* Kivio - Visual Modelling and Flowcharting
* Copyright ( C ) 2000 - 2001 theKompany . com & Dave Marotti
* This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and / or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2
* of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version .
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful ,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details .
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software
* Foundation , Inc . , 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , MA 02110 - 1301 , USA .
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <stdio.h>
# include <ctype.h>
# include <math.h>
# include <tqpainter.h>
# include <tqdrawutil.h>
# include <tqkeycode.h>
# include <tqregexp.h>
# include <tqpoint.h>
# include <tqcursor.h>
# include <tqptrstack.h>
# include <tqbuffer.h>
# include <tqmessagebox.h>
# include <tqclipboard.h>
# include <tqpicture.h>
# include <tqdom.h>
# include <tqtextstream.h>
# include <tqdragobject.h>
# include <tqmime.h>
# include <tqptrlist.h>
# include <tqvaluelist.h>
# include <kdebug.h>
# include <tdelocale.h>
# include <tdeglobal.h>
# include <tdemessagebox.h>
# include <KoUnit.h>
# include <KoPoint.h>
# include <KoRect.h>
# include <KoZoomHandler.h>
# include <tdeapplication.h>
# include <KoXmlWriter.h>
# include <KoXmlNS.h>
# include <KoDom.h>
# include <KoStore.h>
# include <KoOasisStyles.h>
# include <KoGenStyles.h>
# include "kivio_page.h"
# include "kivio_map.h"
# include "kivio_doc.h"
# include "kivio_canvas.h"
# include "kivio_view.h"
# include "kivio_config.h"
# include "kivio_common.h"
# include "kivio_connector_point.h"
# include "kivio_group_stencil.h"
# include "kivio_intra_stencil_data.h"
# include "kivio_layer.h"
# include "kivio_painter.h"
# include "kivio_stencil.h"
# include "kivio_1d_stencil.h"
# include "KIvioPageIface.h"
# include "kivio_command.h"
# include "kivioglobal.h"
# include "kiviodragobject.h"
# include <fixx11h.h> // for None
int KivioPage : : s_id = 0L ;
TQIntDict < KivioPage > * KivioPage : : s_mapPages ;
KivioPage : : KivioPage ( KivioMap * _map , const TQString & pageName , const char * _name )
: TQObject ( _map , _name ) ,
m_pCurLayer ( NULL )
if ( s_mapPages = = 0L )
s_mapPages = new TQIntDict < KivioPage > ;
m_id = s_id + + ;
s_mapPages - > insert ( m_id , this ) ;
m_dcop = 0 ;
m_pMap = _map ;
m_pDoc = _map - > doc ( ) ;
// Make sure the layers auto-delete themselves
m_pCurLayer = new KivioLayer ( this ) ;
m_pCurLayer - > setName ( i18n ( " Layer 1 " ) ) ;
m_lstLayers . append ( m_pCurLayer ) ;
m_lstLayers . setAutoDelete ( true ) ;
m_lstSelection . setAutoDelete ( false ) ;
m_strName = pageName ;
setHidden ( false ) ;
// Get a unique name so that we can offer scripting
if ( ! _name ) {
TQCString s ;
s . sprintf ( " Page%i " , s_id ) ;
setName ( s . data ( ) ) ;
m_pPageLayout = Kivio : : Config : : defaultPageLayout ( ) ;
DCOPObject * KivioPage : : dcopObject ( )
if ( ! m_dcop )
m_dcop = new KIvioPageIface ( this ) ;
return m_dcop ;
KivioPage : : ~ KivioPage ( )
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioPage::~KivioPage()************ : " < < this < < endl ;
s_mapPages - > remove ( m_id ) ;
delete m_dcop ;
KivioPage * KivioPage : : find ( int _id )
if ( ! s_mapPages )
return 0L ;
return ( * s_mapPages ) [ _id ] ;
void KivioPage : : print ( TQPainter & /*painter*/ , KPrinter */ * _printer */ )
void KivioPage : : printPage ( TQPainter & /*_painter*/ , const TQRect & /*page_range*/ , const TQRect & /*view*/ )
TQDomElement KivioPage : : save ( TQDomDocument & doc )
// Write the name and 'hide' flag first as attributes
TQDomElement page = doc . createElement ( " KivioPage " ) ;
page . setAttribute ( " name " , m_strName ) ;
page . setAttribute ( " hide " , ( int ) m_bPageHide ) ;
// Create a child element for the page layout
TQDomElement layoutE = saveLayout ( doc ) ;
page . appendChild ( layoutE ) ;
// Save guides
TQDomElement guidesElement = doc . createElement ( " GuidesLayout " ) ;
page . appendChild ( guidesElement ) ;
saveGuideLines ( guidesElement ) ;
// Iterate through all layers saving them as child elements
KivioLayer * pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
TQDomElement layerE = pLayer - > saveXML ( doc ) ;
if ( layerE . isNull ( ) )
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioPage::save() - Oh shit. KivioLayer::saveXML() returned a bad element! " < < endl ;
page . appendChild ( layerE ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
return page ;
void KivioPage : : saveOasis ( KoStore * /*store*/ , KoXmlWriter * docWriter , KoGenStyles * styles )
docWriter - > startElement ( " draw:page " ) ;
docWriter - > addAttribute ( " draw:name " , m_strName ) ;
if ( m_pPageLayout = = Kivio : : Config : : defaultPageLayout ( ) ) {
docWriter - > addAttribute ( " draw:master-page-name " , " Standard " ) ;
} else {
KoGenStyle pageLayout = m_pPageLayout . saveOasis ( ) ;
TQString layoutName = styles - > lookup ( pageLayout , " PL " ) ;
KoGenStyle masterPage ( KoGenStyle : : STYLE_MASTER ) ;
masterPage . addAttribute ( " style:page-layout-name " , layoutName ) ;
TQString masterName = styles - > lookup ( masterPage , " MP " ) ;
docWriter - > addAttribute ( " draw:master-page-name " , masterName ) ;
// TODO OASIS: Save guidelines!
