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* kexidbconnection.h
* This file is part of the KDE project
* copyright (C)2004-2005 by Sebastian Sauer (
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <ksharedptr.h>
#include <api/object.h>
#include <api/variant.h>
#include <api/list.h>
#include <api/class.h>
//#include <kexidb/driver.h>
#include <kexidb/connection.h>
namespace Kross { namespace KexiDB {
// Forward declarations.
class KexiDBDriver;
class KexiDBConnectionData;
class KexiDBCursor;
class KexiDBTableSchema;
class KexiDBQuerySchema;
class KexiDBTransaction;
class KexiDBParser;
* A connection to a database.
* Example (in Python) ;
* @code
* # Import the kexidb module.
* import krosskexidb
* # Get the drivermanager.
* drivermanager = krosskexidb.DriverManager()
* # We need a connectiondata object.
* connectiondata = drivermanager.createConnectionData()
* # Fill the new connectiondata object with what we need to connect.
* connectiondata.setFileName("/home/user/kexisqlite3file.kexi")
* # Create the database-driver to access the SQLite3 backend.
* driver = drivermanager.driver("SQLite3")
* # Create the connection now.
* connection = driver.createConnection(connectiondata)
* # Establish the connection.
* if not connection.connect(): raise("Failed to connect with db")
* # Open database for usage. The filebased driver uses the filename as databasename.
* if not connection.useDatabase("/home/user/kexisqlite3file.kexi"): raise("Failed to use db")
* @endcode
class KexiDBConnection : public Kross::Api::Class<KexiDBConnection>
KexiDBConnection(::KexiDB::Connection* connection, KexiDBDriver* driver = 0, KexiDBConnectionData* connectiondata = 0);
virtual ~KexiDBConnection();
virtual const TQString getClassName() const;
/** Return true if there was an error during last operation on the database. */
bool hadError() const;
/** Return the last errormessage. */
const TQString lastError() const;
/** Return the KexiDBConnectionData object used to create this connection. */
KexiDBConnectionData* data();
/** Return the KexiDBDriver object this connection belongs too. */
KexiDBDriver* driver();
/** Try to connect and return true if we are successfully connected now. */
bool connect();
/** Return true if we are connected. */
bool isConnected();
/** Disconnect and return true if we are successfully disconnected now. */
bool disconnect();
/** Returns true if the connection is read-only. */
bool isReadOnly() const;
/** Return true if the as argument passed databasename exists. */
bool databaseExists(const TQString& dbname);
/** Return the name of currently used database for this connection or empty
string if there is no used database. */
const TQString currentDatabase() const;
/** Return list of database names for opened connection. */
const TQStringList databaseNames() const;
/** Return true if connection is properly established. */
bool isDatabaseUsed() const;
/** Opens an existing database specified by the as argument passed databasename
and returns true if the database is used now. */
bool useDatabase(const TQString& dbname);
/** Closes currently used database for this connection. */
bool closeDatabase();
/** Return names of all table schemas stored in currently used database include the
internal KexiDB system table names (kexi__*) */
const TQStringList allTableNames() const;
/** Return names of all table schemas without the internal KexiDB system table names (kexi__*) */
const TQStringList tableNames() const;
/** Return names of all query schemas stored in currently used database. */
const TQStringList queryNames() const;
/** Executes query described by the as argument passed sqlstatement-string. Returns the
opened cursor created for results of this query. */
KexiDBCursor* executeQueryString(const TQString& sqlquery);
/** Executes query described by the as argument passed KexiDBQuerySchema object. Returns
the opened cursor created for results of this query. */
KexiDBCursor* executeQuerySchema(KexiDBQuerySchema* queryschema);
//TODO replace following method with a proxymethod.
/** Inserts the as argument passed KexiDBField object. */
Kross::Api::Object::Ptr insertRecord(Kross::Api::List::Ptr);
/** Creates new database with the as argument passed databasename. */
bool createDatabase(const TQString& dbname);
/** Drops the as argument passed databasename. */
bool dropDatabase(const TQString& dbname);
/** Creates table defined by the as argument passed KexiTableSchema object. */
bool createTable(KexiDBTableSchema* tableschema);
/** Drops table defined by the as argument passed KexiDBTableSchema object. */
bool dropTable(const TQString& tablename);
/** Alters the as first argument passed KexiDBTableSchema object using the as
second argument passed KexiDBTableSchema. */
bool alterTable(KexiDBTableSchema* fromschema, KexiDBTableSchema* toschema);
/** Alters the tablename of the as first argument passed KexiDBTableSchema into
the as second argument passed new tablename. */
bool alterTableName(KexiDBTableSchema* tableschema, const TQString& newtablename);
/** Returns the KexiDBTableSchema object of the table matching to the as argument
passed tablename. */
KexiDBTableSchema* tableSchema(const TQString& tablename) const;
/** Returns true if there is at least one valid record in the as argument passed tablename. */
bool isEmptyTable(KexiDBTableSchema* tableschema) const;
/** Returns the KexiDBQuerySchema object of the query matching to the as argument passed queryname. */
KexiDBQuerySchema* querySchema(const TQString& queryname) const;
/** Return true if the \"auto commit\" option is on. */
bool autoCommit() const;
/** Set the auto commit option. This does not affect currently started transactions and can
be changed even when connection is not established. */
bool setAutoCommit(bool enabled);
/** Creates new transaction handle and starts a new transaction. */
KexiDBTransaction* beginTransaction();
/** Commits the as rgument passed KexiDBTransaction object. */
bool commitTransaction(KexiDBTransaction* transaction);
/** Rollback the as rgument passed KexiDBTransaction object. */
bool rollbackTransaction(KexiDBTransaction* transaction);
/** Return the KEXIDBTransaction object for default transaction for this connection. */
KexiDBTransaction* defaultTransaction();
/** Sets default transaction that will be used as context for operations on data in opened
database for this connection. */
void setDefaultTransaction(KexiDBTransaction* transaction);
/** Return list of currently active KexiDBTransaction objects. */
Kross::Api::List* transactions();
/** Return a KexiDBParser object. */
KexiDBParser* parser();
::KexiDB::Connection* connection() const;
::KexiDB::Connection* m_connection;
KSharedPtr<KexiDBConnectionData> m_connectiondata;
KSharedPtr<KexiDBDriver> m_driver;
/// Initialize the class instance.
void initialize();