You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

309 lines
10 KiB

/* This file is part of the KDE project
Copyright (C) 2001,2002,2003,2004 Laurent Montel <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "kchartFontConfigPage.h"
#include "kchartFontConfigPage.moc"
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kcolorbutton.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <kfontdialog.h>
// For IRIX
namespace std {}
using namespace std;
#include "kchart_params.h"
class KChartFontListBoxItem : public QListBoxText
KChartFontListBoxItem( QListBox* lb, const QString& text = QString::null ) :
QListBoxText( lb, text ) {}
KChartFontListBoxItem( const QString& text = QString::null ) :
QListBoxText( text ) {}
void setFont( const QFont& font ) {
_font = font;
QFont font() const {
return _font;
void paint( QPainter* painter )
painter->setFont( _font );
QListBoxText::paint( painter );
QFont _font;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------
namespace KChart
KChartFontConfigPage::KChartFontConfigPage( KChartParams* params,
QWidget* parent,
KDChartTableData *dat) :
QWidget( parent ), m_params( params ), data(dat)
QGridLayout *grid = new QGridLayout(this,4,3,KDialog::marginHint(), KDialog::spacingHint());
// The listbox
m_list = new QListBox(this);
m_list->resize( m_list->sizeHint() );
grid->addWidget(m_list, 0, 0); // Row 0-0, col 0-1
// The font button.
m_fontButton = new QPushButton( this);
QWhatsThis::add(m_fontButton, i18n("Select an item in the list above and click on this button to display the KDE font dialog in order to choose a new font for this item."));
m_fontButton->resize( m_fontButton->sizeHint() );
grid->addWidget( m_fontButton, 1, 0);
#if 0
// FIXME: Integrate the font chooser instead? Well, maybe later.
KFontChooser *fontChooser = new KFontChooser(this, "fontChooser");
grid->addMultiCellWidget(fontChooser, 0, 2, 1, 1);
grid->setColStretch(2, 1);
grid->setRowStretch(3, 1);
connect( m_fontButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),
this, SLOT(changeLabelFont()));
connect( m_list, SIGNAL(doubleClicked ( QListBoxItem * )),
this, SLOT(changeLabelFont()));
// Enter the items into the list.
void KChartFontConfigPage::initList()
if ( m_params->chartType() != KChartParams::Pie
&& m_params->chartType() != KChartParams::Ring ) {
m_list->insertItem(new KChartFontListBoxItem( i18n("X-Title")));
m_list->insertItem(new KChartFontListBoxItem( i18n("Y-Title")));
m_list->insertItem(new KChartFontListBoxItem( i18n("X-Axis")));
m_list->insertItem(new KChartFontListBoxItem( i18n("Y-Axis")));
m_list->insertItem(new KChartFontListBoxItem( i18n("All Axes")));
void KChartFontConfigPage::changeLabelFont()
QFont *font = 0;
QButton::ToggleState *state = 0;
bool diffAxes = false;
if (m_list->currentText()==i18n("X-Title")) {
font = &xTitle;
state = &xTitleIsRelative;
} else if(m_list->currentText()==i18n("Y-Title")) {
font = &yTitle;
state = &yTitleIsRelative;
} else if(m_list->currentText()==i18n("X-Axis")) {
font = &xAxis;
state = &xAxisIsRelative;
} else if(m_list->currentText()==i18n("Y-Axis")) {
font = &yAxis;
state = &yAxisIsRelative;
} else if(m_list->currentText()==i18n("All Axes")) {
diffAxes = true;
} else if(m_list->currentText()==i18n("Label")) {
font = &label;
state = &labelIsRelative;
kdDebug( 35001 ) << "Pb in listBox" << endl;
if ( diffAxes ) {
QFont newFont;
int flags = 0;
QButton::ToggleState newState
= (xAxisIsRelative == yAxisIsRelative)
? (xAxisIsRelative ? QButton::On : QButton::Off)
: QButton::NoChange;
if (KFontDialog::getFontDiff( newFont,
&newState ) != QDialog::Rejected) {
if ( KFontChooser::FamilyList & flags ) {
xAxis.setFamily( );
yAxis.setFamily( );
if ( KFontChooser::StyleList & flags ) {
xAxis.setWeight( newFont.weight() );
xAxis.setItalic( newFont.italic() );
xAxis.setUnderline( newFont.underline() );
xAxis.setStrikeOut( newFont.strikeOut() );
yAxis.setWeight( newFont.weight() );
yAxis.setItalic( newFont.italic() );
yAxis.setUnderline( newFont.underline() );
yAxis.setStrikeOut( newFont.strikeOut() );
if ( KFontChooser::SizeList & flags ) {