TQBuffer layerBuffer ;
layerBuffer . open ( IO_WriteOnly ) ;
KoXmlWriter layerWriter ( TQT_TQIODEVICE ( & layerBuffer ) ) ;
layerWriter . startElement ( " draw:layer-set " ) ;
// Iterate through all layers
KivioLayer * layer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( layer ) {
layer - > saveOasis ( & layerWriter ) ;
layer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
layerWriter . endElement ( ) ; // draw:layer-set
TQString layerSet = TQString : : fromUtf8 ( layerBuffer . buffer ( ) , layerBuffer . buffer ( ) . size ( ) ) ;
KoGenStyle pageStyle ( Kivio : : STYLE_PAGE , " drawing-page " ) ;
pageStyle . addChildElement ( " draw:layer-set " , layerSet ) ;
TQString styleName = styles - > lookup ( pageStyle , " PS " ) ;
docWriter - > addAttribute ( " draw:style-name " , styleName ) ;
docWriter - > endElement ( ) ; // draw:page
TQDomElement KivioPage : : saveLayout ( TQDomDocument & doc )
TQDomElement e = doc . createElement ( " PageLayout " ) ;
Kivio : : savePageLayout ( e , m_pPageLayout ) ;
return e ;
bool KivioPage : : loadLayout ( const TQDomElement & e )
m_pPageLayout = Kivio : : loadPageLayout ( e ) ;
return true ;
bool KivioPage : : isLoading ( )
return m_pDoc - > isLoading ( ) ;
bool KivioPage : : loadXML ( const TQDomElement & pageE )
m_strName = pageE . attribute ( " name " ) ;
if ( m_strName . isEmpty ( ) )
return false ;
m_bPageHide = ( int ) pageE . attribute ( " hide " ) . toInt ( ) ;
// Clear the layer list
KivioLayer * pLayer ;
m_lstLayers . clear ( ) ;
TQDomNode node = pageE . firstChild ( ) ;
while ( ! node . isNull ( ) )
if ( node . nodeName ( ) = = " KivioLayer " )
pLayer = new KivioLayer ( this ) ;
if ( pLayer - > loadXML ( node . toElement ( ) ) = = false )
delete pLayer ;
pLayer = NULL ;
m_lstLayers . append ( pLayer ) ;
pLayer = NULL ;
else if ( node . nodeName ( ) = = " PageLayout " )
loadLayout ( node . toElement ( ) ) ;
else if ( node . nodeName ( ) = = " GuidesLayout " ) {
loadGuideLines ( node . toElement ( ) ) ;
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioLayer::loadXML() - unknown node found, " < < node . nodeName ( ) < < endl ;
node = node . nextSibling ( ) ;
m_pCurLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
if ( ! m_pCurLayer )
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioLayer::loadXML() - No layers loaded!! BIGGGGG PROBLEMS! " < < endl ;
// Now that we are done loading, fix all the connections
KivioLayer * pLayerBak ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
pLayerBak = pLayer ;
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioLayer::loadXML() - loading layer connections " < < endl ;
pLayer - > searchForConnections ( this ) ;
m_lstLayers . find ( pLayerBak ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
return true ;
bool KivioPage : : loadOasis ( const TQDomElement & page , KoOasisStyles & oasisStyles )
m_strName = page . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : draw , " name " , TQString ( ) ) ;
TQDomElement * masterPage = oasisStyles . masterPages ( ) [ page . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : draw , " master-page-name " , TQString ( ) ) ] ;
if ( ! masterPage ) {
kdDebug ( 430000 ) < < " Couldn't find the master page! " < < page . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : draw , " master-page-name " , TQString ( ) ) < < endl ;
return false ;
const TQDomElement * pageLayout = oasisStyles . findStyle ( masterPage - > attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : style , " page-layout-name " , TQString ( ) ) ) ;
if ( ! pageLayout ) {
kdDebug ( 430000 ) < < " Couldn't find the pagelayout! " < < endl ;
return false ;
m_pPageLayout . loadOasis ( * pageLayout ) ;
if ( m_pPageLayout . ptWidth < = 1e-13 | | m_pPageLayout . ptHeight < = 1e-13 ) {
kdDebug ( 430000 ) < < " Non valid pagelayout! " < < endl ;
return false ;
const TQDomElement * style = oasisStyles . findStyle ( page . attributeNS ( KoXmlNS : : draw , " style-name " , TQString ( ) ) ) ; // Find the page style
if ( ! style ) {
return false ;
TQDomNode styleNode = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( * style , KoXmlNS : : style , " properties " ) ;
styleNode = KoDom : : namedItemNS ( styleNode , KoXmlNS : : draw , " layer-set " ) ;
TQDomNode currentNode = styleNode . firstChild ( ) ;
// Load the layers
while ( ! currentNode . isNull ( ) ) {
if ( currentNode . nodeName ( ) = = " draw:layer " ) {
KivioLayer * layer = new KivioLayer ( this ) ;
layer - > loadOasis ( currentNode . toElement ( ) ) ;
m_lstLayers . append ( layer ) ;
currentNode = currentNode . nextSibling ( ) ;
return true ;
void KivioPage : : update ( )
KivioPage * KivioPage : : findPage ( const TQString & name )
if ( ! m_pMap )
return 0L ;
return m_pMap - > findPage ( name ) ;
bool KivioPage : : setPageName ( const TQString & name , bool init )
if ( map ( ) - > findPage ( name ) )
return false ;
if ( m_strName = = name )
return true ;
TQString old_name = m_strName ;
m_strName = name ;
if ( init )
return true ;
emit m_pDoc - > sig_pageNameChanged ( this , old_name ) ;
return true ;
* Paints the page .
