/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 1998-2002 The KSpread Team
Copyright (C) 2005 Tomas Mecir <mecirt@gmail.com>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// built-in text functions
// please keep it in alphabetical order
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "functions.h"
#include "valuecalc.h"
#include "valueconverter.h"
using namespace KSpread;
// Functions DOLLAR and FIXED convert data to double, hence they will not
// support arbitrary precision, when it will be introduced.
// prototypes
Value func_char (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_clean (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_code (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_compare (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_concatenate (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_dollar (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_exact (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_find (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_fixed (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_left (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_len (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_lower (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_mid (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_proper (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_regexp (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_regexpre (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_replace (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_rept (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_rot (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_right (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_search (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_sleek (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_substitute (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_t (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_text (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_toggle (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_trim (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_upper (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
Value func_value (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *);
// registers all text functions
void RegisterTextFunctions()
FunctionRepository* repo = FunctionRepository::self();
Function *f;
// one-parameter functions
f = new Function ("CHAR", func_char);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("CLEAN", func_clean);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("CODE", func_code);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("LEN", func_len);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("LOWER", func_lower);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("PROPER", func_proper);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("ROT", func_rot);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("SLEEK", func_sleek);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("T", func_t);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("TOGGLE", func_toggle);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("TRIM", func_trim);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("UPPER", func_upper);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("VALUE", func_value);
repo->add (f);
// other functions
f = new Function ("COMPARE", func_compare);
f->setParamCount (3);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("CONCATENATE", func_concatenate);
f->setParamCount (1, -1);
f->setAcceptArray ();
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("DOLLAR", func_dollar);
f->setParamCount (1, 2);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("EXACT", func_exact);
f->setParamCount (2);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("FIND", func_find);
f->setParamCount (2, 3);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("FIXED", func_fixed);
f->setParamCount (1, 3);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("LEFT", func_left);
f->setParamCount (2);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("MID", func_mid);
f->setParamCount (2, 3);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("REGEXP", func_regexp);
f->setParamCount (2, 4);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("REGEXPRE", func_regexpre);
f->setParamCount (3);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("REPLACE", func_replace);
f->setParamCount (4);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("REPT", func_rept);
f->setParamCount (2);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("RIGHT", func_right);
f->setParamCount (2);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("SEARCH", func_search);
f->setParamCount (2, 3);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("SUBSTITUTE", func_substitute);
f->setParamCount (3, 4);
repo->add (f);
f = new Function ("TEXT", func_text);
f->setParamCount (1, 2);
repo->add (f);
// Function: CHAR
Value func_char (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
int val = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[0]).asInteger ();
return Value (TQString (TQChar (val)));
// Function: CLEAN
Value func_clean (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString str (calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString());
TQString result;
TQChar c;
int i;
int l = str.length();
for (i = 0; i < l; ++i)
c = str[i];
if (c.isPrint())
result += c;
return Value (result);
// Function: CODE
Value func_code (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString str (calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString());
if (str.length() <= 0)
return Value::errorVALUE();
return Value (str[0].unicode());
// Function: COMPARE
Value func_compare (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
int result = 0;
bool exact = calc->conv()->asBoolean (args[2]).asBoolean();
TQString s1 = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
TQString s2 = calc->conv()->asString (args[1]).asString();
if (!exact)
result = s1.lower().localeAwareCompare(s2.lower());
result = s1.localeAwareCompare(s2);
if (result < 0)
result = -1;
else if (result > 0)
result = 1;
return Value (result);
void func_concatenate_helper (Value val, ValueCalc *calc,
TQString& tmp)
if (val.isArray()) {
for (unsigned int row = 0; row < val.rows(); ++row)
for (unsigned int col = 0; col < val.columns(); ++col)
func_concatenate_helper (val.element (col, row), calc, tmp);
} else
tmp += calc->conv()->asString (val).asString();
// Function: CONCATENATE
Value func_concatenate (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString tmp;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < args.count(); ++i)
func_concatenate_helper (args[i], calc, tmp);
return Value (tmp);
// Function: DOLLAR
Value func_dollar (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
// ValueConverter doesn't support money directly, hence we need to
// use the locale. This code has the same effect as the output
// of ValueFormatter for money format.
