/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright ( C ) 2002 Till Busch < till @ bux . at >
Copyright ( C ) 2003 Lucijan Busch < lucijan @ gmx . at >
Copyright ( C ) 2003 Daniel Molkentin < molkentin @ kde . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2003 Joseph Wenninger < jowenn @ kde . org >
Copyright ( C ) 2003 - 2006 Jaroslaw Staniek < js @ iidea . pl >
This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either
version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details .
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this program ; see the file COPYING . If not , write to
the Free Software Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor ,
* Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
Original Author : Till Busch < till @ bux . at >
Original Project : buX ( www . bux . at )
# include <tqpainter.h>
# include <tqkeycode.h>
# include <tqlineedit.h>
# include <tqcombobox.h>
# include <tqwmatrix.h>
# include <tqtimer.h>
# include <tqpopupmenu.h>
# include <tqcursor.h>
# include <tqstyle.h>
# include <tqlayout.h>
# include <tqlabel.h>
# include <tqwhatsthis.h>
# include <kglobal.h>
# include <klocale.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <kapplication.h>
# include <kiconloader.h>
# include <kmessagebox.h>
# ifndef KEXI_NO_PRINT
# include <kprinter.h>
# endif
# include "kexitableview.h"
# include <kexiutils/utils.h>
# include <kexiutils/validator.h>
# include "kexicelleditorfactory.h"
# include "kexitableviewheader.h"
# include "kexitableview_p.h"
# include <widget/utils/kexirecordmarker.h>
# include <widget/utils/kexidisplayutils.h>
# include <kexidb/cursor.h>
KexiTableView : : Appearance : : Appearance ( TQWidget * widget )
: alternateBackgroundColor ( KGlobalSettings : : alternateBackgroundColor ( ) )
//set defaults
if ( tqApp ) {
TQPalette p = widget ? widget - > palette ( ) : tqApp - > palette ( ) ;
baseColor = p . active ( ) . base ( ) ;
textColor = p . active ( ) . text ( ) ;
borderColor = TQColor ( 200 , 200 , 200 ) ;
emptyAreaColor = p . active ( ) . color ( TQColorGroup : : Base ) ;
rowHighlightingColor = KexiUtils : : blendedColors ( p . active ( ) . highlight ( ) , baseColor , 33 , 66 ) ;
rowMouseOverHighlightingColor = KexiUtils : : blendedColors ( p . active ( ) . highlight ( ) , baseColor , 10 , 90 ) ;
rowMouseOverAlternateHighlightingColor = KexiUtils : : blendedColors ( p . active ( ) . highlight ( ) , alternateBackgroundColor , 10 , 90 ) ;
rowHighlightingTextColor = textColor ;
rowMouseOverHighlightingTextColor = textColor ;
backgroundAltering = true ;
rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled = true ;
rowHighlightingEnabled = true ;
persistentSelections = true ;
navigatorEnabled = true ;
fullRowSelection = false ;
gridEnabled = true ;
//! @internal A special What's This class displaying information about a given column
class KexiTableView : : WhatsThis : public TQWhatsThis
public :
WhatsThis ( KexiTableView * tv ) : TQWhatsThis ( tv ) , m_tv ( tv )
Q_ASSERT ( tv ) ;
virtual ~ WhatsThis ( )
virtual TQString text ( const TQPoint & pos )
const int leftMargin = m_tv - > verticalHeaderVisible ( ) ? m_tv - > verticalHeader ( ) - > width ( ) : 0 ;
//const int topMargin = m_tv->horizontalHeaderVisible() ? m_tv->d->pTopHeader->height() : 0;
//const int bottomMargin = m_tv->d->appearance.navigatorEnabled ? m_tv->m_navPanel->height() : 0;
if ( KexiUtils : : hasParent ( TQT_TQOBJECT ( m_tv - > verticalHeader ( ) ) , TQT_TQOBJECT ( m_tv - > childAt ( pos ) ) ) ) {
return i18n ( " Contains a pointer to the currently selected row " ) ;
else if ( KexiUtils : : hasParent ( TQT_TQOBJECT ( m_tv - > m_navPanel ) , TQT_TQOBJECT ( m_tv - > childAt ( pos ) ) ) ) {
return i18n ( " Row navigator " ) ;
// return TQWhatsThis::textFor(m_tv->m_navPanel, TQPoint( pos.x(), pos.y() - m_tv->height() + bottomMargin ));
KexiDB : : Field * f = m_tv - > field ( m_tv - > columnAt ( pos . x ( ) - leftMargin ) ) ;
if ( ! f )
return TQString ( ) ;
return f - > description ( ) . isEmpty ( ) ? f - > captionOrName ( ) : f - > description ( ) ;
protected :
KexiTableView * m_tv ;
} ;
KexiTableViewCellToolTip : : KexiTableViewCellToolTip ( KexiTableView * tableView )
: TQToolTip ( tableView - > viewport ( ) )
, m_tableView ( tableView )
KexiTableViewCellToolTip : : ~ KexiTableViewCellToolTip ( )
remove ( parentWidget ( ) ) ;
void KexiTableViewCellToolTip : : maybeTip ( const TQPoint & p )
const TQPoint cp ( m_tableView - > viewportToContents ( p ) ) ;
const int row = m_tableView - > rowAt ( cp . y ( ) , true /*ignoreEnd*/ ) ;
const int col = m_tableView - > columnAt ( cp . x ( ) ) ;
//show tooltip if needed
if ( col > = 0 & & row > = 0 ) {
KexiTableEdit * editor = m_tableView - > tableEditorWidget ( col ) ;
const bool insertRowSelected = m_tableView - > isInsertingEnabled ( ) & & row = = m_tableView - > rows ( ) ;
KexiTableItem * item = insertRowSelected ? m_tableView - > m_insertItem : m_tableView - > itemAt ( row ) ;
if ( editor & & item & & ( col < ( int ) item - > count ( ) ) ) {
int w = m_tableView - > columnWidth ( col ) ;
int h = m_tableView - > rowHeight ( ) ;
int x = 0 ;
int y_offset = 0 ;
int align = TQt : : SingleLine | TQt : : AlignVCenter ;
TQString txtValue ;
TQVariant cellValue ;
KexiTableViewColumn * tvcol = m_tableView - > column ( col ) ;
if ( ! m_tableView - > getVisibleLookupValue ( cellValue , editor , item , tvcol ) )
cellValue = insertRowSelected ? editor - > displayedField ( ) - > defaultValue ( ) : item - > at ( col ) ; //display default value if available
const bool focused = m_tableView - > selectedItem ( ) = = item & & col = = m_tableView - > currentColumn ( ) ;
editor - > setupContents ( 0 , focused , cellValue , txtValue , align , x , y_offset , w , h ) ;
TQRect realRect ( m_tableView - > columnPos ( col ) - m_tableView - > contentsX ( ) ,
m_tableView - > rowPos ( row ) - m_tableView - > contentsY ( ) , w , h ) ; //m_tableView->cellGeometry( row, col ));
if ( editor - > showToolTipIfNeeded (
txtValue . isEmpty ( ) ? item - > at ( col ) : TQVariant ( txtValue ) ,
realRect , m_tableView - > fontMetrics ( ) , focused ) )
TQString squeezedTxtValue ;
if ( txtValue . length ( ) > 50 )
squeezedTxtValue = txtValue . left ( 100 ) + " ... " ;
squeezedTxtValue = txtValue ;
tip ( realRect , squeezedTxtValue ) ;
KexiTableView : : KexiTableView ( KexiTableViewData * data , TQWidget * parent , const char * name )
: TQScrollView ( parent , name , /*TQt::WRepaintNoErase | */ TQt : : WStaticContents /*| TQt::WResizeNoErase*/ )
, KexiRecordNavigatorHandler ( )
, KexiSharedActionClient ( )
, KexiDataAwareObjectInterface ( )
//not needed KexiTableView::initCellEditorFactories();
d = new KexiTableViewPrivate ( this ) ;
connect ( kapp , TQT_SIGNAL ( settingsChanged ( int ) ) , TQT_SLOT ( slotSettingsChanged ( int ) ) ) ;
slotSettingsChanged ( KApplication : : SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS ) ;
m_data = new KexiTableViewData ( ) ; //to prevent crash because m_data==0
m_owner = true ; //-this will be deleted if needed
setResizePolicy ( Manual ) ;
viewport ( ) - > setBackgroundMode ( TQt : : NoBackground ) ;
// viewport()->setFocusPolicy(TQ_StrongFocus);
viewport ( ) - > setFocusPolicy ( TQ_WheelFocus ) ;
setFocusPolicy ( TQ_WheelFocus ) ; //<--- !!!!! important (was NoFocus),
// otherwise TQApplication::setActiveWindow() won't activate
// this widget when needed!
// setFocusProxy(viewport());
viewport ( ) - > installEventFilter ( this ) ;
//setup colors defaults
setBackgroundMode ( TQt : : PaletteBackground ) ;
// setEmptyAreaColor(d->appearance.baseColor);//palette().active().color(TQColorGroup::Base));
// d->baseColor = colorGroup().base();
// d->textColor = colorGroup().text();
// d->altColor = KGlobalSettings::alternateBackgroundColor();
// d->grayColor = TQColor(200,200,200);
d - > diagonalGrayPattern = TQBrush ( d - > appearance . borderColor , TQt : : BDiagPattern ) ;
setLineWidth ( 1 ) ;
horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > installEventFilter ( this ) ;
horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > raise ( ) ;
verticalScrollBar ( ) - > raise ( ) ;
//context menu
m_popupMenu = new KPopupMenu ( this , " contextMenu " ) ;
#if 0 //moved to mainwindow's actions
d - > menu_id_addRecord = m_popupMenu - > insertItem ( i18n ( " Add Record " ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( addRecord ( ) ) , TQt : : CTRL + TQt : : Key_Insert ) ;
d - > menu_id_removeRecord = m_popupMenu - > insertItem (
kapp - > iconLoader ( ) - > loadIcon ( " button_cancel " , KIcon : : Small ) ,
i18n ( " Remove Record " ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( removeRecord ( ) ) , TQt : : CTRL + TQt : : Key_Delete ) ;
# endif
# ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
d - > rowHeight = fontMetrics ( ) . lineSpacing ( ) + 4 ;
# else
d - > rowHeight = fontMetrics ( ) . lineSpacing ( ) + 1 ;
# endif
if ( d - > rowHeight < 17 )
d - > rowHeight = 17 ;
d - > pUpdateTimer = new TQTimer ( this ) ;
// setMargins(14, fontMetrics().height() + 4, 0, 0);
// Create headers
m_horizontalHeader = new KexiTableViewHeader ( this , " topHeader " ) ;
m_horizontalHeader - > setSelectionBackgroundColor ( palette ( ) . active ( ) . highlight ( ) ) ;
m_horizontalHeader - > setOrientation ( Qt : : Horizontal ) ;
m_horizontalHeader - > setTracking ( false ) ;
m_horizontalHeader - > setMovingEnabled ( false ) ;
connect ( m_horizontalHeader , TQT_SIGNAL ( sizeChange ( int , int , int ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotTopHeaderSizeChange ( int , int , int ) ) ) ;
m_verticalHeader = new KexiRecordMarker ( this , " rm " ) ;
m_verticalHeader - > setSelectionBackgroundColor ( palette ( ) . active ( ) . highlight ( ) ) ;
m_verticalHeader - > setCellHeight ( d - > rowHeight ) ;
// m_verticalHeader->setFixedWidth(d->rowHeight);
m_verticalHeader - > setCurrentRow ( - 1 ) ;
setMargins (
TQMIN ( m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) , d - > rowHeight ) ,
m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
setupNavigator ( ) ;
// setMinimumHeight(horizontalScrollBar()->height() + d->rowHeight + topMargin());
// navPanelLyr->addStretch(25);
// enableClipper(true);
if ( data )
setData ( data ) ;
#if 0 //(js) doesn't work!