* An important note is that layers are drawn first to last . So the last layer is the
* most visible .
void KivioPage : : paintContent ( KivioPainter & painter , const TQRect & rect , bool transparent ,
TQPoint p0 , KoZoomHandler * zoom , bool drawConnectorTargets , bool drawSelection )
KivioLayer * pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
if ( pLayer - > visible ( ) )
pLayer - > paintContent ( painter , rect , transparent , p0 , zoom ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
// Now the second iteration - connection targets
// Only draw targets if the zoom is higher than a certain value
if ( zoom - > zoom ( ) > = 50 ) {
if ( drawConnectorTargets ) {
m_pCurLayer - > paintConnectorTargets ( painter , rect , transparent , p0 , zoom ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer ) {
if ( pLayer - > connectable ( ) & & ( pLayer ! = m_pCurLayer ) ) {
pLayer - > paintConnectorTargets ( painter , rect , transparent , p0 , zoom ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
// Now the third iteration - selection handles
if ( drawSelection ) {
m_pCurLayer - > paintSelectionHandles ( painter , rect , transparent , p0 , zoom ) ;
void KivioPage : : printContent ( KivioPainter & painter , int xdpi , int ydpi )
if ( ! xdpi ) {
xdpi = KoGlobal : : dpiX ( ) ;
if ( ! ydpi ) {
ydpi = KoGlobal : : dpiY ( ) ;
KivioLayer * pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
if ( pLayer - > visible ( ) )
pLayer - > printContent ( painter , xdpi , ydpi ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
void KivioPage : : printContent ( KivioPainter & painter , KoZoomHandler * zoomHandler )
KivioLayer * pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
if ( pLayer - > visible ( ) )
pLayer - > printContent ( painter , zoomHandler ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
void KivioPage : : printSelected ( KivioPainter & painter , int xdpi , int ydpi )
if ( ! xdpi ) {
xdpi = KoGlobal : : dpiX ( ) ;
if ( ! ydpi ) {
ydpi = KoGlobal : : dpiY ( ) ;
KivioStencil * pStencil ;
KivioIntraStencilData data ;
KoZoomHandler zoomHandler ;
zoomHandler . setZoomAndResolution ( 100 , xdpi , ydpi ) ;
data . painter = & painter ;
data . zoomHandler = & zoomHandler ;
data . printing = true ;
KivioLayer * pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
if ( pLayer - > visible ( ) = = true )
pStencil = pLayer - > firstStencil ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
if ( pStencil - > isSelected ( ) )
pStencil - > paint ( & data ) ;
pStencil = pLayer - > nextStencil ( ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
bool KivioPage : : addStencil ( KivioStencil * pStencil )
if ( ! pStencil ) {
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioPage::addStencil() - Null stencil passed " < < endl ;
return false ;
if ( ! m_pCurLayer ) {
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioPage::addStencil() - NULL current layer " < < endl ;
return false ;
KivioAddStencilCommand * cmd = new KivioAddStencilCommand ( i18n ( " Add Stencil " ) , this , m_pCurLayer , pStencil ) ;
m_pDoc - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
return m_pCurLayer - > addStencil ( pStencil ) ;
void KivioPage : : selectStencils ( double x , double y , double w , double h )
// Iterate through all stencils of this layer
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_pCurLayer - > stencilList ( ) - > first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil ) {
// Is it in the rectangle?
if ( pStencil - > isInRect ( KoRect ( x , y , w , h ) ) ) {
selectStencil ( pStencil ) ;
pStencil = m_pCurLayer - > stencilList ( ) - > next ( ) ;
m_pDoc - > slotSelectionChanged ( ) ;
void KivioPage : : selectStencil ( KivioStencil * pStencil )
if ( ! pStencil ) {
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioPage::selectStencil - AHHHH! NULL STENCIL! " < < endl ;
return ;
// Don't allow reselection
if ( m_lstSelection . findRef ( pStencil ) ! = - 1 ) {
return ;
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioPage::selectStencil - Selecting stencil " < < endl ;
pStencil - > select ( ) ;
m_lstSelection . append ( pStencil ) ;
m_pDoc - > slotSelectionChanged ( ) ;
bool KivioPage : : unselectStencil ( KivioStencil * pStencil )
pStencil - > unselect ( ) ;
m_pDoc - > slotSelectionChanged ( ) ;
return m_lstSelection . removeRef ( pStencil ) ;
void KivioPage : : selectAllStencils ( )
unselectAllStencils ( ) ;
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_pCurLayer - > stencilList ( ) - > first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil ) {
pStencil - > select ( ) ;
m_lstSelection . append ( pStencil ) ;
pStencil = m_pCurLayer - > stencilList ( ) - > next ( ) ;
* The following code is commented out because selections must
* remain in the current layer .