// This function converts data to double/int, hence it won't support
// larger precision.
double value = calc->conv()->asFloat (args[0]).asFloat();
int precision = 2;
if (args.count() == 2)
precision = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[1]).asInteger();
// do round, because formatMoney doesn't
value = floor (value * pow (10.0, precision) + 0.5) / pow (10.0, precision);
TDELocale *locale = calc->conv()->locale();
TQString s = locale->formatMoney (value, locale->currencySymbol(), precision);
return Value (s);
// Function: EXACT
Value func_exact (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString s1 = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
TQString s2 = calc->conv()->asString (args[1]).asString();
bool exact = (s1 == s2);
return Value (exact);
// Function: FIND
Value func_find (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString find_text, within_text;
int start_num = 1;
find_text = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
within_text = calc->conv()->asString (args[1]).asString();
if (args.count() == 3)
start_num = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[2]).asInteger();
// conforms to Excel behaviour
if (start_num <= 0) return Value::errorVALUE();
if (start_num > (int)within_text.length()) return Value::errorVALUE();
int pos = within_text.find (find_text, start_num - 1);
if( pos < 0 ) return Value::errorNA();
return Value (pos + 1);
// Function: FIXED
Value func_fixed (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
// uses double, hence won't support big precision
int decimals = 2;
bool no_commas = false;
double number = calc->conv()->asFloat (args[0]).asFloat();
if (args.count() > 1)
decimals = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[1]).asInteger();
if (args.count() == 3)
no_commas = calc->conv()->asBoolean (args[2]).asBoolean();
TQString result;
TDELocale *locale = calc->conv()->locale();
// unfortunately, we can't just use TDELocale::formatNumber because
// * if decimals < 0, number is rounded
// * if no_commas is true, thousand separators shouldn't show up
if( decimals < 0 )
decimals = -decimals;
number = floor( number/pow(10.0,decimals)+0.5 ) * pow(10.0,decimals);
decimals = 0;
bool neg = number < 0;
result = TQString::number( neg ? -number:number, 'f', decimals );
int pos = result.find('.');
if (pos == -1) pos = result.length();
else result.replace(pos, 1, locale->decimalSymbol());
if( !no_commas )
while (0 < (pos -= 3))
result.insert(pos, locale->thousandsSeparator());
result.prepend( neg ? locale->negativeSign():
locale->positiveSign() );
return Value (result);
// Function: LEFT
Value func_left (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString str = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
int nb = 1;
if (args.count() == 2)
nb = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[1]).asInteger();
return Value (str.left (nb));
// Function: LEN
Value func_len (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
int nb = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString().length();
return Value (nb);
// Function: LOWER
Value func_lower (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
return Value (calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString().lower());
// Function: MID
Value func_mid (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString str = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
int pos = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[1]).asInteger();
uint len = 0xffffffff;
if (args.count() == 3)
len = (uint) calc->conv()->asInteger (args[2]).asInteger();
// Excel compatible
return Value (str.mid (pos, len));
// Function: PROPER
Value func_proper (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString str = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString().lower();
TQChar f;
bool first = true;
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i)
if (first)
f = str[i];
if (f.isNumber())
f = f.upper();
str[i] = f;
first = false;
if (str[i] == ' ' || str[i] == '-')
first = true;
return Value (str);
// Function: REGEXP
Value func_regexp (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
// ensure that we got a valid regular expression
TQRegExp exp (calc->conv()->asString (args[1]).asString());
if (!exp.isValid ())
return Value::errorVALUE();
TQString s = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
TQString defText;
if (args.count() > 2)
defText = calc->conv()->asString (args[2]).asString();
int bkref = 0;
if (args.count() == 4)
bkref = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[3]).asInteger();
if (bkref < 0) // strange back-reference
return Value::errorVALUE();
TQString returnValue;
int pos = exp.search (s);
if (pos == -1)
returnValue = defText;
returnValue = exp.cap (bkref);
return Value (returnValue);
// Function: REGEXPRE
Value func_regexpre (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
// ensure that we got a valid regular expression
