate ( TQDateTime : : currentDateTime ( ) ) ;
recalcVariables ( VT_DATE ) ; // , VST_CREATION_DATE ...
// If we then load a document, it will override that date.
void KWDocument : : updateGridButton ( )
TQPtrListIterator < KoView > it ( views ( ) ) ;
for ( ; it . current ( ) ; + + it )
( ( KWView * ) it . current ( ) ) - > updateGridButton ( ) ;
unsigned int KWDocument : : paperHeight ( int pageNum ) const {
return static_cast < unsigned int > ( zoomItY ( pageManager ( ) - > pageLayout ( pageNum ) . ptHeight ) ) ;
unsigned int KWDocument : : paperWidth ( int pageNum ) const {
return static_cast < unsigned int > ( zoomItX ( pageManager ( ) - > pageLayout ( pageNum ) . ptWidth ) ) ;
unsigned int KWDocument : : pageTop ( int pgNum ) const {
return zoomItY ( pageManager ( ) - > topOfPage ( pgNum ) ) ;
int KWDocument : : pageCount ( ) const {
return pageManager ( ) - > pageCount ( ) ;
int KWDocument : : startPage ( ) const {
return pageManager ( ) - > startPage ( ) ;
int KWDocument : : lastPage ( ) const {
return pageManager ( ) - > lastPageNumber ( ) ;
TQWidget * KWDocument : : createCustomDocumentWidget ( TQWidget * parent ) {
KoColumns columns ;
columns . columns = 1 ;
columns . ptColumnSpacing = m_defaultColumnSpacing ;
return new KWStartupWidget ( parent , this , columns ) ;
KWDocument : : FramesChangedHandler : : FramesChangedHandler ( KWDocument * parent ) {
m_parent = parent ;
m_needLayout = false ;
void KWDocument : : FramesChangedHandler : : addFrame ( KWFrame * frame ) {
if ( frame = = 0 ) return ;
if ( m_frameSets . contains ( frame - > frameSet ( ) ) ) return ;
m_frameSets . append ( frame - > frameSet ( ) ) ;
if ( frame - > runAround ( ) ! = KWFrame : : RA_NO )
m_needLayout = true ;
void KWDocument : : FramesChangedHandler : : addFrameSet ( KWFrameSet * fs ) {
if ( m_frameSets . contains ( fs ) ) return ;
m_frameSets . append ( fs ) ;
m_needLayout = true ;
void KWDocument : : FramesChangedHandler : : execute ( ) {
if ( m_frameSets . count ( ) = = 0 )
m_parent - > updateAllFrames ( ) ;
else {
TQValueListIterator < KWFrameSet * > iter = m_frameSets . begin ( ) ;
for ( ; iter ! = m_frameSets . end ( ) ; + + iter ) {
KWFrameSet * fs = * iter ;
fs - > updateFrames ( ) ;
if ( ! m_needLayout )
fs - > layout ( ) ;
KWFrameList : : recalcAllFrames ( m_parent ) ;
// If frame with text flowing around it -> re-layout all frames
if ( m_needLayout )
m_parent - > layout ( ) ;
//m_parent->repaintAllViewsExcept( 0 );
m_parent - > repaintAllViews ( ) ;
m_parent - > updateRulerFrameStartEnd ( ) ;
# include "KWDocument.moc"