KivioLayer * pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
if ( pLayer - > visible ( ) )
pStencil = pLayer - > stencilList ( ) - > first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > select ( ) ;
m_lstSelection . append ( pStencil ) ;
pStencil = pLayer - > stencilList ( ) - > next ( ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
m_pDoc - > slotSelectionChanged ( ) ;
void KivioPage : : unselectAllStencils ( )
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > unselect ( ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
m_lstSelection . clear ( ) ;
m_pDoc - > slotSelectionChanged ( ) ;
bool KivioPage : : isStencilSelected ( KivioStencil * pStencil )
return m_lstSelection . findRef ( pStencil ) = = - 1 ;
* Looks for stencils at a given point in the canvas
* @ param pPoint The point to search with
* This will iterate through all visible layers and check
* for stencils . The first one it finds will be returned .
* If none are found , it will return NULL .
KivioStencil * KivioPage : : checkForStencil ( KoPoint * pPoint , int * collisionType , double threshold , bool selectedOnly )
KivioStencil * pStencil ;
int colType ;
* This code is commented out because selecting a stencil should only take place
* on the current layer . The following code searches all layers .
// Start with the last layer since it is the top
KivioLayer * pLayer = m_lstLayers . last ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
pStencil = pLayer - > checkForStencil ( pPoint , & colType ) ;
if ( pStencil )
* collisionType = colType ;
return pStencil ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . prev ( ) ;
pStencil = m_pCurLayer - > checkForStencil ( pPoint , & colType , threshold , selectedOnly ) ;
if ( pStencil )
* collisionType = colType ;
return pStencil ;
* collisionType = kctNone ;
return NULL ;
void KivioPage : : deleteSelectedStencils ( )
// Make sure none of them have deletion protection
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil ) {
if ( pStencil - > protection ( ) - > at ( kpDeletion ) ) {
KMessageBox : : information ( NULL , i18n ( " One of the selected stencils has protection from deletion and cannot be deleted. " ) ,
i18n ( " Protection From Deletion " ) ) ;
return ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
// Iterate through all items in the selection list
m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . take ( ) ;
KMacroCommand * macro = new KMacroCommand ( i18n ( " Remove Stencil " ) ) ;
bool createMacro = false ;
while ( pStencil ) {
KivioRemoveStencilCommand * cmd = new KivioRemoveStencilCommand ( i18n ( " Remove Stencil " ) , this , m_pCurLayer , pStencil ) ;
createMacro = true ;
macro - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
if ( pStencil - > type ( ) = = kstConnector ) {
static_cast < Kivio1DStencil * > ( pStencil ) - > disconnectFromTargets ( ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . take ( ) ;
if ( createMacro ) {
macro - > execute ( ) ;
m_pDoc - > addCommand ( macro ) ;
} else {
delete macro ;
void KivioPage : : groupSelectedStencils ( )
// Can't group 0 or 1 stencils
if ( ! m_pCurLayer | | ( m_lstSelection . count ( ) < = 1 ) ) {
return ;
KivioGroupStencil * pGroup = new KivioGroupStencil ( ) ;
// Iterate through all items in the selection list, taking them from the layer, then adding
// them to the group
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_pCurLayer - > firstStencil ( ) ;
KivioStencil * pTake = 0 ;
while ( pStencil ) {
if ( pStencil - > isSelected ( ) ) {
// Take the stencil out of it's layer
pTake = m_pCurLayer - > takeStencil ( pStencil ) ;
if ( ! pTake ) {
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioPage::groupSelectedStencil() - Failed to take() one of the selected stencils. CRAP! " < < endl ;
} else {
// Add it to the group
pGroup - > addToGroup ( pTake ) ;
pStencil = m_pCurLayer - > currentStencil ( ) ;
} else {
pStencil = m_pCurLayer - > nextStencil ( ) ;
// Unselect the old ones
unselectAllStencils ( ) ;
// Add the group as the selected stencil
m_pCurLayer - > addStencil ( pGroup ) ;
selectStencil ( pGroup ) ;
KivioGroupCommand * cmd = new KivioGroupCommand ( i18n ( " Group Selection " ) , this , m_pCurLayer , pGroup ) ;
doc ( ) - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
void KivioPage : : ungroupSelectedStencils ( )
KivioStencil * pSelStencil , * pStencil ;
TQPtrList < KivioStencil > * pList ;
TQPtrList < KivioStencil > * pSelectThese = new TQPtrList < KivioStencil > ;
KMacroCommand * macro = new KMacroCommand ( i18n ( " Ungroup " ) ) ;
bool ungrouped = false ;
pSelectThese - > setAutoDelete ( false ) ;
// Iterate through all selected stencils
pSelStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
while ( pSelStencil )
// If there is a list, it is a group stencil
pList = pSelStencil - > groupList ( ) ;
if ( pList )
pList - > first ( ) ;
pStencil = pList - > first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
m_pCurLayer - > addStencil ( pStencil ) ;
pSelectThese - > append ( pStencil ) ;
pStencil = pList - > next ( ) ;
// Remove the current stencil from the selection list(the group we just disassembled)
m_lstSelection . take ( ) ;
// Remove it permanently from the layer
if ( ! m_pCurLayer - > takeStencil ( pSelStencil ) )
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioPage::ungroupSelectedStencil() - Failed to locate the group shell for deletion "
< < endl ;
KivioUnGroupCommand * cmd = new KivioUnGroupCommand ( i18n ( " Ungroup " ) , this , m_pCurLayer ,
static_cast < KivioGroupStencil * > ( pSelStencil ) ) ;
macro - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
ungrouped = true ;
pSelStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
// Now iterate through the selectThese list and select
// those stencils
pStencil = pSelectThese - > first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
selectStencil ( pStencil ) ;
if ( pStencil - > type ( ) = = kstConnector ) {
pStencil - > searchForConnections ( this , 4.0 ) ;
pStencil = pSelectThese - > next ( ) ;
delete pSelectThese ;
if ( ungrouped ) {
doc ( ) - > addCommand ( macro ) ;
} else {
delete macro ;
void KivioPage : : bringToFront ( )
KivioStencil * pStencil , * pMove ;
KivioLayer * pLayer ;
TQPtrList < KivioStencil > newList ;
pLayer = m_pCurLayer ;
newList . setAutoDelete ( false ) ;
* We iterate through all stencils since order must be maintained
* amongst the selection during the move .