d - > scrollTimer = new TQTimer ( this ) ;
connect ( d - > scrollTimer , TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotAutoScroll ( ) ) ) ;
# endif
// setBackgroundAltering(true);
// setFullRowSelectionEnabled(false);
setAcceptDrops ( true ) ;
viewport ( ) - > setAcceptDrops ( true ) ;
// Connect header, table and scrollbars
connect ( horizontalScrollBar ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ) , m_horizontalHeader , TQT_SLOT ( setOffset ( int ) ) ) ;
connect ( verticalScrollBar ( ) , TQT_SIGNAL ( valueChanged ( int ) ) , m_verticalHeader , TQT_SLOT ( setOffset ( int ) ) ) ;
connect ( m_horizontalHeader , TQT_SIGNAL ( sizeChange ( int , int , int ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotColumnWidthChanged ( int , int , int ) ) ) ;
connect ( m_horizontalHeader , TQT_SIGNAL ( sectionHandleDoubleClicked ( int ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotSectionHandleDoubleClicked ( int ) ) ) ;
connect ( m_horizontalHeader , TQT_SIGNAL ( clicked ( int ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( sortColumnInternal ( int ) ) ) ;
connect ( d - > pUpdateTimer , TQT_SIGNAL ( timeout ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotUpdate ( ) ) ) ;
// horizontalScrollBar()->show();
updateScrollBars ( ) ;
// resize(sizeHint());
// updateContents();
// setMinimumHeight(horizontalScrollBar()->height() + d->rowHeight + topMargin());
//will be updated by setAppearance: updateFonts();
setAppearance ( d - > appearance ) ; //refresh
d - > cellToolTip = new KexiTableViewCellToolTip ( this ) ;
new WhatsThis ( this ) ;
KexiTableView : : ~ KexiTableView ( )
cancelRowEdit ( ) ;
KexiTableViewData * data = m_data ;
m_data = 0 ;
if ( m_owner ) {
if ( data )
data - > deleteLater ( ) ;
delete d ;
void KexiTableView : : clearVariables ( )
KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : clearVariables ( ) ;
d - > clearVariables ( ) ;
/*void KexiTableView::initActions(KActionCollection *ac)
emit reloadActions ( ac ) ;
} */
void KexiTableView : : setupNavigator ( )
updateScrollBars ( ) ;
m_navPanel = new KexiRecordNavigator ( this , leftMargin ( ) , " navPanel " ) ;
m_navPanel - > setRecordHandler ( this ) ;
m_navPanel - > setSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy : : Minimum , TQSizePolicy : : Preferred ) ;
void KexiTableView : : initDataContents ( )
updateWidgetContentsSize ( ) ;
KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : initDataContents ( ) ;
m_navPanel - > showEditingIndicator ( false ) ;
void KexiTableView : : addHeaderColumn ( const TQString & caption , const TQString & description ,
const TQIconSet & icon , int width )
const int nr = m_horizontalHeader - > count ( ) ;
if ( icon . isNull ( ) )
m_horizontalHeader - > addLabel ( caption , width ) ;
m_horizontalHeader - > addLabel ( icon , caption , width ) ;
if ( ! description . isEmpty ( ) )
m_horizontalHeader - > setToolTip ( nr , description ) ;
void KexiTableView : : updateWidgetContentsSize ( )
TQSize s ( tableSize ( ) ) ;
resizeContents ( s . width ( ) , s . height ( ) ) ;
void KexiTableView : : slotRowsDeleted ( const TQValueList < int > & rows )
viewport ( ) - > repaint ( ) ;
updateWidgetContentsSize ( ) ;
setCursorPosition ( TQMAX ( 0 , ( int ) m_curRow - ( int ) rows . count ( ) ) , - 1 , true ) ;
/*void KexiTableView::addDropFilter(const TQString &filter)
d - > dropFilters . append ( filter ) ;
viewport ( ) - > setAcceptDrops ( true ) ;
} */
void KexiTableView : : setFont ( const TQFont & font )
TQScrollView : : setFont ( font ) ;
updateFonts ( true ) ;
void KexiTableView : : updateFonts ( bool repaint )
# ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
d - > rowHeight = fontMetrics ( ) . lineSpacing ( ) + 4 ;
# else
d - > rowHeight = fontMetrics ( ) . lineSpacing ( ) + 1 ;
# endif
if ( d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ) {
d - > rowHeight - = 1 ;
if ( d - > rowHeight < 17 )
d - > rowHeight = 17 ;
// if(d->rowHeight < 22)
// d->rowHeight = 22;
setMargins (
TQMIN ( m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) , d - > rowHeight ) ,
m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
// setMargins(14, d->rowHeight, 0, 0);
m_verticalHeader - > setCellHeight ( d - > rowHeight ) ;
KexiDisplayUtils : : initDisplayForAutonumberSign ( d - > autonumberSignDisplayParameters , this ) ;
KexiDisplayUtils : : initDisplayForDefaultValue ( d - > defaultValueDisplayParameters , this ) ;
if ( repaint )
updateContents ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : updateAllVisibleRowsBelow ( int row )
//get last visible row
int r = rowAt ( clipper ( ) - > height ( ) + contentsY ( ) ) ;
if ( r = = - 1 ) {
r = rows ( ) + 1 + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
//update all visible rows below
int leftcol = m_horizontalHeader - > sectionAt ( m_horizontalHeader - > offset ( ) ) ;
// int row = m_curRow;
updateContents ( columnPos ( leftcol ) , rowPos ( row ) ,
clipper ( ) - > width ( ) , clipper ( ) - > height ( ) - ( rowPos ( row ) - contentsY ( ) ) ) ;
void KexiTableView : : clearColumnsInternal ( bool /*repaint*/ )
while ( m_horizontalHeader - > count ( ) > 0 )
m_horizontalHeader - > removeLabel ( 0 ) ;
void KexiTableView : : slotUpdate ( )
// kdDebug(44021) << " KexiTableView::slotUpdate() -- " << endl;
// TQSize s(tableSize());
// viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(false);
/// resizeContents(s.width(), s.height());
// viewport()->setUpdatesEnabled(true);
updateContents ( ) ;
updateScrollBars ( ) ;
if ( m_navPanel )
m_navPanel - > updateGeometry ( leftMargin ( ) ) ;
// updateNavPanelGeometry();
updateWidgetContentsSize ( ) ;
// updateContents(0, contentsY()+clipper()->height()-2*d->rowHeight, clipper()->width(), d->rowHeight*3);
// updateContents(0, 0, viewport()->width(), contentsHeight());
// updateGeometries();
int KexiTableView : : currentLocalSortingOrder ( ) const
if ( m_horizontalHeader - > sortIndicatorSection ( ) = = - 1 )
return 0 ;
return ( m_horizontalHeader - > sortIndicatorOrder ( ) = = TQt : : Ascending ) ? 1 : - 1 ;
void KexiTableView : : setLocalSortingOrder ( int col , int order )
if ( order = = 0 )
col = - 1 ;
if ( col > = 0 )
m_horizontalHeader - > setSortIndicator ( col , ( order = = 1 ) ? TQt : : Ascending : TQt : : Descending ) ;
int KexiTableView : : currentLocalSortColumn ( ) const
return m_horizontalHeader - > sortIndicatorSection ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : updateGUIAfterSorting ( )
int cw = columnWidth ( m_curCol ) ;
int rh = rowHeight ( ) ;
// m_verticalHeader->setCurrentRow(m_curRow);
center ( columnPos ( m_curCol ) + cw / 2 , rowPos ( m_curRow ) + rh / 2 ) ;
// updateCell(oldRow, m_curCol);
// updateCell(m_curRow, m_curCol);
// slotUpdate();
updateContents ( ) ;
// d->pUpdateTimer->start(1,true);
TQSizePolicy KexiTableView : : sizePolicy ( ) const
// this widget is expandable
return TQSizePolicy ( TQSizePolicy : : Expanding , TQSizePolicy : : Expanding ) ;
TQSize KexiTableView : : sizeHint ( ) const
const TQSize & ts = tableSize ( ) ;
int w = TQMAX ( ts . width ( ) + leftMargin ( ) + verticalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . width ( ) + 2 * 2 ,
( m_navPanel - > isVisible ( ) ? m_navPanel - > width ( ) : 0 ) ) ;
int h = TQMAX ( ts . height ( ) + topMargin ( ) + horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ,
minimumSizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ) ;
w = TQMIN ( w , tqApp - > desktop ( ) - > width ( ) * 3 / 4 ) ; //stretch
h = TQMIN ( h , tqApp - > desktop ( ) - > height ( ) * 3 / 4 ) ; //stretch
// kexidbg << "KexiTableView::sizeHint()= " <<w <<", " <<h << endl;
return TQSize ( w , h ) ;
TQMAX ( ts . width ( ) + leftMargin ( ) + 2 * 2 , ( m_navPanel ? m_navPanel - > width ( ) : 0 ) ) ,
//+ TQMIN(m_verticalHeader->width(),d->rowHeight) + margin()*2,
TQMAX ( ts . height ( ) + topMargin ( ) + horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ,
minimumSizeHint ( ) . height ( ) )
) ; */
// TQMAX(ts.height() + topMargin(), minimumSizeHint().height()) );
TQSize KexiTableView : : minimumSizeHint ( ) const
return TQSize (
leftMargin ( ) + ( ( columns ( ) > 0 ) ? columnWidth ( 0 ) : KEXI_DEFAULT_DATA_COLUMN_WIDTH ) + 2 * 2 ,
d - > rowHeight * 5 / 2 + topMargin ( ) + ( m_navPanel & & m_navPanel - > isVisible ( ) ? m_navPanel - > height ( ) : 0 )
) ;
void KexiTableView : : createBuffer ( int width , int height )
if ( ! d - > pBufferPm )
d - > pBufferPm = new TQPixmap ( width , height ) ;
if ( d - > pBufferPm - > width ( ) < width | | d - > pBufferPm - > height ( ) < height )
d - > pBufferPm - > resize ( width , height ) ;
// d->pBufferPm->fill();
inline void KexiTableView : : paintRow ( KexiTableItem * item ,
TQPainter * pb , int r , int rowp , int cx , int cy ,
int colfirst , int collast , int maxwc )
if ( ! item )
return ;
// Go through the columns in the row r
// if we know from where to where, go through [colfirst, collast],
// else go through all of them
if ( colfirst = = - 1 )
colfirst = 0 ;
if ( collast = = - 1 )
collast = columns ( ) - 1 ;
int transly = rowp - cy ;
if ( d - > appearance . rowHighlightingEnabled & & r = = m_curRow & & ! d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ) {
pb - > fillRect ( 0 , transly , maxwc , d - > rowHeight , d - > appearance . rowHighlightingColor ) ;
else if ( d - > appearance . rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled & & r = = d - > highlightedRow ) {
if ( d - > appearance . backgroundAltering & & ( r % 2 ! = 0 ) )
pb - > fillRect ( 0 , transly , maxwc , d - > rowHeight , d - > appearance . rowMouseOverAlternateHighlightingColor ) ;
pb - > fillRect ( 0 , transly , maxwc , d - > rowHeight , d - > appearance . rowMouseOverHighlightingColor ) ;
else {
if ( d - > appearance . backgroundAltering & & ( r % 2 ! = 0 ) )
pb - > fillRect ( 0 , transly , maxwc , d - > rowHeight , d - > appearance . alternateBackgroundColor ) ;
pb - > fillRect ( 0 , transly , maxwc , d - > rowHeight , d - > appearance . baseColor ) ;
for ( int c = colfirst ; c < = collast ; c + + )
// get position and width of column c
int colp = columnPos ( c ) ;
if ( colp = = - 1 )
continue ; //invisible column?