TQRegExp exp (calc->conv()->asString (args[1]).asString());
if (!exp.isValid ())
return Value::errorVALUE();
TQString s = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
TQString str = calc->conv()->asString (args[2]).asString();
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = exp.search (s, pos)) != -1)
int i = exp.matchedLength();
s = s.replace (pos, i, str);
pos += str.length();
return Value (s);
// Function: REPLACE
Value func_replace (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString text = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
int pos = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[1]).asInteger();
int len = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[2]).asInteger();
TQString new_text = calc->conv()->asString (args[3]).asString();
if (pos < 0) pos = 0;
TQString result = text.replace (pos-1, len, new_text);
return Value (result);
// Function: REPT
Value func_rept (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString s = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
int nb = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[1]).asInteger();
TQString result;
for (int i = 0; i < nb; i++) result += s;
return Value (result);
// Function: RIGHT
Value func_right (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString str = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
int nb = 1;
if (args.count() == 2)
nb = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[1]).asInteger();
return Value (str.right (nb));
// Function: ROT
Value func_rot (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString text = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
for( unsigned i=0; i<text.length(); i++ )
unsigned c = text[i].upper().unicode();
if( ( c >= 'A' ) && ( c <= 'M' ) )
text[i] = TQChar( text[i].unicode() + 13);
if( ( c >= 'N' ) && ( c <= 'Z' ) )
text[i] = TQChar( text[i].unicode() - 13);
return Value (text);
// Function: SEARCH
Value func_search (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString find_text = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
TQString within_text = calc->conv()->asString (args[1]).asString();
int start_num = 1;
if (args.count() == 3)
start_num = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[2]).asInteger();
// conforms to Excel behaviour
if (start_num <= 0) return Value::errorVALUE();
if (start_num > (int)within_text.length()) return Value::errorVALUE();
// use globbing feature of TQRegExp
TQRegExp regex( find_text, false, true );
int pos = within_text.find( regex, start_num-1 );
if( pos < 0 ) return Value::errorNA();
return Value (pos + 1);
// Function: SLEEK
Value func_sleek (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString str = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
TQString result;
TQChar c;
int i;
int l = str.length();
for (i = 0; i < l; ++i)
c = str[i];
if (!c.isSpace())
result += c;
return Value (result);
// Function: SUBSTITUTE
Value func_substitute (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
int num = 1;
bool all = true;
if (args.count() == 4)
num = calc->conv()->asInteger (args[3]).asInteger();
all = false;
TQString text = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
TQString old_text = calc->conv()->asString (args[1]).asString();
TQString new_text = calc->conv()->asString (args[2]).asString();
if( num <= 0 ) return Value::errorVALUE();
if (old_text.length() == 0) return Value (text);
TQString result = text;
int p = result.find (old_text);
while ((p != -1) && (num > 0))
result.replace( p, old_text.length(), new_text );
// find another location, starting straight after the replaced text
p = result.find (old_text, p + new_text.length());
if( !all ) num--;
return Value (result);
// Function: T
Value func_t (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
return calc->conv()->asString (args[0]);
// Function: TEXT
Value func_text (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
//Currently the same as the T function ...
//Second parameter is format_text. It is currently ignored.
return calc->conv()->asString (args[0]);
// Function: TOGGLE
Value func_toggle (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
TQString str = calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString();
int i;
int l = str.length();
for (i = 0; i < l; ++i)
TQChar c = str[i];
TQChar lc = c.lower();
TQChar uc = c.upper();
if (c == lc) // it is in lowercase
str[i] = c.upper();
else if (c == uc) // it is in uppercase
str[i] = c.lower();
return Value (str);
// Function: TRIM
Value func_trim (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
return Value (
calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString().simplifyWhiteSpace());
// Function: UPPER
Value func_upper (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
return Value (calc->conv()->asString (args[0]).asString().upper());
// Function: VALUE
Value func_value (valVector args, ValueCalc *calc, FuncExtra *)
// same as the N function
return calc->conv()->asFloat (args[0]);