pStencil = pLayer - > firstStencil ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
if ( isStencilSelected ( pStencil ) = = true )
pMove = pLayer - > takeStencil ( ) ;
if ( pMove )
newList . append ( pMove ) ;
pStencil = pLayer - > currentStencil ( ) ;
else // In the case of error, the outside else won't execute
pStencil = pLayer - > nextStencil ( ) ;
pStencil = pLayer - > nextStencil ( ) ;
// push them back in, in reverse order
pStencil = newList . last ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pLayer - > stencilList ( ) - > insert ( 0 , pStencil ) ;
pStencil = newList . prev ( ) ;
void KivioPage : : sendToBack ( )
KivioStencil * pStencil , * pMove ;
KivioLayer * pLayer ;
TQPtrList < KivioStencil > newList ;
pLayer = m_pCurLayer ;
newList . setAutoDelete ( false ) ;
* We iterate through all stencils since order must be maintained
* amongst the selection during the move .
pStencil = pLayer - > firstStencil ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
if ( isStencilSelected ( pStencil ) = = true )
pMove = pLayer - > takeStencil ( ) ;
if ( pMove )
newList . append ( pMove ) ;
pStencil = pLayer - > currentStencil ( ) ;
else // In the case of error, the outside else won't execute
pStencil = pLayer - > nextStencil ( ) ;
pStencil = pLayer - > nextStencil ( ) ;
// push them back in, in reverse order
pStencil = newList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pLayer - > stencilList ( ) - > append ( pStencil ) ;
pStencil = newList . next ( ) ;
void KivioPage : : copy ( )
if ( m_lstSelection . count ( ) < = 0 ) {
return ;
// push to clipbaord
KivioDragObject * kdo = new KivioDragObject ( ) ;
kdo - > setStencilList ( m_lstSelection ) ;
kdo - > setStencilRect ( getRectForAllSelectedStencils ( ) ) ;
TQApplication : : clipboard ( ) - > setData ( kdo , TQClipboard : : Clipboard ) ;
void KivioPage : : cut ( )
KivioStencil * pStencil ;
KivioLayer * pLayer ;
bool safe = true ;
if ( m_lstSelection . count ( ) < = 0 )
return ;
pLayer = m_pCurLayer ;
// Make sure none of them are protected from deletion
pStencil = pLayer - > firstStencil ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
if ( isStencilSelected ( pStencil ) = = true )
if ( pStencil - > protection ( ) - > at ( kpDeletion ) = = true )
safe = false ;
pStencil = pLayer - > nextStencil ( ) ;
if ( safe = = false )
KMessageBox : : information ( NULL , i18n ( " One of the stencils has protection from deletion. You cannot cut or delete this stencil. " ) , i18n ( " Protection From Delete " ) ) ;
return ;
copy ( ) ;
deleteSelectedStencils ( ) ;
void KivioPage : : paste ( KivioView * view )
TQPtrList < KivioStencil > list ;
list . setAutoDelete ( false ) ;
KivioDragObject kdo ;
if ( kdo . decode ( TQApplication : : clipboard ( ) - > data ( TQClipboard : : Clipboard ) , list , this ) ) {
unselectAllStencils ( ) ;
KivioStencil * stencil = list . first ( ) ;
while ( stencil ) {
addStencil ( stencil ) ;
selectStencil ( stencil ) ;
stencil = list . next ( ) ;
view - > canvasWidget ( ) - > startPasteMoving ( ) ;
int KivioPage : : generateStencilIds ( int next )
KivioLayer * pLayer ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
next = pLayer - > generateStencilIds ( next ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
return next ;
KivioLayer * KivioPage : : firstLayer ( )
return m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
KivioLayer * KivioPage : : nextLayer ( )
return m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
KivioLayer * KivioPage : : prevLayer ( )
return m_lstLayers . prev ( ) ;
KivioLayer * KivioPage : : lastLayer ( )
return m_lstLayers . last ( ) ;
bool KivioPage : : removeCurrentLayer ( )
KivioLayer * pLayer ;
if ( m_lstLayers . count ( ) < = 1 )
return false ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
if ( pLayer ! = m_pCurLayer )
if ( m_lstLayers . find ( m_pCurLayer ) = = false )
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioLayer::removeCurrentLayer() - Couldn't find current layer in the list. Bad! " < < endl ;
return false ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
if ( ! pLayer )
( void ) m_lstLayers . last ( ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . prev ( ) ;
if ( ! pLayer )
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioLayer::removeCurrentLayer() - Couldn't find a next layer. " < < endl ;
return false ;
KivioRemoveLayerCommand * cmd = new KivioRemoveLayerCommand ( i18n ( " Remove Layer " ) , this , m_pCurLayer , m_lstLayers . findRef ( m_pCurLayer ) ) ;
doc ( ) - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
takeLayer ( m_pCurLayer ) ;