int colw = columnWidth ( c ) ;
int translx = colp - cx ;
// Translate painter and draw the cell
pb - > saveWorldMatrix ( ) ;
pb - > translate ( translx , transly ) ;
paintCell ( pb , item , c , r , TQRect ( colp , rowp , colw , d - > rowHeight ) ) ;
pb - > restoreWorldMatrix ( ) ;
if ( m_dragIndicatorLine > = 0 ) {
int y_line = - 1 ;
if ( r = = ( rows ( ) - 1 ) & & m_dragIndicatorLine = = rows ( ) ) {
y_line = transly + d - > rowHeight - 3 ; //draw at last line
if ( m_dragIndicatorLine = = r ) {
y_line = transly + 1 ;
if ( y_line > = 0 ) {
RasterOp op = pb - > rasterOp ( ) ;
pb - > setRasterOp ( XorROP ) ;
pb - > setPen ( TQPen ( TQt : : white , 3 ) ) ;
pb - > drawLine ( 0 , y_line , maxwc , y_line ) ;
pb - > setRasterOp ( op ) ;
void KexiTableView : : drawContents ( TQPainter * p , int cx , int cy , int cw , int ch )
if ( d - > disableDrawContents )
return ;
int colfirst = columnAt ( cx ) ;
int rowfirst = rowAt ( cy ) ;
int collast = columnAt ( cx + cw - 1 ) ;
int rowlast = rowAt ( cy + ch - 1 ) ;
bool inserting = isInsertingEnabled ( ) ;
bool plus1row = false ; //true if we should show 'inserting' row at the end
bool paintOnlyInsertRow = false ;
/* kdDebug(44021) << TQString(" KexiTableView::drawContents(cx:%1 cy:%2 cw:%3 ch:%4)")
. arg ( cx ) . arg ( cy ) . arg ( cw ) . arg ( ch ) < < endl ; */
if ( rowlast = = - 1 ) {
rowlast = rows ( ) - 1 ;
plus1row = inserting ;
if ( rowfirst = = - 1 ) {
if ( rowAt ( cy - d - > rowHeight ) ! = - 1 ) {
paintOnlyInsertRow = true ;
// kdDebug(44021) << "-- paintOnlyInsertRow --" << endl;
// kdDebug(44021) << "rowfirst="<<rowfirst<<" rowlast="<<rowlast<<" rows()="<<rows()<<endl;
// kdDebug(44021)<<" plus1row=" << plus1row<<endl;
if ( collast = = - 1 )
collast = columns ( ) - 1 ;
if ( colfirst > collast ) {
int tmp = colfirst ;
colfirst = collast ;
collast = tmp ;
if ( rowfirst > rowlast ) {
int tmp = rowfirst ;
rowfirst = rowlast ;
rowlast = tmp ;
// tqDebug("cx:%3d cy:%3d w:%3d h:%3d col:%2d..%2d row:%2d..%2d tsize:%4d,%4d",
// cx, cy, cw, ch, colfirst, collast, rowfirst, rowlast, tableSize().width(), tableSize().height());
// triggerUpdate();
if ( rowfirst = = - 1 | | colfirst = = - 1 ) {
if ( ! paintOnlyInsertRow & & ! plus1row ) {
paintEmptyArea ( p , cx , cy , cw , ch ) ;
return ;
createBuffer ( cw , ch ) ;
if ( d - > pBufferPm - > isNull ( ) )
return ;
TQPainter * pb = new TQPainter ( d - > pBufferPm , this ) ;
// pb->fillRect(0, 0, cw, ch, colorGroup().base());
// int maxwc = TQMIN(cw, (columnPos(d->numCols - 1) + columnWidth(d->numCols - 1)));
int maxwc = columnPos ( columns ( ) - 1 ) + columnWidth ( columns ( ) - 1 ) ;
// kdDebug(44021) << "KexiTableView::drawContents(): maxwc: " << maxwc << endl;
pb - > fillRect ( cx , cy , cw , ch , d - > appearance . baseColor ) ;
int rowp ;
int r ;
if ( paintOnlyInsertRow ) {
r = rows ( ) ;
rowp = rowPos ( r ) ; // 'insert' row's position
else {
TQPtrListIterator < KexiTableItem > it = m_data - > iterator ( ) ;
it + = rowfirst ; //move to 1st row
rowp = rowPos ( rowfirst ) ; // row position
for ( r = rowfirst ; r < = rowlast ; r + + , + + it , rowp + = d - > rowHeight ) {
paintRow ( it . current ( ) , pb , r , rowp , cx , cy , colfirst , collast , maxwc ) ;
if ( plus1row ) { //additional - 'insert' row
paintRow ( m_insertItem , pb , r , rowp , cx , cy , colfirst , collast , maxwc ) ;
delete pb ;
p - > drawPixmap ( cx , cy , * d - > pBufferPm , 0 , 0 , cw , ch ) ;
paintEmptyArea ( p , cx , cy , cw , ch ) ;
bool KexiTableView : : isDefaultValueDisplayed ( KexiTableItem * item , int col , TQVariant * value )
const bool cursorAtInsertRowOrEditingNewRow = ( item = = m_insertItem | | ( m_newRowEditing & & m_currentItem = = item ) ) ;
KexiTableViewColumn * tvcol ;
if ( cursorAtInsertRowOrEditingNewRow
& & ( tvcol = m_data - > column ( col ) )
& & hasDefaultValueAt ( * tvcol )
& & ! tvcol - > field ( ) - > isAutoIncrement ( ) )
if ( value )
* value = tvcol - > field ( ) - > defaultValue ( ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
void KexiTableView : : paintCell ( TQPainter * p , KexiTableItem * item , int col , int row , const TQRect & cr , bool print )
p - > save ( ) ;
Q_UNUSED ( print ) ;
int w = cr . width ( ) ;
int h = cr . height ( ) ;
int x2 = w - 1 ;
int y2 = h - 1 ;
/* if (0==qstrcmp("KexiComboBoxPopup",parentWidget()->className())) {
kexidbg < < parentWidget ( ) - > className ( ) < < " >>>>>> KexiTableView::paintCell(col= " < < col < < " row= " < < row < < " ) w= " < < w < < endl ;
} */
// Draw our lines
TQPen pen ( p - > pen ( ) ) ;
if ( d - > appearance . gridEnabled ) {
p - > setPen ( d - > appearance . borderColor ) ;
p - > drawLine ( x2 , 0 , x2 , y2 ) ; // right
p - > drawLine ( 0 , y2 , x2 , y2 ) ; // bottom
p - > setPen ( pen ) ;
if ( m_editor & & row = = m_curRow & & col = = m_curCol //don't paint contents of edited cell
& & m_editor - > hasFocusableWidget ( ) //..if it's visible
) {
p - > restore ( ) ;
return ;
KexiTableEdit * edit = tableEditorWidget ( col , /*ignoreMissingEditor=*/ true ) ;
// if (!edit)
// return;
int x = edit ? edit - > leftMargin ( ) : 0 ;
int y_offset = 0 ;
int align = TQt : : SingleLine | TQt : : AlignVCenter ;
TQString txt ; //text to draw
KexiTableViewColumn * tvcol = m_data - > column ( col ) ;
TQVariant cellValue ;
if ( col < ( int ) item - > count ( ) ) {
if ( m_currentItem = = item ) {
if ( m_editor & & row = = m_curRow & & col = = m_curCol
& & ! m_editor - > hasFocusableWidget ( ) )
//we're over editing cell and the editor has no widget
// - we're displaying internal values, not buffered
// bool ok;
cellValue = m_editor - > value ( ) ;
else {
//we're displaying values from edit buffer, if available
// this assignment will also get default value if there's no actual value set
cellValue = * bufferedValueAt ( col ) ;
else {
cellValue = item - > at ( col ) ;
bool defaultValueDisplayed = isDefaultValueDisplayed ( item , col ) ;
if ( ( item = = m_insertItem /*|| m_newRowEditing*/ ) & & cellValue . isNull ( ) ) {
if ( ! tvcol - > field ( ) - > isAutoIncrement ( ) & & ! tvcol - > field ( ) - > defaultValue ( ) . isNull ( ) ) {
//display default value in the "insert row", if available
//(but not if there is autoincrement flag set)
cellValue = tvcol - > field ( ) - > defaultValue ( ) ;
defaultValueDisplayed = true ;
const bool columnReadOnly = tvcol - > isReadOnly ( ) ;
const bool dontPaintNonpersistentSelectionBecauseDifferentRowHasBeenHighlighted
= d - > appearance . rowHighlightingEnabled & & ! d - > appearance . persistentSelections
& & m_curRow /*d->highlightedRow*/ > = 0 & & row ! = m_curRow ; //d->highlightedRow;
// setup default pen
TQPen defaultPen ;
const bool usesSelectedTextColor = edit & & edit - > usesSelectedTextColor ( ) ;
if ( defaultValueDisplayed ) {
if ( col = = m_curCol & & row = = m_curRow & & usesSelectedTextColor )
defaultPen = TQPen ( d - > defaultValueDisplayParameters . selectedTextColor ) ;
defaultPen = TQPen ( d - > defaultValueDisplayParameters . textColor ) ;
else if ( d - > appearance . fullRowSelection
& & ( row = = d - > highlightedRow | | ( row = = m_curRow & & d - > highlightedRow = = - 1 ) )
& & usesSelectedTextColor )
defaultPen = TQPen ( d - > appearance . rowHighlightingTextColor ) ; //special case: highlighted row
else if ( d - > appearance . fullRowSelection & & row = = m_curRow & & usesSelectedTextColor )
defaultPen = TQPen ( d - > appearance . textColor ) ; //special case for full row selection
else if ( m_currentItem = = item & & col = = m_curCol & & ! columnReadOnly
& & ! dontPaintNonpersistentSelectionBecauseDifferentRowHasBeenHighlighted
& & usesSelectedTextColor )
defaultPen = TQPen ( colorGroup ( ) . highlightedText ( ) ) ; //selected text
else if ( d - > appearance . rowHighlightingEnabled & & row = = m_curRow
& & ! dontPaintNonpersistentSelectionBecauseDifferentRowHasBeenHighlighted
& & usesSelectedTextColor )
defaultPen = TQPen ( d - > appearance . rowHighlightingTextColor ) ;
else if ( d - > appearance . rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled & & row = = d - > highlightedRow
& & ! dontPaintNonpersistentSelectionBecauseDifferentRowHasBeenHighlighted
& & usesSelectedTextColor )
defaultPen = TQPen ( d - > appearance . rowMouseOverHighlightingTextColor ) ;
defaultPen = TQPen ( d - > appearance . textColor ) ;
if ( edit ) {
if ( defaultValueDisplayed )
p - > setFont ( d - > defaultValueDisplayParameters . font ) ;
p - > setPen ( defaultPen ) ;
//get visible lookup value if available
getVisibleLookupValue ( cellValue , edit , item , tvcol ) ;
edit - > setupContents ( p , m_currentItem = = item & & col = = m_curCol ,
cellValue , txt , align , x , y_offset , w , h ) ;
if ( ! d - > appearance . gridEnabled )
y_offset + + ; //correction because we're not drawing cell borders
if ( d - > appearance . fullRowSelection & & d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ) {
// p->fillRect(x, y_offset, x+w-1, y_offset+h-1, red);
if ( m_currentItem = = item & & ( col = = m_curCol | | d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ) ) {
if ( edit & & ( ( d - > appearance . rowHighlightingEnabled & & ! d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ) | | ( row = = m_curRow & & d - > highlightedRow = = - 1 & & d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ) ) ) //!dontPaintNonpersistentSelectionBecauseDifferentRowHasBeenHighlighted)
edit - > paintSelectionBackground ( p , isEnabled ( ) , txt , align , x , y_offset , w , h ,
isEnabled ( ) ? colorGroup ( ) . highlight ( ) : TQColor ( 200 , 200 , 200 ) , //d->grayColor,
p - > fontMetrics ( ) , columnReadOnly , d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ) ;
if ( ! edit ) {
p - > fillRect ( 0 , 0 , x2 , y2 , d - > diagonalGrayPattern ) ;
// If we are in the focus cell, draw indication
if ( m_currentItem = = item & & col = = m_curCol //js: && !d->recordIndicator)
& & ! d - > appearance . fullRowSelection )
// kexidbg << ">>> CURRENT CELL ("<<m_curCol<<"," << m_curRow<<") focus="<<has_focus<<endl;
// if (has_focus) {
if ( isEnabled ( ) ) {
p - > setPen ( d - > appearance . textColor ) ;
else {
TQPen gray_pen ( p - > pen ( ) ) ;
gray_pen . setColor ( d - > appearance . borderColor ) ;
p - > setPen ( gray_pen ) ;
if ( edit )
edit - > paintFocusBorders ( p , cellValue , 0 , 0 , x2 , y2 ) ;
p - > drawRect ( 0 , 0 , x2 , y2 ) ;
/// bool autonumber = false;
if ( ( ! m_newRowEditing & & item = = m_insertItem )
| | ( m_newRowEditing & & item = = m_currentItem & & cellValue . isNull ( ) ) ) {
//we're in "insert row"
if ( tvcol - > field ( ) - > isAutoIncrement ( ) ) {
//"autonumber" column
// txt = i18n("(autonumber)");
// autonumber = true;
// if (autonumber) {
KexiDisplayUtils : : paintAutonumberSign ( d - > autonumberSignDisplayParameters , p ,
x , y_offset , w - x - x - ( ( align & TQt : : AlignLeft ) ? 2 : 0 ) , h , align ) ;
// }
// draw text
if ( ! txt . isEmpty ( ) ) {
if ( defaultValueDisplayed )
p - > setFont ( d - > defaultValueDisplayParameters . font ) ;
p - > setPen ( defaultPen ) ;
p - > drawText ( x , y_offset , w - ( x + x ) - ( ( align & TQt : : AlignLeft ) ? 2 : 0 ) /*right space*/ , h ,
align , txt ) ;
p - > restore ( ) ;
TQPoint KexiTableView : : contentsToViewport2 ( const TQPoint & p )
return TQPoint ( p . x ( ) - contentsX ( ) , p . y ( ) - contentsY ( ) ) ;