xAxis.setPointSize( newFont.pointSize() );
yAxis.setPointSize( newFont.pointSize() );
// CharSet settings are ignored since we are not Qt 2.x compatible
// if( KFontChooser::CharsetList & flags ) {
// }
if ( QButton::NoChange != newState ) {
xAxisIsRelative = newState;
yAxisIsRelative = newState;
else if ( font && state ) {
QFont newFont( *font );
QButton::ToggleState newState = *state;
if (KFontDialog::getFont( newFont,
&newState ) != QDialog::Rejected) {
*font = newFont;
if ( QButton::NoChange != newState )
*state = newState;
void KChartFontConfigPage::init()
KDChartAxisParams leftparms;
leftparms = m_params->axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft );
KDChartAxisParams rightparms;
rightparms = m_params->axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight );
KDChartAxisParams bottomparms;
bottomparms = m_params->axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom );
xAxis = bottomparms.axisLabelsFont();
xAxisIsRelative = bottomparms.axisLabelsFontUseRelSize()
? QButton::On : QButton::Off;
if ( QButton::On == xAxisIsRelative )
xAxis.setPointSize( bottomparms.axisLabelsFontRelSize() );
yAxis = leftparms.axisLabelsFont();
yAxisIsRelative = leftparms.axisLabelsFontUseRelSize()
? QButton::On : QButton::Off;
if ( QButton::On == yAxisIsRelative )
yAxis.setPointSize( leftparms.axisLabelsFontRelSize() );
// PENDING(khz) Add support for the other 6 possible axes
// PENDING(khz) Add support for the other 16 possible hd/ft areas
xTitle = m_params->axisTitleFont( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom );
yTitle = m_params->axisTitleFont( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft );
xTitle.setPointSize( m_params->axisTitleFontRelSize( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom ) );
yTitle.setPointSize( m_params->axisTitleFontRelSize( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft ) );
// label = _params->labelFont();
// PENDING(kalle) Adapt
// for(int i=0;i<12;i++)
// extColor.setColor(i,_params->ExtColor.color(i));
// index = 0;
// colorButton->setColor(extColor.color(index));
void KChartFontConfigPage::apply()
// PENDING(kalle) Adapt
KDChartAxisParams leftparms;
leftparms = m_params->axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft );
KDChartAxisParams rightparms;
rightparms = m_params->axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight );
KDChartAxisParams bottomparms;
bottomparms = m_params->axisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom );
leftparms.setAxisLabelsFont( yAxis, QButton::Off == yAxisIsRelative );
if ( QButton::On == yAxisIsRelative )
leftparms.setAxisLabelsFontRelSize( yAxis.pointSize() );
// PENDING(khz) change right axis handling
// use left axis settings for the right axis as well
// (this must be changed, khz 14.12.2001)
rightparms.setAxisLabelsFont( yAxis, QButton::Off == yAxisIsRelative );
if ( QButton::On == yAxisIsRelative )
rightparms.setAxisLabelsFontRelSize( yAxis.pointSize() );
bottomparms.setAxisLabelsFont( xAxis, QButton::Off == xAxisIsRelative );
if ( QButton::On == xAxisIsRelative )
bottomparms.setAxisLabelsFontRelSize( xAxis.pointSize() );
// PENDING(khz) Add support for the other 6 possible axes
m_params->setAxisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft, leftparms );
m_params->setAxisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosRight, rightparms );
m_params->setAxisParams( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom, bottomparms );
// PENDING(khz) change hd2 and ft handling
// use header settings for header 2 and footer as well
// (this must be changed, khz 14.12.2001)
// PENDING(khz) Add support for the other 16 possible hd/ft areas
m_params->setAxisTitleFont( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft, yTitle );
m_params->setAxisTitleFont( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom, xTitle );
m_params->setAxisTitleFontRelSize( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosLeft, yTitle.pointSize() );
m_params->setAxisTitleFontRelSize( KDChartAxisParams::AxisPosBottom, xTitle.pointSize() );
} //KChart namespace