if ( m_lstLayers . remove ( m_pCurLayer ) = = false )
kdDebug ( 43000 ) < < " KivioLayer::removeCurrentLayer() - Couldn't find current layer in the list. Bad! " < < endl ;
return false ;
m_pCurLayer = pLayer ;
return true ;
void KivioPage : : takeLayer ( KivioLayer * pLayer )
int pos = m_lstLayers . findRef ( pLayer ) ;
m_lstLayers . take ( pos ) ;
void KivioPage : : addLayer ( KivioLayer * pLayer )
m_lstLayers . append ( pLayer ) ;
void KivioPage : : insertLayer ( int position , KivioLayer * pLayer )
m_lstLayers . insert ( position , pLayer ) ;
KivioLayer * KivioPage : : layerAt ( int pos )
return m_lstLayers . at ( pos ) ;
void KivioPage : : alignStencils ( AlignData d )
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
if ( ! pStencil )
return ;
if ( d . v ! = AlignData : : None | | d . h ! = AlignData : : None ) {
KMacroCommand * macro = new KMacroCommand ( i18n ( " Move Stencil " ) ) ;
double x = pStencil - > x ( ) ;
double y = pStencil - > y ( ) ;
double w = pStencil - > w ( ) ;
double h = pStencil - > h ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
KoRect oldRect = pStencil - > rect ( ) ;
switch ( d . v ) {
case AlignData : : Top :
pStencil - > setY ( y ) ;
break ;
case AlignData : : Center :
pStencil - > setY ( y + h / 2 - pStencil - > h ( ) / 2 ) ;
break ;
case AlignData : : Bottom :
pStencil - > setY ( y + h - pStencil - > h ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
switch ( d . h ) {
case AlignData : : Left :
pStencil - > setX ( x ) ;
break ;
case AlignData : : Center :
pStencil - > setX ( x + w / 2 - pStencil - > w ( ) / 2 ) ;
break ;
case AlignData : : Right :
pStencil - > setX ( x + w - pStencil - > w ( ) ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
KivioMoveStencilCommand * cmd = new KivioMoveStencilCommand ( i18n ( " Move Stencil " ) ,
pStencil , oldRect , pStencil - > rect ( ) , this ) ;
macro - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
m_pDoc - > addCommand ( macro ) ;
if ( d . centerOfPage ) {
KMacroCommand * macro = new KMacroCommand ( i18n ( " Move Stencil " ) ) ;
double w = m_pPageLayout . ptWidth ;
double h = m_pPageLayout . ptHeight ;
KoRect r = getRectForAllSelectedStencils ( ) ;
double dx = ( ( w - r . width ( ) ) / 2.0 ) - r . x ( ) ;
double dy = ( ( h - r . height ( ) ) / 2.0 ) - r . y ( ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
KoRect oldRect = pStencil - > rect ( ) ;
pStencil - > setPosition ( pStencil - > x ( ) + dx , pStencil - > y ( ) + dy ) ;
KivioMoveStencilCommand * cmd = new KivioMoveStencilCommand ( i18n ( " Move Stencil " ) ,
pStencil , oldRect , pStencil - > rect ( ) , this ) ;
macro - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
m_pDoc - > addCommand ( macro ) ;
class XYSortedStencilList : public TQPtrList < KivioStencil >
public :
XYSortedStencilList ( bool sortX ) : xsort ( sortX ) { } ;
protected :
int compareItems ( TQPtrCollection : : Item i1 , TQPtrCollection : : Item i2 )
KivioStencil * s1 = ( KivioStencil * ) i1 ;
KivioStencil * s2 = ( KivioStencil * ) i2 ;
if ( xsort ) {
if ( s1 - > x ( ) > s2 - > x ( ) )
return 1 ;
if ( s1 - > x ( ) < s2 - > x ( ) )
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
if ( s1 - > y ( ) > s2 - > y ( ) )
return 1 ;
if ( s1 - > y ( ) < s2 - > y ( ) )
return - 1 ;
return 0 ;
private :
bool xsort ;
} ;
void KivioPage : : distributeStencils ( DistributeData d )
double x = 0.0 ;
double y = 0.0 ;
double x1 = 0.0 ;
double y1 = 0.0 ;
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
if ( ! pStencil )
return ;
XYSortedStencilList xSortList ( true ) ;
XYSortedStencilList ySortList ( false ) ;
TQValueList < KoRect > oldRects ;
while ( pStencil )
xSortList . append ( pStencil ) ;
ySortList . append ( pStencil ) ;
oldRects . append ( pStencil - > rect ( ) ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
xSortList . sort ( ) ;
ySortList . sort ( ) ;
switch ( d . extent ) {
case DistributeData : : Page :
x = m_pPageLayout . ptLeft ;
y = m_pPageLayout . ptTop ;
x1 = m_pPageLayout . ptWidth - m_pPageLayout . ptRight ;
y1 = m_pPageLayout . ptHeight - m_pPageLayout . ptBottom ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Selection :
pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
x = pStencil - > x ( ) ;
y = pStencil - > x ( ) ;
x1 = x + pStencil - > w ( ) ;
y1 = y + pStencil - > h ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
x = TQMIN ( x , pStencil - > x ( ) ) ;
y = TQMIN ( y , pStencil - > y ( ) ) ;
x1 = TQMAX ( x1 , pStencil - > x ( ) + pStencil - > w ( ) ) ;
y1 = TQMAX ( y1 , pStencil - > y ( ) + pStencil - > h ( ) ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