void KexiTableView : : contentsToViewport2 ( int x , int y , int & vx , int & vy )
const TQPoint v = contentsToViewport2 ( TQPoint ( x , y ) ) ;
vx = v . x ( ) ;
vy = v . y ( ) ;
TQPoint KexiTableView : : viewportToContents2 ( const TQPoint & vp )
return TQPoint ( vp . x ( ) + contentsX ( ) ,
vp . y ( ) + contentsY ( ) ) ;
void KexiTableView : : paintEmptyArea ( TQPainter * p , int cx , int cy , int cw , int ch )
// tqDebug("%s: paintEmptyArea(x:%d y:%d w:%d h:%d)", (const char*)parentWidget()->caption(),cx,cy,cw,ch);
// Regions work with shorts, so avoid an overflow and adjust the
// table size to the visible size
TQSize ts ( tableSize ( ) ) ;
// ts.setWidth( TQMIN( ts.width(), visibleWidth() ) );
// ts.setHeight( TQMIN( ts.height() - (m_navPanel ? m_navPanel->height() : 0), visibleHeight()) );
/* kdDebug(44021) << TQString(" (cx:%1 cy:%2 cw:%3 ch:%4)")
. arg ( cx ) . arg ( cy ) . arg ( cw ) . arg ( ch ) < < endl ;
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < TQString ( " (w:%3 h:%4) " )
. arg ( ts . width ( ) ) . arg ( ts . height ( ) ) < < endl ; */
// Region of the rect we should draw, calculated in viewport
// coordinates, as a region can't handle bigger coordinates
contentsToViewport2 ( cx , cy , cx , cy ) ;
TQRegion reg ( TQRect ( cx , cy , cw , ch ) ) ;
//kexidbg << "---cy-- " << contentsY() << endl;
// Subtract the table from it
// reg = reg.subtract( TQRect( TQPoint( 0, 0 ), ts-TQSize(0,m_navPanel->isVisible() ? m_navPanel->height() : 0) ) );
reg = reg . subtract ( TQRect ( TQPoint ( 0 , 0 ) , ts
- TQSize ( 0 , TQMAX ( ( m_navPanel ? m_navPanel - > height ( ) : 0 ) , horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) )
- ( horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > isVisible ( ) ? horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) / 2 : 0 )
+ ( horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > isVisible ( ) ? 0 :
d - > internal_bottomMargin
// horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()/2
//- /*d->bottomMargin */ horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()*3/2
+ contentsY ( )
// - (verticalScrollBar()->isVisible() ? horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()/2 : 0)
) ) ;
// reg = reg.subtract( TQRect( TQPoint( 0, 0 ), ts ) );
// And draw the rectangles (transformed inc contents coordinates as needed)
TQMemArray < TQRect > r = reg . rects ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( int ) r . count ( ) ; i + + ) {
TQRect rect ( viewportToContents2 ( r [ i ] . topLeft ( ) ) , r [ i ] . size ( ) ) ;
/* kdDebug(44021) << TQString("- pEA: p->fillRect(x:%1 y:%2 w:%3 h:%4)")
. arg ( rect . x ( ) ) . arg ( rect . y ( ) )
. arg ( rect . width ( ) ) . arg ( rect . height ( ) ) < < endl ; */
// p->fillRect( TQRect(viewportToContents2(r[i].topLeft()),r[i].size()), d->emptyAreaColor );
p - > fillRect ( rect , d - > appearance . emptyAreaColor ) ;
// p->fillRect( TQRect(viewportToContents2(r[i].topLeft()),r[i].size()), viewport()->backgroundBrush() );
void KexiTableView : : contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e )
// kdDebug(44021) << "KexiTableView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent()" << endl;
m_contentsMousePressEvent_dblClick = true ;
contentsMousePressEvent ( e ) ;
m_contentsMousePressEvent_dblClick = false ;
if ( m_currentItem )
if ( d - > editOnDoubleClick & & columnEditable ( m_curCol ) & & columnType ( m_curCol ) ! = KexiDB : : Field : : Boolean ) {
KexiTableEdit * edit = tableEditorWidget ( m_curCol , /*ignoreMissingEditor=*/ true ) ;
if ( edit & & edit - > handleDoubleClick ( ) ) {
//nothing to do: editors like BLOB editor has custom handling of double clicking
else {
startEditCurrentCell ( ) ;
// createEditor(m_curRow, m_curCol, TQString());
emit itemDblClicked ( m_currentItem , m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
void KexiTableView : : contentsMousePressEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e )
// kdDebug(44021) << "KexiTableView::contentsMousePressEvent() ??" << endl;
setFocus ( ) ;
if ( m_data - > count ( ) = = 0 & & ! isInsertingEnabled ( ) ) {
TQScrollView : : contentsMousePressEvent ( e ) ;
return ;
if ( columnAt ( e - > pos ( ) . x ( ) ) = = - 1 ) { //outside a colums
TQScrollView : : contentsMousePressEvent ( e ) ;
return ;
// d->contentsMousePressEvent_ev = *e;
// d->contentsMousePressEvent_enabled = true;
// TQTimer::singleShot(2000, this, TQT_SLOT( contentsMousePressEvent_Internal() ));
// d->contentsMousePressEvent_timer.start(100,true);
// if (!d->contentsMousePressEvent_enabled)
// return;
// d->contentsMousePressEvent_enabled=false;
if ( ! d - > moveCursorOnMouseRelease ) {
if ( ! handleContentsMousePressOrRelease ( e , false ) )
return ;
// kdDebug(44021)<<"void KexiTableView::contentsMousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent* e ) by now the current items should be set, if not -> error + crash"<<endl;
if ( e - > button ( ) = = Qt : : RightButton )
showContextMenu ( e - > globalPos ( ) ) ;
else if ( e - > button ( ) = = Qt : : LeftButton )
if ( columnType ( m_curCol ) = = KexiDB : : Field : : Boolean & & columnEditable ( m_curCol ) )
//only accept clicking on the [x] rect (copied from KexiBoolTableEdit::setupContents())
int s = TQMAX ( d - > rowHeight - 5 , 12 ) ;
s = TQMIN ( d - > rowHeight - 3 , s ) ;
s = TQMIN ( columnWidth ( m_curCol ) - 3 , s ) ; //avoid too large box
const TQRect r ( columnPos ( m_curCol ) + TQMAX ( columnWidth ( m_curCol ) / 2 - s / 2 , 0 ) , rowPos ( m_curRow ) + d - > rowHeight / 2 - s / 2 /*- 1*/ , s , s ) ;
//kexidbg << r << endl;
if ( r . contains ( e - > pos ( ) ) ) {
// kexidbg << "e->x:" << e->x() << " e->y:" << e->y() << " " << rowPos(m_curRow) <<
// " " << columnPos(m_curCol) << endl;
boolToggled ( ) ;
#if 0 //js: TODO
else if ( columnType ( m_curCol ) = = TQVariant : : StringList & & columnEditable ( m_curCol ) )
createEditor ( m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
# endif
//ScrollView::contentsMousePressEvent( e );
void KexiTableView : : contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e )
// kdDebug(44021) << "KexiTableView::contentsMousePressEvent() ??" << endl;
if ( m_data - > count ( ) = = 0 & & ! isInsertingEnabled ( ) )
return ;
if ( d - > moveCursorOnMouseRelease )
handleContentsMousePressOrRelease ( e , true ) ;
int col = columnAt ( e - > pos ( ) . x ( ) ) ;
int row = rowAt ( e - > pos ( ) . y ( ) ) ;
if ( ! m_currentItem | | col = = - 1 | | row = = - 1 | | col ! = m_curCol | | row ! = m_curRow ) //outside a current cell
return ;
TQScrollView : : contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( e ) ;
emit itemMouseReleased ( m_currentItem , m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
bool KexiTableView : : handleContentsMousePressOrRelease ( TQMouseEvent * e , bool release )
// remember old focus cell
int oldRow = m_curRow ;
int oldCol = m_curCol ;
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " oldRow= " < < oldRow < < " oldCol= " < < oldCol < < endl ;
bool onInsertItem = false ;
int newrow , newcol ;
//compute clicked row nr
if ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ) {
if ( rowAt ( e - > pos ( ) . y ( ) ) = = - 1 ) {
newrow = rowAt ( e - > pos ( ) . y ( ) - d - > rowHeight ) ;
if ( newrow = = - 1 & & m_data - > count ( ) > 0 ) {
if ( release )
TQScrollView : : contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( e ) ;
TQScrollView : : contentsMousePressEvent ( e ) ;
return false ;
newrow + + ;
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " Clicked just on 'insert' row. " < < endl ;
onInsertItem = true ;
else {
// get new focus cell
newrow = rowAt ( e - > pos ( ) . y ( ) ) ;
else {
if ( rowAt ( e - > pos ( ) . y ( ) ) = = - 1 | | columnAt ( e - > pos ( ) . x ( ) ) = = - 1 ) {
if ( release )
TQScrollView : : contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( e ) ;
TQScrollView : : contentsMousePressEvent ( e ) ;
return false ; //clicked outside a grid
// get new focus cell
newrow = rowAt ( e - > pos ( ) . y ( ) ) ;
newcol = columnAt ( e - > pos ( ) . x ( ) ) ;
if ( e - > button ( ) ! = Qt : : NoButton ) {
setCursorPosition ( newrow , newcol ) ;
return true ;
void KexiTableView : : showContextMenu ( const TQPoint & _pos )
if ( ! d - > contextMenuEnabled | | m_popupMenu - > count ( ) < 1 )
return ;
TQPoint pos ( _pos ) ;
if ( pos = = TQPoint ( - 1 , - 1 ) ) {
pos = viewport ( ) - > mapToGlobal ( TQPoint ( columnPos ( m_curCol ) , rowPos ( m_curRow ) + d - > rowHeight ) ) ;
//show own context menu if configured
// if (updateContextMenu()) {
selectRow ( m_curRow ) ;
m_popupMenu - > exec ( pos ) ;
/* }
else {
//request other context menu
emit contextMenuRequested ( m_currentItem , m_curCol , pos ) ;
} */
void KexiTableView : : contentsMouseMoveEvent ( TQMouseEvent * e )
int row ;
const int col = columnAt ( e - > x ( ) ) ;
if ( col < 0 ) {
row = - 1 ;
} else {
row = rowAt ( e - > y ( ) , true /*ignoreEnd*/ ) ;
if ( row > ( rows ( ) - 1 + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) )
row = - 1 ; //no row to paint
// kexidbg << " row="<<row<< " col="<<col<<endl;
//update row highlight if needed
if ( d - > appearance . rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled ) {
if ( row ! = d - > highlightedRow ) {
const int oldRow = d - > highlightedRow ;
d - > highlightedRow = row ;
updateRow ( oldRow ) ;
updateRow ( d - > highlightedRow ) ;
//currently selected (not necessary highlighted) row needs to be repainted
updateRow ( m_curRow ) ;
m_verticalHeader - > setHighlightedRow ( d - > highlightedRow ) ;
#if 0 //(js) doesn't work!
// do the same as in mouse press
int x , y ;
contentsToViewport ( e - > x ( ) , e - > y ( ) , x , y ) ;
if ( y > visibleHeight ( ) )
d - > needAutoScroll = true ;
d - > scrollTimer - > start ( 70 , false ) ;
d - > scrollDirection = ScrollDown ;
else if ( y < 0 )
d - > needAutoScroll = true ;
d - > scrollTimer - > start ( 70 , false ) ;
d - > scrollDirection = ScrollUp ;
else if ( x > visibleWidth ( ) )
d - > needAutoScroll = true ;
d - > scrollTimer - > start ( 70 , false ) ;
d - > scrollDirection = ScrollRight ;
else if ( x < 0 )
d - > needAutoScroll = true ;
d - > scrollTimer - > start ( 70 , false ) ;
d - > scrollDirection = ScrollLeft ;
d - > needAutoScroll = false ;
d - > scrollTimer - > stop ( ) ;
contentsMousePressEvent ( e ) ;
# endif
TQScrollView : : contentsMouseMoveEvent ( e ) ;
#if 0 //(js) doesn't work!
void KexiTableView : : contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( TQMouseEvent * )
if ( d - > needAutoScroll )
d - > scrollTimer - > stop ( ) ;
# endif
static bool overrideEditorShortcutNeeded ( TQKeyEvent * e )
//perhaps more to come...
return e - > key ( ) = = TQt : : Key_Delete & & e - > state ( ) = = TQt : : ControlButton ;
bool KexiTableView : : shortCutPressed ( TQKeyEvent * e , const TQCString & action_name )
const int k = e - > key ( ) ;
KAction * action = m_sharedActions [ action_name ] ;
if ( action ) {
if ( ! action - > isEnabled ( ) ) //this action is disabled - don't process it!
return false ;
if ( action - > shortcut ( ) = = KShortcut ( KKey ( e ) ) ) {
//special cases when we need to override editor's shortcut
if ( overrideEditorShortcutNeeded ( e ) ) {
return true ;
return false ; //this shortcut is owned by shared action - don't process it!