KivioStencil * firstx = xSortList . first ( ) ;
KivioStencil * lastx = xSortList . last ( ) ;
double countx = ( double ) ( xSortList . count ( ) - 1 ) ;
double distx = 0.0 ;
switch ( d . h ) {
case DistributeData : : Left :
x1 = x1 - lastx - > w ( ) ;
distx = ( x1 - x ) / countx ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Center :
x = x + firstx - > w ( ) / 2 ;
x1 = x1 - lastx - > w ( ) / 2 ;
distx = ( x1 - x ) / countx ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Spacing : {
double allw = 0.0 ;
pStencil = xSortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
allw = allw + pStencil - > w ( ) ;
pStencil = xSortList . next ( ) ;
distx = ( x1 - x - allw ) / countx ;
break ; }
case DistributeData : : Right :
x = x + firstx - > w ( ) ;
distx = ( x1 - x ) / countx ;
break ;
default :
break ;
double xx = x ;
switch ( d . h ) {
case DistributeData : : Center :
pStencil = xSortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setX ( xx - pStencil - > w ( ) / 2 ) ;
xx = xx + distx ;
pStencil = xSortList . next ( ) ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Right :
pStencil = xSortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setX ( xx - pStencil - > w ( ) ) ;
xx = xx + distx ;
pStencil = xSortList . next ( ) ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Left :
pStencil = xSortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setX ( xx ) ;
xx = xx + distx ;
pStencil = xSortList . next ( ) ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Spacing :
pStencil = xSortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setX ( xx ) ;
xx = xx + pStencil - > w ( ) + distx ;
pStencil = xSortList . next ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
KivioStencil * firsty = ySortList . first ( ) ;
KivioStencil * lasty = ySortList . last ( ) ;
double county = ( double ) ( ySortList . count ( ) - 1 ) ;
double disty = 0.0 ;
switch ( d . v ) {
case DistributeData : : Top :
y1 = y1 - lasty - > h ( ) ;
disty = ( y1 - y ) / county ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Center :
y = y + firsty - > h ( ) / 2 ;
y1 = y1 - lasty - > h ( ) / 2 ;
disty = ( y1 - y ) / countx ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Spacing : {
double allh = 0.0 ;
pStencil = ySortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
allh = allh + pStencil - > h ( ) ;
pStencil = ySortList . next ( ) ;
disty = ( y1 - y - allh ) / county ;
break ; }
case DistributeData : : Bottom :
y = y + firsty - > h ( ) ;
disty = ( y1 - y ) / county ;
break ;
default :
break ;
double yy = y ;
switch ( d . v ) {
case DistributeData : : Center :
pStencil = ySortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setY ( yy - pStencil - > h ( ) / 2 ) ;
yy = yy + disty ;
pStencil = ySortList . next ( ) ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Bottom :
pStencil = ySortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setY ( yy - pStencil - > h ( ) ) ;
yy = yy + disty ;
pStencil = ySortList . next ( ) ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Top :
pStencil = ySortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setY ( yy ) ;
yy = yy + disty ;
pStencil = ySortList . next ( ) ;
break ;
case DistributeData : : Spacing :
pStencil = ySortList . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setY ( yy ) ;
yy = yy + pStencil - > h ( ) + disty ;
pStencil = ySortList . next ( ) ;
break ;
default :
break ;
if ( d . v ! = DistributeData : : None | | d . h ! = DistributeData : : None ) {
KMacroCommand * macro = new KMacroCommand ( i18n ( " Move Stencil " ) ) ;
TQValueListIterator < KoRect > it ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
for ( it = oldRects . begin ( ) ; it ! = oldRects . end ( ) ; + + it ) {
KivioMoveStencilCommand * cmd = new KivioMoveStencilCommand ( i18n ( " Move Stencil " ) ,
pStencil , ( * it ) , pStencil - > rect ( ) , this ) ;
macro - > addCommand ( cmd ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
m_pDoc - > addCommand ( macro ) ;
* Returns a rectangle representing the bounds of all the selected stencils ( in points ) .
KoRect KivioPage : : getRectForAllSelectedStencils ( )
KoRect rTotal , r ;
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
// Get the rect of the first selected stencil
if ( pStencil )
rTotal = pStencil - > rect ( ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
// iterate through all the stencils uniting the rectangles
while ( pStencil )
r = pStencil - > rect ( ) ;
rTotal = rTotal . unite ( r ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
return rTotal ;
* Returns a rectangle representing the bounds of all the selected stencils ( in points ) .
KoRect KivioPage : : getRectForAllStencils ( )
KoRect rTotal , r ;
bool firstTime = true ;
KivioLayer * pLayer ;
KivioStencil * pStencil ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . first ( ) ;
while ( pLayer )
pStencil = pLayer - > firstStencil ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
if ( firstTime = = true )
rTotal = pStencil - > rect ( ) ;
firstTime = false ;
r = pStencil - > rect ( ) ;
rTotal = rTotal . unite ( r ) ;
pStencil = pLayer - > nextStencil ( ) ;
pLayer = m_lstLayers . next ( ) ;
return rTotal ;
void KivioPage : : setPaperLayout ( const KoPageLayout & l )
m_pPageLayout = l ;
doc ( ) - > updateView ( this ) ;
emit sig_pageLayoutChanged ( m_pPageLayout ) ;
KivioConnectorTarget * KivioPage : : connectPointToTarget ( KivioConnectorPoint * p , double /*thresh*/ )
double oldX , oldY ;
KivioLayer * pLayer , * pCurLayer ;
bool doneSearching = false ;
KivioConnectorTarget * pTarget ;
if ( ! p )
return NULL ;
if ( p - > connectable ( ) = = false )
return NULL ;
oldX = p - > x ( ) ;
oldY = p - > y ( ) ;
pCurLayer = curLayer ( ) ;
pLayer = firstLayer ( ) ;
while ( pLayer & & doneSearching = = false )
if ( pLayer ! = pCurLayer )
if ( pLayer - > connectable ( ) = = false | | pLayer - > visible ( ) = = false )
pLayer = nextLayer ( ) ;
continue ;
if ( ( pTarget = pLayer - > connectPointToTarget ( p , 8.0f ) ) )
return pTarget ;
pLayer = nextLayer ( ) ;
return NULL ;
KoPoint KivioPage : : snapToTarget ( const KoPoint & p , double thresh , bool & hit )
KivioLayer * pLayer , * pCurLayer ;
KoPoint retVal = p ;
pCurLayer = curLayer ( ) ;
pLayer = firstLayer ( ) ;
while ( pLayer & & ! hit )
if ( pLayer ! = pCurLayer )
if ( pLayer - > connectable ( ) = = false | | pLayer - > visible ( ) = = false )
pLayer = nextLayer ( ) ;
continue ;
retVal = pLayer - > snapToTarget ( p , thresh , hit ) ;
pLayer = nextLayer ( ) ;
return retVal ;
void KivioPage : : setHidePage ( bool _hide )
setHidden ( _hide ) ;
if ( _hide )
emit sig_PageHidden ( this ) ;
emit sig_PageShown ( this ) ;
void KivioPage : : setPaintSelected ( bool paint )
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
pStencil - > setHidden ( ! paint ) ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
bool KivioPage : : checkForStencilTypeInSelection ( KivioStencilType type )
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil )
if ( pStencil - > type ( ) = = type ) {
return true ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
return false ;
bool KivioPage : : checkForTextBoxesInSelection ( )
KivioStencil * pStencil = m_lstSelection . first ( ) ;
while ( pStencil ) {
if ( pStencil - > hasTextBox ( ) ) {
return true ;
pStencil = m_lstSelection . next ( ) ;
return false ;
void KivioPage : : setGuideLines ( const TQValueList < double > hGuideLines , const TQValueList < double > vGuideLines )
m_hGuideLines = hGuideLines ;
m_vGuideLines = vGuideLines ;
void KivioPage : : saveGuideLines ( TQDomElement & element )
TQValueList < double > : : iterator it ;
TQValueList < double > : : iterator itEnd = m_hGuideLines . end ( ) ;
for ( it = m_hGuideLines . begin ( ) ; it ! = itEnd ; + + it ) {
TQDomElement e = element . ownerDocument ( ) . createElement ( " Guideline " ) ;
element . appendChild ( e ) ;
XmlWriteDouble ( e , " pos " , * it ) ;
XmlWriteInt ( e , " orient " , ( int ) Qt : : Horizontal ) ;
itEnd = m_vGuideLines . end ( ) ;
for ( it = m_vGuideLines . begin ( ) ; it ! = itEnd ; + + it ) {
TQDomElement e = element . ownerDocument ( ) . createElement ( " Guideline " ) ;
element . appendChild ( e ) ;
XmlWriteDouble ( e , " pos " , * it ) ;
XmlWriteInt ( e , " orient " , ( int ) Qt : : Vertical ) ;
void KivioPage : : loadGuideLines ( const TQDomElement & element )
m_hGuideLines . clear ( ) ;
m_vGuideLines . clear ( ) ;
TQDomElement e = element . firstChild ( ) . toElement ( ) ;
for ( ; ! e . isNull ( ) ; e = e . nextSibling ( ) . toElement ( ) )
double pos = XmlReadDouble ( e , " pos " , 0.0 ) ;
Qt : : Orientation orient = ( Qt : : Orientation ) XmlReadInt ( e , " orient " , 0 ) ;
addGuideLine ( orient , pos ) ;
void KivioPage : : addGuideLine ( Qt : : Orientation orientation , double position )
if ( orientation = = Qt : : Horizontal ) {
m_hGuideLines . append ( position ) ;
} else {
m_vGuideLines . append ( position ) ;
# include "kivio_page.moc"