//check default shortcut (when user app has no action shortcuts defined
// but we want these shortcuts to still work)
if ( action_name = = " data_save_row " )
return ( k = = TQt : : Key_Return | | k = = TQt : : Key_Enter ) & & e - > state ( ) = = TQt : : ShiftButton ;
if ( action_name = = " edit_delete_row " )
return k = = TQt : : Key_Delete & & e - > state ( ) = = TQt : : ControlButton ;
if ( action_name = = " edit_delete " )
return k = = TQt : : Key_Delete & & e - > state ( ) = = Qt : : NoButton ;
if ( action_name = = " edit_edititem " )
return k = = TQt : : Key_F2 & & e - > state ( ) = = Qt : : NoButton ;
if ( action_name = = " edit_insert_empty_row " )
return k = = TQt : : Key_Insert & & e - > state ( ) = = ( TQt : : ShiftButton | TQt : : ControlButton ) ;
return false ;
void KexiTableView : : keyPressEvent ( TQKeyEvent * e )
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return ;
// kexidbg << "KexiTableView::keyPressEvent: key=" <<e->key() << " txt=" <<e->text()<<endl;
const int k = e - > key ( ) ;
const bool ro = isReadOnly ( ) ;
TQWidget * w = focusWidget ( ) ;
// if (!w || w!=viewport() && w!=this && (!m_editor || w!=m_editor->view() && w!=m_editor)) {
// if (!w || w!=viewport() && w!=this && (!m_editor || w!=m_editor->view())) {
if ( ! w | | TQT_BASE_OBJECT ( w ) ! = TQT_BASE_OBJECT ( viewport ( ) ) & & TQT_TQOBJECT ( w ) ! = TQT_TQOBJECT ( this ) & & ( ! m_editor | | ! KexiUtils : : hasParent ( TQT_TQOBJECT ( dynamic_cast < TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME * > ( m_editor ) ) , TQT_TQOBJECT ( w ) ) ) ) {
//don't process stranger's events
e - > ignore ( ) ;
return ;
if ( d - > skipKeyPress ) {
d - > skipKeyPress = false ;
e - > ignore ( ) ;
return ;
if ( m_currentItem = = 0 & & ( m_data - > count ( ) > 0 | | isInsertingEnabled ( ) ) )
setCursorPosition ( 0 , 0 ) ;
else if ( m_data - > count ( ) = = 0 & & ! isInsertingEnabled ( ) )
e - > accept ( ) ;
return ;
if ( m_editor ) { // if a cell is edited, do some special stuff
if ( k = = TQt : : Key_Escape ) {
cancelEditor ( ) ;
e - > accept ( ) ;
return ;
} else if ( k = = TQt : : Key_Return | | k = = TQt : : Key_Enter ) {
if ( columnType ( m_curCol ) = = KexiDB : : Field : : Boolean ) {
boolToggled ( ) ;
else {
acceptEditor ( ) ;
e - > accept ( ) ;
return ;
else if ( m_rowEditing ) { // if a row is in edit mode, do some special stuff
if ( shortCutPressed ( e , " data_save_row " ) ) {
kexidbg < < " shortCutPressed!!! " < < endl ;
acceptRowEdit ( ) ;
return ;
if ( k = = TQt : : Key_Return | | k = = TQt : : Key_Enter )
emit itemReturnPressed ( m_currentItem , m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
int curRow = m_curRow ;
int curCol = m_curCol ;
const bool nobtn = e - > state ( ) = = Qt : : NoButton ;
bool printable = false ;
//check shared shortcuts
if ( ! ro ) {
if ( shortCutPressed ( e , " edit_delete_row " ) ) {
deleteCurrentRow ( ) ;
e - > accept ( ) ;
return ;
} else if ( shortCutPressed ( e , " edit_delete " ) ) {
deleteAndStartEditCurrentCell ( ) ;
e - > accept ( ) ;
return ;
else if ( shortCutPressed ( e , " edit_insert_empty_row " ) ) {
insertEmptyRow ( ) ;
e - > accept ( ) ;
return ;
/* case TQt::Key_Delete:
if ( e - > state ( ) = = TQt : : ControlButton ) { //remove current row
deleteCurrentRow ( ) ;
else if ( nobtn ) { //remove contents of the current cell
deleteAndStartEditCurrentCell ( ) ;
break ; */
// bool _return;
if ( k = = TQt : : Key_Shift | | k = = TQt : : Key_Alt | | k = = TQt : : Key_Control | | k = = TQt : : Key_Meta ) {
e - > ignore ( ) ;
else if ( KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : handleKeyPress ( e , curRow , curCol , d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ) ) {
if ( e - > isAccepted ( ) )
return ;
else if ( k = = TQt : : Key_Backspace & & nobtn ) {
if ( ! ro & & columnType ( curCol ) ! = KexiDB : : Field : : Boolean & & columnEditable ( curCol ) )
createEditor ( curRow , curCol , TQString ( ) , true ) ;
else if ( k = = TQt : : Key_Space ) {
if ( nobtn & & ! ro & & columnEditable ( curCol ) ) {
if ( columnType ( curCol ) = = KexiDB : : Field : : Boolean ) {
boolToggled ( ) ;
printable = true ; //just space key
else if ( k = = TQt : : Key_Escape ) {
if ( nobtn & & m_rowEditing ) {
cancelRowEdit ( ) ;
return ;
else {
if ( nobtn & & ( k = = TQt : : Key_Tab | | k = = TQt : : Key_Right ) ) {
//! \todo add option for stopping at 1st column for TQt::Key_left
if ( acceptEditor ( ) ) {
if ( curCol = = ( columns ( ) - 1 ) ) {
if ( curRow < ( rows ( ) - 1 + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) ) { //skip to next row
curRow + + ;
curCol = 0 ;
curCol + + ;
else if ( ( e - > state ( ) = = TQt : : ShiftButton & & k = = TQt : : Key_Tab )
| | ( nobtn & & k = = TQt : : Key_Backtab )
| | ( e - > state ( ) = = TQt : : ShiftButton & & k = = TQt : : Key_Backtab )
| | ( nobtn & & k = = TQt : : Key_Left )
) {
//! \todo add option for stopping at last column
//backward tab
if ( acceptEditor ( ) ) {
if ( curCol = = 0 ) {
if ( curRow > 0 ) { //skip to previous row
curRow - - ;
curCol = columns ( ) - 1 ;
curCol - - ;
else if ( nobtn & & k = = d - > contextMenuKey ) { //TQt::Key_Menu:
showContextMenu ( ) ;
else {
KexiTableEdit * edit = tableEditorWidget ( m_curCol ) ;
if ( edit & & edit - > handleKeyPress ( e , m_editor = = edit ) ) {
//try to handle the event @ editor's level
e - > accept ( ) ;
return ;
else if ( nobtn & & ( k = = TQt : : Key_Enter | | k = = TQt : : Key_Return | | shortCutPressed ( e , " edit_edititem " ) ) ) {
//this condition is moved after handleKeyPress() to allow to everride enter key as well
startEditOrToggleValue ( ) ;
else {
kexidbg < < " KexiTableView::KeyPressEvent(): default " < < endl ;
if ( e - > text ( ) . isEmpty ( ) | | ! e - > text ( ) . isEmpty ( ) & & ! e - > text ( ) [ 0 ] . isPrint ( ) ) {
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " NOT PRINTABLE: 0x0 " < < TQString ( " %1 " ) . arg ( k , 0 , 16 ) < < endl ;
// e->ignore();
TQScrollView : : keyPressEvent ( e ) ;
return ;
printable = true ;
//finally: we've printable char:
if ( printable & & ! ro ) {
KexiTableViewColumn * tvcol = m_data - > column ( curCol ) ;
if ( tvcol - > acceptsFirstChar ( TQString ( e - > text ( ) ) [ 0 ] ) ) {
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::KeyPressEvent(): ev pressed: acceptsFirstChar()==true " < < endl ;
// if (e->text()[0].isPrint())
createEditor ( curRow , curCol , e - > text ( ) , true ) ;
else {
//TODO show message "key not allowed eg. on a statusbar"
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::KeyPressEvent(): ev pressed: acceptsFirstChar()==false " < < endl ;
m_vScrollBarValueChanged_enabled = false ;
// if focus cell changes, repaint
setCursorPosition ( curRow , curCol ) ;
m_vScrollBarValueChanged_enabled = true ;
e - > accept ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : emitSelected ( )
if ( m_currentItem )
emit itemSelected ( m_currentItem ) ;
int KexiTableView : : rowsPerPage ( ) const
return visibleHeight ( ) / d - > rowHeight ;
KexiDataItemInterface * KexiTableView : : editor ( int col , bool ignoreMissingEditor )
if ( ! m_data | | col < 0 | | col > = columns ( ) )
return 0 ;
KexiTableViewColumn * tvcol = m_data - > column ( col ) ;
// int t = tvcol->field->type();
//find the editor for this column
KexiTableEdit * editor = d - > editors [ tvcol ] ;
if ( editor )
return editor ;
//not found: create
// editor = KexiCellEditorFactory::createEditor(*m_data->column(col)->field, this);
editor = KexiCellEditorFactory : : createEditor ( * tvcol , this ) ;
if ( ! editor ) { //create error!
if ( ! ignoreMissingEditor ) {
//js TODO: show error???
cancelRowEdit ( ) ;
return 0 ;
editor - > hide ( ) ;
if ( m_data - > cursor ( ) & & m_data - > cursor ( ) - > query ( ) )
editor - > createInternalEditor ( * m_data - > cursor ( ) - > query ( ) ) ;
connect ( editor , TQT_SIGNAL ( editRequested ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( slotEditRequested ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( editor , TQT_SIGNAL ( cancelRequested ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( cancelEditor ( ) ) ) ;
connect ( editor , TQT_SIGNAL ( acceptRequested ( ) ) , this , TQT_SLOT ( acceptEditor ( ) ) ) ;
editor - > resize ( columnWidth ( col ) - 1 , rowHeight ( ) - 1 ) ;
editor - > installEventFilter ( this ) ;
if ( editor - > widget ( ) )
editor - > widget ( ) - > installEventFilter ( this ) ;
d - > editors . insert ( tvcol , editor ) ;
return editor ;
void KexiTableView : : editorShowFocus ( int /*row*/ , int col )
KexiDataItemInterface * edit = editor ( col ) ;
/*nt p = rowPos(row);
( ! edit | | ( p < contentsY ( ) ) | | ( p > ( contentsY ( ) + clipper ( ) - > height ( ) ) ) ) {
kexidbg < < " KexiTableView::editorShowFocus() : OUT " < < endl ;
return ;
} */
if ( edit ) {
kexidbg < < " KexiTableView::editorShowFocus() : IN " < < endl ;
TQRect rect = cellGeometry ( m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
// rect.moveBy( -contentsX(), -contentsY() );
edit - > showFocus ( rect , isReadOnly ( ) | | m_data - > column ( col ) - > isReadOnly ( ) ) ;
void KexiTableView : : slotEditRequested ( )
createEditor ( m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
void KexiTableView : : reloadData ( ) {
KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : reloadData ( ) ;
updateContents ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : createEditor ( int row , int col , const TQString & addText , bool removeOld )
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::createEditor(' " < < addText < < " ', " < < removeOld < < " ) " < < endl ;
if ( isReadOnly ( ) ) {
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::createEditor(): DATA IS READ ONLY! " < < endl ;
return ;
if ( m_data - > column ( col ) - > isReadOnly ( ) ) { //d->pColumnModes.at(d->numCols-1) & ColumnReadOnly)
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::createEditor(): COL IS READ ONLY! " < < endl ;
return ;
const bool startRowEdit = ! m_rowEditing ; //remember if we're starting row edit
if ( ! m_rowEditing ) {
//we're starting row editing session
m_data - > clearRowEditBuffer ( ) ;
m_rowEditing = true ;
//indicate on the vheader that we are editing:
m_verticalHeader - > setEditRow ( m_curRow ) ;
if ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) & & m_currentItem = = m_insertItem ) {
//we should know that we are in state "new row editing"
m_newRowEditing = true ;
//'insert' row editing: show another row after that:
m_data - > append ( m_insertItem ) ;
//new empty 'inserting' item
m_insertItem = m_data - > createItem ( ) ;
m_verticalHeader - > addLabel ( ) ;
m_verticalHeaderAlreadyAdded = true ;
updateWidgetContentsSize ( ) ;
//refr. current and next row
updateContents ( columnPos ( 0 ) , rowPos ( row ) , viewport ( ) - > width ( ) , d - > rowHeight * 2 ) ;
// updateContents(columnPos(0), rowPos(row+1), viewport()->width(), d->rowHeight);
//js: warning this breaks behaviour (cursor is skipping, etc.): tqApp->processEvents(500);
ensureVisible ( columnPos ( m_curCol ) , rowPos ( row + 1 ) + d - > rowHeight - 1 , columnWidth ( m_curCol ) , d - > rowHeight ) ;
m_verticalHeader - > setOffset ( contentsY ( ) ) ;
KexiTableEdit * editorWidget = tableEditorWidget ( col ) ;
m_editor = editorWidget ;
if ( ! editorWidget )
return ;
m_editor - > setValue ( * bufferedValueAt ( col , ! removeOld /*useDefaultValueIfPossible*/ ) , addText , removeOld ) ;
if ( m_editor - > hasFocusableWidget ( ) ) {
moveChild ( editorWidget , columnPos ( m_curCol ) , rowPos ( m_curRow ) ) ;
editorWidget - > resize ( columnWidth ( m_curCol ) - 1 , rowHeight ( ) - 1 ) ;
editorWidget - > show ( ) ;
m_editor - > setFocus ( ) ;
if ( startRowEdit ) {
m_navPanel - > showEditingIndicator ( true ) ; //this will allow to enable 'next' btn
// m_navPanel->updateButtons(rows()); //refresh 'next' btn
emit rowEditStarted ( m_curRow ) ;
void KexiTableView : : focusInEvent ( TQFocusEvent * e )
Q_UNUSED ( e ) ;
updateCell ( m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
void KexiTableView : : focusOutEvent ( TQFocusEvent * e )
KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : focusOutEvent ( e ) ;
bool KexiTableView : : focusNextPrevChild ( bool /*next*/ )
return false ; //special Tab/BackTab meaning
/* if (m_editor)
return true ;
return TQScrollView : : focusNextPrevChild ( next ) ; */
void KexiTableView : : resizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * e )
TQScrollView : : resizeEvent ( e ) ;
if ( m_navPanel )
m_navPanel - > updateGeometry ( leftMargin ( ) ) ;
// updateNavPanelGeometry();
if ( ( contentsHeight ( ) - e - > size ( ) . height ( ) ) < = d - > rowHeight ) {
slotUpdate ( ) ;
triggerUpdate ( ) ;
// d->pTopHeader->repaint();
/* m_navPanel->setGeometry(
frameWidth ( ) ,
viewport ( ) - > height ( ) + d - > pTopHeader - > height ( )
- ( horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > isVisible ( ) ? 0 : horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) )
+ frameWidth ( ) ,
m_navPanel - > sizeHint ( ) . width ( ) , // - verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width() - horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width(),
horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( )
) ; */
// updateContents();
// m_navPanel->setGeometry(1,horizontalScrollBar()->pos().y(),
// m_navPanel->width(), horizontalScrollBar()->height());
// updateContents(0,0,2000,2000);//js
// erase(); repaint();
void KexiTableView : : viewportResizeEvent ( TQResizeEvent * e )
TQScrollView : : viewportResizeEvent ( e ) ;
updateGeometries ( ) ;
// erase(); repaint();
void KexiTableView : : showEvent ( TQShowEvent * e )
TQScrollView : : showEvent ( e ) ;
if ( ! d - > maximizeColumnsWidthOnShow . isEmpty ( ) ) {
maximizeColumnsWidth ( d - > maximizeColumnsWidthOnShow ) ;
d - > maximizeColumnsWidthOnShow . clear ( ) ;
if ( m_initDataContentsOnShow ) {
//full init
m_initDataContentsOnShow = false ;
initDataContents ( ) ;
else {
//just update size
TQSize s ( tableSize ( ) ) ;
// TQRect r(cellGeometry(rows() - 1 + (isInsertingEnabled()?1:0), columns() - 1 ));
// resizeContents(r.right() + 1, r.bottom() + 1);
resizeContents ( s . width ( ) , s . height ( ) ) ;
updateGeometries ( ) ;
//now we can ensure cell's visibility ( if there was such a call before show() )
if ( d - > ensureCellVisibleOnShow ! = TQPoint ( - 1 , - 1 ) ) {
ensureCellVisible ( d - > ensureCellVisibleOnShow . x ( ) , d - > ensureCellVisibleOnShow . y ( ) ) ;
d - > ensureCellVisibleOnShow = TQPoint ( - 1 , - 1 ) ; //reset the flag
if ( m_navPanel )
m_navPanel - > updateGeometry ( leftMargin ( ) ) ;
// updateNavPanelGeometry();
void KexiTableView : : contentsDragMoveEvent ( TQDragMoveEvent * e )
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return ;
if ( m_dropsAtRowEnabled ) {
TQPoint p = e - > pos ( ) ;
int row = rowAt ( p . y ( ) ) ;
KexiTableItem * item = 0 ;
// if (row==(rows()-1) && (p.y() % d->rowHeight) > (d->rowHeight*2/3) ) {
if ( ( p . y ( ) % d - > rowHeight ) > ( d - > rowHeight * 2 / 3 ) ) {
row + + ;
item = m_data - > at ( row ) ;
emit dragOverRow ( item , row , e ) ;
if ( e - > isAccepted ( ) ) {
if ( m_dragIndicatorLine > = 0 & & m_dragIndicatorLine ! = row ) {
//erase old indicator
updateRow ( m_dragIndicatorLine ) ;
if ( m_dragIndicatorLine ! = row ) {
m_dragIndicatorLine = row ;
updateRow ( m_dragIndicatorLine ) ;
else {
if ( m_dragIndicatorLine > = 0 ) {
//erase old indicator
updateRow ( m_dragIndicatorLine ) ;
m_dragIndicatorLine = - 1 ;
e - > acceptAction ( false ) ;
/* TQStringList::ConstIterator it, end( d->dropFilters.constEnd() );
for ( it = d - > dropFilters . constBegin ( ) ; it ! = end ; it + + )
if ( e - > provides ( ( * it ) . latin1 ( ) ) )
e - > acceptAction ( true ) ;
return ;
} */
// e->acceptAction(false);
void KexiTableView : : contentsDropEvent ( TQDropEvent * e )
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return ;
if ( m_dropsAtRowEnabled ) {
//we're no longer dragging over the table
if ( m_dragIndicatorLine > = 0 ) {
int row2update = m_dragIndicatorLine ;
m_dragIndicatorLine = - 1 ;
updateRow ( row2update ) ;
TQPoint p = e - > pos ( ) ;
int row = rowAt ( p . y ( ) ) ;
if ( ( p . y ( ) % d - > rowHeight ) > ( d - > rowHeight * 2 / 3 ) ) {
row + + ;
KexiTableItem * item = m_data - > at ( row ) ;
KexiTableItem * newItem = 0 ;
emit droppedAtRow ( item , row , e , newItem ) ;
if ( newItem ) {
const int realRow = ( row = = m_curRow ? - 1 : row ) ;
insertItem ( newItem , realRow ) ;
setCursorPosition ( row , 0 ) ;
// m_currentItem = newItem;
void KexiTableView : : viewportDragLeaveEvent ( TQDragLeaveEvent * e )
Q_UNUSED ( e ) ;
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return ;
if ( m_dropsAtRowEnabled ) {
//we're no longer dragging over the table
if ( m_dragIndicatorLine > = 0 ) {
int row2update = m_dragIndicatorLine ;
m_dragIndicatorLine = - 1 ;
updateRow ( row2update ) ;
void KexiTableView : : updateCell ( int row , int col )
// kdDebug(44021) << "updateCell("<<row<<", "<<col<<")"<<endl;
updateContents ( cellGeometry ( row , col ) ) ;
/* TQRect r = cellGeometry(row, col);
r . setHeight ( r . height ( ) + 6 ) ;
r . setTop ( r . top ( ) - 3 ) ;
updateContents ( ) ; */
void KexiTableView : : updateCurrentCell ( )
updateCell ( m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
void KexiTableView : : updateRow ( int row )
// kdDebug(44021) << "updateRow("<<row<<")"<<endl;
if ( row < 0 | | row > = ( rows ( ) + 2 /* sometimes we want to refresh the row after last*/ ) )
return ;
//int leftcol = d->pTopHeader->sectionAt( d->pTopHeader->offset() );
//kexidbg << contentsX() << " " << contentsY() << endl;
//kexidbg << TQRect( columnPos( leftcol ), rowPos(row), clipper()->width(), rowHeight() ) << endl;
// updateContents( TQRect( columnPos( leftcol ), rowPos(row), clipper()->width(), rowHeight() ) ); //columnPos(rightcol)+columnWidth(rightcol), rowHeight() ) );
updateContents ( TQRect ( contentsX ( ) , rowPos ( row ) , clipper ( ) - > width ( ) , rowHeight ( ) ) ) ; //columnPos(rightcol)+columnWidth(rightcol), rowHeight() ) );
void KexiTableView : : slotColumnWidthChanged ( int , int , int )
TQSize s ( tableSize ( ) ) ;
int w = contentsWidth ( ) ;
viewport ( ) - > setUpdatesEnabled ( false ) ;
resizeContents ( s . width ( ) , s . height ( ) ) ;
viewport ( ) - > setUpdatesEnabled ( true ) ;
if ( contentsWidth ( ) < w ) {
updateContents ( contentsX ( ) , 0 , viewport ( ) - > width ( ) , contentsHeight ( ) ) ;
// repaintContents( s.width(), 0, w - s.width() + 1, contentsHeight(), true );
else {
// updateContents( columnPos(col), 0, contentsWidth(), contentsHeight() );
updateContents ( contentsX ( ) , 0 , viewport ( ) - > width ( ) , contentsHeight ( ) ) ;
// viewport()->repaint();
// updateContents(0, 0, d->pBufferPm->width(), d->pBufferPm->height());
TQWidget * editorWidget = dynamic_cast < TQWidget * > ( m_editor ) ;
if ( editorWidget )
editorWidget - > resize ( columnWidth ( m_curCol ) - 1 , rowHeight ( ) - 1 ) ;
moveChild ( editorWidget , columnPos ( m_curCol ) , rowPos ( m_curRow ) ) ;
updateGeometries ( ) ;
updateScrollBars ( ) ;
if ( m_navPanel )
m_navPanel - > updateGeometry ( leftMargin ( ) ) ;
// updateNavPanelGeometry();
void KexiTableView : : slotSectionHandleDoubleClicked ( int section )
adjustColumnWidthToContents ( section ) ;
slotColumnWidthChanged ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ; //to update contents and redraw
void KexiTableView : : updateGeometries ( )
TQSize ts = tableSize ( ) ;
if ( m_horizontalHeader - > offset ( ) & & ts . width ( ) < ( m_horizontalHeader - > offset ( ) + m_horizontalHeader - > width ( ) ) )
horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > setValue ( ts . width ( ) - m_horizontalHeader - > width ( ) ) ;
// m_verticalHeader->setGeometry(1, topMargin() + 1, leftMargin(), visibleHeight());
m_horizontalHeader - > setGeometry ( leftMargin ( ) + 1 , 1 , visibleWidth ( ) , topMargin ( ) ) ;
m_verticalHeader - > setGeometry ( 1 , topMargin ( ) + 1 , leftMargin ( ) , visibleHeight ( ) ) ;
int KexiTableView : : columnWidth ( int col ) const
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return 0 ;
int vcID = m_data - > visibleColumnID ( col ) ;
return ( vcID = = - 1 ) ? 0 : m_horizontalHeader - > sectionSize ( vcID ) ;
int KexiTableView : : rowHeight ( ) const
return d - > rowHeight ;
int KexiTableView : : columnPos ( int col ) const
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return 0 ;
//if this column is hidden, find first column before that is visible
int c = TQMIN ( col , ( int ) m_data - > columnsCount ( ) - 1 ) , vcID = 0 ;
while ( c > = 0 & & ( vcID = m_data - > visibleColumnID ( c ) ) = = - 1 )
c - - ;
if ( c < 0 )
return 0 ;
if ( c = = col )
return m_horizontalHeader - > sectionPos ( vcID ) ;
return m_horizontalHeader - > sectionPos ( vcID ) + m_horizontalHeader - > sectionSize ( vcID ) ;
int KexiTableView : : rowPos ( int row ) const
return d - > rowHeight * row ;
int KexiTableView : : columnAt ( int pos ) const
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return - 1 ;
int r = m_horizontalHeader - > sectionAt ( pos ) ;
if ( r < 0 )
return r ;
return m_data - > globalColumnID ( r ) ;
// if (r==-1)
// kexidbg << "columnAt("<<pos<<")==-1 !!!" << endl;
// return r;
int KexiTableView : : rowAt ( int pos , bool ignoreEnd ) const
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return - 1 ;
pos / = d - > rowHeight ;
if ( pos < 0 )
return 0 ;
if ( ( pos > = ( int ) m_data - > count ( ) ) & & ! ignoreEnd )
return - 1 ;
return pos ;
TQRect KexiTableView : : cellGeometry ( int row , int col ) const
return TQRect ( columnPos ( col ) , rowPos ( row ) ,
columnWidth ( col ) , rowHeight ( ) ) ;
TQSize KexiTableView : : tableSize ( ) const
if ( ( rows ( ) + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) > 0 & & columns ( ) > 0 ) {
/* kexidbg << "tableSize()= " << columnPos( columns() - 1 ) + columnWidth( columns() - 1 )
< < " , " < < rowPos ( rows ( ) - 1 + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) + d - > rowHeight
// + TQMAX(m_navPanel ? m_navPanel->height() : 0, horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height())
+ ( m_navPanel - > isVisible ( ) ? TQMAX ( m_navPanel - > height ( ) , horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ) : 0 )
+ margin ( ) < < endl ;
// kexidbg<< m_navPanel->isVisible() <<" "<<m_navPanel->height()<<" "
// <<horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()<<" "<<rowPos( rows()-1+(isInsertingEnabled()?1:0))<<endl;
//int xx = horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()/2;
TQSize s (
columnPos ( columns ( ) - 1 ) + columnWidth ( columns ( ) - 1 ) ,
// + verticalScrollBar()->sizeHint().width(),
rowPos ( rows ( ) - 1 + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) + d - > rowHeight
+ ( horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > isVisible ( ) ? 0 : horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) )
+ d - > internal_bottomMargin
// horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()/2
// - /*d->bottomMargin */ horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height()*3/2
// + ( (m_navPanel && m_navPanel->isVisible() && verticalScrollBar()->isVisible()
// && !horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible())
// ? horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height() : 0)
// + TQMAX( (m_navPanel && m_navPanel->isVisible()) ? m_navPanel->height() : 0,
// horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible() ? horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height() : 0)
// + (m_navPanel->isVisible()
// ? TQMAX( m_navPanel->height(), horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height() ) :0 )
// - (horizontalScrollBar()->isVisible() ? horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height() :0 )
+ margin ( )
) ;
// kexidbg << rows()-1 <<" "<< (isInsertingEnabled()?1:0) <<" "<< (m_rowEditing?1:0) << " " << s << endl;
return s ;
// +horizontalScrollBar()->sizeHint().height() + margin() );
return TQSize ( 0 , 0 ) ;
void KexiTableView : : ensureCellVisible ( int row , int col /*=-1*/ )
if ( ! isVisible ( ) ) {
//the table is invisible: we can't ensure visibility now
d - > ensureCellVisibleOnShow = TQPoint ( row , col ) ;
return ;
//quite clever: ensure the cell is visible:
TQRect r ( columnPos ( col = = - 1 ? m_curCol : col ) , rowPos ( row ) + ( d - > appearance . fullRowSelection ? 1 : 0 ) ,
columnWidth ( col = = - 1 ? m_curCol : col ) , rowHeight ( ) ) ;
/* if (m_navPanel && horizontalScrollBar()->isHidden() && row == rows()-1) {
//when cursor is moved down and navigator covers the cursor's area,
//area is scrolled up
if ( ( viewport ( ) - > height ( ) - m_navPanel - > height ( ) ) < r . bottom ( ) ) {
scrollBy ( 0 , r . bottom ( ) - ( viewport ( ) - > height ( ) - m_navPanel - > height ( ) ) ) ;
} */
if ( m_navPanel & & m_navPanel - > isVisible ( ) & & horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > isHidden ( ) ) {
//a hack: for visible navigator: increase height of the visible rect 'r'
r . setBottom ( r . bottom ( ) + m_navPanel - > height ( ) ) ;
TQPoint pcenter = r . center ( ) ;
ensureVisible ( pcenter . x ( ) , pcenter . y ( ) , r . width ( ) / 2 , r . height ( ) / 2 ) ;
// updateContents();
// updateNavPanelGeometry();
// slotUpdate();
void KexiTableView : : updateAfterCancelRowEdit ( )
KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : updateAfterCancelRowEdit ( ) ;
m_navPanel - > showEditingIndicator ( false ) ;
void KexiTableView : : updateAfterAcceptRowEdit ( )
KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : updateAfterAcceptRowEdit ( ) ;
m_navPanel - > showEditingIndicator ( false ) ;
bool KexiTableView : : getVisibleLookupValue ( TQVariant & cellValue , KexiTableEdit * edit ,
KexiTableItem * item , KexiTableViewColumn * tvcol ) const
if ( edit - > columnInfo ( ) & & edit - > columnInfo ( ) - > indexForVisibleLookupValue ( ) ! = - 1
& & edit - > columnInfo ( ) - > indexForVisibleLookupValue ( ) < ( int ) item - > count ( ) )
const TQVariant * visibleFieldValue = 0 ;
if ( m_currentItem = = item & & m_data - > rowEditBuffer ( ) ) {
visibleFieldValue = m_data - > rowEditBuffer ( ) - > at (
* tvcol - > visibleLookupColumnInfo , false /*!useDefaultValueIfPossible*/ ) ;
if ( visibleFieldValue )
//(use bufferedValueAt() - try to get buffered visible value for lookup field)
cellValue = * visibleFieldValue ; //txt = visibleFieldValue->toString();
cellValue /*txt*/ = item - > at ( edit - > columnInfo ( ) - > indexForVisibleLookupValue ( ) ) ; //.toString();
return true ;
return false ;
void KexiTableView : : removeEditor ( )
if ( ! m_editor )
return ;
KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : removeEditor ( ) ;
viewport ( ) - > setFocus ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : slotRowRepaintRequested ( KexiTableItem & item )
updateRow ( m_data - > findRef ( & item ) ) ;
//(js) unused
void KexiTableView : : slotAutoScroll ( )
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::slotAutoScroll() " < < endl ;
if ( ! d - > needAutoScroll )
return ;
switch ( d - > scrollDirection )
case ScrollDown :
setCursorPosition ( m_curRow + 1 , m_curCol ) ;
break ;
case ScrollUp :
setCursorPosition ( m_curRow - 1 , m_curCol ) ;
break ;
case ScrollLeft :
setCursorPosition ( m_curRow , m_curCol - 1 ) ;
break ;
case ScrollRight :
setCursorPosition ( m_curRow , m_curCol + 1 ) ;
break ;
# ifndef KEXI_NO_PRINT
KexiTableView : : print ( KPrinter & /*printer*/ )
// printer.setFullPage(true);
#if 0
int leftMargin = printer . margins ( ) . width ( ) + 2 + d - > rowHeight ;
int topMargin = printer . margins ( ) . height ( ) + 2 ;
// int bottomMargin = topMargin + ( printer.realPageSize()->height() * printer.resolution() + 36 ) / 72;
int bottomMargin = 0 ;
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::print: bottom = " < < bottomMargin < < endl ;
TQPainter p ( & printer ) ;
KexiTableItem * i ;
int width = leftMargin ;
for ( int col = 0 ; col < columns ( ) ; col + + )
p . fillRect ( width , topMargin - d - > rowHeight , columnWidth ( col ) , d - > rowHeight , TQBrush ( TQt : : gray ) ) ;
p . drawRect ( width , topMargin - d - > rowHeight , columnWidth ( col ) , d - > rowHeight ) ;
p . drawText ( width , topMargin - d - > rowHeight , columnWidth ( col ) , d - > rowHeight , TQt : : AlignLeft | TQt : : AlignVCenter ,
m_horizontalHeader - > label ( col ) ) ;
width = width + columnWidth ( col ) ;
int yOffset = topMargin ;
int row = 0 ;
int right = 0 ;
for ( i = m_data - > first ( ) ; i ; i = m_data - > next ( ) )
if ( ! i - > isInsertItem ( ) )
{ kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::print: row = " < < row < < " y = " < < yOffset < < endl ;
int xOffset = leftMargin ;
for ( int col = 0 ; col < columns ( ) ; col + + )
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::print: col = " < < col < < " x = " < < xOffset < < endl ;
p . saveWorldMatrix ( ) ;
p . translate ( xOffset , yOffset ) ;
paintCell ( & p , i , col , TQRect ( 0 , 0 , columnWidth ( col ) + 1 , d - > rowHeight ) , true ) ;
p . restoreWorldMatrix ( ) ;
// p.drawRect(xOffset, yOffset, columnWidth(col), d->rowHeight);
xOffset = xOffset + columnWidth ( col ) ;
right = xOffset ;
row + + ;
yOffset = topMargin + row * d - > rowHeight ;
if ( yOffset > 900 )
p . drawLine ( leftMargin , topMargin , leftMargin , yOffset ) ;
p . drawLine ( leftMargin , topMargin , right - 1 , topMargin ) ;
printer . newPage ( ) ;
yOffset = topMargin ;
row = 0 ;
p . drawLine ( leftMargin , topMargin , leftMargin , yOffset ) ;
p . drawLine ( leftMargin , topMargin , right - 1 , topMargin ) ;
// p.drawLine(60,60,120,150);
p . end ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
TQString KexiTableView : : columnCaption ( int colNum ) const
return m_horizontalHeader - > label ( colNum ) ;
KexiDB : : Field * KexiTableView : : field ( int colNum ) const
if ( ! m_data | | ! m_data - > column ( colNum ) )
return 0 ;
return m_data - > column ( colNum ) - > field ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : adjustColumnWidthToContents ( int colNum )
if ( ! hasData ( ) )
return ;
if ( colNum = = - 1 ) {
const int cols = columns ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < cols ; i + + )
adjustColumnWidthToContents ( i ) ;
return ;
int indexOfVisibleColumn = ( m_data - > column ( colNum ) & & m_data - > column ( colNum ) - > columnInfo )
? m_data - > column ( colNum ) - > columnInfo - > indexForVisibleLookupValue ( ) : - 1 ;
if ( - 1 = = indexOfVisibleColumn )
indexOfVisibleColumn = colNum ;
if ( indexOfVisibleColumn < 0 )
return ;
TQPtrListIterator < KexiTableItem > it = m_data - > iterator ( ) ;
if ( it . current ( ) & & it . current ( ) - > count ( ) < = ( uint ) indexOfVisibleColumn )
return ;
KexiCellEditorFactoryItem * item = KexiCellEditorFactory : : item ( columnType ( indexOfVisibleColumn ) ) ;
if ( ! item )
return ;
TQFontMetrics fm ( fontMetrics ( ) ) ;
int maxw = horizontalHeaderVisible ( )
? fm . width ( m_horizontalHeader - > label ( colNum /* not indexOfVisibleColumn*/ ) ) : 0 ;
if ( maxw = = 0 & & m_data - > isEmpty ( ) )
return ; //nothing to adjust
//! \todo js: this is NOT EFFECTIVE for big data sets!!!!
KexiTableEdit * ed = tableEditorWidget ( colNum /* not indexOfVisibleColumn*/ ) ;
if ( ed ) {
for ( it = m_data - > iterator ( ) ; it . current ( ) ; + + it ) {
const int wfw = ed - > widthForValue ( it . current ( ) - > at ( indexOfVisibleColumn ) , fm ) ;
maxw = TQMAX ( maxw , wfw ) ;
const bool focused = currentColumn ( ) = = colNum ;
maxw + = ( fm . width ( " " ) + ed - > leftMargin ( ) + ed - > rightMargin ( focused ) ) ;
maxw = KEXITV_MINIMUM_COLUMN_WIDTH ; //not too small
kexidbg < < " KexiTableView: setColumnWidth(colNum= " < < colNum
< < " , indexOfVisibleColumn= " < < indexOfVisibleColumn < < " , width= " < < maxw < < " ) " < < endl ;
setColumnWidth ( colNum /* not indexOfVisibleColumn*/ , maxw ) ;
void KexiTableView : : setColumnWidth ( int colNum , int width )
if ( columns ( ) < = colNum | | colNum < 0 )
return ;
const int oldWidth = m_horizontalHeader - > sectionSize ( colNum ) ;
m_horizontalHeader - > resizeSection ( colNum , width ) ;
slotTopHeaderSizeChange ( colNum , oldWidth , m_horizontalHeader - > sectionSize ( colNum ) ) ;
void KexiTableView : : maximizeColumnsWidth ( const TQValueList < int > & columnList )
if ( ! isVisible ( ) ) {
d - > maximizeColumnsWidthOnShow + = columnList ;
return ;
if ( width ( ) < = m_horizontalHeader - > headerWidth ( ) )
return ;
//sort the list and make it unique
TQValueList < int > cl , sortedList = columnList ;
qHeapSort ( sortedList ) ;
int i = - 999 ;
TQValueList < int > : : ConstIterator it , end ( sortedList . constEnd ( ) ) ;
for ( it = sortedList . constBegin ( ) ; it ! = end ; + + it ) {
if ( i ! = ( * it ) ) {
cl + = ( * it ) ;
i = ( * it ) ;
int sizeToAdd = ( width ( ) - m_horizontalHeader - > headerWidth ( ) ) / cl . count ( ) - verticalHeader ( ) - > width ( ) ;
if ( sizeToAdd < = 0 )
return ;
end = cl . constEnd ( ) ;
for ( it = cl . constBegin ( ) ; it ! = end ; + + it ) {
int w = m_horizontalHeader - > sectionSize ( * it ) ;
if ( w > 0 ) {
m_horizontalHeader - > resizeSection ( * it , w + sizeToAdd ) ;
updateContents ( ) ;
editorShowFocus ( m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
void KexiTableView : : adjustHorizontalHeaderSize ( )
m_horizontalHeader - > adjustHeaderSize ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : setColumnStretchEnabled ( bool set , int colNum )
m_horizontalHeader - > setStretchEnabled ( set , colNum ) ;
void KexiTableView : : setEditableOnDoubleClick ( bool set )
d - > editOnDoubleClick = set ;
bool KexiTableView : : editableOnDoubleClick ( ) const
return d - > editOnDoubleClick ;
bool KexiTableView : : verticalHeaderVisible ( ) const
return m_verticalHeader - > isVisible ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : setVerticalHeaderVisible ( bool set )
int left_width ;
if ( set ) {
m_verticalHeader - > show ( ) ;
left_width = TQMIN ( m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) , d - > rowHeight ) ;
else {
m_verticalHeader - > hide ( ) ;
left_width = 0 ;
setMargins ( left_width , horizontalHeaderVisible ( ) ? m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) : 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
bool KexiTableView : : horizontalHeaderVisible ( ) const
return d - > horizontalHeaderVisible ;
void KexiTableView : : setHorizontalHeaderVisible ( bool set )
int top_height ;
d - > horizontalHeaderVisible = set ; //needed because isVisible() is not always accurate
if ( set ) {
m_horizontalHeader - > show ( ) ;
top_height = m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) ;
else {
m_horizontalHeader - > hide ( ) ;
top_height = 0 ;
setMargins ( verticalHeaderVisible ( ) ? m_verticalHeader - > width ( ) : 0 , top_height , 0 , 0 ) ;
void KexiTableView : : triggerUpdate ( )
// kdDebug(44021) << "KexiTableView::triggerUpdate()" << endl;
// if (!d->pUpdateTimer->isActive())
d - > pUpdateTimer - > start ( 20 , true ) ;
// d->pUpdateTimer->start(200, true);
void KexiTableView : : setHBarGeometry ( TQScrollBar & hbar , int x , int y , int w , int h )
kdDebug ( 44021 ) < < " KexiTableView::setHBarGeometry " < < endl ;
if ( d - > appearance . navigatorEnabled ) {
m_navPanel - > setHBarGeometry ( hbar , x , y , w , h ) ;
else {
hbar . setGeometry ( x , y , w , h ) ;
void KexiTableView : : setSpreadSheetMode ( )
KexiDataAwareObjectInterface : : setSpreadSheetMode ( ) ;
//copy m_navPanelEnabled flag
Appearance a = d - > appearance ;
a . navigatorEnabled = m_navPanelEnabled ;
setAppearance ( a ) ;
int KexiTableView : : validRowNumber ( const TQString & text )
bool ok = true ;
int r = text . toInt ( & ok ) ;
if ( ! ok | | r < 1 )
r = 1 ;
else if ( r > ( rows ( ) + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) )
r = rows ( ) + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
return r - 1 ;
void KexiTableView : : moveToRecordRequested ( uint r )
if ( r > uint ( rows ( ) + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ) )
r = rows ( ) + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
setFocus ( ) ;
selectRow ( r ) ;
void KexiTableView : : moveToLastRecordRequested ( )
setFocus ( ) ;
selectRow ( rows ( ) > 0 ? ( rows ( ) - 1 ) : 0 ) ;
void KexiTableView : : moveToPreviousRecordRequested ( )
setFocus ( ) ;
selectPrevRow ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : moveToNextRecordRequested ( )
setFocus ( ) ;
selectNextRow ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : moveToFirstRecordRequested ( )
setFocus ( ) ;
selectFirstRow ( ) ;
void KexiTableView : : copySelection ( )
if ( m_currentItem & & m_curCol ! = - 1 ) {
KexiTableEdit * edit = tableEditorWidget ( m_curCol ) ;
TQVariant defaultValue ;
const bool defaultValueDisplayed
= isDefaultValueDisplayed ( m_currentItem , m_curCol , & defaultValue ) ;
if ( edit ) {
TQVariant visibleValue ;
getVisibleLookupValue ( visibleValue , edit , m_currentItem , m_data - > column ( m_curCol ) ) ;
edit - > handleCopyAction (
defaultValueDisplayed ? defaultValue : m_currentItem - > at ( m_curCol ) ,
visibleValue ) ;
void KexiTableView : : cutSelection ( )
//try to handle @ editor's level
KexiTableEdit * edit = tableEditorWidget ( m_curCol ) ;
if ( edit )
edit - > handleAction ( " edit_cut " ) ;
void KexiTableView : : paste ( )
//try to handle @ editor's level
KexiTableEdit * edit = tableEditorWidget ( m_curCol ) ;
if ( edit )
edit - > handleAction ( " edit_paste " ) ;
bool KexiTableView : : eventFilter ( TQObject * o , TQEvent * e )
//don't allow to stole key my events by others:
// kexidbg << "spontaneous " << e->spontaneous() << " type=" << e->type() << endl;
if ( e - > type ( ) = = TQEvent : : KeyPress ) {
if ( e - > spontaneous ( ) /*|| e->type()==TQEvent::AccelOverride*/ ) {
TQKeyEvent * ke = TQT_TQKEYEVENT ( e ) ;
const int k = ke - > key ( ) ;
int s = ke - > state ( ) ;
//cell editor's events:
//try to handle the event @ editor's level
KexiTableEdit * edit = tableEditorWidget ( m_curCol ) ;
if ( edit & & edit - > handleKeyPress ( ke , m_editor = = edit ) ) {
ke - > accept ( ) ;
return true ;
else if ( m_editor & & ( o = = dynamic_cast < TQT_BASE_OBJECT_NAME * > ( m_editor ) | | TQT_BASE_OBJECT ( o ) = = TQT_BASE_OBJECT ( m_editor - > widget ( ) ) ) ) {
if ( ( k = = TQt : : Key_Tab & & ( s = = Qt : : NoButton | | s = = TQt : : ShiftButton ) )
| | ( overrideEditorShortcutNeeded ( ke ) )
| | ( k = = TQt : : Key_Enter | | k = = TQt : : Key_Return | | k = = TQt : : Key_Up | | k = = TQt : : Key_Down )
| | ( k = = TQt : : Key_Left & & m_editor - > cursorAtStart ( ) )
| | ( k = = TQt : : Key_Right & & m_editor - > cursorAtEnd ( ) )
//try to steal the key press from editor or it's internal widget...
keyPressEvent ( ke ) ;
if ( ke - > isAccepted ( ) )
return true ;
else if ( e - > type ( ) = = TQEvent : : KeyPress & & ( o = = this | | ( m_editor & & o = = m_editor - > widget ( ) ) ) ) { //|| o==viewport())
keyPressEvent ( ke ) ;
if ( ke - > isAccepted ( ) )
return true ;
} */
/*todo else if ((k==TQt::Key_Tab || k==(TQt::SHIFT|TQt::Key_Tab)) && o==d->navRowNumber) {
//tab key focuses tv
ke - > accept ( ) ;
setFocus ( ) ;
return true ;
} */
else if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT ( o ) = = TQT_BASE_OBJECT ( horizontalScrollBar ( ) ) ) {
if ( ( e - > type ( ) = = TQEvent : : Show & & ! horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > isVisible ( ) )
| | ( e - > type ( ) = = TQEvent : : Hide & & horizontalScrollBar ( ) - > isVisible ( ) ) ) {
updateWidgetContentsSize ( ) ;
else if ( e - > type ( ) = = TQEvent : : Leave ) {
if ( TQT_BASE_OBJECT ( o ) = = TQT_BASE_OBJECT ( viewport ( ) ) & & d - > appearance . rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled
& & d - > appearance . persistentSelections )
if ( d - > highlightedRow ! = - 1 ) {
int oldRow = d - > highlightedRow ;
d - > highlightedRow = - 1 ;
updateRow ( oldRow ) ;
const bool dontPaintNonpersistentSelectionBecauseDifferentRowHasBeenHighlighted
= d - > appearance . rowHighlightingEnabled & & ! d - > appearance . persistentSelections ;
if ( oldRow ! = m_curRow & & m_curRow > = 0 ) {
if ( ! dontPaintNonpersistentSelectionBecauseDifferentRowHasBeenHighlighted )
//no highlight for now: show selection again
updateRow ( m_curRow ) ;
m_verticalHeader - > setHighlightedRow ( - 1 ) ;
d - > recentCellWithToolTip = TQPoint ( - 1 , - 1 ) ;
/* else if (e->type()==TQEvent::FocusOut && o->inherits(TQWIDGET_OBJECT_NAME_STRING)) {
//hp==true if currently focused widget is a child of this table view
const bool hp = KexiUtils : : hasParent ( static_cast < TQWidget * > ( o ) , focusWidget ( ) ) ;
if ( ! hp & & KexiUtils : : hasParent ( this , static_cast < TQWidget * > ( o ) ) ) {
//accept row editing if focus is moved to foreign widget
//(not a child, like eg. editor) from one of our table view's children
//or from table view itself
if ( ! acceptRowEdit ( ) ) {
static_cast < TQWidget * > ( o ) - > setFocus ( ) ;
return true ;
} */
return TQScrollView : : eventFilter ( o , e ) ;
void KexiTableView : : slotTopHeaderSizeChange (
int /*section*/ , int /*oldSize*/ , int /*newSize*/ )
editorShowFocus ( m_curRow , m_curCol ) ;
void KexiTableView : : setBottomMarginInternal ( int pixels )
d - > internal_bottomMargin = pixels ;
void KexiTableView : : paletteChange ( const TQPalette & oldPalette )
Q_UNUSED ( oldPalette ) ;
if ( m_verticalHeader )
m_verticalHeader - > setSelectionBackgroundColor ( palette ( ) . active ( ) . highlight ( ) ) ;
if ( m_horizontalHeader )
m_horizontalHeader - > setSelectionBackgroundColor ( palette ( ) . active ( ) . highlight ( ) ) ;
const KexiTableView : : Appearance & KexiTableView : : appearance ( ) const
return d - > appearance ;
void KexiTableView : : setAppearance ( const Appearance & a )
// if (d->appearance.fullRowSelection != a.fullRowSelection) {
if ( a . fullRowSelection ) {
d - > rowHeight - = 1 ;
else {
d - > rowHeight + = 1 ;
if ( m_verticalHeader )
m_verticalHeader - > setCellHeight ( d - > rowHeight ) ;
if ( m_horizontalHeader ) {
setMargins (
TQMIN ( m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) , d - > rowHeight ) ,
m_horizontalHeader - > sizeHint ( ) . height ( ) , 0 , 0 ) ;
// }
if ( a . rowHighlightingEnabled )
m_updateEntireRowWhenMovingToOtherRow = true ;
if ( ! a . navigatorEnabled )
m_navPanel - > hide ( ) ;
m_navPanel - > show ( ) ;
// }
d - > highlightedRow = - 1 ;
//! @todo is setMouseTracking useful for other purposes?
viewport ( ) - > setMouseTracking ( a . rowMouseOverHighlightingEnabled ) ;
d - > appearance = a ;
setFont ( font ( ) ) ; //this also updates contents
int KexiTableView : : highlightedRow ( ) const
return d - > highlightedRow ;
void KexiTableView : : setHighlightedRow ( int row )
if ( row ! = - 1 ) {
row = TQMIN ( rows ( ) - 1 + ( isInsertingEnabled ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) , row ) ;
row = TQMAX ( 0 , row ) ;
ensureCellVisible ( row , - 1 ) ;
const int previouslyHighlightedRow = d - > highlightedRow ;
if ( previouslyHighlightedRow = = row ) {
if ( previouslyHighlightedRow ! = - 1 )
updateRow ( previouslyHighlightedRow ) ;
return ;
d - > highlightedRow = row ;
if ( d - > highlightedRow ! = - 1 )
updateRow ( d - > highlightedRow ) ;
if ( previouslyHighlightedRow ! = - 1 )
updateRow ( previouslyHighlightedRow ) ;
if ( m_curRow > = 0 & & ( previouslyHighlightedRow = = - 1 | | previouslyHighlightedRow = = m_curRow )
& & d - > highlightedRow ! = m_curRow & & ! d - > appearance . persistentSelections )
//currently selected row needs to be repainted
updateRow ( m_curRow ) ;
KexiTableItem * KexiTableView : : highlightedItem ( ) const
return d - > highlightedRow = = - 1 ? 0 : m_data - > at ( d - > highlightedRow ) ;
void KexiTableView : : slotSettingsChanged ( int category )
if ( category = = KApplication : : SETTINGS_SHORTCUTS ) {
d - > contextMenuKey = KGlobalSettings : : contextMenuKey ( ) ;
int KexiTableView : : lastVisibleRow ( ) const
return rowAt ( contentsY ( ) ) ;
# include "kexitableview.moc"